The End of Chaos
The Start of Guiltless Wealth
That one exception proves the rule that conscious beings control existence. They control existence with a system designed for eternal survival through limitless value creation. Ironically, that universal rule can be proven by its one exception -- the existence of parasitical humanoids who survive by creating chaos. They survive by creating chaos in draining economies and harming societies. With facades of good intentions and compassion, those humanoids inflict cruel harm and fraud on society. Such inflictions of harm and fraud are epitomized by Clinton-type Envynomics. Those media-hyped economics of envy would drain dry all productive dynamics remaining in America. Indeed, envynomics provide the only means of survival left for the expanding clique of parasitical elites and their value-destroying bureaucracies.
Throughout the vast universe, genuine chaos exists only in an unnatural anticivilization such as now dominates planet Earth. Its humanoid rulers survive through parasitisms requiring force, threat of force, and fraud. They live by criminally draining those who produce values for society. ...But, all such parasites and their unnatural anticivilization will vanish on exposure to the natural Civilization of the Universe, which is now coming to planet Earth.
Beyond that exception found in an anticivilization, no fundamental chaos exists in nature, from quarks to universes. Still, appearances of chaos exist everywhere. However, investigation into every such appearance reveals either a transitory illusion in nature or a purposely productive act by conscious beings creating higher degrees of order as explained in the coming paragraphs. ...Remember, conscious beings are the grand-unifying force and controlling dimension of existence as identified in Part I on Neo-Tech Physics and discussed in Part III on the Civilization of the Universe.
Only purposely destructive acts of parasitical humanoids create genuine chaos. Wars, for example, create bona fide chaos that has no connection to the conscious-controlled flow of value production throughout the universe. Still, chaos-causing humanoids and their anticivilizations, such as infesting planet Earth today, comprise only a minute, transitory part of the universe. Thus, the effect of humanoid chaos on the universe is essentially nil and undetectable, except at its tiny moment of flickering existence in time and space. By contrast, the appearances of chaos created by increasing values are not chaos at all. Instead, all such appearances are revealed as conscious creations of ordered values...even in Earth's anticivilization.
Look at a sleek, high-powered sports car from a little distance. One perceives beautiful symmetry and order -- the antithesis of chaos. But, approach that car and throw open its engine hood -- chaos! To the nonmechanic, all appears so asymmetrical and complex -- a chaos of wires and tubes among a myriad of varied shapes and parts. Yet, pursue knowledge to the function and essence of that complex engine. One then perceives a supreme beauty of conscious symmetry and purposeful order.
Now, open a computer -- chaos! But again, what looks like chaos -- a jumble of electronics, chips, and circuitry -- is actually a wondrous display of conscious-made order delivering mega values to the economy and society. Such value synergies arise from assembling widely varied components into functional designs. ...In ruling existence, conscious beings create ever increasing values that appear as chaos to the more primitive, unknowledgeable eye.
Look into the night sky. Sense the smooth, orderly-rotating universe. Now, using radio and optical telescopes combined with computers and astrophysics, throw open the curtain of the Universe for a closer look. Chaos! All looks so asymmetrical, jumbled, complex. A seemingly random scattering of all kinds of stars, galaxies, black holes, pulsars, quasars, nebulas, novas, particles, waves, rays, forces, fields, energies, and masses. Yet, on pursuing the widest knowledge and integrations, one discovers the orderly purpose in such "chaos". With that discovery on planet Earth, everyone will grasp the purpose and value of the universe as orchestrated by conscious beings with much more-advanced knowledge. Then, finally, everyone on Earth can share that same beneficial control over time, space, and existence.
In Earth's anticivilization, the more conscious beings evolve, the more chaos appears to the unknowledgeable eye and primitive mind: Consider the obvious order of building blocks comprising the ancient pyramids. Compare the ordered symmetry of those pyramids to the apparent chaos perceived by the unknowledgeable, primitive eye gazing for the first time upon the jumbled maze of Manhattan's skyline. Compare the ordered drumbeats by early African or Indian tribes to the apparent chaos filling the untrained, primitive ear listening for the first time to full-blast Wagnerian opera. Compare the easy reading of simple parables throughout the Bible to the apparent chaos meeting the unintegrated mind perusing for the first time Zonpower -- a communiqué from beyond the stars.
