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Our modern scientific culture is unique in history because it possesses a
description of the universe that is based on observation, described by theories
with numbers in them, and makes predictions of what we will find if we make new
experiments that no-one has tried before. Sometimes, the predictions even come
quite close to what the experiments reveal! This is a significant improvement
on stories about the world being a flat disk sitting on the top of elephants
riding on a giant space turtle and so on, which we now know are blatantly
Even better, this description is part of a consistent body of knowledge which
also describes how to build cars, CD players and so on. It isn't correct yet,
because there are some numbers which don't accord with experiment, and there
are some things which we observe which the description doesn't explain at all.
It's a strange situation, because such an integrated picture isn't the sort of
thing we can just pick and choose bits from to believe or not. It can't be
wrong, because after all, cars and CD players work. Yet there are no
obvious ragged edges to the picture, and there are some things that it just
does not address at all.
One such omission is the strange property of self organisation that we
see operating in the universe. The planet we live on is teeming with life,
complexity and richness, but we know that millions of years ago it was just a
ball of lifeless rock, spinning through space. At larger scales we know that
very, very long ago the universe was a much simpler place than it is now. Once
it was just filled with vast clouds of gas but today it contains untold numbers
of galaxies of stars, which are clumped into clusters. The clusters are clumped
into superclusters, which are themselves arranged into vast sheets with Great
Voids between them. We have a pretty good understanding of the processes that
cause structures to degrade from complex to simple like metal objects rusting
or mountains eroding away, but we don't have the faintest idea how to start
explaining how at the same time other structures get more complex. It's as if
half the story is completely missing from our understanding! There are all
sorts of fancy words that some people use to refer to this strange effect, such
as "emergence", or "autopoesis" (which just means "self organisation" in
ancient Greek - it sounds much grander than it really is), but when it comes
down to it these words are rather like the Spencer's Warbler - they tell us
nothing about what is happening. As we saw in the last chapter, most people in
most cultures tend to concentrate on the things they do understand, and ignore
the things they don't understand. This leads to a false perception of the
universe as a place where things decay and fall apart, when in fact the
dominant process in the universe is one of Humpty Dumpty's suddenly
falling together, all over the place!
Although we don't understand self organisation, there is one fascinating aspect
of it that people have noticed. It always happens at the "edge of chaos". We
met the edge of chaos in Chapter 1, where it forms the interesting part of the
Mandelbrot Set, but you can observe it in your kitchen too. All you have to do
is turn on the tap on your kitchen sink. When the tap is only a little bit
open, water flows out of it in a gentle and regular way. You can look at the
water flowing out of the tap, and see that the water always forms the same
shape as it flows from the tap. When the tap is fully open, it flows in an
irregular and crazy way, spurting all over the place. The flow is turbulent. If
you open the tap just the right amount, you can get the water flowing in a way
that is regular for a few moments, then it does a little crazy dance, then it
becomes regular again, and so on. That is the edge of chaos. A great deal of
study has been done to try to understand exactly when and how those little
crazy dances happen, and the studies have made some progress, leading to more
efficient shapes for turbine blades, aeroplane shapes and any other kind of
equipment that involves flowing fluids or gases, and as you might have guessed
by now, the mathematics that can start to describe the edge of chaos is full of
fractals. This is not to say that wherever there is an edge of chaos there will
be self organisation, but we do know that to get self organisation happening
we have to start with an edge of chaos. So we can bundle up the mystery of
self organisation with the mystery of why the universe is full of fractals,
and as we saw in Chapter 1, a universe full of fractals also offers new ways
to understand our own subjective sense of our own consciousness, which is
another thing our current picture of the universe says absolutely nothing
about. We can bundle up the mystery of our own consciousness with all the other
examples of something seeming to appear out of nowhere in a universe that is
filled with fractal patterns.
So why is the universe full of fractal patterns, and why do the fractal
patterns have the astonishing property of being able to produce increasing
richness by just interacting with each other? We have now learned enough about
how the magicians see things to be able to borrow a couple of ideas from them
and understand this in a way that science has not been able to suggest until
this point in our history. We'll begin by taking a clear and simple statement
by the magician Rudolph Steiner, taken from his own Autobiographical
Sketch, and then use the idea of inside out thinking from Chapter 3 to fit
Steiner's statement into our modern scientific picture of the universe in a
way that doesn't need us to rip our wonderfully self-consistent modern picture
apart, but does extend its power so that it can explain a lot more than it
presently does. The result is a unified scientific and magical picture which
for the first time places the phenomenon of miracles (as the real magicians
understand real miracles) into a scientific framework. If it can do
that, perhaps it's hardly surprising that this new picture has a place
for human life, aspirations and destiny which the old picture merely treats as
an accident - where it discusses them at all. We'll spend the rest of this
chapter understanding the new picture, before placing human experience into it
in the next chapter.
To begin understanding the new picture, what Steiner said was this:
Into this period fell - and this belongs already to the external occult
influences - full clarity about the conception of time. This knowledge was in
no way connected with my studies and was directed entirely from occult life. It
was the knowledge that there is an evolution going in a backwards direction,
interfering with that which goes forwards; the first is the occult, astral
evolution. This knowledge is the condition for spiritual perception.
Steiner claims that although we only see time passing in one direction, from
what we call past to what we call future, from the universe's point of view it
also passes in the other direction as well! It is the goings on that are
influenced by this unseen, backwards chain of cause and effect that the
magicians are interested in. In Chapter 3 we looked very carefully at the idea
that what we know is quite different to what the universe knows, because our
knowledge is limited. So the idea that there might be things going on in the
universe that we don't see from our point of view should not be too
surprising. We always have to bear in mind that we have a point of view, and
that what we see is not absolute, or objective, no matter how objective it
seems from our point of view. Think of the centuries of head scratching that
it took before we realised that no matter what we think we see, the Earth
really does go round the sun instead of the other way round, and what's more
the Earth spins as it does it, so that Lennon and McCartney could write their
song, The Fool on the Hill:
This idea provides a way to understand why the universe keeps getting richer.
In what we call our future, the universe will be a very rich and lively place
indeed. This rich place degraded into a very simple state in what we call our
past, and we are seeing the film played backwards. Bits of Humpty Dumpty
suddenly jump off the floor and click together in a way that we call self
organisation, because we're just seeing him fall - backwards! Even better, as
soon as we have this idea available, we can immediately understand why we can
only see things going the other way. In common with everything else in the
universe including galactic super clusters and planetary ecologies, we are
getting richer and more complex as time passes, and we grow and form memories.
Just follow a series of events as you normally experience them. Perhaps on
Monday you notice that some new neighbours have moved in next door. This
information adds to your memory, like putting a shirt on in the morning.
