What a ride that sent me on -- a personal renaissance that resulted in me becoming wealthy now under the old code. Indeed, I used those 21st-century techniques from my Six Visions to go on a personal renaissance that put me into the wealthy world of tomorrow, even under today's subjugated society. In fact, five of the Six Ultimate Gifts became mine now. The only one missing depended mostly on technology: perfect health. Besides that, I was able to surround myself with geniuses, go from broke to a millionaire, capture the livelihood of my dreams, love the woman of my dreams, and command superior Neothink.
As the 21st-century techniques from my Six Visions snapped together like a puzzle, the unexpected synergy released a futuristic power never known to man before. Therein lay a power in my possession never wielded on planet Earth. And this was when my personal renaissance began, as a journey into completely new power on Earth.
I was truly surprised at what happened to me during this journey...like becoming a millionaire, like surrounding myself with geniuses, like becoming a powerful and prestigious man-on-the-hill in the career of my dreams, like making love to the woman of my dreams, like rising with superior intelligence using 21st-century Neothink. I say these things not to brag, but because I CAN GIVE THIS NEW POWER TO YOU RIGHT NOW!
As these 21st-century techniques from my Six Visions snapped together like a puzzle revealing this new power on Earth, I picked up that futuristic power and waved it around the world without it falling apart. God knows, I made my mark in the world.
Your success and fortune, too, will be spectacular. Your love-life will be something exotic. Once you go through the Personal Renaissance as I did, you will be filled with the new power to smoothly glide into your own fabulous fortunes and romances before everyone else -- yes, before 2001.
Monday morning after my Six Visions, I stopped what I was doing at work. Like a bad dream, I realized that the establishment-leaders had all the success and prestige, all the wealth and power...and that I myself did not. Even worse, I realized that my job was structured to make the establishment-leaders wealthy and powerful, from the leaders of big businesses and unions that a lot of us worked under to the leaders of the land who got a major chunk of whatever we earned. "Most of us make just enough to get by, with maybe a little left over for spending," I said out loud. "I'm on the wrong road, heading toward the wrong future. I work hard; I've worked all my life, but my hard work is all going into making the leaders rich!"
I stopped to think: The rich and powerful leaders of the Establishment did not work their whole lives to make someone else happy. But I did. I along with the majority of people worked our whole lives to make the leaders happy.
At that moment, I became flushed with determination to somehow wake up from this bad dream into a better world with a better life, right now while under the old code in the late 20th century. Out of nowhere, a voice spoke to me: "The secret to getting ahead right now is to become The Self-Leader!"...I knew I was about to embark on a journey from which I would never return, a personal renaissance involving my Six Visions.
I drove home from work that fateful day wondering, "Who is the self-leader?" All I could figure was that the self-leader captured for himself the rewards and wealth from his efforts in life. "I must set off on a journey to discover in myself the self-leader," I said. "But where do I begin my journey?"
Deeply troubled, I felt I had no power in life. "Knowledge is power," a very wise man once said. So I decided to start my journey seeking knowledge at my place of work.
The next day I began to seriously study my place of work for the first time. I observed other people doing their jobs and even asked them questions. Immediately I noticed that the more I started to learn about the business, the more power I felt.
So, I became the pupil, and my place of work was the school. As I educated myself about the business, I acquired more and more integrated knowledge. After just one week, I could feel that this process of building integrated knowledge would inevitably deliver more and more power, promotions, and pride.
Without my Six Visions alerting me to my stagnation-trap, then success would have forever eluded me. That trap was the opposite of what guaranteed wealth and happiness -- the opposite of integrated knowledge. That trap was disintegrated knowledge in the form of specialized tasks. Doing the same routine of specialized tasks every day caused me a lifelong rut of stagnation. Yet wealth and happiness now seemed attainable with another way of thinking that had never been introduced to me under the old code. That other way of thinking was: integrated thinking. With integrated thinking, I was no longer trapped by specialized tasks in an inescapable routine rut. My mind, like everyone else, had always been trapped in a narrow sphere of specialized thinking...just following a very limited routine of specialized tasks that my leaders set out for me. Now, with integrated thinking, I began to lead myself.
As I gained integrated knowledge about the business, responsibilities began to flow to me. People began to come to me for answers -- for leadership. "Don't be bashful," I told myself. "Use your integrated knowledge and give them guidance. Take control."
I realized I had been taught not to take control, but to do as I was trained. "Our leaders do not want us to gain integrated knowledge and take control," I told my friends. I knew that I had never acquired integrated knowledge before simply because I was never introduced to the concept. I was never shown how, and I never saw anyone else going after integrated knowledge. But acquiring integrated knowledge and taking control was actually very natural...and fun. It sure beat my boring routine rut.
Why do our leaders make our jobs specialized traps? I thought back over my Six Visions. The Fourth and Sixth Visions in particular had given me some unforgettable insights into our stagnation traps. With those in mind, I went to see my father who was a former Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont.
I explained everything to him. My father smiled knowingly as I said, "Dad, the success-bound integrated thinker digs for integrated knowledge and begins to build his way out of his rut toward success. No one can stop him. He will eventually rise to the top of the company and begin nipping at the heels of the people in upper management. He will eventually take over their jobs."
"I know all about this from my days at Du Pont," he said.
"Now, let me ask you, Dad, couldn't the many lazy, uncompetitive leaders of our big businesses today, without explicitly knowing what they are doing, shape their companies' jobs into specialized traps to discourage integrated thinking? Couldn't they shape their companies' jobs into specialized traps to stop integrated thinking and suppress competition from within so they can sit on top unchallenged?"
"You're right," he said. "And let me caution you; when someone occasionally beats the odds and beats the management above him to succeed with integrated thinking, or if he leaves to start his own business, then government leaders will eventually strike and sometimes destroy his efforts. Every business-advancing integrated thinker including every entrepreneur fears authorities -- fears local authorities and federal authorities like the IRS, FTC, EPA; fears legal authorities, like the lawyers. Every business-advancing integrated thinker carries that fear. Remember, we ran into FDA authorities when we were soaring ahead on cures to diseases at Du Pont."
"Always a threat," I replied, my voice dropping into a depression. "You know, we all sense the laziness, ineptness, and corruption in our government. But can any one of us really put together the hoax and expose the frauds? No, we just know that dishonesty goes on in our government. We are too specialized to be able to put together the fraud above us."
"But those who beat the odds and start rising up with integrated thinking are not too specialized to put together the fraud above us," my father added.
"Yes, yes, I see," I said. "Most people go to work, do the same set thing, then go back home. Most people can't expose the frauds up there in big business and certainly can't expose the frauds in our government. They don't even know how the business and how the economy really works. They're too specialized. They go to their jobs, go back home, and they're none the wiser. They can't expose the hoax as long as they have no integrated knowledge."
"But through integrated thinking," my father said, "they begin to know how business works, then how the economy really works, then how big government really works against the economy. At that point, they not only see the hoax up there in government, but begin to see and expose exactly who the frauds are. Integrated knowledge accumulated through integrated thinking threatens our leaders in government as well as in big business. Therefore, our government authorities push down entrepreneurs and all others who rise up with integrated thinking."
At that moment, I remembered a movie I saw years ago called "Tucker", a true story: Back in the '40s, a lone genius of society, just a working man named Preston Tucker defied the Establishment and developed the Tucker Torpedo -- the car of the future. It was the car that America loved. Yet, just before mass production began, big-business leaders teamed together with regulatory bureaucrats in the SEC and with a dishonest judge from our decadent legal system to destroy Tucker, I recalled. Those dishonest people -- our leaders -- destroyed Preston Tucker, an entrepreneurial genius who rose up from just an assembly-line working man through integrated thinking to bring an unprecedented value to society. After our leaders destroyed Tucker, he got very sick and, his life ruined, he gave up and died. ...Yes, Dad was right, I realized.
"Integrated thinking is discouraged by our big companies, by our big government, and by our public educational system, controlled by our government," I heard my father saying. "Society is suppressed into specialization."
"Now I understand why people suffer in silent frustration," I said. "What's more, jobs and opportunities are being battered down and destroyed like Preston Tucker and his entire potential car company that would've created thousands of jobs. Jobs are being destroyed. Opportunities for us disappear with those lost jobs. Even worse, new businesses with their plethora of new jobs and opportunities cannot rise today with the many discouraging laws, regulations, litigation, and lawsuits. Society's long-term standard of living is dropping. Why? Integrated thinkers cannot rise, thus prosperity for the people sinks...all to promote the livings of leaders who like to rule over us."
My father, a very wise man, seemed astonished at my sudden understanding about the state of things today. So, I took the opportunity to tell him about my Six Visions.
While driving home that night, I pondered the life I dreamed about in my youth and how I never found that life. Now, I was determined to not only make a lot of money, but to have the complete life of my dreams as well. When I returned home, I telephoned my brother:
"Hello," he answered.
"Eric, it's me," I said.
"It's...it's after midnight. Something wrong?"
"I'll tell you what's wrong. We're all stuck in stagnation-traps. But I don't think that needs to be. We can break free!"
We talked for forty minutes. After we hung up, I sat at my kitchen table and began writing in my diary: "To free myself from the leaders' system right now while still under the old code requires a powerful counter-system. I'll call it: The Self-Leader System. The Self-Leader System has begun unfolding before me day by day. I can feel the self-leader growing within me every day, deep in my psyche. I have begun building a base of integrated power inside that no establishment-leader can stop. I know that my Six Visions will become my guide during this personal renaissance. I will not be denied. I will not die unfulfilled, without experiencing wealth, prosperity, and romantic love. I will experience the good life, right now even before America goes Neotech."
Each day thereafter, I educated myself about my place of work. Over the next couple of weeks, I acquired a basic overview of how everything worked.
I systematically transformed my job into a 21st-century wealth-building mini-company. After defining the potential mini-companies for my place of work, I chose the one I wanted and steadily took over each of its responsibilities, one by one. ...No one really knew what I was doing, but I eventually had a wealth-building job!
First, as seen on page 117, I listed the company's basic responsibilities. (At this time I did not own or run a business. I was merely an employee, but to avoid repetition for the reader, I refer you back to the similar division-of-essence example from my company on pages 117 - 121.) Then, as seen on pages 118 and 119, I defined those basic responsibilities' money-making purposes. Then, as seen on pages 120 and 121, I restructured the company on paper into the division of essence -- into wealth-building mini-companies. I selected the mini-company I wanted, and I remembered: all responsibilities were built on details. I forced myself to master and absorb the details that made up those responsibilities I needed. The details were mine for the taking, for people were happily relieved of nitty-gritty details. Then, lo and behold, the responsibilities began to flow my way; my stagnation trap steadily transformed into a wealth-building job, just as I had seen in my Fourth Vision.
As I did this, I realized anyone in any job could do the same; they simply needed to figure out the potential wealth-building jobs at work. For example, I thought about the most routine job I could possibly think of...let's say, the bricklayer for a construction company. Yet, if he listed the basic responsibilities of the construction company and went through the division-of-essence exercise on pages 117 - 121, he would discover that the money-making purposes of those basic responsibilities were the different construction sites or contracts. The construction sites were the potential wealth-building jobs. If he aggressively learned and mastered the responsibilities of a wealth-building job -- a particular construction site -- then he would eventually take over construction sites, then contracts. His job would come to life as he got involved with the profits, like an entrepreneur.
