The Geniuses of Society
Will Make You A Millionaire
I know it seems unlikely that your simple savings and moderate paycheck today could be worth millions tomorrow. But who would have guessed that $14 million in computer power would cost just $250 a few years later? The machinery behind this exponential increase in buying power, of course, is super rapidly advancing new technology, or Neo-Tech for short.
Neo-Tech has already the computer industry. Now we will see how quickly Neo-Tech spreads to other industries. As a matter of fact, the boundaries between computers, telephones, and televisions are blurring as all three become avenues to the information highway. Neo-Tech has already begun spreading throughout those sister industries. First, Neo-Tech has touched off the long-awaited telecommunications revolution. The price to communicate has begun to collapse; long-distance phone bills will soon become a thing of the past. Distance will no longer matter as voices, images, eventually holograms communicate anywhere in the world for any length of time, including entire workdays, entire school days, entire evenings of entertainment. Second, Neo-Tech has also touched off the television revolution. Immense bandwidth via coaxial and fiber-optic cables carrying digitized information will bring us thousands of stations with interactive use of the screen. Capacity and variety will soar as costs dive and you tune into anything, anytime, from anywhere in the world. And, of course, Neo-Tech continues to whisk along the computer revolution itself, sending it into the ever more powerful dimension of cyberspace communication. A single click of your mouse through hypertext takes you instantly to any web site anywhere in the world.
Not only is Neo-Tech spreading from the computer industry into its sibling telecommunications and television industries, but even more importantly, those communication industries open a whole new world of technological advancements for all industries, bringing Neo-Tech closer to all America. Indeed, the communications revolution will bring businesses such seemingly supernatural efficiencies that prices everywhere will go to the brink of computerlike free-falls. Now, will governments let us open the hatch? "How fast this new world arrives will depend on governments." --The Economist, London.
Most industries and their technologies are burdened by big government -- by regulation, legislation, litigation, and their own political businessmen who look for political favors instead of market competition. The new and fresh computer industry has been relatively free of all that. The other industries and technologies have long since been politicized; the new and fresh computer industry has not. And that is the difference between prices miraculously racing toward zero like the computers versus the way everything else is now.
This country is about to take a giant leap. The era of super technologies is upon us with the Internet, cost-collapsing telecommunications, fiber optics, digitized information. When our feet touch the ground again at the other end of this great technological leap, say by 2001, as with the great computer leap our buying power could be worth millions. The only thing that can disrupt this rapidly evolving Neo-Tech Era from taking us to millionaire status is big government.
America's hottest megatrend to get big government out of our lives carries a lot of momentum...and a very large potential payoff. Encouragingly, the most powerful and fast-moving megatrends throughout history were economically driven. As this monetarily motivated megatrend builds, big government could pop off society like a champagne cork.
Then, where will the information highway take us? America's richest man and many other powerful people predict mind-boggling technological transformations culminating in a distance-free world. The prisons of distance will come down as digitized information traveling through broadband fiber-optic cables let us work, school, shop, play, even love anywhere in the world, anytime, regardless where we live. America's richest man and most others, however, have limited insight into a hush-hush catalyst: the megatrend to remove big government, which will multiply their own predictions many times over -- including everyone's wealth! The computerlike freedom in all industries will drive prices to fractions, everywhere. Our little money today will enable us to live like millionaires tomorrow.
Let us see exactly how, on the eve of a great technological leap, the anti big-government megatrend will set off a Millionaire Phenomenon in which you will live like a millionaire without lifting a finger by 2001:
Let's do it! The process to see into the future can be scientific and not
mystical...sort of like a magician is really all technique and not magic.
Since the future is somewhere we've never been before, we must look for clues
from the future, what I call forerunners. Once we spot a forerunner, we can
put together the whole future sort of like scientists can put together a whole
dinosaur from one bone.
Forerunners can always be found ahead of coming conditions. For
instance, a sunny day cannot change into a rainstorm without a cloud coming
first. Forerunners of coming conditions must always exist. Our job is to
identify the forerunners then put together the conditions from which they are
coming...which is our future.
This future-telling technique is powerful. For example, I'll tell you a
prediction Dr. Frank R. Wallace, a former Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont,
once made that shocked us all: January of 1989, during a recorded business
meeting, Dr. Wallace out of the blue predicted that we'd witness "the beginning
of a spontaneous collapse" of communism by January 1st, 1990. Everyone
dismissed his prediction as ridiculous. Some in the meeting felt a little
embarrassed for the ever so optimistic Dr. Wallace. Then, in November of 1989,
the world was shocked by the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The "spontaneous
collapse" of the Russian Empire had begun. Dr. Wallace's prediction was now
heralded as spectacular; he was called a genius.[ 1 ]
With that, Dr. Wallace now makes another "ridiculous" prediction, but this time
involving you: Using the same future-telling technique, Dr. Wallace
predicts that all Americans will be dozens, even hundreds of times richer soon
after the turn of the century. Ordinary Americans will all live like just a few years.
