Poker Stratagems
replaced by
Zon's Integrated Honesty
As described in Chapter 18, how could anything so seemingly evil as the Illuminati Protocols be compatible with the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech? How could the founding Illuminati be the heroic precursors of Neo-Tech? Those questions are answered by comparing the underlying dynamics flowing beneath the fatally flawed, close-ended Illuminati dynamics to the pristine, open-ended Neo-Tech/Zon dynamics:
As was the original Neo-Tech author, the original Illuminati were fully aware that every conscious being and all earned values on Earth would eventually be consumed by the parasitical elites. Although not knowing the final technology that could destroy conscious life on Earth, the original Illuminati knew that capability would eventually develop. Today, everyone knows that this total-destruction technology is thermonuclear energy.
Thus, the Illuminati today race to complete their goal of subverting and eliminating all life-draining institutions that support parasitical humanoids -- eliminate them before they obliterate conscious life on Earth. The current parasitical cycle will increasingly ruin the real value-and-job producers, their means of production, their capital, their property. As in all past such cycles, this parasitical feeding cycle will escalate until the maximum possible human values are consumed or destroyed.
By using nuclear or biological weapons to destroy maximum possible values, this final wipe-out cycle would end most if not all conscious life on Earth. ...Some religious-right fundamentalists fervidly root for such an apocalyptic wipe out.
As revealed in Movement II of Zonpower, the only solution possible by working within this anticivilization is to undermine and then break every harmful institution throughout the anticivilization -- eliminate every institution that supports humanoid parasites. That breaking of parasitical institutions could be accomplished by harnessing genuine business power through advanced poker stratagems. For, by combining that business power with such stratagems, one can outflank every parasitical maneuver.
The breaking of destructive governments and religious institutions along with their parasitical beneficiaries can be done through organized, persistent business dynamics. In fact, that breaking of those destructive institutions has been nearly accomplished. By whom? By the dedicated handful of highly responsible Illuminati businesspeople.
Advancing the Illuminati's goal required the confident certainty that genuine business power combined with advanced poker strategy will always outflank and eventually vanish the false power of parasitical elites and their illusion-built institutions. Indeed, the underlying Illuminati strategy is maneuvering parasitical elites and influential leaders alike into irresistible positions of worldwide, ego-boosting power. Such positions are proffered by various quasi-secret international organizations. But, the controlling long-range plans and power are orchestrated by that handful of obscure Illuminati. Through such a system, the Illuminati could always maneuver influential leaders worldwide into creating conflicts that increasingly undermine nationalistic governments and organized religions.
By contrast, as revealed in Zonpower, the Civilization of the Universe provides an eternally open, evolving system of advancing knowledge, value production, and prosperity that is totally independent of the anticivilization. When individuals begin functioning from the Civilization of the Universe now arising on planet Earth in cyberspace, the illusions of the anticivilization and the influences of its parasitical rulers simply vanish.
Thus, the Illuminati's goal can be fully achieved not by violently working within this unnatural anticivilization but by peacefully working from without -- from the natural Civilization of the Universe. ...The Civilization of the Universe is a healthy business civilization void of poverty and violence -- void of parasitical elites.
Credit for Zon and the Civilization of the Universe being able to embrace planet Earth and vanish the anticivilization by the turn of this century belongs to the Illuminati -- to their two centuries of relentlessly undermining the destructive institutions of this anticivilization. Credit must go to the heroic "dirty work" done by men of productive accomplishments and moral responsibility from the 18th-century Adam Weishaupt to today's 20th-century David Rockefeller...and all the other unrecognized, low-profile Illuminati. For two centuries, they have brilliantly duped and poker played the parasitical-elite class into undermining its own institutions.
Eight decades ago, Einstein's open system of relativity physics jumped past Newton's brilliant, invaluable work within the closed system of classical physics. Both systems were dedicated to eliminating ignorance about physical reality. To advance into the future, however, Einstein's open system had to move past Newton's closed system.
Likewise, today, Zon's open-system Civilization of the Universe jumps past the Illuminati's brilliant, invaluable work on the closed-system anticivilization. Both works are dedicated to eliminating the deceptions supporting this anticivilization. To advance into the future, however, the open-system moral base of Zon must replace the closed-system moral base of the Illuminati.
Today, less-and-less earned wealth remains for the burgeoning parasitical-elite class to feed upon. When those last seeds of prosperity are devoured, even the Illuminati along with their master plan, their influential international organizations, and their noble goal would end in a suicidal, global Hitler-like debacle. For, with the essence of productive business gone, the Illuminati could no longer function. The anticivilization would then be primed for a new cycle of Hitlerian tyrants to arise -- arise chaotically without the two-century-old restraints and controls of t(e Illuminati. Such uncontrolled humanoid rulers would drum-beat the world toward nuclear conflagrations, consuming nationality after nationality, race after race, population after population. ...The Illuminati's fatal flaw is their working within the closed-system anticivilization. They could not foresee that in the end they too would be devoured by the anticivilization.
Zon removes that fatal flaw to allow the successful conclusion of the Illuminati's master plan. ...Against the reality of Zon, the anticivilization with its parasitical rulers vanish in cyberspace.
Today, with the glimmerings of Zonpower rising from America's 1994 elections, the Illuminati are sensing the shift of their moral and operational base from the politicized anticivilization to the nonpolitical Civilization of the Universe.
In the Civilization of the Universe, one asks not where another is from, but one asks what another does for a living...what one does to deliver needed, competitive values to others and society. Concepts of race, nationality, and religion are unknown in the Civilization of the Universe.
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