That new power from the next millennium sent me on an accelerated journey of knowledge. Here, I captured the all-knowing phenomenon for you. With Personal Renaissance II, you too will feel omniscient and, like touched from above, know with certainty everything that is going on in your life and the world around you.
The Six Visions surely sent me on an adventurous journey as described in the previous chapter. That journey made my life prosperous right now. I became an integrated thinker, and the insights kept coming. In fact, they accelerated as my mind started putting together things I never asked it to at a rapid pace. Suddenly, I clearly understood the world around me. My father was right: the integrated thinker really does figure everything out.
Becoming all-knowing gave me pure power and iron-grip control. Let me pass along that knowledge and new power to you. You will, as I did, completely understand and control everything going on around you.
I realized why suddenly I figured out the world around me: You see, after the Six Visions, I started seeing things from the future Neotech World. So, observing the world around me was like looking back at history with hindsight and a much broader understanding of things, which gave me a new power. As I said before, when you get this new power, you will become the wise one. Others will admire you. Friends and peers will look up to you. Some will want to make love to you.
After getting the same hindsight about the end of the 20th century, you will finally know why you never came close to your youthful expectations of wealth, love, and success. You never had a chance under the old code, which can be a profound revelation to the ordinary person, for it releases him from being a prisoner of frustration and disillusionment as well as frees him from any sense of guilt or failure. Also, you will see the coming of the new code. Knowing you will experience escalating wealth, love, and success sometime in the foreseeable future releases new enthusiasm not felt since your youth. It is a real adventure! So, let us begin:
Remember, I was now looking back at the 20th century from the new world in the 21st century. Looking back, I asked, why did we fail at our dreams in the 20th century? The answer was not difficult: we failed because we were in a society in which we could not win. The blame rested squarely on our 20th-century leaders. The solution, however, was simple: with the new code, our 21st-century leaders made this society one in which we could not fail.
By the way, my definition of failure was: not becoming the person you always dreamed of...the person you were meant to be. That person was wealthy and doing exciting, important things for society. Everyone was wealthy and dynamic under the new code.
How did our 21st-century leaders make this society one in which we could not fail, meaning every ordinary person enjoyed the Six Ultimate Gifts of profound security, millionaire wealth, perfect health, a dream career, a dream lover, and superior intelligence? They simply sank the B.O.A.T. Indeed, a tiny percentage of our population -- our political and bureaucratic leaders -- created an indomitable burden on advancing technology (B.O.A.T.). When we sank that B.O.A.T. of freeloaders, many millions of geniuses rose and technologies boomed. Our own wealth soared as prices tumbled into free-falls.
Let us first take a brief look back over your own past, growing up under the old code, to know what happened to you personally that killed your chances at your dreams:
A common misconception in the 20th century was that your potential in life came from your education. Actually, education provided you with the thinking tools and knowledge to fulfill whatever potential you had left. Your potential per se was deadened well before your education began.
So, let's get to the bottom of exactly what determined your potential: For some time, scientists knew that the human mind of average intelligence had enormous capacity. We all heard stories like: had we continued the learning curve experienced as toddlers, we would have spoken many languages fluently, known advanced physics, recited the ins and outs of the philosophies and, in short, we would have known most everything in the Britannica Encyclopedia.
If man's mind was capable of such great things, what stopped us? Our geometrical learning curve collapsed. In fact, it took its biggest drop right after our toddler years -- right before entering school.
What caused that geometrical learning curve to begin with? Actually, the simple answer was: deep-rooted motivation. As an infant and toddler, you were extremely motivated to learn to talk and become a conceptual conscious being. You felt powerful survival pressures to do so. Of course, with our superior minds, we were born to learn. And that explained why toddlers were the happiest people alive in the 20th century. You see, only when you were a toddler were you the person you were meant to be.
Then something happened around six or seven years of age, after you mastered language and became a full-fledged conceptual conscious being: your learning curve collapsed. That meant your deep-rooted motivational drive collapsed. For, now to successfully be part of society no longer depended on a geometrical learning curve.
Imagine if that geometrical learning curve still existed in adults. Well then, to simply fit into such a progressive society, the toddler's learning curve would just keep on soaring, deeply motivated, deeply happy.
The loss of the learning curve among the entire human race under the old code was not natural. Man was meant to forever rapidly learn. We were the persons we were meant to be for only the first few years of our lives -- the happiest years. Something alien killed our learning curves by killing our deep motivational drives.
That something unnatural from outside ourselves that killed our deep-rooted motivational drives was the B.O.A.T. causing a society in which we could not win. Deep-rooted resignation replaced our deep-rooted motivation. Now, back to the question: "What really determined potential?" The answer was: our deep-rooted motivational drive in life. With the motivational drive we were meant to have, our potential equaled our mind's incredible capability. But in the 20th century, our potential was a tiny fraction of our mind's capability...motivation replaced by resignation, dooming us to fail at our most important dreams and powerful desires. If, however, you as a small child were only exposed to highly motivated parents (making hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars as young adults), your motivational drive would not have collapsed. Upon the arrival of the Neotech Era in which we became millionaires, that motivational drive returned. We became creative whiz kids at all ages.
To begin answering the question, Why did we fail at our dreams in the 20th century? all goes back to before your earliest memories as you learned resignation from the world around you. But that changed under the new code. Adults grew even happier than toddlers with addicting, stimulating success. With integrated thinking, the learning curve returned and never collapsed. Dreams came true as you filled all your desires from wealth to sex.
When you started school in the 20th century, you probably had dreams like becoming rich, a hero, short, becoming someone very important who would make a difference. Life probably grew increasingly frustrating because you did not have the potential to achieve your dreams. That explained why teenagers often became frustrated and disillusioned in the 20th century.
Education was how you acquired thinking tools and knowledge. The better the education, the more you could fulfill your limited potential. Unfortunately, public education had deteriorated to frighteningly ineffective levels. However, if you personally talked with teachers and principals, they were very dedicated to educating children. Teachers were genuinely into their jobs, and competent at the job they were given to do. And there, precisely, was the problem: the job they were given to do.
Early in the 20th century, education lost its way. Political leaders and schoolboard leaders lost their understanding of the very heart of education. At the heart of educating a child should have been: fill the child's mind with knowledge...teach the child knowledge, and teach the child how to think most effectively so that child could retain and build more knowledge. In a sentence, that was the job of educating children. And that was not the job given to teachers in the late 20th century.
Instead, sociopolitical control over government schools had given our teachers another job: to help the children "learn" from each other. Of course, that sounded good, progressive, and fashionably multicultural. The teachers performed well at the job given them, bringing to their classrooms the discussion method as their method of "teaching". And dedicated teachers admirably went to great lengths to stimulate and guide their classroom discussions. But the job given to the teacher was the wrong job. The popular discussion method was not education. In short, it was a case of the blind leading the blind. Indeed, hard-working dedicated teachers could not understand why children scored so low on aptitude tests. The job given those teachers was the wrong job: The teachers' right job was not to make children socially confident or culturally literate. The teacher's right job was to teach -- yes, that old-fashioned lecture method.
The teachers had knowledge, lots of it. The children did not. Teachers should have poured as much of that knowledge as possible into young minds. That, and nothing else, should have been the teacher's job. Motivating children should have been defined and confined to the job at hand -- that was, to pouring knowledge into children's minds via the lecture method. Motivating children in the more disciplined environment of the lecture, indeed, required greater discipline on the teacher. The teacher would have to work harder at nights making his or her lecture exciting and enlightening to students. Indeed, the effort to teach would go back on the teacher's shoulders. And, if given that job, most teachers in the late 20th century would have done a competent job educating our children.
A vital part of the teacher's job of pouring knowledge into children's minds, yet entirely lost in the late 20th century, was: equipping our children with the most powerful thinking method. That thinking method was conceptual thinking. Only through bringing together the scattered fragments of facts and figures into integrated concepts could children retain and build knowledge like a puzzle. While lecturing knowledge, teachers should have pulled together the many pieces of knowledge into integrated concepts to enable themselves to pour much more knowledge -- retainable knowledge -- into children's minds.
For example, while studying social studies, children memorized many specific facts about different countries, cultures, economies. But those 20th-century children retained little because many specific facts were not pulled together into common denominators -- into a few powerful, timeless concepts. The endless variations of prosperity and progress among cultures and economies could have been integrated by the common denominator of freedom. That's right, the prosperity and progress of each culture and economy directly related to that country's degree of freedom from the B.O.A.T. of freeloaders. Now the child would have quickly begun linking together unforgettable conceptual understandings instead of memorizing forgettable places, faces, and other forgettable facts.
