Your Job, Psyche, Mind, Love-Life, and Body
One day about a year ago, that hard-working young man stopped in his tracks at work. Like a bad dream, he realized that the leaders have all the success and prestige, all the wealth and power...and that he himself would never get any. Even worse, he realized that his routine-rut job was structured to make the leaders wealthy, from the leaders of the company he worked for to the leaders of the land who got a major chunk of whatever he earned. "I make just enough to get by, with maybe a little left over for spending," he said aloud. "I'm on the wrong road, heading toward the wrong future. I work hard; I've worked all my life, but my hard work is all going into making the leaders rich!"
He stopped to think: The rich and powerful leaders did not work their whole lives to make someone else happy. But he did. He and the majority of people worked their whole lives to make the leaders happy.
At that moment, the young man became flushed with determination to somehow wake up from this bad dream into a better world with a better life. Out of nowhere, a voice spoke to him: "The secret to getting rich is to become The Self-Leader!"
The young man drove home from work that fateful day wondering, "Who is the self-leader?" All he could figure was that the self-leader captured for himself the rewards and wealth from his efforts in life. "I must set off on a journey to discover in myself the self-leader," he said. "But where do I begin my journey?"
Deeply troubled, he felt he had no power in life. "Knowledge is power," a very wise man once said. So the young man decided to start his journey seeking knowledge at his place of work.
The next day he began to seriously study his place of work for the first time. He observed other people doing their jobs and even asked them questions. He immediately noticed that the more he started to learn about the business, the more power he felt.
So, he became the pupil, and his place of work was the school. As he educated himself about the business, he acquired more and more integrated knowledge. After just one week, he could feel that this process of building integrated knowledge would inevitably deliver more and more power, promotions, and pride.
Without first identifying his stagnation-trap, then success would have forever eluded him. That trap was the opposite of what guaranteed wealth and happiness -- the opposite of integrated knowledge. That trap was disintegrated knowledge in the form of specialized tasks. Doing the same routine of specialized tasks every day caused him a lifelong rut of stagnation. Yet wealth and happiness now seemed attainable with another way of thinking that had never been introduced to the young man. That other way of thinking was: integrated thinking. With integrated thinking, he was no longer trapped by specialized tasks in an inescapable routine rut. His mind, like everyone else, had always been trapped in a narrow sphere of specialized thinking...just following a very limited routine of specialized tasks that his leaders set out for him. Now, with integrated thinking, he began to lead himself.
As the young man gained integrated knowledge about the business, responsibility began to flow to him. People began to come to him for answers -- for leadership. "Don't be bashful," he told himself. "Use your integrated knowledge and give them guidance. Take control."
He realized he had been taught not to take control, but to do as he was trained. "Our leaders do not want us to gain integrated knowledge and take control," he told his friends. He knew that he had never acquired integrated knowledge before simply because he was never introduced to the concept. He was never shown how, and he never saw anyone else going after integrated knowledge. But acquiring integrated knowledge and taking control was actually very natural...and fun. It sure beat his boring routine rut.
Why do our leaders make our jobs specialized traps? The young man went to see his father who was a former Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont.
The young man explained everything to his father. His father smiled knowingly at his son's vigorous pursuit and began to speak: "Son, first consider the success-bound integrated thinker. He digs for integrated knowledge and begins to build his way out of his rut toward success. No one can stop him. He will eventually rise to the top of the company and begin nipping at the heels of the people in upper management. He will eventually take over their jobs. I know all about this from my days at Du Pont.
"Now, let me ask you, could not the many lazy, uncompetitive leaders of our big businesses today, without even realizing what they are doing, shape their companies' jobs into specialized traps to discourage integrated thinking? Could not they shape their companies' jobs into specialized traps to stop integrated thinking and suppress competition from within so they can sit on top unchallenged?"
The young man thought for a few moments about what his father just said, and then the young man added, "Occasionally someone does beat the odds by discovering integrated thinking."
"You're right," his father said. "But let me caution you; when you beat the odds and beat the management above you and succeed with integrated thinking, or if you leave to start your own business, then government leaders will eventually strike and sometimes destroy your efforts. Every business-advancing integrated thinker including every entrepreneur fears authorities -- fears local authorities, Consumer Affairs, the Health Department; fears federal authorities, the IRS, FTC, EPA; fears legal authorities, the lawyers. Every business-advancing integrated thinker carries that fear. Remember, we ran into FDA authorities when we were soaring ahead on cures to diseases at Du Pont."
"Why this threat?" the young man asked.
"Consider that we all sense the laziness, ineptness, and corruption in our government," his father continued. "But can any one of us really put together the hoax and expose the frauds? No, we just know that laziness and dishonesty goes on in our government. We are too specialized to be able to put together the fraud above us. ...But those who beat the odds and start rising up with integrated thinking are not too specialized to put together the fraud above us."
"Yes, yes, I see," said the young man. "We go to work, do the same set thing, then we go back home. We cannot expose the frauds up there in big business, and we certainly cannot expose the frauds in our government. We do not even know how the business and how the economy really works. We're too specialized. We go to our jobs, come back home, and we're none the wiser. We can't expose their hoax as long as we have no integrated knowledge."
"Absolutely right," his father said with a nod. "Only through integrated thinking do we begin to know how business works, then how the economy really works, then how government really works. At that point, we not only see the hoax up there in government, but we begin to see and expose exactly who the frauds are. Integrated knowledge accumulated through integrated thinking threatens our leaders in government as well as in big business. Therefore, our government authorities push down entrepreneurs and all others who rise up with integrated thinking."