I realized that in today's specialized working world, my specialized tasks, like in most other jobs, were ends in themselves -- dead-end routine chores to just turn in, causing a dead-end job. Very few jobs dynamically BUILT the business; most jobs just MAINTAINED the business. Indeed, people just maintained their specialized tasks, hopelessly stuck in their boring routine ruts.
When I first told my brother about the Self-Investment Plan, he could not believe his ears:
"That's too good to be true," my brother, said. "You mean that I can plan to pull together job responsibilities at work that make me kind of my own boss -- like a dynamic entrepreneur? You mean, I can actually build profits for the company and for myself? Right now I feel so stagnated!"
After my brother spent several minutes studying my diagrams (pages 117 - 121), I added, "If you can't yet see how the Self-Investment Plan would come together for you at your place of work, don't be discouraged. You may still need a little more time with Project Curiosity to get a better understanding of the business and its basic responsibilities."
I went on to explain to my brother that most companies turned their basic responsibilities straight into specialized jobs. Therefore, those jobs could never build wealth and grow. But once a person identified the basic responsibilities' money-making purposes at work, then he could pull together the company's potential wealth-building jobs on paper and target one for himself.
My brother went home with the diagrams of the Self-Investment Plan. A week later, he and I got together again. He had sketched out his company's wealth-building jobs and was very excited. The first thing he said when we got together was: "The wealth-building jobs are dynamite! They can grow without limits and depend on no one but yourself! And it's all so simple! Why doesn't every business do this? This is an amazing breakthrough!"
"Sometime after 2001, all businesses will use this technique," I said. "But for now, those wealth-building jobs would transform ordinary people into integrated thinkers and self-leaders. Lazy big-business and big-government leaders depend on us being specialized thinkers and their followers. They could not remain competitive in an environment of self-leaders. By removing money-making purpose from our livelihoods and motivation from our souls, the leaders can easily rise above us all and live off our routine efforts."
"You mean, big-business leaders won't want this breakthrough?" my brother asked. "They choose not to set up like this? Why not? Their businesses would boom. Ordinary people would get rich!"
"When ordinary working people can lead themselves," I explained, "the comfortable establishment-leaders will lose their supervisory jobs over us. Nevertheless, I think we have discovered a treasure. You see, dead-end static responsibilities pulled together into integrated wealth-building jobs are like torn pieces of a treasure map brought together. Useless apart but priceless together, those responsibilities, once brought together into their money-making purposes, will lead us to the money."
"I can already feel my mind changing with integrated thinking. Every thought now connects with making money! "This is exciting," my brother said. "Almost everyone today has no power. We are trapped by specialized thinking. I can now see how people tomorrow will have genuine power -- self-power -- freed by integrated thinking. Instead of working their lives for their leaders, they will live their lives for themselves. They will build their own success and wealth."
I started really digging into my job like never before. I took full command of every detail in my job and of every detail related to my job. Little did I suspect that digging into and mastering the nitty-gritty details was a direct investment in myself. Not knowing any better, I previously never really mastered the nitty-gritty details. Instead, I just did my work -- just automatically turned in my duties as I was told. Never finding the simple key to investing in myself, I had served the leaders all my adult life.
All that seemed to change as I directed my efforts to getting in and understanding the procedures, roots, current purpose and all the reasons behind the nitty-gritty details: the what, why, where, when, and how. I learned the integrations behind why they were originally formed, how they currently operated, what exactly they accomplished, when and where they applied, and the full and finished purpose and reasons behind how they served the business...including how they served my superiors' jobs. To do that, I reached into my superiors' jobs and began understanding their areas of the business as well. Some superiors did not like this intense and specific digging, but they could not stop it.
By digging into the completed purpose and the subtlest reasons behind every operational detail, I began to master the details. Then, with that full understanding of the full procedure and purpose of every detail, I determined whether the purpose was best served by the way a detail currently existed...or if I could improve the detail to better serve its purpose. The details now moved into my realm of control and integrations. I began to evolve into the internally guided, integrating mode. I began to think -- not just follow what was taught, but integrate what was best. I was evolving beyond leaders, discovering self.
Indeed, by mastering the nitty-gritty details, I now truly ran my job through my own integrated thinking. I dramatically improved my efficiency. Then it dawned on me: Before now, I never ran my job through my own thinking. Instead, I blindly followed. I only turned in responsibilities as I was taught.
I felt my competence grow. As a rising integrated thinker, I took more and more control, and more and more business naturally flowed my way -- to the man in control...the burgeoning self-leader. Instead of just turning in my duties via my set, specialized routine, I aggressively took over those responsibilities and improved them. My control spread over more and more of the business. My mind would never again function through static, specialized thinking in which I functioned automatically in a zombie-like state, for now I discovered dynamic integrated thinking in which I passionately spread my control over and improved more and more chunks of business and success. I was becoming a market-driven businessman. I was exhilarated!
A phenomenon began to occur: At my place of work, as in any company -- well managed or poorly managed -- responsibilities got delegated to subordinates. Yet, as I mastered and absorbed those responsibilities, more and more responsibilities flowed my way, to the man in control. That phenomenon began moving me toward success as I acquired greater and greater integrated knowledge and power.
Mastering and absorbing responsibility was a direct investment in myself and my success. Responsibilities and opportunities began to flow my way that I could never before imagine or know existed. As I rose from my specialization-trap, I knew that the success of all self-made, powerful and wealthy people grew through this phenomenon as they mastered details and absorbed responsibilities, and, as a result, opportunities flowed their way they could have never imagined. Eventually, like them, I would embark on unforeseen adventures into success, power, and wealth.
I wrote in my journal: "In any company, a person is given certain responsibilities. Those first, delegated responsibilities determine his or her capacity to eventually move forward. If the boss gives a responsibility to me, I now take that responsibility into my own realm of integrated thinking by mastering every nitty-gritty detail. I fully take over that responsibility. The average person does not.
"The average person is stuck in the following mode, and I am not. The difference is: who absorbs and masters the responsibilities given to them? My peers do not. I do. Therefore, I build my integrated knowledge and control. Especially in staid, bureaucratic companies, lazy managers like to delegate. As I take over those responsibilities, they become mine. Unbeknownst to those managers, I have begun to acquire my own mini-company."
"I will now hunt for details and responsibilities in order to steadily take over my chosen mini-company. Before now, the ghostly word 'success', when it came right down to it, left me wondering 'what the heck do I do?' But now, I know exactly what to do."
I previously did not master and absorb responsibilities (i.e., opportunities) that went my way. So all growth had stopped, and all hope had ended as nothing positive happened. As a young man, stagnation had already mercilessly engulfed me. But all that now changed; opportunities kept flowing to me. More importantly, no longer a follower but now an initiator, I now created my own opportunities.
The next day my brother stopped by. As we sat down in the living room, I could not wait to talk: "Eric, I can now become anyone's 'fortune teller'. Let me tell you your future. It's easy. I just need to observe whether or not you leave behind leaders and discover self. I'll start off by telling you a story:
"Walter Chrysler, founder of Chrysler Corporation, first worked for a railroad line adjusting locomotive valves. An old veteran was training the young Walter Chrysler the highly complicated art of adjusting locomotive valves. But the old man liked drinking too much. One evening, the old man wanted to go drinking in town. In the middle of the job, he turned to Walter and said good-night and left for town. Surprised and confused, Walter was on his own with a pressing deadline. Adjusting locomotive valves was very complex, even for a veteran. But young Walter Chrysler did not panic. He dug into the nitty-gritty details like never before. He mastered and absorbed the giant responsibility that night. The young Chrysler's decision that night to dig into the details like never before and to master the responsibility of adjusting valves had planted the seeds of integrated thinking and self-leadership, which years later blossomed into Chrysler Corporation."
"Integrated thinking and the road to success now seems so readily attainable and so down-to-earth simple," my brother said. "Success actually requires nothing elusive. Success really all comes down to just the most simple thing: master the details and suck up responsibilities -- especially those responsibilities of my targeted mini-company."
"Precisely," I said, my hand dropping to my lap with a slap of finality. "And, you don't even have to leave your security. I know you have a family to feed. You don't have to do anything risky like start your own business. At work, just dig into the details and, as you say, 'suck up' the responsibilities. To show you how this process works at any level, let's say you're a construction worker. Well, you may ask skeptically, 'What big-time success could I possibly get as a physical laborer?' Easy to answer you: Just take over whatever responsibility falls in front of you; take over responsibilities and make them run on your own integrations. You'll become a Charlie Bannon before you know it. Charlie Bannon, by the way, is the main character in a book called Calumet K. By mastering and taking over nitty-gritty details and responsibilities, he quickly took control of large construction sites -- wealth-building jobs -- for the company that hired him. And once you become a Charlie Bannon, you'll eventually take charge of more. You could eventually become the president, or possibly start your own construction company. As you get hooked on integrated thinking, you'll never stop absorbing integrated knowledge and may someday become a real-estate magnate. Start off as a construction worker and end up as a Donald Trump! But the key is: whatever detail or responsibility falls in front of you, master it! And keep in mind a clear plan -- a clear target -- to take over the basic responsibilities that jell into exciting wealth-building jobs, like taking over construction sites. The sooner you take control of those basic responsibilities integrated by their wealth-building purpose, the sooner you build wealth and release the creativity now buried somewhere deep in your mind.
"Walter Chrysler could have ended up as a 65-year-old mechanic at some gas station complaining, 'Where did I go wrong? What happened to my dreams?' If that were the scenario, then you could trace his lifelong stagnation back to that night the old man left and young Chrysler did not dig into on those valves and master that responsibility. Instead, his success goes right back to that night because he did dig into the details and master that responsibility to start his journey into integrated thinking. I guess you can say that on that night, young Walter Chrysler became a man."
My brother said, "These past few weeks have made me rediscover an excitement for life that I had forgotten all about. I get an overwhelming sense every day of having been used for years. I feel every day that my peers are all being used and used up. I feel great, but I feel bad for them...like I wish I could help them."
I noticed my brother's eyes were moist and said, "Throughout your life, Eric, you and everyone else got caught in routine ruts. Those stagnation-traps drained the youthful excitement completely out of us. We've been squeezed into stagnation-traps because our third-generation business leaders and political leaders block our opportunities. We never even know about those lost opportunities, for we know of nothing beyond our specialized jobs. And new laws and regulations stop radical forward progress of American businesses, blocking tremendous opportunities for us."
"But we elect our politicians, Mark. Do we choose this fate?" my brother asked.
"No. We've been tricked," I said. "If we could, each and every one of us would unleash our potential and reap the rewards. We wouldn't spend the rest of our lives trapped in our limited jobs that leave us financially stressed out and emotionally empty."
"But, if we don't choose this fate of stagnation," Eric said, "then why can't we move up rapidly to achieve wealth and happiness?"
"We don't move up because the opportunities aren't there," I said. "And we don't know how to make opportunities for ourselves. We don't know how to break through specialized thinking into dynamic integrated thinking."
"Is there really any way out?" Eric asked.
"There are two ways out," I answered. And then I told him about my Six Visions and how they showed me the way out for civilization as a whole. I told him about destructive leaders who eventually got replaced after 2001 with legitimate leaders through the Neotech Party's Great Replacement Program (see the Second Vision). Then, I explained, business and technology began to surge ahead as opportunities flooded into society. "But as long as we are led by career politicians and their entourage of politically ambitious regulatory bureaucrats, politically fed lawyers, politically driven judges, political businessmen, political journalists, and political activists," I added, "then society and nearly everyone in that politicized society will be trapped, unable to move forward. The only ordinary people who will not suffer stagnated, wasted lives are those who discover self-leadership through integrated thinking -- the only other way out. With integrated thinking, we do not have to wait for our leaders to make opportunities for us. With integrated thinking, we will make our own opportunities!"