Now, trace the societal values within the symmetries of ancient human achievements -- from the ordered pyramids advancing to the more chaotic-appearing but astronomically valuable Stonehenge. Then advance through the ages toward the ever increasing complexities of conscious achievements -- toward ever greater economic and social values. Finally, consider the combined volumes of Neo-Tech and Zonpower: Their 1400 plus pages combine the widest-scope integrations possible -- from subatomic particles to the universe of universes, from eternal time to eternal mass and energy, from romantic love to non-aging longevity with ever increasing prosperity and happiness for all conscious beings. From that integrated combination, an epiphany appears -- the epiphany for the Civilization of the Universe enveloping planet Earth by the turn of this century.
A single artist can paint or sculpt a perfect-ordered auto engine or computer circuitry in a matter of hours or days. But consider what is required to actually invent, develop, and then competitively mass-produce complex, jumbled-appearing engines or computers that deliver ever increasing values to others, the economy, and society. Such mega achievements require countless man-years of efforts -- heroic efforts combining fully integrated honesty with brilliantly integrated efforts.
In other words, only competitive business dynamics deliver ever increasing values to all peoples, in all societies, at all times. For, those dynamics follow the preordained paths of honesty and effort required for genuine job-and-value production. Only that value production delivers prosperity and happiness to conscious life. ...Such value production often appears as increasing chaos to the more primitive mind and eye. But, the opposite is always the fact. For, all genuine values consist of conscious minds molding existence into ordered benefits for everyone and society.
On studying Zonpower, one finds a widely varied communiqué. Yet, on integration of these varied writings, Zonpower unveils the supreme order for all existence. How? By contextually interweaving the general with specifics, theory with practice, abstraction with fact, history with the contemporary...and the future. Thus evolves a spiralling synergy of many parts -- a synergy that crunches millions of words and countless volumes into this single communiqué.
Zonpower reveals to citizens of Earth their most important discovery: the Civilization of the Universe. Through the condensation of such wide-scope integrations arises the Neo-Tech/Zonpower discovery. And, from that discovery will come the first-and-final product of existence: the Civilization of the Universe.
Through the Neo-Tech/Zonpower discovery, that ultimate product can now arise on planet Earth. The Civilization of the Universe will start overtaking the parasitical-elite class, perhaps as early as the 2000 AD elections. Indeed, the Civilization of the Universe will vanish Earth's anticivilization and free everyone from unnatural deprivations, unhappiness, and death. For, those evils were wrought by chaos producers ranging from subhuman thieves and murderers to humanoid parasitical elites and professional value destroyers. ...The Civilization of the Universe will vanish those chaos generators to bring everyone on Earth the gifts of eternal life, prosperity, and happiness -- gifts that are natural to all citizens of the universe.
Zon talks to every conscious being in the universe. But, with the disease of mysticism and prior to the Neo-Tech/Zonpower discovery, no one on Earth could hear Zon. Can conscious beings receive the eternal communications from the Civilization of the Universe? Because of mysticism and its anticivilization, no one on Earth could hear such communications. Through Gravity Units, universal communication is possible within the laws of physics as identified in Movements I and III. As Movements I and III further identify, we can cue our "ears" for such communication. Then, on curing the integration-blocking disease of irrationality, everyone on Earth can receive the eternal benefits available from the Civilization of the Universe.
[ 76 ] Nonlinear, far-from-equilibrium situations bifurcate into potentially endless fractals in any finite space. That process, in turn, self-organizes into patterns of near-perfect order reaching over potentially limitless distances. ...Thus evolves not only the cosmos and life itself but all productive work, creative thinking...and limitless knowledge.
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