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Compiled and edited by Frederick Mann

How to Do Things Right
and Succeed

Your 11 Hidden Core Thought Patterns determine your level of success. FIX THEM OR FAIL. Most people don't know what sabotages their success. Switch all 11 of your Hidden Core Thought Patterns to "win" and succeed big time.Think right and success follows!

DEEP in your MIND is a SECRET POWER. Unlock it with the 10X KEY. Jack Welch of General Electric found the 10X KEY. In 1985 it was taught to GE managers. By 1988 they had grown GE from a $30 billion company into a $300 billion company!


A member of the Economic Rebels forum (now called "Bigboostergroup") posted the following:

Consider the possibility that the toughest part of this program may require a radical change in your thinking. It may require you to make the shift from limited to unlimited thinking. It may require you to accept that there is no lack of cash circling around you but that the requirement for stepping into that circle and allowing it to flow to you (and through you) requires your giving up thoughts of "lack" and accept abundance.

Perhaps there lies your challenge and there lies your freedom!

From this I realized that there was a big "gap" or "hole" in my freedom and wealth information on BuildFreedom and BigBooster. Hopefully, this report fills the gap!

In fact, for many people this may be the single most important report on both BuildFreedom and BigBooster.

Why? Because of the way many people have allowed their minds to be programmed into scarcity, poverty, and limited thinking, it's like a PERVASIVE CONTEXT that influences ALL OR MOST OF their thoughts, emotions, and actions. If you wear blue glasses, everything you see looks bluish. If you wear "scarce/poor/limited glasses," not only does the world seem scarce/poor/limited to you, but you also think, emote, and act scarce/poor/limited.

In order to make progress in life, to advance to where you want to be, you may first have to overcome your "scarce/poor/limited program" (SPLP) and replace it with an "abundance/prosperity/unlimited program" (APUP). You need to move from SPLP to APUP.

It's quite possible that if you're afflicted with a strong SPLP (scarce/poor/limited program), much, or even all, of your attempts to improve yourself and advance your life will be to no avail. Your SPLP will always drag you back ... until you replace it with your APUP (abundance/prosperity/unlimited program).

SPLPtoAPUP is an important "brain software package." -- see also BECOME A 10X PERFORMING PERSON!

Where SPLP Comes From
Among animals and insects, scarcity is the rule. In general, for most animals and insects, there isn't enough food to go around. Many animals and insects starve to death for a lack of food. For most of human history, pervasive scarcity was suffered by most.

Much of human history -- and prehistory -- for most humans, has included suffering from a scarcity of food and other resources.

Today, in some parts of the world, many humans still live in conditions of abject poverty and starvation. For them, scarcity is still the order of the day. Some of them still starve to death for lack of food. Scarcity is a pervasive belief that colors their entire consciousness. A world of plenty probably seems an impossible dream to many of them.

So it's no wonder that many humans still live their lives out of a deep-seated, pervasive "scarcity orientation" that colors how they see the world. It's as if they wear "scarcity spectacles" that distort their vision. They see resources as limited and scarce.

In a primitive "scarcity community," if one person were to take more food than his "fair share" in order to completely fill his belly -- or, even worse, hoard some for the future -- he would be seen as evil. If he produced more than he consumed and tried to hoard the surplus, he would be seen as evil. Keeping his surplus -- or "profits" -- would be seen as an evil act.

Could this have something to do with the fact that many people still see profits as evil?

If you think in terms of a "fixed pie economy" -- limited by scarce resources -- then anyone perceived as consuming more than his or her "fair share" of the "fixed pie," tends to be seen as evil -- no matter how much he or she actually produced. Furthermore, anyone hoarding his surplus or profits -- thereby accumulating wealth -- tends to be seen as some kind of thief, because he or she stole from the "fair share" of others.

But what if we really have an "expanding pie economy?" What if Buckminster Fuller was right in saying that we have such abundant resources that every man, woman, and child on earth should be a millionaire many times over?

"Fixed pie economy" thinking may be a mistaken fixed idea you need to overcome. Reprogramming your brain to think in terms of an "expanding pie economy" is an important wealth principle. Think about it: when you create something, does your creation process take away from someone else's "fair share?" Of course not! What you produce is in addition to what everyone else produces. There is no limited amount of wealth from which anyone has to get a "fair share." Everyone has the potential freedom to create as much wealth as he or she chooses.

