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After 2001: Our Neotech World

Ultimate Gift Six

We Join The Geniuses

By now during my life-changing spiritual Experience, I became filled with euphoria. I would someday have everything I ever wanted; I saw it in the crystal-clear Five Visions, but the intervention from a higher power was not yet finished. You see, with hindsight I can clearly see that the higher power was showing me what life would be like in the next millennium, specifically the Six Ultimate Gifts: security (First Ultimate Gift), wealth (Second Ultimate Gift), health (Third Ultimate Gift), success (Fourth Ultimate Gift), love (Fifth Ultimate Gift). Of course, the Sixth Ultimate Gift was yet to be addressed: intelligence. A Sixth Vision soon to fill my head would show me that in the 21st century, ordinary people turned into brilliant geniuses.

As my mind's eye was still admiring the slim and sexy people in my Fifth Vision, I started noticing something else about them, something startling: those people with beautiful bodies also had brilliant minds! My Sixth and final Vision was coming to me: ordinary people tomorrow were very smart...they were geniuses. They had both awesome bodies...and minds! I felt a shiver of excitement go through me as I witnessed perhaps our greatest childhood wish come true tomorrow: we were extremely bright!

Even if you think you are dull today, tomorrow you were a genius. In my Sixth Vision, I was there: after the new code, the stagnation-trap around your mind finally came off. That trap had devastated your potential in life under the old code.

As motivated geniuses after 2001, we looked back at ourselves before 2001 like we were partly retarded. In a sense, we were. You see, the human mind can naturally grow forever, yet our minds had stopped growing. So, natural growth of our minds had been retarded or stopped by the old code.

Looking back, we often wondered why our minds had stopped growing, for powerful mental growth seemed so natural and rewarding under the new code. We loved being smart! And it really bothered us that we were so dull before. After a lot of searching, we finally realized our minds had stopped growing in the 20th century because people had lost their human potential.

Under the new code, we fulfilled our human potential and discovered enormous success. Under the old code, people had lost their potential, and we were determined to figure out why.

First we defined human potential: potential was the full degree of success a person with no aberrations could achieve, which we now knew was enormous. We wondered, what exactly made our human potential, and how did it die before? We realized, one's deeply rooted motivational drive actually determined his or her potential. When motivation got replaced by resignation under the old code, our human potential died. Of course, one's human potential depended on one's deep, lifelong motivational drive...not surface, temporary motivations inspired by motivational tapes or seminars. One's very deep motivational drive in life dictated his or her eventual success.

This deep motivation came and went very young in our lives in the 20th century. So, to understand why, we had to go yet a level deeper to answer the question, "What constituted motivation?" We had to get down to the root cause of our seeming "inborn" motivational drives or seeming "inborn" lack of motivational drive. That brought us back to our infancy. There, we observed the natural thrill felt in human babies while developing human consciousness. We started out like all other animals, but we went further and further into greater and greater levels of awareness. We kept going and going far beyond all other animals...into human consciousness. Infants and toddlers felt a natural thrill as they experienced more and more control when entering human consciousness. That exhilarating thrill was a natural reaction to human life itself. Unfortunately, once we grew up in the 20th century, we could not remember that exhilaration. The thrill of life was gone. But it existed in very young children. It once existed in everyone.

That thrill for expanding awareness and control over life constituted your deep motivational drive in life. To whatever degree you still had a small bit of that thrill determined your motivational drive and dictated your success in life.

By the way, the emotional experience of that thrill was intense happiness, which we witnessed frequently in young children, but seldom in adults.

If that thrill for life were not killed off before your seventh birthday, then your motivational drive would have remained the same throughout the 20th century as it was during your first few years of life. We have heard that if we continued at that pace, we would know many languages fluently, we would know physics like Einstein, we would write like the greatest authors, we would succeed beyond the world's most successful people. Indeed, we would have become creative geniuses among the world's most valuable and richest people before 2001.

But we lost that geometrical learning curve in the 20th century as we learned resignation from the world around us. We lost our deeply rooted motivational drive as we lost our thrill for life and expanding awareness. And remember, as a result, we lost the intense happiness that was still present in very young children. The trap of stagnation sadly started closing around our minds early in life.

