The Geniuses Of Society Will Make You A Millionaire
FAQ: The idea of a Neo-Tech Era is like a get-rich fantasy, but
one that'd come true not just for one lucky Horatio Alger character, but for
everyone. How likely and how soon will America go Neo-Tech?
ANSWER: How likely? Very likely because cyberspace communication opens the door to a whole new world of spectacular technological advancements in every industry. How soon? Very soon because the new laissez-faire attitude that's steamed up in America over the past year shuts the door on a whole barrage of regulations and legislation that would otherwise kill those technological advancements. You see, computer people have always been rugged individualists and have successfully fought off regulators and legislators who traditionally hang up progress and historically prevent Neo-Tech. Recently, that rugged individualism seems to be spreading to all the American people. The American megatrend to fight off big government is bound to open up other industries to also race ahead, especially now while entering into the communication revolution. If the people's rapidly growing leave-us-alone megatrend overwhelms the political leaders' status quo, then Neo-Tech is coming soon nationwide. Even the most measly paychecks and savings will be worth millions by 2001.
FAQ: What is the difference between the Neo-Tech Revolution and the
communications/information revolution and the progressive developments on the
information highway?
ANSWER: In his book The Road Ahead, Bill Gates (co-founder of Microsoft) predicts technological transformations of mythical proportions twenty or more years ahead. But his predictions cannot fully foresee a single ingredient that, when mixed with the communications revolution, will act as a powerful catalyst. Although he wants less government intervention, he willingly accepts that "they (the government) can determine the rules of the road." But that will not be for long. When America's hottest (yet little publicized) megatrend to get big government out of our lives intensifies and joins forces with the communications revolution, the technological transformations will go far beyond Gates' predictions in much less time. We can be rich in five years or less, not twenty or more. The Neo-Tech Revolution includes the catalytic ingredient to end big government, which will release an exponential explosion of the information revolution's already rapid progression. For, then all industries will catapult forward at the speed of the information revolution itself, spreading out three dimensionally into all other industries, making us rich in all aspects of our lives, not just in computers.
FAQ: Can you give us some insight into that rich new world?
ANSWER: That new world of super technologies advancing at lightning speeds will multiply everyone's buying power hundreds of times, not just the privileged few but everyone, not just computers but everything. Along with your wealth, you will enjoy soaring innovation all around you. Limitations of distance, job selection, friends, love, entertainment, and costs will disappear. Convenience, selection, and luxury will replace all limitations, as in the computer world. Removing limitations, the golden key to the computer revolution, will become the golden key to the Neo-Tech all areas of life. Fantastic products and services you never could imagine will suddenly come into existence and then become cheap and affordable. Just look at what is happening in the computer world today as a harbinger. When Neo-Tech spreads beyond the computers, and it won't be long, we're going to live in wealth and luxury with awesome entertainment. Imagine, for a moment, the health field going Neo-Tech like the computers -- spectacular new cures and procedures rapidly occurring at cheaper and cheaper prices. By 2001, we'd all have not just millionaire wealth, but near-perfect health to go with our riches. And let's not forget we'd be able to easily afford all those miraculous cures and health products as their prices go into computerlike dives. You have to realize, all industries will race ahead as Neo-Tech spreads beyond the computer industry that until now has been the only industry with Neo-Tech.
Once you can imagine all industries racing ahead like that, making us wealthy and healthy, only then can you also imagine the coming job revolution. You see, to stay competitive in that rapidly advancing Neo-Tech state, as in the computer industry, businesses will need to bring out and nurture their employees' deeply buried brilliance -- that's right, your brilliance! A creative person is in you wanting to come out. Finally, businesses nationwide will have to transform our routine ruts into exciting jobs that unearth our unique yet buried creativity. Like those lucky few today who love their jobs, tomorrow you'll love to go to work!
FAQ: You mean, instead of this miserable stagnation we all tend
to feel, we'll be living like we're in the movies?
ANSWER: Like movie stars! You see, technology will not be the only
thing going through wonderful transformations. So will your job, your love
life, your own body and mind. A domino effect will take place. The sooner
America goes Neo-Tech, the sooner we'll be rich and healthy and enjoy
exhilarating jobs, among other things. Simply put, America's falling out with
big government will free those geniuses bringing us the information revolution
and all the other geniuses of society to drive our costs toward zero and our
buying power toward infinity.
FAQ: Why don't more visionaries understand the catalytic power of
concluding big government?
