Your Job, Psyche, Mind, Love-Life, and Body
The Neo-Tech Constitution
"All Neo-Tech candidates -- all market businessmen and women, whether owners of
small, medium, or large businesses -- must abide by that guiding principle of
pure freedom: freedom for people to live in any way as long as one does not
physically violate others. Initiatory force or threat thereof by an individual
or by the government takes away freedom...freedom needed for integrated
thinkers to rise. The Neo-Tech Party's role is to stop nearly all legislation
and regulation, which are forms of initiatory force that nip away at our
"How is regulation or legislation initiatory force that takes away our freedom?" the young man's brother asked.
"Regulation and legislation tell us what we can or cannot do," the young man answered. "Most laws and regulations today are political policy law -- telling us what we can or cannot do based on career politicians' political policy. They differ from objective law based on physical protection of the individual and his property. By contrast, political policy law is telling us how to live to best serve the leaders. And if we do not abide by those laws and regulations, then we are punished and sometimes go to jail. Therefore, we are threatened by force to abide by their subjective, self-serving regulations and legislation, nipping away at our freedom and creativity. We need freedom for self-leaders to arise.
"To protect all people from all others, including from criminals, gangs, racists, mobs, armies, or governments requires protecting the irreducible, indivisible individual. And, to be sure that protection cannot somehow become conditional to fit some agenda requires going down to the irreducible, indivisible, unconditional concept of initiatory force. That single objective law of no force against any individual cannot be twisted, divided, or built upon to mean anything else. That unconditional, guiding constitution of the Neo-Tech Party offers the one law of freedom that serves only to protect the individual and not to build political power. The Neo-Tech Constitution and the Neo-Tech Party's sworn agenda to slash regulation and legislation will prevent any elected businessmen from straying and introducing more `good intentions'.
"By the way, market businessmen and women by nature have integrity unlike the political businessman and career politician. That integrity comes from good-old honest hard work. Entrepreneurs, for example, are not lazy people; they are not looking for shortcuts. Those are the people who will surprise America with such competence that taxes will fall in half as standards of living soar. Those are the Florence Nightingales of society -- the in-the-trenches givers of values and life."
"Yes, I agree with that," the young man's brother said. "Now, I have a concern: You said that the legitimate leaders will push society into self-leadership. I get a little nervous, though, when you say that the Neo-Tech leaders of the Great Replacement Program will push us into becoming self-leaders."
"Your nervousness is the same as the fear I saw on the gentleman's face at the infomercial seminar," the young man said. "Realize, we would have never left home to go to school if our parents did not push us. Subsequently, we discovered everything good in life by acquiring independence. But, if not pushed along and into going to school, we would have sunk into stagnation for the rest of our lives, and we would have eventually hated our parents...not unlike Americans are now beginning to hate politicians.
"Legitimate leaders will create the non-suppressive free environment that will inherently push our citizens into a world that delivers everything good that life offers -- the Golden Neo-Tech World that frees aggressive self-leaders to make everyone else wealthy like in the computer world. But for now, our deep-rooted resistance is nurtured by the Establishment's path of least resistance: that is, given the laws, litigations, and regulations, it is not worth striving for more than a routine-rut job in our society!
"Just think, Mike, of all the new American businesses today, few manufacture creative new values. Most of the new American businesses service what already exists. The sheer absence of creativity and innovation cannot last for long. Society and its parasitical leaders can ride on already existing values a while longer. But, by cutting off the creativity of our youth, long-term economic decline in America is imminent. After brief upswings, other recessions will return as the long-term standard of living continues its slide. By contrast, a nation of free and creative self-leaders would generate geniuses who would drive up our buying power to make us all rich like in the computer world."
The young man's brother thought for a few moments, then said, "If the career politicians are on top anyway, why do they suppress us?"
"Why?" the young man repeated. "To stay on top, to keep their easy-come lifestyles for life. The reason you and all ordinary people have a hard time seeing that is because you yourself do not have such malice in your own character. So, you cannot relate to such dishonest agendas. But political leaders stay on top through creating illusions that we need them while really just burdening society. Again, consider that lawmakers convince the public we need thousands of new laws every year. That illusion created by career politicians is ridiculous. Those laws fill the pockets of their controllable cliques, all while making American businesses less competitive in the global economy causing some businesses to shut down, many businesses to never form, hard-working people to lose jobs, and many new jobs to never form. But far worse, the litigation frenzy from those laws prevents tender youth from ever having a chance to rise as self-leaders. Today, for example, to put your name as owner of a business, no matter how small, is downright dangerous.
