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By Frederick Mann - January 8, 1994

The main reason most "success books" fail is because the authors don't really know all the reasons behind their success. And sometimes their only major success is getting their "success books" published!

This report does not deal with the reasonably well-known success principles. I believe it covers much more powerful underlying success principles. But you be the judge of that.

Before reading this report, it may be a good idea to study #TL04C: THE ULTIMATE SUCCESS SECRET!

Success Formulas
If you get a job in some long-established, viable company it's relatively easy to succeed. Over the years the company's founders and workers have developed formulas for doing things that work. The details have been worked out. When you join such a company you are told in one way or another how to do things. You may be given a job description. Through existing paperwork, computer systems, and asking questions you discover the details. In such a set-up it's relatively easy to succeed because the company has viable products and services, trained personnel, an established customer base, a good or reasonable reputation, and procedures or formulas that work for doing things.

If you were to start your own business as a hairdresser it would be more difficult to succeed. Suppose you've worked as a hairdresser so you know the details of cutting hair. However, you don't know all the details of creating and running a business successfully. Nevertheless, many people have successfully created hairdressing businesses. They used certain formulas to determine what to do and what not to do. You can discover these formulas and even improve them. But it's more difficult to succeed because you don't have a boss who knows the formulas and can tell you exactly what to do.

Now if you were to start a new kind of business - like Federal Express - it's even more difficult to succeed. You're trying to do something which nobody has done before. You have to invent the details from scratch and make them work. The formulas for success need to be developed. You can't copy them from someone else.

To walk from A to Z you need to put one foot in front of the other as many times as necessary to cover the distance. You simply take one step at a time until you arrive at Z. It's very simple because all the steps are the same - assuming the path from A to Z is straight, level, and uniform. The formula is simply: take the next step. To succeed all you have to do is take the next step.

In the job described above it's relatively easy to determine the next step. In starting a hairdressing business it's more difficult. In creating Federal Express it's vastly more difficult.

Most people fail because they don't take the next step. When you're just walking it's easy to determine your next step: just move the other foot forward. But when you have a more difficult task, it's not always so easy to figure out the next step. Maybe that's why most people fail: by not taking the next step. I hope this report will help you figure out and take your next step.

Two principles are particularly important for achieving ultimate success:
1. Distinguishing between what you can control and what you can't.
2. Being willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

John Rappoport's Power X writings are also very important to achieving ultimate success.

To feel that we are worthwhile individuals, to
know that we exist, we have to express our power
- feel that we are in control.

This imperative to express our power and
experience control is central to human behavior.
Every human does something to express his
or her power in the world.

This power can be expressed creatively
or destructively.

Humans first attempt to express their power
creatively. If such attempts fail repeatedly,
they experience themselves as powerless.
They may feel helpless and hopeless,
and become depressed.

What they experience is that they cannot
make a positive difference in their own lives
or in the world.

A cognitive breakdown occurs between
their actions and the results they produce.

Mentally and intellectually they cease to
understand the connections between their
behavior and the consequences of their behavior.

Then they express their power destructively.

This natural phenomenon is at the root of
practically all individual and societal problems.

Understanding this natural phenomenon and its
implications leads to the solution of practically
all individual and societal problems.

Three Levels of Success
I distinguish between ordinary success, spectacular success, and ultimate success. Ordinary success could be getting and keeping a job and earning a decent income. Though for some ambitious people, working their whole career for a boss would be a failure.

Federal Express is an example of a spectacular success. Not only is it a large, worldwide, profitable business, it also provides a service that makes business generally more efficient worldwide.

Ultimate success could include such advances as:

There is no clear line of demarcation between my three levels of success. You can decide for yourself what you regard as ordinary, spectacular, and ultimate success. And, of course, you can define your own levels of success.

Whatever level of success you want to attain, the most basic formula you need to apply is: TAKE THE NEXT STEP! One way to find out the next step you need to take is to apply the "non-existence formula" given in the Report #TL80A: Creativity Report #1:

  1. Humility: accept that you don't have all the answers.
  2. Identify a communication line (find a means to communicate).
  3. Obtain a map, a recipe, or a set of instructions.
  4. Make yourself known.
  5. Discover what is needed and wanted.
  6. Do, produce, and/or present it.
  7. Discover what is not needed or wanted.
  8. Do not do, produce, or present that.
  9. Make an inventory of the assets, knowledge, tools, and skills you can utilize to produce what is needed and wanted.
  10. Find out how you can apply available assets, knowledge, tools, and skills to produce what is needed and wanted.
  11. Be willing to do things you don't usually do in order to produce what is needed and wanted.
  12. Question the entire activity, project, or business.

One of the most powerful success books I know of is The Cynergetics Sixty-Minute Success/Wealth Guidebook published by Applied Cynergetics, 1308 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. I don't know of a more powerful guide for selecting your next step.

Three Paradigms
A "paradigm" is a set of assumptions that determines how you view things. There are three basic paradigms concerning human nature:

As far as I know, the immature/mature paradigm was first formulated in the book The Mature Mind by H.A. Overstreet, published in 1949. The author thought that his "maturity concept" would revolutionize society. Let me introduce the maturity concept through a quotation from the above book:

"All children, Diderot once observed, are essentially criminal. It is merely our good luck that their physical powers are still too limited to permit them to carry out their destructiveness.