Your parents may have used phrases such as "money doesn't grow on trees" and "Don't put that filthy money in your mouth!" Chances are that they suffered from SPLP (scarce/poor/limited program) and that you "inherited" much of your own SPLP from them. They may have acted out their SPLPs in many subtle and not so subtle ways, and you learned much of your own SPLP from them.

Exercise #1: Recall Your Earliest Impressions about Money
It's very important that you "dig out" your earliest memories about money, particularly when you put a coin in your mouth and someone shouted at you, "Don't ever do that; it's dirty!" Such memories constitute early unconscious imprinting that may shape your life-long attitude toward money. Look for memories of what your parents told you about money. Do a search for "earliest memory of money" -- check out the stories to see if anything strikes a chord. Do some deep thinking about how your earliest memories of and impressions about money may have shaped your life.

What did your parents tell you about "sharing" your toys with other kids? Did they try to force you into such "sharing?"

What did they tell you about being "selfish?" You may want to read 'The Virtue of Selfishness' by Ayn Rand and/or 'The Art of Selfishness' by David Seabury. Or do a search for "+selfishness +virtue" and check out what you find.

More Scarcity Experiences
You may have had many "scarcity experiences" that contributed to a pervasive scarcity program in your mind:

Because most humans suffer from pervasive SDLPs (scarce/poor/limited programs), human society seems to be organized on the basis of pervasive scarcity. Of course, you don't have to buy into any of the "limitations!" You can start your own team, squad, dating service, college, band, choir, orchestra, business, etc. You can make your own movie or stage your own play.

The "limitations" may be mostly in your mind. See also The Strange "Job" Concept.

In 1977, Werner Erhard of est launched The Hunger Project. He identified the orientations of scarcity, no solutions, and inevitability as being at the root of world hunger. These orientations are like pervasive forces that pervade some people's lives. They can influence your perception, thought, and action in profound and devastating ways. They can form the context or structure out of which you live your life.

They can also create a self-reinforcing loop. You "hunger" for more money, but are stuck in a money-scarcity orientation. Whatever you've done to satisfy your "money-hunger" has produced poor results. Deep down you may operate from an orientation that nothing you can do will satisfy your money-hunger -- the no-solutions orientation -- acting like a self-fulfilling prophecy. This may result in a further orientation that it's inevitable that your unsatisfied money-hunger will persist, that whatever you do to relieve your money-hunger won't work. And all this perpetuates the scarcity.

"Scarcity," "no solutions," and "inevitability" can be devastating fixed ideas -- see #TL03A: How to Discover and Release Fixed Ideas.

I invite you to carefully examine "What distinguishes The Hunger Project?", particularly the "Empowerment paradigm." Use this empowerment paradigm as a model for writing your own Personal Empowerment Paradigm.

Take a good look at the "Service-delivery paradigm." Notice that it's based on the unstated assumption that starving people are helpless victims who need to be helped by providing them with their survival needs.

We were all born as helpless babies, totally dependent on our parents to provide us with our survival needs. To a greater or lesser extent, we were victims of our circumstances and environment. As a result, some people adopt a deep and pervasive helpless-victim-mentality -- an orientation that colors and affects their whole life. Is that why "government welfare" is so popular in many parts of the world?

If you regard yourself as a victim to any extent, I suggest you include in your Personal Empowerment Paradigm, steps that will enable you to shift from victim to master of your own destiny!

"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life." -- Robert Louis Stevenson

Imitation is a most important human survival mechanism. We observe what other human survivors do and we survive by imitating them. We observe what our parents do and we imitate them.

In primitive scarcity communities, "fair share" was no doubt a powerful survival "meme." (Memes include ideas that are replicated from mind to mind.) If one or a few members of a tribe killed a big animal, the practice of sharing it with the rest of the tribe promoted everyone's survival. So "fair share" became a powerful meme. People who imitated the "fair share" practice had a better chance of survival.

Unfortunately, imitation also has a downside. You sometimes fall into the trap of imitating what doesn't work very well. You imitate your parents' SPLP. For those of us no longer living in primitive scarcity communities, it may be appropriate to regard "fair share" as a relic of our primitive past. You see, a practice that worked well for certain conditions may not work so well for different conditions.

