The Geniuses Of Society Will Make You A Millionaire
But what if Hill were free from our destructive Congress to continue spearheading an industrialization of China a hundred years ago? That entire part of the world would look far different than today. The whole world would be a far better place. Until now, a fifth of the world's population contributed nothing to the advancement of civilization. Why? Because a hundred years ago Hill's miracle was killed by self-serving politicians who cared only about promoting themselves and cared not about what was good for the people. A hundred years later, China was totally stagnated with backward peasants. But what kind of powers would have been released? What kind of creative energies and new technologies would have been released from those billion people if they had industrialized a hundred years ago?
You can really get a sense of what should have been when you look at the little-dragon countries in Asia, those little countries around China that did not get swept away by Communism -- South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong. Those are little fragmented countries with a similar race and culture that did not get swept away by Communism. Therefore, they industrialized after World War II and they made major contributions to the world economy. The little-dragon countries have made major contributions to technology, major contributions to science -- those tiny countries that have just a few million people. China has a billion people! China dwarfs those little-dragon countries in Asia today.
In addition, consider Japan. Japan has a similar race, a similar culture to the Chinese, they have a similar history, similar backgrounds. Japan industrialized right before World War II and then had to reindustrialize after World War II. Japan has 150 million people. Japan is the world leader today. Japan is the world economic power. Japan makes mighty contributions to the world economy, to technology, to science, to the arts, to culture. Japan is dwarfed by China. China is seven times bigger than Japan. Just think! But China was completely stagnated and held down because it never industrialized. Communism swept over China. Japan today is the number-one contributor to world advancement. Number one, and it's physically dwarfed by essentially the same people -- by China.
Just imagine: What if Hill had not been cut off a hundred years ago? What if Hill had not been smashed down? What if Hill had spearheaded the industrialization of China? One billion people like the Japanese. Where would civilization be now? We would probably have cures for cancer and AIDS. We may be building space cities on Mars or the moon.
The contributions that the Chinese would have made to science and technology and to the world economy -- it's just mind boggling. But no way! All that was smashed down a hundred years ago by a handful of self-serving politicians -- by incompetent clowns causing their burden on advancing technology. A billion people stagnated, pushed down, happiness killed, 30 million Chinese killed, 110,000 Americans killed...all because a handful of lazy people with power a hundred years ago wanted to exercise their feelings of superiority!
There is a parasitical-elite class: the politicians and the political
entrepreneurs. And whatever threatens to expose their hoax, threatens their
bogus jobs, then no, BAM! They smash that down.
Ladies, and gentlemen, let me tell you something: When Mark Hamilton says that
we're being used and we're being used up, you'd better listen to him, because
that is the understatement of the millennia. ...I get goose bumps just
thinking about the Great Replacement Program.
Holding back society is the only injustice that no one can see. A Golden World
is waiting for us, but we are held back by those poppa boys with superiority
complexes faking manhood.
They never had to grow up, get a job, and become a man. So, they started
faking manhood. And faking manhood became dangerous as they got legal and then
political power. Grown-up poppa boys faking manhood stopped J. J. Hill. And,
as Eric explained, the poppa boys stopped so much more.
Indeed, we are held down in the darkness. Few people can see the injustice.
All other major injustices, by contrast, we can see. We cannot see this
particular evil because no one knows about the Golden Neo-Tech World.
James J. Hill started pushing us up into that Golden Neo-Tech World. But
America was held back by poppa boys in Congress. Every life that has been lost
on the battlefield, all famine, all starvation, all sufferings, all major
problems in America and around the world today including all deaths from
diseases...all of that is encompassed in this injustice of holding America back
from soaring into the Golden Neo-Tech World.
When we go up, we are going to pull everyone up with us. We are going to pull
up all the third-world countries because we will not have just one James J.
Hill 100 years ago. We will not have just one Preston Tucker 40 years ago. We
will not have just one Michael Milken today. (Michael Milken would have
financed the industrialization of the third world, particularly the
economically ruined Eastern European countries, had he not been made the "junk
bond" villain and been smashed down and sent to prison by poppa boys seeking
personal glory.) We will actually have thousands of James J. Hills; we will
have thousands of Preston Tuckers, and thousands of Michael Milkens...all
making ordinary people rich, particularly now on the eve of the great
Technological Revolution. For, then tender youth can rise. Tender youth
cannot rise up today because they cannot face being smashed down. They cannot
rise in the face of such legislation, regulation, litigation, destruction and
Government leaders must look important, so they display their "superiority"
over leading working people like James J. Hill, Preston Tucker, Michael
Milken. The destructive legislation and regulation then becomes firmly
established so that tender youth cannot rise. They cannot even try, for they
would sink and drown in such unfriendly waters.