After 2001, under the new code, young children never lost their thrill for life and continued soaring with deep-rooted motivational drives. They grew up keeping their unyielding learning curves, for all adults around them were racing forward on geometrical learning curves. Natural competitive pressures swept everyone along, just like toddlers today.

Tomorrow looking back at us today, the motivational drive was gone in nearly all adults -- replaced by resignation. Children learned from adults; indeed, children learned resignation. And that was how potential disappeared. Tomorrow, we finally came to terms with having been mentally handicapped under the old code for an irreplaceable period of our lives.

In 20th-century civilization, once one's motivational drive collapsed at six or seven years old, it never came back. But in tomorrow's Neotech Civilization, once adults started integrated thinking, which released a gusher of creativity, their motivational drives came back. So now, let us look at the entirely new way of using the mind that made us very creative and motivated after 2001:

Your mind tomorrow in the prolific information age worked an entirely different way. It snapped together rapidly accessible information into little puzzles. In other words, your mind conceptualized or thought in concepts, not percepts as it did before 2001.

Percepts were simple events or thoughts all around you perceived through your five senses: I smelled the stench of garbage in the streets; I saw the run-down store fronts; I tasted the extra greasy food at the neighborhood taco stand; I felt the jolt of potholes in the deteriorating roads; I heard police sirens over and over again every night. Your senses registered those percepts just as the dog or any other animal registered those percepts. Concepts jumped to a whole new level of using the mind, capable only by humans. Concepts (multiple thought clusters) organized several percepts (single thoughts) into a broader level of awareness: run-down, low-income neighborhoods were not safe at night. ...A dog could never reach that level of awareness.

That concept was developed by pulling together percepts through a common denominator: all such low-income neighborhoods with run-down storefronts, deteriorating roads, low-end food had something in common -- frequent crime at night. Conceptualizing lifted humans to a much greater level of power.

Of course, that was a well-known 20th-century concept. Beyond the most well-known concepts, however, most people in the 20th century did not think in concepts. They reacted to percepts only...a consequence of resignation and the collapse of internal motivation under the old code. Indeed, if the motivational drive and its learning curve continued beyond six or seven years of age, conceptual thinking would have taken over. You could listen to any casual conversation before 2001, however, and in most cases a story was being told, percept by percept. Very few conversations occurred at the conceptual level.

Without conceptualizing, ordinary people were helpless in their careers, forever stuck in percepts -- in specialized tasks. Under the old code, people were unable to structure those simple tasks into more powerful units. Of course, after 2001 under the new code, the simple tasks were pulled together by the common denominator -- physical movements -- into the powerful mini-days. And all the simple responsibilities at work were pulled together by the common denominator -- money-making purpose -- into the powerful mini-companies. Thus, ordinary people's careers were structured conceptually, ready for them to advance rapidly with integrated thinking using power-thinking and numbers (the Fourth Vision) as their guiding tools, no longer stuck in routine ruts with specialized tasks, drowning in stagnation.

Like a child who learns to read then suddenly sees a whole new world of words all around him, ordinary people tomorrow learned to conceptualize, then suddenly saw a whole new world of common denominators all around them. Once conceptual thinking kicked in and we spotted common denominators everywhere, we structured our lives and careers for success. We advanced into the more powerful realm of integrated thinking.

Seeing common denominators was the first step toward a creative mind. The common denominators, the first phase, was a structuring phase -- structuring concepts, structuring your job. Indeed, common denominators put random percepts into structured concepts, random tasks into structured mini-days, random responsibilities into structured mini-companies, random chaos into structured order. Then, forward-movement integrated thinking kicked in; you were moving forward and not standing still. That next phase to a creative mind built upon structure...built knowledge steadily upon itself like building a house, beam by beam, or like building a puzzle, piece by piece.

In your living job tomorrow, for example, the mini-day schedule enabled you to power-think the puzzles pieces, and the mini-company job enabled you to pursue the numbers to build your success puzzles. The mini-day and mini-company provided the structure upon which you built success with power-thinking and the story of the numbers.