Had he lived today, Diderot might have expanded his remark. He might have said that all childish minds are dangerous, but particularly when those minds are housed in adult bodies; for then they have the power to put their immaturities fully and disastrously into effect.

The forms that adult childishness can take are almost infinite in number. They exist not merely in those unfortunates who have to be confined to institutions, but in countless thousands of men and women who look adult, are taken to be adult, and are granted the full prerogatives of adulthood.

In these grown-up child-minds, the immaturities are almost invariably disguised from the individuals themselves. Also they are usually disguised from those who share their life - largely because these others display similar immaturities themselves. The immaturities, moreover, are disguised from society at large, since that society has as yet developed no constant habit of appraising adult behaviors as immature or mature."

Some assumptions of the maturity concept follow:

There is much more to the maturity concept and I recommend that you get hold of H.A. Overstreet's The Mature Mind from a used-book store or a freedomry and study it.

Gurdjieff's Attempt to Wake Us Up
George I. Gurdjieff regarded our "ordinary awake state" as in fact being a "state of being asleep" - a condition of being hypnotized. In our "ordinary awake state" we in fact walk around like machines, robots, or zombies. Gurdjieff chose as his life-mission the "harmonious development of man." For an introduction to Gurdjieff's ideas I recommend Colin Wilson's book The War Against Sleep in which he writes:

"Everyday consciousness is limited by 'mechanicalness', 'the robot.' We become so accustomed to the repetitive routine of everyday life that we end by being bound hand and foot by habit, like a fly wrapped in spider-web. Yet no one, even the laziest, is really happy with this state of affairs, for we recognize that it robs us of a certain intensity, a feeling of being fully alive. We need security; but it tends to conflict with that desire to be 'wide awake.' This is more often associated with insecurity. Sartre, for exampled, remarked that he never felt so alive as when he was in the French Resistance, and was likely to be arrested and shot at any moment."

Another introduction to Gurdjieff is the book Gurdjieff: Making a New World by John G. Bennett. He quotes Gurdjieff: "Man is a machine. He is asleep. He can do nothing. He can control nothing. Everything controls him." In his book The Harmonious Circle, James Webb writes:

"But by Gurdjieff's own account, the chief result of his close acquaintance with political intrigue was to... fill him with horror at the ease with which ordinary people allowed themselves to be led by the nose. Partly in reaction against the violence he had seen and partly as a result of conversations with "various revolutionists" he had met in Italy, Switzerland, and the Caucasus, Gurdjieff decided that he "must discover, at all costs, some manner or means for destroying in people the predilection for suggestibility which causes them to fall easily under the influence of 'mass-hypnosis.'""

Gurdjieff's contention that we are asleep is echoed by Erich Fromm as quoted by Stephen R. Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People:

"Today we come across an individual who behaves like an automaton, who does not know or understand himself, and the only person that he knows is the person that he is supposed to be, whose meaningless chatter has replaced communicative speech, whose synthetic smile has replaced genuine laughter, and whose sense of dull despair has taken the place of genuine pain. Two statements may be said concerning this individual. One is that he suffers from defects of spontaneity and individuality which may seem to be incurable. At the same time it may be said of him he does not differ essentially from the millions of the rest of us who walk upon this earth."

Gurdjieff's life was devoted to waking us up. He successively established several institutes to deliver his teachings. They all failed. I surmise that Gurdjieff lacked organizational, management, and marketing skills. Nevertheless, dozens of books have been written about Gurdjieff, his work, and his followers, and there are Gurdjieff groups all over the world.

Maslow's Self-Actualization Psychology
Abraham H. Maslow's psychology of self-actualization, as described in his book The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, could be regarded as a maturity psychology. Before Maslow, most psychologists studied "abnormal" people to find out what was wrong with them and to develop the methods to fix or heal them. Maslow studied the most advanced individuals he could find in order to determine what was different or unique about them. He talked in terms of "merely healthy individuals" and "transcenders." Maslow wrote:

"I have a very strong sense of being in the middle of a historical wave. One hundred and fifty years from now, what will the historians say about this age? What was really important? What was going? What was finished? My belief is that much of what makes the headlines is finished, and the "growing tip" of mankind is what is now growing and will flourish in a hundred or two hundred years, if we manage to endure. Historians will be talking about this movement as the sweep of history, that here, as Whitehead pointed out, when you get a new model, a new paradigm, a new way of perceiving, new definitions of the old words, words which now mean something else, suddenly, you have an illumination, an insight. You can see things in a different way."

Maslow is generally regarded as the father of "humanistic psychology" or "third-force psychology" - the "first force" being Freudian analysis, and the "second force" Skinnerian behaviorism. Of the psychologies I've examined Maslow's comes closest to reflecting my "expanded maturity concept." For an excellent overview of Maslow's psychology I recommend the book New Pathways in Psychology by Colin Wilson.

The Expanded Maturity Concept
Overstreet talked about mental, emotional, and social maturity. His maturity concept may have failed to make a major impact in the world because it was too narrowly defined. The concept was not sufficiently developed to succeed! Though Overstreet wrote:

"[A] mature truth told to immature minds ceases, in those minds, to be that same mature truth. Immature minds take from it only what immature minds can assimilate. In the end, even though they may give it lip-service and may raise institutions in its name, they turn the mature truth into an applied immaturity."

I have expanded Overstreet's too limited maturity concept into my Expanded Maturity Concept, which includes many more elements. We each need to become more mature in most or all of the "elements of maturity" I identify.