"We really only need one supreme law of individual rights that protects all citizens equally from all harm. Beyond that, with no external `authorities' suppressing society's development, with no new lawmaking, more and more citizens and tender youth could rise as self-leaders. Those geniuses of society would make us all rich, just like the geniuses in the computer world made all computer consumers computer rich. Without legislation and regulation to hold the geniuses down, more and more geniuses among the tender youth would rise to great prosperity and pull up everyone around them into the Golden Neo-Tech World.
"People now are beginning to see that something has gone terribly wrong with the system. Our trusted politicians have sold out our future for selfish near-term, look-good, vote-gathering gimmicks. Our leaders betrayed our trust. What's worse, they must keep us as their followers -- sort of as if parents kept their children from going to school. The children do not know of the better world. We do not know of the better world.
"We have been robbed of our self-leader spirit. Political businessmen and politicians are happy to be our leaders. So, we accept them. We work our entire lives for their plush lifestyles. Unknowingly, we are their slaves.
"At work we get stuck in boring routine ruts. And as our politicians pass laws -- more and more laws -- we get stuck in a stagnating economy with no opportunities to rise up and become dynamic self-leaders. Instead, we just pay more and more taxes to pay for their illusion of importance."
"If America's children all grew up to be self-leaders," the young man's brother said, "we would have a very different, a very lean and hard-working government -- not a high-paced show of ego maniacs. Most if not all politicians today would not last. You know, you're right. I'm ready...I am ready to be my own self-leader!"
"You've already learned how to overcome the external obstacles in your company to evolve into a self-leader," the young man said. "Now you must overcome the internal obstacle in yourself to complete your journey to becoming a self-leader. That obstacle is your deep-rooted urge for the automatic controls of external guidance. You must be aware of fighting this natural urge for the next thirty days. If you are not aware of fighting this every day initially, chances are you have succumbed. You must fight this resistance to overcome it. You may even feel `withdrawal' symptoms. But keep focused on your mini-day/power-thinking team. Keep mastering details and absorbing responsibilities to take over a living job. But you must force yourself to do these things -- you must fight your resistance to taking control of life. Fight hard, every day, for 30 days, and you will feel your psyche change. Taking control of life through integrated thinking will become more and more natural to you. Eventually, making money will become your way of life.
When his brother and family left that evening, the young man wrote the following in his diary: "Over the past several weeks, each breakthrough taught me how to acquire greater integrated knowledge. With each breakthrough came greater success. Each of those six breakthroughs can be used independently to boost success. But by using all six together as a powerful system -- the Self-Leader System -- I'm becoming an unstoppable winner! This system is amazing. I'm already teaching it to about a dozen co-workers. They love me for it! But most importantly, I feel like a self-leader; I've discovered myself. My whole outlook on life has changed. I'm my own person, on my own path, and I'm really happy."
Step Two: The Self-Investment Plan
After a few weeks of Project Curiosity -- learning and obtaining a firm
grasp of the business -- you will gain enough integrated knowledge to be able
to define the company's basic responsibilities. On paper, pull those basic
responsibilities into their money-making purposes. Select one of those
wealth-building jobs on paper as your target. Now you will begin to abandon
specialized thinking for integrated thinking. As you begin absorbing your
targeted responsibilities, your psyche will gain strength and confidence.
Step Three: Investing In Oneself
Now you can dig in to master the nitty-gritty details in order to
absorb the responsibilities of an entire wealth-building nugget. As you absorb
responsibilities and actively develop your integrated thinking or
self-thinking, your psyche will dump the following-leaders mode as it discovers
Step Four: The Fast-Track Method
After taking over an open-ended wealth-building nugget, you will rapidly
race ahead into building wealth with the Fast-Track Method: the
mini-day/power-thinking team. Integrated thinking and psyche will grow
supra-efficient and creative.
Step Five: The Window To Creativity
You must use the numbers-integrating mode to look through the window to
creativity in your mind. You will then discover the joy of bringing creative
advancements to your business. You will become a "visionary" headed toward the
highest position in the company. Integrated thinking will now jump to an
advanced level. Your psyche will release all need for external guidance.