Ridiculous or spectacular? Let's put together the future. Remember, look for
that clue -- for that cloud in a sunny sky before the storm. Our clue is the
computer phenomenon. That is a forerunner of coming conditions.
What coming conditions? Great prosperity! Great, great prosperity!
Today you can buy a cheap home computer as powerful as a million-dollar
mainframe just a few years ago. Buying power multiplied 1000 times. That's
100,000 percent! That's a forerunner of a coming storm of great prosperity.
"I'm getting it," you say. "You mean there's a lot of spectacular technology
ahead." If America goes Neo-Tech, we're going to have waves and waves of super
rapidly advancing new technologies showering upon us. Multiple waves in
all areas of living -- just think what that'll do. Am I saying
that our buying power will go up hundreds, even a thousand times over
everything? Bingo, my friend. 100,000%. Ridiculous? Ridiculous or
No one suspects what's coming because it's never happened before. On the eve
of the communication/information revolution, however, technology is poised to
spring forward.
"Hold on," you say. "A thousand times more? You're saying that people
who live in cheap apartments could move into million-dollar mansions. People
who take the bus would instead drive luxury cars?" That's exactly what
I'm saying. All Americans will regularly vacation all over the world, first
class. Their savings will become worth hundreds of times more. Their
children's education will become the best money can buy. Their parents'
retirement will be full of luxuries. Americans will be living in luxury soon
after the year 2000.
How can we be sure those new technologies will happen? There are many
reasons: When we put together the future, it's like fitting together the
pieces to a puzzle. But to simplify it all: isn't it quite easy to see that
mankind continuously grows more and more prosperous over time? Just look at
our lives now versus a few hundred years ago, or even just a few decades ago.
Even the street sweeper today has a better selection of food and entertainment
than kings and queens did a few hundred years ago.
"Well, of course," you say. "We're a lot more advanced." Exactly. We
advance. We progress. Mankind's manifest destiny, therefore, is great
prosperity. Of course, society gets off the course of destiny sometimes,
which slows or even temporarily reverses progress. But progress eventually
resumes, always heading toward the great prosperity of destiny. Great
prosperity is our undeniable destiny.
And new technologies bring on that great prosperity.
It's obvious when you project ahead that new technologies will come to
us and send our buying power toward the heavens, and that the computer
phenomenon is a forerunner. We are very, very close to the great
prosperity showering upon us. All we need to do now is get rid of the bugs in
society that have us slightly off course with destiny.
You see, it's not a question of whether or not the millionaire phenomenon will
happen. It will happen. It's a matter of when. Nevertheless,
how can Dr. Wallace say we will all live like millionaires by the early
2000s? "C'mon, that's just a few years away," you say. "The economy's not
even stable."
That's all true, but good things have started happening really
fast. Here's why: Americans have already seen, with their own
eyes, the great prosperity of the future. We've seen it through the computer
phenomenon. So, we've been shown the way. We've seen what it
takes for buying power to soar 100,000%, so we know exactly what to do: We'll
get rid of all the bugs in our society blocking us from that great
prosperity. And that can happen fast, really fast. Remember how fast
things changed in Eastern Europe once the people saw with their own eyes
the prosperity of the West through the invention of satellite TV?
Still with me? Look, all we have to do is copy the bug-free computer
phenomenon. The one fact separating computer technology from all other
technologies is that computers race ahead without much bureaucratic regulations
holding them back. The personal-computer technology is just too new to the
world for regulators to get a foothold on that industry whereas all other
technologies and their industries are strictly regulated. In this
modern age, unregulated technology results in a super explosion
of prosperity, as witnessed. I'm talking about a 100,000% increase in
buying power.
"So," you may wonder, "without that bug holding back nearly all technologies, I
could buy a brand-new luxury car of the future loaded with technological
breakthroughs for a couple paychecks instead of an impossible eighty grand?"
Yes, that's the secret!
What's going to rid these bugs from society?
Imagine the President of the United States submits a budget that blacks out one
trillion dollars from government spending --that is, blacks out all the
regulatory and social programs, which are merely massive knots of bureaucratic
regulations. In other words, the president submits a budget that just says
no to big-government regulations.
"That'll never happen," you say? "Congress would never let that happen. Don't
be ridiculous."