Then on Tuesday you have a conversation with your new neighbours and discover
that you like them. This information also adds to your memory, like putting a
coat on top of your shirt. The discovery that you like the neighbours is made
in the context of your prior knowledge that they exist. You now have two
layers of memory - an inner one that the neighbours exist, and an outer one
that you like them. Now run the film backwards. First you un-have the
conversation, and forget that you like the neighbours. That's like taking the
coat off. Then you un-notice the neighbours moving in, and forget that they
exist. That's like taking the shirt off. The difference is that when you put
the shirt and coat on, you put the coat on top of the shirt, but when you're
taking things off, the coat has absolutely nothing to do with what happens when
you take the shirt off. It's already gone! If the universe wanted to, it could
run you forwards and backwards through Monday and Tuesday as many times as it
likes, and all you'd ever be aware of is one pass through Monday and Tuesday,
and you'd only be aware of that on Tuesday evening! In his novel
Slaughterhouse Five, the science fiction author Kurt Vonnegut played
with this idea, but he got it completely wrong. The central character, Billy
Pilgrim, is indeed running backwards and forwards through time in exactly this
way, and it makes for some very pretty imagery as (for example) terrible
destruction caused by the Allied bombing of Dresden is sucked up into bombs
which leap up into aeroplanes and are carefully borne away to be safely
dismantled in factories far away. The problem is that Vonnegut has separated
Pilgrim from the universe as described in Chapter 3. Pilgrim just keeps on
experiencing a personal forwards time when everything in the universe
(including his own brain) is experiencing backwards time. Pilgrim somehow
forms memories of seeing time flow backwards, even while the brain that forms
the memories runs backwards. It's silly.
A more serious objection to the idea of two arrows of time with a much richer
state in our future comes from our modern picture of the universe. After all,
we know that the universe is expanding, and recent studies have shown that the
rate of expansion is actually increasing. Our modern picture says that in the
distant future there won't be anything interesting happening at all. Everything
is doomed to get further and further away from everything else, eventually the
stars will have burned all their hydrogen and gone out, and the universe will
become a vast, cold, dark, empty, lifeless place. That's not very rich and
complex, but perhaps we can keep all the elements of what we have discovered,
and even keep them connected together in the same way (remember - cars and CD
players work, so we have to respect the relationships between aspects of the
universe that we have managed to understand) by turning the whole picture
inside out.
The idea that the universe is expanding came from very careful observations of
the light from many distant galaxies. Starlight can be split into its
constituent colours by using a prism, in the same way that sunlight is
sometimes split into many different colours by water vapour in the atmosphere
to form a rainbow. In exactly the same way that copper burns with a specific
green colour, there are specific colours that we expect to see in starlight
because stars shine by burning hydrogen. When the great astronomer Edwin Hubble
looked carefully at starlight from distant galaxies, he found that instead of
the colours being exactly the ones he expected they were all off by a small
amount, shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. The exact amount of red
shift in each galaxy's light depends on just one thing - how far away from us
the galaxy happens to be. To explain this astonishing finding, Hubble came up
with the idea that the entire universe that we know is like a soap bubble,
being blown up in a space that we cannot know directly, and which has an extra
physical dimension. Little creatures (perhaps bacteria) running round on the
surface of a soap bubble are free to move in any direction they like on the two
dimensional surface of the bubble, but they can't leave the surface so they are
only aware of a two dimensional space. In the same way, we are completely free
to move in the three dimensions we know, but we (and everything else in the
universe) cannot move through the extra dimension that we cannot directly
perceive. As the surface of our bubble expands, everything on it moves away
from everything else, and the further away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving
away from us. Here's a simplified diagram of what Hubble thought is happening,
with all of space reduced to a single one dimensional line, drawn in the two
dimensional space of the page that the little astronomer (marked by the letter
A) cannot be aware of:
As the bubble expands, the galaxy far from the astronomer (marked by the letter
F) moves away from him more quickly than the galaxy nearer to him (marked by
the letter N). Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light, just as low
pitched sounds have a longer wavelength than high pitched sounds. Hubble's
idea was that stars moving away from him would be shining with light of exactly
the right colour, but the light waves would be effectively stretched from his
point of view in the same way as a police car's siren seems to be a lower
pitch if it is moving quickly away from us. This stretching would make the
light seem redder than it should be.
The idea of all of space being like an expanding bubble contained a remarkable
consequence. It meant that in the past the universe was smaller. There is no
edge, but by travelling far enough, just like a little creature on the surface
of a soap bubble, eventually a traveller would come right back to where she
started. When the universe was smaller, the length of the journey needed to
come back to the starting point was shorter. At some point in the past,
absolutely everything in the universe was contained in a tiny space filled with
an unimaginable fury of energy. Before that, everything was in a point of zero
size which exploded in the now famous Big Bang. Understanding becomes
impossible at the point of zero size, and there is no way of knowing what
happened just before that point, to find out where everything came from. A
universe which always makes sense to our imaginative and reasoning study seems
to put on a Groucho mask and blow a raspberry at us right at the start of all
things. Whatever nature does is always right of course, but it seems like a
bit of a disappointment that we live in a universe that gives rise to
questioning and intelligent minds, and then plays silly tricks on them by
doing things the minds can't ever understand right at the start!
Over the years since Hubble made his great discovery and proposed his radical
suggestion to explain it, a huge amount of work by many scientists has fleshed
out the details. We have mathematical descriptions of the processes that
occurred just after the impossible madness, and which gave rise to the kinds of
particles we see in the universe today. Because light travels at a finite
speed, we can see what parts of the universe looked like very long ago by
studying light that has travelled a very long way, and we see that long ago the
universe was indeed much smoother and contained much less structure than it
does today, and the further back we look the smoother it gets - exactly as we
would expect if it had started as a tiny ball of pure energy.
On the other hand, there are some things that haven't worked out so well.
Careful studies of the shapes of galaxies showed that there isn't nearly
enough mass in them to explain their shapes. So the idea of "dark matter" was
born, to draw the galaxies into their present shapes. The only problem is, to
make the sums work out right the scientists had to assume that 97% of all the
matter in the galaxies is stuff that doesn't shine like stars, and doesn't get
in the way of light from things that do shine either. We have no idea what
this dark matter might be - there's certainly nothing like it around planet
Earth. Then further studies of the red shift indicated that the rate of
expansion of the universe is actually increasing, so an equally vast amount of
"dark energy" got plugged in to push the galaxies apart. So the latest version
of the theory needs 99.5% of the stuff in the universe to be mysterious
substances that we can't see, we know nothing about, and we only assume exist
because otherwise the sums just don't work out right. In situations like this,
it is only reasonable to wonder if the theory is wrong. Even that ancient
smoothness causes problems. If things were so perfectly smooth at first, where
did all the rich structure we see today come from?
To turn this picture inside out, we explore a different explanation for the
red shift. As before, we imagine the universe as the surface of a bubble, which
this time is getting smaller, not bigger. We also imagine that as the bubble
shrinks, absolutely every material particle in the universe from the smallest
atom to the largest galaxy shrinks with it. This is an important difference
compared to the old picture, where space gets bigger but the particles in it do
not. In the new picture, the only thing that does not get smaller as
time passes is the wavelength of light travelling through space. Every atom
emits light of the "correct" wavelength, compared to its size at the time it
emits the light. That wavelength is then "frozen" as the light travels, and
when it arrives at an atom in the astronomer's eye it seems to be too big,
because the receiving atom (as well as the emitting atom and everything else)
has shrunk while the light has been travelling. Because the wavelength seems to
be too big, it seems to be too red. The longer the light has been travelling
the more pronounced this effect will be, so light from very far away will seem
to be redder than light from nearby.