Realize that conscious man took 3000 years to learn how to control nature on a
large scale -- to develop the technology to build Hoover Dam and control the
Colorado River, for example. But with modern technology, man took only another
35 years to go to the moon. ...Civilization is begging to progress
geometrically, which will occur when poppa boys unburden modern
technology as we enter the information revolution.
Unhampered technology -- regulated not by envious bureaucrats but by private
market businessmen competing for our business -- will advance incredibly fast,
nearly at the speed of accessing information. Science, business, and medicine
will come together during the communication/information revolution for
synergistic breakthroughs that will make all ordinary people rich, if no longer
politicized by poppa boys, free as the nonpoliticized computer industry the
past decade.[ 10 ] Upon freeing business and the entire Technological
Revolution from the poppa boys, upon sinking their B.O.A.T., Neo-Tech will
quickly take care of all our problems. Disease, unemployment, poverty,
divorce, obesity, insecurity, stagnation, racism, crime, budget deficits, the
national debt, government abuse, Social-Security default, illiteracy will
vanish along with the poppa boys (see Chapter Four).
Best of all, during the Neo-Tech Era of cyberspace communication, when society
is set free from big-government poppa boys, then rapidly advancing technology
will drive our costs toward zero. Everyone will become rich. Consider the
following cover story in Business Week:
The new rules require more than ingenuity, agility, and speed. They call for
redefining value in an economy where the cost of raw technology is plummeting
toward zero. Sooner or later, this plunge will obliterate the worth of almost
any specific piece of hardware or software. Then, value will be in
establishing a long-term relationship with a customer -- even if it means
giving the first generation of a product away.
"How do you assign prices or value in a world where quality is perfect and
nothing breaks?" asks Yotaro Suzuki, senior vice-president of the Japan
Institute of Office Automation in Tokyo.
The Neo-Tech Era is the mother lode of wealth for ordinary people. Everyone
wants to live in luxury and own beautiful things. That will all be yours, plus
you will be very healthy to enjoy it all.
If America does not go Neo-Tech now, some readers will lose their lives
to disease or will lose a precious loved one or two. Consider that a tall and
handsome 12-year-old boy named John ran and played with all the other school
children, but the next year, muscular dystrophy started taking over his body.
John first needed crutches, then a wheelchair, then an electric wheelchair
...his limp body strapped in with a seat belt. John would go around with his
best friend -- a perfectly healthy lad -- doing things that buddies do. John
was almost in his best friend's world, talking about sports and girls. Yet,
John would never experience those things. You could sometimes see in John's
eyes his longing to throw off his seat belt, jump out of his wheelchair, and
scream, Here I am world! Here I am! Recently, John got a cold, and at the
young age of 26, he died.
Poppa boys hold down the lid on America including cures to diseases. But too
many illusions block us from seeing the full extent of the harm caused by those
politicians and bureaucrats. Perhaps you got a glimpse at the extent of the
harm from Eric Savage's speech. You see, no one before, particularly the
specialized ordinary person, could possibly connect communism and the deaths of
tens of millions of people to a clique of poppa boys 100 years ago holding down
the lid on America. But put all the facts into context as did Eric Savage, and
the extent of the harm comes into focus.
Imprisoned by hunger, children in poverty-stricken third-world countries hope
for a little fish with their rice for dinner. If James J. Hill were not
stopped 100 years ago, along with all the other market businessmen hence,
including most recently Michael Milken who would have next financed third-world
industriali-zation if not wrongly incarcerated, then those poor countries would
be industrialized and prosperous today. Instead, those third-world children
suffer and die. And the illusion, the poppa boys' well intentioned spending
programs to help those poor children, goes on.
Only American children and other first-world children can feel excitement about
their futures. Yet, even here, if we could find some kind of gauge that
measured fulfillment in their futures after they grow up, we would discover
that America, the land of opportunity, is also the land of disillusionment and
disappoint-ment. The drop from childhood dreams to adulthood reality is the
greatest letdown anywhere in the world. American adults carry a subdued
sadness every the end.
Before November of 1989, those who attempted to escape the dishonest East
German system were political criminals, sometimes shot at and killed. Well,
America has it's own Berlin Wall: the Criminal Investigation Division of the
IRS. If you do not want part of this dishonest system and want to withdraw
from it, you are a political criminal. Some people are even shot and killed...
innocent people have been literally shot and killed by our Criminal
Investigation Division -- America's Berlin Wall.
