Business is the integrated circuit of consciousness designed to produce values. Value is the actualized knowledge that protects, nurtures, supports, or accommodates all growing needs of life. The process of value production consists of four stages: (1) metaphysically conceiving potential values -- the conception stage; (2) metaphysically/physically developing working models of previously conceived potential values -- the development stage; (3) physically mass producing previously developed product-models -- the production stage; (4) physically mass marketing product-values for consumption -- the marketing stage.
The process of value production is a tetrahedral system (time-tetrahedron) that divides the universe into that which is relevant and that which is nonrelevant to the production of particular values. That which is relevant to the production of particular values includes: all the information and knowledge that is required; all the individuals who possess the information, knowledge, or skills that are required; and all the physical materials, equipment, space, and time that are needed to produce particular values.
Each stage of value production -- each vertex of the time-tetrahedron -- has a unique value-index which increases geometrically as the process of value production evolves from one stage to the next. (The Value-Scale was first identified by Frank R. Wallace -- the following is a version devised by the author of this treatise):
Stage/Vertex | Value-Index | Value |
The conception stage/Vertex 1 | 10 0 | 10 0 X |
The development stage/Vertex 2 | 10 1 | 10 1 X |
The production stage/Vertex 3 | 10 2 | 10 2 X |
The marketing stage/Vertex 4 | 10 3 | 10 3 X |
Business is the integrated circuit of consciousness in which these four stages of value production take place. The integrated circuitry of business is a system (space-tetrahedron, which consists of four vertices -- the individual, the corporate, the world, and the universe vertices) that integrates the energy configurations of the universe into a value-producing machine. Production of value is the process of transforming physical/mental energy into a physical product of physical/metaphysical value, wherefore, productivity is the function of efficacy in transforming energy into product. Productivity means the efficient use of energy or the economics of energy. Productivity is in inverse proportion to the amount of energy unconverted into a product of value. The maximization of productivity, therefore, ultimately means to bring energy-waste to zero.
Energy has patterns, and different tasks consist of different energy-patterns. For instance, writing an article or a book requires a unique integration of energy-patterns that is distinctly different from that of accounting, participating in meetings, or making phone calls. When one mixes two or more different integrations of energy-patterns together by shifting from one task to another or from one responsibility to another without any control structure, interferences of energy occur, and energy becomes wasted without ever being converted into a product of value. This happens at all four vertices of the space-tetrahedron -- in the individual vertex, the corporate vertex, the world vertex, and the universe vertex.
Numerous attempts have been made to discover the Neo-Tech law of productivity operating at every vertex of business or the space-tetrahedron -- the law of minimizing the interferences of energy in the organization of business. Productive individuals from time to time get a glimpse of the law at a personal level -- at their individual vertices. Productive CEOs from time to time come to realize the law at their personal and corporate levels -- at their individual and corporate vertices. Super productive industrial giants, such as Jay Gould and Henry Ford, from time to time discover the law at a personal, corporate, and world level -- at individual, corporate, and world vertices. Creative scientists, such as Newton and Einstein, from time to time identify the law at a universe level -- at their universe vertices (in the form of the laws of physics or the natural economics of the universe).
However, no system of knowledge or field of science has ever fathomed and comprehensively identified the law of productivity at all four vertices of business space-tetrahedron. Business is the highest expression of consciousness and the most integrated form of technology through which the integrity of the universe is forever maintained -- through which conscious beings transform nature into values and control the eternal destiny of the cosmos. Before Neo-Tech and Neothink, no one understood the cosmic significance of business and, consequently, no one was able to unleash the power of business to its fullest, for no one knew what consciousness is and what relationship it has to/with the rest of the universe. And now, the Neo-Tech knowledge takes every man and woman to the summit of consciousness -- business integration; and Neothink lets every business unleash its immense power to the fullest and transforms the entire universe into THE UNIVERSE, INC.
Business is the integrated circuit of consciousness designed to produce values -- to transform nature's technology (the physical universe) into values. The physical universe is the aggregate of energy configurations in existence. Every configuration of energy is a unique energy-pattern with its own set of separately unique frequencies. For instance, each chemical element is uniquely identifiable in the electromagnetic spectrum by its own set of unique frequencies. None of the 92 chemical elements thus far discovered in nature is the same as any of the others in its individual set of frequencies. Now, as the physical universe consists of 92 indivisible chemical elements, the whole mechanics of business can be seen as an interactive combination of unique sets of indivisible physical movements. That is, the entire process of business can be divided into unique sets of indivisible physical movements. (Physical movements of business were first identified by Mark Hamilton in his "Neo-Tech Control.")
