Neo-Tech is a new technology based on fully integrated honesty. "New" means never before discovered, never before identified. "Technology" means the application of knowledge. "Fully integrated honesty" means honesty that is based on contextual facts and objective reality, and applied in every dimension, every facet, and every moment of life. "Honesty" means the active state of according oneself with reality. Neo-Tech is a new system of knowledge that self-contains the knowledge of application or to which the knowledge of self-application is integral. And Neo-Tech contains, integrally and integratedly, philosophical, psychological, and scientific knowledge.
The physicist-mathematician Sir James Jeans (1877-1946) cogently defined science as "the earnest attempt to set in order the facts of experience." Philosophy is a sphere of science that deals with "order" itself; it is the science or knowledge of the principles of "ordering" the facts of experience. Philosophy permeates the entire field of science and provides the principle or the context in which to set in order given facts of experience that pertain to a particular branch of science. Without a valid philosophical foundation no branch of science could arrive at a valid picture or theory of the reality-sphere about which it is concerned.
Experience is the raw material of science. Existence and cognition/consciousness are always inherently present in all experiences. Experience is the complex awareness of existing, of self coexisting with all the nonself. Experience is always biterminal, i.e., it has a beginning and an end. Since experience is biterminal, and thus finite, it can be stored, studied, directed, and, with conscious effort, set in order for various human advantages. Science is that conscious effort/experience for setting in order a finite set of finite experiences, and philosophy is a particular conscious effort/experience for setting in order the very experience of setting in order.
Philosophy, thus, concerns itself with the principle of "ordering" and provides a contextual order for all branches of science and all spheres of human existence. Furthermore, a philosophical context is self-referential, that is, it is not only the context for science and human existence but also serves as its own context. Philosophy, therefore, is the reflection or the expression of the fundamental inner working of consciousness qua consciousness. No philosophy had ever existed before the advent of consciousness. The bicameral mind had various myths but not a single philosophy. To be human, to be conscious, in essence is to be a philosopher and what kind of philosophy one consciously or subconsciously possesses determines the entire destiny of his life. Similarly, what kind of philosophy humanity as a whole predominantly chooses determines the entire course of human history.
Neo-Tech identifies two fundamental systems of philosophy: Platonistic and Aristotelian. Platonistic philosophy is rooted in the perceptivity-centered (or the emulated bicameral) modality of consciousness and breeds mysticism and neocheating. Aristotelian philosophy is rooted in the conceptuality-centered modality of consciousness and breeds knowledge. Platonistic philosophy has been used mostly in the fields of government, politics, and religion, fields that exist not through producing values but through usurping values. Aristotelian philosophy has been used mostly in the fields of science, technology, and productive business -- the fields that create values.
Since the grand neocheating strategy by the master neocheaters of antiquity has prevailed, the forces of government, politics, and religion have reigned over the world. Platonistic philosophy has dominated and determined the course of human history, while productive scientists, technologists (including engineers, artists, and craftsmen), and businessmen (including the working class and farmers) have continued to produce values quietly, implicitly employing Aristotelian principles. Ironically, no one except a handful of master neocheaters such as popes was able to know the real cause of physical devastation and spiritual destruction which humanity seemed destined to endure. For no knowledge existed that could successfully identify mysticism and neocheating in their causal and structural entirety.
Neo-Tech is such a knowledge. Neo-Tech is the only system of knowledge that is designed to identify and collapse the entire edifice of mysticism and its symbiotic neocheating. Neo-Tech brings to light the total epistemological structure and mechanics of mysticism and neocheating through its fully integrated and evolving philosophical matrix. With Neo-Tech, people around the world are now capable, for the first time in history, to rid their consciousness of the 3000-year-old mental cancer -- mysticism, and also to rid their lives of the 3000-year-old mystical hoax -- neocheating. Neo-Tech indeed is the first philosophical device or knowledge-tool (organum) ever developed for the complete extirpation of the philosophical plague -- mysticism and neocheating -- that has afflicted humanity for three millennia.