There is Blind Imitation (BI) and Conscious Imitation (CI). This suggests another important "brain software package": BItoCI. You shift from BI (blind imitation) to CI (conscious imitation). Whatever you're now blindly imitating, you drop. If you imitate anything, you want to be sure that it's worth imitating. You consciously choose what you imitate. You test it to make sure it works. You take into account that conditions may have changed and what worked in the past may no longer work uder present-day conditions.

It's important to realize that much of HUMAN CULTURE consists of BI (blind imitation).

"Your parents are frightened, your educators are frightened, the governments and religions are frightened of your becoming a total individual, because they all want you to remain safely within the prison of environmental and cultural influences." -- Krishnamurti

Note that if you put an "l" in front of "imitation" you get "limitation!" Most of your BIs could be self-imposed limitations.

Exercise #2: What Am I Imitating?
Sit down with pen and paper in a quiet spot where you won't be interrupted. Ask yourself, "What Am I Imitating?" Write down all the answers that come up. Deliberately evaluate each of your imitations and determine whether it's BI (blind imitation) or CI (conscious imitation). Just before you go to sleep at night, ask yourself, "What Am I Imitating?" The next morning, or if you wake up during the night with answers, write down all the answers that come up and evaluate them for BI/CI.

Blocks to Receiving and Giving
Many people have emotional/psychological barriers to giving and receiving money. They can be discovered and eliminated.

Exercise #3: Give Away Three $1 Bills
Go to a shopping mall, gas station, or similar public place with three $1 bills (or equivalent currency) to give away. You'll go up to a stranger and say, "I would like to give you a dollar," and hold it out for him or her to take. If they ask, "Why?", you reply, "For no reason." Observe their reactions. If they don't take the money, find someone else to give it to. You'll give away three $1 bills (or equivalent currency) in this way. Treat it as a fun game!

Before doing the giving exercise, observe any thoughts or emotions that come up for you: "This is just silly!", "I can't go up to strangers and give them money!", "They'll think I'm crazy!", etc. Do you experience any fear or reluctance at the prospect of confronting strangers and giving them money?

At this point, before even doing the giving exercise (particularly if you feel emotional about doing it), you may want to do Exercise #2, above, but with the question, "What is blocking me from giving and receiving?"

Then go out and do the exercise, giving away three $1 bills. (Don't give any of them to beggars, panhandlers, street vendors, or homeless people. It would be a copout and you'd be cheating yourself. Notice any thoughts you have about finding such an "easy way out.")

Observe the reactions of people you attempt to give $1. Notice how many can't get themselves to accept the gift.

After you've successfully given away your three $1 bills, do Exercise #2, above, but with the question, "What is blocking me from giving and receiving?" (If you did it before doing the giving exercise, then repeat it afterward.)

Change Beliefs of Scarcity into Abundance
[Much of what follows has been adapted from the original by Orin and DaBen (Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer) at]

You can help yourself and humanity by examining your own beliefs about scarcity and by changing them into beliefs of abundance.

Exercise #4:
To begin, relax your body and take a few breaths in. Imagine that you are connecting with your Higher Self. This is the self that is the highest expression of your personality. It is the self that knows you can create anything you want. With each breath in imagine you are growing wiser, clearer, and more able to see a larger vision of your life. Get a sense of this wise, more all-knowing part of yourself. You are becoming your Higher Self.

[Editor: In #TL04C: The Ultimate Success Secret there's a distinction between Self 1 and Self 2. Your Higher Self is Self 2.]

Feel the confidence and power of your Higher Self flow through you. Say to yourself, "I am the source of my abundance." You and your Higher Self are the source of your abundance; not other people, your job, or your investments.

You have the ability to
transform scarcity into abundance.

You can create abundance in any area of your life. When you learn the principles of creating abundance, consciously work to create it, change your beliefs, and open youself to receive, you will create abundance in any area of your life you are working with.

Affirm your trust in the universe, in yourself and in your Higher Self to bring you whatever you need when you need it. Say to yourself, "I trust my Higher Self to bring me everything I need. I now live an abundant life."

Examine your beliefs about abundance. Ask your Higher Self to show you an important area of your life to create abundance in.

Explore such areas as having more abundance of free time or time for yourself; friends, clients, or business; material things; love, joy, serenity; health and vitality; creative ideas, or abundance in other areas as well.

You can create abundance in any area of your life by imagining having the feelings you think you would have if you had abundance.