By giving the child the added power to jump past limited memorization into unlimited conceptualization, the teacher could have poured far more knowledge into his students' minds. Moreover, the students would have had the foundation and the thinking tools to build knowledge. Remember, knowledge meant power. That growing power and control inside a child would have stirred up real and lasting motivation to learn.
Not faulting the teachers but faulting the leaders of the old code's no-win society, children graduated without the knowledge or thinking tools to fulfill the limited potential they did have. Again, sinking the B.O.A.T. brought teachers back to their proper job: to teach. Then, children reached their breathtaking potential after 2001, under the new code.
The message those role models continued to deliver in many subtle ways was: you were worthless. That message -- you were worthless -- was the common denominator under the many different surface messages. For instance, the self was devalued through reducing sex to the level of scratching an itch or through making self-destruction such as drinking and doing drugs the cool thing to do or through encouraging love for others because of different skin color instead of meaningful value exchange. Self-worth, self-esteem was flattened by role models. And as one's self-worth went away, so did the irreplaceable emotional self. Indeed, role models desensitized 20th-century teenagers. Teenagers less and less felt meaningful love for family, pets, girlfriends or boyfriends. The all-important emotional peaks and valleys were getting leveled.
But looking back from the Neotech World, let us not focus too much blame on the role models. In many cases, they too were just young adults expressing their own frustrations. Instead, let us focus the blame on those who caused the no-win society. You see, once we sank the B.O.A.T. and had a no-lose society, then everyone's sense of life changed. Positivity replaced negativity. Enthusiasm for life replaced destruction of life. Love and sensitivity flowed. And role models became assets.
Yet, you still sometimes dreamed of wealth and greatness in the 20th-century. Nonetheless, three forces held you down from ever soaring: 1) your potential, that deep-rooted motivational drive resigned early on, 2) your mode of thinking was scrambled during education, and 3) society's opportunities vanished because of the B.O.A.T. of freeloaders.
First, your potential, your deep-rooted motivational drive, was gone. Each day proved that. For, if you had the deep-rooted motivational drive that you did as a very young child, you would have spent enormous energy learning and absorbing knowledge for your success every day. And you would have loved it as, in turn, you used that knowledge to build values that earned millions of dollars. Driven by seven-digit financial rewards, your evenings would have been filled with reading, studying, thinking and rethinking your fast-lane of success. Your thirst for knowledge would have been unquenchable. Very few adults in the 20th century ever had the opportunity to exist in that exciting mode.
Second, your mode of thinking was scrambled during your education. By not learning to do potent conceptual or integrated thinking in school, you stayed in the impotent specialized-thinking mode. Specialized thinking worked by memory and blocked you from integrating and building knowledge, which was crucial to creating money-making opportunities. Specialized thinking put you into a following mode, merely following what you were told to do, following the set responsibilities given to you at work...trapping you in a routine rut. After 2001, integrated thinking put you into a self-leadership mode, using your own mind to build beyond what currently existed...propelling you into money-making breakthroughs.
Third, society's opportunities in the 20th century had vanished because the B.O.A.T. made success too difficult. Regulations, legislation, and litigation made success limited, costly, and risky. Without such a burden, lucrative opportunities would have been everywhere, for everyone.
The stagnation we encountered as adults certainly killed our dreams. Moreover, that stagnation also harmed our marriages and ended the thrill of love we felt during the first few weeks of falling in love. And, sadly, our children absorbed from us our hopeless resignation, just as we did from our parents. In short, all this was why we failed at our dreams.
What was the way out of your lifelong trap? Your way out came at two levels. By far the easiest way out was to sink the B.O.A.T. That happened sometime after 2001. Before 2001, some people made some strides forward on their own by learning integrated thinking as adults, as I did (previous chapter).
The more they studied politics and their leaders' effects on the country, those seniors gradually realized that the problems had little to do with the nature of Democrats or Republicans. The country's problems had to do with the nature of politicians. In short, the nature of career politicians put a heavy burden on business and its advancing technologies, which put a heavy lid over many millions of potential geniuses.
Indeed, career politicians axiomatically held down society. Intoxicated by the power to rule over us, they generated more and more laws, which gained them recognition and popularity for re-election. But all those laws create more and more taxes, regulators, lawyers, and lawsuits that put a lid on the progress of America's business and technology:
40 Points Taxes: Taxes on business hurt advancing technology, indeed. The cash needed to pay taxes cut off endless research and development investments, which were the embryo not only of future creation of jobs, but of all advancing technology. Yet, perhaps the biggest burden was actually the income tax on the people. You see, taxing the people ultimately came back on the business. For, the people needed enough money for a reasonable standard of living. So, the more people paid in taxes, the more business ultimately paid its workers. In a sense, business paid our income tax, a hidden but perhaps the second most major burden on advancing technology. 40 Points Legislation & Regulations: Existing laws and regulations blocked industry from investing or putting effort into many vital directions. Too cost prohibitive and risky. Also, tender youth did not even attempt to move into new ventures for fear of new regulations or laws or interpretations of existing ones. Creativity and progress nearly stopped with this, the other leading burden on advancing technology. 20 Points Litigation: All the unnecessary laws and regulations bloated the legal industry with nearly a million lawyers by the end of the 20th century. The legal roadblocks and endless litigation made American business laughingly uncompetitive on the global market and was a major burden on advancing technology. 100 Points Total
The reason for the dramatic explosion in prosperity and consumer buying power when sinking the B.O.A.T was simple:
[ 8 ] Why were taxes weighted so heavily -- 40 points? Taxes in the 20th century caused a great, great burden on business beyond what met the eye. You see, all money used to live and survive originally came from business. A company's employees had to experience a certain standard of living that delivered the most effective and efficient employees. The business ultimately had to keep up its workers' standard of living. If the government taxed the people more heavily, that burden ultimately worked its way back to the company as it had to keep its workers at a certain standard of living. In all, every tax everywhere caused a burden on the originator of wealth: business.
Unbeknownst to us under the old code, our government wrongly carried a second purpose:
To understand why the second purpose was bogus, consider that it gave the 20th-century career politician the addictive, divine power to rule over us, which destroyed us and made him incapable of the second purpose to help us. He only made illusions that he was helping us to cover up the harm. Moreover, addicted to his power, the 20th-century career politician focused foremost on his own political viability, thus on serving himself. Again, that made him incapable of the second purpose above -- to put out the dogged effort required to serve others. True, the career politician spent our money on entitlement programs that so-called "served the public good". But spending other people's money required no effort and could not really be serving the people, rather himself say through buying support. Only earning money required effort. Realize the difference between spending wealth, especially wealth earned by others, versus earning wealth: For example, imagine a lazy, young adult who never worked, but who inherited his fortune and recklessly spent that wealth in many self-indulging ways...versus the hard-working person who originally generated that fortune. The lazy self-indulger consumed massive wealth, and so did our 20th-century politicians. They consumed massive wealth -- our wealth -- for their self-indulging purpose of buying votes.
Civilization would have perished if everyone self-indulged in consuming wealth. Civilization needed people who generated wealth. Civilization succeeded to the extent hard-working people generated wealth and values for society. Those people put energy into society; the self-indulger just consumed and depleted that energy.
Career politicians lived in that reckless inheritance-like mode that nearly destroyed our society. They consumed the energy of the workers. They spent our money to disingenuously "serve the people" but really to serve themselves by self-indulging in their own political viability. Indeed, they irresponsibly consumed our wealth to buy votes for re-election. If not stopped, they would have eventually consumed all our wealth and depleted all the energy.
Moreover, 20th-century career politicians were like alcoholics who tried to draw everyone around them into drinking with them to feel better about themselves. Indeed, career politicians tried to get as many people as they could into the inheritance-like mode. You see, that made it all right. So our nation became more and more financially dependent. Toward the end of the century, entitlements and the budget grew out of control.
The market-driven businessman, by contrast, lived in the responsible productive mode that built society. He doggedly produced values to generate wealth, which genuinely served society. Indeed, only the market-driven businessman had demonstrated that he put out the dogged effort to serve the people.
In short, spending other people's money was easy and downright self-indulging...consuming our wealth to selfishly buy votes. By nature of the difficulty in genuinely improving prosperity of the people, career politicians could not succeed. Indeed, government that fell into that second purpose -- to improve the prosperity of the people -- was unsound. After 2001, under the new code, the second purpose went to market businessmen and women who generated and spent their own money, not ours. Only then did our country actually succeed at social and regulatory programs. That happened soon after the Great Replacement Program and was called the Great Displacement Program. Then our government focused on its one proper purpose -- to physically protect the people.