Elements of Maturity

truth can
be used as
a foundation for
a mountain of lies,
and if we dig down deep
enough in the mountain of lies,
and bring out that truth, to set it
on top of the mountain of lies; the entire
mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of
that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a
structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which
the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of
the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to
follow, awakening even those
people who had no
desire to be
to the

- Delamar Duverus
(Quoted in Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper.)

"There are still peoples and herds somewhere, but not with us, my brothers: here there are states.
The state? What is that? Well then! Now open your ears, for now I shall speak to you of the death of peoples.
The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth; 'I, the state, am the people.'
It is a lie! It was creators who created peoples and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
It is destroyers who set snares for many and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred desires over them.
Where a people still exists, there the people do not understand the state and hate it as the evil eye and sin against custom and law.
I offer you this sign: every people speaks its own language of good and evil: its neighbor does not understand this language. It invented this language for itself in custom and law.
But the state lies in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it says, it lies - and whatever it has, it has stolen.
Everything about it is false; it bites with stolen teeth. Even its belly is false.
Confusion of the language of good and evil; I offer you this sign of the state. Truly, this sign indicates the will to death! Truly, it beckons to the preachers of death!
Many too many are born: the state was invented for the superfluous!
Just see how it lures them, the many-too-many! How it devours them, and chews them, and re-chews them!
... It would like to range heroes and honorable men about it, this new idol! It likes to sun itself in the sunshine of good consciences - this cold monster!
It will give you everything if you worship it, this new idol: thus it buys for itself the luster of your virtues and the glance of your proud eyes.
It wants to use you to lure the many-too-many. Yes, a cunning device of Hell has here been devised, a horse of death jingling with the trappings of divine honors!
Yes, a death for many has here been devised that glorifies itself as life: truly a heart-felt service to all preachers of death!
I call it the state where everyone, good and bad, is a poison-drinker: the state where everyone, good and bad, loses himself: the state where universal slow suicide is called - life."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, 1884

Why the Expanded Maturity Concept is so Powerful
The analogy of the motor car illustrates the power of the expanded maturity concept. A modern motor car contains hundreds of parts and subassemblies performing many functions. Certain elements (for example, pistons) are vital. In their absence the car won't run at all. For a car to run, a large number of functions need to be performed by many elements. For the car to run properly, function-performance needs to meet certain standards; furthermore, many functions need to be integrated (for example, sparkplugs need to spark and valves need to open and close at the right times). Any number of functions or elements, if missing, would prevent the car from running. Nevertheless, a car can run even with bad plugs, dirty oil, and bald tires - but how well and for how long?

The development of the motor car could also serve as an analogy for the growth of maturity. Early cars had relatively few elements and functions and performed poorly by modern-day standards. As the car became more sophisticated, more elements and functions were incorporated and functions were better integrated, leading to improved performance. In the most modern cars, computer functions have been added to improve function-integration. From the hindsight of the modern car it's easy to see the missing elements or functions in the Model-T Ford. From a "Model-T-perspective" it is difficult to envisage the elements and functions that need to be added to transform the Model-T into a modern car.

An individual (as well as a car) can be regarded as a hierarchy or network of integrated elements and functions. From today's perspective it's easy to see what elements or functions in the primitive stone-age caveman were further developed in order to bring about the modern human. From the perspective of a hypothetical future highly mature person it would be easy to see what elements or functions had to be further developed in the "modern human" of a few centuries ago. That hypothetical future highly mature person might regard today's "modern human" as a primitive savage!

By surveying a very wide range of the best suggestions of our most advanced thinkers (past and present) it's possible to come up with a list of elements where we need to boost our maturity. By applying our imagination and other mental faculties, we further expand our list. This is essentially how the Model-T developed (or matured) into the modern car.

The power of the expanded maturity concept comes from the incessant, intense, and never-ending focus on finding ALL the elements where maturity needs to be boosted. All other success approaches I know of are partial and usually lead to failure, sometimes to ordinary or partial success, and very seldom to spectacular success.

Other Elements
There are other areas of life where maturity needs to be boosted, such as Science, Technology, Ecology, Agriculture, Architecture, etc. The methods suggested in this report can be applied in all these areas.

What's Missing?
This is a request to all readers. What do I need to change or add to make this report more powerful and effective?


  1. The first priority for those who wish to boost maturity is to boost their own maturity.
  2. The second priority is to learn how to assist others to boost their own maturity.
  3. The third priority is to assist others to boost their own maturity.
  4. The fourth priority is to induce others to assist others to boost their own maturity.

How You Boost Your Maturity
The basic way you boost your maturity is by observing the consequences of your actions and learning from them. A basic formula is involved:

  1. Observe and analyze a situation.
  2. Act.
  3. Observe the consequences.
  4. Formulate a rule of thumb or heuristic: "If under conditions 'C' I perform action 'A' then the result 'R' occurs 'P' percent of the time" - for example, "When I'm tired at night I go to sleep; and if I sleep for seven hours, I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed 95% of the time."
  5. Further test and refine the heuristic by repeating steps 1-3 and using consequences or results as feedback.
  6. Formulate general rules of thumb or heuristics about the nature and behavior of physical reality and, most important, heuristics about human nature and behavior.

Much of what is generally known as "common sense" can be described as heuristics that were developed by applying steps 1-6 above, for example, "If you kick a stone you hurt your foot."