Ridiculous...or spectacular? You're right, Congress would never let that
happen. But some of that budget would stick once the word is out about the
millionaire phenomenon. Today's anti big-government megatrend would become
tomorrow's make-the-people-millionaires megatrend. Once money gets in the
picture, today's megatrend, steady as she goes, would graduate to something of
a stampede. The people will want what rightfully belongs to them -- a future
of millionaire wealth, everyone's dream come true.
"Yeah! I'm ready!" you say? Presto. If even just a little bit of that
radical budget stuck, taxes would go way down. Better yet, technology would
begin rapidly advancing, quickly driving our buying power way up. And, with
that demonstration, nothing could stop the same radical budget from
passing in its entirety the very next year -- not even Congress could stop it.
The radical budget would pass in its entirety, ending society's bug of massive
bureaucratic regulations. Then the new technologies would come to us, sending
our buying power toward infinity. Shortly after the year 2000, Americans would
all live like millionaires. America's hottest megatrend is moving us toward
this modern money miracle.
Once the word gets out about the great prosperity that will be ours, things can
happen at lightning speeds. If America goes Neo-Tech, a nonpolitician will win
the 2000 presidential elections, submit the radical budget in 2001, prove his
point, pass his radical budget in its entirety in 2002, and everyone will live
in luxury within a year.
A Neo-Tech (i.e., New Technology) President and his
make-the-people-millionaires program is unstoppable destiny...hopefully to
occur in the next few years in America. The millionaire phenomenon is
our destiny; whether it's our near-term or eventual destiny remains to be
seen. However, today's megatrend to rid big government has us now on course
with destiny so that the great prosperity can shower upon us sooner than later.
Turn the page to take a closer look at the troubling bugs in society and the
promising make-the-people-millionaires megatrend that could soon make us all
One man has the power to bring us into that Golden Neo-Tech World where poverty
and suffering no longer exist and Americans all live in luxury. That
man is the President of the United States. Until now, no President would
initiate the millionaire phenomenon because no politician would ever slash his
own base of power. But now, we have seen the great prosperity:
From left to right, one: the 230-billion-dollar interest payment goes toward
the national debt. And, two: we all know what defense spending is. So, three:
let's jump to good intentions -- regulatory and social programs to serve the
people. What is the best way to serve the people? The best way to serve the
people is to make them all super rich. To make their buying power go
so high they live like millionaires.
We already saw how computer buying power multiplied 1000 times over. The key
was radically advancing computer technology, which radically
drove costs down to fractions and radically sent buying power
through the roof. The reason computer technology advanced so radically was
that it was unregulated by big government. Personal-computer technology was so
fresh to the world, it was free and clear to race forward. Look again at the
preceding three charts. The make-the-people-millionaires program frees
all technologies from big-government regulation to race forward and make
our money worth 1000 times what it is now. Only a President whose career is
not politics will turn inward and slash his own base of political power
-- regulatory power -- to make the people 1000 times richer. America's hottest
megatrend is moving us toward a nonpolitician President.
Heretofore, to be the President of the United States was to be a career
politician. Career politicians always build their base of political power.
The President's base of political power so happens to be regulatory power --
the regulatory bureaucracies, commissions, and agencies beneath him (see
previous flowcharts). That is why Presidents budget massive spending toward
so-called "good intentions" -- social and regulatory programs that supposedly
"serve the people". You see, those massive spending programs all come hand in
hand with massive regulations. Unbeknownst to you, those massive regulations
actually block the Neo-Tech Society in which you would live like millionaires.
Instead, those regulations build the Presidents' structure of power as the boss
of all regulatory bureaucracies. Those so-called "for-the-people" social and
regulatory programs are illusions that actually hurt the people while building
the president's popularity, ego, and power. Let me prove that: Let's look at
the biggest illusion -- the most accepted social program so-called "for the
people" -- approaching a trillion dollars in entitlements known collectively as
social welfare. Now, I ask that the elderly and the needy hear me out:
Consider that the social welfare programs account for over half of all
government spending, which is 1/4 of our Gross Domestic Product! That massive
spending program that so-called "serves the people" in turn gives the
government absolute power to regulate the economy. Controlling 1/4 of
our Gross Domestic Product means the government has its regulatory web all
throughout our economy -- in every business, every product, every job,
including every hospital, every doctor's office, every research and development
program, every discovery, every invention. Regulating our economy paralyzes
advancing technology. And without super rapidly advancing technology,
costs do not drop to fractions so that you can someday soon live like
millionaires. Instead, costs go up and up and up. For decades, prices have
gone up and up and up. The elderly who live on set pensions and the needy who
live on tight rations get trapped in the dungeons of society as inflation eats
up everything they have. The only way to truly serve the needy and
everyone else is to send the economy through a buying-power metamorphosis like
the computer industry's buying-power metamorphosis. That's right, the only way
to truly serve the needy and everyone else is to make our limited money worth a
thousand times what it is now. And the only way to do that is to remove the
regulatory web all throughout the economy. That means removing those so-called
"good intentions", like social welfare, that weave regulatory control
throughout every nook and crevice of the economy. When that regulatory web
goes away, technology will radically soar like the computers, and so will
everyone's buying power.[ 2 ]
The world's greatest irony is: the way to best serve the people is to cross out
the government's programs of so-called "good intentions" and the massive
regulations that come with those massive spending programs that so-called
"serve the people".
