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Zonpower from Cyberspace

Chapter 10

Who Is Wasting Your
Brief Life?

An old man is dying. His one-and-only life is ending. All his adult life he worked hard producing values for others. He complained at times, perhaps even questioned, but never more. He always accepted the dictates of the ruling elite -- the politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, lawyers, university professors. For that acceptance, he collected social security, food stamps, and other handouts for which he paid hundreds of times over with shrinking happiness, security, savings, and standard of living. At the same time, threats from crime, drugs, racism, and poverty kept growing.

His wife died ten months before. She had devoted her life to following the mystic path from the church, to astrology, to theosophy. He always silently thought her life path was for nothing -- a sadly wasted life. Yet, was his path any different? Indeed, they depended on each other. Her loss caused unbearable pain that wanted to scream out. And now, for the first time, he began feeling an indescribable anger bubbling deep within his soul. What caused that rising anger? Did it come from the same source discovered by his wife during her dying days?

Her anger began when she realized the mystic path, which consumed her entire adult life, was a terrible hoax -- was nothing real. Her life was wasted on an illusion -- a vast hoax perpetuated and manipulated by those who used deceit to advance their own harmful livelihoods, self-importance, and usurped power. ...Indeed, over the centuries, those hoaxers used and wasted the one-and-only lives of their victims by the millions.

As his wife lay dying, she suddenly startled him. She had always been so tranquil. But, now, anger lashed out. Suddenly that frail woman wanted to obliterate everyone associated with manipulating those mystic frauds.

Strangely, during her final moments of anger, he once again, after fifty years, felt love, excitement, and life with his wife. And he knew she felt the same. Their eyes shared the most precious moment of their lives. They shared once more, after fifty years, a fleeting moment of long-lost love and passion. Suddenly, they had discovered the key to life and happiness together. Then, she closed her eyes for the final time. She was gone forever.

Now, today, as he is dying, that old man feels anger rising deep from within. He wonders what would happen if that anger ever discovered its undefined targets. But, what targets? No, not the same mystic-leader targets his wife so angrily attacked. Those mystic leaders deprived his wife's entire adult life of love, happiness, and excitement. Yet, he was never tricked by those exploiters of ignorance and illusions. Then, who are his targets of this fifty-year accumulation of anger now surging from deep within? ...On second thought, could those targets be the same mystic hoaxers his wife discovered -- just more cleverly disguised?

In his mind, he begins reviewing his life, year by year. In the perspective of potential, his life seems to have meant so little. He feels life lacked the growth, prosperity, and accomplishment that belonged to him. ...Did he miss a tremendous life experience that he earned but never collected? Who then collected those earnings?

What happens to everyone's one-and-only life? The old man wondered. What happens to the promise of youth? Indeed, almost every human life is drained or used up until each dies. Why does such a waste occur to essentially everyone? Almost everyone seems to lose his or her life to nothing, for nothing. Who is responsible, who is to blame?

Then, he recalls an experience shortly after his wife died. It was a Saturday afternoon. He went to the shopping mall to which he and his wife had often gone. Somehow he knew this would be his last visit to that mall -- or any mall. He sat in the rotunda to think about her.

After some time, he began noticing the people in the mall. He gradually noticed something different -- something he never saw before: No one looked really happy! Many seemed overweight. So many seemed drained. Some were harassed by their children. Others seemed unhappy with their spouses. He knew most wanted or needed more money. Many probably disliked their jobs. Others were worried about losing their jobs, or had already lost their jobs. Most looked bored, anxious, or empty. Like him, he knew almost everyone had abandoned his or her youthful dreams of success, glamour, prosperity. ...Almost everyone's life seemed wasted.

He then thought to himself: To have so many losses and problems, we must be guilty of something. We must be guilty of all kinds of faults, failures, and mediocrities. Anyway, we cause our own problems and limitations, don't we? That's what the authorities say. They say we're to blame, we're at fault.

