Zon(1) Create or Vanish Quarks and Electrons through Gravity Units (2) Control Existence through Gravity Units (3) Conscious Control of Gravity Units (4) Your Control of Existence Zonpower |
The main body of text for Neo-Tech Physics is simplified for the general, nonscientific reader. Moreover, Neo-Tech physics is but one of several major metaphorical points made in the text. Those interested in knowing the full context in which the physics is presented must carefully read all of the technical footnotes. |
The purpose of Neo-Tech/Zonpower is to have conscious individuals think about and see everything in a different way -- different from the losing way in which everyone on this planet has been chained for the past 3000 years. Indeed, Neo-Tech/Zonpower is a new way of thinking, a new way of seeing everything, a new mode of action that leads to limitless, beneficent power over existence.
Again, "Zonpower" is not a treatise on physics or philosophy. Physics and philosophy are used as metaphors to explain the omnipotent paradigm called Neothink, which is wide-scope, integrated thinking and honesty. The fully integrated honesty part of Neothink is called Neo-Tech. Since fully integrated honesty will increasingly rule cyberspace, Neo-Tech will increasingly banish false biases and illegal authorities from government, business, science, education, politics, philosophy, communication, the arts. ...Zonpower uniquely has no leaders or followers. In cyberspace, every conscious individual will eventually become an individual self-leader living in a value-producing, business mode.
The metaphorical hypotheses in this first section may seem radical. Indeed, some hypotheses are radical and have no direct evidence as of yet. Still, nothing in Neo-Tech contradicts the laws of physics and all radical concepts will eventually be mathematically and experimentally demonstrated, modified, or falsified.
All wealth arises from conscious-controlled Gravity Units.
What are SIGUs and googolplexes? What connection do they have to boundless prosperity? First ask: How do conscious beings meet the energy and communication requirements of an eternally advancing civilization? How does one unleash nature's power to achieve near instant communication throughout the universe? How can one capture the power of universes spanning billions of light years across? How can one unleash the universal power locked in gravity units lurking beneath every subatomic particle? How can one direct the power of Super-Inflation Gravity Units[ 2 ] (SIGUs) to eternally expand life and prosperity?
Consider today's known universe contains at least a hundred-billion galaxies each containing an average of a hundred-billion stars. Now consider the mind-boggling number of electrons, protons, neutrons, and all other matter-and-energy particles in those stars, planets, dark matter...as well as all additional particles scattered throughout space. That number would equal 1086 particles, a number still considerably less than a googol! Now, if our entire universe of about fifteen billion light years across were packed solid with subatomic particles with zero space between them, the number of particles would rise to 10130.
But, how large is a googolplex, 1010100? Just to print the number of zeroes after the number 1 would require enough paper to pack solid our entire universe, fifteen billion light years across.[ 4 ] ...And a super googolplex is a googolplex that is raised to an additional 100th power. No scale is available for any conscious mind on Earth to grasp such a number.
Now take a ride to the small: Slice an average-sized pie in half ninety-one times. On the ninety-second slice, you would need to slice the nucleus of an atom in half. How small is the nucleus of an atom? Enlarge a baseball to the size of Earth. One would then see the atoms of that baseball as the size of cherries filling the entire planet. Now, enlarge one of those atoms to the size of the Astrodome. The nucleus would then become visible as the size of a grain of sand.
What about the smallest or shortest unit of time that the human mind can grasp: Planck's time of 10-42 of a second -- about the time required for light travelling at 186,281 miles per second to traverse the diameter of the smallest subatomic particle of, say, a 2x10-33 centimeter diameter, which is Planck's length. A time less than 10-42 of a second measured from the theoretical beginning of time in our universe[ 5 ] cannot be experimentally simulated or conceptually grasped.