First, I would put both my assistants immediately into their own mini-companies. So, here is what I did: I replicated, to both, two ongoing money-making projects with their own money-making purposes, as described in the Fourth Vision. Those two projects could grow into independent, wealth-building living jobs with their own "DNA" or money-making purpose. Then, I set up the proper tracking reports to follow every detail. Eventually, after the evolving replicating process, I started my monthly Essence Meetings. These two workers metamorphosed from my assistants into my very own profit generators. ...I was preparing myself to someday start my own company full of such profit generators.
Early one morning after I got my assistants working hard on their own money-making projects, I called my two new assistants into my office and said, "Start this morning: List on a pad every task you perform at work for the next three days. List each task AS YOU DO THE TASK for three FULL days. After the third day, bring the list to me. We will go through your list of tasks and determine the physical movements of your exciting money-making jobs as I did. Those physical movements will become your mini-days. You will determine the time you should devote to each mini-day and will then set up your mini-day schedule."
As my assistants, excited about making more money, were walking out my office door, I added, "Do not take shortcuts! List three full days of tasks, not from memory, but as you perform the tasks. Start this morning, first thing."
After my budding profit generators left my office, I thought: But what if one's job cannot be divided into mini-days? Let's say someone works a physical labor job or is just plain stuck in a specialized routine rut?
He has two options, I realized: to stick it out where he now works, or to strive to move on toward his deepest ambitions. I leaned back in my chair and, in deep concentration, mumbled to myself: "If he goes with the first option to stick it out, then he must master any and all responsibilities that fall before him. It takes some work but can be done. He will steadily acquire more responsibility and authority. He can use that technique to take over a wealth-building job, as Charlie Bannon did in Calumet K. Then he can go on the mini-day schedule.
"When he gets himself on the mini-day schedule," I continued, almost inaudibly, "he immediately gains respect, no matter where he now lands on the power scale. Business peers respond with respect, especially one's boss. Eventually, that person becomes a natural leader. He accomplishes more in a day than he did in a week. Quickly he rises above his peers as he quietly transforms into a high-powered, money-making machine. Others step out of his way in awe...ready to file in behind.
"Respect," I thought. "How about bringing that respect and success to the physical laborer who decides on the second option to leave his job and strike out on his own?"
I paused, leaned forward, then continued my thoughts, silently this time: If the laborer is ready to move beyond his current job, he must do everything differently. He must think BEYOND his job about what he wants. If he wants to start his own living business, what are the physical movements to do that? He must place those physical movements, those mini-days, in the morning or in the evening, AROUND his job.
Let me go back to the most stagnant job I can think of: the bricklayer. Say he feels ambitious and works harder. Well, he may lay 20% more bricks while his enthusiasm lasts. That's it. How long can he endure that extra effort year after year while going nowhere? He lives in a rut! Yet, say he would love to catapult out of that rut. That bricklayer just may have greater incentive than someone sitting behind a desk whose ambitions and incentives may go no further than getting the raise next month or next year. Therefore, that motivated bricklayer and other motivated physical laborers with this knowledge could actually see further ahead than many managers.
I tried to put myself inside the mind of a bricklayer: How can I apply this mini-day concept, the bricklayer may say, if I work eight hours a day doing physical labor? How am I going to apply the mini-day, for I work all day long? ...True, he may work eight hours laying bricks, but that eight-hour physical movement (laying bricks) is considered a mini-day; an income mini-day let's call it. Now, that physical laborer must determine the physical movements necessary to accomplish his ambitions. Whereas I had determined the physical movements of my living job, the physical laborer must determine the physical movements needed to accomplish his ambitions, and he must structure those mini-days to either side of his income mini-day. This will pull the physical laborer out of his rut.
In fact, an American hero pulled himself out of such an impossible stagnation-trap, I remembered. Yes, it can be done; it has been done. A great American hero did just that. I remembered reading about him as a teenager. He was a laborer at the turn of the century, a dock worker among the roughest ports of early nineteen-hundred America. That dock breed spoke illiterate English, crude, unrefined. This American hero dropped out of school early. He lived on the streets. He survived. He never had an opportunity. Like millions of others, he was headed for a dead-end life. A desire burned inside, though. He desired to pull himself out of the abyss. He desired to become a successful writer. In the early 1900s, an illiterate dock worker had essentially no chance to ever sell a piece of literature. But that man became the highest paid author in history! And if we adjust for inflation today, he is the highest paid author of all time. That man was Jack London. He wrote many adventure stories and best-selling novels including Call of the Wild, The Sea Wolf, Martin Eden.
Exactly how did Jack London do it? He established four physical movements, four mini-days that would achieve his desire of becoming a writer: (1) reading, (2) intense grammar study, (3) self-education (a library-study program), and (4) writing. Those four mini-days were divided before and after his 10-hour income mini-day. Even after he pulled himself out of his trap and off the docks, he never stopped the mini-day system. He stayed on the mini-day system through all his fame and glory to the last days of his short life.
So, there were two ways for the physical laborer to succeed, I realized. One way involved eventually leaving his place of work, the other did not involve leaving his place of work. I knew that the bricklayer, the cook, the bank teller, the drafting artist could actually rise and eventually rise to the top of the company he or she now worked for. Anyone could do that by first defining the potential wealth-building jobs within his place of work and then mastering the details and absorbing the responsibilities to steadily take over one of those wealth-building jobs.
Either decision -- to pull himself up outside his job or within his job -- he would work toward taking over wealth-building purpose...the DNA of a job. Once that occurred, then he could establish mini-days for manufacturing money and success.
I next shifted my thoughts to another powerful 21st-century tool I had seen in my Fourth Vision: power-thinking, made possible because of the mini-day schedule. With power-thinking, I suddenly compiled FUTURE projects into today's powerful mini-days. In other words, I compiled future money into today's paychecks. First of all, after I had been on the mini-day schedule for a couple weeks, suddenly I found myself all done with all my work by Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. In a state of shock, I knew I had to create more work -- create money-making projects to fill my week! Suddenly, I was forced to think creatively. I had to figure out and pursue new money-making projects that never existed before. I had to rise to the next level of integrated thinking -- power-thinking. Now with power-thinking, my very existence was changing into some dynamo I once fantasized about.
Our minds are limited, I remember thinking. I thought: look at me not long ago. My natural follow-the-leader mode blocked me from discovering integrated thinking. After integrating five or six thoughts on my own, my mind stopped integrating and looked for external guidance before going further. Now, my mind goes further. I do not stop to wait for external guidance. Instead, I use my own self-guidance through power-thinking. Now, I never stop moving forward. I keep on integrating more projects and keep on making more income.
Before, by contrast, I MAINTAINED my specialized job with automatic or externally guided routines and traditional schedules, just like most everyone else. But to CREATE and BUILD success, I now knew, required power-thinking and the mini-day schedule.
Without removing a simple, deep-rooted limitation -- the traditional schedule that designates time to tasks instead of to physical movements -- major success would have forever stayed out of reach, I realized. After making that realization, I wrote the following journal entry:
"Man's deep-rooted tendencies for nonthinking automatic or external guidance previously kept me chained to the traditional schedule that essentially provided nonthinking automatic or external guidance as I simply reacted to the business around me. Filled to my capacity using the physically disjointed traditional schedule, I could look and feel busy and important. Yet I only MAINTAINED my job for the leaders and built nothing for myself."
That weekend my brother came over. I said, "Do I have a treat for you!" I went on to tell my brother about the mini-day/power-thinking team. Then, I showed him my own schedule. Indeed, with power-thinking, my journey into money and power quickly took off. "I get more done in a week than I used to in three months," I told my brother. "But most amazingly, I'm creating brand-new money-making projects now. I can't describe to you what that feels like!"
"You don't have to," Eric said. "I'll find out. Do you realize what you're creating here? You're going to free all ordinary working people. Man, this is exciting!"
I was listening to an audio-cassette tape called The Dream Maker: William C. Durant, Founder of General Motors. The audio-cassette tape about General Motors and its founder, during one interlude, told a story about one of its most influential employees named Charles Nash. He had gone to work for William Durant before Durant founded General Motors, back in the late 1800s when Durant owned the Durant-Dort Carriage Company that built the carriages that horses pulled. Here is the story as told on that tape:
"In 1890, a 26-year-old man named Charles Nash began work in the blacksmith's department. His first job was pounding iron. Within a few days he walked into Durant's easily accessible office. 'I'm wasting time,' he said. 'You can get a power hammer there. It would cost about $35.00 and do more pounding in a day than I can do in a month!' Durant took the suggestion and Nash was moved over to working on a drill press that prepared cart braces for attachment. The next time Durant came through the shop, he stopped at Nash's machine. It looked like none of the others. Nash had rigged it with an overhead spring and a treadle that left both his hands free while working and doubled the output. Durant weighed the implications of this: 'Charlie,' he said, 'We'll get another man here. See if you can't straighten out the trimming department for me.' Promoted to the headship of that department, Nash wrestled with the problem of heavy expenditures on tacks. He found the answer in a short time. The carpenters held the tacks in their mouths while working. The cheap, roughly finished brand the company was using cut their lips and tongues and they would spit them on the floor in exasperation, and lose them. A better grade tack proved the remedy. ...So Nash went on probing, correcting, climbing up to the highest supervisory ranks."
As it turns out, Nash went on to become, in 1910, the President of Buick; in 1912, the President of General Motors; and then four years later he left General Motors to start Nash Motors Company. Some of us still remember the Nash Rambler.
While listening to that story, I suddenly knew why Charles Nash rose from the lowest ranks to the highest possible ranks and then beyond: Nash broke the code for creativity written in numbers, which opened the window to creativity in his mind. Indeed, everything Nash did, he thought in numbers. First, he figured the cost of a power hammer versus the cost of his own labor. Second, he created a unique drill-press attachment, driven by a desire to double output. Third, he determined how to spend more money on better tacks to decrease loses and improve profits. Nash befriended numbers and paid attention to their story!
Using numbers to open the window to creativity in his mind, this young, inexperienced novice could see creative business advancements in a few days that veterans could not see in their whole lives. The numbers-integrating mode quickly lifted Nash out of the specialized routine rut of pounding iron all day long. That routine rut had trapped others for many years...and would have trapped them for life if not for rising creative thinkers like Charles Nash who pulled up society, standards of living, and opportunities for everyone.
While thinking about Nash, suddenly an earth-moving thought shook me: All money/power giants came to a point in their lives where they suddenly discovered this window to creativity! They all reached a point in their lives where they passionately studied the numbers. I had read about, for instance, how late into the night a young John D. Rockefeller could be seen hovering over a desk covered with accounting and marketing numbers. Rockefeller always said he had discovered "a whole other fascinating world" through the numbers. And that was when business took on great excitement for him. ...Of course!
Suddenly, I realized that common denominator resided in history's most successful people. The turning point came early in their careers when they discovered a whole new world through the numbers: Pierre S. du Pont, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, William C. Durant, Juan Trippe, Alfred P. Sloan, J. Paul Getty, Jay Gould, Milton Hershey, Walter Chrysler, Thomas Watson, Harold Geneen, Robert E. Wood. "Of course!" I cried out. "They discovered an exciting new world as the numbers opened their windows to creativity!"