To build success through that integrated thinking required persistent, hard thinking. All geniuses of society did this hard, integrated thinking. But, for those geniuses tomorrow, the word "hard" soon changed to "exhilarating" as it made them prestigious and rich. The same was true for all ordinary people, including you, after 2001.

The Process Of Becoming Creative

Forming Concepts
(By Integrating Percepts)
Conceptualizing Is First Job

Building Success Puzzles
(By Integrating Concepts)
Snapping Together A Puzzle Picture Is Second Job

Making Creative Breakthroughs
(By Completing Never-Before-Seen Puzzle Pictures)
Creating New Knowledge Is Creative Results

Specific Corollary Steps For Your Career

Forming Mini-Days & Mini-Companies
(By Integrating Tasks And Responsibilities)
Structuring Job Conceptually Is First Job

Building Money-Making Projects & Success Puzzles
(By Power-Thinking & Studying The Numbers)
Integrated Thinking Is Second Job

Making Product & Marketing Breakthroughs
(By Completing Never-Before-Seen Success Puzzles)
Creating New Knowledge Is Creative Results

Before 2001, our education did not properly teach us how to think, to think hard and integrate. Sometime after 2001, our education taught us to think; our minds existed at a whole different level of expanding awareness, sort of like babies' expanding awareness and control. Our rising learning curves never slowed down. With the thrill for life and expanding awareness nurtured by proper education, we soared beyond even the smartest, richest people alive today.

Have you ever heard of the Hemingway Code? It came from the famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, and his legendary youthful vigor. Using an analogy to Hemingway's legendary vigor, here is my attempt to describe my Sixth Vision and how your mind was different in the 21st century: your mental state was always in that Hemingway Code. Every day your mind would vigorously think hard to learn and to create values that never existed before. Your mind vigorously pressed forward, never dormant. When you drove down the highway, when you took a shower, when you got ready for bed, when you ate lunch, your mind was not dormant like today. It was intensely churning in the Hemingway Code, putting together an exciting success puzzle, making million-dollar breakthroughs and feeling extremely exhilarated. Your mind was always on the move! After awhile, this exhilaration became addicting and your mind performed no other way. And with your new power, integrated thinking, you never had a shortage of puzzle pieces to build. ...I wanted to try this stimulating, new way of thinking that I so clearly saw in my Sixth Vision. So, I took one small step toward the new code by waking up my mind to a higher level of life. Here is what happened:

Once a week I had to drive about 300 miles in Southern California. During one trip, I decided I was going to keep the radio off and make my mind work the whole time while driving. During the long drive, I was expanding my awareness and control over the development of my accounting tracking reports in my company. I was forcing my mind to think about developing those accounting tracking reports and how to perfect them. I noticed my mind would "activate" for several minutes. Then, several minutes later, I would "catch" my mind dormant again. So, I would start the process over and force myself to think hard. My mind would go a few minutes, then "short circuit" again. I soon discovered a useful technique: When my mind "froze up", I would silently say the word "accounting" in my head over and over until my mind "activated" again. By doing that, I became aware of my "downtime" instead of being in an oblivious daze. Soon, I was able to shorten my mind's "downtime". By the end of the trip, I had discovered an entirely new accounting system, now permanently used by my company (see Tracking Report #5, page 160). But most importantly, my mind would not stop thinking! Instead of being the exception, thinking had become the norm! Needless to say, that was a wildly successful trip.

Ever since that trip, my mind naturally functioned at that next level. Elevating my mind to that next level lifted me to a whole new level of big-shot success. In fact, all my success today is because my mind rose to that new level.

But to many, this would seem too hard to do within today's suppressed civilization. But in tomorrow's Neotech Era, after the political and job revolutions, this exhilarating thinking and resulting big-shot success came naturally. In that stimulating world, everyone's thrill for life reawakened. Making lots of money sure reawakened our enthusiasm! As the "average Joe" built success piece by piece, he was in for a surprise: some of his growing success puzzles formed puzzle pictures not seen before. In other words, he was creating values that never existed before. He was becoming a creative genius. You see, as our success puzzles in life formed, we began to know what our developing puzzle pictures ultimately looked like, and well before those puzzle pictures were complete, we knew what the missing pieces looked like that would complete the puzzle picture. In other words, our minds became seemingly psychic to our peers at knowing exactly what to do for creative success. Merely ordinary people in the 20th century, we became creative geniuses in the 21st century.

