Ultimate Wealth Lurks
Cassandra's Secret
Undreamt wealth can be gained by controlling the power underlying the universe: Zonpower is the universal symmetry that underpins Cassandra's Secret. The power of Zon controls existence at all scales. ...Hidden beneath everyone's consciousness flows Zonpower -- a mighty river of wealth creation. That power is available to you now: through Cassandra's Secret, through the supersymmetry of Zonpower.
How have such harms corrupted everyone on Earth for the past three millennia? To live "comfortably" in this life-draining anticivilization, one must increasingly invest in the harmful illusions of the anticivilization -- one must sink to a lower social dimension. From that restricted dimension, no one can discover his or her natural power.
Until now, Zonpower has remained submerged in everyone's natural consciousness. Yet, Zonpower functions in parallel but hidden ways beneath one's clouded consciousness -- clouded since childhood. The resulting becloudings provided the hypnotic set up for lifetime exploitations of every value producer by the parasitical elites. Indeed, that exploitive set up is the illusion of "needing to get along in or approval from" this irrational anticivilization hypnotically conjured up by the parasitical-elite "leaders".
Cassandra's Secret breaks that hypnotic spell. Once that spell is broken, one can freely access Zonpower to control existence and predict the future to gain limitless wealth.
In 1993, Public Broadcasting aired a documentary about an acclaimed "breakthrough" from Australia for treating autistic children by a technique called "facilitated communication". Almost the entire professional field involved in treating and caring for autistic children embraced that technique, around which they began boosting their careers. Many millions of tax dollars poured into this "breakthrough", including costly physical facilities, such as at Syracuse University, dedicated to "facilitated communication".
Yet, any objective observation of that technique, even by those unfamiliar with autism, will immediately reveal the technique as bogus. Not only does the technique lack rationality, but has no correspondence with any law of nature, science, or logic. Anyone can easily recognize the technique as nothing more than a Ouija board spelling out the subliminal thoughts of the professional therapists "treating" autistic children. This technique is not only worthless but is harmful toward those children and their families.
How could an entire field of professionals invest their lives and build their careers on something so obviously bogus and harmful to everyone? When people start investing their lives into bogus activities, they increasingly rationalize -- blindly and without limits -- to continue expanding their harmful investments and livelihoods.
Thus lies the mechanism through which almost everyone on Earth invests his or her life into this bogus civilization. Once that investment is made in the anticivilization, one is trapped within its all-encompassing, irrationality.
Everyone in this anticivilization starts with the mind of an innocent, defenseless child. That mind is then tortured with painful contradictions and dishonesties until the child either becomes autistic by withdrawing from this irrational civilization or becomes "normal" by surrendering to its destructive irrationalities.
The more irrational and destructive people become, the more they will destroy and kill to maintain their harmful careers in the anticivilization. Additionally, the more people invest in destructive careers, the less competent they become in producing competitive values that genuinely benefit others and society.
Most politicians -- along with many bureaucrats, lawyers, judges, and stagnant big-business executives -- abolish their human nature by becoming parasites. As professional parasites, they become camouflaged criminals, even murderers, rationalizing behind shields of subjective political-agenda "law" and corrupt ego "justice".
Consider Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and the Clintons. Each increasingly invested their lives into becoming clandestine parasites until they could no longer support themselves by competitively producing values for others and society. Thus, such people must become increasingly open criminals and killers to survive.
With Zonpower, you leave all such losers behind forever.
The nobility and good of human character are revealed at times in everyone, except in humanoids who have destroyed their human nature. Indeed, nobility and good are revealed spontaneously, in greater or lesser degrees, throughout the life of every conscious being. Now, today, the limitless potential of one's childhood can be fulfilled through Zonpower. At the same time, anyone can tap Cassandra's Secret to emasculate and vanish the harmful consequences of this anticivilization.
From Zonpower, you gain an entirely new way to view yourself, your life, and all existence. You will then be poised to capture eternal life. From Zonpower, you will seize iron-grip control and a confident certitude that brings everlasting youth, riches, and romantic love.
[ 79 ] She died too young at 30 as did her author sister Anne at 29.
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