Wait a minute! We cause our own problems? We're to blame, we're at fault, we are guilty? Who says? Who exactly are those who say we are responsible for not having success, prosperity, and happiness? Do we really prevent ourselves from gaining success, prosperity, and happiness? Does that really make sense? Is that natural? Or is some dark secret fooling us?

Coming back to the present, the old man realizes his rising anger is unlocking that secret. Such losses do not make sense, he tells himself. Such losses are not natural. Yes, some dark secret has been fooling everyone. The old man closes his eyes. He is dying. ...Someday everyone will discover the cause of that old man's anger, pain, and suffering. Everyone will discover that the deeply hidden causes of human suffering and death emanate from the parasitical-elite class.

Who exactly are the parasitical elites? A simple, wide-scope accounting process reveals one fact: Parasitical elites are those whose livelihoods are draining much more, often infinitely more, from the economy and society than they deliver. Such accounting answers the following question: Does one's job, livelihood, profession, agency, bureaucracy, or company build or drain the economy -- benefit or harm the productive class? Does one produce values or destroy values? ...Wide-scope accounting is a definitive economic-impact statement.

Murderous Organizations are Killing You

Some net value destroyers are so obvious that no specific accounting figures are needed for the public to see the destructiveness of such people and their harmful organizations. Consider some of the most harmful bureaucracies in America today: the BATF, DEA, EPA, IRS, INS, FDA, FTC, SEC. Such murderous organizations[ 58 ] need guns, jails, and ego "justice" to exist and expand. Those organizations breed legions of professional value destroyers who are responsible for mass property and business destructions that eventually bring economic and social devastations. But, most harmfully, those organizations move everyone toward life-wasting stagnation, unhappiness, and death.

Daily, those organizations violate objective justice by committing real crimes of force and fraud. Those organizations are not only harming the economy, but are destroying society and everyone's freedoms by violating each of the ten Articles of the Bill of Rights except the third -- they have not yet forced the quartering of their troops in private homes. ...Those organizations depend on a legal system corrupted with the subjective laws and ego "justice" used to advance their harmful political agendas.[ 59 ]


With conventional accounting within arbitrary or closed boundaries, almost any destructive end, even destructions of entire economies and genocide, can be made to appear beneficial to the public as demonstrated by Lenin, Hitler, and Mao. But, wide-scope accounting immediately reveals the destructiveness of those men and their organizations. Now, apply that wide-scope accounting to organizations like the Drug Enforcement Administration (the DEA). First, consider that the DEA exists entirely through gun-backed policies created by self-serving, demagogic politicians. From that fact, the public can increasingly see that the armed divisions of the DEA are the engines that support and expand the drug problem, crimes, death, and loss of constitutional rights for every American citizen.

The armed DEA divisions continuously expand the market for drugs by providing the super-high price supports that make possible the flourishing of organized crime and drug cartels. Such government-forced economics necessitate pushing ever more potent drugs onto others, especially onto vulnerable young people. In turn, those immoral DEA actions keep escalating the crimes and deaths related to drugs.

Gun-backed organizations like the DEA serve but one purpose -- the expansion of harmful livelihoods that let politicians and bureaucrats drain the economy and damage society by creating ever expanding drug problems.


Likewise, the gun-backed divisions of the Internal Revenue Service work with Dole-type[ 60 ] politicians in expanding destructive political agendas that enhance their jobs and power. Their armed criminal activities diminish everyone's future by crippling or breaking the daring entrepreneur and aggressive business person. Indeed, every large business today started with the daring courage, hard work, and precious seed capital of a heroically aggressive entrepreneur. Yet, as official policy, the IRS directs its newest-trained auditors and armed agents to "cut their teeth" on small, vulnerable, first-year companies. In that way, the IRS each year ruins countless individuals and small businesses -- destroying the seeds to our economic future by destroying millions of current and future jobs.[ 61 ] Indeed, wide-scope accounting reveals how the armed divisions of the IRS are criminally destroying the essence of our economy, society, and freedoms not only for today, but for future generations.