You may not think you have a creative thought in your head, today. But creativity was never some special aura radiating from a destined few people. After extensive research, I learned that most creative people today started out the same way -- without creativity and directionless. But, often by mere coincidence, those lucky few people got a little involved with a particular path that gradually generated more and more enthusiasm...until eventually a powerful motivational drive emerged. Then and only then did those people -- those otherwise "average Joes" -- build creativity piece by piece. By the time their lives were over, they may have become legends, but their legacies were built piece by piece. Tomorrow with integrated thinking, all of today's directionless "average Joes" found their way, became deeply motivated, creative, and left great legacies.

I could find no appropriate words that described tomorrow's joy from becoming creative. A deeply satisfying sense of self-importance fulfilled us as we brought permanent values into the world that never existed before. Our deep motivational drives returned as we lived by succeeding at the very essence of man -- at advancing society with our competitive creations. Our deep motivational drives restored our limitless potential and our intense happiness not known since we were toddlers. Of course, ordinary people became rich and revered VIPs.

After America went Neotech and we enjoyed our living jobs with their mini-day/mini-company structures described in the Fourth Vision, then the driving force in life became our minds. We looked at everything differently. We looked beneath the surface perceptions at work, at home, on the news, about politics, in social life. We always searched for common denominators; formed concepts. We then built success upon those structured concepts through forward-movement integrated thinking. Our creativity and energy went toward identifying then servicing society's needs. Enormous creativity and energy rushed into society. Prosperity reigned everywhere in America, then across our planet.

When I pursued the 21st-century next level of thinking, I searched beneath surface perceptions in whatever I did. That entry level into integrated thinking introduced me to a new power in life. As I strengthened my ability to form concepts, I developed the ability to conceptualize money-making projects and build success puzzles. I realized that developing great marketing ideas was simply an exercise of the mind: of finding common denominators that serviced a lot of people's needs. For instance, my Visions showed me society's major problems in the 20th century nearly all had a common denominator: most if not all were caused by politicians and bureaucrats regulating business, medicine, and science. I witnessed that after 2001, this common denominator came into clear focus in people's minds, which sparked the inextinguishable fire beneath the Neotech Party. In short, the Neotech Party became the greatest marketing idea of all time, for it set free the geniuses of society to service the people's needs, remove their many problems, and make their lives wealthy and healthy as described in the First, Second, and Third Visions.

When I first tried the 21st-century creative thinking, I tried the following exercise to accompany my living job: I pushed myself to think in concepts. At work while studying the details, I always looked for common denominators to recurring problems. I surprised myself as I discovered solutions I never would have thought of before. With time, my mind became used to this new way of thinking. By using conceptualization in my wealth-building job, I gradually discovered creativity growing in me. I advanced from stagnant specialized thinking into forward-movement integrated thinking and built success in contrast to my previous 20th-century routine rut. And when I became like the 21st-century dynamos in my Sixth Vision, I rediscovered my deep motivational drive left behind at seven years old.

Under the old code, we were all doomed early on to somewhat dull lives and minds, even before our first day of school. And then, our education devastated whatever potential we still had left. We left school with dull minds, doomed to dull lives. Fortunately, when America went Neotech, we recaptured our potentials lost as young children and made up the advantages lost as schoolchildren. We became geniuses, destined to dynamic lives.

* * * *

Before 2001, upon entering school at six or seven years of age, any remaining motivational drive still in a child was destroyed. You see, the premise of 20th-century public schools was: Prepare children to effectively integrate into society. Now, imagine that the eager child would dream about growing up and becoming a famous person who did wonderful things. "I'll become a millionaire and do great things for the world!" But those dreams gradually dissipated as the child integrated into the glum state of late 20th-century society under the old code. Indeed, our 20th-century education taught the child to integrate into that deteriorating society.

