Every time knowledge reaches a new height, a whole new dimension of the unknown unfolds right in front of our eyes. We become aware of a dimension of the unknown which we previously did not know that we did not know. Since all of human knowledge is based on finite experience, there is always a sphere of existence or a dimension of reality that is as yet unknown. Knowledge perennially begets new dimensions of the unknown, which in turn begets new realms of knowledge and expands forever into infinity.
The Copernican Revolution revealed to humanity the fact that there is absolutely no "up" or "down", "above" or "below" in the universe, nor does the Sun "rise" or "set" on the Earth. An apple does not fall "down" to the ground; it simply collides with the surface of the Earth. What then is gravity? The Copernican Revolution not only totally transformed humanity's philosophical conception of the universe but also brought to light a whole new dimension of the unknown and a whole new set of questions. And the history of science since Copernicus has been that of a continual unfolding of new discoveries, new unknowns, new questions, and new realms of knowledge.
The Copernican Revolution laid ground for Newton's discovery of universal gravitation, which in turn, with other brilliant discoveries, made possible Einstein's Theory of Relativity and quantum physics of the 20th century. Beginning with Einstein, physicists around the world began a new search, an extraordinary intellectual enterprise, to give a complete description of the foundation of matter, space, and time with a single set of linked equations that contains the elements of the entire universe -- a theory formally known as the unification theory or the unified field theory and referred to, half-humorously, as the Theory of Everything (TOE). Einstein spent his later life searching for a unification theory -- in vain. Others in the late 20th century are coming increasingly closer to a TOE in a strictly physical sense through highly complex manipulations of mathematical/geometrical formulations such as in the superstring theory.
Within this historical context, Neo-Tech reveals an in toto different, new unification theory that will mark a new Copernican Revolution of scientific knowledge: the Neo-Tech Revolution. Throughout the history of science, consciousness has been seen only as a passive observer and conceptual integrator of cosmic phenomena, having nothing whatsoever to do with the destiny of the universe. Some in the field of quantum physics challenge that notion, and assert that the observer and the observed are inextricably linked and constitute one unified field or context of reality, and therefore consciousness could be a participating/contributing element in the destiny of the universe.
However, quantum physics, and science in general, lack the crucial knowledge and system of identification regarding the nature of consciousness. Thus, while quantum physics is an extremely efficient mathematical tool in predicting the subatomic phenomena, it fails to provide a unified theory concerning the nature of reality and the destiny of the universe. Moreover, some physicists indulge themselves in the mystical notion of "cosmic consciousness" due, partly, to the lack of knowledge with respect to consciousness and, mainly, to the philosophical poverty within the scientific community.
On the basis of Julian Jaynes' discovery and Aristotelian principles, the Neo-Tech unification theory states that consciousness -- not some "cosmic" consciousness, which does not and cannot exist in reality, but "earthly" consciousness, which human beings and other conscious beings throughout the universe possess -- is not only an essential component of reality but also the dominating force of the universe. The Neo-Tech unification theory demonstrates, on the basis of Einstein's model of the physical universe, that only through conscious beings' accumulation, integration and harnessing of knowledge, and utilization of technology therefrom, can the universe sustain its cosmic order eternally. And conscious beings sustain the cosmic order of the universe not just to maintain the universe per se but to sustain their own existence in the universe. For conscious beings always recognize the supreme value of individual consciousness within a universe, and therefore realize that conscious life must be sustained forever.
The Neo-Tech unification theory proves that consciousness is the mightiest controlling power in the universe and that each conscious being possesses that mightiest power equally in abundance, regardless of his or her native intelligence. The pre-eminent feature of this theory is that, even if the model of the physical universe employed in its exploration -- the long-wave/short-wave model -- is proved wrong or incorporated into a larger model, its fundamental thesis will remain eternally true -- for no matter what the physical or mathematical laws of the universe are, conscious beings will always discover and harness them to their greatest advantages. If an imminent annihilation of the physical universe approaches (as the long wave/short wave model suggests), a conscious being will literally create a new galaxy to sustain its life and maintain the cosmic order of the universe (see "We The Creators of Heavens and Earths" by Frank R. Wallace, 1986, I & O Publishing).
The first step toward that mightiest power on Earth is the complete elimination of mystics and their symbiotic neocheaters. The entire Neo-Tech literature including this treatise is dedicated to that purpose. The second step toward that mightiest power on Earth is to achieve commercial biological immortality. Life, as explored in the fourth chapter, is an autopoietic-cognitive process, and there is nothing in the nature of life that dictates that a living system has to perish and die, particularly a conscious living system such as a human being, for life as such is innately self-regenerative. Then, why is there the process of aging and the phenomenon of dying? The process of aging is the result of life's mathematically inevitable aberration probability of regenerative process. Each cell in the body continuously copies and recopies (self-regenerates) itself with some (mathematically inevitable) slight aberrations along the way, and the accumulation of those aberrations over the years is what is called aging. When the body is well cared for in a proper environment with proper nutrition, the aberration probability will be greatly reduced.