ANSWER: Good question; the answer is: everyone alive today has always
lived with big government; it's a given, so no one knows any better, sort of
like being born blind. But thanks to the computer revolution, we can finally
see the wealthy alternative. In fact, here is a little technique I use so
people can best comprehend the lucrative power of ending big government...I
say, imagine the opposite: Imagine, for a moment, if in the early '80s big
government had created, say, a CEA -- a Computer Enforcement Agency. Instead
of waves of new super technologies obsoleting other waves of new technologies
soon after they reach the marketplace, every single advancement would instead
have to go through years of regulations and mounting costs before even reaching
the market. Let us say a new, superfast modem had to go through five years and
200 million dollars of tests, such as the typical FDA regulations in the
medical field. Needless to say, the computer revolution and its millionaire
phenomenon would have never occurred. Now reverse that thought and imagine
removing all similar symptoms of big government such as the FCC, FTC, SEC, FDA,
EPA as we advance into the information revolution. Well then, our leap into
the Neo-Tech Era would be unobstructed and explosive. Wave after wave of new
super technologies would thrust the medical industry and all other industries
into unprecedented computerlike revolutions. Indeed, with computerlike
freedom, turbocharged by the communications revolution, all industries would be
free to do what the computer industry already did: drive prices toward zero and
buying power toward infinity. Do we need big government's regulation? Did we
need it in the computer industry? Obviously not. Following the computers'
lead, ridding big-government regulation at the beginning of this new era of
super technologies will make everyone rich by 2001.
FAQ: Can you give me a closer look at this get-rich ingredient of doing
away with big government?
ANSWER: Every act of government falls under one of two purposes: 1) public protection, or 2) public "well-being". Every act of big government falls under purpose #2. All social programs, for example, wear the disguise of public "well-being" but are all big-government tools to regulate the economy. And all regulatory bureaucracies such as the FCC, FTC, SEC, FDA, EPA, and so on, also wear the disguise of public "well-being" but are all big-government tools to regulate industries. All that regulatory big government will extinguish the coming millionaire buying power for ordinary people before the new era of super technologies heats up. Public protection, on the other hand, is a valid purpose of government. However, do not confuse regulatory bureaucracies with public protection. Regulatory bureaucracies are big government -- nothing other. The government's role in public protection can be objective, and not a bureaucratic-building hoax, by defining the indivisible, unconditional act of protection: protecting the individual from initiatory force. America's hottest megatrend will increasingly restrict our government to that unconditional, indivisible act of protection and nothing more. Until now, big government has found conditions and ways to offer and divide up so-called "protection" by building huge self-defeating regulatory bureaucracies that haunt us now. By understanding the government's specific role of protection, we need super efficient local police protection and a super efficient national defense. That's it. Everything else must go -- big government must go. Then, like the computers during the '80s and '90s, the entire economy would enter the era of super technologies with no bureaucratic, self-defeating restrictions. Like the unimpeded computers, the entire economy would go into exponential progress, making us all rich.
FAQ: But, won't career politicians ask, What about the underprivileged?
ANSWER: The only logical response is, What underprivileged? When buying power multiplies hundreds, even thousands of times, there will be no underprivileged. Consider that on the Internet, even a kid has every computer advantage as the Fortune 500 executive. Simply put, in the Neo-Tech Era, no one will have disadvantages; in a world where technology is nearly cost free, everyone will be equally prosperous. The underprivileged class today exists for two reasons: 1) The economy offers us a fraction of the wealth we could all enjoy, and 2) big government and its messenger, the liberal media, survive via an underprivileged class. You see, only through an underprivileged class can big government build a big welfare state. Big government needs a big welfare state to regulate the economy. Indeed, a big underprivileged class is big business for big government. With its messenger, the liberal media, big government convinces young black minds, for instance, of a life doomed to victimization. That belief in victimization hardens as the innocent child grows into a young adult, and that belief eventually convinces him he is a victim of racism. The underprivileged today not only have limited access to advantages, but limiting beliefs. Indeed, they are captors of their neighborhoods as well as their own brainwashed minds, as Malcolm X tried to tell them. Racism, real or perceived, will go away when big government goes away. Until then, the underprivileged class is really a slave class to big government.
FAQ: You mean, big government hoodwinks its people?
ANSWER: In fact, big government has institutionalized hoodwinking. You see, since the political system works through power in numbers, politicians and their media friends acquire their necessary numbers through hoodwinking the people into voting for their many programs of public "well-being". Trapped within all those regulatory programs, the smallest of all minorities, the individual, minority of one, is ultimately left unprotected, which in the end blocks aggressive entrepreneurs and a Neo-Tech society. But as big government shrinks, its facade of public "well-being" now ending, the system will naturally change from one of manipulating the masses to one of protecting the individual as acts of government shrink back to public protection only. The refreshing shrinking of big government will turn the system right-side-up -- from power in hoodwinked numbers to power in the individual. Public protection at its unconditional, indivisible level of protecting the individual from coercion or force (see Individual Rights, page 223) will supersede all else and become the overriding principle in all case law, clearly and swiftly distinguishing real crimes from big-government, bureaucracy-building political-policy "crimes" against public "well-being". Justice will be swift and honest and will finally protect the people and their businesses from big government. Freedom and prosperity will reign. With no more big-government guises of public "well-being", which always translates to public regulation, in other words public coercion, left only with intense public protection at its unconditional, indivisible level insures the Neo-Tech Era: all people, businesses, and technologies -- especially those geniuses leading the Technological Revolution -- will be forever free to race ahead unimpeded as in the computer industry. The resulting millionaire prosperity for all ordinary people will inspire the people to constitutionally guarantee individual protection. The public will call for the Individual Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (page 223) that makes public protection at its indivisible individual level part of our Constitution. The results in that era of unimpeded technologies will be millionaire status for everyone by 2001.