In my Sixth Vision, I witnessed the premise of 21st-century schools under the new code: Prepare children to create values that many people are excited to pay lots of money for. On the child's first day of school, the teacher would walk in and say, "I'm going to prepare you to produce great things for the world, and as a result you will become famous and rich!" Wow, the child sat up and took notice -- his dreams confirmed! His motivation grew with compounding momentum as he steadily gained the ability to achieve his dreams throughout his proper 21st-century education.

After 2001, looking back at the old code, we had virtually no chance to become rich with a 20th-century public education. Consider the structure, thinking, and motivation -- the three fundamentals of education -- found in public schools you grew up with:

Structure: Class discussions, free-flowing thoughts from kids and teachers, random facts of events and dates all pragmatically "structured" to bring the child into "what's happening in today's social environment". The child heard all those unintegrated points (i.e., percepts), but later he forgot most of what he saw and heard in school.

Thinking: The child was never taught to integrate. He was never taught to integrate the many random percepts into common denominators -- into a few timeless, unforgettable concepts. He never knew the power of his mind to integrate random percepts into structured concepts for everlasting knowledge. Knowledge is power, but he retained little knowledge. Instead, he absorbed then forgot unintegrated, pragmatic percepts, many regarding what's germane to the politically correct times. When he graduated, his mind was quite impotent as he sank with our deteriorating society.

Motivation: He had no certainty, just a go-with-the-flow "education". The child learned to "fit in". He was trapped, at the mercy of our society, economy, national standard of living. There was nothing to be motivated over, for the child implicitly felt less and less power to rise above the bleak state of things of the day to help society and make big money as an adult. Dreams became blurry and faded.

After 2001 under the new code, by comparison, dreams instead came true for 21st-century schoolchildren and for adults, too. Here was the structure, thinking, and motivation of 21st-century schools as I saw them in my Sixth Vision:

Structure: A highly ordered presentation of knowledge, class lectures starting with bare percepts and integrating those many percepts by common denominators into a few timeless concepts for rapid absorption and permanent retention of knowledge. Knowledge was power. Through building timeless concepts, the child retained all that he learned in school. Moreover, he knew how to integrate to build piece by piece onto his base of concepts -- to build more and more knowledge and power throughout his life to "create great values for society".

Thinking: The child was taught to integrate. He discovered why his mind was infinitely superior to all other animals. He integrated knowledge through common denominators from random percepts into structured concepts. He learned to integrate a few large concepts, not memorize many specific percepts. Thus, that child retained magnitudes more knowledge through integration. The child grew competent, competitive, powerful to create marketable values for society.

Motivation: The child knew with certainty that he could make a difference, for knowledge was power. The child felt certainty and power. He naturally became motivated for more, for superchild could now grow up to become superman or super-woman. The child felt like dynamite! The thrill for life, for expanding awareness and control, built momentum. He felt more and more power to someday be used to do great things for society and make great wealth -- every child's dream. Dreams became focused and closer. The child became highly motivated.

Tomorrow's super child easily became a genius of society who, with his peers, made us all rich through brilliant technological breakthroughs that drove prices toward zero and buying power toward infinity as in the computer world. For the most part, our children saved the world.

Obviously, tomorrow's super child needed a lot of knowledge. The discussion method that dominated public schools in the late 20th century vanished. You see, the idea behind the popular, late 20th-century student discussion method was that children taught each other in order to help develop their social and communication skills -- to better integrate into society. However, tomorrow's super children needed knowledge. Twenty-first century education used the old-fashioned lecture method in which the teacher and computer did the teaching and filled the child with knowledge.

Now, the 21st-century super child rapidly built upon that base of knowledge as he grew up. Unlike us, he was taught to think conceptually. To perceive surroundings -- see, hear, feel, smell, taste -- was automatic and present in most animals. Man's superiority came from his ability to integrate. Tomorrow, starting as children, we integrated those percepts by common denominators into concepts to generate reason and success. That process was called conceptual thinking. And the human mind could build concept upon concept through integrated thinking for entire lifetimes and not ever lose a single concept!