Why should everything in the universe be shrinking except for the wavelength of
light travelling through space? In the new picture, the story of the universe
starts with a Big Bang in our far future. Unlike the old picture, which gives
us no reason to imagine it starting as anything other than a zero sized point,
we can allow the new Big Bang to start with a size greater than nothing. This
means it can start with structured contents instead of completely smooth
contents. Einstein's equation E = mc2 says that all material
particles are made out of light somehow tied in knots so that it can sit still
instead of being obliged to zoom around at the speed of light (and the fact
that H bombs work proves he was right). As soon as the Big Bang happened, we
can imagine its very dense but highly structured contents of tangled light
starting to become unravelled, rather like spray cream expands as soon as
the pressure in its container is released. This unravelling then continues
forever. In the new picture, there is no crazy logic defying moment in
our past. Everything in our past is completely sensible and reasonable in the
new picture, although almost all of it is very, very boring. Something odd
will happen in our future, but from our distant descendants' point of view it
will probably be as a result of their own activities! In this new picture, the
universe keeps faith with the reasoning minds that arise within it at all
times. The further back we look, the smoother and less interesting the universe
becomes, until the point where there is no more discernable change at all. So
the new picture doesn't need to explain how structure appeared out of nowhere
- instead we are seeing structure smoothing out, but we are seeing the
smoothing process backwards. Light is travelling through the four dimensional
space that Hubble always said the universe is evolving through, but things
made of collections of tangled light (including astronomers and the stars they
study) can't tell that they are unravelling on one arrow of time and
re-ravelling on our arrow. From the point of view of any material object no
change is happening at all, since everything is unravelling (or re-ravelling)
at the same time, so the measuring sticks change size at the same rate as the
things we measure with them. We can't tell that our house is actually getting
smaller if the only rulers we have to measure it with are getting smaller at
exactly the same rate. Even modern machines for making very precise
measurements using light are no help, because the wavelength of the light they
emit actually changes as the emitting atoms become smaller. It is only
light that has been frozen in wavelength by freely travelling through space
since the moment of its emission that remains constant. So the only
clue we have that something odd is happening is the unchanging wavelength of
free light as it travels through four dimensional space, which we perceive as
getting redder because we are getting smaller with respect to it.
It's interesting to compare the difference between the original Hubble picture
and the inside out version with the problem of perspective that artists had to
sort out before they were able to represent depth in their paintings. Despite
the magnificence of their architecture and workmanship, artists in Egypt at the
time of the Pharohs weren't able to represent depth at all. The oddly flat
looking pictures they left us are celebrated in the comic Egyptian Sand
Dance (or if you prefer, the Bangles song Walk Like an Egyptian).
We shouldn't pretend that the ancient Egyptians were alone in having this
problem. European paintings right up to the 15th Century were just the same,
except those people all have pointy shoes on! Then a unique artist who saw
something that no-one else had ever seen - even though it was right in front of
their noses - called Filippo Brunelleschi discovered vanishing points, learned
to handle perspective, and everything changed.
These days we don't think twice when we see depth represented in pictures, but
the fact that it took so long to get it right shows that perspective effects
are much trickier to understand than they seem. In this diagram we see an
imaginary ancient Egyptian philosopher called Hu-bul and a student. Hu-bul is
explaining that as they look further back down the road, the reed beds on
either side can be seen to be nearer together, and this "reed shift" proves
that the road is getting wider as they walk down it! Of course, Hu-bul wouldn't
really make this mistake, because he can easily run down the road and check its
width. He'd only make the error if he had to make all his observations from
very far away...
The new picture provides an explanation of where the fractal patterns - and
everything else that we can bundle up with the existence of fractal patterns -
within the universe came from. It always take two things to make a measurement.
These are the thing that we are measuring and the thing that we are comparing
it to. In the new picture we have two different length scales in the universe,
which are the wavelength of free light, and the size of the atoms that emit or
receive light. Until now we've been describing the new picture as one where
the atoms are all shrinking with respect to the free light, to clearly show
how similar the new Hubble picture is to the old one. We could look at it
another way though, and say that the atoms are staying the same size, but the
speed of light that atoms emit and expect to receive is getting faster as (to
us) the universe gets older. The astronomer Fred Hoyle (who coined the term
"Big Bang", and discovered how elderly stars manufacture all the elements
except hydrogen and helium when they die and explode) was intruiged by ideas
like this until his death, and talked about "tired light" theories. In tired
light theories, old light looks "tired" to us, or to put it another way, new
light looks "frisky" to us. Since we can only compare the atoms with the light,
both ways of expressing the idea are actually the same. Looked at this way, we
have the idea that in our far future, where the new picture puts the Big Bang,
the speed of light will be very frisky indeed. As the universe unravelled,
backwards in time from our point of view, the speed of light became slower and
slower like a trolley that is started with a firm push and then steadily slows
down as it travels. So a moment after the Big Bang, light was moving very, very
quickly indeed. If it was moving quickly enough, it could have made the
circular journey around the whole universe very quickly indeed. The effect of
this on any structures in the universe would be to mix them up, like putting a
stick into a pot of paint and stirring it. Even on our planet, at this time, we
know that a good way of getting chaotic, fractal patterns is to start with a
well defined structure and stir it in exactly this way. So the reason why the
universe is full of fractals is that it started in our far future, with well
defined structures in it, and during a period of frenzied mixing, that
structure was distributed all over the universe in a way that made it
impossible to see it for what it is, but seeded the whole universe with
self-similar patterns that today are available to interact with themselves.
During the period of mixing, parts of each section of the structure of the Big
Bang universe would have been distributed into every part of space. The effect
of this is to make each part of space representative of what is going on in all
of space. The universe before and after mixing is like the difference between
a photograph and a hologram. Each part of a photograph holds a different part
of the image, so if you tear a corner off a photograph, you've only got one
part of the image. A hologram isn't like this. Each part of a hologram
contains bits of all of the image, although it does so with less clarity
than the whole hologram contains the whole image. Tear a corner off a hologram,
and you can make out the whole of the image in it, from one angle. This
property of the universe, that a part can be used to understand the whole, is
the basis of the statement, "That which is Below corresponds to that which is
Above" in the Emerald Tablet. With this deeper understanding we can now add to
the interpretation of the phrase, "It rises from Earth to Heaven, and then it
descends again to the Earth, and receives Power from Above and from Below"
from the Emerald Tablet that was offered in Chapter 1. We have two arrows of
time, and two chains of cause and effect. If we wish we can trace the history
of the universe the way we usually do it, from a smooth state to a very
structured one. Alternatively we can trace it the other way, in the unravelling
direction. Both these perceptions don't do the universe full justice. To really
understand what is happening, we have to understand that each moment
contributes to both chains of cause and effect, round and round, in an
eternity contained within a single story.