You can boost your maturity considerably by learning from others. Because of writing and other forms of recording information and communication, many experiences of others are available to you. To avail yourself of this store of knowledge you need to open your mind to new information.

Unfortunately much of what is written, and communicated by other means, is fallacious or immature. There is a need to sift the wheat from the chaff, to find the pearls in the puddle. To boost your maturity you may need to develop strategies that enable you to identify the most useful information - see Report #TL03: How to Improve Your Information.

Another method you can use to boost your maturity is to find a wise mentor who serves as a provider of practical wisdom. You can also establish a buddy relationship and assist one another. You can go further and establish a network of people, each of whom informs the others when they come across useful information that is not generally known.

"Heuristic" Defined
Heuristics play a central role in my formula for boosting maturity. A heuristic is a rule of thumb, a method or procedure based on common sense, a general principle that that is roughly correct. The word "heuristic" comes from the Latin heuristicus and Greek heuriskein meaning to discover. It is akin to the Old Irish word fuar meaning I found. A heuristic is a self-educating technique using feedback to improve performance. The basic formula for boosting maturity - steps 1-6 above, is an example of a heuristic procedure.

Another definition of heuristic is cognitive link between action and result. We mail out thousands of sales letters every week. From experience we've learnt that a particular sales letter to a particular kind of mailing list yields a 2% response. On average, if we mail to 100 people, two will buy. "2%" is a cognitive link between action (mailing) and result (orders). It's a rule of thumb or a heuristic.

Boosting Your Maturity Involves Change
To boost your maturity you need to change. Consider the following classification of human behavior:

  1. Belief, thought, understanding.
  2. Feelings and emotions.
  3. Actions.

In yourself, which of these three can you change most easily? Over which do you have most control? In my opinion, you can change your actions much more easily than your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. This leads to a fundamental heuristic:


There is also a contradictory heuristic:


In moving on to the second priority: learning how to assist others to boost their maturity, consider again the classification of human behavior:

  1. Belief, thought, understanding.
  2. Feelings and emotions.
  3. Actions.

You may think that in order to change the behavior of others, all you have to do is to provide them with facts, scientific evidence, logical explanations, and rational formulas so they will understand and change. This approach is based on the fallacious assumption that it is easier to change beliefs and emotions than actions. If you find it easier to change your own actions compared to your beliefs and emotions, then how can you expect it to be otherwise for others? This leads to another heuristic:


The Eight Basic Immaturity Heuristics

  1. We tend to believe too readily.
  2. Generally, we strive to understand only what we have first chosen to believe.
  3. We tend to use logic to justify our beliefs rather than to change our beliefs.
  4. We have a profound ability to refuse to understand what we choose not to believe.
  5. We have strong emotional and intuitive drives to understand whatever we choose to believe.
  6. In general, logic has nothing to do with understanding, until after we first choose to believe.
  7. We have strong emotional and intuitive drives to cling to our beliefs.
  8. Generally, we will either blind ourselves to the consequences of our actions, or we will blame others or factors external to ourselves.

[Acknowledgment: The above heuristics were partly derived from material provided by Clear Purpose Management, Inc. of Englewood, Colorado.]

Most of the undesirable results or consequences in the world - war, inflation, depression, crime, unemployment, poverty, famine, homelessness, drug addiction, fraud, government, terrorism, pollution, corruption, bank failures, etc. - can be ascribed to the above eight heuristics.


Build Freedom is organized to achieve the above.

Quantum Success Jumps
I speculate that if certain conditions of maturity are satisfied an individual's general success level takes a qualitative leap. The general success level of those who do not experience this quantum jump tends to remain static or tends to decline.

I further speculate that, loosely speaking, three such quantum success jumps could occur: (1) from pre-success to ordinary success; (2) from ordinary to spectacular success; and (3) from spectacular success to ultimate success.

The three levels of success: ordinary, spectacular, and ultimate are analogous to a car with three gears and a stick shift. Ordinary success is like first gear; spectacular success like second gear; and ultimate success like third or top gear. Pre-success is like neutral. A quantum success jump is analogous to shifting gears.

Moreover, I speculate that these quantum success jumps occur when we reach a critical level of maturity in a critical number of elements. Let me illustrate from my own experience: For about ten years I've been working actively on trying to spread my ideas. Until about eighteen months I failed dismally in getting others to buy my ideas. Then I started Free America! Institute and self-published The Economic Rape of America: What You Can Do About It and people started paying me for my ideas. This was a quantum jump from pre-success to ordinary success. Eight months ago, together with two friends, I started Build Freedom. Suddenly 50 people a week or more, from several countries, started sending me money for my ideas. Many have become Distributors of my ideas. Many have sent rave letters praising my ideas. This was a quantum jump from ordinary success to spectacular success. I speculate that each quantum success jump occurred when I reached critical levels of maturity in a critical number of elements.

Blind Spots, Quality, and Success
Some time ago I came across a book by Dr. Morton Cooper, Change Your Voice; Change Your Life. On looking through it I quickly realized that voice quality is a major element of success. Yet I have hated "my voice" all my life.

What's interesting about this is that I've been involved in self-improvement and self-actualization activities for 25 years. Nobody ever said to me, "Listen, you have to do something about developing your natural voice."

Dr. Cooper describes success as "becoming the best person you can possibly be." Success has to do with achieving goals, performing tasks that satisfy requirements, being healthy, happy, loving, rich, famous, etc. - according to your own criteria. Success and voice quality are related.

