Your Job, Psyche, Mind, Love-Life, and Body
"Now, tell me, Mike, who gets the money and the glamour...but doesn't really work that hard? Certainly not the ordinary working person. He or she works very hard and barely gets by. But leaders of the cushy Establishment work relatively little, socialize a lot, and enjoy lots of easy money and power. I'm talking about big-business leaders, union leaders, bureaucratic leaders, leading lawyers, leading journalists, and leaders of our land -- career politicians.
"Ordinary people work hard yet barely get by. We support the plush lifestyle of those leaders at work, in government, and in law. The leaders, by contrast, have no leaders; they support the lifestyles of no one beyond themselves.
"As you know, the only way to claim your own future of wealth is to become your own person...the self-leader. The self-leader does not use up his one and only life building up someone else's lifestyle. With the Self-Leader System, you have already redirected your lifelong daily efforts right back into yourself and will become wealthy if you do not fall to one remaining obstacle that I'll explain tonight.
"Let me begin with a story: I recently went to California to attend an infomercial seminar. An infomercial is a half-hour TV advertisement. At the seminar, I met all the well-known producers.
"During a question-and-answer period, I stood up to ask one well-known producer a question. In asking my question, I had to reference an infomercial I had done on my own at low cost. Little did I realize the message I had just given the crowd of hundreds of people. Reading between the lines, I had told them that I was a leader, that I was a self-leader...that I did not need to go to the authorities, the producers, the leaders to do my own infomercial. Instead, I had done it all myself.
"At the next break, I was amazed that I had crowds of people around me, more people around me than the well-known producers had around them. I had people wanting me to do their infomercials for them. All I needed to do was put out my hand, and people would have filled my hand with lots of money. Why? Because I was a leader, and people are drawn to leaders. People are ready and willing to make the leaders rich.
"One gentleman persistently wanted me to produce his infomercial. I told him no, that he must do it himself as I had done. That way, he would spend just an affordable few thousand dollars to essentially guarantee himself success, not a few hundred thousand dollars through a leader -- that is, about twenty tries at thirty thousand dollars each...over a half-million dollars to more or less `guarantee' success through the established producers. To become successful and wealthy, he must instead put his effort into himself, not put his effort and money into a leader, I explained. He would then grow more and more resistant to failure with each inexpensive `lesson'. He would have a greater chance at success. Yet, to my astonishment, instead of being delighted by my insight, I saw a fear in his face. He resisted and wanted me to be his leader.
"Later I realized that all of us are drawn to leaders and will have a strong resistance to becoming self-leaders. In fact, that very resistance traps us in our routine ruts as our efforts endlessly go into building the lofty standards of living of the leaders."
The young man's brother interrupted: "I must understand that resistance in order to overcome it. I definitely feel it, but I also want to get everything good out of life, especially more money."
"A world of money and love exists beyond your awareness, Mike," the young man continued. "Your resistance keeps that great world beyond your awareness. To understand the resistance that blocks you and nearly everyone else from ever discovering that world, let's start by going back to the day you were born: When you came out of your mother's womb into this cold, bright world, all your little body could do was cry. Your little body felt a strong resistance to this new world and wanted to go back into your mother's womb. But this world offered everything in life, which was beyond your awareness at that time. ...Let's next go back to your first day at school. That first day was the first time in your young life that you were away from your mother. All your scared, toddler self wanted was to go back home to your mother. Your little body and mind felt a strong resistance to the frightening, noisy new world. But this world of education offered you happiness in life, which was beyond your awareness at that time. ...Next, let's go to the day you left home and moved out on your own into the real world. Remember the internal resistance to leaving home?
"Nature puts a natural resistance into all animals -- a resistance to leaving their known protected environment and moving out on their own into the unknown. If you ever witnessed a cat weaning her kittens, you observed firsthand this natural resistance in animals. The mother cat must get violent with her young ones to push them away.
"As part of the animal kingdom, man too has this natural resistance. We have a natural resistance to leaving our leaders, both our childhood leaders, our parents, and our adulthood leaders. We have a natural resistance to moving ahead on our own and becoming the self-leader.
"That's nothing," the young man's brother said. "You're just talking about growing up and moving out on your own."