When we grew up, public education did not teach children how to integrate. As researched by esteemed Professor Leonard Peikoff and detailed in his Philosophy of Education, public schools (and most private schools) in the latter 20th century did not teach children how to integrate the many percepts into a few simplified concepts. For example, instead of teaching children the simple concepts of phonetics (e.g., a "p" makes a "pa" sound), public schools in the late 20th century taught the look-say or whole-language method. Phonetics required understanding 44 simple concepts (i.e., sounds); look-say required memorizing how to pronounce every single word the child ever saw (i.e., perceived) with no simplifying common denominators like phonics (i.e., no concepts).

Indeed, children in all subjects -- history, math, science, literature -- were taught impotent perceptual thinking and not potent conceptual thinking. History, for example, was taught by unintegrated specific events (i.e., by percepts) and not grouped together into common denominators by concepts. For example, the wrath of human destruction over the centuries was touched on fact by fact (i.e., percept by percept) but not grouped into the basic underlying concept of tyranny. Thus, children did not make connections of logic and, instead, lived their lives in a somewhat helpless "airhead state". They retained very little knowledge since they never learned how to integrate -- the very capacity that separated man from the other animals. In short, children never learned to think. ...Was it any wonder that essentially all children, which included ourselves, grew up to a life of stagnation? Was it any wonder that career politicians ran things the way they wanted to for the entire 20th century?

After 2001, under the new code, children grew up to be brilliant with powerful motivational drives. In my Sixth Vision, I saw that they were intensely happy. For, they did not experience the tragedy of their dreams fading as we did. Moreover, as those children tomorrow grew up, they not only made their own dreams come true, but ours as well.

* * * *

Even with a nearly worthless flow of "knowledge" during our youths, we could still grow rich as adults with integrated thinking. In fact, self-made millionaires before 2001 learned integrated thinking as adults. You see, integrated thinking made them creative, for integrating lots of existing knowledge eventually generated new knowledge.

Imagine, for a moment, a large boulder sat near the edge of a cliff. We found the strongest man in the world and asked him to push that boulder over the cliff. He braced his shoulder against the boulder and pushed with all his might. The boulder did not even budge. We could have found the next 1000 strongest men in the world, lined them up, and watched them one by one push the boulder with all their might. But the boulder would never budge. Well, that was how we were taught to use our minds in school and at work -- to helplessly push our thoughts one by one against the big boulder to success. The big boulder to success would never budge. You and I and ten average guys, however, could have all together braced our shoulders against the big boulder and, in one big heave, pushed that boulder right over the cliff.

That's how the 21st-century mind worked: It quickly brought your thoughts together into one powerful force to easily push over the big boulder to success. Through this powerful integrated thinking, we pushed over major money-making barriers tomorrow that even the 1000 smartest men could never move through today.

Integrated thinking gave us more creative power than the smartest men in the world today. That was why we -- yes, humdrum people like us -- actually became creative geniuses, even with our average IQs! Our education gave us powerless specialized thinking that left us stranded as adults in routine-rut jobs with specialized tasks. Even if someone were very good at what he did, he was usually powerless at fulfilling his deepest dreams, perhaps like one of those world's strongest men powerless at pushing over the big boulder. Fortunately, in the Neotech Era of prolific information, we learned to snap thoughts together into an integrated force that easily pushed over the big boulder to major success.

When America went Neotech and limitless information bombarded us, we evolved beyond specialized mental weaklings into integrated mental giants. Before 2001, the same forces that held back super entrepreneurs and super technologies held back our creativity. You see, our career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats controlled our educational system. The ordinary person graduated from our public schools with severe short circuits; he or she could not put together the connections needed to be creative. He or she, in short, could not integrate.