In what ways would you live, think, or feel differently? If you want more money, ask yourself what higher qualities having this money would create for you. Having money or specific things is not the goal; the goal is to have the feelings and qualities that having these things can create for you.

Pick one quality that you would like more of from creating abundance in this area such as peace, joy, aliveness, love, self-esteem, well-being, clearer vision, courage, trust in your inner guidance, and so on. Finding the essence of what you want to create by having abundance in an area of your life is the key to creating it.

Think of ways you can have more of these feelings and qualities right now in your life. For instance, if you want an abundance of money because it will bring you feelings of well-being, think of all the ways you can create feelings of well-being now without needing to create money first. Starting to create these feelings and qualities in your life makes you magnetic to having ALL the forms that will bring you these feelings and qualities. Opening yourself to all the ways these qualities can come to you is how you create abundance.

After you have identified the qualities and feelings that abundance in some area of your life could bring you, you will need to change your beliefs and thoughts to support abundance coming to you.

Energy follows thought.
You get what you think about.

Focus on all the ways you already have created abundance in that area of your life. For instance, if you want an abundance of physical vitality and energy, acknowledge every time you feel energetic and alive. Do not focus on how often you feel tired, for that brings more of it to you. Energy follows thought; you get what you think about. When you focus on what is working in your life, you draw more of the same to yourself.

Learn to think in positive ways. Positive emotions and thoughts draw to you what you want. Spend quiet, reflective time thinking positively about what you want. Acknowledge and appreciate the abundance you have already created in your life.

It is important to examine your beliefs about scarcity and change them into beliefs of abundance... Once you change your thoughts and beliefs, you change the reality you create.

The universe is absolutely abundant
and always working for you.

Affirm that you and your Higher Self have the power to change anything in your life and that no one can stop you. The universe is absolutely abundant and always working for you! Affirmations are a way to focus on what you want, to change your beliefs and thoughts, and to let go of negative thinking. They are powerful ways to change your reality.

As you affirm your abundance, you may realize that you need to open yourself to receive it and believe you deserve to have it. Work with your Higher Self right now to increase your ability to receive.

Put your hand on your heart, let your Higher Self join you, and affirm, "I now open myself to receive all the riches of the universe and all the good my Higher Self is sending me." Feel your heart opening and your ability to receive growing.

If you notice any negative thoughts that come up as you say this, identify them. Change them into positive affirmations. For instance, if the thought comes up that you will never be able to create abundance in some area, or that someone will stop you, change these into positive statements.

Examine how deserving you feel about having abundance in the area of your life you are working on. Notice when you cut off the flow, when you decide that you have had enough of something good. Most people are used to living with scarcity, and become nervous or anxious when they have too much abundance.

Say,"I now open myself to receive
the abundance of the universe."

If you notice yourself getting worried when things are going too well, or you notice yourself stopping the flow of abundance in some way, ask your Higher Self to join you to show you how to open yourself to receive and to allow more abundance into your life.

Think of a time when you allowed more abundance into your life in some area than you ever thought possible. Bring that feeling of allowing, receiving, and deserving into your body. Observe how good it feels. Then, imagine that you are creating the same thing in the area of your life you are working on. Think of this area, and let yourself feel the same good feelings as you imagine having abundance in this area too. Let go of wanting something to come from a certain person, in a certain way, or in a certain time frame. Let abundance come to you in all of its forms and ways, from everyone and anyone, and in its perfect timing.

Once you have identified the abundance you want, expand your thinking. Imagine having even more abundance. Unlimited thinking is more than thinking big; it is thinking creatively. It is allowing yourself to imagine having all that you might have. Ask your Higher Self to assist you through your thoughts, dreams, and visions to see an even bigger vision of what you can have in this area of your life.

Your imagination is very powerful. It creates your reality. If you can imagine it, you can create it. Use your imagination and your ability to daydream and fantasize. Don't think, "That's impossible; it can't be done." Think in possibilities. Ask yourself, "What is the best possible outcome, circumstance, or thing I can create?" After you have imagined the best, think of an even better result. Challenge yourself to go beyond the boundaries you have set for what you think you can have.

Say to yourself,
"I live in an abundant universe.
I always have everything I need."

Expand your trust in the universe. Believe that it is abundant. Say to yourself, "I live in an abundant universe." Believe in your ability to create what you want, and demonstrate your belief through your actions, words, and behavior.