"Not really," the young man countered. "Although animals are on their own once they are weaned, they're still controlled and guided by Mother Nature for their entire adult lives. Man is the only animal that can overcome the automatic controls of Mother Nature to control and guide himself. Nevertheless, man has had that capacity for only 3000 years. For over one million years prior to that, man was controlled and guided by Mother Nature all his life, like all other animals. Therefore, man harbors severely deep-rooted tendencies that seek to be controlled and guided by an external force all his his case, by leaders. He harbors a severely deep-rooted, natural resistance to becoming the self-leader.
"We steadily must move beyond our childhood leaders, our parents, into better worlds beyond our awareness at the time -- guided into those better worlds by our parents. But when we are adults, we have no one to guide us into the better world beyond our awareness. Similar to the unknowing youngster at school his first day, beyond our awareness is a world that offers us our dreams. Finally, the Self-Leader System combined with the Neo-Tech Party will guide us there.
"Neo-what?" the young man's brother asked. "You mentioned that once before, too."
"The Neo-Tech Party," the young man said. "I'll explain that before you leave tonight. But, right now let me ask you a `what if' question: When you were a child, what if your resistance were allowed to control you, and you never left home, never went to school?"
"Then I would have stagnated and grown more and more unhappy, year after year," the young man's brother said.
"Well, that exact phenomenon happens when you grow up," the young man said. "As an adult, your resistance is allowed to control you, and you never leave your leaders. You stagnate and grow more and more unhappy, year after year...although we learn to live with it through entertainment, hobbies, and vacations.
"Clever people have discovered our deep-rooted tendencies that draw us to leaders and have gained unbeatable advantages by perfecting how to provide external guidance. Those `natural leaders' include many of the most financially successful and prestigious people and often the most seemingly trustworthy people. For example, most politicians, presidents, many evangelists, and much of big-business upper management all took this shortcut. They rose to leadership, power, and wealth by taking advantage of the deep-rooted following-mode tendencies in others. And they will always try to stop your progress into self-leadership to keep their prestigious positions in society. They control our lives."
"How exactly do those leaders control my life?" Mike asked.
The young man answered: "Most of the Establishment's leaders are vestiges of man's deep-rooted urge for guidance. You see, the need for external guidance became obsoleted by the discovery of human consciousness 3000 years ago. Therefore, most of the Establishment's leaders today create illusions that we need and benefit from them and their guidance. Thus, we accept them and want them for our authorities. They oblige and get their free rides in life. Our career politicians, regulatory bureaucrats, and many corporate executives are getting free rides. Moreover, those leaders learn to nurture our resistance to make us dependent on them. They have structured our government and our jobs to thoroughly discourage people from rising up and becoming self-leaders, blocking us from the good life. That way, they can be the people's supervisory leaders, our external `authorities', for a lifetime.
"Discouraged since our earliest days in school, we never learned to integrate and guide ourselves. So we depend on leaders to integrate for us and to guide us. Even when we know our leaders are dishonest, we fear not having leaders. Career politicians need our dependency to have their livelihoods. So they thoroughly suppress our integrated thinking and our creativity -- starting with dreadfully inferior public education and culminating in dreadfully punishing legislation and regulation against aggressive entrepreneurs. The leaders guide us all right; they guide us right into stagnation for their own propagation. Those leaders shut down society, which traps us in a boring existence in which we just support their plush standards of living. ...That is how they control your life.
"Legitimate leaders do exist, however. The sign of legitimate leaders in government and in business will be leaders who do not need to suppress others for a free ride. Self-sufficient, legitimate leaders will make success as easy as possible for the people and their businesses. Like a mother who wants what is best for her children and who guides her children toward independence and freedom, legitimate leaders will guide the people toward independence and freedom.
"So, what's the answer?" Mike asked. "How do we replace the political leaders in big government and big business who suppress us into stagnation? How do we get legitimate leaders? Or do I have that backwards? How do we wean ourselves of harmful leaders to overcome our stagnation-traps...with our built-in resistance, bad education, suppressive leaders and all?"
