The Illuminatihas its origins in the biblical Abraham who smashed the idols four millennia ago in establishing the existence of only one reality. |
Ever hear of the Illuminati? For the past two centuries, they have been condemned by nationalistic governments and mystical religions. How about the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission? They are semi-secret organizations that for the past several decades have been linked to one-world conspiracy theories. Consider the controlling influences behind those worldwide organizations -- businessmen, such as today's quiet businessman David Rockefeller. He, for example, is seldom seen or mentioned in the mainstream media. But, he is hysterically attacked as the epitome of evil by the ultra-conservative media, the nationalistic-populist media, and the religious-right media. Yet, David Rockefeller is among the world's most moral, clear-thinking, responsible people.
The Illuminati, from its founding protocols forged in the mid-18th century by Adam Weishaupt and carried forward in the 19th century by Albert Pike, have nearly completed their noble goal of undermining and eliminating the twin instruments of irrationality and destruction on this planet: (1) forced-backed nationalist governments, and (2) fraud-backed mystical religions. Now, after two centuries, that goal will not only be achieved but far surpassed, perhaps as early as 2001AD. How? By replacing the established, seemingly violent Illuminati protocols with the newly evolving, peaceful Zon protocols as deduced from the original, 176-page Cassandra's Secret manuscript developed in 1993. The specific Zon protocols will be ready for public use before 2001AD. But, first, one must understand the goal and protocols of the original Illuminati as described below:
The modern-day tools of the Illuminati include international organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, and the outdated Freemasons. In addition to high-profile parasitical elites, those organizations comprise the most-influential, low-profile businesspeople throughout the world. Still, they are all simply tools masterfully maneuvered into advancing the Illuminati's goal.
Many members of those organizations are sincere value producers; others are power-seeking parasites. Yet, all effectively serve the Illuminati's pretended goal of worldwide political and economic cooperation. Beneath that goal, however, lies the Illuminati's real goal: break the institutions that support this destructive anticivilization.
To understand the Illuminati, one must understand their poker-playing modus operandi. The Illuminati perfected the shrewdest poker-playing stratagems imaginable -- analogous to those stratagems revealed in Frank R. Wallace's Advanced Concepts of Poker, first published in 1968. After 21 printings, plus additional printings by Crown Publishing and Warner Books, Wallace withdrew that book from print in 1986 in favor of the evolving Neo-Tech literature.
Consider the following stratagem by the Illuminati: To most effectively achieve their goal, they knew their real targets for termination must remain concealed for as long as possible. Because of their world-wide influences, the Illuminati also realized that, over time, information about their work and goal would leak to the public, despite their influence over the world news media. Thus, the Illuminati planted ruses in their protocols that would invite hysterical criticism of them and their satellite organizations. By promoting hysteria against themselves, criticisms would lose credibility, preventing any effective effort to block or retard their progress.
For example, the Illuminati realized their secret protocols would eventually be publicly revealed. Thus, they drafted their Protocols to conceal their real agenda. They made their Protocols to appear as a Jewish or Zionist plot for placing all human beings under one-world tyrannical rule. They floated a poker-ploy hoax document titled The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Throughout that document, they shrewdly planted a Jewish slur word for Gentiles to describe their targets -- the goyim.
That strategy has worked brilliantly for two centuries: All exposés or attacks on the Illuminati turn into strident accusations about being evil socialistic, communistic, Jewish, Zionist, satanic, or Luciferin plots for world domination. Thus, all exposés and attacks have ultimately been dismissed as paranoid anti-Semitic, Jew baiting, racist, or religious-right paranoia -- exactly what the Illuminati intended.[ 68 ] ...Incidentally, from their origin to modern day, many among the Illuminati are Jewish. But, they are moral Jewish businessmen, not socialists or Zionists seeking world domination. Indeed, the Illuminati are ingenious "poker players" who orchestrate criticisms of them to advance their goal.
The Illuminati especially utilize their poker strategies in wielding influence from their toolbox of international organizations. Those organizations comprise the world's leading businesspeople, politicians, journalists, publishers, bankers, industrialists, military leaders, and other influential people used to advance a one-world agenda. But, that agenda conceals the real goal fully known only to the Illuminati. That goal is to undermine and eliminate the institutions supporting parasitical elites.
What gave the Illuminati businessmen their overwhelming power and success for the past two centuries? The answer lies in their ability to create genuine values and jobs for society, combined with an unshakable moral responsibility to bring growing prosperity to all conscious beings on this planet. Their moral foundation, however, was based on knowledge limited to this closed, irrational anticivilization. Thus, for them, the only possible way to preserve and then flourish human consciousness on Earth was to eliminate, by whatever means necessary, the institutions that support this anticivilization and its parasitical-elite propagators. ...But, means cannot justify the ends -- morally...and ultimately, practically. Zon, by contrast, functions through the consistently sound principle of fully integrated honesty. Thus, Zon solves such dilemmas by delivering practical, objectively moral solutions free of force and violence.
Zon replaces the moral justification for violence upon which the Illuminati have stood since their institution-breaking role in the 1793 French Revolution. ...Today, Zon has replaced that justification with a moral foundation that peacefully elevates the wealth and happiness of all conscious beings throughout time and existence. That moral base stands on integrated honesty, productive effort, wide-scope accounting, objective law, and the Golden-Helmet dynamics as detailed in the Appendix at the end of this manuscript.
The institution-breaking accomplishments of the Illuminati along with their one-world organizations such as the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission provide an advanced position from which the Civilization of the Universe can envelop this planet while peacefully vanishing the anticivilization and its manipulators.