In trying these techniques now, I overcame many of my own short circuits. I actually knocked out of my mind the passive acceptance of specialization. I imagined my most ambitious dream and daydreamed for a few minutes. I eclipse all the specialization and its obstacles that held me back. In my mind's eye, I saw myself leading my company into sweeping success. Well, with all that I knew now, that daydream strikingly demonstrated to me that, under old-code dynamics, I was in a terminal rut. As simple as it may seem, that striking snapshot of my lifelong stagnation-trap set off an act of self-preservation: I automatically started seeking broader thought clusters at my work. And now, after the Six Visions, I knew what to do: I tied together those limiting and stagnating simple thoughts (impotent specialized thinking) into limitless and growing thought clusters (potent integrated thinking).

Let me review how I did that, starting with the first of my two steps to creativity: structuring my thoughts and my work with common denominators. In The Philosophy of Education, Professor Peikoff used the following example to explain common denominators: Consider a drunk took a stroll on the beach. He perceived many things -- the wave breaking and rumbling onto the shore then sliding back into the ocean, the pebbles rolling down the wet sand toward the sea, the fish jumping and splashing back into the water, the sea gull landing. To the drunk like to a dog or cat, all such events were like new and unique experiences. The events seemed to come at him at random, with no structure or sense. Each event happened then was gone. He retained no logic or memory. He did not integrate events by common denominators. For instance, he did not link together the concept that the wave broke, the pebbles rolled down, the jumping fish splashed back into the water, and the sea gull landed because of gravity. The drunk never saw that common denominator, and neither did ordinary people with a 20th-century education. That common denominator -- that concept of gravity -- would begin integrating those random events into some sort of structure, making them sensible and retainable in one's memory. But to the drunk, to the dog, to the ordinary person in the 20th century, the events made no particular sense; they just happened and were just as quickly forgotten as other events were perceived. That "drunken stupor" was not so bad when strolling along the beach; but it was tragic when strolling through one's life, one's career, marriage and family life.

Under the old code, the people lived their whole lives in this impotent "drunken stupor" as a result of 20th-century education. We never stopped to realize: We comprehended only the most surface spur-of-the-moment events as they randomly came at us -- just like the drunkard, just like the dog, just like all the people graduating from 20th-century public educational systems. For example, to the amusement of people growing up tomorrow under the new code, the people today under the old code scheduled their work as the tasks randomly came at them instead of by common denominators -- by the mini-days (the Fourth Vision). And especially amusing to next century's business executives were the business executives today who structured their companies from surface perceptions, not deep integrations. You see, today's managers came from 20th-century generations never taught to think conceptually. Those business executives mostly structured their businesses and jobs in a "drunken" see-react manner. No deeper logic, no integration underlied their surface see-react business structures: the manager saw he was busy, so the manager reacted by delegating. People who grew up in the 21st century viewed professions and people even in the late 20th century as archaic, from medicine and technology to the workplace where people did not integrate schedules and jobs to the deeper concepts and common denominators. Our money-making lives were as directionless as the drunkard.

Worst of all, our jobs were part of that "drunken stroll" in the 20th century and became our terminal stagnation-traps. After the job revolution, all that changed for the better. Until then, I decided to personally restructure my company on paper -- grouping responsibilities by common denominators into powerful growth-oriented jobs...the mini-companies (the Fourth Vision).

Once I did that conceptual structuring of my schedule and job, then I could move on to the second step to creativity: forward-movement integrated thinking. Now, I could build my way to new levels, piece by piece, beam by beam, always building upon and snapping or nailing together my progress. I did this forward-movement integrated thinking through power-thinking, studying the numbers, and lifting my mind to the next level, through the Hemingway Code. To become a genius of society took hard work today. Tomorrow, loaded with motivational drive and lucrative results, it was easy.

With my mini-days and mini-company intact, I could handle vast amounts of growth. Remember, in the Fourth Vision, I handled 22 new projects and 150 dynamic tasks in one week alone by contrast to no projects and a handful of routine tasks previously. I easily handled new projects and new money-making experiments generated by power-thinking, the guiding numbers, and my newly discovered high-powered mind. While pursuing new directions and, in doing so, integrating lots of knowledge each week, at times new knowledge sprang forth with no warning.