In the history of philosophy three organums (the principles or the tools of knowledge) were developed before Neo-Tech -- the first, "Organum", by Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), the second, "Novum Organum", by Francis Bacon (1561-1626), and the third, "Tertium Organum", by Pyotr D. Ouspensky (1878-1947). Neo-Tech by Frank R. Wallace is the fourth organum and completes the work by Aristotle. Aristotle, through his "Organum", identified and developed the whole principle of valid knowledge, i.e., logic. He developed the principle of noncontradictory identification whereby all knowledge is discovered, verified, and evaluated. Even when his various misconclusions, such as his geocentric theory, were disproved, it is his organum that was used to disprove them.
Although Bacon had very little regard for either Plato or Aristotle, "Novum Organum" nevertheless exhibits a mixture of Platonistic and Aristotelian principles, and thus is fundamentally Platonistic (for no system can be built on the basis of Aristotelian principle if it "incorporates" Platonism; only within a Platonistic context can some fragments of Aristotelian knowledge be admixed, mainly as tools for non sequiturs). "Tertium Organum", by P.D. Ouspensky, a Russian mathematician-turned-mystic who studied under another Russian mystic, G.I. Gurdjieff, is characterized by its regression into Platonism with an Eastern philosophy/psychology undertone. His conception of consciousness, "cosmic consciousness", as well as his interpretation of Einstein's Theory of Relativity and fourth dimension, is highly mystical and thus has little to do with reality qua reality.
The following is a comparison chart that demonstrates the difference between Aristotle's Organum and Ouspensky's Tertium Organum:
Organum: | A is A. A is not not-A. Each existent is either A or not-A. |
Tertium Organum: | A is both A and not-A. or All is A and A is all. |
If A is both A and not-A, how can one identify A in the first place? If Tertium Organum is true, then everything loses its identity and nothing can be known -- even Tertium Organum itself cannot be known. Ouspensky recognizes that his logic is absurd and attempts to exculpate himself from this apparent contradiction by saying, "We must be prepared for the fact that it is impossible to express superlogical relations ("higher logic") in our language." What is his philosophy based upon? A profound mistrust and contempt in man's "ordinary" cognitive process and the power of reason. Where does his philosophy lead? To a complete denial of conceptual knowledge. His philosophy of "higher logic" is a total negation of reality in the name of "higher reality". Only those who are profoundly dissatisfied and unhappy with reality could aspire to such a philosophy. Yet, P.D. Ouspensky was one of the most brilliant Platonists in history, integrating Eastern mysticism into Platonism with remarkable intellectual sophistication.
As Aristotle provided the fundamental principle of all valid knowledge and action, Neo-Tech offers the principle that identifies all invalid knowledge and action. Metaphorically, Aristotle evolved the philosophical positional number system and Neo-Tech discovered the philosophical zero raising Aristotelian philosophy to new heights. In essence, with Neo-Tech, the philosophical zero, man's philosophical capability for dealing with reality increases infinitely, in much the same way as the zero has infinitely increased man's mathematical capability for dealing with reality. Platonistic philosophy and other philosophical systems that are based upon Platonistic principles are the philosophical Roman numerals and cripple man's philosophical or conceptual ability to deal with reality successfully, and thereby to achieve knowledge, power, happiness, and prosperity. With Neo-Tech, the philosophical renaissance will indeed unfold forevermore.
Humanity as a whole now faces an unprecedented crisis brought about by the disparity between scientific/technological development, which was effected by the zero and Aristotelian philosophy, and the philosophical/moral/political underdevelopment, which was caused by Platonistic philosophy, mysticism, and neocheating. At the same time, humanity as a whole also now faces an unprecedented opportunity made possible by advancements in science and technology, by the discovery and development of Neo-Tech, and by the subsequent flourishing of productive business all around the world. The following are some of the major obstacles in achieving and realizing the unprecedented opportunity that now awaits humanity.
