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Hypericum & Depression


Table 1

Summary of 25 randomized clinical studies and tvo drug-monitoring studies on the efficiency of Hypericum in the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Authors year No of cases Total hypericin/day Weeks Target Parameters Test preparation Respons rate Compared treatment Resp. rate Rating
Witte, 1995 97 0,5 mg x 2 6 HAMD, D-S Psychotonin 79 % Placebo 56% -
Ditzler, 1994 60 0,24 mg x 2 8 D-S Neurapas*** 67% Placebo 33% -
Albrecht, 1994 1060 0,3 mg x 3 4 HAMD, D-S Jarsin 75% None - -
Woelk, 1993 3250 0,9 mg x 3 4 D-S Jarsin 300 82% None - -
Sommer,1993 105 0,9 mg x 3 4 HAMD Jarsin 300 67% Placebo 28% 41
Huebner,1993 40 0,9 mg x 3 4 HAMD, B-L,CGI Jarsin 300 70% Placebo 47% 54
Hänsgen, 1993 100 0,9 mg x 3 6 HAMD, D-S, CGI, BEB Jarsin 300 81% Placebo 26% 55
Vorbach, 1993 135 0,9 mg x 3 6 HAMD, D-S, CGI Jarsin 300 82% Imipramin 62% 74
Harrer, 1993 102 1 mg x 3 4 HAMD, D-S, CGI Jarsin 300 61% Maprotilin, 67% 70
Bergmann, 1993 76 0,25mg x3 6 HAMD, Bf-S Esbericum 84% Amitryptilin 74% 38
Martinez, 1993 20 0,9 mg x 3 4 HAMD, (SAD-patients) Jarsin + 300 Lux 60% Jarsin + 3000Lux 72% 38
König, 1993 112 0,5-1mg x 2 6 Bf-S Extract Z 90017 53% Placebo 53% -
Lehrl, 1993 50 0,37 mg x 3 4 HAMD, KAI Jarsin 42% Placebo 25% 25
Schmidt, 1993 65 0,37 mg x 3 6 HAMD, Cognition Jarsin 67% Placebo 26.7% -
Quandt, 1993 88 0,37 mg x 3 4 HAMD Psychotonin M 70,7% Placebo 7,7% 49
Reh, 1992 50 0,5mg x 2 8 HAMD Neuroplant 70% Placebo 45% 55
Osterheider, 1992 46 0,25mg x 2 8 HAMD Neuroplant 0% Placebo 0% 25
Harrer, 1991 116 0.37 mg x 3 6 HAMD, HAMA, D-S Psychotonin 75% Placebo 25% 52
Halama, 1991 50 0.3 mg x 3 4 HAMD, B-L, CGI Jarsin 60% Placebo 12% 55
Werth, 1989 30 0,37 mg x 3 3,5 HAMDafter amputation Psychotonin M 73% Imipramin 60% 43
Schmidt, 1989 40 0,37 mg x 3 4 HAMD , STAI Psychotonin M 65% Placebo 33% -
Kniebel, 1988 130 0,1 mg x 2* 6 HAMD, CGI, Bf-S Sedariston 88% Amitryptilin 80% 35
Schilch, 1987 49 0,25 mg x 3 4 HAMD Psychotonin M 28.4% Placebo -23% 45
Warnecke, 1986 60 0,3mg x 2 12 HAMA, SDS, CGI Hyperforat 77%** Diazepam 50% -
Steger, 1985 93 0,1 mg x 2 * 6 CGI, D-S, B-L Sedariston 70% Desipramin 30% -
Panijel, 1985 100 0,1 mg x 2* 2 CGI, B-L, STAI Sedariston 78%** Diazepam 54% -
Hoffmann, 1979 60 3 mg x 3 6 Own Scale Hyperforat 61.4% Placebo 15.2% 16

D-S = Depression Scale according to von Zerssen; CGI = Clinical Global Impression score; B-L = von Zerssen Health Compliant survey; BEB = Hänsgens complaint inventory; Bf-S = v. Zerssen´s SelfRating Scale; STAI = State Trait Anxiety Inventory ; KAI = Lehrl's Short Test on General Information processing; SAD = Seasonal Affective Disorders, SDS =Self Rating Depression Scale * = + 50 mg Valeriana in combination-medication. ** Measured by CGI *** combination medication with Hypericum, Valeria, Passiflorae, Coridalis cavae and Eschscholixiae californiae

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Copyright © 1996 by Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D. and Peter McWilliams


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