If you feel you have a scarcity of something in your life, pretend you have abundance in this area. What would you do differently if this were the case? Take at least one small action every day to demonstrate your trust in your Higher Self to create abundance in this area. Be patient! Whatever you are experiencing now is the result of your past thoughts and beliefs. As you start changing your thoughts and beliefs, you will experience a different reality.

Examine other areas of your life in which you are operating on beliefs of scarcity. Explore an area that is causing you anxiety. Is there a belief in scarcity that is underlying your problems with this area? Imagine having complete abundance. How would it change the way you handle this problem? Then, go back and work with the process you just learned to bring abundance into this area of your life.

Picture having abundance
in every area of your life. 

Picture having everything you want in every area of your life. See how this would be a benefit to those around you. Imagine what it would be like if everyone you knew had abundance. As you picture having abundance for yourself, make a picture of everyone in the world experiencing abundance too.

Imagine that you are picking blackberries. At first you cannot find the bushes. You keep looking, find a few bushes, and pick a few ripe blackberries. As you keep exploring, you find more and more blackberry bushes. Pretty soon you are in fields of blackberry bushes, with more ripe, tasty blackberries than you can ever eat. You take exactly what you need, no more, no less. You have found abundance!

This is what it is like when you start to create abundance in an area of your life. At first it may be hard to find. There may only be small signs that it is coming. Soon there will be more and more. After a while, your greatest challenge will be to accept and live with all the abundance that is there. You can have abundance in every area of your life; you can have enough of everything you need. Things can come into your life and flow out of your life in a balanced way.

Imagine how the world might be different if there was a belief in abundance. Picture a world where there is enough for everyone; where no one believes that they need to take from others to create abundance for themselves. If everyone could create the abundance that is his or her natural birthright, you would have fewer reasons for war or to harm the earth. These new beliefs will draw to humanity new ways to create abundance for everyone, ways humanity has not even conceived of yet that tap into sunlight and the unlimited resources of the universe. The universal supply is infinite. You can start by believing that it is possible to have abundance in your own life, then picturing abundance for everyone.

As you picture abundance and the changes it could bring, you are helping to bring about a better world. You are adding energy to assist in creating a changed world, a world of abundance for everyone.

PERMISSION to Enjoy Abundance, Prosperity and Unlimited Thinking
Some people don't give themselves permission to enjoy abundance and prosperity, and to think unlimited thoughts. Or, deep down, they may think they need someone else's permission and they don't have it.

Exercise #5: How Might Lack of Permission Hold Me Back?
Sit down with pen and paper in a quiet spot where you won't be interrupted. Ask yourself, "How Might Lack of Permission Hold Me Back?" Write down all the answers that come up. Just before you go to sleep at night, ask yourself, "How Might Lack of Permission Hold Me Back?" The next morning, or if you wake up during the night with answers, write down all the answers that come up. Any negative or self-limiting thoughts that come up can be countered with "I don't need anyone else's permission; I give myself infinite permission."

Some people, sometimes deep down, that they don't deserve to enjoy abundance, prosperity, and the ability to think unlimited thoughts.

Exercise #6: What Don't I Deserve?
Sit down with pen and paper in a quiet spot where you won't be interrupted. Ask yourself, "What Don't I Deserve?" Write down all the answers that come up. Just before you go to sleep at night, ask yourself, "What Don't I Deserve?" The next morning, or if you wake up during the night with answers, write down all the answers that come up. Suppose an answer that comes up is, "I don't deserve X." You can counter with, "Why didn't I derserve X in the past?" Whatever the answer to that may be, "I now deserve X and much more!"

How often did your parents and others try to put a guilt-trip on you? "Eat your food because of all the children starving in China!" Guilt may be a factor that helps keep you stuck in scarcity, poverty, and/or limited thinking. Freeing yourself from guilt may be a big step toward abunsance, prosperity, and unlimited thinking!

Exercise #7: What Makes Me Feel Guilty?
Sit down with pen and paper in a quiet spot where you won't be interrupted. Ask yourself, "What Makes Me Feel Guilty?" Write down all the answers that come up. Just before you go to sleep at night, ask yourself, "What Makes Me Feel Guilty?" The next morning, or if you wake up during the night with answers, write down all the answers that come up. You can counter any answers that come up with, "I don't have to feel guilty about that or anything else!"

