"In this anticivilization dominating planet Earth, only young children hold the power of the universe. For, they are innocent and pure: free of the irrationality disease called mysticism. During their brief mystic-free period, children live among the Civilization of the Universe. They hold the limitless yet unlearned power of the universe -- Zonpower. But all children are dependent on their parents and teachers for acquiring initial knowledge. Thus, parents and teachers are responsible for infecting and debilitating the minds of their children with deadly irrationality -- with the integration-blocking disease of mysticism.
"The minds of such children are manipulated and twisted into grotesque dishonesties ranging from accepting parental irrationalities and mystical religions to accepting the politically correct insanities and destructive actions of harmful `teachers', `authorities', and `leaders'. Thus, children are dragged into Earth's irrational, Plato-enslaved anticivilization to lose their potential for eternal growth and happiness.
"Upon accepting an irrational civilization as normal, a closed bubble of mysticism forms around each child. Each such closed bubble assumes its own wobbly size and shape to accommodate the dishonesties, inner logic, and rationalizations required to live `normally' in an irrational civilization. In such a bubble, one can never squarely stand on reality. Therefore, one never has real strength or power. One is never anchored in objective reality, but is always trapped in illusions. Thus, one never even glimpses his or her potential. Floating in a mystical bubble, often upside down, one can never experience the Civilization of the Universe with its limitless power and wealth.
"Today, all citizens of Earth's anticivilization live in such bubbles, floating detached from reality and the universe. Those bubbles are easily pushed around in directions that support false authorities backed by their armed agents of force. Those false authorities lack any real power to produce genuine values for themselves and others. Such parasites survive by manipulating both the dishonesties of mysticism and the evils of force. They learn how to manipulate or force everyone's bubble of mysticism into supporting their own destructive lives.
"Indeed, every person living in this anticivilization is trapped within his or her own bubble, never to gain eternal prosperity and happiness. Thus, everyone on Earth sooner or later stagnates and dies. By contrast, in the rational Civilization of the Universe, stagnation or death of any conscious being is the ultimate loss, the ultimate tragedy, the ultimate irrationality. ...Thus, stagnation and death have long ago been cured or eliminated from the Civilization of the Universe.
"Until today, no one on Earth realized that conscious beings never need to live in an anticivilization. For, an anticivilization is unreal -- created entirely from illusions and hoaxes by parasitical `leaders'. Those false leaders live as they have for three millennia: by enforcing fraudulent political agendas in order to control and, thus, live off the value producers.
"But, today, through Neo-Tech, all value producers on planet Earth can begin to recognize the Civilization of the Universe. That recognition begins the journey into fully integrated honesty. That honesty, in turn, will begin to dissolve the bubble of mysticism. When the bubble finally breaks, one lands upright, feet firmly planted in reality. From that position, one commands reality, never again threatened or manipulated by illusions. From that position, one captures Zonpower with its limitless excitement and prosperity.
"The most remarkable feature about Zonpower and the Civilization of the Universe is that to become Zon and achieve limitless prosperity requires nothing remarkable. Zon and the Civilization of the Universe are open to all honest people, no matter what their intellectual or physical attributes.
"Once one breaks his or her bubble of mysticism, the unreal anticivilization is revealed as nothing -- as a nightmare of illusions. That person then becomes a Citizen of the Universe. That person captures the limitless power of eternity. That person becomes Zon!"
Civilization of the Universe, 1993
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