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Zonpower from Cyberspace

Chapter 11

Your Personal Terminator
Limitless Prosperity

In the popular Arnold Schwarzenegger movies of the early 1990s, the terminator represents a nonstoppable force of destruction. In the real world, Neo-Tech represents a nonstoppable force that terminates all destructive forces. ...Neo-Tech is your personal terminator.

Today, right now, you hold a personal terminator in your hands -- a terminator programed to eliminate all forces that harm you, your family, your future. ...Your terminator comes alive today to deliver unending happiness and prosperity.

What is a Personal Terminator?

A personal terminator is your natural self programed to deliver limitless prosperity by terminating all life-depriving forces, large or small. For example, consider the most damaging of those forces, which began growing over six decades ago: In 1933, politicians with their expanding bureaucracies began draining America's business and economic assets. Starting with Roosevelt's New Deal, that drainage has expanded into the largest, most camouflaged theft and destruction of assets in history. Today, politicians and bureaucrats, as part of a growing parasitical-elite class, are devouring those shrinking assets.

Economic deterioration is upon us. But, with your personal terminator, you can end such parasitical harms while creating prosperity for you, your family, and society.

Neo-Tech -- the Master Terminator

Personal terminators are generated from a Master Terminator called Neo-Tech. That terminator is eternally protective to all conscious life.

First, consider that neither harmful leaders nor destructive terminators can exist in civilizations evolved beyond the nuclear age. In other words, no civilization can survive much past its nuclear age with a destructive ruling class -- with a parasitical-elite class.

Now, consider our civilization: Already well into our nuclear age, we are still ruled by parasitical elites. They are unnatural beings. For, they replace their productive human nature with a nonhuman program of purposely harming others, the economy, and society. Thus, they are not human beings. They are subhumans or humanoids. Not science-fiction humanoids, but self-made humanoids. For, each parasitical elite has removed from his or her thinking process the essence of a human being. That essence is the competitive production of economic and societal values needed for human survival, prosperity, and happiness.

Those humanoids increasingly drain everyone and society through dishonesty backed by the deception and force needed for parasitical survival. Those parasites live by covertly draining values produced by others rather than by competitively producing values for others and society. ...A civilization ruled by parasites must end in nuclear conflagration. But, that conflagration will never occur. For, the Master Terminator is programed to vanish the parasitical ruling class as nothing in cyberspace.

In pre-nuclear ages, the Master Terminator worked to overcome nature's forces that were harmful to conscious beings. With that natural terminator, for example, human beings worked to increasingly protect themselves from the elements, wild animals, hunger, injuries, disease. Now, today, during this nuclear age, conscious beings are using that same natural terminator to eradicate their most harmful and dangerous enemy -- the parasitical elites. For, those professional value destroyers control the means to kill everyone on Earth in a nuclear holocaust.

In post-nuclear ages, evolved conscious beings will continue using the Master Terminator to overcome diseases and death itself...along with overcoming the longer-range destructive forces in nature such as weather disasters, earthquakes, asteroid and comet collisions, cosmic disasters, solar burnouts, and collapses into black holes.

That natural Master Terminator which functions throughout all ages in all universes is Neo-Tech. Indeed, Neo-Tech is simply fully integrated honesty -- natural honesty. Nothing can stop the natural mission of Neo-Tech. Nothing can stop its mission of terminating the parasitical-elite class.

Terminating the Parasitical-Elite Class

Today, economic deterioration accelerates: An enlarging pool of professional value destroyers increasingly pillages the shrinking pool of professional value producers. But, today, the rising Prosperity Revolution will accomplish the first-and-final valid class overthrow in history. That overthrow and termination of the parasitical-elite class by Neo-Tech self-leaders and honest business leaders will boom all economies. Mankind will finally experience the unlimited prosperity enjoyed by all advanced civilizations throughout the Universe.

This is your revolution to unlimited prosperity.

Your Prosperity Revolution

A prosperity revolution? Neo-Tech self-leaders? Class overthrow? Relentless and uncompromising? Overthrowing the entire parasitical-elite class? Yes. Forward march to the overthrow and unlimited prosperity!

Another revolution of bombs, blood, and tears? Power-seeking revolutionary leaders? Another round of destructions leading to ever more destructions? Socialist, fascist, or world-order "democracy" inspired? Building a new parasitical-elite class? No. Just the opposite.

All past revolutions required inconsistencies, illegalities, and destructions. But this revolution is unique. It is based on Neo-Tech. And, Neo-Tech requires logical consistency, objective law, and honest productivity. Neo-Tech upholds objective law by terminating all subjective political policies that harm you, society, and the economy. ...This is your revolution. This revolution will bring you unlimited prosperity.

Your prosperity revolution? When will it happen? What will happen? Who will make it happen? How will it bring you unlimited prosperity?

All past revolutions and class overthrows were bogus or compromised. For, all were fomented so one parasitical group could take power from another parasitical group. All were fomented from false or artificial class conflicts of nationalities, races, religions, political issues, economic levels, or social levels.

The Prosperity Revolution is the first and only legitimate class overthrow possible among human beings: The honest productive class ranging from ditch digger to billionaire entrepreneur will overthrow the parasitical-elite class -- a criminal class comprised of destructive politicians and their legions of harmful bureaucrats, armed political-policy enforcers, ego judges, politico prosecutors, corrupt lawyers, dishonest journalists, evil academics, and white-collar-hoax business quislings.

Parasitical elites survive through false power -- power gained through deceptive illusions. But, today, with your personal terminator, you can break their illusions to end all false power. ...Right now, with Neo-Tech, you can prosper without limits.

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