A phone call as a physical movement is a unique and indivisible physical movement regardless of for whom it is intended and to what project it belongs. Similarly, letter writing, copy writing, accounting, and meeting participation can all be seen as unique, indivisible physical movements. By dividing the process of business into its fundamental physical units -- sets of indivisible physical movements -- the interferences of energy in business can be greatly reduced and, as a result, the availability and the concentration of energy can be immensely increased. This is the first principle of the Neo-Tech law of productivity: Divide the process of business into its fundamental units or sets of indivisible physical movements -- The Principle of Division. ...This principle applies to all four vertices of the business space-tetrahedron (see "Neo-Tech Control" by Mark Hamilton, I & O Publishing).
Having divided the process of business into its fundamental units of physical movements, in order to produce a maximum effect, these units must be combined, within the flow of time, into an integrated whole. In nature, two hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen atom produce one water molecule (2H + O = H2O). The nature or behavior of the final product (a water molecule) is totally unpredictable from the natures or behaviors of its components (hydrogen and oxygen atoms) taken separately (the principle of synergy). In metallurgy, a combination of iron, chromium, nickel, and other minor elements (carbon, manganese, and others) produces an alloy -- chrome-nickel-steel. The tensile strength of iron is about 60,000 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.), of chromium about 70,000 p.s.i., of nickel about 80,000 p.s.i., and of other minor constituents put together about 50,000 p.s.i. However, the tensile strength of chrome-nickel-steel, which is about 350,000 p.s.i., far exceeds the average tensile strength of all the constituents combined (about 65,000 p.s.i.). This is another example of the synergetic phenomenon.
Similarly, in combining all the sets of unique physical movements, the effect or the outcome of integrating the fundamental units is synergetic and totally unpredictable from the separate effect of each set of physical movements. However, through experience, one can find the most effective or powerful combination/integration that produces the greatest result in his/her work or business. The designed structure of the most effective combination is termed the control structure of business. Furthermore, each day of one's work or each division/function of a company is a uniquely indivisible unit of physical movements, and the control structure should be applied to one's long-range career or a company's wide-range business integration. This is the second principle of the Neo-Tech law of productivity: Integrate the units of physical movements to produce maximum synergetic effects or results through a control structure -- The Principle of Synergetic Integration. ...This principle applies to all four vertices of the business space-tetrahedron .
The third principle of the Neo-Tech law of productivity is concerned with the integration of the future with the totality of the present and the past, and requires Neothink. The success of a business is always dependent upon the creation of new values, and the creation of new values is dependent upon one's ability to see what is not. For example, Henry Ford saw early in his life that automobiles were not in use as a means of transportation in the world. The means of transportation was the horse. What was not was an affordable automobile that would replace a horse forever. Henry Ford, through his Neothink ingenuity, converted what was not into what was. His division of labor/assembly line concept was another example of his Neothink ingenuity. Frank R. Wallace realized that there was no science or technology for identifying neocheaters and their secret weapons. The product of his Neothink applications was Neo-Tech.
The future of every business depends upon one's ability to create the future -- the ability to see what is not. And that ability is Neothink. After integrating the entire physical process of business through the control structure, one must look into the future and integrate it with the present business-movement to create new values by converting what is not into what is. The conversion of what is not into what is requires an enormously vast integration of knowledge and an effective application of Neothink. The presence of mysticism within a business severely limits its ability to create and integrate the future. Where there is mysticism, there is no integrated business, no effective value production, and no Neothink. The third principle of the Neo-Tech law of productivity, therefore, is: The Principle of Future-Integration. This principle applies to all four vertices of the business space-tetrahedron.
The fourth principle of the Neo-Tech law of productivity is: The Principle of Contextual Integration. As mentioned in previous chapters, Neothink integrates not only the future with the present and the past but also the unknown with all the known. Neothink is the contextuality-centered modality of consciousness in which the considerations of the whole system/context precede the considerations of its subsystems/subcontexts. The fourth principle of the Neo-Tech law of productivity -- the Principle of Contextual Integration -- means that business, in order to maximize the quality and quantity of value production, must begin with a consideration of the whole business context before considering its component-parts. The largest whole context in existence is the universe physically, and consciousness metaphysically. That is why it is imperative to capture the universe conceptually and comprehend the inner mechanics of consciousness. Before Neo-Tech/Neothink, no one was ever able to fully grasp the nature of the universe and understand consciousness. And that is the very reason why no business could ever achieve the ultimate in business integration and productivity. With Neo-Tech/Neothink, business will soar to new heights of integration and productivity.