How to Attract or Repel Abundance
[The table below has been adapted from the original by Orin and DaBen (Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer) at]

Reflecting on the contrasts and differences may help shift you toward abundance, prosperity, and unlimited thinking. If any of the items on the right apply to you, they could serve as pointers to changing your thinking and behavior.

Abundance Attracting QualitiesAbundance Repelling Qualities
1. Believing in abundance, prosperity, and unlimited thinking1. Believing in scarcity, poverty, and limited thinking
2. Being aware and paying attention2. Operating on automatic
3. Waking up your desire to learn and grow3. Stagnating and wallowing at low levels
4. Seeing yourself as the source of your abundance and prosperity4. Viewing others as the cause of scarcity and your poverty
5. Constantly learning more about cause and effect5. Blaming others or factors outside yourself.
6. Believing in yourself; having self-confidence and self-love6. Worrying; suffering from fears, doubts, and self-criticism
7. Becoming your own authority and master of your destiny7. Depending on others
8. Embracing your challenges8. Choosing safety and comfort over growth
9. Believing it's never too late9. Thinking it's too late, e.g., because you're too old
10. Taking positive actions to achieve your dreams10. Becoming despondent and giving up easily
11. Having clear and definite goals and purposes11. Being vague and confused about your own intentions
12. Making definite agreements and keeping them12. Making unclear agreements and breaking them
13. Placing a high value on your time and worth13. Placing a high value on your time and worth
14. Open to give and receive freely14. Blocked from freely giving and receiving
15. Opening your heart to abundance and prosperity15. Closing your heart and resigning yourself to scarcity and poverty
16. Expecting the best to happen16. Worrying that the worst will happen
17. Telling yourself why you can succeed17. Telling yourself why you can't succeed
18. Releasing things easily18. Hanging on and clinging to things
19. Willing to question ALL your ideas19. Clinging to fixed ideas
20. Focusing on how you can serve others20. Thinking only of what others will give you
21. Operating in accord with your integrity21. Compromising your values and principles
22. Wanting everyone to succeed22. Trying to succeed at the expense of others
23. Applauding others' success23. Feeling threatened by others' success
24. Giving yourself permission to be, do, and have what you want24. Waiting for others to give you permission
25. Believing your path is important25. Not believing in your path
26. Doing what you love for your livelihood26. Working only for the money
27. Doing your higher-purpose activities first27. Putting off higher-purpose activities until you have more time
28. Expressing gratitude and thanks28. Feeling that the world owes you
29. Trusting in your ability to create29. Worrying over finances
30. Looking for winning solutions for everyone30. Not caring if others win or lose
31. Focusing on what you love and want31. Focusing only on what you don't want
32. Remembering past successes32. Dwelling too much on past failures
33. Feeling that you deserve the best in the world33. Feeling guilty if you have "too much."
34. Thinking how you will create money, abundance and prosperity34. Thinking about how you desperately need money
35. Acting in harmonious ways35. Breeding conflicts and power struggles
36. Allowing your Higher Self to "let it happen"36. Frantically trying to control every detail
37. Freely following your joyous path37. Forcing yourself with "musts" and "shoulds"
38. Surrounding yourself with objects that reflect your abundance38. Saddling yourself with and keeping objects that reflect scarcity
39. Measuring abundance in terms of fulfillment and happiness39. Measuring abundance only by how much money you have
40. Thinking thankfully about how far you have progressed40. Feeling overwhelmed by how far you still have to go
41. Speaking positively and in uplifiting ways41. Complaining about how bad things are
42. Thinking in expanded, unlimited ways42. Thinking in restrictive, limited ways
"In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true or becomes true, within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits." -- John C. Lilly

Repetition is most important. It's unlikely that anyone will gain nearly as much as is available by just reading this report once. For most people, to gain the available benefits, they need to read, do exercises, read more, do more exercises, read more, repeat the exercises... for at least 21 days. Few people can reprogram their minds in such an important area in less than three weeks. So do yourself a favor, invest the time and effort necessary to reprogram your mind to shift further and further toward abundance, prosperity, and unlimited thinking.