So, what caused the B.O.A.T. and how did we sink it? All well intentioned social and regulatory programs to improve public prosperity ironically built the B.O.A.T. To sink it, we completely eliminated that second, disingenuous purpose of government through the Great Replacement/Great Displacement Program.
To see the B.O.A.T. clearly, imagine the very poor, 20th-century third-world countries: Leaders badly burdened business and advancing technology. Desperation, starvation, crime took over as those self-indulging leaders badly burdened the workers. Who could help the hungry masses? Their only savior was that rare and gifted person who could build a business or expand a business to provide new jobs and spending money. He was a hard-working person who brought jobs to those people and food to their tables. Only he served the people.
That person was the market businessman. He was very different from the rich businessmen who worked hand-in-hand with the government. They just drained their companies and their employees. They were political businessmen.
The market businessman was the one person who could move society up for others. Looking at a poor country made that obvious, for he rescued those people from homelessness and death. But his value was just as vital even in the relatively wealthy United States. The market businessman moved society up for others.
Career politicians envied the market businessman in the 20th century. Career politicians burdened, even attacked the market businessman. In China, career politicians put to death market businessmen in the name of "economic crimes". In Russia, until the collapse of the Soviet Empire, they did the same. Wherever you went in the world, the degree of poverty had a direct relationship to the degree the market businessman was burdened and destroyed. Even in the prosperous United States, career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats caused a number of market businessmen to go to prison each year. For example, most of the Wall Street "white-collar crime" laws and regulations were distant cousins to China's "economic crimes". Aggressive political policy against market businessmen suppressed society, which blocked everyone's dreams for the life they were meant to have from coming true.
In the 20th century, two groups of people lived in this world:
The Workers: all people who put more into society than they took out, from the laborer to founders of great business empires.
The Parasites: all people who took more out of society than they put in, from the petty thief to leaders of great countries.
Both groups of people had leaders: The workers' leaders, market businessmen and women, brought prosperity and jobs to the workers. The parasites' leaders, career politicians, created conditions for more parasites.
The most leveraged parasites to replace were their leaders -- the career politicians. For, those politicians enabled parasites to weaken society not only from within government, but from within big business and society as well:
Indeed, who exactly was qualified to lead our country? To build the economy required building the business of a country. Career politicians had never built businesses. They knew nothing about the details of business as they merely "inherited" their power. They could not fulfill their ostensible purpose to build the economy and the well-being of the people.
If you were asked, "Who was qualified to lead the construction of your new home?", you would answer, "Those who built homes." You would not answer, "Politicians and bureaucrats."
Our career politicians knew as little about business as they did about construction. They never ran any businesses. Yet, they shaped and controlled our businesses and jobs -- our economy -- with their laws and regulations. ...If career politicians were to build your house, it would fall during the first bad storm. Well, our economy faced rough storms of international competition at century end.
For all the centuries under the old code, career politicians had never been replaced by market businessmen as our rightful leaders. Why not? Because of cleverly crafted illusions. Career politicians were, in essence, frauds who could not build the economy. So, they created someone whom they would "protect" us from in order to justify their legislative and regulatory role over our economy. Using inverse illusions that involved a full use of your emotions, a typical trick in most any con, the ruling-class leaders made us believe that they would protect us from the "greedy" market businessman, which justified their necessity and hid who they themselves were: the destructive people of society whom, under the new code, we protected the people from.
Career politicians misled the public into believing and accepting their illusions, from the "economic crimes" in which China put the market businessman to their distant cousin "white-collar crimes" from the "decade of greed" in which America put market businessmen in jail.
Ironically and tragically, legislation and regulation -- burdens on advancing technology -- built popularity and political power for career politicians and bureaucrats in the 20th century, through their clever illusions. Moreover, legislation and regulation built a dirty alley of law in America, which was eating alive American international competitiveness. Consider if you threw one sandwich into a dirty alley, four rats came out to eat. If you threw 25 sandwiches into a dirty alley, eventually 100 rats came out to eat. ...Our lawmakers were throwing piles of sandwiches into the dirty alley of law. Packs of parasitical lawyers -- nearly a million lawyers by century end -- had come out to eat our economy like rats. Not all lawyers were parasites, but the majority were hurting our competitive position in the global economy.
Consider some original business founders: Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison; these were geniuses who built industrial empires, employed hundreds of thousands of people, and brought better standards of living to the average family. Moreover, late 20th-century aggressive entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Andrew Grove, and other truly hard-working leaders of businesses, large and small, brought jobs and better standards of living to society. ...The head to the working class served the people and would soon be our leaders. Career politicians inherently knew this and did not like it. The new political paradigm brought the head and the body of the working class together through the Great Replacement Program.
Building a value for society took dogged effort. Our 20th-century political leaders did not build values for society...they chose the lazy "inherited" route and did not put forth dogged effort. Everything they did was in that crafted supervisory mode, never building a value. They just rode on the efforts of others, burdened society, and consumed wealth.
Ironically, those 20th-century political leaders had prestige, a lot of power and activity around them and big-shot positions of "importance". All that activity around them, "importance", and prestige -- where did it come from? Not from building values and earning it, for those were lazy people. Thus, all their activity and prestige, since it did not come from building values, then it came from burdening existing values -- from legislating and regulating building their B.O.A.T. (i.e., burden on advancing technology). Of course, they spent all their time building this God-like power to rule over us.
Prestige was either earned through building values for society; or it was stolen from those who earned it by burdening their values. In fact, the more prestige, the more a lazy person with power burdened, even destroyed values. As became obvious under the new code, the prestigious career politicians in the 20th century were our greatest enemies, for they outright suppressed the advancement of society that would have otherwise, on the eve of the Technological Revolution, sent prices tumbling toward zero and sent standards of living soaring toward millionaire-like wealth.
All 20th-century career politicians, regulatory bureaucrats, most media giants, and many million-dollar lawyers stole prestige. They stole prestige from the market businessman by legislating, regulating, and sometimes even jailing the best...with great fanfare and media coverage for themselves, as demonstrated in the Rudolph Giuliani versus Michael Milken late-20th-century chapter of history. Electrifying businessman Milken wrongly went to prison. Envious bureaucrat Giuliani took him down and got national publicity and eventually became the mayor of New York with presidential aspirations. Career politicians stole prestige and consumed wealth. They did not earn wealth and prestige. They did not build values for society. They simply burdened values for their own free ride in life and blocked the great prosperity-explosion for the people.
In order to justify themselves, lazy people[ 9 ] with power -- our 20th-century political leaders -- had to create a so-called "need" for themselves. They had to stir up "important activity" around themselves to justify themselves. But they did not build values. Therefore, all that unnecessary "supervisory" activity burdened the economy.
[ 9 ] The 20th-century career politicians were lazy people, but very, very busy people building their addicting political power.
Envy played a big role in building their B.O.A.T. Only one group of people in civilization felt envy. The parasitical class was the inferior class of society. Feeling inferior, the parasites felt envy toward the superior working class, especially the working-class leader. They secretly felt a desire to destroy him.
Envy in the 20th century -- let's talk about that for a moment: A parasite's envy grew as the working person's value to society grew. The greatest value one could bring to society was job creation. Therefore, envy was most targeted at aggressive entrepreneurs and leading market businessmen -- the geniuses -- those we later learned to protect! That envy, targeted at their businesses and success, was the fingerprint of the 20th-century parasitical class. The envy came from inferior feelings deep inside. That envy let us spot and know our enemies when the transition into the new code began, even when we could not see through their illusions that made them look important.
Now, their envy teamed up with their need to justify themselves. Guided by envy, they stirred up a lot of activity in their jobs. That illusion of importance brought them popularity and power. Driven by envy, our career politicians and ambitious bureaucrats developed laws and regulations that greatly burdened and sometimes destroyed market businessmen and their businesses. After all, the market businessmen and women would eventually put career politicians out of business, which became more evident with every late 20th-century election.
For some time after distrusting politicians, we still succumbed to their illusions because we were too specialized. Just as if we were in a magic show and did not know how the magicians' illusions worked, we did not know how the career politicians' illusions work. We could not see through their illusions as we first began our rise into the Neotech Era, but we could more easily see their envy -- the fingerprint of the parasitical leaders. Then we quickly replaced those people stealing prestige and stealing their way to political prominence via building their B.O.A.T.