When the degree of accumulated aberrations exceeds the degree of accuracy in regenerative copying, the body ceases to regenerate itself and eventually dies (death is the cessation of autopoiesis -- self-generation, and therefore of cognition/consciousness). The aberration probability, generally speaking, increases gradually as time passes (because the regenerative mechanism itself is subject to the aberration probability), and the body ages steadily. However, the aging process can be greatly prolonged and humanity of the future will be able to live an extremely long life -- probably three to four hundred years very easily -- as the technology to measure and control the aberration probability is developed; and when the probability is controlled to zero, an individual can literally live forever.
There are several different ways to achieve biological immortality. Human cloning is one. One is to recreate electrochemically an individual's entire body, which includes his brain and total information stored therein, by reducing his integrated physical pattern into a set of mathematical equations and measuring the balance and quantity of the 92 chemical components in his body. And then those 92 measured chemical substances would be electrically reconstructed into an exact replica of his body through such technologies as advanced nanotechnology. Finally, his integrated mental pattern would be transferred into his new body electroholographically. The basic method of electrical reconstruction/transference can be applied to such purposes as transporting people to far corners of the universe electrically, or electrotransmitting mathematically equated integrated patterns of living organisms to an earth-like planet somewhere in the universe -- to construct a life-environment on that planet, with the chemical elements available, in order to assure that conscious beings will eventually be present in a crucial location in the universe in keeping the cosmic balance and order of the whole universe.
The purpose of biological immortality, however, is not merely to reconstruct one's body and the information stored therein but to preserve the self, the conscious core of one's being, what Frank R. Wallace calls the sense of I-ness. The self is the metaphysical/epistemological axis within the entire sphere of consciousness in relation to which all the information stored in the brain is structurally integrated. Through self-consciousness, the universe becomes divided into the self and the nonself, and experience begins. (Experience is the complex awareness of self coexisting with all the nonself.) The sense of I-ness sets consciousness in motion. It is the core of consciousness' autopoiesis; it is the autopoiesis. Therefore, the I-ness cannot be reconstructed by any means externally; it can only be transferred to trigger autopoiesis -- and here lies the greatest technological challenge of biological immortality.
Consciousness does not age, because it is not a physical living process that regenerates to exist but a metaphysical phenomenon that generates itself solely through metaphysical concepts and principles, albeit it requires a living conscious agent to sustain its existence. For the self-interest of a conscious being, his or her own conscious life of rational necessity becomes the highest value, the supreme cause, in the whole universe. Therefore, his or her conscious life must always be sustained. The sustenance of conscious existence with the sense of I-ness and all of one's character/personality traits, thus, becomes the highest and the ultimate moral purpose of every conscious being living anywhere in the universe. Therefore, the purpose of biological immortality is to preserve oneself for the sake of oneself to achieve ever higher prosperity and happiness for oneself forever (see "Three Steps To Achieving Commercial Biological Immortality In Our Lifetime" by Frank R. Wallace, I & O Publishing).
Moreover, once commercial biological immortality becomes a reality, each conscious being's knowledge will infinitely expand, first accelerating at a tremendous rate of geometrical progression, and then eventually at the speed of light. Thus, the realization of commercial biological immortality serves the destiny of the whole universe as well. The achievement of commercial biological immortality indeed is the utmost moral purpose of present humanity on Earth. And the complete eradication of mysticism, internal as well as external, and of neocheating around the world, is an extremely urgent issue facing every man and woman on this planet today. For mysticism and neocheating are the only obstacles to the achievement of commercial biological immortality and all other life-enhancing values that exist and will ever exist in the universe.
Through the eradication of mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters, and the subsequent achievement of commercial biological immortality, humanity will begin to fulfill its cosmic function as the local information gatherer, knowledge integrator, and problem solver of the universe. Thus, through the realization of commercial biological immortality on the planet Earth, humanity can join the ranks of other highly advanced conscious beings existing throughout the universe who have not only achieved biological immortality but who have also attained the power for controlling the eternal destiny of the universe and for reigning over infinity.
Existence is not intertransformable with nonexistence; existence does not turn into nonexistence nor does nonexistence turn into existence. Therefore, the axiomatic fact of reality that existence exists proves that existence is eternal and infinite. Thus, the universe -- the complex aggregate of all consciously apprehended and communicated experiences of events in existence -- is actually eternal and potentially infinite. That means the universe has never had a beginning nor will it ever have an ending, nor can it possibly have any beginning or ending.
Given the infinity of existence and its eternal span of time, what is theoretically possible will occur infinite times in actuality. The fact that conscious beings exist on the planet Earth unequivocally proves that there have been and there will be billions upon billions of conscious beings existing throughout the universe. Moreover, the fact that commercial biological immortality is theoretically possible further proves that there have been and will be millions upon millions of conscious beings living eternally.
Conscious beings' accumulation of knowledge increases, first at a geometrical progression rate, then eventually at the speed of light. Thus, their power for controlling the universe and its destiny also increases at a tremendous rate. Therefore, the amount of knowledge and power that might be possessed by conscious beings who have achieved commercial biological immortality millions of years ago is totally beyond the imagination of current humanity on Earth. And probability statistics indicate that these highly advanced conscious beings exist not by the few but by the billions.