In the area of voice quality I've suffered from a blind spot all my life. A blind spot is an area where you don't see. It is a "nothing" which is by nature invisible to you. The term "blind spot" itself suffers from "blind spottedness." It doesn't include "deaf spot." Regarding my voice, I have actually suffered from a "deaf spot."

Very few people know that for optimum health they can use the sense of smell, for naturally occurring nutrients, to select the food their bodies need most at any particular time (see Report #TL09: How to Achieve Superhealth). This indicates a further aspect of "blind spottedness." Consider the following:

      see - blind
     hear - deaf
    smell - ?

What is the missing word? Do you know? In the area of smell we have a "blind spot" we are so "blind" to, that we don't even know the word to describe it. Does any reader know the missing word?

Well, I'll tell you the missing word: "anosmic." Someone who suffers loss or impairment of the sense of smell is anosmic. The noun describing the condition is "anosmia." The person with the condition is called an "anosmatic." There is also a medical term that speficially describes the inability to smell food: "anosmia gustatoria."

Probably most of us aspiring maturity-boosters suffer from some blind spots...

And to become aware of our blind spots may be very difficult. As Butler Shaffer said, "We are unwilling to turn our mind back upon itself - like a mirror facing another mirror - and let it examine itself! That terrorizes the hell out of us, because to do so will call into question all the silly little games we have made up with which to amuse ourselves and, more importantly, will reveal to ourselves that all of the cherished values and institutions for which we have been willing to make our personal lives miserable, were nothing more than made up games!" (in a talk presented to the Albert Jay Nock Forum, Long Beach, CA on December 1, 1987).

Question Everything
It's possible that, rather than having to boost a large number of parts, factors, or elements of maturity to a critical level in order to make a quantum success jump, you merely have to develop or acquire a single ability that transforms you from an "immaturity cripple" into a "maturity-booster." If there is such a single ability I propose as the leading candidate: the willingness and ability to question everything.

Our sense organs can only perceive over limited ranges. Sounds occur that we cannot hear. Our senses may deceive us. Sometimes we see what we want to see. Professional magicians can deceive our senses with consummate ease. In addition, our sense perceptions are converted into mental images in our brains. These mental images may be further distortions of our perceptions. So, what about the concept of "truth?"

Let me repeat the eight basic immaturity heuristics:

  1. We tend to believe too readily.
  2. Generally, we strive to understand only what we have first chosen to believe.
  3. We tend to use logic to justify our beliefs rather than to change our beliefs.
  4. We have a profound ability to refuse to understand what we choose not to believe.
  5. We have strong emotional and intuitive drives to understand whatever we choose to believe.
  6. In general, logic has nothing to do with understanding, until after we first choose to believe.
  7. We have strong emotional and intuitive drives to cling to our beliefs.
  8. Generally, we will either blind ourselves to the consequences of our actions, or we will blame others or factors external to ourselves.

The Basic Speculations of Maturity Development
Originally I called the speculations below "axioms." But I decided to be more modest and humble. They could also be called Hypotheses or proposed axioms.

Speculation 1: Organismic Knowledge
Every conscious or potentially conscious human organism has a great deal of the knowledge and skills, or can locate, identify, and/or produce most of the knowledge and skills, necessary for its optimum maturity development.

Speculation 2: Minimum Intervention
Every human organism requires some external intervention for its maturity development. To maximize that development, the intervention needs to be reduced to the appropriate minimum. (Reason: so the individual learns competent, independent, internal examination, analysis, and evaluation.)

Speculation 3: Will to Power
Every human organism is genetically programmed to increase and extend its influence and control over itself, other organisms, and its environment. Every human organism is also genetically programmed to be a slave of "superior beings." Through the progressive development in the requisite maturity elements all or most human organisms can shift from slavery to mastery.

Speculation 4: Voluntary Cooperation
Conscious human organisms optimize their influence, control, and development through voluntary cooperation with other conscious or potentially conscious human organisms.

Speculation 5: Optimum Ingestion
(a) As determined by its long-term evolution and biological constitution, every human organism has specific (often unique) nutrient requirements. Practically all human organisms have the sensory means to determine their optimum ingestion in respect of naturally occurring nutrients.

(b) Because of the recency of the evolution of human consciousness, most human organisms have not yet developed the means to determine their optimum ingestion of information.

(c) Human organisms require external intervention to rediscover how to use their sensory means to determine their optimum nutrition. They also require external intervention to optimize their ingestion of information. In accordance with axioms 2 and 4, such intervention is most effective when based on voluntary cooperation and reduced to the appropriate minimum.

Speculation 6: Action Precedes Development
For optimum human maturity development it is necessary to provide human organisms with opportunities and incentives to take actions highly likely to produce beneficial results, including maturity development in some or all maturity elements. In accordance with axioms 2 and 4, such intervention is most effective when based on voluntary cooperation and reduced to the appropriate minimum.

Speculation 7: Heuristic Transference
A heuristic development axiom or principle that applies to one aspect of human development tends to apply to many other areas. Many heuristics learned in one area of human behavior can be usefully transferred and applied to other areas.

Speculation 8: Virtually Infinite Potential
Because of intelligence, consciousness, thinking skills, tool-using ability, information recording and transmission, and cooperation, human organisms can create and recreate themselves and their environments virtually without limit.