The IRS thrives as a destructive bureaucracy because of the irrational income tax. By contrast, revenues raised through consumption or sales taxes would vanish deficits, reduce the IRS to a fraction of its current size...and eliminate its armed divisions that back criminal collection procedures used to override due process while inflicting cruel-and-unusual punishments on its victims.

No legitimate reason exists for armed agents in any bureaucracy . Local police and courts, not armed bureaucratic agents, can competently and constitutionally protect all individuals, property, and organizations, including physically protecting government officials.


What about the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the INS? By throwing wide-scope accounting on the gun-backed segments of that organization, anyone can see its harm to the economy. With its army of enforcers who never have to answer to American citizens, the INS ravishes hard-working value producers and their families. The INS army expands its power and livelihoods by attacking America's most competitive workers of the past and future. Those workers are the immigrants who abandon their homelands and risk their lives to deliver competitive values to our economy. Thus, they raise the well-being and prosperity of all Americans. Such life-improving immigrants have been the backbone of competitive growth and economic prosperity in America, despite the dishonest political demagoguery to the contrary.


And the Food and Drug Administration? Wide-scope accounting shows the FDA to be the biggest killer of all -- literally killing millions of human beings. Operating under a power-mad Commissioner like Dr. David Kessler, armies of FDA bureaucrats destructively build their own "achievement" files for their own promotions. By enforcing increasingly cost-prohibitive compliance to irrational regulations, the FDA blocks scientific and medical progress.

As specifically identified in the Neo-Tech literature, without the FDA and its armed enforcers, today we would have cures for cancer, heart disease, AIDS, muscular dystrophy, and essentially all other serious diseases (Ref: The Neo-Tech Discovery). Moreover, biomedical advances would have the human race moving toward non-aging longevity as achieved in all mystic-free civilizations throughout the universe -- in all civilizations free of parasitical elites. This concept is supported by recent findings in physics and astronomy as summarized in Parts I and III of Zonpower.

Destructive Organizations
How Do They Survive?

How do destructive organizations succeed in deceiving everyone so completely for so long?

A successful magician deceives everyone in his audience with illusions. The key to the magician's successful tricks or deceptions is to keep everyone distracted. The magician with his wand keeps attention focused on a decoy illusion removed from the point of deception. With everyone's attention diverted, no one sees the deception.

All parasitical elites and their organizations have a myriad of decoy illusions. Created through deceptive rationalizations, those illusions have hidden the destructions of the parasitical-elite class since Plato showed golden-soul parasites 2300 years ago how to rule the value producers.

Consider today's Drug Enforcement Administration: With subjective laws enacted by power-usurping politicians, the DEA uses its wand of deception to point at the drugs it seized and people it jailed as progress in the "War on Drugs". But, in fact, the DEA has no motivation to diminish any drug problem. Without an expanding drug problem, its system of livelihoods and power would diminish. Thus, the DEA has every motivation to expand its bureaucracy of bogus livelihoods and power by creating and expanding drug problems, which it does very successfully.

Consider the armed criminal divisions of the Internal Revenue Service: With their wands of deception, those IRS divisions point at the money and property seized. Through its gun-backed agents, the IRS criminally squeezes the working assets out of the "underground" economy, heroic entrepreneurs, struggling individuals, and small businesses. They point to the dollars they have seized from those whom they have crippled, destroyed, or jailed. But throw wide-scope accounting on those illegal elements of the IRS, and one discovers its gun-backed enforcers are destroying our present and future economy, jobs, freedoms, privacy, and well-being. More broadly, the IRS-forced paperwork alone is the greatest time-and-life destroyer ever devised to expand bureaucratic jobs and power. ...And most destructively, the IRS smothers youth from becoming the independent business giants needed for the future prosperity of any society.

Consider the Immigration and Naturalization Service: The INS points its wand of deception at the "illegal" aliens it forcibly drains, blocks, jails, or ejects from America. Such uses of force are not only racist, but are criminal acts against innocent value producers. Those crimes are hidden by deceptive-wand myths such as "draining welfare funds" and "keeping jobs for Americans". Both such claims are patently false. Wide-scope accounting clearly reveals that "illegal" aliens (1) add much more in taxes than they "drain" and (2) create many more jobs for Americans than they take. Thus, each racist INS crime diminishes everyone's job and life by undermining America's standard of living, its economic strength, its international competitiveness.

