In the centuries since its discovery, the place-value system of numeration with the zero concept has been propagated throughout the world even more widely than the alphabet of Phoenician origin, and it has become the only universal language humanity now possesses. When its advantages became known to the scholars, reckoners, and businessmen of civilization in contact with India, they gradually began to adopt this new system, abandoning the imperfect systems which they inherited from their ancestors. The zero and its immense computational capabilities provided humanity with an infinite horizon for the evolution of knowledge.
Among those who adopted this new system of numeration and adapted it to their own forms of writing were the Arabs. In the vast empire that they built within less than a century after Mohammed's death, the Moslems forced conquered nations to adopt their language and its writing. Thus, Arabic soon became a means of communication, particularly among scholars of diverse origins. In 772 A.D. al-Mansur, the second caliph of the Abbassid dynasty, founded the capital Baghdad, which quickly became one of the great commercial and intellectual centers of the world where the cultural heritage of the conquered nations was well-received. It was in Baghdad that the evolution of Arab science began, assimilating all the Greek and Hindu scientific works that came to the Arab-Islamic world.
Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi (c. 780-850), who lived at the court of the Abbassid caliph al-Mamum, was one of the most distinguished and illustrious mathematicians of the period. Al-Khowarizmi's treatise on arithmetic, "Treatise on Cipher", is the earliest known Arabic work in which the Hindu place-value numeration and computation methods are specifically elucidated. (In Europe, al-Khowarizmi's name, first Latinized as Algorismi, turned into the terms "algorism" and "algorithm", designating computation with the Hindu written numerations before taking on the more general meaning of computation with any notation. The first word of the Arabic title for his other treatise, "Al-jabr w'al-mu-qubalah", later came to designate the branch of mathematics known in English as algebra.)
Although the Moorish invasion of Spain introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and algebra for the first time to Europe around 700 A.D., preceding al-Khowarizmi about a century, it was the Latin translation of his "Treatise on Cipher" around 1200 A.D. that awakened Europe from its computational darkness to an evolution of mathematical knowledge. However, while Arab-Islamic civilization was achieving great scientific and cultural attitudes, comparable only with Athens and Alexandria, Western Christendom was languishing in social disorder, economic depression, and intellectual obscurantism caused by the master neocheaters' oppressive strategies to stay in power. Thus, it took over 400 years for al-Khowarizmi's treatise to be translated into Latin, and it took another 200 years for the Hindu-Arabic numeration with the zero and place-value concept to become widely diffused in Europe.
As in India, where virtually every sphere of knowledge was monopolized by Brahmans and other religious priest-scholars, so in the Arab-Islamic world was knowledge a field which belonged exclusively to the priest-scholars who served under their patronal caliphs. Furthermore, as in India, there was no explicit Aristotelian philosophy that dominated the mind of the Arabs. Their guiding philosophy was provided by their religion, Islam. Although Aristotle's works were earnestly studied and translated into Arabic, so were the works of Plato. It was the time of academic compilation and scholastic relativism. For that reason, no genuine scientific/technological revolution took place in the Arab-Islamic world. However, it was through the wealth of knowledge compiled there that the Western world learned about the lost works of Aristotle and the zero concept.
In the meantime in Europe, a systematic master neocheating scheme in operation since 200 B.C., particularly by the successive Roman emperors, had prepared Europe for the rise of Christianity. The combined religious and political emperorship had found its authoritarian formulae, "credo" (which means "I believe"), continually threatened by the Greek scientist-philosophers who had incessantly evolved ever unorthodox ideas and discoveries. The authorities had devised their grand strategy largely to cope with and counteract those scientists' persuasive, experience-supported, objective logic.
But it was not until the Roman priesthood developed an extremely clever neocheating theology around an obscure mystic who had supposedly died on the cross some centuries before that the traces of the Greek intellect could finally be wiped out. Although the emperors possessed absolute physical power, they lacked absolute metaphysical authority. Through Christian theology and its doctrine, the emperor-pope could now possess not only physical power but also the metaphysical dispensation normally given only by "God" -- an authority that was purportedly received originally by the disciples from the only son of God, "Christ", and his direct authority from God himself. Indeed, following the death of Jesus and the preaching by his "disciples", the promised prospect of salvation for all believers raised the Christian priesthood to an unprecedented popularity and power.
In point of fact, Jesus was an obscure mystic known in his lifetime only by a handful of people. Uneducated and with hallucinatory propensities, he spent his known life neurotically striving to fulfill certain ancient Judaic prophecies under a megalomaniacal illusion that he was the son of God. His crucifixion was to a great measure his own making in order to fulfill his "divine mission" in life. For what sin did he actually commit that deserved a crucifixion except that he was somewhat insane and an annoyance to the establishment? It was indeed Jesus himself who managed to cause his own crucifixion, because, so far as he was concerned, the son of God had to be crucified.
Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that he died on the cross. His crucifixion took place on a Friday and the next day was the Sabbath. He was on the cross no more than six hours, so how could a young man of 33 possibly die so easily? The myth of Resurrection thus may have a well-founded genesis; this neurotic man might have appeared in front of people before leaving the town for an unknown place. His disciples, equally mystical and most of them uneducated, spread his legacy, which finally reached the neocheating priests of the Roman Empire, who then cleverly constructed a devastatingly destructive theology around that legacy by employing Platonistic principles. Thus was born the emperor-pope.