Looking through that window into an exciting new world of creations and profits unlocked Nash's creativity. To double output, among other things, he became creative and rigged the drill press. If not for looking at the details in terms of improving the numbers, Nash would have never seen through them to the creative side. He would have just kept pounding or stitching away, forever blocked from creativity, forever trapped in a rut. Instead, driven by the numbers, peering through the window to creativity in everything he did, he eventually entered the world of profitable creations. That whole other fascinating world led to the designing and manufacturing of his own cars...cars such as the famous Nash Rambler once driven all over America's roads. That enormous creativity and talent would have forever remained behind a wall, trapped inside a dark corner of Nash's mind had he not discovered the window to his creativity. ...At that moment while listening about Nash, I knew that powerful creativity existed in me and in all of us -- locked inside a dark corner of our minds as we blindly serve our leaders.
"This is it," I wrote in my diary. "I've discovered the real freeing mechanism. Breaking the code for creativity written in numbers gives me a whole new level of almost total independence."
The following days at work, I broke from any residual trace of the externally guided or following mode. For, now numbers became my compass for internal guidance. "Seek numbers," I kept telling myself. "Seek the story that the numbers reveal!" I knew I must become emotionally tied to numbers, for becoming motivated over improving the numbers would free my creativity.
Like Nash, I started small by studying the details and how they were done in relation to their payoff. Then I would improve that payoff. Like Nash, I quickly brought new efficiencies to my company. My window to creativity revealed advancements that even veterans did not see. I soon found myself pushing beyond operations into the powerful leagues of product development and marketing. Every day, I could not wait to read the latest story of the numbers.
I combined my efforts of mastering details and absorbing responsibilities with linking them to the numbers -- to their costs/efficiencies. I wrote about this new phenomenon in my journal: "I measure everything by numbers now. It's a whole new world! A few months ago, I could not move forward without a boss or manager directing me. But now, my numbers-integrating mode puts me in an aggressive internally guided mode. With numbers as my guide, I target business advancements with bulls-eye accuracy. I move forward on my own, with great confidence, through my own creativity. Being a winner is fun!"
I told my brother, "Numbers ultimately drive the entire company -- the marketing, product/advertising development, operations, and personnel. You must make it second nature to measure everything by numbers. Also, you should embrace a numbers mini-day to learn about the marketing data, return on investment, costs to do procedures...even the littlest procedures in operations. The act of confronting the numbers may initially leave you staring at your desk, not knowing what to do. But that time is not wasted. You are learning how to break a code. Once successful, you will open your window to creativity.
"Schedule that numbers mini-day briefly, once a week at first. Slowly, over the next few weeks, you'll begin to uncover ways to penetrate that mini-day, new ways to accumulate, learn about, and understand numbers, new ways to gather data, new ways to know what your area of the business is telling you, new ways to use those numbers to elevate your area of the business...maybe even new ways to improve the service or product, eventually new ways to market it.
"You must study/calculate numbers/efficiencies in all areas of the company, including the numbers as they pertain to operations and to personnel -- the pay out to the payoff. So, set up that numbers mini-day at once. Get familiar with numbers, ask questions, do not be afraid of seeming naive. For, you'll soon know more, much more, than those blinded veterans of whom you ask the questions. You'll begin to see advancements they'll never see. Measuring everything by numbers, you may even rise to the top like Charles Nash. In any case, you will become a prosperous self-leader. With numbers as your guide, you no longer need external guidance. Notice your growing sense of independence."
I called my brother and family over for dinner a couple of weeks later. He brought a friend with him. After some small talk, I said to my brother and his friend, "Eric, you're going to get everything you want out of the rest of your life: money, success, romance. How can I possibly predict that? Because, by the time you leave tonight, you'll know how to knock over the only obstacle now standing between us and victory."
My statement got my brother's attention, and I continued: "Now, tell me, Eric, who gets the money and the glamour? Certainly not the ordinary working person. He or she works hard but never gets ahead. Leaders of the Establishment, by contrast, enjoy lots of easy money and power. I'm talking about many big-business leaders, union leaders, bureaucratic leaders, leading lawyers, leading journalists, and leaders of our land -- career politicians.
"We support the plush lifestyle of the leaders at work, in government, and in law. As you know, the only way to claim your own future of wealth is to become your own person...the self-leader. The self-leader does not use up his one and only life building someone else's lifestyle. With the Self-Leader System, you have already redirected your lifelong daily efforts right back into yourself and will become wealthy if you do not fall to one remaining obstacle that I'll explain tonight." ...My brother's friend also seemed very interested, as I continued...
"Let me begin with a story: I recently went to California to attend an infomercial seminar. An infomercial is a half-hour TV advertisement. At the seminar, I met the well-known producers.
"During a question-and-answer period, I stood up to ask one producer a question. In asking my question, I had to reference an infomercial I had recently done on my own at low cost. Little did I realize the message I had just given the crowd of hundreds of people. Reading between the lines, I had told them that I was a leader, that I was a self-leader...that I did not need to go to the authorities, the producers, the leaders to do my own infomercial. Instead, I had done it all myself.
"Amazingly, at the next break, I had a crowd of people around me. In fact, more people surrounded me than the well-known producers. These people wanted me to do their infomercials for them. All I needed to do was put out my hand, and people would have filled my hand with lots of money. Why? Because I was a leader, and people are drawn to leaders. People are ready and willing to make the leaders rich.
"One gentleman was persistent about me producing his infomercial. I told him no, that he must do it himself as I had done. That way, he would spend just an affordable few thousand dollars to learn and eventually achieve success, not a few hundred thousand dollars through a leader -- that is, about twenty tries at thirty to fifty thousand dollars each to perhaps hit upon success through the established producers. I told him that to become successful and wealthy, he must instead invest his effort and money in himself, not in a leader. He would then grow more and more resistant to failure with each inexpensive 'lesson'. He would have a greater chance at success. Yet, to my astonishment, instead of being delighted by my insight, I saw a fear in his face. He resisted and wanted me to be his leader.
"Later I realized that all of us are drawn to leaders and will have a strong resistance to becoming self-leaders. In fact, that very resistance traps us in our routine ruts as our efforts endlessly go into building the lofty standards of living of the leaders."
To my surprise, my brother's friend, Santana, interrupted me, "I feel that resistance. I feel it, yet I want to get everything good out of life, especially more money."
"A world of money and love exists beyond our awareness," I continued. "Our resistance keeps that great world beyond our reach. To understand the resistance that blocks us from discovering that new world, let's start by going back to the day you were born: When you came out of your mother's womb into this cold, bright world, all your little body could do was cry. Your little body felt a strong resistance to this new world and wanted to go back into your mother's womb. But this world offered everything in life, which was beyond your awareness at that time. ...Let's next fast forward to your first day at school. That first day was the first time in your young life that you were away from your mother. All your scared, toddler self wanted was to go back home to your mother. Your little body and mind felt a strong resistance to the frightening, noisy new world. But the world of education offered you happiness in life, which was beyond your awareness at that time. ...Next, let's go to the day you left home and moved out on your own into the real world. Remember the internal resistance to leaving home?
"Nature puts a natural resistance into all animals -- a resistance to leaving their known protected environments and moving out on their own into the unknown. If you ever witnessed a cat weaning her kittens, you observed firsthand this natural resistance in animals. The mother feline must get violent with her young ones to push them away.
"As part of the animal kingdom, man too has this natural resistance. We have a natural resistance to leaving our leaders, both our childhood leaders, our parents, and our adulthood leaders. We have a natural resistance to moving ahead on our own and becoming the self-leader."
"That's nothing," Eric said. "You're just talking about growing up and moving out on your own."
"Not really," I countered. "Although animals are on their own once they are weaned, they're still controlled and guided by Mother Nature for their entire adult lives. Man is the only animal that can overcome the automatic controls of Mother Nature to control and guide himself. Nevertheless, man has had that capacity for only 3000 years. For over one million years prior to that, man was controlled and guided by Mother Nature all his life, like all other animals. Therefore, man harbors severely deep-rooted tendencies that seek to be controlled and guided by an external force all his life...in his case, by leaders. He harbors a severely deep-rooted, natural resistance to becoming the self-leader.
"We steadily move beyond our childhood leaders, our parents, into better worlds beyond our awareness at the time -- guided into those better worlds by our parents. But when we are adults, we have no one to guide us into the better world beyond our awareness. Similar to the unknowing youngster at school his first day, beyond our awareness is a world that offers us our dreams. Finally, the Self-Leader System combined with the Neotech Party will guide us there."
"Neotech Party?" my brother asked. "You mentioned that once before, too."
"The Neotech Party," I said. "I mentioned it when I told you about my Six Visions. I'll explain more before you leave tonight. But, right now let me ask a 'what if' question: When you were a child, what if your resistance were allowed to control you, and you never left home, never went to school?"
"Then I would have stagnated and grown more and more unhappy, year after year," Santana said.
"Well, that exact scenario happens when you grow up," I said. "As an adult, your resistance is allowed to control you, and you never leave your leaders. You stagnate and grow more and more unmotivated, year after year...although you learn to live with it through entertainment, hobbies, and vacations.
"Clever people have discovered our deep-rooted tendencies that draw us to leaders, and they have gained unbeatable advantages by perfecting how to provide external guidance. Those 'natural leaders' include many of the most financially successful and prestigious people and often the most seemingly trustworthy people. For example, most politicians, presidents, many evangelists, network news anchors, and much of big-business upper management took this shortcut. They rose to leadership, power, and wealth by taking advantage of the deep-rooted following-mode tendencies in others. And they will always try to stop our progress into self-leadership to keep their prestigious positions in society. After my Six Visions and now having risen up through integrated thinking during my personal renaissance, I can see this now. They control our lives."
"How exactly do those leaders control my life?" Santana asked.
I thought about his question for a moment, then I answered him: "Most establishment-leaders are vestiges of man's deep-rooted urge for guidance. The need for external guidance became obsoleted by the discovery of human consciousness 3000 years ago. Therefore, most establishment-leaders today create illusions that we need and benefit from their guidance. Thus, we accept them and want them for our authorities. They oblige and get their intoxicating rides in life, ruling over us. Our career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats and many corporate executives are on that stimulating ride. Moreover, they nurture our resistance to self-leadership by disintegrating our education and jobs with specialized thinking (the Sixth Vision) and by defeating our entrepreneurial business environment with legislation and regulations (the First and Second Visions).
"Discouraged since our school days, we never learned to integrate and guide ourselves. So we depend on leaders to integrate for us and to guide us. Even when we know our leaders are dishonest, we fear not having leaders. And career politicians do their best to suppress our integrated thinking -- starting with inferior public education and culminating in punishing legislation and regulation against aggressive entrepreneurs. The leaders guide us all right; they guide us right into stagnation for their own propagation. Those leaders shut down a progressive, Neotech Society. In turn, we get trapped in a boring existence in which we just support their plush standards of living. ...That is how they control your life.
"Legitimate leaders will exist, however, according to my Visions. Those 21st-century legitimate leaders in government and business will no longer suppress society to steal a free ride. Self-sufficient, legitimate leaders will make success easy and natural for the people and their businesses. Like a mother who wants what is best for her children and who guides her children toward independence and freedom, legitimate leaders will guide the people toward independence and freedom."