Right now, you cannot leave the system. But, say America had no Criminal
Investigation Division. Then if you were unhappy with the dishonest
politicians and bureaucrats, you would legally withdraw. Since two-thirds of
Americans are angry with our politicians and would begin legally withdrawing,
people like James J. Hill would rise up and provide competent and honest
services and values. The poppa boys would not be automatically taken care of
by "daddy". They could no longer go on burdening values. They would have to
earn their money, and they could no longer self-indulge in consuming our money
for their own illusions and political popularity. If they did not start
building values instead of burdening values, they would not have a paycheck.
...America's Berlin Wall is coming down. After the Great Replacement Program,
the need for the CID will be obsolete. And then, society will
sweep the people into the Golden Neo-Tech Era.[ 11 ]
The one valid purpose for our government is: protect the people.
But, if the new government structure services us with protection only, then
what about the poor? What about education? What about health benefits? What
about the old? What about research on AIDS and other fatal diseases? What
about all the other important social programs? Now, think hard of every other
problem you can find with the new government structure that functions for
one purpose: to protect the people. Jot those problems
down on a piece of paper. Notice those problems all amount to the abandoned
purpose: enhance the well-being of the people.
So, what will happen to the poor, education, health benefits, the old, medical
research, social programs, and the other services now provided by the
government to help the people? We think of all those problems because of the
sudden "void" left by dropping the second purpose that today's government has
wrongly assumed: to enhance the well-being of the people. Today's career
politicians assumed this "helpful purpose" in order to build their own
"importance" and re-election popularity. Remember back to the story of James
J. Hill. The incompetent career politicians made a mess of the railroads --
another endeavor to "enhance the well-being of the people". But only the
super-competent James J. Hill could truly handle that responsibility. The
government had no business trying to enhance the well-being of the people.
Now, let us look at the "void" left by the new government structure: the poor,
education, health benefits, the old, medical research, social services...and
all the problems you thought of. Like Congress's folly with the railroads,
each and every one of the above programs have increasingly become an incredible
folly under our government. For, the politicians do not put forth the intense
effort necessary for spending money soundly. Thus, those programs are doomed.
Consider social security for the old -- a fiscally unsound program that
will eventually collapse.[ 12 ] Now consider medical research --
of all the major medical breakthroughs in the past several decades, not
one has been made through government-funded research. All major medical breakthroughs have been made through privately funded research.
Education -- continuous deterioration with high illiteracy rates among
our public schools. Social services -- totally ineffective within
today's crime and drug explosion. What about the poor? The poor
multiply, crime rises, and welfare increasingly drains the taxpayer. ...Like
the railroads, Congress creates an incompetent mess wherever it "enhances the
well-being of the people".
Like Hill, only the market businessman can come in and clean up our
government's incompetent messes. The "void" of the new government structure
will never occur. For, a smooth two-step transition will take place: the Great
Replacement Program will happen first to bring in the J. J. Hills and quickly
stabilize things; then the Great Displacement Program will follow to spin off
those programs. The programs to enhance the well-being of the people will
smoothly transfer into the private hands of competent market businessmen.
Until now, the government maintained unnatural monopolies over those programs
of "enhancing the well-being of the people". The politicians and bureaucrats
created those monopolies both through legislation/regulation that blocked
competition and through automatic spending money acquired by force-backed
taxes. But with legislation and regulation slashed and the CID abolished,
free-market competitive dynamics will unfold as the politicians' easy,
automatic spending monopoly folds. Then market businessmen will quickly fill
"the void". The "problems" of the new government structure will never occur as
the market businessmen and women take over and save those programs ostensibly
designed to help the people. For example, see the abbreviated list below:
Advanced and effective market-businessmen-run Neo-Tech educational systems.
Low-cost, high-quality education under competitive free-market dynamics.
Savings on taxes more than pay for. The truly poor? Not a problem; will
accept all children, even the disappearing poor, on future repayment basis.
When that poor child grows up and becomes successful, he or she repays. Zero
illiteracy. 100% productive peer pressure.
Advanced and cheap health care. No more cost-prohibitive regulations and
litigation that currently drive up medical costs. Most can afford the best
care. The disappearing poor? Private investors to back the ill for future
repayment with interest. If terminally ill, then will receive charitable care.