Step Six: The Final Obstacle
The only thing to stop you now is yourself. You must work extra
hard every day to overcome your deep-rooted resistance to becoming the
self-leader. How? Simply by forcing yourself to execute the previous five
steps. Think hard about your progress every day. Do not slip out of that
think-hard mode. If you begin to feel the "buzz-out syndrome", then your
resistance is taking over. DO NOT LET IT. Fight it with "insta-act" (instant
action), hard thinking, and honest effort every day. At first, this
self-leader mode will seem hard and uncomfortable. But that will change with
time to excitement and exhilaration...and wealth. Your psyche will adjust to
being the complete self-leader and money maker.
After that, happiness seemed to fade, gradually replaced by stagnation, even estrangement. One day, the young man left his office and went to a mall. He sat in the rotunda and watched the older people. A sad realization came over him: by looking at their faces, most did not feel deeply happy. Dreams died, romance died, happiness died. Disappointment and emptiness now filled their faces. They just grew old and less and less enthused. Perhaps they now wondered: what happened? Suddenly, life has passed them by in a flash. Many of them certainly feel they missed their opportunity at living, the young man thought.
That evening, the young man reflected on what he saw at the mall. He knew he must never forget the importance of happiness right now for himself and for those he loved. For, if he were not aware of feeling happiness every day right now, then he knew as he grew older he would begin to ask, "Did I miss out? My only one time, my one chance...did I miss out?"
The young man started thinking about his dad. Later that evening he visited his father and told him about his feelings. He asked his dad if he was happy. His father nodded. After awhile, his father said, "At the beginning, our companies and our country relied on the hard efforts of the founders to survive. Now, they run on their own momentum. Many big-business executives and most big-government politicians today just ride that momentum. Someone has to pay for those leaders' deficits. The victims are you and me. And we not only pay from our wallets, but from our souls, too."
The young man stopped his father, "I see that we pay from our wallets. Tell me, though, how do we pay from our souls?"
His father continued, "First, you must understand where happiness comes from: You see, man is a social animal living together in a society. What brings man happiness is the pride and the knowledge that he is putting value into that society. The more value he puts into society, the more pride and the more happiness he feels inside. Putting value into society is the secret to a successful life, both emotionally and financially."
That thought kept running through the young man's head: How do we build our happiness? By putting more and more values into society. Now he began to put together the riddle of how our leaders were blocking us not only from success and wealth, but above all else, happiness. Most people whom he knew were caught in stagnation-traps and could not put any more values into society. Therefore, they could not advance financially or emotionally and instead sank into stagnation. The young man now realized that emotional stagnation, like financial stagnation, was caused by our leaders.
"Dad," the young man said sadly, "just think what these problems cost everyone. Yesterday I visited grandma; she gazed for several moments at her engagement picture from 60 years ago. She said, `It feels just like yesterday.' When we're her age and looking back, just how fast will life have gone by? Everything once seemed so promising when we were young. Suddenly, we are old, and life is all over. We missed out. Missed out on what? Happiness -- that is why we are alive. Missed out on super happiness, super happiness! In all the infinity of time before we were born and in all the infinity of time after we die, only this brief flicker of life that goes by in a flash...that is all the time we have to feel everything we are ever going to feel. So during this one special time, we should feel super happiness, not stagnation! This time now is everything for us -- this is our one and only time. For anyone to suppress us during our one and only time in all eternity...for anyone to take happiness away from us is unacceptable. Yet, that tragedy is happening to every one of us."
"Along with our happiness and wealth, we also lose our love and romance," the young man's father added. "Remember back to that special feeling when you first fell in love: Remember when your new-found love would walk into the room, how your life would light up? Remember the sensation that would bring you? You felt proud, like the most important person in the world. You were in love! You did not have to work for that special feeling; it was just always there. But over time, it fades. That special feeling along with our happiness and wealth have been taken away from our leaders, through their stagnation-traps. You see, if your happiness is suppressed, so is your romantic self. If you are stagnated and unhappy, you cannot be romantic."