Finally, grasping the smallest and the biggest in terms of eternity requires the axiomatic fact that existence exists. Thus, existence has no prior cause and is eternal. Relative to eternity, the smallest unit and the largest unit are equal in occurrence, time, or distance. For example, compare an incredibly fast event that occurs once every 10-42 of a second to an incredibly slow event that occurs once every googolplex years. The occurrence of those events are equal in eternity. For, each of those events will occur an "infinite"[ 6 ] number of times in eternity.
The smallest units of existence, such as quarks and electrons or the even smaller Gravity Units as explained in Chapters 5 and 7, to the largest expansion of the universe with everything in between and beyond are all a part of eternal existence. Gravity Units, quarks, subatomic particles and energies; protons, neutrons, and electrons; electromagnetism, nuclear forces, and gravity; universes, galaxies, stars, and planets; atoms, molecules, and compounds; gasses, liquids, and solids; air, water, and land; mountains, oceans, and clouds; protoplasm, amoeba, plants, fish, animals, primates, and conscious beings...all are part of existence and its natural evolution that has occurred eternally. Indeed, each and every entity of existence has existed forever. Thus, conscious beings as entities of existence have also existed forever throughout the universes as described in Chapter 6 and in Movement III.
Conscious beings harnessing the Super-Inflation nature of Gravity Units (SIGUs) can produce near instant, gravity-pulse communication not only across an entire universe but possibly between universes -- all without violating physical laws, including the speed of light. How? By gravity pulses transmitted through big-bang-type inflations radiating from exploded Gravity Units.
How do gravity pulses communicate faster than the speed of light with nothing exceeding the speed of light? First, realize that the smallest units of existence, Gravity Units, and the largest unit of existence, the full expanding universe, are one and the same: They each contain the same mass and energy potentials. The units are just in different modes throughout time and space. Next, examine the so-called big-bang or hypothetical spacetime birth of our universe from a gravity unit: At 10-42 of a second or Planck's time after its birth, the entire universe is 1035 times smaller than a subatomic proton. Doubling every 10-34 seconds or doubling 1036 times at 10-32 seconds from birth, the universe has grown to 12 centimeters across -- about the size of a grapefruit. And then, doubling 1050 times by somewhat over 10-30 seconds from its hypothetical birth, the universe has exploded to the size of our solar system -- all in that tiniest fraction of a second. ...In other words, during that instant in time, the universe has expanded trillions of times faster than the speed of light. Yet, nothing exceeds the speed of light. How can that occur?
The super-fast growth of the universe during its first moment in time can be explained by the Inflation Theory originated by Alan Guth of MIT in 1979. Such inflation involves the brief existence of "repulsive gravity" and the relative positions of spacetime coordinates in accord with Einstein's general relativity. ...That super-fast inflation can also be understood, without complete accuracy, in more simple Newtonian terms: Consider two entities starting at the same point and moving apart near or at the speed of light. At the end of one year, those entities will be about two light years apart. Thus, they will have "communicated" from their respective points A and B at about twice the distance covered by the speed of light without exceeding the speed of light.
Now, consider breaking the geometry or symmetry of a universe-containing Gravity Unit or Geometry Unit, causing a spacetime birth. That occurrence begins the near instant conversion of the smallest unit of existence, the universe-containing Gravity Unit, into the largest unit of existence, the entire expanding universe. Incredibly, that new-born exploding Gravity Unit has the same mass/energy total of an entire universe fifteen billion years old. Consider what occurs in the tiniest fraction of the initial second during a big-bang birth: a near instantaneous unit-after-unit multiplication, perhaps initially with repulsive gravity, into nearly the total number of entities (1086) that will exist in the mature universe billions of years old.[ 7 ]
Like the previous, simple example of two entities separating at nearly twice the speed of light, each of the rapidly multiplying, countless entities are also separating at or near the speed of light from all the previous and subsequent formed entities. That process multiplies distances of entity separation by trillions of times the speed of light without any individual entity exceeding the speed of light. In that way, the total range of expansion or "communication" announcing the big-bang birth occurs at trillions of times the speed of light without violating the laws of physics. (See pages 91-92 for another perspective.)
