Are we opening the final door that reveals what lies beyond the "God Particle"? Will we find at last the elegantly simple, beautiful force with no beginning or ending, lying beneath and above the "God Particle"? ...Beneath and above that particle lie Gravity Units of symmetrical, subspatial geometries controlled by conscious beings free of goy politics.
From Caligula's socio-fascist Rome to Hitler's socio-fascist Germany to Clinton's socio-fascist America, all destructive laws arise from political processes -- processes designed to create self-serving political powers. Today, as in Germany 60 years ago, the process of law making is driven by politics rather than by objective reality. Indeed, most law today arises from arbitrary political correctness in a drum roll of force-backed, political-agenda laws.
Such laws are turning political tools like the FDA, DEA, BATF, IRS, INS, EPA into armed bureaucracies that destroy life, liberty, and society. Also, consider today's politicization of health care, food diets, abortion, religion, education, the media, drugs, tobacco, law enforcement, criminal prosecution, immigration, the environment. Decisions in those areas should have nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with objective reality. ...What irrational forces underlie the politicization of human action?
The forces underlying harmful political actions are camouflaged dishonesty, hidden laziness, and parasitical livelihoods. From those forces, a purposeful destructiveness arises. That destructiveness is used to gain unearned values at the expense of the competitive value producers. Beneath those forces lie irrationality and insanity -- the schizophrenia of parasitism. Contrary to common belief, schizophrenia is not a split or a dual personality, which is just one of many possible symptoms of schizophrenia. Rather, the disease of schizophrenia is the detachment of consciousness from objective reality, which is required to convert one's precious life into a worthless life -- into a parasite.
The tripartite cure for insanity in government is simple: depoliticize, depoliticize, depoliticize. ...How will that cure arise? Consider the following Illuminati article of June, 1994. This article was published five months before the first Neo-Tech domino fell in America -- five months before America's November 1994 elections:
The most valuable goyim of the '90s are the Clintons. Faking compassion and using demagoguery, they foment envy against the productive class -- against the competitive producers of wealth and jobs. They move forward, feeding on individual rights and competitive value production. Their grand wealth-distribution schemes consume the source of earned values and well-being. Their illegal schemes, epitomized by bribes paid through fraudulent cattle straddles, undermine the public's sense of justice and honesty in America. Moreover, the fake compassion of the Clintons is nothing more than a three-step, Toll-Booth Compassion: Personally they give nothing that genuinely benefits humanity or society. Instead, (1) they collect self-aggrandizing tolls by forcing the productive class into financing an expanding parasitical-elite class through political-agenda laws. (2) They extract financial tolls by draining the only real benefactors of the needy and society: the competitive value-and-job producers. And, then (3) they hit the jackpot with a neocheating livelihood replete with force-backed political power and praise-filled honors. Such three-step, toll-booth compassion includes larceny and homicide. For example: "If this law saves one life, then it's worth it" type demagoguery hides the 100 or 1000 or million innocent victims hurt, impoverished, or killed directly or indirectly through such sound-good, toll-booth-compassion laws -- laws that subjugate society through force-back control, destruction, and death. Seeking unearned power through virtuoso lying, the Clintons emasculate America's long-term security and prosperity for their own power. Left unchecked, such criminal agendas would destroy health care, individual rights, the economy, and maybe start a war to avoid impeachment or jail. ...The point is that such goy politicians will loot, kill, and build violent hatred toward government just to sustain their destructive livelihoods. Indeed, today, political predators are crushing property rights, plundering the middle class, and widening the gap between the rich and poor. How? By escalating police-state regulations, destructive political-agenda laws, and irrational taxes enforced by armed bureaucrats. Those irrationalities decimate small businesses, the middle class, and individual self-reliance: the three originators of all productive jobs and earned profits. ...Why do political predators purposely advance economic and social harms? So they can live in power and praise without themselves having to produce competitive values. The above dynamics are ironically in accord with the original Illuminati Protocols. Those master-plan protocols use Machiavellian political tools such as the Clintons who have Dostoyevsky-type criminal minds[ 74 ]. For, such goy tools cause calamities that undermine planet Earth's twin institutions of parasitical evil: nationalistic governments and organized religions...institutions that subjugate the well-being of society to the parasitical-elite class. Obsoleting such criminal-minded goyim will halt the government's parasitical feeding on the value-producing class. A depoliticized civilization will bring eternal peace and prosperity. Indeed, the laws among the Civilization of the Universe arise from the divine grace embodied in every conscious being who has ever existed. From those laws arise genuine prosperity and romantic happiness.