"Yes, I see that," the young man said. "For the ordinary person caught in a stagnation-trap, boredom forms, and he cannot carry on a lasting romantic relationship. His stagnation-trap, created by our leaders, kills his most beautiful feeling in life -- romantic love. Our happiness has been cut off through our specialized education, specialized jobs, and specialized society. Therefore, our capacity for lasting love has been cut off, too. Yes, we must be able to replenish our love and the sweet romance -- felt right at the beginning -- with growing happiness. Otherwise, growing stagnation and loss of excitement for life will kill the sweet celebrations of love and the special feeling felt right at the beginning. ...Wow, I can relate to that."
The young man drifted into thoughts about his failed first marriage and divorce. His father, seeing a look of sadness come over his son's face, gently added, "When you see through the deceptions, our leaders -- not us -- actually kill our romance."
"Our leaders actually kill our romance!" his son repeated in a state of shock. "We feel the special feeling and enjoy its sweet celebrations for only a few months. You know, we are here for such a short time; you would think that during that short time we would feel the sweet celebrations for the entire little bit of time that we have. But we feel the sweet sensation of love for only a fraction of our time: just for a few months, then the sweet celebration of love begins to fade away, forever."
"That loss is profoundly sad and tragic," his father added. "But that loss is not our fault; the special feeling should not go away."
"Our leaders are robbing us of everything we have!" the young man cried out.
"Including your life itself," his father added. "In fact, we die younger than is natural."
"Younger?" interrupted the young man.
"That's right," his father said. "They regulate and suppress medicine and science, too. Consider how certain people in the FDA and other bureaucracies make major medical, scientific, and business breakthroughs nearly impossible. They block potential cures for AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and the newly resurging diseases. Those cures are blocked by `achievement files'.
"You see, throughout the FDA and other government bureaucracies, more and more bureaucrats build `achievement files' through putting tough regulations on business, technology, progress. Enforcing tough regulations indeed builds a name for those ambitious bureaucrats. But those regulations cripple business and science and block medical and technological progress.
"Those politically ambitious bureaucrats do not care about the public good. They care only about making a name for themselves for their own promotions and political futures. Yet, they maintain the illusion of serving the public good, while really just propagating their own power and promotions.
"Can you give me one example?" the young man asked.
"Do you remember what happened during my years at Du Pont?" the father asked.
"Yes, I do remember," the young man said. "You were developing a cure for cancer."
"We were involved in several disease cures at Du Pont," his father explained, "including a unique approach to curing cancer with tremendous promise. But FDA `scientists' and other destructive bureaucrats trying to enhance their jobs and glean prestige killed that and many other promising research projects with prohibitively expensive, power-usurping regulations."
"Why in the world? I mean, we're talking about a cure for cancer here!" the young man exclaimed.
"You see," his father said, "those self-serving bureaucrats get promotions through the size of their `achievement files' -- their `accomplishments' like shutting down Du Pont's progress on curing cancer. Those portfolio-building, destructive bureaucrats are interested only in their own promotions and not in what is honestly best for the people. Without that small clique of destructive people, businesses like Du Pont would race toward curing mankind's most deadly diseases.
"When we see through their illusions of `protecting the public' and understand the horror of building `achievement files', we realize the FDA robs us of life -- robs us of cures to fatal diseases. Without those bureaucrats with self-serving agendas, then business, science, and medicine would join together to race toward definitive cures for heart disease, cancer, for all diseases big and small from cancer to the common cold.
"Millions of lives are lost every year so that a small clique of file-building, promotion-seeking bureaucrats in the FDA can keep their illusion of looking important and needed!" the young man said while shaking his head.
"Without such regulation," his father continued, "medicine would combine with science and business to race forward like the unregulated computer industry...race toward definitive cures for fatal diseases, including slowing the cellular-degeneration process called aging. Yes, we would soon live longer, happier lives."
"The abusive self-serving power of the FDA must be scorned out of existence," the young man said. "They commit the worst crime on society: They cause death by the millions...all to create a `need' and stimulate promotions for a few greedy bureaucrats. We must free science, business, and medicine in the name of life!"
"That's right," his father replied. "We can have regulators, but private market businessmen and women who truly must be serving the people's best interest to stay in business."
"Yes, regulators competing for our business, serving us, not themselves," the young man added.