The Immaturity Cripple and the Maturity Booster
The difference between someone who has taken a quantum success jump and someone who hasn't, is that the general level of success of the maturity booster increases, while that of the immaturity cripple remains static or declines. The maturity booster tends to focus on particular areas (for example, some of the maturity elements) and takes deliberate actions to boost maturity in those areas.

The immaturity cripple may be blocked from further development by factors such as unjustified arrogance or pride; closed-mindedness; plain ignorance or stupidity; "paradigm paralysis" (inability to shift from one paradigm to another); blind spots; poverty; famine; intellectual isolation; "unreality addiction"; being a "true believer"; cultural, philosophical, religious, or political brainwashing; etc.

Some people get stuck by "conversion" into a particular branch, cult, or movement of philosophy, psychology, religion, or politics. They perceive this movement as "having all the answers." During their initial involvement with the movement (and possibly for several years) the "converted" may experience a marked increase in maturity in some aspects of life. A marginal utility heuristic may apply: after a while the benefit derived from being involved in the movement declines in comparison to the money, time, and effort invested in continuing in the movement. Eventually the "converted" may get stuck because of the limitations of whatever movement they are involved in, and derive no further development towards maturity. A sane strategy in this respect is to move from movement to movement, taking, using, and applying from each whatever you can to boost your maturity.

The Preponderance of Means over Ends
The more sophisticated we humans become, the more cumbersome are some of the means we develop to achieve our ends. For example, one of the ends or results most of us value highly is safety. So we develop military organizations to ensure our safety. In parts of the world millions are spent on the military while thousands starve to death. And many of us have suffered anxiety at the prospect of nuclear conflagration. The means tend to become more important than the ends: the preponderance of means over ends.

In much of human activity there is a tendency for people to get preoccupied with the means while losing sight of the ends. People eat and drink for for the short-lived pleasure of stimulation (and die of heart attacks, strokes, or cancer in their youth or prime), rather than for the enduring pleasure of superb health; eating becomes more important than health and survival. The car tends to become more important than the destination. We developed emotions and thoughts as means to guide our actions to produce the ends we want. But many of us become slaves to our emotions and thoughts. We develop institutions as means to produce the ends we want. Instead we tend to become slaves of institutions that often produce the opposite of what they're supposed to - like government. For example, government currency systems supposed to produce monetary stability, produce inflation instead.

The preponderance of means over ends is a common thread that runs through most immaturity. The antidote is the willingness and ability to question everything, particularly all the means we develop.

The Small-Step Progression Principle
Build Freedom is designed so that only small steps are necessary to achieve spectacular success. We only have to take small steps like: complete the next report, write letters, make phone calls, send out information packages, etc. This is the small step-progression principle. It is also designed so each step makes the next step easier.

We don't need a big backer or rich investor to proceed. (We started with a capital of about $250!) There are no big hurdles to overcome. We just need to take many little steps every day. As more and more people start supporting us, credibility and momentum grows - like a snowball running down an almost endless mountainside, and accelerating!

Boosting your own maturity could follow the same principle. Don't be overwhelmed by all the things this report suggests you need to do. Just take a few small steps every day in one or more of the maturity elements. If you'll continue doing this, you'll suddenly discover one day that you've taken a quantum success jump!

The small-step progression principle is closely related to reducing the tendency for the preponderance of means over ends.

The Wrong to Right Shift
In attempting to boost maturity it's very easy to fall into the "making wrong" trap. When you tell someone that he or she is immature in some respect, you are making that person wrong. Even when you say that what you think or do is mature, you may make the other person wrong by implication. By saying that your method is right you may imply that another's method is wrong. It often does not work to make people wrong or to be perceived as making them wrong.

However, the very suggestion that change is necessary tends to make people wrong. My saying that maturity needs to be boosted in the world automatically makes people wrong. How to resolve the dilemma? The very fact that someone agrees to work with me to boost maturity in the world means he or she accepts as a first priority to boost their own maturity. This opens the door for me to assist that person. We have an agreement to assist one another to help boost the maturity of each. The agreement could be limited to certain maturity elements. In respect of those elements we could operate out of a context of identifying rightness and building on that rightness.

To escape the "right-wrong" pitfall, Build Freedom says: "Try playing with my toys; you might like them." This is a general heuristic:


What's Right About Us Humans
It would be interesting to find out what percentage of people (a) have the urge to improve themselves, and (b) have the urge to improve society in general. If these percentages are significant, it would indicate that considerable energy is available for boosting maturity. I certainly have a strong urge to correct what's wrong. I suspect that most people who have an improvement urge think in terms of correcting what's wrong. In some respects, my efforts to improve myself have been spectacularly successful. On the other hand, my efforts to help others improve and society in general have only recently started showing a promise of success.

Now it seems that I need to learn to find out what's right about people and how to build on these rightnesses or strengths. What's right about us humans generally?

  1. We have become the dominant species on earth because of our tool-using ability, intelligence, consciousness, reason, communication abilities, adaptability, and ability to change and control our environment.
  2. We have mastered nature to the extent that in several parts of the world many of us live and travel in safety and comfort, without lacking any physical necessities of life.
  3. Some of us know that because we control the energy that animates our bodies and minds, and because we are conscious, we are free to choose our actions. We can choose any action which we are physically capable of performing. Of course, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.
  4. Every day practically all of us take actions that predictably produce the results or consequences we want. The reason we can choose and take actions that produce the results we want is that we have cognitive links between actions and consequences. These cognitive links can be expressed in the form of heuristics like, "If under conditions 'C' I perform action 'A' then the result 'R' occurs 'P' percent of the time."
  5. Many of us perform multitudes of actions based on heuristics that work, producing the results we want. The very fact that we are alive demonstrates this.