The emperor-pope who was "officially authorized" by God could require all believers to secretly confess their "sins" to his "officials" (ordained priests). He could also ordain universal adoption of his explanations of the causality of all human experiences, explanations that were most useful to him. The emperor-pope could tell his people how to conduct their lives, how to gain God's favor. The geocentric system was degraded to the notion of a two-dimensional flat world sandwiched in parallel between Heaven above and Hell below, and this cosmology put the emperor-pope and his "God" at the center of the universe. The heliocentric universe did not fit into his scheme, and thus was wiped off the face of the Earth.
The zero, like the heliocentric concept, had no place in such an intellectual obscurantism. Although it was first introduced around 700 A.D. in Spain, the zero could not find a way to reach through the darkness of the human mind to Europe at large. The zero as well as the heliocentric concept had to wait until the 11th and 12th centuries when producers and business again arose in Europe. During those two centuries Europe awakened abruptly, owing largely to a rapid population growth which had such consequences as the clearing of land, the development of cities, and the construction of larger churches. Prices rose, circulation of money increased, and, as sovereigns quelled feudal anarchy, commerce revived.
The revival of commerce necessitated more frequent international contacts and in turn favored the introduction of Arab science into the Western world. Universities were founded, arising from guild-like associations of masters and students at the cathedral schools. The western Crusade against Muslims in Spain resulted in the fall of Toledo (a Christian archbishopric in Spain) in 1085, and it was from this time that the Arabic versions of Greek science as well as Hindu numerals were translated into Latin, the most active period being 1125-1280. It was during this time that al-Khowarizmi's "Treatise on Cipher" reached northern Italy and southern Germany by way of Carthage in North Africa.
Two hundred years later, the zero concept finally diffused into the university system and became widely used in Europe largely because of its conceptual novelty. The zero was not only a tremendously powerful mathematical tool but also a catalyst that elevated the conceptual faculty of individual human beings to new heights. It is only the knowledge of the capability for unlimited multiplying and dividing -- and thereby ratioing -- and for evaluating relative experiences that is provided exclusively by the zero/place-value numerical system that could possibly enable individual human beings to know how to escape from the prison of ignorance which had been successfully established for centuries.
It was the zero, the mathematical nothing, that brought Europe out of the Dark/Middle Ages, out of the spell of mysticism, to the Renaissance, to a sunlit world of reason. Because the zero was indeed "nothing", the knowledge-monopolizing neocheating power structure whose entire existence was based upon nonreality, nothing, had improvidently overlooked it. Because it was a tool unlike the heliocentric theory or Aristotelian philosophy they could not comprehend its power and foresee the danger that it entailed for them. The zero, thus, became an essential and indispensable tool in the work of Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton. It also brought about Columbus' revised concepts of terrestrial navigation.
The advancement of science since the Renaissance is greatly indebted to this something-called-nothing -- the zero. If the zero had not been discovered, humanity would still be in a dark age, scientifically and technologically. Imagine doing complex and highly sophisticated computations required for astrophysics or quantum mechanics by means of Roman numerals. It would be impossible. Those fields of modern science could not even exist without the zero and the place-value numeration. To understand the genuine importance of this mathematical null-value is to know the depth of our civilization and the power of human consciousness.
Through the discovery and propagation of the zero and the place-value numeration, humanity could achieve an immense advancement and a geometrical increase in scientific knowledge previously unimagined. Despite the remarkable progress in science, however, speaking philosophically, humanity has lived, until today, with philosophical Roman numerals alone, as it were. It was not until Ayn Rand developed her philosophy, Objectivism, in the mid-twentieth century that philosophy found its renaissance for the first time since Aristotle. Ayn Rand was the Copernicus of philosophy and she brought about a genuine philosophical Copernican Revolution.
Neo-Tech was discovered in the mid-1970s by Frank R. Wallace to further that philosophical renaissance, not only by integrating all the valid philosophical, psychological, and scientific knowledge on the basis of Aristotelian-Objectivist principles, but also by making a philosophical regression utterly impossible through its fully integrated philosophical matrix that identifies and eliminates the whole edifice of mysticism and its symbiotic neocheating. What the zero accomplished in the field of science, Neo-Tech is achieving in the sphere of human life, particularly in the field of philosophy. As the zero heightened the capability of humans to deal with reality mathematically, Neo-Tech heightens the competence of all men and women to deal with reality philosophically. As the zero nullifies unneeded numerical values to render new values, Neo-Tech nullifies nonvalue or nonreality -- mysticism and neocheating -- to bring forth values.
It was the zero, the nonmystical "nothing", that brought about the evolution of scientific knowledge. And it is Neo-Tech, the philosophical zero, that will bring forth not only the evolution of knowledge but also the evolvement of human happiness and prosperity, forever. The zero rendered all the numerical systems of the past totally obsolete. Neo-Tech now renders obsolete every system of philosophy that has ever existed, even Aristotelian or Objectivist philosophy, while integrating all valid knowledge of the past, the present, and the future in its forever- evolving philosophical matrix. The zero is the most potent mathematical tool ever to be conceived and Neo-Tech is the most powerful philosophical tool ever to be discovered. The zero and Neo-Tech are both based on Aristotelian principles, on objective reality, and epitomize the power of human consciousness in its full glory.
Neo-Tech is the philosophical zero. Indeed, to comprehend its depth and harness its power is not only to achieve a life of unlimited prosperity and happiness, but also to live forever, even after the Sun dies.
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