"The major problems in America today," continued his father, "exist because of the self-serving agendas throughout our entire government. Ambitious bureaucrats, especially those who want to become politicians, steal big-shot prestige and a name for themselves through value destruction; they steal prestige by harming its rightful owners who earned it. The prestige of our parasitical-elite leaders comes not through building values for society. So they must steal prestige. They steal headlines in the media by harming legitimate businesses. Of course, they create the illusion that their actions are for the public good. That's their secret shortcut to publicity and prestige. They go up by stealing prestige and pushing our legitimate working-class leaders and scientists and doctors down.
"Growing businesses and promising research programs built over years of effort get harmed too often by just a handful of destructive bureaucrats stealing prestige in order to rise to political prominence. For example, during our so-called decade of greed one man -- Ruldoph Giuliani -- destroyed a large, established Wall Street company directly responsible for tens of thousands of jobs. One man. Politically ambitious Giuliani used immoral RICO threats to pressure businesses into confessing to some trumped-up white-collar `crime' charges. He abused his power to destroy those businesses yet build his `achievement file'. He got his name in all the papers and network news as `the man who cleaned up Wall Street', which sounded good to the specialized, gullible public. Giuliani came across as a hero when indeed that one man wiped out tens of thousands of immediate jobs and hundreds of thousands of future jobs, and that one man was a big reason for the politically created recessionary times of the early '90s.
"Only the rare integrated thinkers, however, understand how business and the economy work in order to understand Giuliani's destructive route to power. Therefore, with the masses specialized and gullible, he just kept on stealing prestige by hurting the working-class leaders, which hurt our economy and the wealth of all the people. He built his prestige, activity, `importance' by destroying values.
"Giuliani stole prestige -- a lot of prestige -- through causing enormous harm to our economy," the young man said with disgust. "A politically ambitious bureaucrat got his name in all the papers, on CNN, on all the network news. He stole prestige to make a name for himself..."
"Just before his race for mayor of New York," his father added. "He hurt society and our economy for his own selfish political gain. Most of our political leaders do the same thing: they steal prestige at our expense. They steal from our lives, from our economy, from our children's futures. Political leaders certainly do not earn their prestige and power. They do not put values into society."
"But once we throw the parasitical class off our backs," the young man said, "and break free of our stagnation-traps, then like a child, we will rediscover our dreams and enthusiastically want to live longer!"
"I can attest to that," said a familiar voice. The young man and his father turned around to find Mike, who had just arrived, standing in the yard behind them. "I used to go to work, do my set routine, the same thing day after day after day. You were so right -- the lid over me was specialization, nothing more. Now I've built upward momentum that can't be stopped. I'm making a lot more money; I have a lot of new things going on; I love my life and would love to live a lot, lot longer!"
"You no longer are caught in a specialized routine with blinders," his father added. "No, you're beginning to put together and see things that the masses never see. Also, start investigating the Internet through your computer. I've just begun to realize the possibilities, including unbreakable protection for entrepreneurs."
"With the breakdown of specialization and its lid over society, I see riches and luxury becoming available to everyone," Mike added, "especially now with the information revolution upon us."
The three men continued talking late into the night. As the young man and his brother were leaving, their father walked them to their cars. Under the postcard-perfect starry night sky, he said, "Boys, watching you two these past few months has been a beautiful dream come true for me. Watching my sons become powerful integrated thinkers is an experience I'll cherish for a lifetime. I'm proud of you." The brothers gave their father a thankful hug, knowing it was their father's influence and efforts that made it all possible, then drove home lost in their thoughts.
The young man arrived home very late. He walked quietly to the kitchen, careful not to wake his wife and daughter. The clock read 2:17 a.m. He sat at the kitchen table, opened his diary, and wrote his final page about the Self-Leader System:
"In the Golden Neo-Tech World, happiness constantly fills you. You have got to let that happiness and excitement out somewhere, and you do so with your spouse and family. When you go up into the Golden Neo-Tech World, romantic love and family love go to new realms.
"I am now telling about a dozen co-workers about the Self-Leader System. It works, and it gets ordinary people like my brother and myself into that Golden World before the turn of the century when the whole country may become so lucky. Starting tomorrow, I will tell all my friends."
He closed his diary, walked upstairs and kissed his sleeping daughter and wife. Then he smiled, closed his eyes, and enjoyed his own happiness.
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