(1) Platonistic/Kantian philosophies, and prevailing mysticism/neocheating that arise therefrom:
The task of philosophy and the job of a philosopher is not to obfuscate but to clarify reality, not to complicate but to simplify living, i.e., not to further mystify but to progressively demystify the human mind in relation to reality and human life. However, except for Aristotle, Ayn Rand, and a few others, most philosophers throughout history have almost completely defaulted in their responsibility.
Ever since Plato elaborated the sophistry of "reality creation" and developed the matrix of noncontextual logic (inner logic that has no reality-integrating context), philosophy has gone astray, falling ever deeper into the trap of mysticism. Yet, no philosopher, not even Plato, could systematically deny man's rational faculty and attack the validity of reason...until the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).
The expressly stated purpose of Kant's philosophy is to save the "morality" of self-abnegation and self-sacrifice, i.e., altruism. Since no rational basis can exist to support altruism (Aristotle, for example, successfully disqualified Plato's theory of Forms), what it has to be saved from in honesty is conceptual-centered consciousness and its prime faculty, reason. In order to fulfill his purpose, Kant conjures up a new version of Plato's Forms called the "noumenal" world and sets out to "prove" that the noumenal world by nature cannot be known, that it is out of reach of reason, while declaring all along that it is the world of "real" reality, "higher" truth, and "things in themselves."
Kant imperiously uses his noncontextual logic in proving his brazenly clear conclusion with unintelligible arguments that are full of evasions, equivocations, obfuscations, circumlocutions, and non sequiturs. He proclaims as self-evident what is in reality arbitrary or untrue, and provides erudite references to science as well as to pseudo-science to create an illusion of credibility. Thus, through his non-contextual inner logic and mind-paralyzing unintelligibility, Kant cleverly shifts morality from the sphere of reason to the domain of faith and declares that what cannot be known by reason (the noumenal world --the source of morality) can be believed, whereby making morality exempt from reason.
Kant asserts that the human mind by nature distorts reality because everything that is conceived by consciousness is conceived through automatic filters in consciousness (termed categories). Thus, according to him, reality as conceived by consciousness is inherently subjective, and objective reality, the noumenal world or things in themselves, forever remains on the other shore of reason not to be known but only to be believed. Therefore, consciousness, because it is consciousness, because it is a cognitive faculty -- because of its very identity as a cognitive faculty, cannot cognize reality as such.
If reality conceived by consciousness were in truth inherently subjective and, therefore, relative, then his entire philosophy itself would lose its claim to truth. For, any statement that is made with regard to reality demands itself to be objective. A statement that reality is subjective is inescapably self-contradictory and negates its own validity. In point of fact, Kant's philosophy is an extremely clever exploitation of a common misunderstanding concerning objectivity.
Objectivity, epistemologically speaking, is the state of cognition that acquires knowledge of reality by means of reason in accordance with logic, the principle of noncontradictory identification. Epistemologically, objectivity rests upon the universality of reason and logic. Metaphysically speaking, objectivity is the recognition of the fact that reality exists independent of consciousness...of any particular state of consciousness. Metaphysically too, objectivity rests upon the universality of reason and logic.
Metaphysical objectivity, the fact that reality exists independent of consciousness, does not mean that reality exists beyond the reach of consciousness, as Kant maintains, but it means that reality exists beyond any arbitrary factor of the cognitive experience, beyond anyone's feeling, emotion, wish, or awareness/unawareness. Through the universal means of reason that accords itself with logic -- the universal principle of noncontradictory identification, one can always apprehend and comprehend reality that is objective and immutable (see Chapter 4).
What is required is not faith or belief but discipline -- the discipline to use one's consciousness in accordance with logic regardless of feelings, emotions, or wishes. Discipline is the process of consciously creating increasingly higher order within oneself. Philosophy is a discipline. Business is a discipline. Kant's philosophy offers the most clever rationale in history for the evasion of discipline, any discipline that is required for a rational apprehension of reality.