Realize that it was easy to regulate and legislate, and it was hard to build values. Our lazy (but busy) political leaders sought the quick and easy ride. Indeed, in the 20th century, there were two paths to prestige and self-esteem. One was a legitimate path: that was the hard and slow process of building values for society. Market businessmen and women gained recognition and self-esteem over years of building and bringing tangible values to society. Then there was an illegitimate path: that was the easy and fast process of tearing down or regulating the advancement of values in society.
To see through the illusions and spot the parasitical elite was difficult in those days. Again, we were just too specialized. We sensed the laziness and corruption, but we could not easily expose it. But to spot the fingerprint of envy was not as difficult. Indeed, the zealous approval for legislating and regulating business, particularly aggressive entrepreneurs and their advancing technologies, was the unmistakable fingerprint of envy that belonged only to the parasitical soul. The people at the very end of the 20th century began to catch on, pushed along by the rapidly growing realization of our God-given right to the Six Ultimate Gifts -- the glorious life people of all races, cultures, and countries were meant to live -- as presented to millions of eyes through cyberspace.
At first people said, "Doesn't regulating provide a value?" The answer was, "Yes, it does when you pay for that other words, when regulating becomes a free-market service." In the 20th-century publishing industry, for example, magazines submitted to ABC, an auditing business that strictly regulated magazines in regards to subscriptions and circulation. Well, ABC was a value to the industry as it verified circulation for advertisers. Realize, ABC had to exert the dogged effort to be that value. ABC had to meet a bottom line; ABC had to meet the business discipline to make its service a value to people who wanted to pay for it. ABC had to earn its money.
In 20th-century government, by contrast, forced taxes removed the need to put forth effort. Forced taxes provided the conditions that bred laziness and incompetence. You see, the money was automatically there; no need existed to exert the effort to build a genuine value that people wanted to pay for: no bottom-line business disciplines to meet, no competition, no threat of being fired, no fear of going out of business, no need to work intensely, no need to put out the effort to make a value for society in order to make a paycheck for themselves. Therefore, our politicians and bureaucrats became professionally lazy; they institutionalized laziness in our government. The leaders rode off the efforts of the people. Those self-indulging leaders, in an inheritance-like mode, recklessly spent our money and consumed our wealth for their own political popularity. They did not earn wealth.
Since our government's leaders did not put out the effort to provide genuine values for society and earn wealth, they instead created illusions that they provided values for society. The politicians and bureaucrats created a magic show of watching over and regulating business from the potential dangers of the "greedy" market businessman. Thus, their activities of creating laws, regulating (i.e., burdening) business, and spending our money now appeared as values to us. And, not grounded to the tough work of producing values, they spent all their time building this addicting, divine power of ruling over us.
Bureaucrats and politicians took the fast lane of burdening values for easy popularity. In 20th-century America, we had a large network of business to regulate for decades to come. Since people did whatever they did in their jobs to promote their careers, 20th-century career politicians aggressively burdened to promote themselves. Market businessmen and women who built values, on the other hand, built to promote themselves. In summing up the nature of our leaders who controlled our 20th-century no-win society, answer this: Did they acquire their status by: 1) building values, or 2) burdening values?
The market businessman used effort and built values. The career politician burdened values. And what motivated politicians to desperately want office? Something deep in their souls -- their lacking self-esteems -- desperately drove them. Politicians desperately wanted to prove to themselves and to the world that they were important. They did not earn legitimate self-esteem through building values, but they inherited a big dose of prestige if elected. And the more they ruled over us, the more prestige they enjoyed. Lacking legitimate self-esteem, they were certainly motivated to rule over us.
The secret weapon of our 20th-century political leaders was their ability to craft illusions to appear valuable and needed. Here was how they crafted their illusions: Our leaders used true facts to build out-of-context pictures and form the illusions they wanted. They left out the other facts that would dissolve the illusions and build in-context pictures.
Let me give you an example I once heard my father tell. I am going to tell you a couple of true facts: John O'Grady premeditated a plan and then brutally killed a man. Those are true facts. John O'Grady, therefore, is a cold-blooded killer and should be locked away for life. That is an unjust conclusion. You see, the true facts are incomplete and, therefore, out of context, which leads everyone to an unjust conclusion.
Now, I am going to give you all the true facts, and I am going to put them in context: John O'Grady saved a platoon of men in 1944 at the Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne, Belgium. Trapped beneath a snow covered ledge by a Nazi machine gunner, John O'Grady premeditated a plan. He then scaled an icy cliff. Wounded twice, O'Grady finally succeeded. He shot and killed the machine gunner and saved the 20 men in his platoon. ...Those are also true facts, but those true facts are complete and, therefore, in context, which leads everyone to the just conclusion.
Using true facts incompletely and out of context, anyone can create villains out of heroes: At first, John O'Grady seemed to be a villain. But put all the facts into context and you find out he is really a hero. ...Think for a moment: could incarcerated "villains" from our "decade of greed" really be heroes? Imagine that Michael Milken, responsible for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of jobs, was imprisoned for political-policy white-collar "crime". Career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats in the 20th century routinely took situations out of context to make heroes look like villains.
Realize that those same parasitical leaders made themselves appear as good and prestigious while hiding that they themselves were the villains of society. They did that through illusions that made truly good and prestigious people such as market businessmen and women appear as villains by using true facts out of context. The frauds -- our parasitical leaders -- then "protected" society from those "villains" and became "our heroes".
Using complicated true facts let them build powerful and nearly indestructible illusions. The average, specialized working person could not see through their illusions. Their illusions enabled them to build their B.O.A.T. Only those self-serving leaders and their B.O.A.T. came between you and free-falling prices that would have made you rich. Eventually, people saw the fingerprint of envy showing upon illusion after illusion. And then, the ordinary person started to recognize the frauds to sink the B.O.A.T. through the Great Replacement Program.
After 2001, under the new code, our society became an unbelievable source of easy money and power. Society, first of all, came upon the information revolution, the critical point of modern technology beyond which prices everywhere went into free-falls after 2001. The new society caused you to live like a millionaire as America leapt ahead into the Neotech Era. Before that happened, however, America tripped off the path of destiny in the late 20th century. Instead of being your greatest source of wealth and power, society became the greatest drain on your wealth and power at century end as the economy and your freedom continued to stumble. We were sinking into the Catastrophic Era.
Virulent disease, crime, and poverty spread to many neighborhoods. By about this time, millions of people with the help of the Internet witnessed their God-given right to the Six Ultimate Gifts. Soon, the Great Replacement Program swept across the country, which pulled a sinking America out of the Catastrophic Era. Big government died and dropped, catapulting the Technological Revolution. Our buying power sprang up, and we lived in wealth and luxury under the new code.
Twentieth-century big government and its career politicians placed a lid on society, held it down, and lived on that lid under the old code.
People went to work, did their same routines, day after day. They were caught under the lid. But the market businessmen, the geniuses of society particularly in the communications industries, were close to pushing up that lid so that all ordinary people could soar to new levels of prosperity.
Rising market businessmen and women in the 20th century broke free from the trap of specialized routine ruts. They started by taking over bits and pieces of the business...a responsibility from here, from there. Their integration of responsibilities began lifting them as they mastered growing chunks of the business. (My first personal renaissance in the previous chapter teaches you how to also rise through this integrated thinking.)
As integrated thinkers rose under the old code, they began learning things that the majority of good working people, hopelessly trapped in specialized thinking, never learned. Integrated thinkers began to learn how business worked. And then as they grew and took bigger and bigger bites of responsibilities, they realized how the economy worked. In time, something frightening dawned on them: "Politicians and bureaucrats really just burdened business, technology, and the economy!" Unlike most ordinary good working people, rising market businessmen and aggressive entrepreneurs began to know what was really going on and could expose the fraud.
As they rose, they were no longer caught in a specialized routine with blinders. No, they began to put together and see things the masses never saw. They became a threat to expose our parasitical leaders and their free rides in life.
Market businessmen and women who rose quickly in corporations also began to expose the political businessmen in the upper echelons of our big businesses. Therefore, many of our 20th-century big-business leaders did their best to suppress and push back down those who discovered integrated thinking and how to rise in their companies.
Of course, 20th-century career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats also suppressed, even smashed down the rising integrated thinker with punishing laws, regulations, even incarceration, for they did not want their hoax exposed.
The fast-rising integrated thinker was one of us -- one of the good working people -- who broke free from his stagnant trap of specialization. As he rose in the 20th century, he provided more and more opportunities for his working brothers and sisters around him -- opportunities for ordinary people like you and me. As he rose, he pulled up more and more ordinary working people with him. He began to push up the lid holding down all ordinary working people under the old code. That lid of politicization and society's resulting specialization that suppressed 20th-century society would begin to buckle around him as he helped free more and more ordinary people from their stagnation-traps with new and exciting opportunities.
