What is Zonpower? To answer that question, you must first take a journey that leads to the center of weirdness. Then, you must go beyond, into the realm of weirder-than-weird. That journey will lead you into the weirdest realm of the entire universe. And that realm is right here on planet Earth in its bizarre, upside-down, anti-power civilization. You must go to that black-hole apex in order to go through it and then out into the advanced Civilization of the Universe -- the civilization of honesty, prosperity, and happiness.
World-class scientists have searched for that single point of creation. Yet, the notion of Singularity contradicts the laws of nature and physics, as do the mystical notions of perpetual motion, cold fusion, low-energy nanotechnology, along with various mystical interpretations of chaos and quantum mechanics. Many brilliant scientists are pursuing never ending illusions that demand ever more tax money, such as the twelve-billion-dollar, super collider (SSC)[ 10 ] in Texas. Such pursuits can generate ever more intriguing but eventually meaningless science and mathematics.
Singularity is rationalized to occur in an infinite[ 11 ] black hole collapsed to an undefinable, single-point entity filled with mathematical stratagems involving infinities. From such a single-point entity or Singularity, certain physicists assert that our universe and all existence was born. In turn, certain religionists enthusiastically point to Singularity as scientific proof of "God". For, the creation of our universe from Singularity would require a "God" mystically preexisting in nothingness and creating a universe out of nonreality. ...What an unnecessary, impotent notion.
Why resort to mysticisms, nonrealities, and nothingness to explain the creation of our universe? Why be stuck within such unreal and harmful limitations? Consider the seemingly infinite number of ordinary conscious beings wielding Zonpower throughout the rational civilizations existing among the universes. Most of those conscious beings have the power to create far beyond any imagined creations of a mystical "God". And, unlike the miracles of a made-up "God", conscious-being creations are real -- accomplished naturally, within the laws of physics.
Each such conscious being, for example, has the power to create an endless number of universes from an endless number of universe-containing black holes existing at every spacetime point throughout eternity. Even so, most of those conscious beings have technologically and economically advanced so far that they have long ago in their forgotten histories abandoned the creation of universes as an inefficient, primitive activity.
Blasphemy? No. For, rational Zonpower, not imagined Godpower, is real and good. Zonpower, not wishful thinking, delivers open-ended prosperity and happiness to conscious beings throughout the universe. Individual consciousness throughout the universes is the eternal, grand-unifying force of existence.
On planet Earth today, Albert Einstein represents the furthest advance in theoretical science and physics based entirely on a foundation of rationality and reality. Einstein avoided any arbitrary, quantum-mechanical retreats into fashionable nonrealities or Eastern mysticisms. With the recent discovery of Zonpower, Einstein arises anew. For science, physics, quantum mechanics, mathematics, and business can now advance in unison on Einstein's foundation of rationality and reality toward the promised land.
Observable only through your relativity telescope/microscope, the collapsing, mega-mass black hole itself is now submicroscopic. And that black hole continues to collapse at ever increasing speeds. With fuzzy thinking, you rationalize that the infinitesimally tiny black hole still collapsing ever faster, approaching the speed of light, should in the next instant crunch into one entity at a single-point center. Your fuzzy thinking continues: All entities and forces would then become Singularity -- a unified, single-point entity or force describable only in terms of unreal infinities.
Yet, no such thing happens as you continue observing through your relativity telescope/microscope: The spaceship and all surrounding existence keeps hurling toward the center at ever increasing speeds with ever decreasing distances, but without ever reaching the center. How can that be?
By continuing to observe the spaceship, you discover the answer through the laws of physics and Einstein's Special/General Relativity: As any object approaches the speed of light, its mass density increases toward infinity and its size shrinks toward zero length from the observer's viewpoint. Accelerating toward the speed of light, that spaceship appears to you, the outside observer, to move forward essentially as fast as that same spaceship is shrinking backward. Also, time aboard the spaceship appears to slow toward zero. Thus, as with all the other entities of that black hole, the shrinking spaceship keeps approaching the black-hole center at ever higher velocities, but with ever slowing time, never reaching that center.
At some approaching equilibrium, the collapse will stop accelerating as determined by the laws of physics and the finite mass/energy/gravity geometry of the black-hole center. At that moment, the spaceship and all other surrounding entities of existence captured by the black hole will stop shrinking. All existence will then lock together in a black hole of finite size and specific nature -- a nature or physics characteristic to its particular gravity or geometry. Moreover, that or any physics will always be in accord with reality. Thus, such a finite geometry of locked entities can, by definition and nature, never be a single point of mass or energy...or of Singularity. Instead, all that existence will be an energy/entity unit of gravity or geometry...not a single-point.
Without the mind-blocking, dead-end concept called Singularity, a new question and viewpoint arise: What or who could break a black-hole equilibrium of locked-together symmetries, entities, and energies? The answer, as described in later chapters, is that conscious people can break universe-containing black-hole symmetries to create universes and encoded cosmos systems observable today.