What if conscious beings can control how and when to break the symmetry of Gravity Units? With conscious beings controlling the symmetry breaking of Gravity Units, the efficiencies and power of universe-creating energy and communication multiply. How can that multiplication occur? The most obvious way is by aiming or lasing each spacetime birth in specific directions as energy waves or gravity pulses, rolling out in multidimensional geometries ...rather than allowing the gravity explosion to convert into the "usual" universe-making energy and matter radiating in three geometric directions. ...Also, such communication could possibly flash through hyperspace to other universes.[ 8 ]
Knowledge begets knowledge. Thus, knowledge is limitless -- limitless power. Harnessing universal energy and communication through business represents one increment of productive achievement along the endless scale of knowledge throughout the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, conscious beings exert business control over nature. Through the universal virtue of competitive business, advances in value production continue endlessly -- beyond the imagination of conscious beings on Earth. Yet, someday, in the eternal Civilization of the Universe, immortal descendents from Earth will routinely function along all levels of unimaginable knowledge and accomplishments.
How can conscious life be immortal -- eternal? First, examine the nature of existence: Existence is axiomatic. Existence simply exists -- eternally, without prior cause. No alternative is possible. For, existence cannot not exist. Thus, as part of existence, the evolution of consciousness is also eternal. Countless conscious societies, therefore, exist throughout the universes with endlessly higher levels of knowledge -- with millions or billions of years more advanced societies than ours. Because of such vast and endless differences in knowledge, conscious beings at any specific level of civilization cannot imagine the knowledge or activities of say a thousand years, much less a million or a billion years, more advanced societies.
If communication among conscious beings throughout the universe delivers rational benefits, such communication would develop through competitive-business dynamics. But, probably no net benefits would accrue from communicating with less advanced civilizations. Likewise, communicating with much more highly advanced civilizations would probably yield no net benefits. For, conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe would not benefit by jumping significantly beyond their own ongoing, step-by-step integrations in developing knowledge and values. Indeed, no matter from what level of knowledge, the continuity of experiences and integrations needed to create ever expanding prosperity is the root cause of happiness in any civilization.
Why are net benefits impossible from big-gap jumps into realms beyond current knowledge? For example, conscious beings cannot benefit from "million-year" advanced-knowledge jumps without going through the integrated steps to acquire that knowledge. Indeed, to benefit from advances in knowledge requires meeting the criterion for advancing prosperity. That criterion throughout all universes and all time is fully integrated honesty combined with productive effort. In other words, that criterion is Neo-Tech.
With the power of Zon, all things throughout the universe can become nonmystical conscious thoughts -- and nonmystical conscious thoughts (T1) can become all things (T2) throughout the universe. ...As explained in Part III, from the equation T1 equals T2k arises k as the universal constant of Zon. From the constant k flows the power of Zon.[ 9 ]
[ 2 ] A Super-Inflation Gravity Unit is equivalent to a symmetrical Geometry Unit of the entire universe.
[ 3 ] The power of the number 10 means the number of zeros after the number 1. For example, 10 raised to the power of 2 or 102 means 100, 103 means 1000, 10100 means 1 followed by a hundred zeros, 101012 means 1 followed by a trillion zeros. Likewise, 10-3 is 1/103 =.001. Also, 10-43, for example, is a decimal point followed by 42 zeros then the number 1. ...Human life expectancy is about 2x109 seconds. The passing of a light wave takes about 10-15 seconds.
[ 4 ] Roger Penrose calculated that to emulate all possible quantum states of the known universe would require 1010123 bits of information -- the maximum capacity for the Universal Computer.
[ 5 ] Contrary to big-bang theories, universes have no natural beginnings or endings as described in later chapters.
[ 6 ] Infinity is a mind-created concept, not a part of reality.