Maturity Equals Quality of Heuristics
The above factors of rightness suggest an approach to develop greater maturity of human action generally:

  1. Identify an area of life in which a person is particularly successful.
  2. Get the person to express some of the heuristics he or she applies in this area.
  3. Find out how the person learned and/or formulated the heuristic.
  4. Get the person in touch with his or her ability to learn and formulate heuristics, or cognitive links between actions and consequences.
  5. Get the person to realize that he or she has the ability to question some of his or her current beliefs or methods and can learn and formulate workable heuristics in any area of life.
  6. Get the person to understand that there is a relationship between the quality of heuristics and the desirability of consequences or results. Workable or useful heuristics yield desirable results. Increasing quality of heuristics improves results.
  7. Get the person to understand that results or consequences are the ultimate test of the quality of heuristics. Heuristics are means; results are ends. To assign value to the heuristics applied in any area of life where a person is not producing desirable results, would be an example of the preponderance of means over ends.

Through applying the above procedure we will learn a great deal about how to get people to consciously and responsibly create the heuristics they use to choose their actions. This will enable us to increase sanity, which can also be defined as the quality of heuristics.

Becoming a Maturity Booster
The decisive spread of greater maturity around the world could take the following form:

  1. I decide to become a maturity booster: someone whose first priority is to boost personal maturity, whose second priority is to learn how to assist others to develop boost their personal maturity, whose third priority is to assist others to boost their personal maturity, and whose fourth priority is to induce others to assist others to boost their personal maturity.
  2. I find one person who is willing to receive assistance from me in boosting their maturity. (This may be difficult. The general level of maturity in certain elements or factors of maturity (for example, politics) is so low that to most people a person who rates high maturity on these elements will be regarded as a "crazy, weird, eccentric, insane maniac!") I also need to be willing to receive assistance from this person in boosting my own maturity.
  3. We establish a relationship that produces mutually increasing maturity. Because of our rising maturity we produce better results in life generally. Others notice this and become interested in joining the "rising maturity bandwagon." More mutually increasing maturity relationships are formed. More people improve the positive results they create generally.
  4. I distribute this report and others. Some people write me responses, helping me boost my maturity and produce improved versions of this and other reports, manifesting higher levels of maturity.
  5. Some people become maturity boosters in their own right. Some become integral centers in our expanding network of increasing maturity. Others decide that some of the ideas I espouse as "maturity" are simply "too far out." They launch maturity-boosting enterprises in competition to Build Freedom. May the most mature have the most spectacular success - so we can attain the quantum leap to ultimate success more quickly!

At this point, in accordance with the we-don't-have-all-the-answers perspective, we need to humbly consider the possibility that the expanded maturity concept, heuristics, and speculations represent only a small fraction of the "1,000 keys" necessary to significantly boost maturity. Any missing keys are "nothings" by nature, invisible to us who don't know (and don't know we don't know) about keys we have not yet conceived. Humility is almost certainly one of the keys.

Now we can step back and ask, "So, what is the function of Build Freedom?" Clearly, it is to bring about the explosive growth of the most positive results produced by the most potent maturity boosters in the world. Build Freedom needs to become a "meta-maturity-booster," so to speak. What might be the requirements for this to come about?

  1. This and other Build Freedom reports need to be improved to the point that they will impress significant individual maturity boosters so they will want to cooperate and work with Build Freedom.
  2. Build Freedom needs to develop marketable products and services and viable methods for marketing and distributing them.
  3. Build Freedom personnel need to improve to the point where their personal lives reflect a high level of maturity in most or all respects.
  4. Build Freedom needs to incorporate the most advanced organization technology to serve as a vanguard institution of service, quality, and maturity.
  5. Build Freedom needs to disseminate a wide range of maturity-boosting information, breakthroughs, and new developments. Build Freedom's information needs to be mass-marketed.
  6. Other media - computer networks, radio, and TV - need to be utilized for mass-marketing maturity-boosting information.
  7. Build Freedom needs to deliver certain maturity-boosting services, for example, Win Wenger's intelligence-increasing methods.
  8. Build Freedom needs to expand worldwide, providing products and services in all major languages.
  9. Maturity-boosting products and services need to become available to the poorest and most disadvantaged people all over the world. (This needs to be done in a cost-effective and profitable manner.)
  10. Political, legal, economic, monetary, education, health, and welfare systems that inhibit individual opportunity need to be ignored, improved, bypassed, eliminated, replaced, and/or transformed.

Charles Hampden-Turner, in his superb book Radical Man, outlines his Model of Psycho-Social Development:

                        Man exists freely
            a) through the quality of his PERCEPTION
                 b) the strength of his IDENTITY
              /|\                   |
               |                   \|/
i) Each will attempt to        c) and the synthesis of
INTEGRATE the FEEDBACK         these into his anticipated
from this process into         and experienced COMPETENCE
mental matrices of                  |
developing COMPLEXITY               |
              /|\                  \|/
               |               d) He INVESTS this with
h) and through a dialectic     intensity and authenticity
achieve a HIGHER SYNERGY       in his human environment
              /|\                   |
               |                   \|/
g) He seeks to make a          e) by periodically
SELF-TRANSCENDING IMPACT       cognitive structures
upon the other(s)              and RISKING himself
              /|\                   |
               |                   \|/
               f) in trying to BRIDGE
              THE DISTANCE to other(s)

The expanded maturity concept - and Build Freedom as a whole - was developed essentially by following the above feedback loop. Publishing this report and asking for feedback to improve it is a further demonstration of the above loop. It is in fact a maturation loop. It is a powerful model.