It's all a very attractive idea, but does it really work? In the rest of this
chapter we'll look at some very deep mysteries that this picture can resolve,
including suggesting what consciousness is (and no other physical picture has
been able to do that), and explaining how miracles occur (and all prior
pictures have been obliged to deny that they happen at all), but how can we
test it? One very good test would be to look at the mathematical descriptions
we have of how the early universe evolved in the old picture, leading to the
mix and types of particles we see in the universe today. The description has
taken many years of work by many people to construct, and it assumes that most
of the interesting stuff happened in a short time, at very high densities and
energies. The question is, can we modify the description to start with the
simple, light filled universe we have good evidence used to exist, and produce
the same mix of particles at very low densities and energies, but with
infinite time for the events to happen? There are some situations where
we can substitute time for energy (anyone who has prepared a roast dinner
knows this), but it isn't always so. If it is possible to turn the description
of particle evolution inside out in this way, then it would be a good
indication that the new picture really does hang together. Today no-one knows
if this will be possible or not - but that's what science is like! The good
news is that if the new picture is right, we'll know that total
understanding is never possible until we have all the data. There will
always be new discoveries to be made, new surprises, until our distant
descendants learn how to close down the universe and go... elsewhere.
The science of very small things has collected some unfortunate myths over the
last hundred years. We looked at some of the origins of these myths, in the
errors made by the deductive mind acting alone, in Chapter 3. One such myth is
that just because no-one understands the quantum mechanical world today, we can
be sure that quantum mechanics is beyond human understanding. If artists had
believed that sort of thing, they'd never have tried to solve the problem of
perspective - and the same thing is true of every other human accomplishment!
Another myth is that just because we don't have the answers to some questions,
normal people can't even understand the questions - which is equally untrue.
The core puzzle of quantum mechanics is very easy to understand. The starting
point is an experiment that fires tiny particles like electrons at a phosphor
screen, which glows when the electrons hit it. This is exactly what every TV
does, with lots of electrons, to make a picture. If we fire electrons one by
one, we notice that each momentary glow is exactly the same size, and appears
in front of the gun that fired it. This shows that electrons are little lumps,
and each little lump is the same as every other one. The diagram shows a gun
spraying electrons and a phosphor screen, with some circles indicating glows
where they would be seen. There's a barrier with a slit in it for the electrons
to pass through, and all the glows happen just in front of the slit as we'd
Things get peculiar when we replace the single slit with a double one. We'd
expect to see two clumps of electrons where there was just one with a single
slit, but that isn't what happens. Instead we see several clumps of
electrons. Each glow is exactly the same size as all the others as before, so
the electrons still arrive as lumps, but there is no way to tell where the next
glow will happen. All we can do is place bets! This is quite different to the
situation with a roulette wheel, where if only we had perfect information
about the state of the wheel and how the ball was thrown, we could predict
exactly where the ball would end up. With the electrons, there is no other
extra information that could pick one position over another:
Where things get really weird is how we place the bets. People quickly noticed
that the likelihood of the electron arriving at one place rather than another
is determined by imagining the electron is not a lump at all, but a wave, just
like waves on a seashore passing through holes in a breakwater. A single
outward spreading wave turns into a pair of outward spreading waves where the
slits are, and these then interfere with each other. In some places the
interfering waves add up, and there we see lots of electrons (although there's
a twist to the tale which we'll come back to). In other places the interfering
waves cancel out, and there we see no electrons.
It's as if each electron is emitted as a lump, turns itself into a wave, passes
through the slits, interferes with itself, has a little discussion between its
spread out parts, tosses a coin and then decides to turn itself back
into a lump, at one of the points where it's double wave version added up!
No-one actually believes that electrons do that, but no-one knows what they
really do, either. In this way we have some very accurate mathematics that tell
us exactly where to expect to find electrons, but we don't have any idea what
the mathematics mean. We might as well be shaking chicken bones over the
sums and chanting mumbo-jumbo incantations!
The more we look at the problem, the more bizarre things get. It doesn't matter
how far apart the possible places where the electron might end up are. The
conversation between the wave version's spread out bits doesn't take any time
at all, and speed of light limits that Einstein showed us apply to all
communications don't apply to particles playing this crazy game. If we announce
that we're not having this nonsense and try to spot which slit the electron
"really" goes through using a detector, we can find out - but then the crazy
behaviour disappears, and we just get two single slit experiments sitting next
to each other, both behaving sensibly. It was the weird business of the
electron changing back into a lump and choosing where to appear that got people
talking about nothing being real until it had been observed. What caused the
wave to make the choice? The idea (wacky though it seems) was that it is the
experimenter looking at the experiment that somehow forces the wave to
make a choice. Until then, everything is all just fuzzy, interacting waves
sitting on top of each other in some strange, unknowable space. Gosh! Aren't
we important! (Or can kittens and cockroaches "collapse the wave function" in
this way too? No-one could answer that question!) This stuff seemed to get a
huge boost when people had the bright idea of detecting which slit the
particle went through, but then waiting until the wave/particle was about to
hit the phosphor before choosing to look at the detector's result or not. This
would test the idea that the detector was interfering with the experiment
(because the detector would always be used) and also test the idea that
observation is what matters (because sometimes the observation would be made
and sometimes it wouldn't). Sure enough, when experimenters looked at the
detector's result - after the particle had gone through and travelled nearly
all the way to the phosphor - they got sensible, boring single clumps of
electrons. When they didn't look at the detector's result, the complicated
interference pattern appeared.
The result of all this weirdness was that several different "interpretations"
of what the mathematics mean got cooked up. The one about observation being
what matters is called the Copenhagen Interpretation, and is the one usually
taken as "true". That's why the idea that quantum mechanics is very weird is
common. Another popular one is called the Many Worlds Interpretation, and says
that the electron doesn't choose a place to hit the phosphor at all. Instead,
the universe somehow duplicates itself into as many copies as there are possible
positions for the electron to hit the phosphor, so every possible outcome
actually happens. That one sounds cute if we are watching an episode of
Sliders, where the characters have adventures moving between different
parallel universes, but a single electric lightbulb generates untold millions
of quantum mechanical events every second. How many lightbulbs are there,
sprouting millions of copy universes each second, all over the universe?
It seems a bit excessive.
Now that we've summarised the things that make quantum mechanics so weird, we
can use the picture suggested in the last section to make sense of it all. It's
actually easier to do this than with the red shift, fractal structure and so
on, because the key idea is already in place. When the great physicist Richard
Feynman sorted out the mathematics of quantum mechanics to make it useful, he
introduced a notation called Feynman diagrams. In Feynman diagrams, particles
in flight can also be thought of as their anti-particles travelling
backwards in time (an anti-particle is just like the corresponding
particle, but has an opposite electric charge - uncharged particles are their
own anti-particles). To be fair, Feynman always insisted that his diagrams are
abstracted aids to keeping the sums straight and should not be taken literally,
but the idea is right there. He himself liked to speak of "retarded waves"
travelling forwards in time and "advanced waves" travelling backwards in time,
so perhaps he didn't take his own warning all that seriously either. Beyond
this, there are two partial interpretations of the mathematics which don't
answer all the mysteries but do explicitly include information travelling
backwards in time, called the Pilot Wave Interpretation and the Transactional
What happens if we fully embrace this backwards in time idea? For one thing,
the bizarre way that we can only speak of probabilities in quantum
mechanics suddenly makes sense. If there are two chains of cause and effect
interfering with each other, just as Steiner said, then we can't ever know the
full set of causes of anything happening, because some causes are in our future
and haven't happened yet. We can't know all the causal factors, so we can only
make bets on what will happen, based on the causes that we do know - the ones
in our past. The universe always knows the full story, always knows exactly
what will happen, but we can't. There is indeed extra information in play
(hidden variables as Einstein called them), but they are located in our future,
not in some weird alternate spook reality. There are no weird transitions to
waves and back to particles again, no bizarre faster than light communication,
no mysterious events correlated in unseen ways. There are just pathways that
are either available or not, going forwards in time as well as backwards, and
events that are correlated by having common causes in our future. From here we
can find a remarkable confirmation of the validity of the idea. There is a
strange twist in the tale when we use the interfering waves idea to place our
bets on where the electrons will end up. Instead of adding up the amount of
reinforcement that we'd get if the electrons had turned into waves and using
that number to place our bets, we have to first square the amount of
reinforcement. We have to multiply the amount of reinforcement by itself. The
squared number is called the probability amplitude in the jargon, and it
is that which accurately predicts the likelihood of finding an electron or not
at any particular place. No-one has ever been able to suggest any reason why we
have to do this - we just have to if we want the sums to work out right. When
we fully embrace the idea of two chains of cause and effect, we can
immediately see why the squaring is necessary. The true probability of an
event happening has to describe the probability of it happening in forwards
time, and the reverse event happening (an electron leaving the phosphor at a
given point and being absorbed by the gun) in backwards time. Because at such
small scales all events are completely efficient and reversible (the jargon
word is elastic), the numerical value of both probabilities is the same,
so to get the total probability we have to multiply the forwards probability by
the same number for the backwards probability. The probability amplitudes
confirm the reality of the backwards arrow of time in every quantum mechanical
calculation we ever make! This idea then works through to a remarkable result
discovered by the physicist John S. Bell, which is called Bell's Theorem. Bell
used the square term in quantum mechanical calculations to prove that there
really does seem to be some strange faster than light communication taking
place at a quantum mechanical level, underlining the idea that the whole
universe is somehow "entangled". Although we don't seem to notice it so much
at our scales, somehow everything in the universe is connected to everything
else. Although this is a strange and astonishing idea if we only recognise the
forwards arrow of time, in this picture Bell's Theorem is not surprising at
all. The interconnectedness happens in a "local" way, but it happens in our
future, and by the time we see the interconnected events they can be very far
apart with nothing obvious to us to connect them. So we seem to see what
Einstein called "spooky actions at a distance".
In recent years there have been some spectacular developments in quantum
computing. Although so far only very small calculations have been performed
using quantum computers, they have proven the validity of the idea. Quantum
computers work by representing the elements of the problem as a "superposition"
or overlaying of multiple possible "wave versions" of several particles. When
the transition back to being a particle in a specific position occurs, this
produces the solution to the problem. The small computers that have so far been
built have shown that for some kinds of problems, quantum computers will be
able to solve problems that would take conventional supercomputers many hours -
and do it in a single step. The developers of these remarkable devices and
their theoretician friends tend to be fans of the Many Worlds Interpretation.
They believe that interaction between versions of the devices in many parallel
universes is what does the calculation so quickly. Instead of one computer
running for a long time, many computers run for a short time. The difference
between conventional parallel computers and the quantum ones is that the
developers don't have to build many computer circuits to run in parallel.
Instead they build one, and then use it's counterparts in many parallel
universes to do the job. The physicist David Deutsch is firmly convinced of
the existence of parallel universes, and on page 217 of his book The Fabric
of Reality he says, "To those who still cling to a single-universe
world-view, I issue this challenge: explain how Shor's algorithm works."
(Shor's algorithm is this way of doing calculations.) Just like the other
strange quantum mechanical effects that can be moved into the realm of the
comprehensible by fully embracing both arrows of time, quantum mechanical
computers can be explained without needing untold numbers of parallel
universes. The computers don't start with a problem and move towards the
answer by doing work, in the way that our day to day experience suggests it
always has to be done. Instead, the correct answer (which is different to all
the other possible answers because it is correct, and part of the future state
where researchers are opening champagne bottles) decomposes into the inputs
to the problem on the backwards arrow, in the same short period of time that
we see the inputs turning into the answer on our arrow. It is the small size
of the quantum computers which makes this process so obviously symmetrical,
unlike similar effects at larger scales (which we call self organisation) and
are not so symmetrical because at larger scales small structures decay as
large structures self organise. This is a theme that we will return to.
To complete this section, we can briefly mention the principle of least
action, which we met in Chapter 1 as a very elegant way to determine the path
of a falling football, and which is completely consistent with the way we do
calculations in quantum mechanics. The principle of least action worries people
because it seems that in order to know the route it must take, the football
must start out knowing where it will end up. Since that seems to put effect
before cause, it can't make sense in any picture with only one arrow of time.
As soon as we accept that there are two arrows of time, the philosophical
problem with the principle of least action ceases to be a problem at all!
The idea that there are two chains of cause and effect, interpenetrating each
other forwards and backwards in time, carries with it the idea that each moment
has its own predetermined existence whether or not it has happened yet from our
point of view. Later we'll be able to resolve what this means for our
subjective sense of free will, and whether or not our own efforts mean anything
in such a universe (and they most certainly do). We've already seen that such
a predetermined universe makes sense of the weirdness of quantum mechanical
effects once we explicitly embrace it, and the same thing is true of the
physics of large things, too. In fact at larger scales predeterminism is so
obvious that it's taken quite a bit of effort for people to manage to ignore
it, which they've only done because of the erroneous assumption that our view
of time passing is objective and absolute, and a mistaken belief that the
universe can't be predetermined because they have free will (or if you prefer,
they're scared to think about it).
Predeterminism is sitting there, waiting to be appreciated, in a consequence of
Einstein's discoveries called the "block universe". Einstein showed us that the
order that things happen in is not absolute. It all depends on where we see
them from. To understand this, we can imagine two bombs sitting in space and
waiting to be detonated. We ask Einstein to stand near one of them (Bomb E),
and his colleague Lorentz to stand near the other (Bomb L). We also ask Sir
Isaac Newton to stand halfway between the two bombs, ready to light the fuses
and set them off:
Newton lights both fuses at the same time, both bombs explode, and he sees both
flashes at the same time. From his point of view, the bombs explode
simultaneously. Einstein does not see the same thing. Because light travels at
a finite speed, the flash from Bomb E reaches him before the flash from Bomb L.
From Einstein's point of view, Bomb E explodes first, and then Bomb L explodes.
Lorentz sees something else again. From his point of view, Bomb L explodes
first and then Bomb E explodes. This is not a trivial effect. Because nothing
can go faster than the speed of light, there is no way Einstein or Lorentz can
obtain any other information about the universe than what they see. Each of
them lives in a "light cone" which is unique to himself. The idea that there is
no such thing as simultaneous events in an absolute sense is central to
Einstein's Relativity, which also predicts surprising effects including time
seeming to run more slowly for very quickly moving objects, or in strong
gravitational fields. These effects have been confirmed by many experiments,
which now include the Global Positioning System receivers that can be bought at
sports shops. GPS receivers use very slight differences between the arrival
time of signals from several satellites to calculate where the unit is located,
and they have to include Relativistic corrections to allow for the satellites
being higher in the Earth's gravitational field than the receivers are. Without
the Relativistic corrections, they report the wrong position. So although it
may seem strange, we have plenty of reasons to believe that Einstein's
Relativity really is correct.
Where things get interesting from our point of view is what happens when
Einstein and Lorentz meet up after having done their experiment. Einstein
explains that he saw Bomb E explode, and then Bomb L. From his point of view,
by the time Bomb L exploded, the explosion of Bomb E was absolutely certain
because it had already happened. This puts Lorentz in an interesting position.
Obviously he shares a universe with Einstein (Einstein has just bought him a
drink so he must be in the same universe), so in this shared universe it was
certain that after he had seen Bomb L explode, he was doomed to see Bomb E
explode, even though he did not know it until it happened. Although he could
not know that it was his predetermined fate to see Bomb E explode, the
universe did know something that was in his future. Of course, exactly the same
thing applies to Einstein, because what Lorentz saw makes his future equally
predetermined. This is what the term "block universe" means. Relativity says
that the whole story of the universe, through all of time, is a single block
like a book sitting on a desk. Within the block are many moments, each like a
page in the book. The creatures living in the universe see the moments passing
in the same order as the pages are numbered, but the last page of the book is
always there, even though they don't know what is written on it. The two arrows
of time idea doesn't challenge Relativity in any way. Instead, it simply tells
us to take it seriously in all its implications. When we fly to a meeting, the
GPS receiver used by the pilot to navigate to the airport forces us to accept
that the totality of the universe already knows the outcome of the meeting
even though we don't.
When we understand a thing, we always find that there are several different
ways of telling the story of what we understand. The great Richard Feynman
thought this was so important that he didn't feel he had understood anything
unless he had found several different ways to explain it. For another example
of how predeterminism lurks in the mathematics of Relativity, we can turn to
Kip Thorne's fascinating account of the development of Relativity during - and
after - Einstein's work, Black Holes and Time Warps:
[Penrose and Israel] especially could not conceive of jettisoning
[the apparent horizon] in favor of the absolute horizon. Why? Because the
absolute horizon - paradoxically it might seem - violates our cherished
notion that an effect should not precede its cause. When matter falls into
a black hole, the absolute horizon starts to grow ("effect") before the
matter reaches it ("cause"). The horizon grows in anticipation that the
matter will soon be swallowed and will increase the hole's gravitational
Penrose and Israel knew the origin of this seeming paradox. The very
definition of the absolute horizon depends on what will happen in the
future: on whether or not signals will ultimately escape to the distant
Universe. In the terminology of philosophers, it is a teleological
definition (a definition that relies on "final causes"), and it forces
the horizon's evolution to be teleological. Since teleological viewpoints
have rarely if ever been useful in modern physics, Penrose and Israel were
dubious about the merits of the absolute horizon.
Hawking is a bold thinker. He is far more willing that most physicists
to take off in radical new directions, if those directions "smell" right.
The absolute horizon smelled right to him, so despite its radical nature,
he embraced it, and his embrace paid off. Within a few months, Hawking and
James Hartle were able to derive, from Einstein's General Relativity laws,
a set of elegant equations that describe how the absolute horizon
continuously and smoothly expands and changes its shape, in anticipation of
swallowing infalling debris or gravitational waves, or in anticipation of
being pulled on by the gravity of other bodies.
We've seen that in the realm of very small particles, the backwards arrow of
time helps us to understand otherwise mysterious situations where widely
separated events seem to be connected, even though we can find nothing to
connect them. At the largest scales we find similar situations, where the
backwards arrow of time can be equally helpful. One such is called Mach's
Principle. This is named after Ernst Mach who first proposed it (and whose work
in other areas is celebrated in the Mach numbers used to describe the speed of
supersonic aeroplanes). Mach's Principle is helpful because it neatly
summarises something that we don't understand, rather than something
that we do. The problem is simple: How do rotating objects "know" that they are
rotating? There is no doubt that they do - one sharp tug on a car seatbelt will
convince you of that. The seatbelt reel spins quickly, and as a result of the
spinning spring loaded teeth are forced outwards and lock the reel. The
mystery is that in itself, the spinning reel is no different to the stationary
one. Yet somehow, the reel "knows" that it is spinning. The effect is so
reliable that we use gyroscopes to control guidance systems in aeroplanes and
spacecraft. A gyroscope can always provide us with an absolute frame of
reference to tell us how our orientation is changing. If a pilot goes to sleep
and is not aware of her plane's orientation changing, one glance at the onboard
gyroscope when she wakes up will tell her what the situation is. Every
gyroscope somehow has access to an absolute frame of reference, yet if
Einstein taught us anything, it is that there is no such thing! Mach pointed
out that gyroscopes always know what has happened to them with respect to the
background of fixed stars, which don't move as the Earth spins in its orbit
around the sun. So we know what they do, we just can't see how they do it. How
does every car seatbelt maintain a constant, instantaneous, secret conversation
with the most distant stars? As with the conversations that seem to be going on
"behind the scenes" in quantum mechanics, two equally valid arrows of time can
explain this craziness. Again, the "behind the scenes" communication channel
is both forever hidden and completely visible, by always being in our future.
The events of Tuesday are not derived solely by stepping forwards from the
situation on Monday, with secret conversations needed to sort them out. Instead
they exist forever in eternity, locked into only one possible state between
Monday and Wednesday.
Another kind of secret, instantaneous conversation between large objects can be
seen happening every time the sun and the moon rise and set. Since Isaac Newton
made the mathematics possible, we have been able to predict how bodies orbiting
in space are attracted to each other by gravity. The curious thing is, Newton
did this 300 years before Einstein discovered that nothing can move faster
than the speed of light. In Newton's mathematics, gravity acts
instantly. The effect of this is not trivial. It takes nine minutes for
light to travel from the sun to the Earth. If we change the sums to make the
Earth attracted to where the sun always was nine minutes ago, we find that the
situation is not stable. The two quickly part company, and the Earth wanders
off into interstellar space - which is not what really happens. To be fair, the
more modern, Einstein understanding of gravity includes some complex
corrections based in the idea that gravity (as Einstein described it) stretches
the space that it itself travels through. When these corrections are allowed
for, the end result is that gravity seems to move objects around as if it acted
instantaneously. This is another example of describing things in more than one
way, but it is strange that however we describe it, objects attracted to each
other by gravity always end up behaving as if they are all dancing to the beat
of a shared unseen drummer.
In this chapter we have seen that an explicitly magical idea that there are
two arrows of time, together with an inside out view of the Big Bang which
places a rich and highly structured state in our distant future, enables
us to understand the tendency to self organise that we see in the universe as
well as its fractally organised contents. We have seen that once we embrace
these ideas, a clutch of seemingly profound mysteries in science cease to be
mysterious and the development of complex structures in the universe becomes
inevitable. Even so, we still seem to be living in a universe where a great
deal of decay is happening - in fact everything that science has been able to
understand to date is concerned with the tendency of things to fall apart.
