* Call Stuart * Call La Opinion * Call KCI * Call Blue Cross/Blue Shield * Call Jim T. * Call Newsletter Management * Call InterMarket * Call Lori D. * Call Video Shops * Call LA Times * Call Data-For-Graphics * Call Metro Mail * Call Better Investing * Call PSA * Call Don P. * Call National Enquirer * Call Bill L. * Call Stuart, Mega Media * Call Maclean Hunter * Call West Coast Video
* Write Nightingale-Conant * Write Bernard M. * Write Stuart * Write letter for authorities * Write e-mail to British authorities * Write HUME * Write e-mail to Peter R. * Write exploding-envelope letter * Write e-mail to Francis, Ireland * Write Canadian DMA * Write Newsletter Management * Write e-mail to Peter R. * Write Brian K.
* Script for Video Production * Write outline, start writing * Edit Helen W.'s new product joint book with FW
* Study costs * Understand HW's procedures * Review invoices * Correct Andrews invoice * Review records * Data review
* Meet with Keri * Meet with Kay * Meet with Helen * Meet with Shelly * Meet with WW * Meet with Keri * Meet with Melinda * Meet with WW * Meet with Vicki
* Corrections expl. envelope * In-basket each day * 2nd-class application * Sections for inspection * Interviews and training * Study job file * Strategic Investing insertion * PO to Linden * Prepare for European trip * Layout for newsletter * Train new employee * Mock exploding envelope to Don
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