"We do both," the young man said as he grabbed a pad and pencil and drew the following sketch:
The Self-Leader System * YOU * |
The Great Replacement Program * YOUR COUNTRY * |
Mass Marketing The Self-Leader System Enables The Improperly Educated Public To Finally Integrate & Experience Success |
Mass Replacing Career Politicians Enables The Improperly Suppressed Society To Freely & Rapidly Advance |
Then the brothers, finished with their dinners, went into the living room. After his brother looked over the above sketch, the young man said: "Ordinary people can begin climbing out of their stagnation traps right away using the Self-Leader System. But you just have to remember that, like all animals, you have a built-in resistance against leaving the `protected world' of automatic guidance from an authority, an authority that will `take care' of you."
"Because of our deep-rooted link to the automatic controls of nature," his brother reasoned aloud, "the average adult still seeks the sanctuary of automatic controls. Therefore, we seek automatic guidance at work, and we seek parental-like leaders in our lives from our government, church, the Establishment. We resist becoming the self-leader and never discover a better world. Our jobs support our resistance with automatic, specialized tasks. ...Wow, that answers a lot of questions I've had about myself lately!"
"Now, let's take a closer look at the other solution that will lift ordinary people from their stagnation-traps," the young man said. "Remember I said legitimate leaders exist?"
The young man then reached into a drawer and pulled out a folded piece of newspaper: "Here, Mike, read this article that recently appeared in a national publication. It explains something called the Neo-Tech World:"
Can everyone possibly be rich? Yes. That answer becomes abundantly clear with a brief story about the way things work. "But if everyone were rich, then who would wash the dishes? Who would clean the houses? Who would drive in the rivets on the assembly-line? Not everyone could be rich," you may conclude. But consider that the dishwasher machine now washes the dishes; robots in Japan now clean the houses, and computer-driven movable arms now drive in the rivets on the assembly-line. As technology advances, machines, robots, and computers take over those physical-labor jobs. More importantly, as technology advances, the average working man shifts from a low-paid blue-collar worker to a high-paid white-collar worker. The past decade, for example, the American work force reversed from 40% white collar, 60% blue collar to 60% white collar, 40% blue collar. Why? The computer revolution gave America a growth spurt of advancing technology.
"Advancing technology might just take over my job," you may think if you are a blue-collar worker. But things do not work that way. In advancing times, businesses discover that their own blue-collar workers make some of the best white-collar employees because they know the business from the ground up -- all the details. Advancing technology does not just replace blue-collar workers; it moves them on to better jobs. Technological growth means job growth, not job loss, and better jobs for the working man.
Advancing technology not only brings us better-paying quality jobs, but it brings us more and more quantity of jobs. In a booming Neo-Tech Society (i.e., a society of rapid, unrestricted advancing technology) we will see a job surplus, not a job shortage as in our current society (i.e., a society of highly regulated, restricted technology). In the Neo-Tech Society consisting of too many jobs and not enough people to fill them, we will need advancing technology to fill the vacated physical blue-collar jobs with machines, robots, and computers.
The President of the United States is the boss of the cabinets and their regulatory bureaucracies that pile regulations on advancing technology. The President of the United States has the power to set free advancing technology and send all ordinary people into better jobs and better incomes for the rest of their lives.
But that will never happen with a career politician because that would mean cutting his own branch of government, his own structure of power. The Neo-Tech Society, a wealthy white-collar society, will not happen under a career politician. So, working-class Americans will never really be rich -- not until they elect a president with absolutely no political agenda. That person must have a single agenda -- not anything to do with politics whatsoever -- just a single inward drive to slash his own structure of power to end regulation. Strictly an inward agenda. No political "good intentions" at all. "Good intentions" quietly build more and more regulatory jobs under the Executive Branch, which builds more and more regulatory budgets, ultimately building more and more political power for the President. That process must be completely reversed to reduce more and more regulatory jobs under the Executive Branch, which reduces more and more regulatory budgets, ultimately reducing more and more political power from the President.
Imagine you elect for President a political candidate. They all have one basic objective: to build their own political careers, which means building their branch of government -- bureaucratic regulatory power -- one way or the other, from the left or from the right. Restricted technology would get strangled like the regulated railroad industry of the early 1900s and like all the manufacturing industries of the late 1900s. Outside of short-term cycles, the country's standard of living would continue to decline. Health would continue to decline as the burden on technology continues to drive up health-care costs. The long-term result would be poor, unhealthy families experiencing the hard life.