"So, what's the answer?" Santana asked, looking somewhat spellbound by my revelation. "I mean, how do we replace the political leaders in big government and big business with legitimate leaders? How do we overcome our stagnation-traps...with our built-in resistance, bad education, suppressive leaders and all?"
"People," I said, "will begin climbing out of their stagnation traps. But they have to overcome their built-in resistance against leaving the 'protected world' of automatic guidance from an authority, an authority that will 'take care' of them."
"Because of our deep-rooted link to the automatic controls of nature," my brother added, "the average adult still seeks the sanctuary of automatic controls. Therefore, we seek automatic guidance at work, and we seek parental-like leaders in our lives from our government, church, the Establishment. We resist becoming the self-leader and never discover a better world. Our jobs support our resistance with automatic, specialized tasks that we blindly do year after year.
"Good job figuring it all out," I said, somewhat surprised at my brother's insight.
"Wow, that answers a lot of questions I've had about myself lately!" Santana blurted.
"Okay, Santana, let's take a closer look at the solution that will lift ordinary people like you and me from their stagnation-traps," I said. "Remember I told you legitimate leaders exist?"
To get Santana up to speed with my brother and me, I reached into a drawer and pulled out a folded piece of newspaper: "Here, Santana," I said, "read this article that recently appeared in a national publication. It explains something called the Neotech World:"
"Advancing technology might just take over my job," you may think if you are a blue-collar worker. But things do not work that way. In advancing times, businesses discover that their own blue-collar workers make some of the best white-collar employees because they know the business from the ground up -- all the details. Advancing technology does not just replace blue-collar workers; it moves them on to better jobs. Technological growth means job growth, not job loss, and better jobs for the working man.
Advancing technology not only brings us better-paying quality jobs, but it brings us more and more quantity of jobs. In a booming Neotech Society (i.e., a society of rapid, unrestricted advancing technology) we will see a job surplus, not a job shortage as in our current society (i.e., a society of highly regulated, restricted technology). In the Neotech Society consisting of too many jobs and not enough people to fill them, we will need advancing technology to fill the vacated physical blue-collar jobs with machines, robots, and computers.
The President of the United States is the boss of the cabinets and their regulatory bureaucracies that create regulations that burden advancing technology. The President of the United States has the power to set free advancing technology and send all ordinary people into better jobs and better incomes for the rest of their lives.
But that will never happen with a career politician as President because that would mean cutting his own branch of government, his own structure of power. The Neotech Society, a wealthy white-collar society, will not happen under a career politician. So, working-class Americans will never really be rich -- not until they elect a president with absolutely no political agenda. That person must have a single agenda -- not anything to do with politics whatsoever -- just a single inward drive to slash his own structure of power to end regulations. Strictly an inward agenda with no political "good intentions" at all. "Good intentions" quietly build more and more regulatory jobs under the Executive Branch, which builds more and more regulatory budgets, ultimately building more and more political power for the President. That process must be completely reversed to reduce more and more regulatory jobs under the Executive Branch, which reduces more and more regulatory budgets, ultimately reducing more and more political power from the President.
Imagine you elect for President a political candidate. They all have one basic objective: to build their own political careers, which means building their branch of government -- bureaucratic regulatory power -- one way or the other, from the left or from the right. Restricted technology would get strangled like the regulated railroad industry of the early 1900s and like all the manufacturing industries of the late 1900s. Outside of short-term cycles, the country's standard of living would continue to decline. Health would continue to decline as the burden on advancing technology would continue to drive up health-care costs. The long-term results would be poor, unhealthy families experiencing the hard life.
Now imagine you elected a Neotech president. He is not a politician and has one objective: to slash bureaucratic regulatory power, which means his own political power. Unrestricted technology would race forward like the unregulated computer industry. The country would steadily advance into a predominantly white-collar, upper-income society. Health would vastly improve as technological breakthroughs drove down health-care costs just as computer costs were driven down to fractions. The results would be wealthy, healthy families showered with technological breakthroughs.
Now ask yourself: "Do I want to live in the Neotech (technology-driven) World of wealth, health, convenience, entertainment...and experience the good life? Or do I want to live in the politically driven world and experience the hard life?" Consider your own life and how it can be in the future based on your decision.
Making the American people wealthy is actually simple and easy -- a cinch for the President of the United States. But, the President of the United States does not really want to weaken the system that gives him his power. To increase your power and wealth, he would have to slash his own power. You see, all ordinary people could quite rapidly soar to wealthy standards of living in the United States if the President slashed his own power by slashing all regulatory bureaucracies. Instead, he proceeds ahead with his "good intentions" that build his popularity and power...regulatory power over advancing technology, which suppresses everyone. A quick solution exists to this problem: the Great Replacement Program.
Indeed, when we leave behind 20th-century big government and its career politicians and embrace our 21st-century get-rich government with its market-driven businessmen, the new market-driven President will end the thousands of new bureaucratic regulations each year that block advancing technology. The Neotech Congressmen and Senators will end the thousand new federal laws each year that also prohibit a rapidly advancing economy. Without all that legislation and regulation, all that food for lawyers, then one of the great deterrents to a Neotech Society -- too many laws, lawyers, and lawsuits -- will also fade away. That will ease the way for a Neotech Society of rapidly advancing technology, wealth, health, and entertainment.
In a Neotech Society of unrestricted, rapidly advancing technology, all people will advance into well-paying mind-jobs as technology comes in behind to fill labor-jobs with machines, robots, and computers. And as technology races forward, so will medical breakthroughs in curing fatal diseases. As technology races forward, the standard of living will go sharply up as the cost of living goes sharply down. Health and longevity will go sharply up as the cost of medicine and treatment goes sharply down. Ordinary people will discover what it means to live in luxury.
After Santana put down the article, I said, "For two centuries, our career politicians have gradually taken from us our self-leader culture. As our external 'authorities', they nurture our resistance against becoming self-leaders. In subtle ways, they offer us with a path of least resistance that seduces us into becoming dependent followers. For example, by providing the path of least resistance to low-income families via automatic welfare payments, the leaders seduce families into becoming hopelessly dependent on big government. The path of least resistance -- collect automatic money from big government -- nurtures their resistance to becoming self-leaders. Those low-income families become trapped like a slave class, in the ghetto, dependent on big government. They inherently know this and harbor deep resentment toward the Establishment. They never stand a chance at entering the super-profitable world of the self-leader. ...That deteriorating, low-income 'slave class' is a microcosm of what is happening to America as a whole as the 'good intentions' that 'take care of us' grow.
"Perhaps even worse, through those clever 'public good' illusions, the career politicians regulate the economy, which burdens and kills rapidly advancing technology. Those low-income families would be rich in a Neotech Society with an unburdened economy because rapidly advancing technology would multiply buying power from a hundred to thousands of times -- depending on the purchase -- like the computers. Instead, the growing 'slave class' drinks the poison of career politicians and dies in poverty.
"Even if we wanted to, we could not immediately break free and become prosperous self-leaders because our public schools never taught us how to integrate for ourselves. The fear I saw on the gentleman's face at the infomercial seminar was because he could not integrate, so he needed me -- someone who could integrate for him...until he learned how to integrate for himself. You see, everyone needs guidance in life, otherwise he or she would flounder aimlessly and die. The problem is that almost no one can integrate and therefore guide himself. People are never taught to integrate in school, and adults are specialized in their jobs. Since ordinary people cannot integrate to guide themselves, they look for someone else to guide them."
My brother then added, "Like children need parents until they grow up, ordinary people need leaders until they learn integrated thinking."
"Right," I answered. "And legitimate leaders like good parents will guide the people into self-leadership and success."
"So, you're saying that we do need leaders?" Santana asked.
"Yes, we need a transition from illegitimate leaders to legitimate leaders to self-leaders," I said. "People do not know how to do integrated thinking to guide themselves. So, yes, we need leaders now because people are not yet self-leaders. But we need legitimate leaders.
"This is where the Great Replacement Program that I explained to Eric becomes very important. You see, the people would never get rid of the current leaders, for the people were never taught integrated thinking. They need guidance, and without internal guidance from integrated thinking, they will naturally seek external guidance. The political leaders inherently know this and cleverly offer 'guidance' and block society from integrated thinking with suppressive regulations and legislation.
"The Great Replacement Program will provide the people with leaders, but with valid leaders. Realize, valid leaders exist. Valid leaders can be easily identified: They push society toward self-leadership and success -- not unlike parents pushing children toward independence. In government, that means slashing regulations and legislation so integrated thinkers can rise and drive our costs of living to fractions and make us all rich. Honest leaders have no desire to suppress their employees or citizens. You see, honest leaders are not protecting false livelihoods as your external 'authorities'. Everyone benefits: more self-leaders mean more competitive businesses, profits, and a more competitive country with a soaring economy and buying power. Only false external 'authorities' lose as they lose their positions of power. In other words, they could no longer rule over us. Therefore, those false external 'authorities' -- those living high at your loss -- will reject the Great Replacement Program and the new Neotech Party."
Santana listened closely, leaning forward in his chair.
"Career politicians are the biggest problem -- the lawmakers," I continued. "The state and federal lawmakers generate laws -- many thousands of laws every year -- to control and guide their citizens. Not only does that put us in an externally guided state of mind and nurture our deep-rooted resistance against self-guidance, but all those laws and resulting regulations and litigation discourage the creation of new businesses and jobs. All those laws, lawyers, and lawsuits make it very hard for tender youth to rise with self-leadership, to build new businesses and create new jobs. Hemorrhaging laws, lawyers, lawsuits kill our younger generation's creativity and independence...and kill our long-term economy. Our children's future is being sold out by a clique of greedy politicians on a very stimulating ride. Those state and federal politicians cast the illusion that we need those thousands of new laws every year...those so-called 'good intentions, for the public good'.
"Legitimate leaders not looking for a free ride would set the computerlike conditions that encourage, not punish, aggressive self-leaders. The freed geniuses of society would then rise and make everyone else rich like in the computer industry. All the people would get rich and then, with all that buying power, enjoy deciding how to spend all that money...controlling and guiding their own lives. Such a rich nation of self-leaders would deliver great prosperity not to the Establishment, but to ourselves. Stop and think: Do we really need state and federal lawmakers generating thousands of new laws each year that control and guide and suppress citizens and their businesses? Or is that excessive lawmaking merely creating illusions of importance as a cover for a free and intoxicating ride of power?"
"But how do I know who are the legitimate leaders?" Santana asked.
"There is one unmistakable way to identify legitimate leaders from the big-government phonies now in office," I said. "Consider that, from 1854 to 1857, the legendary Florence Nightingale worked day and night in miserable conditions saving men's lives during the bloody Crimean War. From 1993 to 1994, first-lady Hillary Clinton, by contrast, attended fancy dinners and parties using health reform as a potential ticket to personal glory. Let's compare those two opposite ladies with opposite men and women who help versus hurt our economy and taxes:
"To make soldiers survive, Florence Nightingale dug into the most nitty-gritty chores and details to dramatically increase the prosperity of hospitals. Similarly, to make their businesses survive, entrepreneurs and market businessmen also dig into the most nitty-gritty chores and details to dramatically increase the prosperity of their businesses. The world's greatest kept secret is that they are for real and can also dramatically increase the prosperity of America.