The integrated thinkers, wherever they existed, would begin to push up the lid; those geniuses of society would begin to raise the standard of living in 20th-century America, and what inevitably happened every time? WHAM! They were pushed back down and punished. People who rose up got pushed down and punished by our 20th-century leaders. The big wave of white-collar "crime" following the "decade of greed" was a very visible example. But every day in many quiet ways market businessmen got pushed down and punished, particularly through escalating prison sentences toward the century's end for what a few years before was just a slap on the wrist. The wave of white-collar "crime" in the '80s and then escalating prison sentences in the '90s made the fast-rising integrated thinkers nearly extinct in the late 20th century. Yet, that was when society needed them most to stop escalating disease, poverty, and crime as we began sinking into the Catastrophic Era.
As it turned out, the integrated thinkers, the geniuses of society, became our 21st-century saviors who could have saved us from our stagnation a lot earlier, back in the 20th century if they were not pushed down, punished, and paralyzed with regulations and legislation. Even worse, the laws and regulations and escalating prison sentences were firmly in place after the wave of white-collar "crime" convictions, which prevented most future integrated thinkers from ever rising outside of the computer industry during the last decade of the 20th century. The lid of politicization and society's resulting specialization, upon which our 20th-century leaders lived and under which we suffered, was more secure during that final decade than any time before in the 20th century. As a result, America began sinking into the Catastrophic Era.
Every entrepreneur was afraid of authorities. Why did they feel fear instead of pride? WHAM! That's why. They were afraid of being pushed down and punished by career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats.
In order to push down society, our 20th-century leaders camouflaged what they were doing. They tricked us with illusions. Their secret, remember, was using true facts out of context. Our leaders made villains out of heroes of society by using true facts -- facts we could not argue with -- and presenting them incompletely and out of context. The specialized public did not have access to all the facts. Unlike the integrated thinker, the specialized public could not put together all the facts into contextual and complete pictures. Facts were kept from us, hidden from us. Our leaders made society's rare 20th-century integrated thinkers -- our brothers and sisters who rose high and tried to push open the lid to paradise for us -- villains when, indeed, they were our heroes.
People born after 2001 under the new code wondered what was going on in the 20th century. I think I summed it up during a dinner in the 20th century with a rising politician at the famous Las Vegas Hard Rock Cafe. A popular out-of-context illusion crafted and used against business by power-usurping leaders in the late 20th century was: you are destroying the planet. Hard Rock Cafe bought into the illusion and did not automatically bring water to the table in order to help "save the planet". Coming inside from the 105° desert heat, I asked the waitress to bring a round of water for everyone. My wife, who saw through the illusion, commented on how silly it was when you went out to dinner in the hot Las Vegas desert that a restaurant did not bring you a glass of water in the name of "saving the planet".
The rising politician, who drank half his glass of water in one lift of the glass, started sanctimoniously lecturing my wife, quoting facts upon facts about the factories in Utah using the water and causing some harmful salt pits. Those factories were destroying the environment, he exclaimed. Then, he told a touching story about the birds that died because of the salt pits. Of course, his true facts used selectively built his illusion, and his sad story about the wildlife became his weapon to disarm any opposition.
You see, in the 20th-century, usually when a sad story was told by a politician or bureaucrat, an illusion was being fortified. First, career politicians discovered that they could control you through your compassionate emotions. Then, career politicians perfected their craft like a fine art.
The 20th-century career politicians had to camouflage their destructive motives, and the only way to do that was to make the heroes of society appear as villains and themselves, the real villains, appear as the heroes who had to rescue the planet. To control you, they used true facts out of context to craft illusions. Those illusions were most effective when engaging your compassion. Had you only known that whenever the "facts" made you feel something awful was taking place in need of legislation or regulation, you could have just put those "facts" along with your concerned feelings aside for a minute, even if you could not see through the illusion. If the people only knew to do that, everything would have been different. They would have seen what was really going on. In the end, the people would have enjoyed millionaire wealth and perfect health in the 20th century.
Anyway, a nature-loving man, I put aside my compassionate feelings for the birds and put aside all the facts for a moment. Then I was able to see what was really going on. With my vulnerable feelings aside, I saw the politician's true motives. With my feelings aside, I no longer could be controlled. Like removing rose-tinted glasses, I suddenly saw an envious person before me. I felt angry and started talking, "What do you want? What do you really want? You want the factory owners put in jail. You want to punish, punish those people who are rising up, those factory owners who are rising up and trying to push open the lid on society, who are bringing the greatest value to society, jobs to thousands of Utah citizens...a priceless value to society! What do you want? You want to see the owners in jail!" ...That's what the rising politician wanted. In reality, the envious politician did not care about the wildlife in Utah. You see, he was comfortably sitting on society's lid of politicization. And with everyone specialized below the lid, he could enjoy a very cushy job. He inherently knew that if the jack-in-the-box sprang open, he with the other lazy people up there were going to fall off and society would go up and forget him and leave him forever behind. He would lose his job to people like the factory owners. So he had a vested interest in attacking our friends who were trying to push open the lid on society for us.[ 10 ]
[ 10 ] Private regulating services in the 21st century put facts into context for honest, objectively firm, thus most effective results.
So, how did we finally know what was really going on? After 2001, during the transition from the old code to the new code of living, we rapidly learned to beware when our solicited compassion made us feel that legislation, regulation, and punishment was necessary against business, medicine, or science. We rapidly learned to beware whenever we felt that our leaders were heroes who had to protect us from business, medicine, or science. We knew we were very likely caught in an illusion crafted by true facts kept incomplete and out of context. We learned to put the "facts" and our emotions aside, even if we could not see through the illusions. Then we figured out what was really going on. And it was usually the opposite of how the politicians made us feel. For then, we could see their fingerprint of envy.
The Great Replacement Program eventually rescued the workers of the world. We, the workers of the world, changed the currents of the world...once we knew what was really going on.
What about more money? When the lid swung open through the Great Replacement Program, everyone became wealthy. That Neotech Era brought wealth to all people as the geniuses of society drove prices of the super rapidly advancing new technologies toward zero.
During the transition from the old code to the new code, some people wondered if our leaders were innocent magicians. But the children of the 21st century looked back at the 20th-century leaders as malicious wizards. Let me tell you a story, and then you decide:
In my college days, I was a likeable guy who made friends easily. But I did not feel comfortable around certain people in college. That feeling grew as I took government classes and political-science classes. I developed a name for the young men I did not like. I called them poppa boys.
You see, those poppa boys would never become independent. They would never break from the authority of adults around them to think for themselves. They dogmatically followed the views of the Establishment. To those poppa boys, anyone who was just a little bit independent or down on the recognized authority was a bad person. ...Later in life those poppa boys would become the recognized authority -- the Establishment. Anyone who challenged the Establishment would be a bad person and punished.
But back to my college days: I began to notice a trend; the poppa boys' fathers seemed to usually pay for the poppa boys' education. Now, there was nothing wrong with helping their sons through college, but the poppa boys -- particularly those who were majoring in political science and government...our future politicians, lawyers, judges -- seemed to have no intention of ever leaving the nest. They had no intention of getting a real job and providing values to society for their money. No, those spoiled boys inherently planned to always be taken care of financially. For now, it was daddy. Tomorrow, it would be the system and the government. No, they certainly seemed to have no intention of leaving the nest, rolling up their sleeves, and working hard to provide values to society.
With few exceptions, those poppa boys developed superiority complexes to cover up that they were inferior people in society. You see, they did not grow up and put values into society like everyone else, for they were taken care of financially. Those poppa boys in college living off a host -- daddy -- represented the initial age-group when the parasitical leaders form. ...Those poppa boys continued their inferior parasitical existence and their false superiority complexes after college as our lawyers, politicians, and judges. Unfortunately, as our lawyers, politicians, and judges, they now had the power to hurt those they did not like.
I have always respected any working person, anyone. Say, someone could not go to college, did not have the money, did not have the security or the right set of circumstances or just plain did not want to go to college and instead wanted to get out there in the real world and start working and start raising a family. I have always had respect for those working people. But I noticed that the poppa boys did not.
The working people put values into society. The poppa boys did not. Instead, they flaunted their superiority. "Look at those stupid working stiffs," I heard one poppa boy declare while pointing to a crew of field workers. As you may have guessed, the poppa boys also had superior attitudes toward those who worked their way through school. Yet the poppa boys were inferior, immature people in society who daddy took care of. They never left the nest and never worked to provide a value to society and earn a living.