Now imagine you elected a Neo-Tech president. He is not a politician and has one objective: to slash bureaucratic regulatory power, which means his own political power. Unrestricted technology would race forward like the unregulated computer industry. The country would steadily advance into a predominant white-collar, high-income society. Health would vastly improve as technological breakthroughs drove down health-care costs just as computer costs were driven down to fractions. The results would be wealthy, healthy families showered with technological breakthroughs.
Now ask yourself: "Do I want to live in the Neo-Tech (technology-driven) World of wealth, health, convenience, entertainment and experience the good life? Or do I want to live in the politically driven world and experience the hard life? Think of your own life and how it can be in the future based on your decision.
Making the American people wealthy is actually simple and easy -- a cinch for the President of the United States. But let me tell you why no former President slashed regulatory power to so easily make the American people wealthy: The President of the United States does not really want to weaken the system that gives him his power. To increase your power and wealth, he would have to slash his own power. You see, all ordinary people could quite rapidly soar to wealthy standards of living in the United States if the President slashed his own power by slashing all regulatory bureaucracies. Instead, he proceeds ahead with his "good intentions" that build his popularity and power...regulatory power over advancing technology, which suppresses everyone. A quick solution exists to this problem: the Great Replacement Program.
Indeed, when we replace career politicians with market-driven businessmen, the President will end the thousands of new bureaucratic regulations each year that block advancing technology. The Neo-Tech Congressmen and Senators will end the thousand new federal laws each year that also prohibit a rapidly advancing economy. Without all that legislation and regulation, all that food for lawyers, then one of the great deterrents to a Neo-Tech Society -- too many laws, lawyers, and lawsuits -- will also fade away. That will ease the way for a Neo-Tech Society of rapidly advancing technology, wealth, health, and entertainment.
In a Neo-Tech Society of unrestricted, rapidly advancing technology, all people will advance into well-paying mind-jobs as technology comes in behind to fill labor-jobs with machines, robots, and computers. And as technology races forward, so will medical breakthroughs in curing fatal diseases. As technology races forward, the standard of living will go sharply up as the cost of living goes sharply down. Health and longevity will go sharply up as the cost of medicine and treatment goes sharply down. Ordinary people will discover what it means to live in luxury.
"Perhaps even worse, through those clever `public good' illusions, the career politicians regulate the economy, which kills rapidly advancing technology. Those low-income families would be rich in a Neo-Tech Society with an unregulated economy because rapidly advancing technology would multiply buying power thousands of times like the computers. Instead, the growing `slave class' drinks the poison of career politicians and die in poverty.
"Even if we wanted to, we could not break free and become prosperous self-leaders because our public schools never taught us how to integrate for ourselves. The fear I saw on the gentleman's face at the infomercial seminar was because he could not integrate, so he needed me -- someone who could integrate for him...until he learned how to integrate for himself. You see, everyone needs guidance in life, otherwise he or she would flounder aimlessly and die. The problem is that almost no one can integrate and therefore guide himself. People are never taught to integrate in school, and adults are specialized in their jobs. Since ordinary people cannot integrate to guide themselves, they look for someone else to guide them."
"Like children need parents until they grow up, do ordinary people need leaders until they learn integrated thinking?" Mike asked.
"Yes," the young man answered. "And legitimate leaders like good parents will guide the people into self-leadership and success."
"So, you're saying that we do need leaders?" the young man's brother asked.
"Yes, we need a transition from illegitimate leaders to legitimate leaders to self-leaders," the young man said. "People do not know how to do integrated thinking to guide themselves. So, yes, we need leaders now because people are not yet self-leaders. But we need legitimate leaders.[ 17 ]
"This is where the Great Replacement Program becomes very important. You see, the people would never get rid of the current leaders, for the people were never taught integrated thinking. They need guidance, and without internal guidance from integrated thinking, they will naturally seek external guidance. The political leaders inherently know this and cleverly offer `guidance' and block society from integrated thinking.
"The Great Replacement Program will provide the people with leaders, but with valid leaders. Realize, valid leaders exist. Valid leaders can be easily identified: They push society toward self-leadership and success -- not unlike parents pushing children toward independence. In government, that means slashing regulations and legislation so integrated thinkers can rise and drive our costs of living to fractions and make us all rich. Honest leaders have no desire to suppress their employees or citizens. You see, honest leaders are not protecting false livelihoods as your external `authorities'. Everyone benefits: more self-leaders mean more competitive businesses, profits, and a more competitive country with a soaring economy and buying power. Only false external `authorities' lose as they lose their jobs. Therefore, only false external `authorities' -- those living high at your loss -- will reject the Great Replacement Program and the new Neo-Tech Party."