FAQ: I want money -- lots of money. And I do not necessarily want to
work for it, because I know that'll never get me lots of money. It has
got to be automatic and big -- like a lotto. When someone has lots of money,
he has lots of other nice things too; everybody loves him. Unfortunately, I
think I'll die without ever knowing what it is like to have lots of money and
love. ...Will the new era of super technologies change all that?
ANSWER: Yes, it is the only way. However, our self-serving
leaders will resist Neo-Tech. As expected, big government and its career
politicians and bureaucrats already use their power to retard our leap into the
Neo-Tech Era. After all, the Neo-Tech Era of millionaire status for the masses
means the end of big government and millionaire monopolies for its controllable
cliques. But Neo-Tech will not go away. In fact, the only thing that is going
away is big government because the people are economically driven to make it go
away. Indeed, a new political party is now forming called the Neo-Tech Party,
made up of entrepreneurs and business leaders who will before long drive
big-government career politicians from office. For, only through
nonpoliticians will all decisions supersede the game of politics and focus
solely on the economy. Only then will the economy and the Technological
Revolution be freed from big-government regulations to evolve naturally and
quickly into the Neo-Tech Era of super technologies and super rich ordinary
individuals. And the people know it! Two thirds of the voting public
want to end big government and its career politicians and their game of
FAQ: The Neo-Tech Party seems to be the way to quickly rid big
government instead of a mere megatrend that could flounder around for years,
unmentioned by the press. I want the Neo-Tech Era right now, not twenty
years from now. Am I off base here or on target?
ANSWER: You're on target. The Neo-Tech Party embodies the Great Replacement Program: a national program to replace career politicians with entrepreneurs and other market-driven business leaders, for only entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders will gladly free the economy from big government. An historic moment in America has arrived in the form of the communication and information revolutions. To hurl us into the Neo-Tech Era of millionaire masses, we must remove big government. As demonstrated by the anti big-government megatrend, the people do not want to blow this historic opportunity. The people are ready to replace big-government career politicians with market-driven business leaders. The task of doing what is best for America, not what is best for one's own political career, will not be so difficult and can be carried through nonpoliticians. For then the task will no longer be ever hopeless politics, just economic progress. Now is the time to let technology take the giant leap into the Neo-Tech Era and generate millionaire standards of living for all individuals.
FAQ: I am convinced the good life of millionaire wealth will happen
when big government is gone. And I'm convinced America's hottest megatrend can
be accelerated by the rise of the Neo-Tech Party. But, a third-party effort
has never been successful. How do you figure this to be different?
ANSWER: Like you just said: millionaire standards of living will come to the masses by replacing career politicians with market-driven business leaders. Once people get a whiff of that, the Great Replacement Program will be on like a stampede. Moreover, if the budding Neo-Tech Party of entrepreneurs and other market-driven business leaders were nationally recognized today, you can bet angry America would send most Republicans and Democrats home for good in the next elections. The anger behind two-thirds of the voting public is directed towards the game of politics and its career politicians. The Neo-Tech Party accepts market-driven business leaders only and, therefore, will do what is best for the economy, not politics. Thus, the Neo-Tech Party abandons politicians and supersedes politics. And that is exactly what America is looking for...and needs.
Now, I can understand your skepticism about a third-party attempt. Consider that America's attraction to possible third-party presidential campaigns in recent elections comes from the people wanting something better. Problem is: everyone has his or her own ideas of something better. Therefore, to coordinate everyone's different hopes into a single common denominator is an indomitable task. Even if that third-party fantasy gained some good momentum, it has, until now, remained just a fantasy.
Our political system works by power in numbers, and to rally six people to agree on politics is not easy, no less sixty or so million people. Furthermore, not enough people want to invest money or time into wasted votes. As a result, our country has mostly remained a limited-choice, two-party system: "It's either us or them."