Furthermore, it is logically predicated that many of those highly advanced conscious beings have attained the power to control the entire universe, and that the universe is virtually run by them. For, as mentioned before, given an infinite span of time, what is theoretically possible will occur infinite times. Those conscious beings not only control the existing universe but also can freely create new universes, whereby infinitely expanding the realms of existence forever. The universe is the eternal scenario of existence written by those highly evolved conscious beings that exist throughout the whole universe. Through the achievement of commercial biological immortality on Earth, we, too, will someday be able to write the scenario of our own universe.
Neo-Tech is the name given on the planet Earth to the primordial essence of all knowledge that conscious beings can ever possess anywhere in the universe. And the primordial essence of the universe-controlling power that conscious beings will eventually claim is Neothink. Perceptivity-centered consciousness incorporates the present with the past in the context of the past. Conceptuality-centered consciousness incorporates the past with the present in the context of the present. While these two modalities are inherently fragmented and can never reach the universe-controlling power, Neothink integrates the future with the present and the past; it integrates the entirety of time -- the future, the present, and the past, i.e., eternity. Neothink also integrates the unknown with the known; it integrates the entirety of existence, i.e., infinity.
What is Neothink? Neothink is the ultimate modality of conscious intellection that generates the context-creating matrices through which all ground-breaking integrations of knowledge can occur. Contexts define the structure of integration, and context generation is the finest function of consciousness. Neothink brings into existence a vast integration of knowledge that would be impossible for the other two modalities of consciousness, i.e., perceptivity-centered and conceptuality-centered modalities, precisely because the Neothink integration of knowledge is accomplished in a self-created context. Perceptivity-centered consciousness has no context at all. Conceptuality-centered consciousness integrates knowledge only in an existing context. It is Neothink that takes knowledge into new dimensions of integration by continually defining ever larger and finer contexts.
The great thinkers are distinguished not by their intelligence but by their ability to create a new context. In science, Newton and Einstein are the two greatest Neothinkers of modern history because they could create the fundamental contexts that determined the entire course of subsequent scientific development. In philosophy, Aristotle and Plato are the two greatest Neothinkers because they created the two fundamental contexts, albeit radically opposing, that determined the course not only of philosophy but of the entire history of mankind. (Aristotle defined the context for reality identification/integration, whereas Plato defined the context for nonreality generation/rationalization.)
Neothink is amoral. That is why some of the greatest Neothinkers such as Plato and Kant are master neocheaters. Neo-Tech is the first conceptual matrix for Neothink formation that is designed to counteract and overcome the force of Neothink-neocheaters. Neothink is intellectual nuclear power; it can destroy values and annihilate humanity completely if employed by master neocheaters, or it can bring eternal happiness to humanity and transform the universe forever if employed by Neo-Tech individuals. Thus, for the benefit of all humanity, it is urgent that Neo-Tech, the voice of fully integrated honesty, be heard and understood, and evolve into the Neo-Tech/Neothink matrix.
Context creation is the finest form of integration; it is the integration of integrations. Neothink is a two directional vector, as it were, whose two distinct magnitudes represent potential eternity and infinity. Context creation, the integration of integrations, moves into two directions by increasing its magnitudes ever closer, in one direction, to eternity and, in another, to infinity. As the zero yields infinity when it divides a given number, Neo-Tech, the philosophical zero, brings infinity and eternity into the realm of cognition when it captures the facts of reality in its fully integrated matrix/context. Hence, the Neo-Tech/Neothink matrix is the finest and the vastest context-creating matrix-structure whose infinity/eternity grasping power can far surpass and thus can soon collapse the neocheating/Neothink matrix of master neocheaters.
By fully integrating Neo-Tech knowledge while dispelling mysticism and transcending both perceptivity-centered and conceptuality-centered modalities...by entering the sphere of Neothink, humanity will be able to realize that the universe is an eternally regenerative scenario composed and directed by conscious beings, and consisting of intricate interactions of eternal design principles that exist as the totality of eternally noncontradictory abstractions, i.e., as objective and immutable reality. It is truly remarkable that conscious beings should be able to comprehend these inexhaustible eternal design principles of the universe and immensely fine abstractions of reality, and, with Neothink, to control the manifest destiny of cosmic existence. And through its faultless logic, Neo-Tech eloquently demonstrates that consciousness, this infinite capacity to know and control, along with its growth into Neothink, is not an accident but an essential component of the eternal design of the cosmos.
With Neothink, conscious beings begin to fulfill their destiny. With Neothink, conscious beings begin to control or alter the manifest destiny of the universe. The Neothink consciousness is not only the conceptual integrator of the universe's design principles but also becomes the prime designer of the cosmos. Neo-Tech, the philosophical zero, made possible the dawn of Neothink, the rebirth of human consciousness to unprecedented heights and into full maturity. Now, consciousness on Earth begins a new journey toward the evolution, a mighty power without end -- the eternal journey and unfoldment of the Neo-Tech Revolution/Evolution. And the whole romance of that eternal cosmic Neo-Tech journey is called BUSINESS.
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