And finally, consider the Food and Drug Administration: The FDA points its wand of deception toward "protecting" the health of Americans. But, in reality, the FDA is responsible for killing more citizens than any other group of parasitical elites. For, through power-usurping regulations, the FDA blocks the cures for all major diseases. The FDA also blocks the development of major longevity advances. ...Only unhindered science and business can bring disease-free, non-aging longevity, as accomplished in all mystic-free, parasite-free civilizations throughout the universe.

The Neo-Tech Literature

With actual wide-scope accountings, the Neo-Tech literature reveals the huge net destructions caused by specific politicians, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, prosecutors, white-collar-hoax business people, and other parasitical elites. The Neo-Tech literature also details how those elites can exist only by creating and expanding power-building instruments such as armed bureaucracies. The Neo-Tech literature identifies how all parasitical elites depend on armed bureaucracies and subjective ego "justice" to enforce their harmful survival agendas. And finally, the Neo-Tech literature details the spectacular prosperity that awaits everyone upon terminating the parasitical-elite class.

The Neo-Tech Wedge

Most people in government, business, and the professions are not targets for personal ostracism or job termination. Instead, they are candidates to benefit economically, professionally, and personally by getting on the honest side of the split caused by the Neo-Tech Wedge. That Wedge is already beginning to move through governments and businesses, separating the honest productive people from the parasitical elites. ...Only parasitical elites and their armed enforcers are targeted for ostracism and job termination. They are the ones who waste everyone's brief life. They shall not escape the Neo-Tech Wedge.

Vanishing Armed Bureaucrats

In contrast to legitimately armed policemen who serve to protect life and property, armed bureaucrats serve to harm life and property. Today, the increasing social and physical harms caused by politicized armed bureaucrats are endangering all federal employees.[ 62 ] ...Bureaucrats, not law-abiding citizens, must be disarmed.

As with Shakespeare's Iago in Othello, a politician who lives through armed bureaucracies exists not to produce values but to destroy them, not to bring social harmony but to disrupt it. As with the conflict in Sophocles' Antigone, the conflict between Neo-Tech and politicized armed bureaucracies evolves from the deepest issues of right versus wrong, honesty versus dishonesty, and protective government versus destructive government.

Neo-Tech will bring peace [ 63 ]to America and trust in government by vanishing armed bureaucracies.


[ 58 ] Murderous organizations? Even the EPA, for example, is responsible for the deaths of 8-20 people for every life it theoretically saves. The EPA kills people through the increased living costs and decreased living standards that bureaucracy forces on society, especially on the lower classes (Ref: Forbes, 7/6/92, page 60). Likewise, other bureaucracies cause long-term harm and death to countless more people than those few people who may benefit. In fact, those who profit from or live off the lethal actions of those bureaucracies are accomplices to murder -- often mass murder.

[ 59 ] Reference: The Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volumes I and II, 780 pages, The Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center, revised 1994.

[ 60 ] Career politician Senator Bob Dole has been a major supporter of expanding the destructive power and criminality of the IRS through its violent armed agents.

[ 61 ] The Neo-Tech Research Center estimates that 7.1 million jobs in the American economy were lost from 1980-1990 due to businesses being damaged or destroyed by illegal IRS actions.

[ 62 ] The criminalities of various politicians and the brutal destructiveness of certain federal bureaucracies, all deceptively whitewashed by the news media, are fueling a public loathing toward government that is threatening its employees.

[ 63 ] On May 29, 1995, the following notice was posted on various Internet newsgroups:

Memorial Day: a Political Hoax

Clinton's wreath laying: obscene hypocrisy. Notice how such politicians, the cause of all wars, revel in glory as they eulogize their dead victims. ...Remember when Memorial Day was called Decoration Day? It was not a eulogy day for the politicians' dead victims, but a celebration for the end of war and its living survivors.

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