Nevertheless, in that spaceship, you are now accelerating toward a seemingly infinite-mass black hole that will collapse almost forever toward its center. Crossing the event horizon, you see the center of the black hole. You fear an imminent crash into that center. But, soon, you realize something entirely different is happening. On looking outside the spaceship, time seems to pass so slowly and then ever slower. To travel the most minute distance seems to take forever. Every tiny incremental approach toward that black-hole center seems to take ever longer as time passes ever slower.
Soon you seem to be standing still with the black-hole center never again appearing to get closer. Yet, the spaceship's instruments show you are traveling at almost the speed of light and continually accelerating toward that center. You realize that you are experiencing not only Einstein's relativity in time and space, you are also experiencing relativity in gravity: Now, even the increases in gravity seem to have stopped. In fact, not even the quantized effects of gravity can escape that universe-mass black hole. ...You seem to be forever frozen in time, space, and gravity.
Finally, you the space traveler realize the ultimate fool's journey of boredom in which you have embarked and are forever trapped. You lose all that conscious life and valid knowledge have to offer. Your fool's journey offers only an endlessly changing physics, energy, and particles that at first seem rapid, interesting, important, and leading to new knowledge for answering questions. But now, your almost infinitely slow journey is leading to nothing new -- nothing that can build new knowledge or answer questions in reality. You can only observe endlessly slower changing forms[ 14 ] of mass/energy that are forever predictable as a function of existence and its gravitational fields, geometries, and dimensions.
Yet, the moment you awaken from your unreal physics-fiction dream is the moment you recognize what an endless, inescapable fool's journey you have traveled and are now stuck. Then, the door to escape opens. Realizing existence is never born or created, it simply exists eternally, your mind is finally free. Your entire thinking and viewpoint change. You realize existence, not consciousness, is primary.[ 15 ] You can now gain valid, new knowledge -- Zonpower knowledge -- that will show you how to escape that meaningless pursuit of a nonexistent grail: the birthplace of existence. You realize existence has no birthplace. You realize conscious beings have always controlled eternal existence through Zonpower.
Indeed, Zonpower brings you into the all-powerful Civilization of the Universe. With Zonpower, you control existence and, thus, can break out of any black hole.[ 16 ]
[ 10 ] The SSC's mission to find the Higgs boson is a valid quest, especially under brilliant Nobelists such as experimentalist Leon Lederman and theorist Murray Gell-Mann...but not under the dishonesties and inefficiencies of tax-funded science.
[ 11 ] "Infinite" is a useful mind-created concept that cannot exist in reality. Except for existence itself, which is eternal and has no finites or boundaries, "infinity" violates the law of identity. In accordance with reality, at any point one stops in traveling toward infinity, the entity is defined and finite, never infinite. For example, one's mind knows that a curve can asymptotically approach a straight line forever. Yet, at any point on that curve, all becomes finite and definable about that curve and the straight line.
Now, consider how the notion of a single point can always be approached closer and closer, but can never be reached. For, like the notion of infinity, singularity does not and cannot exist beyond a mind-created notion. As an analogy, think again how a curve can asymptotically approach but never reach that straight line and become a straight line. Nothing in reality can justify a notion that such an ever approaching curve would suddenly contradict its nature -- its never-ending course -- by arbitrarily and inexplicably jumping over a quantum space to join, straighten out, and become a part of that never reachable straight line.
The laws of identity and noncontradiction always hold in reality. Those laws are eternally fundamental and axiomatic throughout existence. Moreover, existence is not in space or time. Rather, time and space are in existence. The universe is eternal, not infinite.
[ 12 ] This metaphorical journey is contextually and descriptively fairly accurate. But out of necessity for nontechnical communication, some descriptions are not precisely accurate. Other descriptions await further advances in physics.
[ 13 ] Every black hole originates from less than infinite mass and energy. All black holes, therefore, will stop collapsing at some equilibrium point determined by its finite mass/energy: For example, stopping at the Chandrasekhar limit then at the Schwarzschild radius. That equilibrium point of finite size consists of various entities and energies that cannot by definition be a pure point of singularity. Instead, by nature, those entities and energies are simply new, valid, and real sets of physics definable by that particular condition for those entities, masses, energies, and finally gravity at a particular density or geometry.
[ 14 ] Changing from a black hole to a naked black hole from which nothing, not even gravity, can escape...and finally changing into the geometry of a Gravity Unit.
[ 15 ] Aristotle is the father of the philosophically correct primacy-of-existence concept -- a concept fully validated by Rand and Peikoff in the late 20th century. Plato is the father of the philosophically false primacy-of-consciousness concept -- a concept disastrously advanced by Augustine, Hobbes, Descartes, Hume, Kant, and Hegel. ...Totalitarian-trending governments and their destructive politicians, armed bureaucrats, and parasitical elites require a dishonest, primary-of-consciousness philosophy to advance. Zonpower in cyberspace vanishes Plato's philosophy, irrational acts, and government evils.
[ 16 ] With conscious beings, rotating black holes can actually become shortcuts through space and time.
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