Ironically, the underlying problem for America's third-party fantasy is politics itself. Politics not only makes for a terrible common denominator, but the mention of politics these days causes the ordinary person to tune out and sign off. For, the ordinary American has come to the conclusion that politics cannot help him. In recent polls, the majority of Americans now believe that politics hurts their overall prosperity in life. So a third-party politician? People quickly get turned off; after all, a politician is...a politician. Ross Perot's initial sensation, by the way, was because the country perceived him as a market-driven businessman -- not a political businessman, which he actually is.
Aside from tuning out politicians, including third-party politicians, the people always find, to their dismay, that third-party politics is still...just politics. And the layman is, in his own words, "sick of politics" because politics does not benefit his life; in fact, politics drains his life. Until something comes along that supersedes the arena of politics and universally benefits the layman, no third party has a serious chance.
That something has come along. To get outside the arena of politics requires going to the universal common denominator the people have always hoped for: to improve their own personal riches. After all, everyone has the get-rich dream. The newly developed Neo-Tech Party is focused on making that dream come true. It consists of no politicians. With the agenda being the economy and not politics, only market businessmen (as distinguished from Perot-type political businessmen) may run for office. This new party concept may be just what the country has been waiting for. You see, when it comes to politics, people are fast learning: it matters not what you say, but who you are. People now realize that whatever politicians say is just an illusion anyway. Whatever is said, career politicians still just benefit themselves and advance their own political careers at the cost of the economy. Nothing spectacularly good ever happens for the wealth of the people, which would be particularly tragic now on the eve of progressive computerlike buying power. Yes, the people sense the inevitable big-government tragedy of politicizing the information revolution, thwarting the millionaire phenomenon. In response, the people are looking for nonpoliticians to be their politicians. The Neo-Tech Party gives us market businessmen, not politicians. And it focuses on the economy, not politics. It will take care of us financially, where it counts. And that is a powerful blessing as we enter the information revolution.
The drive behind market-driven businessmen is not politics but the market -- economic wealth -- thus making the Neo-Tech Party the first political party this century to truly benefit the people. Therefore, the Neo-Tech Party will pull voters from all across the board -- republicans, democrats, workers, retirees, men, women, minorities, majorities, the wealthy, the needy. Indeed, everyone wants a higher standard of living.
Could this Neo-Tech Party become the dream party everyone always hoped for but never had? Well, its platform is based on the alluring make-the-people-millionaires program. If in office by 2000, these market businessmen foresee that by 2001 the people -- all the people -- "will live like millionaires". The Neo-Tech Party points to the computer industry as its model and explains that its freedom from politicization enabled buying power to rapidly multiply thousands of times. The Neo-Tech Party explains that all other industries outside the relatively new and fresh computer industry are deeply politicized. The Neo-Tech Party wants to depoliticize all industries "to race ahead like the computers and make everyone's buying power over everything multiply thousands of times like the computers". Like the computers, the cost of products will be driven toward zero as the value of products soar toward infinity.
The incentive to the general public to get these market businessmen into office is powerful, perhaps unbeatable. The platform is solid, well presented, fresh and exciting...and much wanted. All other potential third parties are based on political ideas -- on (yawn) politics. They attract only constituents favorable to those fragmented ideas. The Neo-Tech Party is based on economic ideas -- the one big common denominator of great interest among the people and, nowadays, the complete opposite of politics. And because the candidates are all market businessmen, the economic ideas are not political rhetoric. In fact, the central theme of the Neo-Tech Party is: depoliticize America to set free all industries like the computer industry...thus make the people live like millionaires. The temptation may be too great to resist. Look for the Neo-Tech Party (Neo-Tech: new technology) to be America's rising star of the 21st century. This time, perhaps it will be more than just a fleeting third-party fantasy, especially when considering perhaps the most powerful reason the Neo-Tech Party just may be "the one":
As you know, a momentous nationwide megatrend is on the move against big government. That American megatrend will build more and more momentum as people see its favorable economic impact. In short, the people are monetarily motivated -- that common denominator everyone likes. In the end, this economically driven anti big-government megatrend will depoliticize our country -- yes, the very platform of the Neo-Tech Party. Then new technology (i.e., Neo-Tech) will race forward at ever increasing speeds like the relatively nonpoliticized computer industry -- sending our buying power soaring. That is what the people now want; that is what the Neo-Tech Party delivers. The megatrend has started, and it appears to be leading America straight to the Neo-Tech Party.
This anti big-government megatrend will increasingly bring all Americans together toward a united cause: depoliticize America to free all industries to do what the computer industry is doing now, thus making millionaires out of all of us. All Americans now caught up in the traditional political rivalries will redirect their energies against the true culprits of their frustrations. Indeed, political rivalries reflect the frustrations and disillusionments we all feel in life. Now, however, we need to see who really costs us our dreams and get them out of our lives. The Neo-Tech Party will accommodate this megatrend to do the job for us. The rise of the Neo-Tech Party will make everyone's get-rich dream come true.
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