Knowledge was power. But creating new knowledge was super power. The richest people in the world created something new. And the process described here was exactly how they did it. Through forward-movement integrated thinking, they integrated lots of existing knowledge. While steadily putting together existing knowledge, they hit critical points that broke through into new knowledge. While steadily building their success puzzles piece by piece, they eventually sprung into creation. Now, they built upon their competitive creation, into brand-new territory. Their creativity, previously locked inside, now began to flow. So did their wealth.

Realize, those people were not always creative and successful. Not until they built a certain size success puzzle did they begin springing into creativity, rising into geniuses of society. You see, as they built their success puzzles piece by piece, they began to see "puzzle pictures" gradually forming. As they saw their puzzles coming together, they broke into new knowledge by seeing how the picture and its missing pieces must look like. Their journeys in life then became creating new knowledge -- completing success puzzles through their new creativity. To get to this point of being creative, though, first took integrated thinking. Tomorrow, under the new code, that happened automatically to ordinary people. Today, under the old code, I used all the insights given to me in my Fourth and Sixth Visions.

This integrated thinking enabled the entire human race to mentally "jump" to a whole new way of orchestrating our minds after 2001, something they called Neothink. Neothink was so superior that its natural, competitive pressures quickly enveloped the whole human race. Neothink involved compilations of complex concepts that, when pulled together, revealed startling, synergistic advancements of human knowledge. For instance, the mini-day and mini-company were effective breakthroughs -- potent conceptual advancements of knowledge. But the whole new paradigm of business presented in the Fourth Vision involved a compilation of several such conceptual breakthroughs that, when pulled together, revealed a startling, synergistic advancement of human knowledge. Indeed, the division-of-essence archetype will advance the entire world of business, as we know it, beyond the long-standing division-of-labor tradition and could only be envisioned through Neothink. ...Very rare today, Neothink became our normal mode under the new code. With Neothink, ordinary people contributed hugely to mankind.

Becoming A Genius -- Summary

After 2001, under the new code, ordinary people discovered their unknown selves: their superior intelligence and buried brilliance. At first, the measurement for intelligence changed from intelligence tests or IQ to the efficacy of one's integrated thinking. IQ no longer mattered (save for subnormal, mental retardation, of course). In time, the superior Neothink mode swept across our planet. Even young children naturally went into the Neothink mode. Ordinary people became geniuses. In exhilarating mini-companies at work instead of boring routine ruts, ordinary people universally metamorphosed into entrepreneurial geniuses. You can only try to imagine the advancement of human knowledge, technology, and personal wealth.

First Feat: You Got Back Your Motivational Drive
First, you learned to conceptualize. You soon searched for common denominators around you...particularly at work. You started small with the everyday details. Conceptualizing gave them structure and made them efficient, such as the mini-day schedule (the Fourth Vision). Then you advanced to the job responsibilities and pulled them into their common denominators to form your mini-company. From that conceptual structure, you began forward-movement integrated thinking using power-thinking and the numbers as your tools, pushing ahead with the Hemingway Code to build success puzzles. As you discovered your creativity, you eventually built puzzle pictures the world had never seen. Expanding your control, creations, and wealth, you eventually encountered a motivational drive not known since you were a toddler, replenishing your limitless potential...and happiness.

Second Feat: You Tapped Your Potential
With the return of your motivational drive, your potential soared to awesome levels. To fulfill that soaring potential, you fully evolved into forward-movement integrated thinking using the Hemingway Code of the mind. With your motivational drive back, you daydreamed a lot again about ambitious dreams, like you used to in your youth. But you were no daydreamer -- you were a dream doer. You merely used those daydreams during this transition into the new code to vividly contrast your new potential versus your old hopelessness. That self-demonstration of your new potential stimulated your motivation even further into permanently making the "jump" into 21st-century integrated thinking. Once you did, surpassing your best dreams and filling all your desires became easy as you finally lived the way man was supposed to live with the Six Ultimate Gifts. Making potent conceptual advancements, pulling them together into a growing success puzzle, eventually you made the mental "jump" into Neothink and were able to put together synergistic advancements of human knowledge in your line of work or interests...and you were greatly rewarded with prestige, wealth, happiness, and love.

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