Kant's philosophy had a devastating impact on subsequent history. Both Marxism and Nazism have their philosophical roots in Kantian epistemology and ethics -- the epistemology not of knowledge but of blind faith and the morality of self-sacrifice and self-abnegation. All current philosophies, which are in reality anti-philosophies, such as existentialism, pragmatism, and "logical" positivism which proclaims, inter alia, that one cannot prove that he exists, grew out of Kant. Kant's philosophy indeed was the culmination of Platonism, and became the temple of mystics and the Bible of neocheaters.
The still-prevailing Platonistic philosophy, mysticism, and neocheating around the world are indebted to Kant and his philosophy. If Plato is immoral, Kant is evil to the core of his soul, for he deliberately and knowingly undercut reason and consciousness, and thus the dignity of man as thoroughly as any human being can -- a feat Plato could never have surpassed because of his professed respect for reason. (Authentic and generally sincere respect for reason was implicit in all Greek philosophies). Through Kant, philosophy became not only a useless exercise of the mind but also a lethal weapon of neocheating. Kant provided not only an opportunity for mediocre minds to feign an air of profundity but also an extremely powerful tool for clever mystics and neocheaters to rationalize their existence, which consists solely of destruction, manipulation, or plundering of others.
But now, through Neo-Tech, humanity has an intellectual lie detector by which an ordinary person can see through the neocheating labyrinth of Immanuel Kant and the mystical edifice of Plato. The hidden advantage of master neocheaters such as Kant rests solely upon the fact that they know untruth as untruth and nonreality as nonreality, while others are made to believe untruth as truth and nonreality as reality. However, no matter how clever Kant is or how brilliant Plato is, they can never deny reality in reality. Reality is be known and to be integrated. Neo-Tech offers not only an integrated picture of reality but also, through its matrix-structure, definitive tools for the conceptual integration of reality.
Through Neo-Tech, people will be able to see that the philosophical labyrinth of Kant is nothing save an extremely clever scheme for concealing his incompetence as a thinker and manipulating others into believing his conclusions with no regard to truth and reality. Through Neo-Tech, people will also be able to see that the mystical edifice of Plato is nothing save a brilliant fabrication for controlling others and imposing his own will onto reality. Through Neo-Tech, reality will consistently reveal its commanding presence, shine forth upon the darkness of nonreality, and cast away that which has never in reality existed except in the minds of men under the spell of mysticism and its symbiotic neocheating.
(2) The grand myth that there is an inherent inadequacy or scarcity of life support such as food or money (symbolizing real value) on this planet:
In 1800, after receiving a complete inventory of the world's vital and economic statistics for the first time in history, Thomas Malthus, later professor of political economics at the East India Company College, concluded that the world population was increasing at a rate of geometrical progression, whereas life-support production was increasing only at a rate of arithmetical progression. In 1810 he confirmed this earlier finding. Thomas Malthus thus proved mathematically what people all over the world had innately believed since the beginning of human history, that there was an inherent inadequacy of life support on the planet and that the situation would become progressively worse.
"Pray all you want," said Malthus, "it will do you no good. There is no more!" A half-century later, Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution, propounding that the inexorable processes of nature were the consequence of the "survival only of the fittest species and individuals within those species." Karl Marx compounded both Malthus's and Darwin's scientifically convincing conclusions in order to "prove" his predecided point, and said, in effect, "The proletariat are the fittest to survive, for they are the ones who know how to handle the tools and seeds to produce the life support. The opulent others, the bourgeoisie, are mere parasites."
The opulent others argued semi-rationally, "We are opulent and at the top of the heap because we have successfully demonstrated the Darwinian principle, survival of the fittest. The workers are dull-minded and have no vision. What is of essence for survival in this world is cunning, intellectual fighting skills, and farsighted enterprise." For the last century these two political/economic ideologies, communism and so-called capitalism, have dominated the political affairs of the world -- both coming from the assumption that there is not enough to go around.