Without those regulatory webs of so-called "good intentions" that so-called
"serve the people", the needy and everyone else would live like kings as
unregulated technology soared, costs plunged, and everyone's buying power
multiplied hundreds or thousands of times. Everyone would become
Make no mistake: politically invested Presidents will never partake in
the make-the-people-millionaires program that slashes regulatory power. They
will only participate in so-called "for-the-people" programs that multiply
regulatory power -- their base of political power. A politically free Neo-Tech
President, free of a career in politics, will gladly slash his own base
of power -- slash regulations caused by government "good intentions".
America's hottest megatrend could usher him into office in the 2000 election.
Then, he will free technology to radically soar like the computers, radically
driving down all living and health costs, radically sending your buying power
to multi-millionaire status by 2001.
And here is a fringe benefit of the make-the-people-millionaires program: As
the inevitable Neo-Tech President knocks out all government spending toward
so-called "good intentions", your federal income taxes will fall to less than
half as he knocks out one-trillion dollars from the budget. Your state income
taxes will follow suit, falling to less than one fifth while eliminating all
other forms of personal taxes. In all, that means the average two-income
American family will save $11,000 to $15,000 in overall taxes per year.
But that's miniscule: The make-the-people-millionaires program will put a lot
more than a few thousand dollars in your pocket each year. The millionaire
program will quickly make you rich, for even the computer revolution of
the '80s and '90s will seem slow once all the dynamics in the economy
are set free together. From that synergistic effect, everyone
everywhere will soon be living in luxury.
The only reason this make-the-people-millionaires program has never
happened before is no puzzle: simply put, no politician wants to slash his own
base of power. Presidents know only how to build their base of power --
regulatory power. Therefore, you have never had the slightest clue of the
phenomenal wealth available to you just around the corner. But today's
millionaire megatrend will let you soon turn that corner to discover the
never-before-seen road to riches.
[ 1 ]
Dr. Frank R. Wallace is a former Senior
Research Chemist for E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. During his 12 years at
Du Pont's Brandywine and Chestnut Run Laboratories, Dr. Wallace was involved in
major discoveries involving cars at General Motors, electronic products at IBM,
fighter planes, space crafts, and missiles in our government, back-lighted
signs in business, and disease cures in medicine. Today he is a member of
Sigma Xi, the honorary scientific research society.
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[ 2 ]
This ends all Social Security payments.
Moreover, this unique approach miraculously repays every penny of social
security to Americans with full fair-market interest! That miracle
means elderly Americans will receive a small fortune from Uncle Sam, as
explained in Chapter Four.
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The Millionaire Phenomenon
Where do I begin? How do I possibly tell you -- the ordinary American -- that
you will soon live like a millionaire? How do I say, "Don't worry, without you
lifting a finger, you'll become very, very rich soon after the turn of this
decade?" How do I tell you all that without you putting down this book, right
now, discounting its author as a kook? The best way, perhaps the only
way, is for you to look into the future with me.Bugs In Society Holding Back The Millionaire Phenomenon
Today's Make-The-People-Millionaires Megatrend To Rid The Bugs
Millionaire Megatrend Will Make The People Live Like Millionaires
2000 - 2004
What if all technologies in all areas of life were free and clear
to race ahead like the computers? In such a Neo-Tech or New Technology
Society of radically advancing technologies, all living costs would be
driven down to fractions like the computers. Buying power in all areas
of life would multiply hundreds, even thousands of times like the computers.
You would live like a millionaire in a custom home, drive a luxury car, and
vacation all over the world first class.
You Will Become 1000 Times Richer
The federal government collects about 1.3 trillion dollars annually in taxes.
Congress spends 1.5 trillion dollars. I break down that spending into three
Chapter 1 Continues
Footnotes for Chapter 1
| Parent Index
| Build Freedom: