by Frederick Mann
This is how Gardar Gardarsson describes his Mentagon Course:
"My name is Gardar Gardarsson, and in 1983 I accidentally discovered an incredibly powerful technique that awakened extraordinary mental abilities.
For over 19 years I have explored everything on brain and mind research that I have been able to get my hands on. Out of tons of scientific and alternative materials I took the best and most powerful techniques and put them into this program.
The program is always up-to-date. No need for you to read through tons of materials -- we do that. No need for you to worry about the latest research, we cover that. And it's all continuously integrated and updated into the Mental Focus Power Program... at no added cost.
Believe me when I say that this program is like nothing you've seen before. It's like no other mental-control and self-improvement program in the world. You'll learn stuff you'll not get anywhere else, and you'll discover easy- to-follow methods that really, really work - and that work fast."
Meanwhile, let me emphasize that one of the best gifts you can give yourself is to improve your ability to focus and concentrate.
"Laserlike focus is perhaps the most common trademark of the super-successful... If you aspire to play in the big leagues, you must be prepared to play every point as though it were match point. In other words, you have to be consistently focused. Dabblers are rarely, if ever, successful. It's when you focus totally, intensely, and consistently on one project -- a project that has the potential to yield a worthwhile payoff -- that you have the greatest chance of success." -- Robert J. Ringer ('Million Dollar Habits')
I highly recommend the Mentagon Course.
"Focus is the quintessential component of superior performance in every activity, no matter what the level of skill or the age of the performer." -- W. Timothy Gallwey ('The Inner Game of Work')
Apart from the many things you can do to gradually increase your general competence and effectiveness in life, it may be worthwhile to take a look at what might accelerate your progress the fastest? What can you do that will give you a rapid "success spurt"?
Personally, I experienced a success spurt after reading Robert Fritz's 'The Path of Least Resistance' -- see #TL10: How to Achieve and Increase Personal Power.
Another success spurt came from doing Idenics -- see:
According to The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt, "Up to 90% of our normal behavior is based on habits... By systematically improving one behavior at a time you can dramatically improve your overall lifestyle.
Focus of attention is most important.
"Human problems are by their very nature such that we are each inherently in charge of ourselves. No authority can resolve our problems or tell us how to live. Therefore I and others have been teaching more and more people to help themselves and each other." -- Eugene T. Gendlin, Ph.D. ('Focusing')
A powerful technique called "Focusing" has been developed by Eugene T. Gendlin Ph.D., philosopher and psychologist at the University of Chicago. See The Focusing Institute.
"Focusing consists of specific steps for getting a body sense of how you are in a particular life situation. It begins with the body and occurs in the zone between the conscious and the unconscious. Most people don't know that a bodily sense of any topic can be invited to come into that zone and that one can enter into such a sense. Focusing is coming to know the whole of what your experience "knows," about whatever it is you are dealing with just now. This might be about any part of your work or any personal situation that is worth more than a routine response.
Focusing is more than being in touch with your feelings, greater than just thinking about a problem and different from body work. One experiences a physical change in the way that the issue is being lived in the body. We learn to live in a deeper place than just thoughts or feelings. The whole issue looks different and new solutions arise." -- The Focusing Institute
The Focusing technique consists of six steps. Several Focusing Teachers have developed their own versions.
Using the Focusing technique can add substantial advantages to your life!
Physicist and engineer, Lester Levenson, created the "Sedona Method." It's based on your natural ability to let go of or release unwanted, negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that have been holding you back. See Sedona Training Associates. Learning and applying the "Sedona Method" could also add substantial advantages to your life!
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