"Politicians, by contrast, are like Hillary Clinton: they sound good but never actually worked down in the tough nitty-gritty trenches. The other half of the world's greatest kept secret is that they are not for real and can only hurt the prosperity of America while pursuing their hidden agendas.
"You see, Florence Nightingale jumped right into the trenches and wrestled with the nitty gritty of saving lives and forever breathed life into hospitals. Original business owners dig right into the nitty gritty of business and forever breathe jobs and life into society. Career politicians, by contrast, are like Hillary Clinton who attended fancy dinners while never actually working down in the tough nitty gritty of any hospital. They all just sound good while chasing after personal glory. The hard-working market businessmen and women are the Florence Nightingales of society -- the job creators, the life givers. They are the super-competent people in society; they're for real. They will slash, not multiply, regulation and legislation because they neither need nor want a free ride. They are legitimately competent leaders, not ignorant phonies like career politicians."
"Yes, I see," Santana said. "But wouldn't a business owner be tempted to pass a bad law that may directly benefit his own wallet?"
"Not with the new government of defense shown to me in my Second Vision. Unlike today, everything tomorrow was protection only. Nothing could be done on the offense like passing laws and regulations to rule over us, no matter how good they seemed. You see, the Neotech Party reduced the government to one of defense, protection only. The single purpose of the Neotech President was to slash all regulatory bureaucracies except for the Department of Defense. He freed super entrepreneurs and super technologies in business, science, and medicine. Those geniuses of society, not career politicians, then took care of all our needs. The single purpose of Neotech Congressmen and Senators was to slash legislation for the same reason. Those Neotech Party members could not violate that sole inward agenda, because the government was all defense and no longer included the bogus offense of ruling over us. Thus, no one could seek pragmatic personal gains through regulations or legislation.
"In my Second Vision, the Neotech Party served a guiding Constitution to protect the people only and to forever prevent any mortals from ever again ruling over us and playing God with our lives. I witnessed in my Vision that the Neotech Constitution became an amendment to the U.S. Constitution and was the one irreducible law necessary for a totally free country of self-leaders:"
Individual Rights Preamble
"How was regulation or legislation initiatory force that took away our freedom?" Santana asked.
"Regulations and legislation tell us what we can or cannot do," I answered. "Most laws and regulations today are political policy law -- telling us what we can or cannot do based on career politicians' political policy, which usually originated from some sound-good 'good intentions', always backed by force. They differ from objective law based on physical protection of the individual and his property. Objective law is for defense only and requires a national army, local police, courts, and prisons. Political policy or subjective law is for offense too and requires three times more government to legislate, regulate, and enforce -- always closing down more of our freedoms. Political policy law tells us how to live to best serve the leaders' political agendas. And if we do not abide by those extensive laws and regulations, then we are punished and sometimes go to jail. Therefore, we are threatened by force to abide by their subjective, self-serving regulations and legislation, their political agendas, nipping away at our freedom and creativity. We need freedom for self-leaders to arise.
"To protect all people from all others, including from criminals, gangs, racists, mobs, armies, or governments requires protecting the irreducible, indivisible individual. And, to be sure that protection cannot somehow become conditional to fit some agenda requires going down to the irreducible, indivisible, unconditional concept of initiatory force. That single objective law of no force against any individual cannot be twisted, divided, or built upon to mean anything else. That unconditional, guiding Constitution of the Neotech Party offers the one law of pure protection and freedom. That Constitution serves only to protect the individual and not to build political power. The Neotech Constitution and the Neotech Party's sworn agenda to slash regulation and legislation will prevent any elected businessman from straying and introducing more 'good intentions'.
"In my Second Vision, 21st-century get-rich government tomorrow never so arrogantly assumed the divine power to rule over us. Instead, an honorable government of defense, every action was restricted to physical protection only. Twentieth-century big government today, on the other hand, wrongly thrives on God's prerogative to rule over us, a government aggressively on the offense most often disguised as public 'well-being'...as social and regulatory programs 'for the public good'. All social programs, for example, wear the disguise of public 'well-being' but are all big-government tools to regulate the economy. And all regulatory bureaucracies such as the FCC, FTC, SEC, FDA, EPA, and so on, also wear the disguise of public 'well-being' but are all big-government tools to regulate industries. Of course, all those big-government regulations that rule over us block the Neotech Era of super technologies and super entrepreneurs...our future paradise on Earth. As we move toward the new millennium, a new laissez-faire attitude is steaming up in America that begins to shut the door on those big-government regulations.
"During my First Vision, the inevitable new political party from tomorrow's get-rich government, the Neotech Party, specifically orchestrated the Great Replacement Program to replace big-government career politicians, corrupt rulers, with entrepreneurs and other market-driven business leaders, virtuous producers. Only entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders would free the economy from a ruling-class big government. The time had come to let technology take the giant leap into the Neotech Era and generate millionaire standards of living for all individuals. Once people got a hint of that wonderful life they were meant to enjoy, the Great Replacement Program was on like a stampede."
"By the way", my brother added, "market businessmen and women by nature have integrity unlike the political businessman and career politician. That integrity comes from good-old honest hard work. Entrepreneurs, for example, are not lazy people; they are not looking for get-something-for-nothing shortcuts. Those are the people who will surprise America with such competence that taxes will fall in half as standards of living soar. Those are the Florence Nightingales of society -- the in-the-trenches givers of values and life."
"Absolutely," I confirmed.
"Yes, I agree with that," Santana said. "Now, I have a concern: You said that the legitimate leaders will push society into self-leadership. I get a little nervous, though, when you say that the Neotech leaders from the Great Replacement Program will push us into becoming self-leaders."
"Your nervousness is the same as the fear I saw on the gentleman's face at the infomercial seminar," I said. "Realize, we would have never left home to go to school if our parents did not push us. Subsequently, we discovered everything good in life by acquiring independence. But, if not pushed along and into school, we would have sunk into stagnation for the rest of our lives, and we would have eventually hated our parents...not unlike Americans are now beginning to hate politicians.
"Legitimate leaders will create the non-suppressive free environment that will inherently push our citizens into a world that delivers everything good that life offers -- the Golden Neotech World that frees aggressive self-leaders to make everyone else wealthy like in the computer world. But for now, our deep-rooted resistance is nurtured by the Establishment's path of least resistance: that is, given the laws, litigations, and regulations, it is not worth striving for more than a routine-rut job in our society!
"Just think, Santana, outside the computer industry, of all the new American businesses today, few manufacture creative new values. Most of the new American businesses service what already exists. The absence of creativity and innovation cannot last. Society and its parasitical leaders can ride on already existing values a while longer. But, by cutting off the creativity of our youth, long-term economic decline in America is imminent. After brief upswings, other recessions will return as the long-term standard of living continues its slide. By contrast, a nation of free and creative self-leaders would generate geniuses who would drive up our buying power to make us all rich like in the computer world."
My brother's friend thought for a few moments, then said, "If the career politicians are on top anyway, why do they suppress us?"
"Why?" I repeated. "To stay on top, to keep their stimulating lifestyles. The reason you and all ordinary people have a hard time seeing that is because you yourself do not have such malice in your own character. So, you cannot relate to such dishonest agendas. But political leaders stay on top through creating illusions that we need them while really just burdening society. Again, consider that federal and state lawmakers convince the public we need thousands of new laws every year. That illusion created by career politicians is ridiculous. Those laws help fill the pockets of their controllable cliques, all while making American businesses less competitive in the global economy causing some businesses to shut down, many more to take their production overseas, and many, many more to never form. Hard-working people lose jobs, and many more jobs never form. But far worse, the litigation frenzy from those laws prevents tender youth from ever having a chance to rise as self-leaders. Today, for example, to put your name as owner of a business, no matter how small, is downright dangerous.
"We really only need one supreme law of individual rights that protects all citizens equally from all harm. Beyond that law of defense, with no more external 'authorities' on the offense suppressing society's development, with no new lawmaking, more and more citizens and tender youth could rise as self-leaders. Those geniuses of society would make us all rich, just like the geniuses in the computer world made all computer consumers computer rich. Without legislation and regulation to hold the geniuses down, more and more geniuses among the tender youth would rise to great prosperity and pull up everyone around them into the Golden Neotech World.
"People now are beginning to see that something has gone terribly wrong with the system. Our trusted politicians have sold out our futures for selfish near-term, look-good, vote-gathering gimmicks. Our leaders betrayed our trust. What's worse, they kept us as their followers -- sort of as if parents kept their children from going to school. The children would not know of the better world; we do not know of the better world."
"We have been robbed of our self-leader spirit," my brother said. "Political businessmen and politicians are happy to be our leaders. So, we accept them. We work our entire lives for their plush lifestyles. Unknowingly, we are their slaves."
"At work," I added, "we get stuck in boring routine ruts. And as our politicians pass laws -- more and more laws -- we get stuck in a stagnating economy with no opportunities to rise into dynamic self-leaders. Instead, we just pay more and more taxes to pay for their illusions of importance."
"If America's children all grew up to be self-leaders," my brother added, "we'd have a very different, a very lean and hard-working government -- not a high-paced show of ego maniacs. Most if not all politicians today would not last. You know, you're right. I'm ready...I am ready to be my own self-leader!"
"You've already learned how to overcome the external obstacles in your company to evolve into a self-leader," I said. "Now you must overcome the internal obstacle in yourself to complete your journey to becoming a self-leader. That obstacle is your deep-rooted urge for the automatic controls of external guidance. You must be aware of fighting this natural urge for the next thirty days. If you aren't aware of fighting this every day initially, chances are you have succumbed. You must fight this resistance to overcome it. You may even feel 'withdrawal' symptoms. But keep focused on your mini-day/power-thinking team. Keep mastering details and absorbing responsibilities to take over a living job. You must force yourself to do these things -- you must fight your resistance to taking control of life. Fight hard, every day, for 30 days, and you will feel your psyche change. Taking control of life through integrated thinking will become more and more natural to you. What once seemed like hard work will become fun work. Eventually, making money will become your way of life."
"Eric, I'm really into all this," Santana said. "Can you teach me the Self-Leader System. I'm ready!"
"We'll start tomorrow," Eric said with a smile.
When my brother's family and friend left that evening, I wrote the following entry in my diary: "Over the past several weeks, each breakthrough taught me how to acquire greater integrated knowledge. With each breakthrough came greater success. Each of those six breakthroughs can be used independently to boost success. But by using all six together as a powerful system -- the Self-Leader System -- I'm becoming an unstoppable winner! This system is amazing. I've already started teaching it to my assistants and to about a dozen other co-workers. They love me for it! But most importantly, I feel like a self-leader; I've discovered myself. I'm in charge and love it. My whole outlook on life has changed. I'm my own person, on my own path, and I'm really happy. My personal renaissance has given me back myself."
What follows are those same seven power techniques from the 21st century. The following seven power techniques let you muscle your way into big-shot success under the old code, in our suppressed 20th-century politicized society. They can give your mind some "muscle" along its journey into integrated thinking. The following techniques require some hard work but can be used like shots of adrenaline as needed to become a well paid genius in today's world, if you so choose. Tomorrow, though, these seven techniques will not be hard, rather exhilarating as all society flows the same way. You will be swimming downstream in the 21st century, easily gaining prestige and wealth. Today, you must swim upstream as did all geniuses of society in the 20th century. The seven power techniques that follow help kick-start your mind into integrated thinking, as taught to those now working for me (excerpts quoted directly from my meetings):
"You all know about my Six Visions. I could not get over how ordinary people in the Neotech Era carried themselves with such self-confidence and honest power. I never saw such authentic self-authority back in today's world. Ordinary people in my Sixth Vision appeared like walking legends. What caused that bigger-than-life aura about them that radiated such confidence and competence? Their mini-companies ran with unbending efficiency and control. Everyone could count on everyone else. It was a beautiful sight.