In a business context, all four vertices of the space-tetrahedron are integrated with the law of productivity and the energy-interference in business is brought, in essence, to zero; the time-tetrahedron becomes interlocked with the space-tetrahedron; and the universe emerges as THE UNIVERSE, INC. ...Business becomes the whole energy-configurations of the entire universe, and consciousness begins to control the eternal destiny of the cosmos. Neo-Tech/Neothink integration of consciousness will then dominate the course of the cosmos, and nature's technology -- the physical universe -- will be transformed into the technology of conscious beings.
The Neo-Tech Revolution in essence is the emergence of THE UNIVERSE, INC. with Neothink as the highest integration of the business mind. With the rise of Neo-Tech in the world, business will flourish in its full glory. The center of scientific/technological research/development/revolution will shift from the academe into the business community. In fact, the academe will be absorbed into the business community, becoming a part of the Neo-Tech/Neothink integration of business. In the future Neo-Tech/Neothink universe, no one will be able to survive successfully without the business integration of Neo-Tech and the business application of Neothink, and without being a fully integrated producer of increasingly higher values.
Great days are coming, and a great eternity is commencing for those who choose life over death, honesty over dishonesty, effort over laziness -- Neo-Tech over mysticism and neocheating. But for those who choose death over life, dishonesty over honesty, laziness over effort -- mysticism and neocheating over Neo-Tech, their days are numbered. For those who strive for honesty, knowledge, prosperity, and happiness while producing ever higher values for others, the possibilities are infinite. The whole universe awaits the transformation into values. For those who strive for nothing while usurping and extracting ever more values from others, no possibility is left but death and the universe turns into emptiness, void -- the barren nothingness of the existentialist. No one can escape the powerful wave of the Neo-Tech Revolution/Evolution unchanged. One will either perish into darkness by choosing to remain a mystic or neocheater, or by choosing Neo-Tech/Neothink to become a true producer of values, evolve into a shining sun of consciousness around which the whole universe revolves. There is a choice -- a choice between life and death, between Neo-Tech/Neothink and mysticism/neocheating -- between the ultimate value and the ultimate disvalue...the choice that every conscious being must now make.
Three and a half million years have passed since humanity first appeared on this planet, and 3000 years since the dawn of conscious life. Over the millennia, humanity has acquired an enormous amount of knowledge and produced a universe of values. It is totally beyond our imagination how much advancement in knowledge we may make and how much more value we may produce in 3000 years or three and a half million years from today. It is utterly awe-inspiring to think about what knowledge, what technology, what power we will have to control the destiny of our universe in 3000 or three and a half million years. As the geocentric concept or even the heliocentric system now appears to us as primitive and moribund, our present knowledge and technology will appear totally primitive and obsolete to the humanity of those distant futures. However, that future humanity could be us -- Neo-Tech men and women -- today living on the beautiful planet we call the Earth.
Three and a half million years from now, we will still remember the time when the Neo-Tech Revolution began. We will recall the time before the Revolution when people still had to submit to neocheaters and die. We will then remember the time when the mystics and neocheaters around the world finally surrendered to the power of the Neo-Tech wave, and the time when humanity achieved its first commercial biological immortality. We will know then that the source which made the Revolution possible still remains the source, the entire source, of our knowledge and journey into the unknown, forevermore. We will say to ourselves...
"Still in our hands are the copies of a manuscript that made it all possible. It still stands at the pinnacle of our knowledge. After these three and a half million years, after we have long achieved the speed-of-light acceleration of human knowledge, it still remains the primordial essence of our knowledge. Therefore, we keep this manuscript in token of what we have accomplished ever since and what we can achieve henceforth. We keep this manuscript in celebration of our forever-growing happiness and prosperity, and of our eternal life at the center of the universe -- in the office of THE UNIVERSE, INC. The name of this manuscript is NEO-TECH -- THE PRIMORDIAL ESSENCE OF ALL KNOWLEDGE AND POWER."
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