We can now move forward to understanding the relationship between decay and
self organisation in the universe, and as we do so we will find a way to
understand the idea common to all magicians that information is conserved in
the universe, and in particular the information that constitutes human minds.
As we do so, we will obtain rational descriptions of "souls" and "spirits"
which are fully compatible with the way the great magicians use these terms,
and exclude all notions of alternate spook realities. We will see that there
is a constraint on the type of information that can be conserved, and so reach
an understanding of why all the magicians persist in giving the advice that
they do. At last we can understand what they are talking about.
An important feature of the two arrows of time that we have been looking at is
that from the universe's point of view (although not from ours since we only
form memories in one direction) both arrows are equally true. This is why we
always square the probabilities in quantum mechanics to obtain probability
amplitudes. One way to look at this is to imagine the universe as a gigantic
machine whose components are subatomic particles. We know that interactions
between such particles are always completely efficient. Indeed, it's always
been a puzzle to understand how a clear arrow of time can arise at large scales
out of interactions that can always run one way as easily as they can in the
other at the smallest scales.
The physicist Charles Bennett studied machines like this. Bennett was
interested in finding the minimum amount of energy that was needed to perform
any given calculation. It would be useful to know this because it would help us
understand how small and fast we could make real, practical computers. As he
studied the problem, Bennett made a discovery that surprised him and all his
colleagues. Even the great Feynman was astonished, as he described in his book
The Feynman Lectures on Computation. Bennett proceeded by imagining a
computer made of cogs, like an old fashioned adding machine. He imagined that
the cogs' bearings were perfectly frictionless, which he reasoned was fair
because in theory he could make real bearings as efficient as he liked by just
spending more money on them. He found that such an adding machine could move
back and forwards through the calculation, being nudged along by nothing more
than random vibrations of heat energy in the machine. The colder the machine
the slower it would run, but that didn't worry Bennett. What mattered to him
was that he didn't need to spend any energy to make the machine grind
through any calculation, no matter how complex, so long as he was
willing to wait long enough! The only requirement that he had to fulfil to
make this zero energy trick work was that the machine must not care if it was
going towards the answer or away from it. It had to just wander backwards and
forwards, being driven by random vibrations, until by chance it arrived at the
finish point. At that point, the machine had to latch (just like a door latch)
so that it would not drift away from the answer again before he had a chance to
look at the result. After he had seen the result, then and only then would he
have to expend energy to unlatch the machine and prepare it for its next job.
Where Bennett's imaginary machine differed from any previous kind of adding
machine was the need to make drifting towards the answer no different to
drifting away from it. This matters because we often throw information away
as we do sums, and if the machine threw information away, it could not drift
backwards as easily as it could drift forwards. For example, we might want the
machine to divide 7 by 2. (As is customary in computing, we will accept an
answer in whole numbers only.) 7 divided by 2 is 3, with a remainder of 1.
Usually we just throw that 1 away, but Bennett could not afford to do that. To
make the calculation fully reversible, he had to keep the 1 safe in a special
chain of cogs that no other machine would need, so that when it ran backwards,
the answer 3 would multiply by the divisor 2, which would give 6, and then the
1 would add in from its own store to reproduce the original 7.
Now the universe that we have described is a machine just like Bennett's. The
components are perfectly efficient, it doesn't have any kind of external power
source to drive it, and it can move backwards as easily as it can forwards.
This means that it has to conserve all information that goes in and out
of all interactions. If we accept the two arrows of time in our
universe, Bennett's discovery would seem to suggest that no matter how widely
distributed they might be right now, there are atoms and photons bouncing
around the universe like the extra gear trains in Bennett's machines, that
would enable the reconstruction of the "intermediate result" that you might
otherwise think of as your great great great great grandmother! She isn't gone
as such, just very, very hidden.
This gives us a picture of the universe as starting in our far future in a
very complex and rich state, which then "rings the changes", mixing itself up
in a way that in the first few moments creates a universe filled with fractal
structure as we saw earlier in this chapter. The trouble with mixing up
something very organised in a space that it completely fills is that it is
quite difficult to get the mixing process to work. You may have had the
experience of trying to use a computer which has been incorrectly set up for
the monitor that is connected to it. Instead of a clear picture you get one
that is mixed up, but instead of complete noise you see several copies of the
picture, positioned in different places all over the screen. As the universe
continues to ring the changes, backwards in time, those first echos of the
original structure break apart and echos of the echos form. Those break apart
and echos of echos of echos form, and so on. After enough goes at ringing the
changes, what is left may look indistinguishable from random noise - a
perfectly smooth gas - but it would still contain within it all of the
information that was present in the original highly structured state.
In our era the kind of frenzied mixing that comes from a very energetic
universe with a speed of light that is large compared to the size of the
universe isn't happening any more. The universe is big and cold enough now for
structures to unravel more gently. Going backwards in time the universe is
doing its best to smooth itself out, but there's still too much structure
around. As the structures gradually simplify and mix themselves into the
"random" background, bits of that background keep suddenly popping back into
being structures, which the universe then beavers away simplifying down again.
This keeps on happening, although as time passes the annoying structures that
keep appearing do become progressively simpler.
From our point of view, we see this process in reverse. Structures like trees
and great grandmothers gradually collect and become more complex, on the arrow
of time that is aiming towards the end state. After a period of collection the
structures disappear quite suddenly back into the mix, only to gradually
collect back into structures again. Over time the structures become
progressively more complex. This process will continue until a single, very
complex and interconnected structure collects, in very energetic conditions, in
our far future. Notice that until that time, there is no inherent requirement
for the same structures to appear as have previously disappeared. The
whole process works in the context of our entire planet, with
information also being exchanged with the rest of the universe as well, mainly
as infra red radiation, visible light, and radio waves. Unfortunately when
magicians with a good understanding of this process attempted to explain it to
people who thought of themselves as distinct from the universe as described in
Chapter 3, it led to misunderstandings. People picked up the mistaken idea that
"reincarnation" takes place in a simplistic way, with one to one relationships
between structures that disappear and structures that later appear. This
prevented them from appreciating the importance of advice that could improve
their chances of any part of them reappearing in this way. The only way to
accomplish that is to ensure that they reach a state during their lives that
is a clear decay product of a coherent future structure. That means developing
a richly interconnected poetic appreciation of all that they have seen. Such
an interconnected appreciation is more likely to be part of a single future
thing, while a fragmented mishmash of unconsidered notions is more likely to
reconstruct as parts of many future things - at least until the single end
structure is reached. Building such an appreciation means engaging in data
collection and then finding deep patterns through contemplation, and that means
using their inductive thinking ability as described in Chapter 1. If their
inductive thinking ability is dormant as described in Chapter 2, this is not
possible. As well as ensuring their own future coherence, people who do this
work also assist the universe in the process of - quite literally - pulling
itself together. Engaging in mind numbing, ritualised, robotic behaviours is
very damaging, and any attempt to make life fun and meaningful through the
announcing and policing of rule systems of any kind is counterproductive.
