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- If you think it's Who You Know, I can assure you that there's a much more powerful factor at work!
- If you think it's What You Know, I can assure you that you're mistaken! (Unless what you know is the "Big Secret!")
- If you think it's How Well You're Trained, I can assure you that you've missed the boat!
- If you think it's How Well You Use Your Mind to Think, I can assure you that all the "success gurus" who say this don't know the most important reason for their own success! (Sorry, "Think and Grow Rich" just doesn't work for the vast majority of people -- no matter how hard they try!)
- If you think it's Pure Luck, I can assure you that you're way off the mark!
- If you think it's How Pretty, Handsome, or Tall You Are, I can assure you that's not it!
- If you think it's How Hard You Work, I can assure you that's just plain wrong!
- If you think it's How Determined and Persistent You Are, I can assure you that you're barking up the wrong tree!
- If you think it's Get a Mentor to Teach You, I can assure you that the odds will still be heavily stacked against you -- unless your mentor consciously knows the single most important success secret!
- If you think it's Form a Mastermind Group, I can assure you that unless they apply the single most important success secret, the group won't get very far! (Nevertheless, you may strike it "lucky" with a group that instinctively applies the "Big Secret" without being consciously aware of it!)
- If you think it has to do with Setting Goals or Targets, I can assure you that you will most likely be disappointed!
- If you think it has to do with Confidence or Belief in Yourself and Your Project, you're on the right track -- the "Big Secret" will automatically help you with this!
- If you think it has to do with Developing a Pleasant Personality, you're getting warm -- the single most important success factor will automatically help you with this!
- If you think it has to do with Becoming More Enthusiastic, you're getting hot -- the single most important success factor will automatically make you more enthusiastic!
- If you think it has to do with Taking Bold Initiatives, you're getting red hot -- the "Big Secret" will automatically increase your boldness and creativity!
- If you read an article or book on "The 20 Secrets of Success," I can bet you dollars to doughnuts that you won't find the REAL SECRET! You see, not even one in a thousand successful people know the most important reason for their own success! It's something they've developed, but take for granted -- and they don't realize that others have to develop it in order to also become successful!
So... What SINGLE FACTOR DETERMINES Your SUCCESS More Than Anything Else?
In 1994, a group of people working for a company that provides "anti-terrorist systems" started doing some serious research to unearth the most important reasons why some people succeed and others don't. They came across a study completed in 1990 by California psychiatrist Dr. Michael McGuire. He wanted to determine "whether timidity was an illness or a personality style." He observed two groups of about one hundred people each for two years. The only significant difference between the two groups was their MOOD LEVELS. The members of the first group had a mood level which could be described as "timid and slightly negative." The members of the second group were perfectly matched with the first group in intelligence, education, memory, and other qualities -- except one: They had a mood level which could be described as "bold, optimistic, and enthusiastic."
Dr. McGuire, whose findings were presented in a paper in 1990 to the American Psychiatric Association, found that the people in the bold group were "better at developing novel interpretive and behavioral strategies" -- they were better at adapting to change by seeing and doing things in new and different ways. In other words, flexibility, innovation, creativity. The bold ones were also "more likely to initiate social contact" and showed "less fear of negative evaluation by others." Put plainly, they reached out more to others but cared less about what others thought of them.
The "anti-terrorist group of researchers" found a great deal of other evidence that BOLDNESS and the qualities that go with it are the most important factors that account for success. They also found that MOOD DETERMINES BOLDNESS! For example, Selling Power Magazine studied 50 Superachievers and 200 Average Achievers and found that of the EIGHT main differences between the winners and the also-rans, only ONE was based on skill or knowledge. The other SEVEN success factors were all related to MOOD LEVELS -- "How Achievers Achieve" by Gerhard Gschwandtner, Editor, Selling Power Magazine (15th Anniversary issue, September 1995).
Answer: YOUR MOOD LEVEL DETERMINES Your SUCCESS More Than Anything Else!
One of the benefits you receive
by studying the information provided freely at this website, is the INFORMATION ON HOW TO ELEVATE YOUR MOOD LEVEL AND BECOME SPECTACULARLY SUCCESSFUL!
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