The young man's brother interrupted: "They care only about maintaining their unneeded jobs. They nurture our resistance to self-guidance so that we accept being controlled and guided by them. Tell me more on how those external `authorities' keep us from becoming self-leaders."
"Congress and state legislatures are the biggest problem -- the lawmakers," the young man answered. "Lawmakers now generate laws -- many thousands of laws every year -- to control and guide their citizens. Not only does that put us in an externally guided state of mind and nurture our deep-rooted resistance against self-guidance, but all those laws and resulting regulations and litigation discourage the creation of new businesses and jobs. All those laws, lawyers, and lawsuits make it very hard for tender youth to rise with self-leadership, to build new businesses and create new jobs. Hemorrhaging laws, lawyers, lawsuits kill our younger generation's creativity and independence...and kill our long-term economy. Our children's future is being sold out by a clique of greedy politicians on a free ride. But those politicians cast the illusion that we need those thousands of new laws every year.
"Legitimate leaders not looking for a free ride would set the computerlike conditions that encourage, not punish, aggressive self-leaders. The geniuses of society would then make everyone else rich like in the computer industry. All the people would get rich and then, with all that buying power, enjoy deciding how to spend all that money...controlling and guiding their own lives. Such a rich nation of self-leaders would deliver great prosperity not to the Establishment, but to ourselves. Stop and think: Do we really need state and federal lawmakers generating thousands of new laws each year that control and guide and suppress citizens and their businesses? Or is that excessive lawmaking...merely creating illusions of importance as a cover for a free ride in life?
"But how do I know who are the legitimate leaders?" the young man's brother asked.
"There is one unmistakable way to identify legitimate leaders from the big-government phonies in office now. I'll play this radio ad that I recorded after hearing it on the radio several times," the young man said while pushing the play button on his cassette player:
From 1854 to 1857, the legendary Florence Nightingale worked day and night in miserable conditions saving men's lives during the bloody Crimean War.
From 1993 to 1994, first-lady Hillary Clinton attended fancy dinners and parties using health reform as a potential ticket to personal glory.
Let's compare those two opposite ladies with opposite men and women who help versus hurt our economy and taxes:
Consider that, to make soldiers survive, Florence Nightingale dug into the most nitty-gritty chores and details to dramatically increase the prosperity of hospitals. Similarly, to make their businesses survive, market businessmen also dig into the most nitty-gritty chores and details to dramatically increase the prosperity of business. The world's greatest kept secret is that they are for real and can also dramatically increase the prosperity of America.
Politicians, by contrast, are like Hillary Clinton: they sound good but never actually worked down in the tough nitty-gritty trenches. The other half of the world's greatest kept secret is that they are not for real and can only hurt the prosperity of America while pursuing their hidden agendas.
"Yes, I see," his brother said. "But wouldn't a business owner be tempted to pass a bad law that may directly benefit his own wallet?"
"That's possible. But the Neo-Tech Party and its Great Replacement Program has provisions to prevent that from happening. You see, the single purpose of a Neo-Tech President is to slash regulation in order to free technology for business, science, and medicine. The single purpose of Neo-Tech Congressmen and Senators is to slash legislation for the same reason. If Neo-Tech Party members violate that sole inward agenda and instead seek pragmatic personal gains, then they are no longer part of the Neo-Tech Party or part of the Great Replacement Program.
"The Neo-Tech Party serves a guiding Constitution written by Dr. Frank R. Wallace that, after the Great Replacement Program, will become an amendment to our Constitution and the one irreducible law necessary for a totally free country of self-leaders:
[ 17 ] Author's note: The only leaders in cyberspace are self-leaders. You see, the totally free and open dynamics of the Internet obsolete any and all need for leaders other than self in cyberspace. No transition will be needed in cyberspace since no illegitimate leaders exist there to begin with. The Neo-Tech World of self-leaders has already begun, in cyberspace. [ Back to Text ]
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