Article 1
Even Plato recognized that the creation of a civilization is the "victory of persuasion over force...". By contrast, an anticivilization means the use of force over persuasion.
All genuine jobs, prosperity, and happiness in any society come from honest individuals and businesses. President Clinton had no concept of honesty or business. He never held or created a productive job in his adult life. He lived parasitically by (1) demagogically attacking and then (2) self-righteously draining those who produce the jobs and values upon which society depends. ...How did such a person become accepted by a population as its leader?
Congenial President Clinton was the most skilled, manipulative public speaker since Hitler, Churchill, and FDR.[ 75 ] His gross lack of principles combined with his supreme ability to sound good let him project sincerity and good intentions with persuasive skills, perhaps surpassing any neocheater living today. Pandering to envy and parasitism, both Clintons "compassionately" extracted maximum capital from the producers to buy votes and power from the public.
Indeed, Bill and Hillary Clinton were a key find for the Illuminati to accomplish their two-century goal of eliminating public acceptance of the parasitical-elite class draining the value producers and society. ...Ultimately, the pernicious Clintons will bring prosperity and happiness to America. How will that happen when all their actions worked to decay individual rights, property rights, self-responsibility, self-respect, objective law, crime prevention, education, health care, and the economy?
The "Heaven-Sent" President Clinton was a professional Elmer Gantry who exuded sincerity, confidence, and compassion upon all whom he exploited for his own unearned livelihood and selfish ego. But, just as he built his illusions to the height of public deceptions, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech began breaking those illusions in 1994. As the illusions break, such parasitical elites and their supporting casts will be scorned or prosecuted out of existence. The dishonest concepts of politics will be increasingly trashed along with political-agenda laws and ego-"justice" systems. At that point, America will be ready for depoliticization and decriminalization.
The Clintonian criminal mind is woven throughout goy politics -- woven throughout the White House, the Congress, the legal profession, the media, and the celebrity industry. Above-the-law/beat-the-law, golfing-partners OJ/Clinton hid their criminal minds behind sharp lawyers, automatic lying, public adulation, and wonderful-person facades. Such persons will always coldly, arrogantly rationalize themselves out of criminal acts ranging from wife batterings and WACO killings to the destruction of public health, safety, and the economy.
The fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech and the wide-scope accounting of the Golden Helmet combined with the coming cyber-information revolution will eliminate dishonest politicians, their harmful political-agenda laws, and their armed agents of force.
Why is victory on Earth possible over the next few years? Consider the survival tool of purposely destructive politicians and government officials. Their survival tool is the public acceptance of armed bureaucracies made possible by deception and irrationality. To perpetuate those dishonesties, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech and the wide-scope accounting of the Golden Helmet must be hidden from the population by force, coercion, and fraud. Yet, every act to suppress the Neo-Tech/Golden-Helmet, including the jailing of its author and publisher, enhances public movements toward its all-revealing, depoliticization dynamic.
Through cyberspace, Golden-Helmet economies backed by nonpolitical objective law could be in place by 2001 AD or earlier. ...Prosperity and happiness will then be available for everyone and society.
[ 72 ] Technically the "God Particle" is called by physicists the Higgs boson.
[ 73 ] Consider the following: How many Platos, Alexander the Greats, Caesars, Caligulas, Attilas, Genghis Khans, Tamerlanes, Napoleons, Lincolns, Lenins, Woodrow Wilsons, Mussolinis, Hitlers, FDRs, Stalins, Maos, Pol Pots, Castros, Idi Amins, Bokassas, Khomeinis, Pengs, Saddams, Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus, Bill and Hillary Clintons were Jews? None.
[ 74 ] Such deluded "superior beings" think their "greatness" puts them above objective law, including Raskolnikov in Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, as the OJs and the Clintons in today's America.
[ 75 ] Clinton crafted words as Shakespeare's Iago crafted words -- crafted to put poisons in everyone's ear, potions that make evil actions seem good and good actions seem evil.
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