The money was automatically there. Whenever they needed money, it was there. They played their superior smart role. They studied their books, learned all about the government, law, and politics. They learned all about the easy route to money and power. Indeed, they would "outsmart" the ordinary people. They were "smarter" than us...and the money would always be there. They would never had to really work.
When the college "poppa boys" moved on, they eased into the comfortable Establishment; many became lawyers. Like most lawyers, they became very smooth but lazy. And the money -- good money -- was always there. The legal profession had been falsely bloated with excessive laws and regulations for easy money and big paydays -- falsely bloated by our lawmakers, over half of whom were lawyers securing a lazy livelihood for themselves when they were no longer re-elected.
They did not have to go through the hard work to build new values; rather they burdened existing values. Indeed, within the decadent yet lucrative legal system, they made easy livings by burdening values built by others.
Those people started as poppa boys in college, grew superiority complexes because they were inferior people, and went on to become lawyers and later, judges and politicians. Of course, the money was always there. They continued playing their "superior" smart games, for law and politics were like games of chess with little or no integrity toward justice or values.
About half our politicians were lawyers, and all our judges were lawyers. "Daddy" -- now our government -- took care of them financially as they played their "superior" smart games of legislation and litigation. They could be smart and "superior" and create all this activity and "need" for themselves through burdening advancing business and technology while never really building business or technology for society. Indeed, they could "outsmart" the ordinary working man.
Like their college days, those grown-up career politicians and bureaucrats had no clue about the tough nitty-gritty effort that went into every existing value -- from the dishwasher who had to clean the dishes well or lose his job, to the entrepreneur who had to work hard to make a value so good for society that people wanted to pay for it...or go out of business and lose everything. No such tough in-the-trenches hard work was necessary for our politicians and judges, for since their college days the paycheck was always assured with little or no value production in return.
Sure, top politicians were perhaps very, very busy. Yet, never held to the real-world reality of producing values, those politicians were busy building, often to the point of compulsive addiction, their political power to rule over us. They were addicted to acquiring more and more divine power, playing God, ruling over us. In the 20th century, the higher one rose politically, say to a cabinet head, the more politically busy he was to the point of "workaholism", putting in 16-hour days, seven days a week, completely addicted to becoming "God". But their long, intense days had nothing to do with producing values. Instead, those mortals who ruled over us destroyed values. During their high-flying ride of superhuman power, through all their long, intense work days, they knew nothing about the genuine nitty-gritty effort that doggedly went into producing values. Such effort was earthbound by reality and a bottom line. That real effort meant little glamour and ongoing focused hard work, by comparison to the glamourous high experienced by the high-flying top politicians and appointed cabinet heads, spinning their power around the media like a whizzing top.
The working person, by contrast, confronted the real-world reality of competitive pressures: provide a value or not get paid. But government leaders faced no such reality, no competitive pressures to provide a value and earn wealth. In the government, the paycheck was just there. Like daddy, it was just always there. They did not have to ground themselves to tough reality and its hard work to provide a value and earn wealth. Since school days, they always just "inherited" their money from "daddy". In turn, they recklessly self-indulged with that money, selfishly buying their own political popularity and spending their time building political clout.
The major problems all began when those people began faking manhood. Starting in college, the poppa boys did not grow up, leave the nest, and get a value-producing job. They did not become producers; they became inferior 'inheritors'. So they started to fake their manhood by becoming 'smart' and looking important and superior. After they graduated from college they still did not grow up, leave "daddy", and get a value-producing job. But now their show of importance and superiority became dangerous as those poppa boys got power and became career politicians. For, now they hurt the hard-working business leaders -- those they envied most -- at the cost of a weakening economy. ...Indeed, they would "outsmart" the working stiffs.
In college, harmless were those poppa boys who faked their manhood with a show of superiority. But when they became our lawmakers, they lived out their superiority fantasies. They used their power to hurt those they envied. Unlike their harmless school days, now their laws burdened market businessmen and suppressed the economy and all working people. Our busy career politicians created those destructive laws through illusions that brought them popularity and political power. All that burden got put on society so they could look and feel important and needed in order to fake their manhood and build their political power over us.
Remember now, to put a value into society takes nonglamorous dogged effort. There is no way around that. People who always had "daddy" to provide automatic funds did not have to put out that ongoing effort. Instead, they could play the stimulating game of politics and power. In the spotlight of the liberal media, they could be portrayed as among the most powerful men in the country. Ironically, those intensely busy top politicians in the 20th century were too lazy to build values and earn their money -- starting way back in their school days. So, without building values and earning wealth, all the intense activity encompassing their livelihoods came from burdening values and consuming wealth.
To the children of the 21st century, it was obvious that our top politicians in the 20th century burdened the best heroes of society. In fact, during the latter 20th century, top politicians and their bureaucrats often made the precious heroes of society appear as villains whom our leaders protected us from. That illusion was their secret deception. Remember, they used true facts out of context to fool us. Ironically, true facts became the makings of illusions that controlled us. For, we could not argue with true facts; they were merely incomplete and out of context. But we were too specialized to know all the facts and to put them into context. Under the old code, we went to our 20th-century jobs and did our routine work and came home. We would turn on the news or read the paper, but the true facts were out of context and incomplete. And we, the specialized public, could not argue with true facts. Our children and grandchildren reared in the 21st century felt bad at how helpless their parents and grandparents had become under the old code.
So, how did we end the suppression after 3000 years of the old code? For, without it I saw business and technology soar beyond the critical point, sending the price of modern technology into free-falls much like computer technology. Of course, under that new code, ordinary people lived like millionaires. So, how did we end society's suppression? Looking back from my Visions at the old code, all the suppression in the 20th century came from those poppa boys faking manhood and faking a livelihood with their automatic paychecks, while spending their energy and time building their intoxicating divine power to rule over us. Not grounded to the tough reality of producing values, 20th-century career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats used their full time to build enormous power over the people, and they easily faked their livelihoods and manhoods. They stirred up a lot of activity and "importance" about themselves, stealing prestige through burdening our businesses and blocking our geniuses who were trying to raise the lid on society.
And how exactly did they fake their images and build their political power to rule over us? Looking back from the 21st century, the answer was clear: Through "daddy". As long as they had that automatic paycheck and no competitive pressures, they faked their livelihoods and manhoods. They were basically lazy at human life's fundamental responsibility of producing values. They could articulate intelligently, hold positions of reverence, look good before the media, and spend long hours using their smart, well educated minds building their political power. Yet, they faked their livelihoods and manhoods, faked producing values, as long as "daddy" was providing automatic money. They never had to face reality and come down to earth and earn money by producing values for society. Instead, they went on consuming our money and playing God with our lives.
So, as grown-ups, who was their "daddy"? And where was the nest that bred all this growing madness in the 20th century? In America, the nest was found in one division within one bureaucracy: the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the IRS. Not the IRS itself, for any honest business or institution needed a bill-collection service. For our government, that bill-collection service was the IRS. But the Criminal Investigation Division was filled with men who carried guns and generated "criminals" for debt. That inherent brut force assured the money was always there for our matter what -- no matter if there were no values coming back to society. The money was always there. For if not, then those who owed money were subjected to the coercive threat of being called criminals and sent to jail. Furthermore, that coercive threat allowed the civil division to inflict cruel and unusual punishment upon innocent delinquents through unreasonable fines and penalties that ruined people's lives and families. The coercive threat of the CID made tens of thousands of those innocent families slaves to the IRS, especially to the whim of the Civil Division, for the rest of their lives. Without the coercive threat of the CID, the Civil Division could not inflict cruel and unusual punishment upon innocently delinquent taxpayers.
Forced payment guaranteed automatic money and allowed our 20th-century government leaders to become lazy, fake their livelihoods and manhoods, and spend all their time busily building their political clout, thus destroying society's prosperity. They did not have to come down to earth and produce values for their paychecks. They did not have to earn wealth, but rather consumed it. They did not have to doggedly produce, but rather flamboyantly boasted. The Criminal Investigation Division was the nest that bred the laziness, the faking it, the self-indulgence, the corruption of our leaders under the old code.
Under the new code, after restructuring into a government of defense only, services were merely cut off to deadbeats who did not pay their fair share of taxes. There was no need to coercively threaten us by making nonpayers criminals. For, that 20th-century tactic was payment under duress. And forced payment provided unconditional paychecks for our leaders in the 20th century, which led to a tax-and-spend government on the offense spending a trillion dollars on "good intentions" or, in other words, on playing God with our money and lives, which caused us to sink knee-deep into the Catastrophic Era.