With the discovery of Zon, the keys to prosperity are found in (1) originating conscious actions from Civilization-of-the-Universe perspectives and (2) recognizing that anticivilization perspectives are unreal. In that way, harmful aspects of the anticivilization are dismissed and ultimately vanished. Also, in that way, the two-century-old Illuminati dynamics of using deceit and force to undermine those elements supporting the anticivilization are replaced by the honest, peaceful Zon dynamics.
As identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery, the original Illuminati also realized that honest business dynamics are what sustain and advance conscious life. Thus, those business dynamics are the only source of genuine, life-enhancing power among conscious beings. Indeed, only competitive value-and-job producers hold real power -- the ultimate power to control not only current events but future events on planet Earth.
Until the original 18th-century Illuminati, no value-and-job producer understood the draining hoaxes and illusions of the parasitical elites. From Plato's time, a ruling leech class has built and propagated an anticivilization with the single purpose of sustaining their own harmful livelihoods by draining the productive class.
The Illuminati discovered that they, not kings, popes, tyrants, sultans, or other parasitical elites hold the power to control and direct society. On that realization, those original Illuminati, most of whom were powerful businessmen and bankers, moved with confidence to eliminate the parasitical elites by relentlessly pitting those leeches and their institutions against each other. That dynamic caused the world populations to increasingly lose confidence in politics, nationalistic governments, mystical religions, and their parasitical leaders.
Schindler's List, the factual story of German businessman Oskar Schindler in the 1940s, illustrates how even at the evilest depths of this anticivilization, the value-and-job producer is the only person with genuine power and love...even midst humanoids who live by guns and mass murder. Only businessman Schindler, for example, could walk through the bloody mud of the Holocaust without soiling his soul, his compassion, his respect for human life. Only job-producing Schindler had the power, moral character, and strength to reach into the depths of this anticivilization to save conscious beings from the destruction and death wrought by its humanoid propagators.
Extrapolate the metaphor of businessman Schindler into the advanced technologies among the Civilization of the universe. One will then recognize that honest businesspeople with their limitless valuation of conscious beings are the real saviors of everyone in existence. Only such value-and-job producers have the power, responsibility, and love to never let perish the supreme value throughout the universe -- conscious life, including conscious human beings on planet Earth. ...The competitive, value-and-job producing businessperson eternally preserves and advances all conscious life.
The Illuminati originally comprised the few most efficacious businessmen in Europe. The original Illuminati rejected parasites holding false or life-draining power. Indeed, none of the Illuminati were kings, tyrants, politicians, lawyers, religionists, entertainers, writers, or orators. Instead, they were quiet businessmen and bankers -- they were among the world's most potent creators of life-sustaining values and jobs.
The Illuminati's relentless work has always been directed toward saving the future generations of conscious beings from destruction by the institutionalized irrationality woven throughout this anticivilization. The Illuminati's goal has been to free conscious beings from the tribal mentalities that make possible criminal societies: parasitical governments, socialism, fascism, the welfare state, and mystical religions.
The Illuminati sought a world in which its citizens valued their fellow citizens not by social status, wealth, nationality, race, or religion, but by what each did to competitively benefit others and society.
For 250 years, playing the most ingenious poker game in history, the Illuminati have brought much of the world close to their goal of ending 3000 years of unnecessary suffering and death inflicted on all populations of Earth -- inflicted by parasitical humanoids through their criminal institutions. ...Finally, today, the newly arrived Zon dynamics will not only peacefully achieve but far surpass the noble goal of the Illuminati.
Chapter 35 publicly identifies the meaning beneath the Illuminati protocols[ 70 ], their master plan, their one-world organizations... and the resulting future for all on planet Earth through Zon.[ 71 ]
The seventh and final cyberspace stage of Neo-Tech/Zonpower -- the public phase -- will activate sometime before 2001 with the Internet distribution of the Zonpower Protocols... the Trojan-Horse penetration of Neo-Tech into the heart of the Establishment in America and worldwide.
[ 68 ] A good example of how this strategy works is found in the April, 1995, Reader's Digest article titled, "This Lie Will Not Die".
[ 69 ] The 18th-Century Illuminati Protocols, 32 pages, Zon Association (1994).
[ 70 ] What is the source of those Protocols? In 1906, the British Museum in London received a copy of the Illuminati Protocols written in Russian. Those secret Protocols were probably translated into Russian sometime after 1850 from the original German language Protocols, which first appeared in Bavaria during the late 18th century. Parts of the Protocols were used by Maurice Joly in his 1864 satire, Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. In the early 20th century, British journalist Victor Marsden translated the Protocols into English. His translations were finally issued by the British Publishing Society in 1921 (Ref: Des Griffith, Fourth Reich of the Rich). ...Metaphor or real, those Protocols express the Illuminati strategy.
[ 71 ] The Illuminati's goal has always been to replace the destructive forces of monarchism, nationalism, religion with the productive dynamics of business. Toward that goal, Neo-Tech/Zonpower adds (1) free-market dynamics for societal decisions plus (2) the essentialness of working-class individuals. For, such working-class individuals are disconnected from the elite class, which is intellectually indoctrinated into closed-circle visions of nature. Thus, non indoctrinated workers have retained their childhood capacities for fully integrated honesty -- for wide-scope viewings of nature. While vision-controlled elites, specialists, and philosophers -- including most Objectivists -- have lost their capacities for fully integrated honesty.
Indeed, the honest, wide-scope views of nature by the working class will lead the mass advance of mankind into a rational civilization -- into the Civilization of the Universe. ... Such ability to see nature as it is by non Establishment individuals -- an ability lost by the indoctrinated elites -- was first identified by Georg Büchner (1813-1837) in his path-breaking drama Woyzech.
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