However, missing in Malthus's theory was a critical understanding regarding the power of the human mind and consciousness, as well as consideration concerning the possible evolution of human knowledge. He disregarded or failed to see that knowledge could and did indeed increase at a geometric-progression rate that would far exceed the growth of human population, overcoming the seemingly inevitable paucity of life support on Earth. The advancement of scientific and technological knowledge, which includes the food-production/ distribution technology and the development of the birth-control pill, has long eradicated the once universal and seemingly inevitable inadequacy of life-supporting goods. In a world where there are sufficient numbers of producers who produce more than they consume, inadequacy of life support or overpopulation is categorically impossible. And once mysticism and neocheating are eradicated from the planet -- once the Neo-Tech world comes into existence, each human being will always produce more values than he or she can ever consume, so that the impossibility of the inadequacy of life support or overpopulation will further become self-evident.
However, in spite of the clear evidence that humanity now has more than enough life support and everyone on this planet can be self-sufficiently wealthy if he or she works honestly and productively within his or her capability to produce values for others, the political neocheaters continue to propagate and exploit that age-old myth of inadequacy in order to stay in "power" and control the misguided populace. The religious neocheaters apply the myth of scarcity to their "Heaven" and say, in effect, "There is not enough space out there in the heaven, and in order to be the fittest to survive in that world, you must follow our teaching and donate your money and soul to prove that you are indeed worthy of survival after your death."
This is a clear example of creating problems where none in fact exist. The increasing sufficiency of life support on Earth indicates an entirely new era of human life and history: War is unnecessary. Governmental politics is unnecessary. All manipulation, deception, and physical force are unnecessary. In other words, neocheating in every form is unnecessary and in reality obsolete. For every man and woman can now live with an ever-increasing standard of living, and achieve genuine wealth, prosperity, and happiness through his or her own honest, rational, and productive effort, thinking, and action without ever destroying others. With Neo-Tech and its complete annihilation of mysticism and neocheating, the one most able to survive -- the honest and rational individual -- now becomes what he or she deserves to be, the fittest to survive.
Neo-Tech shows every conscious being the way to become a true producer of values, and works as a catalyst in bringing forth a world of ever-evolving happiness and prosperity with the only rational, value-oriented, natural-to-humans social/political/economic system, i.e., laissez-faire, free-enterprise capitalism. And it is on the basis of increasing sufficiency of life support on Earth that the value-oriented Neo-Tech business world -- a profit-oriented, laissez-faire, free-enterprise capitalist society -- is built. Value is the actualized knowledge or accomplished technological capacity that protects, nurtures, supports, and accommodates all growing needs of life. Money is the effective means of exchanging disparate and nonequitable items of real value. In a rational business world, the relationship of money or profit to real value will be logically authenticated, and money or profit will follow the production of values naturally.
(3) National division: Since war is in reality obsolete, national division only serves as a means of protecting an individual who happened to choose living in a particular location on this planet so that he can exercise his free will, free choice, and free action in pursuing his productive career. It is not nations but individuals and companies that must compete in creating and producing values higher than others in the same business. It is not to nations but to themselves that individuals must belong. It is not with nations but with companies that they must identify themselves. For it is not where one lives but what he does to create values for others that is of significance. People do not and cannot choose their birth, their place of birth, or their parents. People do choose and must choose, however, what careers to pursue and which companies or organizations to work for (including their own). Society, therefore, must be structured on the basis of people's conscious choices, and people should not be bound by things over which they can have no choice whatsoever, such as their birthplace, sex, or color.
The world's neocheating power structures have always "divided to conquer" and have always "kept divided to keep conquering." As a consequence, the neocheating power structures have so divided humanity -- not only into special-function categories but also into religious, national, language, and color categories -- that humanity at large has lost its ability to distinguish between earned values such as knowledge, skill, or character and coincidental attributes such as color or nationality. It is imperative to structure the world on the basis of earned values and people's free choice or will. Neo-Tech makes a clear identification of the human value system and helps to create a world in which every individual is identified not in terms of accidental attributes but of earned values acquired through his conscious choice and effort.