[ 7 ] Each new universe exploded from a single Gravity Unit will then contain its own space-time dimensions filled with its own, new quantized geometries or Gravity Units each of which can in turn form a universe filled with Gravity Units. ...For this, as with certain other hypotheses in Neo-Tech Physics, no direct evidence as of yet exists.
[ 8 ] In water, the speed of light slows by about 23% to 142,600 miles/second. Thus, in water very high-energy, charged particles can exceed that slower speed of light to create a light-barrier shock wave producing Cerenkov radiation. Now, throughout existence, no total vacuum can exist in which to measure the ultimate speed of light. In our universe, the quantum vacuum state or the gravity-unit ether exists at a certain energy level. In a vacuum state at lower-energy levels, light could travel faster than 186,281 miles/second. Does that mean certain particles such as Gravity Units could travel faster than 186,281 miles per second through our universe and not exceed the speed of light travelling through lower energy-level vacuums? Is the Guth's "faster-than-light" big-bang expansion phase simply the speed of light traveling into a lower energy-state vacuum of meta space? Could such particles set up a shock wave that would break or tunnel through the metastable vacuum of this universe into a lower energy state, thus, annihilating at light speed our entire universe as we know it? Or, could lower vacuum states be a conscious-controlled, advanced source of energy and communication? ...What about tachyons? They are hypothetical particles that can never travel slower than the speed of light and increase in speed as they lose energy. Existence of tachyons is entirely speculative and highly unlikely.
[ 9 ] The Zon constant k has not yet been determined. But, k would be the fifth and unifying universal constant: unifying the relativistic, macroscopic universal constants of G (gravity) and c (velocity of light) with the quantum, submicroscopic universal constants of k (Boltzmann) and h (Planck). Perhaps k manifests itself in some sort of unifying ratio with the other four universal constants, such as k: Gc/kh. The Zon constant would relate energy, mass, gravity, and their velocities to the flow of time toward decreasing entropy, not toward increasing entropy. ...Universal constants, including the quantum cosmological constant, ultimately arise from a deep, compelling symmetry or geometry controlled by conscious beings. The Zon constant fixes the values of all other constants.
Except for consciousness, gravity is the weakest yet most pervasive force in nature. Indeed, gravity controls universal motion. But, the fifth force of nature -- human consciousness -- is the grand-unifying force controlling all existence. Conscious force is more subtle to specific measurement and mathematical quantification than gravity. Still, consciousness is the most noticeable force on planet Earth. Moreover, consciousness is the only force that can alter the otherwise predestined courses of the other four forces of nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear. ...Consciousness is the force that unifies all forces and heals the seeming breaches of nature caused by quantum "uncertainties".
As a law of nature expressed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, facts asserted as truth are never certain. But, principles contextually determined through integrated honesty are always certain. Thus, for example, one can have certainty about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle without paradox or contradiction: (1) Metaphysically one can be certain that any particle always has an exact position and momentum at any exact time. But, epistemologically one can be certain that exact position and momentum cannot be simultaneously measured...at least not directly. (2) Measurements can be validly done in Euclidean/Galilean/Newtonian coordinate systems or in noneuclidean/relativistic/quantum-mechanical systems, depending on the object measured and the accuracy desired. And finally, (3) the indeterminate and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics does not negate the laws of identity, noncontradiction, or cause and effect. The decay of radioactive atoms, for example, are both indeterminate and probabilistic. But, each decay has an identifiable, noncontradictory cause. ...That means Heracleitus, Plato, and Kant are out; Parmenides, Aristotle, and Rand are in.
As a side note important later: Plato is the father of organized deception through "noble" lies -- the father of purposely dishonest government and science. Aristotle not only is the father of logic, science, and biology, but is the father of rational metaphysics and epistemology. Plato subjugated conscious life to higher mystical powers. Aristotle exalted conscious life on Earth as the highest value. Portions of Aristotle's ethics and politics, however, remained under Plato's influence, thus, are fallacious. ...Philosophically, Plato and Kant are mankind's villains, Aristotle and Rand are mankind's heroes.
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