"So I tried to simulate what I saw. In doing so, I made a personal breakthrough and developed the following technique. In fact, I subsequently realized that all geniuses of society today used this approach to turn on a little-known 'power generator' that resides in every person's mind. Of course, the walking legends in my Sixth Vision naturally performed with the power generator on. When I turned on that power generator in me, like nothing else it cut through the illusions and lies that once left me confused and powerless at building values and wealth. Trapped in our 20th-century suppressed society, this 21st-century technique helped me break through to the winning concepts behind all problems at work and in personal life.
"Consider that human life offered me power. For example, if I tried hard enough, I could take control of every situation in life. I could take control of my schedule; I could take control of my company. But I would have to take it. Now, I captured from my Sixth Vision the only mental state of being that allowed me to take power and called it the Power Approach: In confronting any problem, I asked myself, 'What is the winning concept behind this situation?' In other words, I would figure out how to bring all the little nagging percepts together and solve them with a single, integrated burst of pure power. To help myself see the winning concept, I learned to shift that intellectual question into an emotional reaction by replacing those two words 'winning concept' with the words Power Approach. Now, I asked the question again. I'd knit my brow and say it: What is the Power Approach to this problem? ...Suddenly I felt a surge of strength. You try it. That surge of strength almost always showed me the most powerful course of action. And the most powerful course of action was inevitably the winning concept behind the situation. Now, for situations of all kinds in my work and personal life, I'd keep asking myself, 'What is the most powerful course of action...what is the Power Approach?' Lo and behold, I began to consistently see a fearless choice of self-control, the choice of a self-leader. Then, I acted on those winning concepts. ...As I increasingly acted on this pure power, I became a winner.
"Each situation I encountered, particularly in my career, I kept asking myself, 'What is the winning concept to this situation?' Or, more emotionally and much more effectively, I kept asking myself, 'What is the Power Approach -- the most potent course of action -- to this situation?' For, that most powerful course was the winning concept of pure power. Now you try it: Say you work a specialized job and are unhappy; instead of brooding over all the specifics that make you unhappy, ask yourself, 'What is the winning concept to this situation? What is the Power Approach to fixing this problem?' Keep asking yourself that no-nonsense question. As you ponder the most powerful course of action, let your feelings get fired up until you are burning with determination. 'What is the Power Approach to fixing this problem?' Do not analyze the answer. Just let the Power Approach flow. Realize that later you will decide whether or not to act on it.
"See the Power Approach clearly: Say, in this case, the most powerful course of action is to aggressively take control of the responsibilities that will lift you into a living job. Or, say the Power Approach calls for you to leave your specialized job and start your own 21st-century living company (the Fourth Vision). ...If you then act on the winning concepts, then you will become a powerful dynamo and a big winner in life.
"Leaving one's job to start a business is a major undertaking. Yet the Power Approach applies everywhere, in large or small situations. You can begin small, using the Power Approach on frequent problems or common situations. By asking yourself, 'What is the Power Approach in this situation?' you can see the most powerful course of action, which burns like a laser through bothersome percepts to the winning concept. The Power Approach burns like a laser through confusions and illusions that make you weak. It burns through deep-rooted resistance to self-leadership. Once acting on the Power Approach, nothing can stand in your way. You will not succumb to others or to your own meekness. You will become too strong. Your mind will become free of debilitating illusions.
"First use the Power Approach in small daily situations. Build your strength with the Power Approach. Before long, you will take on major decisions in life using the Power Approach.
"Start today with problems and challenges in your career. Push ahead with the power course of action. Chop through lingering turmoil as you identify, 'This is the problem; here is the definitive solution.' Become calm and confident in the face of the most trying situations. Develop courage and make fearless moves.
"The average person's stagnation-trap stems from deep-rooted feelings and illusions of needing to be led. The Power Approach rises from powerful determination not to be led. Resistance to becoming a self-leader comes from a passive, nonintegrating mode and is the opposite of the Power Approach that comes from an aggressive, integrating mode. The Power Approach provokes emotions that push you to use the great power in your head: to use integrated thinking, take control, and fearlessly lead your own life.
"The Power Approach builds on itself. Every day you will become noticeably more powerful and a stronger self-leader. Turn on this power generator in your mind, starting tomorrow at work. Quickly, you will experience a surge of power. Gradually, a uniquely creative genius will emerge from within your own mind."
"First, I could never quite understand when I was in college why other students would go into the library and study for hours and hours and hours day after day after day. I would see those people studying for a test for many, many hours over several days, and I would sometimes wonder if I were going to flunk the test. For, I hadn't even started studying. But I would shut myself in one of those 6' x 8' cubicles in the library the morning of a test, not having studied at all up to that point. I would close the cubicle door and go into a super-intense mode of concentration, realizing that if I went to the test that moment, I'd flunk it.
"I'd go in this intense mode for maybe two or three hours before a test. I'd study right up to maybe five minutes before the test. I would always do well on the test. And a number of times, I would ace a test through that technique.
"I didn't explicitly realize it back then, but now I know there are two different modes of concentrating. Most people in college are in one mode of basic concentration. They go to the library for days and concentrate for a test. And then there's the other mode of power-concentration.
"When a person is power concentrating, he is all at one time trying to get the whole picture (i.e., the multiple-thought concept) versus others who are getting pieces (i.e., single-thought percepts) one at a time as they study for all those hours in the library. Power-concentration requires much more energy. Furthermore, power-concentration is more than just getting the whole picture. In order to successfully grasp the whole picture, you must get those specifics too, simultaneously. To best understand this, consider the computer programer. He must grasp the whole concept of what the company is after, and he must grasp all the specifics and details. He must really burrow in. He cannot just get what he believes is the whole picture without burrowing into those specifics and knowing every little specific detail and the effect each detail has on the whole.
"You actually know if you are doing this 'burrowing in' or not. It's like a self-test. Remember in mathematics, for example, when you start off with a premise, and then you go through an equation and prove the premise. You know beyond any shadow of doubt that the premise is correct. Well, there's a similar comparison here when you go into this burrowing-in mode. You burrow into the specifics until you know the whole picture is right. You cannot really know how everything works without knowing every specific involved. Then, like proving that premise in math, you see the whole picture and all its details simultaneously. At this moment, the logic jells in your mind. From that enlightened moment forward, all your decisions will be solid and your mind certain.
"Now, fathom the leverage behind this power-concentration: First consider that some of you working for me have not fully grasped how my unique accounting system works (Tracking Report #5, page 160). Without power-concentration, you will never fully grasp the intricate logic, not during your entire career. You will never really have control over your career, especially those who are working toward a mini-company. You can go on working very aggressively, even making some good forward movement. But you will never be financially potent and lead a mini-company like the person who understands the whole accounting picture and all its details -- the fundamental logic -- through power-concentration.
"Now consider that you go into the power-concentrating mode for one hour, sixty minutes. I wager that, for the rest of your life, you will have total mastery over the intricate logic...over what happens and why. Such certainty over the numbers would open new horizons.
"Power-concentration provides leverage. You can, for instance, master the accounting system in sixty minutes -- in the time of one TV show. Or you can, by contrast, never master it, even if you fill out the tracking reports.
"Power-concentrating physically differs from concentrating. Your brain feels like it is expanding as it goes to work on the situation. You must think hard and not stop until spending the intense mental energy to really know what's going on -- the whole picture as well as every detail behind that responsibility. Then, you will grasp the logic.
"Now, I want all of you to begin power-concentrating in your jobs. Get down to the logic within each responsibility of your targeted mini-company. You will begin to form provoking questions that others would never ask. Once you have 'got it' -- once you have snapped together and understand the logic within all responsibilities -- that logic will never leave your head. You capture iron-grip control over that portion of the business. You will never have total control any other way. You see, in the back of everyone's mind is the external-authority problem. That problem leaves openings to avoid really burrowing in and power-concentrating. But by power-concentrating, you enter the internally guided mode and begin to control multiple-thought clusters, which means you begin to control your destiny."
"Indeed, aggressively seizing control brings your awareness to a whole new level you have not yet experienced. That higher level lets you see the responsibilities and their details from a much wider perspective -- from the perspective that you are going to get iron-grip control over them. Your stimulated mind then starts seizing control and starts making the details more efficient. After a few weeks, the drive for control will once again become a natural part of you for the first time since toddler years. You will begin to feel really good...in fact, you will begin to feel that incredible thrill again, not felt since toddlerhood. Power-control will come to us naturally in the Neotech Era after the job revolution."
"This 100%-responsibility concept is a key breakthrough, not only for the employee but also for the employer. If you start your own business someday, you have to know when to let a project or responsibility go and say, 'Okay, you've got it, and if you fail, the project is going to fail. Then and only then will I have to, at that point after you've failed, start over from scratch. But if you're going to fail, I'm going to let the project fail with you.'
"To do that may be very difficult. For, as the entrepreneur, you always carry the sense of responsibility. People working for you may do the work, they may follow through, but you always carry the sense of responsibility. Letting go of responsibility is not in your nature. Letting go is very difficult, especially to the point that if something or someone is going to fail, then so be it. Only then will you deal with it.
"On the flip side, taking 100% responsibility is vital to climbing the ladder to better positions in any company and is absolutely crucial to taking over a mini-company. Of course, I'm not going to casually say, 'Here guy; it's yours, and if you fail, so be it.' Instead, you must take responsibility from me through burrowing in, seizing control, and feeling 100% responsible. Not until you take that 100% responsibility will I risk letting everything go. Indeed, for you to become an integrated thinker and take over a chunk of this business, you need power-responsibility. You need to physically and psychologically take over each responsibility with 100% responsibility. If you take 100% responsibility, your mind will continue taking over greater and greater chunks of the business. Your mind will feel the survival pressures again, sort of like the toddler who must 'get up to speed' with the world around him. Those internally manufactured survival pressures will help kick-start you into integrated thinking and building success puzzles.
"When you feel 100% responsible, you know it. You feel it. You no longer have an external authority to lean on. That doesn't mean you do not have wiser, broader integrators to tap on for advice or input. But you carry and really feel 100% of the responsibility. You feel the pressures, and not any of those pressures go beyond you as you get the information and advice you need from those broader integrators such as myself.
"Consider this true scenario: A person is nervously waiting to present his project to the board of directors in a leading American company. He has devoted the last several years of his life to this project. He is afraid whether or not his project is going to be judged a value to the company. He is going to get aggressively questioned by the board, and he is going to make the best darn presentation he can to prove his project a value to the company. All his costs are figured out to the most competitive degree. His whole life and future might be torn down in front of his eyes if his research and development project is killed. He has raw survival pressures on him to make his presentation work. He alone is 100% responsible for his success or failure.
"The key is 100% responsibility. You succeed or fail. To whatever extent you are successful is your responsibility, 100% your responsibility. You must put all the responsibility and pressure on yourself. You must not subtly seek external authority or relief from your boss. Through this power-responsibility, you will steadily switch over from the externally guided or following mode into the internally guided or integrating mode.