Imagine for a moment if IBM, like the IRS, used coercive collection tactics: Say you were unhappy with a computer, and you called IBM, "I'm not going to pay," you say. "I'm really unhappy with this. Please, I'm returning it!" Now, just imagine if IBM arbitrarily doubled or tripled your delinquent payment through fines and penalties. You refused to pay that dishonestly inflated amount. So, they sent men with guns to your home to raid you, take your belongings as "evidence", and soon slap you with a huge jeopardy assessment. Just imagine if IBM got away with this same collection policy enforced by the IRS. Well, everyone would have to pay IBM, regardless of the values provided. Then IBM could stop being customer-service oriented and become lazy. IBM could become fraudulent and start selling junk. Instead of earning wealth by producing values, IBM leaders could start self-indulging and consuming wealth. And with that guaranteed paycheck, the managers would eventually concentrate all their time not on the ongoing, dogged effort to produce competitive values, but instead on building their intoxicating power to rule over the people.
Now, imagine if those forceful collection policies spread to the utility companies. In college, we may have called home a lot because we were homesick. Maybe we got a little carried away and later ran into problems trying to pay those big phone bills. What happened? The phone company simply shut off service. If, instead, the phone company and other companies collected like the CID, then their leaders would eventually grow lazy. No one there would need to meet reality and the ongoing nitty-gritty effort to produce a competitive value, for the money would automatically be there. If such a dishonest collection tactic as in the IRS spread to all institutions, including all businesses, then the fundamental responsibility of human existence -- producing values -- would end. With no more hard-working producers, everyone would just consume wealth. The economy would collapse. ...Throughout the second half of the 20th century, just one institution, the United States Government, caused the entire U.S. economy to increasingly struggle before the new code of the next millennium rescued the world.
Looking back from the 21st century, the nest of the old code was the CID -- the Criminal Investigation Division -- not the IRS per se (although the implicit coercion of the CID enabled civil auditors to impose cruel and unusual "loanshark" fines and penalties that delinquents had to pay off, possibly for the rest of their lives, or else face criminal investigations). Now, let us see why the CID was the nest of the old code. First, let us say someone in the 20th century was not paying his taxes. Under the new code, after 2001, that was OK. Those he owed money to simply shut off his services, whether the power company or the phone company or IBM or the government. He got a bad credit rating, was ostracized by many vital businesses with no more service and no more credit until he paid. No problem; he was a deadbeat, and everyone knew it. In the real world, he would have to shape up, or stay out.
But back in the 20th century, what if someone were sincerely unhappy with the lack of values being provided? What if he just did not want to pay because he knew it was not right...politicians and bureaucrats did not produce values. In fact, they destroyed values. So, he just did not want to pay politicians to build their divine power to rule over us and suppress society. Well, if not for forced tax collection, more and more people would have begun legally withdrawing. "Go ahead, shut off my services," they would have said. More and more people would have withdrawn until genuine values were provided.
If those people were not made into criminals, then no problem existed because alternatives and competitive services would have begun rising. With a rising demand to serve a growing, unhappy market, private entrepreneurs would have very quickly provided all the same services. Now the people would have paid competent market businesspeople for the services because now the people would have been happy with the production of genuine values. In particular, all those public-good programs that came from so-called "good intentions" would have been done right, for those programs would have finally benefited the people under market businessmen and women.
But since the people under the old code were made criminals for withdrawing, then they were forced to pay. So our 20th-century government institutionalized laziness. The 20th-century political scene attracted the fundamentally lazy poppa boy who got an automatic paycheck, thus avoiding the dogged work to build genuine values. The 20th-century political scene attracted those lazy, fundamentally power-hungry poppa boys (i.e., false power) who did not have to spend time producing values. Instead, they could spend their entire days building their divine power to rule over the people. Those sinfully power-hungry mortals were lazy; they faked their livelihoods and manhoods, and they did not earn wealth but consumed it.
Of course, without the CID, there could be no more faking it. Our political leaders would have had to compete and produce genuine values. If not, they would have earned no money, no paycheck. For the first time in their lives, they would have had to really exert effort to produce values for society and earn wealth for themselves. Moreover, they would have had to let go of their self-indulging consumption of wealth and compulsion for power.
Looking back from my Visions of the 21st century, it was easy to find not only the nest of the 20th-century old code, but the hidden queens of that nest who laid the eggs of laziness and dishonesty. Were the hidden queens our politicians? No. The politicians enabled the nests to be built in the first place. And they did have the power to tear apart the nest, which they eventually did after the Great Replacement Program. The politicians were the cause of the nest. Were the hidden queens our bureaucrats? No. Of course, those regulatory bureaucrats would always take the ball and run with as much divine power that the politicians gave to them. The bureaucrats were simply the effect, not the cause. The hidden queens who quietly protected and propagated the laziness and dishonesty were found in the chambers of our federal judges. The federal judges granted the power to our CID. Those queens of the nest could have weakened the CID until the nest fell apart. Our Founding Fathers granted the Judicial Branch the power to stop growing government abuse. Instead, the federal judges quietly guarded the nest -- their own place of survival. Indeed, the federal judges found security in their nest. They were the ultimate poppa boys -- the ultimate in not having to meet competitive pressures. Never fear, for "daddy" was always here, and they would never leave the nest. They were appointed for life. Although some were more honest than others, the hidden queens let their dark emotions come in and influence their courtrooms. To assure their own survival, they empowered our CID in the 20th century.
Finally, after 2001, the Great Replacement Program and its new leaders destroyed the nest. The market businessmen and women produced values for society and earned wealth for themselves, thus they never needed forced collection of money. The leaders of tomorrow, the working-class leaders, quickly abolished the CID.
Our Founding Fathers established our government as a watchdog on itself -- the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch. But what happened? Instead of breaking apart the nest that bred growing madness throughout the 20th century, the federal judges protected the nest. You see, our 20th-century leaders were all in the same dishonest family. They were all poppa boys with the same daddy. There was no real watchdog. They all had the same souls, same ineptness and defaults, same superiority complexes, same laziness, same daddy; none had to produce values; all were envious. Our big government was one 20th-century big family all living in the same nest. And what came from that nest? Laziness, incompetence...incestuous madness. The whole orgy of malicious wizards sent us spinning downward into the Catastrophic Era at century end. Yet, only those self-serving leaders stood between us and free-falling prices that eventually made us rich. The time quickly came for the Great Replacement Program. Then, the world changed with the new code.
Twentieth-century big-government leaders looked important. They displayed their "superiority" over the leading aggressive entrepreneurs. The government leaders' destructive legislation and regulation then became firmly established so that tender youth could not rise. They could not even try, for they would sink and drown in such unfriendly waters. The geniuses of society rose up in just one, still-safe industry -- the computer industry.
As knowledge of the Six Ultimate Gifts spread to about fifty million people, suddenly just about everyone wanted to live in luxury and own beautiful things. The people wanted their God-given Six Ultimate Gifts. So, we embraced our 21st-century get-rich government. We became very healthy and most enjoyed our wonderful lifestyles. All our dreams came true.
Before November of 1989, those who attempted to escape the dishonest East German system were political criminals, sometimes shot at and killed. Well, in our 21st-century schools, history taught our children that America once had its own Berlin Wall: the 20th century Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS. Our children reviewed history in disbelief as it showed that honest people and their families who did not want part of this dishonest system and wanted to withdraw from it were routinely made into political criminals. Some innocent people were even shot and killed...innocent people had been literally shot and killed in the 20th century by our Criminal Investigation Division -- America's Berlin Wall.
Indeed, in the 20th century, under the old code of living, you could not leave the system. But near the end of the 20th century people began hearing about the Six Ultimate Gifts and the exciting lives they were meant to live. They began asking others, "What if America had no Criminal Investigation Division? Then if we were unhappy with the dishonest politicians and bureaucrats, we could legally withdraw." They began looking around and realizing that three-fourths of Americans would have begun legally withdrawing toward century end if not for the CID. The old code would have given way to the new code by 2001. Indeed, after learning about the God-given Six Ultimate Gifts, the people knew that without the CID, then market businessmen and women would have risen up and provided competent and honest values a long time ago. "If not for the CID," the people began talking, "the poppa boys would not be automatically taken care of by 'daddy'. They would have to come down to earth and produce values and no longer spend all their time building their addictive power to rule over us. They would have to sober up and earn their money. Moreover, they could no longer self-indulge in consuming our money, buying their own political popularity. They could no longer get the money to do so, for they could no longer go on politicizing our paychecks."