It's the treasury of what people still have when they are all alone with their
eyes closed that matters. That is the shape of mind that will be bundled
up with equivalent shapes amongst their contemporaries exactly as in Chapter 1
fractal data compression and reappear later. People who define themselves as
collections of social security numbers, car registration numbers, bank account
details, property deeds and other arbitrary and trivial details are not made of
stuff that will be robust through the mixing and reconstruction process. In
this the mixing and reconstruction process is remarkably similar to the
condition of total retrograde amnesia which afflicts some people who suffer
head injuries. Amnesia wipes out everything that the person has rote memorised.
That is, it removes anything that could be forgotten like facts memorised
during pre-exam cramming can be forgotten. It does not remove deep structural
understanding of the kind that is never forgotten in normal life either. When
able musicians or cooks suffer amnesia they might forget that they are
musicians or cooks, but if Jane Doe picks up a guitar or a frying pan her
fluency will be immediately obvious to all who see what happens next. When we
see this kind of fluency displayed out of the blue by people who have not
suffered amnesia, we call it "talent".
In this picture it is the shape of mind which reconstructs, grows a little,
mixes, reconstructs again and so on which constitutes the "soul" described by
magicians. It does not have a one to one relationship with a single person,
because it slowly grows in richness and depth over entire history of the
universe, because your innate wisdom and talents today may (and probably have)
been previously developed in parallel by several people at the same time in the
past, and further compositing will certainly have to happen in the future, as
the universe works towards its unified end state. Alternatively, if your
understanding is insufficiently integrated it might even fragment for a while.
The soul does not "beam in" to infants at birth fully formed. Instead it
accretes gradually from an individual's entire life experience. For this
reason, people who accrete more complex shapes must have more intense life
experiences to get it all in place in time for further growth to occur. An
interesting consequence of this is that no matter how intense the life
experiences a human can survive, and no matter how efficiently we are able to
assist young minds' development, there will come a time where the present human
lifespan will be too short to achieve the necessary reconstruction and still
leave time for growth. Eventually human (or our further evolved descendants')
lifespans are going to have to get longer.
For the reasons we have looked at, we see a universe where small and simple
structures decay, while large and more complex structures form. As soon as the
universe develops far enough to contain living beings of any kind, this process
gets an enormous speedup as the creatures eat food (degrading small structures)
to support their own growth (forming larger structures). On the backwards
arrow living beings are like bonfires, smoothing out structure that originated
in the single, integrated object in our far future. On the arrow that we are
aware of, we see these bonfires running backwards. Seeing every part of
an unravelling system run backwards is different in a subtle but important way
to seeing an isolated part of something run backwards. To illustrate this point
we can look at a story from Richard Feynman's student days. Feynman and his
friends were discussing a garden sprinkler, which was formed out of a steel
tube bent into an S shape:
Water enters the tube at the centre, through a hose at right angles to the
tube (sticking up out of the page), and the tube is free to rotate where it
meets the hose. As the water squirts out of the tube it forms a jet which
drives the tube around, so the water is spread all around the sprinkler. The
question was, what would happen if water was sucked out of the hose instead of
being forced through it? Feynman's friends thought the sprinkler would go round
in reverse, but he disagreed. Talk and opinions don't really settle anything
though, so he decided to do an experiment and ask nature. He found a tank,
filled it with water and put the sprinkler in it, and connected the sprinkler's
hose to a vacuum pump. He switched the pump on, and before it exploded
(because it hadn't been designed to pump water in this way) he had time to
determine that the sprinkler didn't go round at all. The difference is
that when water is being pumped out of the S tube it forms a jet, but when
water is being sucked into the tube it just creates a low pressure region at
both ends, which water flows into from all around:
There's no special direction to this flow, so there's nothing to pull the tube
in one direction rather than any other. This is quite different to a film of
the sprinkler being used the normal way, seen backwards:
When we see the whole system running backwards like this, we seem to see
some strange, ineffable force which we can't account for, organising random
motions of water molecules. At first the organisation is quite gentle, but it
quickly mounts until such huge amounts of water are ramming themselves into the
S tube with such force that the steel tube has no choice but to move around
just to get out of their way. Although we can see no specific, isolated cause
for living things leaping about in the highly energetic, literally vital way
that is a bonfire in reverse, we can notice that some kind of improbable
organising principle is in play. The organising principle is a backwards chain
of cause and effect that stretches all the way to the end of the universe and
constitutes the "spirit" of living things described by magicians. Spirit powers
and directs the processes of growth and movement, and soul is one of the things
that can grow through the action of spirit. Soul is a part of all that the
universe knows, wants and is, and in this sense has intelligence. Spirit knows
where it is going, but does not know that it knows where it is going. Spirit
may seem to have an agenda, but since it has no awareness or intelligence, it
is a mistake to believe that it does. Spirit cannot be either malicious or
benevolent, although its action can be obstructive or supportive of our
personal desires. It is simply the universe driving towards wherever it must
go. It is the means by which the Sun Absolute, located at the end of time,
demands that the universe bring it into being.
When people develop, integrate and use their deductive and inductive thinking
abilities, they can guess where the universe around them is going and become
actively involved in what the mysterious spirit is doing. Doing this takes
effort and patience and in deductively fixated societies where the magical
viewpoint is not appreciated it can take plenty of courage, too. One of the
great inside out misunderstandings of magical ideas is the way some people
think "going with the flow" is a cute excuse for slothful, unthinking, herd
animal behaviour, instead of a serious business which can cost everything
except the end result - and which they often have to have a magician's
viewpoint to even appreciate! That said, when a person's full and integrated
awareness is allied with the self organising tendency of the universe, they
can enjoy the same kind of random assistance as they move towards their
objectives that water molecules seem to enjoy when we watch a backwards film
of a water sprinkler. This is not limited to external effects. The magicians
claim that sufficiently developed and integrated awareness can lead to a
person's body developing an internal component that is material (everything is
always done with atoms, whichever arrow of time we use to explain it) but much
"finer" than the stuff we can make sense of using forwards arrow understanding.
The "fineness" is the same as the way we can't see any obvious currents in the
water some distance away from a garden sprinkler when the film is shown
backwards, but they are there and build to something much stronger as the
flow "enters" the S shaped tube. This fine but material bodily component can
keep the person alive and functioning even if their biological state would be
too ill to allow them to stay alive in other circumstances, and can maintain
its coherence for a period of several days after the person's death (they say
that careful studies of the bodies of dead magicians during this period inform
their claims). This fine component of the body of a person who is involved in
processes on both arrows of time is what the magicians call the "astral body".
If we understand this idea in terms of the two arrows of time, it really isn't
so surprising. Every living thing has an astral body, although some are more
feeble than others. Having an astral body doesn't benefit a person in itself -
it's just another way of understanding their relationship with the self
organising tendency of the universe. The relationship between developed and
integrated awareness and growth of the astral body is understandable, and
always it is the development of awareness that really matters. The astral body
does not wander off on its own to have adventures, and it does not exist in any
alternate, spook reality. The background of ideas available to modern people
enables them to develop and integrate their awareness and understand their
universe in a way that makes the astral body idea much less useful than it was
to magicians in previous eras.
Self Organisation, Time and Rudolph Steiner
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning round.
Quantum Weirdness
Souls, Spirits and Astral Bodies
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Copyright Alan G. Carter 2003.
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