Working with a Buddy
For most people, it will be very worthwhile to work with a buddy (or even a small group). Discuss the report. Support each other in doing the exercises and persisting with them. After each exercise, take turns to report to the other what you experienced and learned. Working with a buddy (or a small group) in this manner may more than double the benefits you gain from this report.

by Mike Goldstein

The subject of Idenics has been mentioned quite often in Frederick Mann's reports and newsletters. Idenics is a unique and powerful one-on-one methodology for addressing a person's "unwanted conditions" -- which could include scarcity, poverty, or limited thinking ... or conditions related to them.

The name "Idenics" is coined from the word "identity." In this article I will discuss these two topics of identities and unwanted conditions, their relationship to each other, and their importance in the system of Idenics.

The subject of "identities" is not new. It has been around for hundreds and perhaps for thousands of years. Nine hundred years ago identities were written about and called "elementals." However, with the development of Idenics, much more information about the makeup of identities, their generation and assumption, and their importance in therapy has been discovered.

When I talk about an "identity" I simply mean, a way of being in order to accomplish something. This is a simple yet very applicable definition. An identity is really just a package of "rules and laws" of how to be and/or how to act in given circumstances.

In this context, rules and laws may include feelings, emotions, efforts, beliefs, ideas and decisions -- all there to carry out some primary goal or purpose. Easy-to-see examples of this might be a "husband" or :wife" identity, or a job-related identity such as "real estate agent," "taxi driver," or "bank president."

Apparently, there is a basic person that generates and experiences life via these identities, shifting in and out of them automatically, without much thought. The following is an example of a person shifting from one identity to another: A computer salesman when he goes to work assumes a "salesman" identity with the purpose of selling computers to people. When he goes home to the wife and kids it wouldn't be appropriate to continue to try to sell his family computers, so he shifts into a "husband" or "parent" identity with a different goal or purpose and a different set of behaviors.

From the above examples and the definition and descriptions of an identity, we can also see another, extremely important characteristic of identities: Every identity is LIMITED. [Editor: this is a most important realization! Also note that some of your identities may have been created by imitation, including blind imitation. Remember BItoCI?]

But what is the importance of this subject of identities in a system or procedure that assists people in resolving their unwanted conditions? One of the initial and important discoveries in the research of Idenics is, any unwanted condition is simply the property of some identity, and by addressing and dealing with identities, the unwanted conditions can be easily resolved.

Having identities is not in itself a problem for the individual. The assumption of identities as in the above example of the computer salesman does not necessarily cause the person any difficulties. But the unknowing assumption of certain identities that one gets STUCK in and believes are really him/her self, do cause a person all sorts of trouble. [Editor: Also note that there can be an unlimited number of "salesman identities," each with its own "rules and laws" and behavior sets, some more effective than others. An "ineffective salesman" identity can cause problems ... as in the case of Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's 'Death of A Salesman!']

Let us liken an identity to a suit of armor. The person gets into the armor; it's cumbersome and limits his motion, but it's useful in battle. But just imagine that once the person climbs into the armor he instantaneously forgets that the armor is not him. In other words, he thinks he IS the armor or it's part of his own skin. In his mind, there is no separation from himself and the armor. So, he's walking down the road and comes to a battle. Everything is fine, swords and lances bouncing off him.

But later he sees some people swimming and he decides to go for a swim too. He jumps in the water and he sinks. Someone pulls him out, and as he's lying on the bank he thinks to himself: "What's wrong with me? Other people can swim but I can't!" UNWANTED CONDITION. Maybe he then comes up with all sorts of solutions for staying afloat, when all he has to do is take the armor off... but he doesn't know the armor isn't him. He doesn't know he can take off and drop the armor at any time.

People can have success in resolving their unwanted conditions without having a clue about identities. One method is to study a particular kind of unwanted condition in people, discovering similar characteristics that may appear in a majority of cases. These similarities may include similar events at the start of the unwanted condition, similar beliefs, ways of thinking, etc. Find people who have this kind of unwanted condition. Have them examine their lives using the similarities of your study. Additionally, design comprehensive drills to enable the people to examine their own behavior even further. Through such an examination, a person may see his own "rules and laws" that are limiting his thinking and behavior and get "unstuck" from the identity connected with the unwanted condition.

The above-mentioned type of procedure is covered competently by Frederick's explanations and exercises on shifting from scarcity, poverty, and limited thinking to abundance, prosperity, and unlimited thinking. If a person:

(1) Has issues that relate to the subjects of scarcity, poverty, or limited thinking;
(2) Wants things that are or akin to abundance, prosperity, or unlimited thinking and feels there is some thing or things getting in his/her way from achieving these goals;

Then, he/she should carefully read Frederick's explanations, do the exercises, and see what happens.