The people now realized that without the CID, the politicians would have to start building values instead of burdening values, or they would not have a paycheck. The people knew, after hearing about the Six Ultimate Gifts, that America's Berlin Wall was coming down. The people learned that only super-competent market businessmen and women who earned their money, in turn produced values that enhanced the well-being of the people and raised their standards of living and their wealth. The politicians and bureaucrats who automatically received their money, in turn produced political power that diminished the well-being of the people. The Great Replacement Program followed. The need for the CID went obsolete. And then, society swept the people into the Golden Neotech Era.
This transition into the new code was a step by step learning process and revelation for the people. In time, they saw that the one valid purpose for our government was: physically protect the people with local police, courts, prisons, and a national defense. "But, if the new government structure serviced us with physical protection only, then what about the poor?" they wondered. "What about education? What about health benefits? What about the elderly? What about research on fatal diseases? What about all the other important social programs?" The people would think hard of every other problem they could find with the new government structure that would function for one purpose: to protect the people. They noticed those problems all amounted to the abandoned purpose of our government: to improve the prosperity of the people, for the public good. Of course, the enlightened people reminded themselves that all such programs "for the public good" gave politicians and bureaucrats the wrong kind of power -- the divine power to rule over us. The people reminded themselves that the only beneficial power was the earthly power to physically protect us.
Still, many uncertain people would ask during the transition: "So, what exactly would happen to the poor, education, health benefits, the old, medical research, social programs, and the other services provided by the government to help the people?" The people would think of all those "problems" because of the sudden "void" left by dropping the second purpose. But the 20th-century government wrongly assumed that second purpose to improve public prosperity. Of course, 20th-century career politicians assumed that "helpful purpose" in order to supercharge their re-election popularity and build their political power to rule over us. Yet, those career politicians, provided with automatic paychecks, incapable of producing values, made a mess of "well intentioned" endeavors "for the public good". Only the super-competent market business person who produced values on a daily basis could truly put forth the nitty-gritty effort needed to improve public prosperity.
Nevertheless, concerned people at century end pondered the "void" they thought would be left by the new government structure: the poor, education, health benefits, the old, medical research, social services. Other people pointed out that those programs "for the public good" had increasingly become follies under our 20th-century government. For, the career politicians did not put forth the effort necessary for spending money soundly. Thus, those programs were doomed.
This group of people pointed to social security and medicare for the elderly -- fiscally unsound programs that would eventually collapse.[ 11 ] They pointed to education -- continuous deterioration with high illiteracy rates among our public schools at century end. They pointed to medical research -- of all the major medical breakthroughs in the past several decades, not one had been made through government-funded research. All major medical breakthroughs had come through privately funded research. They pointed to social services -- totally ineffective within the 20th-century crime and drug explosion. They pointed to the poor -- the poor multiplied, crime rose, and welfare increasingly drained the taxpayer. Congress created an incompetent mess wherever it "improved the prosperity" of the people, they pointed out.
[ 11 ] Every penny of Social Security would be repaid with interest through the sale of government assets and through equity in private spin-offs during the Great Displacement Program.
This group of people, who had read about the Six Visions, explained that only the market businessman could come in and clean up our government's incompetent messes. The "void" of the new government structure would never occur. This group of benevolent visionaries explained that, instead, a smooth two-step transition would take place: the Great Replacement Program would happen first to bring in the market businessmen and women to quickly stabilize things; then the Great Displacement Program would follow to spin off those programs. The programs for the public good would smoothly transfer into the hands of competent market businesspersons.
Until that point in time, as these visionaries explained, the government maintained unnatural monopolies over those programs "for the public good". The politicians and bureaucrats created those monopolies through legislation and regulation that restricted competition and through big spending budgets acquired by force-backed taxes. But after 2001, under the new code, with legislation and regulation slashed and the CID abolished, free-market competitive dynamics unfolded as the politicians' automatic spending monopoly folded. Then market businessmen quickly filled "the void".
The growing group of visionaries reassured the people about the Six Ultimate Gifts. The "problems" of the new government structure never occurred as the market businessmen and women took over and saved those programs ostensibly designed for the public good. For example, below I summarized some of the highlights, as I witnessed in my Visions:
Advanced and effective market-businessmen-run education replaced government-run education. Low-cost, high-quality education, under super-competitive free-market dynamics provided better and better values for less and less money. Savings on taxes more than paid for. The truly poor? Not a problem; schools accepted all children, even the disappearing poor, on future repayment basis. When that poor child grew up and became successful, he or she repaid. In time, free Internet education on Web TV replaced physical schools. Zero illiteracy. 100% productive peer pressure.
Advanced and cheap health care steadily appeared, free from cost-prohibitive regulations and litigation that previously drove up medical costs. People easily afforded the best care. The disappearing poor? Private investors backed the ill for future repayment with interest. If terminally ill, then patient received charitable care. (Private Red Cross type emergency programs existed for the small percentage of incapable needy.)
Poverty disappeared in the coming super prosperous Neotech Society led by market businessmen. Private, financial assistance was provided to unemployed and repaid with interest after employed. Jobs were in surplus. (Red Cross type emergency programs existed for the few remaining genuine needy.)
Efficient retirement programs with interest and security took over, designed by competent market businessmen. In the words of Dorcas R. Hardy, a former commissioner of Social Security, "We ought to call it Social Insecurity, not Social Security." No more such government-run Social Security follies existed that, even while still functioning, left the elderly trapped at low-income poverty levels. Moreover, as the Neotech Era sent consumer prices into free-falls, the elderly enjoyed high standards of living during their golden years...when they most needed to savor each other's love. In the 20th century, poverty robbed those final, farewell years of love and tenderness. But market businessmen, the geniuses of society, rose and cleaned up that mess with safe inflation-proof retirement programs and soaring buying power and standards of living. Money, or lack of it, was not be the elderly's greatest fear, but their least concern. Instead, concentrated love filled their final memories.
Unburdened business combined with science and medicine to race unhampered toward cures for all fatal diseases. Government-funded programs were impotent, for those researchers' livelihoods depended on not finding the cure in order to continue receiving grants. Market-businessmen-funded programs in which the medical geniuses were free to rise up, by contrast, were potent, for those researchers' livelihoods depended on finding the cure. ...No urgency and no market-driven disciplines or logic retarded government-funded programs. Researchers received money, then approached research with questionable scientific discipline -- often like sitting in front of a wall safe and spinning the numbers to hopefully discover the unknown combination. As long as they received government funds, they would sit there year after year spinning numbers. The market-businessmen-funded researcher, by contrast, was like the locksmith driven to open an airtight safe that has a baby trapped inside with only a few minutes of air left. ...The market-businessmen-funded programs, once free of destructive poppa boys, got results! All government-funded programs were nothing but bureaucratic follies.
Super effective self-sufficient programs quickly developed under the new code. Government social programs in the 20th century were all follies, except for one: In the nation's largest homeless shelter, in Washington D.C., was a special division for drug rehabilitation. Unbelievably, that drug rehabilitation division refused government money. Instead, it raised its own funds and was largely self-sufficient, using a unique results-is-everything approach. When social programs switched over to success-minded directors not using government money, then those programs achieved genuine success.
The visionaries at century end who had seen the Six Visions went around reassuring their loved ones, friends, and peers. All the so-called "problems" of the proposed new government structure, the visionaries pointed out, all fell under the "for the public good" purpose of government. Axiomatically, though, only market businessmen and women could enhance the well-being of the people. The visionaries reminded the people that incompetent career politicians made utter messes of programs "for the public good". "In tomorrow's new government structure," the visionaries preached, "market businessmen will clean up all the messes. The 'problems' will not be problems. In fact, they are problems under the old code and will finally be fixed under the new code." Once the visionaries helped introduce fifty million people to the Six Visions, a strategic inflection point had begun and the transition would not be stopped.
So, the starting point of the transition, phase one, was electing the market businesspeople -- the Great Replacement Program. They cleaned up the programs designed to help the people. Then, those programs smoothly left government and naturally transferred to self-sufficient private institutions, phase two of the transition -- the Great Displacement Program. Then, our 21st-century get-rich government reduced to its proper role: physically protecting the individual. The government then became a super-efficient protection service, and the geniuses of society were free to drive new technologies into new dimensions that eventually cost us pennies on the dollar and made us rich and healthy. The Six Ultimate Gifts and the glorious days we were meant to have were finally ours, forever.
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