Mass Marketing
The single most vital key to the success of Build Freedom is mass marketing technology. Two centuries ago, a philosopher like Voltaire could have a tremendous influence on millions of people. He wrote, published, and distributed pamphlets to a world hungry for his information. He didn't have much competition. It wasn't very difficult for him to achieve mass marketing. And mass marketing of ideas did play a crucial role in bringing about both the French and American revolutions...

Today, we live in a very different world in which we are bombarded with far more information than we can handle. The competition for attention is frightening. In order to achieve the mass-marketing of maturity development, the marketing effort itself needs to be at the appropriate maturity level to reach our best minds.

Orders of Difficulty
Suppose the order of difficulty of coming up with a good idea is one unit. The order of difficulty of developing the idea into a marketable product is of the order of 100 units. In other words, it's 100 times as easy to come up with a good idea as it is to develop the idea into a marketable product - or, out of every 100 good ideas, only one gets developed into a marketable product. And then, the difficulty of successfully marketing a product is of the order of 100 X 100 = 10,000 units. Furthermore, the difficulty of getting the idea conveyed by the product implemented, might be of the order of 100 X 100 X 100 = 1,000,000 units.

In other words it's a million times as easy to come up with a good idea, as it is to get that idea implemented - or, out of every million good ideas only one gets implemented. Also, to get one person to implement an idea, you might have to sell the product that conveys the idea to 100 people.

Spectacular and ultimate success depend partially on respecting these difficulties.

In Conclusion
The function of Build Freedom can be encapsulated in a heuristic formula:


POSTSCRIPT - Timothy Leary's Exo-Psychology and Neuropolitics
This report would be incomplete without reference to Timothy Leary. He has formulated an advanced theory of human maturation in his books Exo-Psychology and Neuropolitics. I quote from Exo-Psychology:

"Primitive psychology, in spite of its enormous, state-supported bureaucracy and its priesthood mystique, has produced no verifiable theory for explaining human behavior nor any methods for solving the classic problems of human society - crime, conflict, alienation, prejudice, stupidity, boredom, aggression, unhappiness, and philosophic ignorance about the meaning of life...

If we can imagine an anthropological report about homo sapiens written by extra-terrestrial scientists from a more advanced civilization, we can assume that humanity's inability to solve its psychological, social and ecological problems or to provide answers to basic cosmological questions (e.g. why are we here and where are we going?) would lead to the conclusion that homo sapiens is a species capable of very limited robot-activity and that Intelligent life has not yet evolved on this planet."

Leary postulates eight neural brain circuits we need to successively activate in order to mature. Below is my oversimplified and abbreviated version of the eight neurological circuits, as I interpret them:

  1. Bio-Survival Circuit - Physical survival / safety / danger / pleasure / pain - Activated at birth;
  2. Emotion-Locomotion Circuit - Freeze / fight / flight / territory - Activated when the child learns to crawl and walk;
  3. Laryngeal-Manual Circuit - Speech / artifacts / primitive tools - Activated when the child begins to talk and manipulate artifacts;
  4. Sexual-Domestication Circuit - Courting / mating / parenthood / stealth / agility / social conformity - Activated during adolescence when the sexual machinery turns on;
  5. Neurosomatic Circuit - Body consciousness - Activated by certain hedonistic practices;
  6. Neuro-Electric Circuit - Brain consciousness - Activated by deliberate, conscious, self-reprogramming of your brain;
  7. Neurogenetic Circuit - DNA consciousness / biological immortality - Beyond my current understanding;
  8. The Neuro-Atomic Circuit - Quantum consciousness - Beyond my current understanding.

According to Leary, homo sapiens as a society is stuck at circuit four. The robot-authoritarians of the fourth circuit will do anything to keep people at large from activating their higher circuits. I quote from Neuropolitics:

"Civilization, based upon erotic inhibition and sexual domestication, is psychopathologically dangerous, inevitably leading to the repression of women (it is always Eve who is to blame) and neurotic displacements of sexual charge into violent, coercive, often genocidal policies. Ashley Montague, the anthropologist, has commented ironically on the paradox: "all the civilized nations at war, all the savages at peace." It is no paradox. Repressed sex is the most violently explosive neurological blockage possible."

I wonder if the AIDS hoax - see Report #TL09A: AIDS - Bad Science or Hoax? - has anything to do with the unconscious determination of our robot-authoritarians to impose sexual repression at all costs. The AIDS hoax is perpetuated through mass brainwashing. (For an in-depth analysis of brainwashing techniques, see Report #TL20A: The Anatomy of Deep-Techniques.) According to Leary:

"Brainwashing is happening to all of us all of the time. Knowledge of brain function is our only protection against it. The solutions to our predicament are neurological. We must assume responsibility for our nervous systems. Our robothood can remain static if we endlessly repeat the imprints of infancy to adolescence, or it can be drastically altered by brainwashers without our consent, or we can take control of our nervous systems. If we don't assume this personal responsibility, somebody else will; if we do take over the control board, we can each be any person we want to be."

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