What will happen to you if you read this report and do the exercises? Who could know that? You may have an epiphany and achieve a freedom from some limited way of being. On the other hand, you may gain nothing. But you must try and see for yourself. If you do get something out of this procedure, that's great. However, if you:

(1) Run into trouble doing the exercises and get stuck;
(2) You get some benefit, but you feel there's more to be done and yet you can't seem to go further; or
(3) You just don't get accomplished what you wanted to;

Then, please don't get into thinking that there's something terribly wrong with you or that things are hopeless for you.

There are more than 5 billion people on this planet, and no two of them respond the same way or view life from the same point of view. Each has his/her own, unique issues and have these issues put together the way they have them put together. Each person is unique, and different. No matter how good the paradigm that describes a person with a particular unwanted condition, no matter how detailed, how well researched, it will never be the best paradigm for any particular individual.

Understand that there are countless variables that could never be predicted or imagined, let alone researched. For example, the particular identity a person needs to inspect in order to resolve an unwanted condition may have nothing about it that is even remotely similar to the apparent characteristics of the condition! Only the person him/herself can really look and see how things really are for him/her.

And then, there is another difficulty. Success with trying to inspect one's limitations and unwanted conditions on one's own can be extremely difficult and be subject to many pitfalls. The main pitfall is that questions the person may need to ask him/herself, things he/she must be directed to look at, these questions and things cannot be seen by the person from where he/she is looking from. It's kind of like the old analogy, "can't see the forest through the trees." The person is IN his/her forest and can't be enough outside of it to view it. Additionally, there must be some separation in order to look at something. And like in the "suit of armor" analogy, sometimes the person is being something so completely that he/she cannot see it. Here is where the assistance of another is necessary.

We are now in the realm of "therapy." Unfortunately, therapies are based on therapists' paradigms of people and conditions. What a therapist does is based on preconceived ideas of how people are and/or should be. Questions and advice are based on things the therapist thinks he/she knows about the patient. Evaluation, analysis, and trying to figure out the patient all play a major role in therapists' work. The Idenics application, however, is 180 degrees removed from the typical therapeutic application.

Idenics application is based on a philosophy that's been around for ages. Basically, this philosophy states that people are unique and different, and that the answers they seek are within themselves. Until Idenics, this philosophy has been given lots of lip service, but virtually no application. Idenics application is non-judgmental, non-evaluative, without suggestion, advice or opinion. I don't have any answers for you. I don't try to figure people out. If the answers people seek are within themselves, then it's just a matter of them accessing those answers. The mechanics of Idenics deal with the reasons why people don't access, not the things I "think" they should access. And the subject of identities has a lot to do with accessing.

Remember that you are not your limitations, unwanted conditions, or identities. I personally don't believe there is anything wrong with YOU, anything YOU need to improve. The age-old search of finding out who you are may be as simple as finding out who you are not!

For more information on the application and mechanics of Idenics you can go to our website. There you will find articles you can read and audio tapes you can download and listen to right at the site. If you have questions or want additional information you can email me from the site or call me on my toll-free number, 1-800-IDENICS (433-6427). If you're out of my calling area you can reach me at 1-303-695-4940. Also, as originally arranged by Frederick Mann, you can call and schedule with me a free introductory phone session. Better than just getting information, you can now experience an Idenics session, for free.


"Hi Mike! I just want to thank you for your time and giving me a session a few weeks ago. That session was so powerful that it has taken me a while to get back to you.

Let me first say that after I got off the phone with you I was blown away by the depth and completeness of Idenics. I have been DOING therapy for 20 some years and have never received, experienced or participated in personal work that was so gentle, refreshing and nonjudgmental of a process both while having a session and afterwards.

Right affter I got off the phone I could feel and see just the surface of what we worked on and how I changed some of my history. Idenics is the pebble being dropped into the pond and the water just demonstrates how vast and far this process goes, to the end of the shore. But the pond isn't really a pond, it's a lake or even bigger. What I mean by all this is that I could see within myself how I unhooked from the "unwanted conditions" of myself. And now I am watching the world and the people in it change. And there is no effort! Idenics is POWERFUL work!" -- K.A.

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