The Terra Libra strategy for building free societies consists of three phases:
Freedom advocates often try to give away their ideas without selling the benefits to their audience. And when those ideas are given away for free, recipients often view them as unimportant and utopian, if not trivial. This approach also requires recipients to admit, often publicly, that they have been mistaken about their beliefs. In other words, the customer is always wrong. Terra Libra has a better idea.
Terra Libra instead views freedom as a valuable product, which needs to be produced, improved and marketed. Terra Libra uses business dynamics to sell freedom for profit. The most effective way to do this quickly is through multi-level marketing (MLM). As demonstrated by more than a year of astounding business success, it is remarkably effective. Starting with only $250 in May of 1993, Frederick Mann and his associates at Terra Libra have built a FREEDOM INDUSTRY with several hundred thousands of dollars in annual income. And this is only the beginning.
MLM allows information to be rapidly spread through business dynamics. By selling important freedom information for profit, authors and publishers are encouraged to produce more of what people want, and less of what they don't want. This constant real-world feedback keeps them on the right track. How many non-profit organizations can you say that about? Through distributor commissions, readers of the information are encouraged to spread it to others. This simple Phase I strategy results in a rapid spread of freedom information because it multiplies the incentives for other people to spread it. It also makes an important statement -- that this information is valuable and useful. By focusing on business, instead of charity, fear, or guilt, this strategy tends to attract successful, action-oriented people to the freedom movement.
Through an intensive training program of practical, street-smart Freedom Technology, advanced freedom thinkers will be able to discover and develop their own personal power. This is the same kind of power used by Mahatma Gandhi to defeat the British empire in India. By inspiring people of India to say "NO" to the British government, Gandhi proved that apparently strong and powerful governmental structures are in fact weak and tenuous. The basis for Gandhi's extraordinary success was a thorough understanding of what Terra Librans call personal power. This same kind of personal power resulted in the collapse of the Berlin wall. Not even 300,000 Russian troops could prevent it, once the people no longer supported it.
Personal power is the natural control every living thing has over its life. For humans, this means learning to make lifestyle and other choices in accordance with an individual's needs and wants. It also means learning to develop the ability to defend oneself against those who, through manipulation, fraud or force, try to control that individual's life. Controlling one's own life is basic to Terra Librans. As Rose Wilder Lane said, "Freedom is self-control; no more; no less."
Individuals can be made to realize and experience the fact that they don't have to be controlled by others. Each of us has within us the ability to change our lives to regain control. This important step to develop powerful, self-directed individuals is central to the Terra Libra plan. For without such strong, independent individuals, the Terra Libra message of individual freedom and responsibility will not become a widespread and practical reality. The Terra Libra Personal Power Institutes will allow students to discover and develop these important skills. They will learn and spread the most elegant and practical ideas in the freedom movement today. Quickly. And effectively.
As you know, private schools and other alternatives to government services have grown significantly in recent years. Everywhere you look, government is failing, and free enterprise is taking over. But this important activity must be greatly expanded. As more people are sold the benefits of the first two phases of the Terra Libra strategy, of course, they set the stage for a further expansion of this third phase.
More products and services need to be developed to help people defend themselves from aggression and to increase their personal power. As the number of freedom thinkers reaches a critical mass, a larger market will be available to support real free-market institutions. These will include more private schools, business support services, mediation and arbitration services, anti-theft devices, other completely new and innovative businesses and various means of keeping the wealth you worked so hard to get!
As the number of freedom thinkers grow beyond the critical mass, more of them will become action-oriented, and most will be inspired to start their own businesses. In other words, they will become doers, just like those who sold them valuable Terra Libra products in the first place. Imagine -- a world of action-oriented, independent entrepreneurs -- building free societies where politicians and bureaucrats have become obsolete.
When enough free-market institutions exist to provide a variety of useful, cheap and plentiful services (especially in the area of personal protection), today's governments will become irrelevant. And this will mean a permanent end to taxes, bureaucracy, politics and "public policy".
Terra Libra represents a ground-floor opportunity to build freedom and potentially get rich at the same time! Won't you help us celebrate the ascent of man? Join the EVOLUTION that is Build Freedom.
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