People do not belong to their countries. People do not have any obligation to their countries. People's obligation is only to themselves and to their dependent children. No one should hinder others from fulfilling their obligation. It is to that extent, and to that extent only, that people are collectively responsible for one another's well-being. The current national division, to a large extent, is the result of the "real-estate war" fought over the centuries amongst power-hungry, physical-property-coveting neocheaters. A nation is a nonfundamental entity that exists solely on the basis of agreements among individuals. What is fundamental is a conscious individual human being who, unlike nations, can think, create, and produce. Nations cannot exist without people, but people can exist without nations -- probably much more happily and successfully.
Collectivism, therefore, is an inversion of reality. Individualism based upon the sound recognition that a conscious individual is the highest cause and the supreme value in existence is the only reality-based moral, ethical, political philosophy there is. In the future Neo-Tech world, countries will be recognized for what they really are, i.e., agreed-upon divisions for the convenience of living together. In the future Neo-Tech world, the planet will be seen as dynamic, synergetic interactions among companies and businesses whose Primum Mobiles (Prime movers) are the productive, energetic Neo-Tech men and women living happily and prosperously as the permanent residents of the universe.
(4) Over specialization of knowledge: Because of the successive master neocheaters' extremely effective strategy of specializing knowledge, universities around the world still continue to divide and subdivide the otherwise-integrated sphere of knowledge into many fragments. As a consequence, the great majority of humanity is incapable of understanding the language of science, the most highly specialized field of knowledge. In addition, the educator/philosophers who belong to the John Dewey-genre school of thought and fundamentalist/creationist religious fanatics further spur humanity into scientific illiteracy. Furthermore, scientists and mathematicians often base their philosophical thinking upon Platonistic principles, or completely divorce themselves from philosophical thought, resulting in a highly fragmented and isolated utilization of Aristotelian principles.
Therefore, humanity at large does not realize that all that science has ever come to know is the fact that the physical universe consists of an interreciprocating technology with exquisite design principles, which consciousness discovers and harnesses to create all human technology. The great majority of people think that technology is a "new" phenomenon and identify it with (1) weapons and/or (2) machines, the latter, competing with them for their jobs. Because of these notions (or misconceptions) and all the antitechnology propaganda by the mystics and neocheaters, most people erroneously think that they are against technology, without realizing that the technology they do not understand and are against is a sine qua non for achieving never-before-possible prosperity and happiness on Earth. (Nothing inherent in technology causes environmental pollution. Further technological advances will soon solve the problem if there is no government interference.)
Business not only requires a wide integration of knowledge but also is the integrating force of knowledge. It is in business that various fields of knowledge meet and together produce values that have never before existed. It is in business that science and technology bear their fruits and transform nature into values. It is in business that philosophy meets the challenge of life and finds its application in the productive sphere of human life. Therefore, the overspecialization of knowledge that humanity has experienced since time immemorial and still continues to experience implies that the function of business in society has been continuously truncated until today. Furthermore, in the current system of university education, business itself is seen as a specialized field and taught mostly by professors who have never been in business themselves. In reality, business is not a specialized field but a synthesis of other fields of knowledge which integrates philosophy, science, and technology into a system of value production encompassing the entire sphere of human existence.
Overspecialization of knowledge, on the one hand, brought about a scientific/mathematical esotericism that is inaccessible to the general public and at times divorced from reality, and on the other hand, effected the truncation of the function and the purpose of business. Neo-Tech, through its full integration of philosophical principles, reveals a stunningly new picture of the universe and opens a new path of science that is not only free of Platonism (a divorce from reality) but also will bring a new revolution/evolution of scientific knowledge that is accessible to every conscious being, which, then, in turn will make possible the world-wide realization of highly advanced technological societies and scientific literacy. It further reveals an integrated picture of business and its function not only in human societies but also in the universe. In the final two chapters of this treatise, the science of the future and the never-before realized purpose of business are explored.
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