"Power-Responsibility with power-concentration, pushing for power-control using the power approach gives you real power. You will absorb chunks of the business, namely a mini-company. You will break free from a routine rut. You will become an internally driven integrated thinker who can build creatively."
"Power-energization is a psychological phenomenon. For instance, you could sit here and be in a daze, but then all of a sudden you could say to yourself: 'What the heck am I doing?' and force yourself into an intense, high-energy mode.
"Anyone can snap out of a low-energy mode. I have proof: Put anyone on an urgent deadline. All of a sudden, that person works with high energy. Energy levels can be controlled by a mental choice. Power-energization takes only a simple wake-myself-up decision.
"To go to the next level of thinking -- integrated thinking -- requires greater energy. Power-energization -- that wake-myself-up decision, physically and mentally -- eventually becomes your ongoing and natural state.
"Once again, observe the toddler. That small child lives in a different world; he is always power-energizing his mind. In our world of resignation, we have lost that natural human state of power-energizing our minds. But we can get it back. Just do it."
"Power-interaction offers us great flexibility because it lets us seize control of unknown areas currently not part of our job responsibilities. This phenomenon is instrumental in taking over a mini-company, perhaps someday the entire company. ...You can, once again, imagine the power-interaction done by Charles Nash on his climb to the presidency of General Motors."
"Instead of some out-of-reach vague dream, great success is a crystal-clear path of learning and linking together nitty-gritty details and responsibilities. The littler-and-nastier power techniques bring you bigger and better things. ...You must now exert the nitty-gritty power techniques to spark your integrated thinking and send you along the road to bigger and better things as you combine integrated thinking at work with the structuring of a wealth-building job."
Destination One: Project Curiosity
I knew I must never forget the importance of happiness right now for myself and for those I loved. For, if I were not aware of feeling happiness every day right now, then I knew as I grew older I would begin to ask, "Did I miss out? My only one time, my one chance...did I miss out?"
I started thinking about my dad. Later that evening I visited him and told him about my feelings. I asked him if he was happy. He nodded. After awhile, I said, "Dad, I think the vast majority of people today are victims. Because of today's ruling class, the people are robbed of their Six Ultimate Gifts and the spectacular life they were meant to have. Tomorrow in the Neotech Era, they will become victors. Yet in today's politicized society, we not only pay for our leaders from our wallets, but from our souls, too."
My father said, "Mark, do you understand where happiness comes from?"
"I think so," I said, "In fact, I saw what happiness was in my Third Vision. Let's see..." I started to grope for the answer.
"Man is a social animal living together in a society," my dad offered. "What brings man happiness is the pride and the knowledge that he is putting value into that society. The more value he puts into society, the more pride and the more happiness he feels inside. Putting value into society is the secret to a successful life, both emotionally and financially."
How elegantly simple, I thought. The age-old riddle answered in two words: producing values. That thought kept running through my head: How do we achieve happiness? By producing values for society. Now I began to put together the riddle of how our leaders were blocking us not only from success and wealth, but above all else, happiness. Most people whom I knew were caught in stagnation-traps and could not put any more values into society. Therefore, they could not advance financially or emotionally and instead sank into stagnation. I now realized that emotional stagnation, like financial stagnation, was caused by our leaders and their politicized society.
"Dad," I said sadly, "our time now is everything for us -- this is our one and only time. For anyone to suppress us during our one and only time in all eternity...for anyone to take happiness away from us is unacceptable. Yet, that tragedy is happening to every one of us."
"Along with losing our happiness and wealth, we also lose our love and romance," I added, suddenly thinking back to the Fifth Vision. "As our happiness gets cut off by stagnation, our capacity for lasting love gets cut off, too. We must be able to feed the sweet romance -- felt right at the beginning -- with growing happiness. Instead, losing the thrill for life eventually kills those sweet celebrations."
"Remember that special feeling when first falling in love? Remember how your life lit up? You felt like the most important person in the world. You were in love! You did not have to work for that special feeling; it was just always there. But over time, it faded. That special feeling abandoned you as stagnation overcame you."
My father, seeing a look of sadness come over my face, gently added, "When you see through the deceptions as you did in your Fifth Vision, our leaders -- not us -- actually kill our romance."
"Our leaders actually kill our romance! Our leaders are robbing us of everything we have!" I cried out.
"Including your life itself," my father added. "In fact, we die much younger than is natural. They regulate and suppress medicine and science, too. Consider how certain people in the FDA and other bureaucracies make major medical, scientific, and business breakthroughs nearly impossible. Those cures are blocked because of 'achievement files' like I ran into at Du Pont. Bureaucrats build 'achievement files' through putting tough regulations on business, technology, and medicine. Enforcing tough regulations builds a name for those politically ambitious bureaucrats. But those regulations cripple business and science and block medical and technological progress.
"Those politically ambitious bureaucrats do not care about the public good. They care only about making a name for themselves for their own promotions and political futures. Yet, they maintain the illusion of serving the public good, while really just propagating their own power and promotions. ...Do you remember what happened during my years at Du Pont?" my father asked.
"Yes, I do remember," I said. "You were developing a cure for cancer."
"Actually, we were involved in several disease cures at Du Pont," he said, "including a unique approach to curing cancer with tremendous promise. But FDA 'scientists' and other destructive bureaucrats trying to enhance their jobs and glean prestige killed that and many other promising research projects with prohibitively expensive, power-usurping regulations."
"We're talking about a cure for cancer here!" I exclaimed.
"You see," my father said, "those self-serving bureaucrats got promotions through the size of their 'achievement files' -- their 'accomplishments' like shutting down Du Pont's 'risky' experiments on curing cancer. Those portfolio-building, destructive bureaucrats are interested only in their own promotions and not in what is honestly best for the people. Without that small clique of destructive people, businesses like Du Pont and especially aggressive entrepreneurs would race toward curing mankind's most deadly diseases."
"Yes, I saw that actually happen in my Third Vision," I said. "When society saw through their illusions of 'good intentions', we realized the FDA robbed us of life -- robbed us of cures to fatal diseases. Without those bureaucrats with self-serving agendas, then business, science, and medicine joined together and raced toward definitive cures for heart disease, cancer, for all diseases big and small from cancer to the common cold."
"I saw in my Third Vision that millions of lives were lost before that small clique of file-building, promotion-seeking bureaucrats called the FDA could no longer keep their illusions of looking important and needed," I said while shaking my head.
"Without such regulations," I continued, "medicine raced forward like the unburdened computer industry...raced toward definitive cures for fatal diseases, including slowing the cellular-degeneration disease called aging. Yes, we lived longer, happier lives.
"In fact, in my Third Vision, leading FDA bureaucrats were held legally responsible for committing the worst crime on society: They caused death by the millions. Those few greedy FDA bureaucrats, intoxicated with the power to rule over us, held back life-curing progress. Millions died because of them, which became painfully obvious after 2001. We sent the leading FDA bureaucrats to prison as we freed science, business, and medicine in the name of life!
"We had regulators, of course, but private market businessmen and women who truly served the people's best interest to stay in business. Those honest, private regulators competing for our business, served us, not themselves."
"Looking back from my Six Visions at civilization today," I continued, "I finally understood why regulatory bureaucrats were so destructive. You see, ambitious bureaucrats, especially those with political aspirations, stole prestige from the rightful owners who earned it. For example, they increasingly stole headlines in the media by harming legitimate businesses, like killing your research and development on cancer at Du Pont. Of course, they created the illusion that their actions were for the public good. That was their secret shortcut to publicity and prestige. They went up by stealing prestige and pushing our geniuses of society, our aggressive entrepreneurs, scientists, and doctors down.
"Growing businesses and promising research programs built over years of effort got severely harmed by increasingly virulent bureaucrats stealing prestige for political prominence, which caused us to sink for a few years into the Catastrophic Era. Consider that one man during our so-called 'decade of greed' -- bureaucrat Ruldoph Giuliani -- destroyed a large, established Wall Street company directly responsible for tens of thousands of jobs. Politically ambitious Giuliani immorally took political power designed strictly for drug busts and used it against legitimate Wall Street businesses. During his reign of terror, he quickly built his 'achievement file' that way. He got his name in all the papers and network news as 'the man who cleaned up Wall Street', which sounded good to the specialized, gullible public at the time. Giuliani came across as a hero when indeed that one man wiped out tens of thousands of immediate jobs and hundreds of thousands of future jobs, and that one man was a big reason for the politically created recessionary times of the early '90s. ...Just as market businessmen like James J. Hill (see the First Vision) did spectacular good for society; career politicians and politically ambitious bureaucrats like Rudolph Giuliani did spectacular harm to society.
"Only the rare integrated thinkers in the late 20th century, however, understood how business and the economy worked in order to understand Giuliani's destructive route to power. Therefore, with the masses specialized and gullible, he just kept on stealing prestige by hurting the working-class leaders, the geniuses of society, which hurt our economy and the wealth of all the people. He built his prestige, activity, 'importance' by destroying values."
"Giuliani stole prestige -- a lot of prestige -- through causing enormous harm to our economy. A politically ambitious bureaucrat got his name in all the papers, on CNN, on all the network news. He stole prestige to make a name for himself..."
"Just before his race for mayor of New York," my father reminded me. "He hurt society and our economy for his own selfish political gain. And he is only one of many, many others. Most of our political leaders do the same thing: they steal prestige at our expense. They steal from our lives, from our economy, from our children's futures. Political leaders certainly do not earn their prestige and power. They do not put values into society."
"Fortunately, my Third Vision showed me that sometime after 2001, under the new code, we threw such bureaucrats off our backs, including the FDA," I said, "and we broke free from our stagnation-traps. Then, something wonderful happened: like children at heart, we rediscovered our dreams and enthusiastically wanted to live longer!"
"I can attest to that," said a familiar voice. My father and I turned around to find Eric, who had just arrived, standing in the yard behind us. "I used to go to work, do my set routine, the same thing day after day after day. You were so right -- the lid over me, holding me down, was specialization, nothing more. Now I've built upward momentum that can't be stopped. I'm making a lot more money; I have a lot of new things going on; I love my life and would love to live a lot, lot longer!"
"You no longer are caught in a specialized routine with blinders," I said with a big smile. "No, you're putting together and seeing things that the masses never see."
"With the breakdown of politicization and its lid over society, I see riches and luxury becoming available to everyone," Eric added, "especially now with the information revolution upon us."
The three of us continued talking late into the night. As my brother and I were leaving, our father walked us to our cars. Under the postcard-perfect starry night sky, he said, "Watching you two these past few months has been a dream come true for me. Watching my sons become powerful integrated thinkers is an experience I'll cherish for the rest of my life. I'm proud of you." We gave our father a thankful hug, knowing it was his influence and efforts that made it all possible.
I drove home lost in my thoughts. I arrived home very late and walked quietly to the kitchen, careful not to wake my wife and children. The clock read 2:17 a.m. I sat at the kitchen table, opened my diary, and wrote my final page about the Self-Leader System:
"In the Golden Neotech World, happiness constantly fills me. I have to let that happiness and excitement out somewhere, and I do so with my wife and children. I really love being with them!
"I am now teaching all my co-workers the Self-Leader System. It gets ordinary people into the Golden Neotech World before 2001."
I closed my diary, walked upstairs and kissed my sleeping son, daughter and wife. Then I laid down in my bed and smiled, closed my eyes, and enjoyed my own happiness.
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