At that moment, the young man remembered a movie he saw years ago called "Tucker", a true story: Back in the '50s, a lone person named Preston Tucker defied the Establishment and developed the Tucker Torpedo -- the car that America loved. It was the car of the future. Yet, big-business leaders teamed up with regulatory bureaucrats in the SEC and with a dishonest judge from our decadent legal system to destroy Tucker, the young man recalled. Those lazy and dishonest people -- our leaders -- destroyed Preston Tucker, our working brother who rose up through integrated thinking to bring a greater value to society. After our leaders destroyed Tucker, he got very sick and, his life ruined, he died. ...Yes, Dad is right, the young man realized.
"Integrated thinking is discouraged by our companies, by our government, and by our public educational system, controlled by our government," he heard his father saying. "Society is suppressed into specialization."
"Now I can understand why I've suffered in silent frustration," the young man said. "What's more, jobs and opportunities are being battered down and destroyed like Preston Tucker. Jobs are being destroyed. Opportunities for us disappear with those lost jobs. Even worse, new businesses with their plethora of new jobs and opportunities cannot rise today with the many discouraging laws, regulations, litigation, and lawsuits. Society's long-term standard of living is dropping. Why? Integrated thinkers cannot rise, thus prosperity for the people sinks...all to preserve and protect the livings of lazy leaders."
The young man's father was astonished at his son's sudden understanding about the state of things today. Although nothing more was said, his father's eyes told how proud he was of his son.
The young man thanked his father for his worldly advice. While driving home, the young man pondered the life he dreamed about in his youth and how he never found that life. When he returned home, he telephoned his brother:
"Hello," answered his brother.
"Mike, it's me," the young man said.
"It''s after midnight. Something wrong?"
"I'll tell you what's wrong. We're all stuck in stagnation. But I don't think that needs to be. I think we can break out of our stagnation-traps!"
The brothers talked for forty minutes. After they hung up, the young man sat at his kitchen table and began writing in his diary: "To free myself from the leaders' system requires a powerful counter-system. I'll call it: The Self-Leader System. The Self-Leader System has begun unfolding day by day. I can feel the self-leader growing within me every day, deep in my psyche. I have begun building a base of integrated power inside that no establishment leader can stop. I will get a piece of the money pie."
Each day thereafter, he educated himself about his place of work. Over the next couple of weeks, he acquired a basic overview of how everything worked.
He realized that in today's specialized working world, his specialized tasks were ends in themselves -- dead-end routine chores to just turn in, causing a dead-end job. "Very few jobs dynamically BUILD the business; most jobs just MAINTAIN," he thought aloud. "People just maintain, stuck in their boring routine ruts."
When the young man first told his brother about the Self-Investment Plan (see process on pages 43 - 47), his brother could not believe his ears:
"That's too good to be true," his brother said. "You mean that I can plan to pull together job responsibilities at work that make me kind of my own boss -- like a dynamic entrepreneur? You mean, I can actually build profits for the company and for myself? Right now I feel so bored and stagnated!"
After his brother spent several minutes studying the diagrams (see pages 43 - 47), the young man added, "If you cannot yet see how the Self-Investment Plan would come together for you at your place of work, do not be discouraged. You may still need a little more time with Project Curiosity to get a better understanding of the business and its basic responsibilities."
The young man went on to explain to his brother that most companies turned their basic responsibilities straight into specialized jobs. Therefore, those jobs could never build wealth and grow. But once a person identified the basic responsibilities' money-making purposes at work, then he could pull together the company's potential wealth-building jobs on paper and target one for himself.
The young man's brother went home with the diagrams of the Self-Investment Plan. A week later, the young man and his brother got together again. His brother had sketched out his company's wealth-building jobs and was very excited. The first thing he said when they got together was: "The wealth-building jobs are dynamite! They can grow without limits and depend on no one but yourself! And it's all so simple! Why doesn't every business do this? This is an amazing breakthrough!"
"Listen, Mike," the young man said, "those wealth-building jobs would send ordinary people into integrated thinkers and self-leaders. Lazy leaders depend on us being specialized thinkers and their followers. They could not remain competitive in an environment of self-leaders. By removing money-making purpose among the workers, the leaders can rise above us all, live off our efforts, and capture all the success for themselves."
"You mean, they won't want this breakthrough?" his brother asked. "They choose not to set up like this? Why not? Businesses would boom. Ordinary people would get rich!"
"When ordinary people can lead themselves," the young man explained, "the leaders will lose their supervisory jobs over us." The young man then added: "Nevertheless, I think we will now discover a pot of gold. You see, basic responsibilities pulled together into an integrated wealth-building job are like pieces of a torn up treasure map fitted together. Useless apart but priceless together, those responsibilities, once fitted together by their money-making purpose, will show us how to make money. I can already feel my mind awakening with integrated thinking. Every thought now connects with making money!"
"This is exciting," his brother said. "Almost everyone today has no power. We are all dependent -- trapped by specialized thinking. I can now see how people tomorrow will have genuine power -- self-power -- freed by integrated thinking. Instead of working their lives for their leaders, they will work their lives for themselves. They will build their own success and wealth."
"No doubt," the young man said. "This phenomenon is opening the way for us to become dynamic self-leaders."
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