Most physicists, scientists, or physicians with vested interests in the anticivilization, such as tax-funded livelihoods, will resist identifying that human consciousness is the omnipotent force controlling existence.[ 98 ] Likewise, business people, professionals, or academics seeking praise and acceptance from within Earth's anticivilization must avoid grasping the wide-scope dynamics of Neo-Tech with its fully integrated honesty. But, those who integrate with Zonpower today or those who encounter the Zon Protocols at the end of this century can disconnect from Earth's anticivilization to gain Zonpower.
Without Zonpower, every conscious mind is imprisoned. Without Zonpower, no conscious mind is able to escape the products of an anticivilization: dishonesty, irrationality, destruction, death. The reason for that entrapment is that everyone is coerced from every direction. And no conscious mind can think honestly, widely, or deeply under any form of coercion.
Most important, on trying to live by fully integrated honesty that is natural in the Civilization of the Universe, one will increasingly feel uncomfortable and anxious if his or her life remains invested in the anticivilization. Indeed, one cannot capture Zonpower while remaining invested in this unreal anticivilization.
Ironically, throughout history, only young children and certain schizophrenic savants have tasted Zonpower, albeit in narrow areas. What is meant by stating certain schizophrenics have tasted Zonpower? Do their experiences provide a hint of the undreamt power available to conscious beings not invested in this anticivilization? Consider the ancient oracles of Greece, including the most famous, the Oracle at Delphi. They had one common background: They all were naively honest, uneducated country girls who hallucinated as schizophrenics. None were invested in the anticivilization. Yet, kings as mighty as Alexander the Great, emperors, generals, lawmakers, and the wealthy regularly consulted and acted, often with spectacularly favorable results, on the uncanny, seemingly brilliant insights of those hallucinating women.
Consider Joan of Arc in the early 15th century. She too was a naively honest, uneducated country girl who hallucinated and was disconnected from society -- disconnected from the sophistications of the anticivilization. Yet, as a teenager, she became the premier military commander and war strategist in France. She delivered brilliant new insights into politics, warfare leadership, and battle tactics. Starting by liberating Orléans at 17 years old, she personally led France to key victories over the English invaders. She then provided the political strategy to restore Charles VII to the throne of France. ...At 19 years old, undermining the false power of the parasitical-elite class, she was politically imprisoned, tried by ego "justice", and then burned at the stake.
Why did those uneducated, illiterate women have insights beyond anyone else in areas of state and war? Because they were uneducated, poor, and disconnected from established society, their minds were disconnected from the integration-blocking dynamics of the anticivilization. In those areas, therefore, they were free to think more widely, without to think with greater honesty.
In their areas of disconnection, they could gather wider ranges of integrations and insights than anyone connected to the anticivilization, including the greatest contemporary experts. Thus, the unblocked minds of those women could provide completely new and often more accurate perspectives of momentous events.
Consider the most powerful moral savant of Western Civilization: an uneducated, illiterate hippie who also hallucinated. He too was disconnected from the anticivilization of his day. Yet, that man held moral sway over the Western world for a hundred generations, right up to this day. That person was Jesus. He undermined the parasitical-elite class, was politically imprisoned, tried by ego "justice", and then crucified. ...Jesus' earthly moral principles are now yielding to the universal moral principles found in objective law and expressed by the forthcoming Zon Protocols.
Indeed, wide-scope thinking is impossible under coercion. That is why no one in this anticivilization can fully grasp the concept of integrated honesty to unleash Zonpower. Any form of coercion generates an array of rationalizations that prevent the wide-scope, contextual thinking required for Zonpower.
By disconnecting from every aspect of the coercive anticivilization, the conscious mind springs free from the anticivilization to gain Zonpower. With Zonpower, one controls existence through fully integrated honesty.
Through the Zon Protocols, you will live with ever increasing health, prosperity, and happiness. You will no longer need to invest in a corrupt anticivilization. You will live in the Civilization of the Universe. You will vanish the dishonesties, illusions, and nonrealties that today assault the mind and body of every conscious being on Earth. The anticivilization with all its coercions, harms, and diminishments will disappear. You will gain genuine power. You will gain Zonpower. You will control existence.
Today, you are unable to experience fully integrated honesty and wide-scope thinking. Today, you are bound within bubbles of mysticism, stunted by coercions, blocked by rationalizations in seeking acceptance from an irrational civilization ruled by parasitical elites. Thus, you will enter the Zon Protocols as a citizen of Earth's anticivilization created by criminal politics and morbid religions. ...But, you and everyone reading the forthcoming Zon Protocols will become a Citizen of the Universe. You will become Zon. You will be free of mysticisms and illusions -- free of Earth's anticivilization. You will control existence through fully integrated honesty, boundless energy, and wide-scope thinking. ...You will gain the eternal prosperity and happiness available to all conscious life.
[ 98 ] As reviewed in Chapter 6, The Long Wave
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