Soon everyone will win, metaphorically speaking, a ten-million-dollar lotto. You, your parents, your children, your friends and co-workers will all suddenly live like millionaires. You see, an electrifying, brand-new political platform is perhaps unbeatable, summed up in three words: get millionaire rich.
You will become a millionaire without lifting a finger. You will sit back and let the geniuses of society make you rich, exactly as you have done for the computers. Indeed, the geniuses of the computer world bring us computing power today for nearly nothing that cost millions just a few years ago. That exact same millionaire phenomenon can happen to all industries by 2001, making us millionaires without lifting a finger. Of course, a regression of events must occur to make you millionaire rich. In the end, we must remove big government.
The millionaire phenomenon happened in the computer industry because it is rugged and free of big government. Like the big-government-free computer industry, the millionaire phenomenon can come to all industries by universally removing big-government regulations. Removing big-government regulations would set free all new technologies to race ahead as in the computer revolution, causing a great industry-wide Technological Revolution. As in the computer industry where buying power multiplied thousands of times, your buying power over everything would multiply thousands of times and make you millionaire rich, especially as we enter a new era of cyberspace communication. In order to universally remove big-government regulations and clear the way for the complete industry-wide millionaire phenomenon, we must pass a half-trillion-dollar budget.
All the big-government regulations throughout the regulatory and social programs cost one trillion dollars. By passing a half-trillion-dollar budget instead of today's one-and-a-half- trillion-dollar budget, the other trillion dollars no longer is available and the big-government regulations must go, setting off the great Technological Revolution that will, like the computer revolution, make us all rich. To pass a half-trillion-dollar budget, we must begin the Great Replacement Program.
Indeed, career politicians would never vote down their political power -- that is, their budget, their livelihoods and self-esteem. Only entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders will shoot down the political monster and the humongous budget that feeds it. To pass a half-trillion-dollar budget requires a White House and a Congress of entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders. (Note: market-driven business leaders as opposed to politically driven big-business leaders.) Thus, we must replace the career politicians now in office with entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders. The movement to organize those entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders is the brand-new Neo-Tech Party.
The Neo-Tech Party is the first and only political party that accepts no politicians. It is the first and only political party made specifically of entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders. The sole agenda is to make all ordinary people live like millionaires. Thus, the Neo-Tech Party's sole action is to depoliticize America so all industries can race ahead like the nonpoliticized computer industry and make everyone rich. The Neo-Tech Party is the first and only political party driven to depoliticize America. The two major parties are driven to politicize, from the left or the right.
Neo-Tech is short for super rapidly advancing new (Neo) technology (Tech), which can only happen by depoliticizing industries. Indeed, nonpoliticized computer technology raced ahead and multiplied buying power thousands of times. With Neo-Tech driving all industries, your couple hundred dollars today could be worth millions in a few years. The computer revolution was the forerunner to a great Technological Revolution. The Neo-Tech Party can launch America into that great Technological Revolution. Cyberspace communication, digitized information, fiber optics, super telecommunications...these are forerunners to a new era. The Neo-Tech Party can free the dynamics to make the magic happen just as it happened to the computer world. The millionaire phenomenon could never happen with the one-and-a-half-trillion-dollar budget because it carries all the big-government regulations -- a trillion dollars worth. Sure, people would continue to get their entitlements -- but they would never get their millionaire riches. Instead, in some ways the country would still progress. In other ways, we would steadily sink. But we would never get millionaire rich.
The credible make-the-people-millionaires program can happen quickly. When the people get a whiff of the wealth and luxury that will belong to them, the Neo-Tech Party can become unbeatable quickly.
Not only will ordinary people live like millionaires by 2001, but along with that wealth, you will live with near-perfect health as super rapidly advancing new medical technologies eradicate most diseases.
In that rapidly advancing Neo-Tech Era, businesses will go into a job revolution that will bring exciting opportunistic jobs to ordinary people. In short order, you will enjoy big-shot success as the place you work for discovers the value of bringing out your creative abilities. Also, you will become young again with more energy and romance, a slimmer, sexier body and more creative mind than you ever had -- even in your prime.
Indeed, you will automatically become a rich millionaire in tomorrow's Neo-Tech Era, without lifting a finger. Of course, when that happens, your love-life will become spectacular too. For, rich and successful, you will no longer be bored and stagnated. Happy and vibrant, you will have a lot more to give of yourself and will become a powerful lover. Your action-mode body will slim down to its best look. Moreover, your mind will discover its awesome power. Information will be so prolific in that Neo-Tech Era racing ahead via the information highway that your mind will begin snapping all that interesting information into organized little units or puzzles. Those puzzles will grow and reveal puzzle pictures, some never seen before. Creating such new knowledge will become natural to our minds, which will build big money in our new jobs. You see, in that rapidly advancing Neo-Tech Era, businesses will nurture your newly creative minds -- the greatest asset to any business. Our boring routine-rut jobs will evolve into exciting money-making jobs.
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