(Private Red-Cross type emergency programs will exist for the tiny percentage
of incapable needy.)
Poverty to disappear in a prosperous Neo-Tech Society led by market
businessmen. Private, financial assistance provided to unemployed -- to repay
with interest after employed. Jobs will be in surplus. (Red-Cross type
emergency programs will exist for the few remaining genuine needy.)
Efficient retirement programs with interest and security, designed by
competent market businessmen. In the words of Dorcas R. Hardy, former
commissioner of Social Security, "We ought to call it Social Insecurity, not
Social Security." No more such Social-Security follies that, even while still
functioning, leaves the elderly trapped at low-income poverty levels.
Moreover, as the Neo-Tech Era sends prices everywhere into free-falls, the
elderly can enjoy high standards of living during their golden years...when
they most need to savor each other's love. Today, poverty robs those final,
farewell years of love and tenderness. But market businessmen will clean up
that mess with safe inflation-proof retirement programs. Money, or lack of it,
will not be the elderly's greatest fear, but their least concern. Instead,
concentrated love will fill their final memories.
Unburdened business will combine with science and medicine to race unhampered
toward cures for all fatal diseases. Government-funded programs are impotent,
for those researchers' livelihoods depend on not finding the cure in
order to continue receiving grants. Market-businessmen-funded programs are
potent, for those researchers' livelihoods depend on finding the cure.
...No urgency and no market-driven disciplines or logic pollutes all
government-funded programs. Researchers receive money, then lackadaisically
approach research with no real scientific discipline -- like sitting down in
front of a wall safe and casually spinning the numbers to "hopefully discover
the unknown combination". As long as they receive government funds, they will
sit there year after year spinning numbers. The market-businessmen-funded
researcher, by contrast, is like the locksmith driven to open an airtight safe
that has a baby trapped inside with only a few minutes of air left. ...The
market-businessmen-funded programs, particularly once free of destructive poppa
boys, get results! All government-funded programs, like the railroads, are
nothing but bureaucratic follies.
Super effective self-sufficient programs will quickly develop. Today's
government social programs are all follies, except for one: In the nation's
largest homeless shelter, in Washington D.C., is a special division for drug
rehabilitation. Unbelievably, that drug rehabilitation division refuses
government money. Instead, it raises its own funds and is largely
self-sufficient, using a unique results-is-everything, no-nonsense approach.
When social programs switch over to success-minded directors not using
government money, then those programs will achieve genuine success.
So, the starting point of the transition, phase one, is to elect market
businessmen -- the Great Replacement Program. They will clean up the programs
designed to help the people. Then, those programs will smoothly leave
government and naturally transfer to self-sufficient private institutions,
phase two of the transition -- the Great Displacement Program. Then, our
government can reduce to its proper role: physically protecting the individual.
The government then becomes a super-efficient protection service.
Soon after the year 2000, as America goes Neo-Tech, market businessmen will be
free to rise up and throw the lid open on society to radically move society
toward its destiny of great prosperity. With everything speeding ahead on the
information highway, each and every person in this society will be swept along,
our wheelchairs left behind. The whole world will be swept along as the
communications revolution obsoletes distance and boundaries.
In that Golden Neo-Tech World, irrationality will disappear. Poverty and crime
will vanish. In the Golden Neo-Tech World, the motivation for people to do
dishonest things reverses. In time, in a world of disappearing irrationality,
armed forces will no longer be necessary. The idea of crime and war will
become archaic.
Perhaps this all sounds like Utopia. But tomorrow's Neo-Tech Era will truly
reverse the motivation for people to do dishonest things, for millionaire
wealth will be automatic -- far easier and more lucrative than any possible
crime. When America goes Neo-Tech, that era of wealth and peace is here
Standing in the doorway to the Neo-Tech Era, society offers you
-- the ordinary person -- your greatest wealth opportunity of a
lifetime. Society can make you rich -- faster and richer than
any job, or even any sweepstakes or lottery. The geniuses of society will lead
the Technological Revolution and make all ordinary people live like
millionaires. We, the yesterday's victims, will become tomorrow's victors.
[ 10 ]
Recently, the poppa boys have been probing
Bill Gates and Microsoft with antitrust laws -- the same destructive laws that
destroyed James J. Hill and the railroad industry. Could this finally be the
poppa boys' way in to regulate and destroy the brilliant computer revolution?
If so, every company like Microsoft will have to become a company without a
country (ref: Neo-Tech Business Control, Mark Hamilton).
[ Back to Text ]
[ 11 ]
If the Great Replacement Program is stalled,
cyberspace provides the tunnel to escape America's Berlin Wall and to withdraw
from the rotten system. When enough people withdraw, the parasitical leaders
and America's Berlin Wall will collapse.
[ Back to Text ]
[ 12 ]
As explained in the next chapter, every penny
of Social Security will be repaid with interest through the sale of government
assets and through equity in private spin-offs during the Great Displacement
[ Back to Text ]
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One Man
You see, what happened 100 years ago was exactly what Mark has been talking
about: One man a hundred years ago, one man learned how to
integrate...James J. Hill. He started integrating; he started moving up. He
learned how business worked; he learned how the American economy worked; then
he learned how the world economy worked; then he learned how the whole
up-bringing of civilization worked. One ordinary man a hundred years ago was
in this jack-in-the-box; then he learned how to integrate. Therefore, he began
pushing the lid up. If he had been left alone, if he had not been cut off, he
would have opened that lid. China would have industrialized. All of Asia
would have industrialized. The whole world led by America would have been
pushed up, China would have been pushed up, good-bye communism. The
jack-in-the-box would have flown up, and it would have taken everyone with it!
It would have taken the whole world up with it! Good-bye all the problems
today. America would have been the dominant trade of this huge upswinging in
Asia. Good-bye all America's problems, good-bye thousands of people losing
their jobs, good-bye unemployment, good-bye Communism in Asia, good-bye Korean
war, good-bye Vietnam war, good-bye starving people in the third world! This
jack-in-the-box would have swung up. All our problems would have been whisked
away. Everyone would have gone up with America because of one man! Because
one man learned how to integrate a hundred years ago. But no, bam! He
was smashed down because this one man started pushing up the lid. * * * *
The Golden Neo-Tech World
Eric Savage put all the facts into stunning context: Who stopped James J. Hill
and the Golden Neo-Tech World? Poppa boys. Poppa boys faking manhood! Poppa
boys in Congress destroy the workers of our world -- particularly the men and
women rising up, pushing society through the lid. Poppa boys faking manhood
stopped Hill, and they stopped America from the jack-in-the-box explosion into
a new world, a beautiful new world no one today knows. The Technology Paradox:
That's the technology paradox: Businesses can thrive at the very moment when
their prices are falling the fastest. "The only thing that matters is if the
exponential growth of your market is faster than the exponential decline of
your prices," says George M.C. Fisher, chairman and CEO of Eastman Kodak Co.
The challenge is enormous, he says. "Companies have to project out: How will
I be competitive in a world (in which) technology will be virtually free?'"
Companies Thrive As Prices Dive
* * * *
The Neo-Tech World's Structure
Today our government exists for two purposes:
We have learned that only super-competent market
businessmen and women can enhance the well-being of the people and raise their
standards of living and their wealth. The government cannot and should not
exist to enhance the well-being of the people. Remember the transcontinental
railroads. Indeed, our politicians spend our money to ostensibly enhance our
well-being, but they really want the glory and power and "importance" that goes
with spending other people's money. They do not want anything to do with the
effort, though, that goes with building values that generate money to spend,
which market businessmen and women go through every day. So, career
politicians make a mess of things like they did with the railroads. And market
businessmen make miracles like they did with the computers. No, to enhance our
well-being is most effectively handled by unhampered market businessmen and
women. That erroneous second purpose of government -- to enhance the well
being of the people -- sort of sneaked up over the years through career
politicians finding ways to self-indulge at spending our money to become more
and more likable for re-election. Indeed, spending money is a great way to
build favorable illusions.
Education? Enhance well-being.
Health? Enhance well-being.
The poor? Enhance well-being.
The old? Enhance well-being.
Disease Research? Enhance well-being.
Social Services? Enhance well-being.Findings
The "problems" will not be problems. In fact, they are problems under
today's government structure and will finally be fixed under tomorrow's new
government structure. The Transition To The Neo-Tech Structure
Electing market businessmen will begin moving us toward the new government
structure. As market businessmen and women fill our government and become our
lawmakers, they will clean up programs that are supposed to "enhance well-being
of the people" but are deteriorating, money-losing, tax-draining,
value-destroying messes. The market businessmen will save those programs --
make them self-sufficient and value-producing. The market businessmen will
bring each program into their competent world and provide enough real values
to make those programs self-sufficient and even profitable. Soon, those
programs designed to enhance well-being will spin off into efficient, private
Footnotes for Chapter 3
| Parent Index
| Build Freedom: