[ 22 ] Webster's 9th Collegiate Dictionary definition of non sequitur is, "a statement that does not follow logically from anything previously said".
Non sequiturs are blatantly yet cleverly used in news journalism. Mike Wallace's "60 Minutes" television program, for example, orchestrates outrage at New York City hotel owners who accept welfare families. Those owners are projected as crooks for charging the city $70 daily room rates while charging only $50 daily for rooms to self-paying customers.
But, "60 Minutes" purposely ignores the fact that few of those welfare families accept the responsibility to take care of their own lives and bodies, much less their "free" rooms. Thus, their rooms soon become filthy and then deteriorate rapidly toward destruction. With those facts ignored, the TV audience is treated to shots of an unhygienic, obese mother with a brood of unkempt children vegetating in a cockroach-infested room. Then "60 Minutes", always cravenly shielding itself from valid rebuttal, implies to a viewing audience of millions that somehow the hotel owners are responsible for the personal filth of those clients and the resulting cockroaches. Mike Wallace lays the fault on value-producing businesses and their hard-working creators rather than on value-destroying welfare schemes and their neocheating creators.
"60 Minutes" then attacks the hotel owners with the non sequitur of higher room rates as "proof" of some kind of unscrupulous greed inherent in businessmen. Hence, most of the millions of viewers are tricked into accepting the false, non-sequitur premise that profit-oriented businessmen are "insensitive", unscrupulous, corrupt and, somehow, the cause of misery in others. With that premise accepted, the neocheaters can then demand that value producers be controlled by others. By others? ...By the professional value destroyers creating bogus jobs and livelihoods for themselves.
The facts, however, are opposite to what was projected. The hotel owners were not greedily overcharging at $70 per room for welfare clients, but were grossly undercharging at $70 per room subjected to welfare destruction: A hotel has two main assets: (1) its physical real estate (rooms), and (2) its milieu (setting) that determines what can be charged for their rooms. In accepting those welfare clients, the owners are charging only $20 per day additional to have their two main assets systematically destroyed, day after day. Thus, when the full-context situation is considered, the city is renting those rooms at bargain prices in a terrible, losing proposition for the hotel owners. For, how many other hotel owners responsible for survival through long-range profits would allow their rooms and milieu to be destroyed for only $20 a day?
Dominating the national press and TV news media are value destroyers existing on non sequiturs:
A conservative, religious-oriented TV talk-show host devastates an honest, brave woman voicing a valid objection to school prayer. The bully TV host dishonestly uses a non sequitur in asking her where the good, loving mother within her is. On another network that same night, an honest value-producing toy manufacturer heroically refutes the dishonest, non-sequitur attacks on the toy industry. By standing firm on facts and context, that toy manufacturer has the famous TV news commentator on the defensive...until that commentator suddenly asks where the good, gentle grandfather within that businessman is. Such emotional-manipulating non sequiturs about being a good mother or a gentle grandfather have no connection with the issue. Such dishonest innuendos dismiss any concern for honesty or dealing with contextual facts. ...On and on go the "news" media, day after day, year after year, living through attacks on values by using non sequiturs without regard for honesty or contextual facts.
As with all professional mystics and neocheaters, honesty and integrity must be replaced with non-sequitur manipulations to support their destructive jobs and fake livelihoods. Such people must constantly invert values, making good appear as bad and bad appear as good. Neocheaters must always use non sequiturs to press their specious points on the public. For, to survive, they must continuously attack and lay guilt on the "greedy" value producers in order to control them, to live off them. Indeed, over the centuries, mystics and neocheaters have effectively used non sequiturs to attack and lay false guilt on business-minded value producers everywhere. ...The non sequitur is the neocheater's survival tool for usurping a bogus living from honest value producers.
Some neocheaters use non sequiturs in highly generalized ways. For example, Popes and leaders of the Catholic Church have for centuries brilliantly used inspiring art, great architecture, and classical music as non sequiturs. With that, the religious leaders created a mighty non sequitur. And projecting that non sequitur let them gain the public respect and credibility needed to usurp unearned power, values, and livelihoods from the value producers.
Indeed, the Catholic church saved itself through nonsequiturs during the rise of honesty and logic that occurred during the Renaissance. The master neocheaters of the Roman Catholic hierarchy recognized the starkly obvious values of the burgeoning, new art forms. They then captured those art values for exploitation by aggressively commissioning the most skilled artists to produce highly obvious values. The master neocheaters captured those values at first through architecture, the fine arts, and sculpture. Later they added music to their arsenal through the great classical composers. Governments and tyrants right up to Lenin, Hitler, and current neocheating rulers also seized that neocheating ploy. To gain easy credibility and to capture support through the emotions, they used the fine arts, literature, music, and opera.
Since the value of art can be sensed through emotions and requires no intellectual analysis, the public needs only to notice the obvious art and architectural values to erroneously link those values of the master artists to the master neocheaters presenting that art. Thus, the masses are deluded into seeing those obvious values of great art as also representing the values of the neocheating church or government. Subconsciously they conclude: "I can see, hear, and feel those architectural, art, and musical values. I know those values are real and valid. Thus, those values must also represent those who own and present this art -- the church or government. Therefore, all that I do not comprehend about the church or government must be as good and valuable as the art that represents them."
Through that brilliant, but dishonest use of art as non sequiturs, the church and governments were able to survive the rise of honesty and logic during the Renaissance, the resulting industrial revolution, and then the rise of capitalism and free enterprise.
Even more pervasive, destructive uses of non sequiturs arise from politicians. Throughout history, politicians have been the premier professional neocheaters operating on grand scales.
Essentially all their public statements and career actions of "good intentions" always "for the public good" are really for their own political power. Indeed, they use their good-sounding "good intentions" as potent illusory non sequiturs that hypnotize the public while carrying forth immense destruction to society for their own political rise to power.
In the widest context, government value destroyers can never benefit anyone. Instead, they can only harm, destroy, and kill: A study by professor R.T. Rummel at the University of Hawaii reveals that in this century government value destroyers directly and purposely killed 119 million of their own citizens in non-war actions -- over triple the 35 million they killed in war actions (international and civil). In addition, government value destroyers have wreaked such suffering and destruction on their victims to indirectly cause extreme premature death (two decades or more of life lost) for at least 800 million conscious beings in this century alone. ...By contrast, business value producers purposely hurt or kill no one. Instead, they give life and benefits to everyone.
Neocheaters conceal themselves with non sequiturs designed to make dishonesty seem honest, harm seem helpful, bad seem good -- and vice versa. ...Non sequiturs are the disguises worn by all professional mystics and neocheaters. Neotech tears off those disguises.
My father put down his paper and then muttered, "The value destroyers constantly use such non-sequitur/neocheating maneuvers to camouflage unfair, destructive modi operandi with opposite illusions of fairness and helpfulness. But with Neotech, one easily identifies how their good-sounding facts or words are falsely used as non sequiturs to attack and harm value producers. Such non-sequitur attacks are used to usurp power and values by journalists, clergymen, politicians, regulatory bureaucrats, and self-appointed consumer and environmental advocates." ...That night, my father began writing again. The next day, he wrote for fifteen hours.
Zon still talks to me, my father thought, but he talks to me through my writing. Here is what my father wrote as it flowed from his pen, again just as fast as he could write, obviously guided by Zon:
About 2000 years ago, a new form of dishonesty evolved. Today, that form of dishonesty is called neocheating. Today, as in those ancient times, neocheating involves the undetected theft of power and values from others. Such undetected theft is accomplished by manipulating mysticism to create problems where none exist.
Christian religious leaders orchestrated the first mass manipulations of mysticism: About 1800 years ago, those religious leaders discovered a mighty tool for extracting power and values from merchants, laborers, farmers, craftsmen, builders, and other value producers. That tool was false guilt. They used false guilt to undermine prosperity and happiness earned by others. Projecting false guilt, those religious leaders attacked and undermined the producer in order to usurp his earned power and values.
Those earliest neocheaters discovered they could control and then live off the value producer by manipulating that false guilt onto him or her. From that discovery, those neocheaters usurped more and more power and values from the naive value producers by adding more and more false guilt fashioned from the inverted ethics of religion and altruism.
Christianity was founded almost 2000 years ago. For many years, Christian followers formed cadres of zealots who resisted, heroically at times, the oppression of Roman authorities. Then certain Christian leaders seeking greater unearned power discovered and developed a neocheating power more pernicious than any destructive power known previously. That power destroyed Roman civilization. And that same power today undermines the prosperity and happiness of every individual worldwide. ...That power is false, altruistic guilt in which the innocent are made to appear bad while the guilty are made to appear good.
Those original religious neocheaters learned how to foist altruism and guilt onto innocent value producers to deprive them of their earned prosperity, power, and happiness. Moreover, those early Christian neocheaters developed cunning, Platonistic ethical systems that inverted values. Their bizarre, irrational systems were based on altruism, collectivism, and egalitarianism. So effective were those systems for secretly exploiting others that to this day most neocheaters vigorously and pervasively press hypocritical altruism on everyone as a moral ethical system. ...But today, Neotech is replacing those dishonest, mystic-based, value-destroying systems with honest, business-like, value-producing systems.
Most neocheating systems use clever, good-sounding non sequiturs that make good appear bad and bad appear good. With non sequiturs, neocheaters developed diabolically ingenious doctrines of altruism to sacrifice real values to conjured-up false values. The net result is always the destruction of values. Over the centuries, neocheaters have neatly woven destructive rationalizations, seductive mysticism, and good-sounding altruism throughout government, religion, education, law, and journalism.
By contrast, of all the ethical systems built by society, only the system of business with its manifestations of honesty, productivity, commerce, mathematics, and science is not rooted in mysticism or altruism. Instead, business is rooted in the voluntary trading of competitive values. Thus, by nature, business is the most rational, intellectually demanding, honest, productive, and benevolent ethical system possible to conscious beings.
But why is altruism so pernicious? Consider that religious and political neocheaters have for 2000 years honed altruistic guilt into razor-sharp, well-camouflaged stilettos to attack, slash, and stab the value producers. For, to survive, all professional mystics and neocheaters must constantly attack and undermine those producers in order to usurp their power, property, and values. Also, to survive, the rewards of prosperity, self-esteem, and happiness must constantly be faked by all neocheaters. For without faking their self-worth, they could not survive: Without a faked or rationalized self-esteem, all value destroyers would either directly or indirectly commit suicide...or become honest value producers to survive.
Earned power is the basis of self-esteem and happiness. Honest business titans, for example, have earned the power to orchestrate vast ranges of actions to determine their futures. Indeed, by picking up the telephone anywhere, day or night, they have the power to direct thousands of people into productive, life-enhancing activities. Those business titans hold a real power that mystics and neocheaters never even dream of achieving. Exercising such productive power is the primordial source of prosperity, self-esteem, and happiness.
By contrast, professional mystics and neocheaters can never experience earned power. They can only exercise usurped power. Or ultimately, as mass-murderer Mao Tse-Tung accurately identified: "All political (unearned) power comes from the barrel of a gun." For that reason, such neocheaters can never feel genuine power, self-esteem, or happiness. Indeed, they can operate only through unearned power...through destruction, deception, and force in beguiling or forcing producers into sacrificing their values.
Such professional mystics and neocheaters survive by using non-sequitur deceptions or force-backed machinations to drain the prosperity and happiness earned by others. Mystics and neocheaters justify their dishonesties and destructions through specious Platonistic philosophies based on "higher" causes and altruism that were designed solely to extort values earned by others.
Two fundamentally different classes of conscious beings exist in free or semi-free societies:
The sense of life, honesty, and maturity between those two classes are opposites: Value producers share a confidence-driven goodwill and an effort-driven competence. But value destroyers share a resentment-driven cynicism and a laziness-driven incompetence. That incompetence fuels destructive envy aimed at the value producer upon whom everyone depends for prosperity and survival.
With the preceding knowledge, one realizes that politicians and clergymen as well as most lawyers, journalists, academe, union leaders, and bureaucrats live by destroying rather than producing values. Thus, they live by attacking or harming the producers, their businesses, their products. ...With that knowledge, one recognizes how profoundly different value producers are from value destroyers.
Professional mystics and neocheaters are clever, scheming people with well-camouflaged, criminal minds. They steal physical and psychological livings from the producer with no one realizing their thefts. Without their victim's knowledge, they orchestrate manipulations of mysticism, using non sequiturs to produce deceptive illusions. With those illusions, they attack, undermine, and lay guilt on innocent value producers while making the good seem bad and the bad seem good...the innocent appear guilty and the guilty appear innocent.
Ironically, the most vicious neocheaters fashion illusions so they appear as paragons of justice, benevolence, or compassion. But they are the exact opposite. Indeed, vicious neocheaters are not only the Marxists and Maoists who ravage or kill everyone, but are the force-backed bureaucrats, the anti-business regulators, and the Giuliani-type prosecutors along with their politician, clergy, academic, and journalist cheerleaders. Also, included among the vicious value destroyers are those union leaders, "consumer advocates", "environmentalists", "peace advocates", and business quislings who live by attacking the value producers or supporting the value destroyers. Such mystics and neocheaters are responsible for subtle, undetected destruction, suffering, and killings far beyond all the bloodiest wars combined, which are also staged by professional mystics and neocheaters.
And what about those responsible for such force-backed bureaucracies as the FDA, EPA, IRS, OSHA, HEW? Those people live by directly and indirectly attacking businesses, producers, and objective values. They are among the cleverest, deadliest neocheaters. For they gain their power through draining others on well-hidden, but massively destructive scales.
Such neocheaters undercut values and drain happiness from everyone. Without a qualm or backward glance at their wreckage, they blithely commit any destruction they can get away with in order to keep or increase their unearned power. Honesty means nothing to them. Long ago they abandoned the concepts of integrity, rationality, and honest competitive effort. Yet, those neocheaters succeed by creating illusions that they care about life...that they protect, help, or save the lives of others. Thus, with bizarre irony, they make themselves appear as compassionate benefactors of mankind. Indeed, until the recent discovery of Neotech, neocheaters for 2000 years succeeded in appearing as benefactors worthy of respect. But now, with Neotech, they are exposed for what they are -- value-destroying pip squeaks worthy only of contempt.
In stealing their livings through dishonest "for-the-public-good" laws and regulations forced upon entire populations, government-type neocheaters eventually cost the lives of thousands even millions of innocent persons while diminishing everyone's life. Such neocheaters range from power-type bureaucracy builders to Mussolini-type crowd pleasers, to Nader-type government manipulators, to Silent-Spring type social authors. Yet, those value destroyers always display look-good, non-sequitur evidence (e.g. "helping" the poor, prompt trains, consumer protection, "clean" water). Through their force-backed laws and regulations, they point to the "good" they do and the people they "protect" from the businessmen, the Jews, the industrialists, the factories -- from the value producers. Backed by neocheating quislings in business (the white-collar hoax) and neocheating collaborators in the media and the academe, such master neocheaters victimize all value producers. But those collaborators will also become victims. For today, with Neotech, all such collaborators will sooner or later be stripped of their unearned well-being and smug security. They all will pay the price for supporting the destructive machinations of professional mystics and neocheaters. ...Through Neotech, justice will prevail.
All master neocheaters fake compassion as they pretend to benefit and protect the majority, the minorities, the government, the country, the master race, the poor, the masses, the worker, the consumer. But instead, through dishonest manipulations of mysticism, they relentlessly diminish and destroy human values and lives.
Without the slightest care, they live by hurting or destroying innocent others, often by the millions. Consider Hitler's splendid-looking, mystically motivated, Panzer Divisions that blitzkrieged across Europe. They rendered their constant destructions without the slightest care or even a backward glance at the destroyed lives, shattered businesses, and flattened homes they left behind. Everyday, by the thousands, the life-long efforts of producers were destroyed in an instant by the neocheaters' marching minions. For such value destroyers never honestly think -- they never think or integrate what productive effort is, what creating values means, or who creates the values they use every day to live comfortably, safely, easily. Instead, they blindly, mystically render their destructions, every day leaving behind broken lives and rubble. ...So what! cry the neocheating masters as they gloriously roll on attacking and destroying the lives and efforts of innocent value producers. For, the more destruction such neocheaters render, the more secure and powerful they feel.
Those neocheaters just roll on, never considering the carnage they leave behind. For them, destroying the lives, property, and values of others is their only route to power and control. For them, usurping and destroying values (requires only force and deception) are much easier than earning and producing values (requires hard work and honesty). Thus, they dare never to glance back at their products of destruction, which are the only products they can deliver. ...Be they "liberal" politicians, conservative evangelists, modern preachers, pseudo business executives, white-collar-hoax business quislings, dishonest journalists, or neocheating academics, they all must live without regard for honesty or reality while attacking producers and destroying values.
Consider the highly publicized, "liberal"-type politicians or the highly visible, fact-twisting journalists. Such master neocheaters build their unearned power by, for example, partaking in the orchestrated destruction of the innocent value producers in Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and soon South Africa. They spread death and destruction under a maze of dishonest, neocheating guises, including so-called human rights, while ignoring individual rights. Indeed, they must bury individual rights in order to keep usurping power and values. ...Without Neotech to stop them, they would keep escalating their damage until all value producers were crippled or destroyed.
Also, among the subtlest yet most vicious neocheaters are those orchestrating agencies such as the INS, IRS, EPA, SEC, and FDA. Those agencies through their force-backed regulations cause the unnecessary sufferings and deaths of innocent people by the millions. The motives of those responsible for attacking values have nothing to do with helping or protecting anyone, but have everything to do with usurping a living by intimidating value producers into obedience, controlling their means of production, and usurping their values.
What values, for example, has the FDA and its prosecutors ever produced for anyone? They survive entirely by attacking and hindering those who produce life-enhancing values for others. Through power-usurping regulations, the FDA throttles the entire drug industry. Through unscientific, dishonest, emotionally appealing demands for "risk-free" products, they ply their power-generating regulations. And their costly, destructive regulations delay for years or outright prevent the development and marketing of thousands of life-enhancing drugs and life-saving cures.
Without government regulations and controls, the producers long ago would have developed (with voluntarily accepted risks) definitive cures for essentially all diseases, ailments, and malfunctions ranging from deadly cancer, heart disease, and AIDS to the agonies of arthritis, the sadness of senility, and the costly economic and fitness losses caused by the common cold, backpain, and headaches. How many lives are lost, how many values are destroyed, how much suffering is endured to support the bogus livelihoods within just one clique of value destroyers in a single government bureaucracy?
Consider the destruction those bureaucrats wreak in usurping their fake jobs without producing values. ...Such neocheaters represent the most cleverly hidden, criminally destructive elements in our society. Indeed, such neocheaters are highly leveraged purveyors of poverty, suffering, destruction, and death.
But, today, even more subtly destructive neocheaters crawl from the swamps of mysticism. They have found a new weapon that without the defense of Neotech would eventually decimate all value producers and their means of production. Those new-breed neocheaters are attorneys who blend tort liability with the malevolence of altruism and the envy of egalitarianism. That new weapon is aimed straight at penalizing success and destroying the means to produce values. ...The intended victims are the "deep pockets" of the most successful, innocent, and beneficent value producers on this planet.
No matter how much false power neocheaters gain by attacking the producer and usurping values, they never can escape a fact they all want to deny: Honest, productive effort is the act of living. Thus, productive effort is the only source of genuine power, honest prosperity, and abiding happiness. Nor can the neocheaters stop Neotech from collapsing mysticism and eliminating their means of survival. They cannot stop Neotech from ending their 2000-year reign of destruction, pain, suffering, and killing. For, productive effort integrated with Neotech forms a matrix that cannot be broken by mysticism or its symbiotic neocheaters -- a matrix of competitive values, prosperity, and happiness.
Once the value producers see the mystics and neocheaters through Neotech, nothing can blind them again. Darkness can never return. Once free of mysticism and neocheating, nothing can deny the producers from gaining their earned power, prosperity, and happiness.
As throughout history, most philosophers live by attacking the power and value of the conscious mind. They do that by promoting dishonest, cleverly integrated non sequiturs designed to subordinate man's power and responsibility to profound-sounding, "higher" authorities that do not and cannot exist. Likewise, most authors of philosophically, politically, or socially oriented books (including economic, management, and business books by non-business or academe-oriented authors), operate from the same specious base of non sequiturs: Their books or works sound good while directly or indirectly attacking value producers and undermining business values. Rather than exerting the effort and discipline required to produce values, they choose to subvert values as their route to unearned respect, power, and money. Such authors are identified as:
Before Neotech, no philosopher, academic, or author had integrally identified how business is the prime source of earned values, power, prosperity, and happiness. Also, before Neotech, all mystics and neocheaters had successfully concealed three facts:
But most important, mystics and neocheaters have for 2000 years hidden the crowning reward of business. That reward is happiness, which in turn is the purpose of all human life. Genuine happiness and benevolent power are available in never-ending quantities through business. Nothing even comes close to business as a source of earned values, genuine power, and abiding happiness. But mystics and neocheaters with their guilt-projecting altruism and envious egalitarianism have blocked the producers from recognizing business as the fountainhead of all values. And, thus they succeed in blocking the producers from collecting their earned prosperity and happiness. ...But today, the unhappiness of mysticism is yielding to the happiness of business.
My dad threw down his pen and rushed out to dinner, ate quickly, and then returned to the flow of his pen and spirit of Zon, and he wrote late into the night:
For nearly 2000 years, master neocheaters have manipulated the destructive forces of mysticism to drain power and prosperity from all honest men and women. But today, for the first time in history, a newly discovered idea system called Neotech reveals and eliminates those destructive forces while releasing a stream of intellectual, psychological, and material advantages. Neotech integrations deliver emotional and material benefits to everyone. Indeed, anyone can use the Neotech concepts to guiltlessly increase his or her wealth and happiness -- now and forever into the future.
Furthermore, the Neotech concepts can free any individual from all who waste one's time, from all who work against one's best interests, from all neocheaters and mystics who use non sequiturs to diminish the lives of others. The Neotech concepts provide the ways and means to limitless prosperity and happiness.
The philosopher's job is to provide human beings with practical tools for dealing with reality in order to live easier, more prosperous, happier lives. But almost all philosophers throughout history have defaulted in their responsibility and failed in their job. Indeed, most philosophers have done all in their power to make life for human beings not easier and happier, but more difficult and unhappy by obscuring reality. As a result, almost everyone rejects the practicality of philosophy. Thus, almost no one recognizes the potential of this mighty tool.
Few people can formulate integrated philosophical systems on their own. Moreover, few people have the knowledge to reject or even identify the neocheaters and mystics who implicitly use philosophy to drain the lives of others. ...The first step in dismissing the mystics and neocheaters is to recognize that only two basic philosophical systems or choices exist:
One system arises from a mystical/altruistic premise that individuals should be sacrificed either to others or to "higher" causes. The father of the criminal mind, Greek philosopher Plato (427 B.C. - 347 B.C.), identified and developed that system. Throughout history, all governments, religions, and neocheaters have implicitly used Plato's philosophy to usurp unearned power and values from innocent value producers.
The other philosophical system arises from a reality/self-interest premise that the individual is the highest value in the universe. The father of the business mind, Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 B.C. - 322 B.C.), identified and developed that system.
Neotech (fully integrated honesty) shows how anyone can switch from being a loser with a mystical/Platonistic approach to being a winner with a Neotech/Aristotelian approach.
The manipulation of mysticism in others is the common bond linking all neocheaters: Now, for the first time, heads of states, religious leaders, elegant con artists, Mafia dons, most attorneys, some Nobel-prize laureates, many leading academe, certain well-known media personalities, certain entertainment people, some bankers, and even certain business people (e.g., white-collar hoax executives) are inextricably linked as soul mates. They all live by attacking the competitive value producer, competitive business, and competitive products. Yet, they themselves live uncompetitively, producing no long-range, net benefits for others or society. In other words, those people live as neocheaters or as just plain cheaters by usurping, attacking, undermining, and destroying values produced by others. ...Neotech ends that secret, parasitical bond by forever dissolving the chains of mysticism and its mind-created "realities".
With Neotech, all effort is directed toward achieving fully integrated honesty needed to act in concert with reality. With mysticism, all effort is directed toward rationalizing non sequiturs or deceptions needed to satisfy some feeling, wish, or whim arising from one's self-created "reality" or some external "authority". ...Neotech is rooted in effort, objective reality, and value production. Mysticism, by contrast, is rooted in laziness, random nothingness, and value destruction.
Neotech is health. Mysticism is sickness. Neotech is the opposite of mysticism. Neotech heralds the end of mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters.
Neocheating politicians, clergymen, union leaders, lawyers, media commentators, university professors, entertainment personalities are the Typhoid-Mary spreaders of mysticism. In fact, through the ages, the most virulent spreaders of mysticism have been those neocheaters who wangle respect and values from the value producers of this world.
Neocheating is defined as: Any intentional use of mysticism designed to create mind "realities" or false illusions in order to extract values from others. Neocheating is the technique for expropriating unearned money or power by manipulating mysticism in others. Neocheating is the means by which all politicians, clergymen, union leaders, many journalists, many academe, and most lawyers usurp power and values from the innocent producers. Neocheaters create many millions of dependent mystics.
Mystics choose to evade or fake reality; they undermine their ability to identify and integrate reality, to think clearly, to produce values, to live competitively -- to survive. As a result, they increasingly lay responsibilities for their well-beings onto others. Thus, they routinely lay blame or guilt on others for their own problems and failures.
Mystics will (1) avoid the responsibility, effort, and honesty needed to identify and integrate reality and (2) use their feelings or imaginations to recreate "new realities". They attempt to fill their desires the "easy", mystical way. But the mystical way is unreal -- the way that never works. The nonmystic, by contrast, will (1) take responsibility for his or her own problems and (2) reject the destructive notion that "realities" spun from the mind can replace objective reality.
Mystics make "realities" out of what they feel, think, wish, or want rather than on what actually is or exists. Thus, they blind themselves to what is happening and become increasingly incompetent. They are irresponsible, immature people. As a result, they cannot achieve the major values of life: genuine prosperity, romantic love, abiding happiness. Mystics avoid the responsibility of a conscious being and, thus, miss the rewards of life.
As pervasively evident throughout TV network news, many involved in media journalism are profoundly dishonest manipulators of mysticism who live by purposely creating problems where none exist. They do that by dishonestly attacking and undermining values to gain unearned power and values. Many are consummate neocheaters who find the media the easiest, most effective format for mass deception, unearned power, and bogus livelihoods.
Neocheaters do more harm than mystics. They constantly try to expand their usurpations of values by manipulating mystical illusions and non sequiturs. Moreover, neocheaters design their illusions to present themselves as the benefactors of society. At the same time, they enviously present the real producers (e.g., aggressively competitive entrepreneurs, innovators, business people, industrialists) as the malefactors of society.
But the opposite is true: The neocheaters are the mean, the guilty, the malefactors of society. And the value producers are the compassionate, the innocent, the benefactors of society. Yet, as long as most people allow themselves to accept mystical illusions and inversions of facts, the neocheaters will keep usurping values and escalating their destructions.
Some neocheaters usurp credibility by exploiting popular causes that sound good -- causes that in proper context may be noble if handled honestly. Examples include the environment, nutrition, health, animal rights, human rights, peace. But neocheaters exploit such causes to usurp credibility and power in order to attack competent producers, their honest businesses, and their valuable products. ...The two-headed essence of all mystics and neocheaters is dishonesty and laziness.
Other neocheaters (politicians, clergymen, many journalists and academe) survive by attacking values, businesses, producers, and earned profits as enemies. They attack by making those who create genuine values for others appear as guilty and wrong. Simultaneously, they live by promoting mysticism, altruism, external "authority", collectivism as friends. They promote those destructive forces by making them appear innocent and right.
Mysticism is central to the neocheater's ability to thrive by attacking values. For only through mysticism would anyone accept the neocheater's upside-down world of undermining, attacking, and destroying values.
Mysticism yields actions based on what one feels, wishes, wants, or imagines rather than on what actually exists right in front of that person. That is why professional mystics and other neocheaters can easily manipulate people: they manipulate them through their mysticisms. Neocheaters manipulate infinite arrays of mysticisms to usurp values earned by others. As a result, the professional mystics and other neocheaters eventually destroy all values of life, love, and happiness for themselves and everyone involved with them.
Nonmystics are innocent and moral. They accept the discipline and responsibility to think and act with integrated consistency. They support themselves by producing competitive values for others. With a loyalty to honesty, they act in concert with reality. They are evolved, honest people. They strive to fully integrate their words and actions with reality, regardless of anyone's dogma, dictates, or opinions. As a result, nonmystics benefit everyone and society.
The mystic's life is basically irrational and unhappy with perhaps some scattered islands of rationality and happiness. By contrast, the nonmystic's life is basically rational and happy with perhaps some scattered islands of irrationality and unhappiness.
Turning to one's inner self, mystics find unhappiness, anxiety, and hatred. Whereas nonmystics find happiness, equanimity, and love.
Consciousness allows human beings to escape the automatic controls of nature. At the same time, only through consciousness can a person be subjective and mystical. Thus, only through consciousness, can a person choose to act in discord with nature. Unlike all other animals, conscious beings can choose to act better or worse than their nature to benefit or harm themselves and others. Choosing to deny or contradict nature or reality is mysticism, which is an unnatural, irresponsible abuse of the conscious mind. But, conscious beings can also choose to act better than their nature to gain power and advantages over all else in the universe. Because consciousness allows choices and actions beyond preset nature, only human beings can choose to be honest or deceptive, objective or mystical, responsible or irresponsible, competent or incompetent, striving or lazy, productive or destructive, beneficial or harmful, noble or evil. ...With consciousness, anyone can choose either alternative at any time.
All other animals have no choice but to automatically respond to nature. They cannot be deceptive, irresponsible, mystical, or purposely harmful to themselves and others. They have no such choices, thus, they bear no responsibility for their actions. ...Animals cannot be mystical, dishonest, or self-destructive.
With consciousness, only human beings can freely choose to live better or worse than their natures.
Free choice determines the future of all human beings: Through mystical choices, people diminish themselves and their potentials to live happy lives. But through Neotech choices, people reject mystical choices. Thus, in turn, they prosper and live happily, far beyond nature's preset course. In fact, only by choosing the integrated effort of Neotech over the automatic laziness of mysticism can people build lasting prosperity and happiness.
The key choice between exerting effort or defaulting to laziness determines the course of all important human actions. The three choices constantly confronting every human being are to (1) exert integrated effort, (2) default to camouflaged laziness, or (3) act somewhere in between.
The choice to exert integrated effort or to default to camouflaged laziness is the key choice that determines the character, competence, and future of every human being. That crucial choice must be made by everyone, continually, throughout life. ...That key choice determines the:
That same key choice determined the direction of all original philosophers: For example, the prime immoral philosophers, Plato and Kant, chose to formulate sweeping, out-of-context abstractions in conjuring up all-encompassing mystical idea systems that were "validated" with brilliantly deceptive inner logic. Thus, their basic choice was a default to laziness. For they chose the neocheater's "shortcut" to unearned power or "greatness" by formulating out-of-context, non-sequitur, "higher-cause" philosophies.
Such specious philosophies are designed to assault the supreme value of the conscious mind. Their destructive, death-oriented "greatness" contrasts sharply to the productive, life-oriented greatness of the prime moral philosophers: Aristotle and Rand. For, those moral philosophers chose to exert hard efforts and fully integrated honesty to build full-context, rationally integrated systems of universal value for all people of all times.
Those choosing to live through automatic laziness survive by usurping or attacking values produced by others. Those usurpers and attackers include essentially all politicians and theologians as well as many dishonest professionals, attorneys, psychologists, academe, elitists, journalists, philosophers. Well-known usurpers and attackers of values include Plato, Hitler, Stalin, FDR, the Pope, Al Capone, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Ralph Nader, Jesse Helms. By contrast, those who choose to live through integrated effort can thrive by producing or building values for others. Those producers include working people, business people, industrialists, scientists as well as honest professionals, artists, musicians, philosophers. Well-known value producers include Aristotle, Ray Kroc, Henry Ford, Edison, Einstein, Pierre S. du Pont, Andrew Carnegie, Galileo, Beethoven, Ayn Rand.
That choice between laziness and effort determines if one becomes an unhappy destroyer of values or a happy producer of values.
Business is the competitive development, production, and marketing of values that benefits others. Any and every aspect of business succeeds to the extent that effort, thinking, planning, and action are free of mysticism...or fails to the extent that mysticism is injected into any decision. Business ultimately flourishes in the absence of mysticism or dies in the presence of mysticism. Mysticism is the creating of problems where none exist; business is the solving of problems wherever they do exist. Mysticism represents stagnation and death; business represents growth and life. Mysticism is nonbusiness; business is nonmysticism.
Since the early days of Phoenician commerce, envious mystics and destructive neocheaters have striven to besmirch the value producers, their business enterprises, and their competitive products. Legions of pseudo-intellectuals, say-much/do-little underachievers, envious nonproducers, and mystic-manipulating neocheaters, especially in the media and academe, constantly attack businesses and their creators. With specious pejoratives, the attackers imply that business people lack care, humanity, compassion, social concerns. Such implications are opposite of the facts. Indeed, only through business and its creators do societies advance and individuals prosper.
Hiding behind their altruistic platitudes, neocheaters and mystics are the ones who default on productive effort, do not care, and lack humanity, compassion, social concerns. For all they can do is cleverly attack values. And their attacks are designed to undermine those heroic efforts required to competitively produce jobs and values for others. Indeed, the mystics and neocheaters strive desperately to conceal the intellectually superior nature of business -- the universally beneficial, cheerfully benevolent, nonmystical nature of business. For business is the antithesis of mysticism, the epitome of rationality and morality, and the furthest evolvement of human intellect.
Business is the highest evolution of consciousness, responsibility, and morality. No other animal is even remotely able to function on a business level. The essences of business are fully integrated honesty, responsibility, integration, abstraction, objectivity, long-range planning, effort, discipline, thought, control. Business creates essentially every major human value, ranging from the development of language, mathematics, the arts, and all commercial breakthroughs up to the electronic revolution...and now finally, Neotech.
Neotech Publishing Company is the first company to successfully inject a fully integrated system of ideas and values directly into the stream of public thinking and action. That successful, efficient injection is done by subjecting Neotech to organized business disciplines in markets far beyond the small, closed circles of elitists and academics.
Without being subject to the intense, disciplined efforts of business and marketing, Neotech would have languished undeveloped, perhaps for centuries, trapped in those small, closed circles of less-evolved, nonbusiness intellectuals. But by applying hard-nosed business disciplines to marketing Neotech, Neotech Publishing Company demonstrates in real life the extraordinary, practical benefits of Neotech to every human being. Marketing Neotech through a high-effort, business structure provides the fastest, most efficient distribution of Neotech advantages to every value producer in this world.
For that reason, life-enhancing Neotech ideas will increasingly replace life-diminishing mystical ideas as the source of philosophical standards and values for all honest, productive people -- for all people who count.
Business people create values through intellectual efforts involving the widest-range integration of facts and knowledge. Successful, growing businesses always require honest long-term planning combined with constant integration of time with effort. ...Few people have any idea or appreciation of the constant, hard-driving effort and difficult integrations required for a businessman to create and maintain honest, value-producing jobs for others.
By contrast, professional mystics and neocheaters avoid all such long-range, wide-scope, integration efforts. Instead, they operate on a dishonest, anti-intellectual level -- on spurious, out-of-context terms in attacking producers with slander, libel, force, coercion, and false guilt in order to usurp values from those value producers.
The master neocheaters gain power by constant destruction of values rather than by production of values. To realize that fact, a person needs only to examine the words of any Hitler, Pope, charismatic politician, network anchorman, high-profile humanities professor, or advanced-degreed underachiever. Their essential words are always in a negative mode or an envious attack mode. They rise in power not by the long, hard, rational efforts that build competitive values wanted by others. Instead, they garner power by glib, negative attacks that undermine the producers and their values. ...That fact becomes obvious on comparing the words of honest business people to those of neocheating media people.
Mystics and neocheaters are guilty losers who harm everyone. But business people, especially the essence-moving entrepreneurial type, are innocent winners who benefit everyone. Honest business people do not even know how to think, talk, or operate in the destructive, out-of-context, envious attack modes of mystics and neocheaters. Instead, such business people cheerfully focus on integrating reality -- on benefiting others by creating and trading values. Without Neotech, however, those business people are unable to protect themselves from the neocheaters' destructive ideas and actions.
Master neocheaters rise above others without earning their way -- without exerting the long-term, hard-integration efforts needed to build values for others. By nature, neocheaters are dishonest, unproductive, hostile, immoral, guilty. They have no genuine power. By contrast, business-minded people are honest, productive, benevolent, moral, innocent. Such business-minded people are the only source of genuine power and prosperity in the universe.
Two worlds exist: One world is that of the mystics, neocheaters, master mystics, and master neocheaters along with all their duped victims and followers. That unhappy, sour world is for the living dead -- for those who choose to (1) detach themselves from reality, (2) remain ignorant of reality and what is actually occurring, (3) survive by usurping values from others. That destructive world consists not only of lethargic mystics but of aggressively active, master neocheaters with their minions and followers. Such neocheaters stage furious but meaningless or destructive activities in their need to appear busy and important to themselves and others. ...The world of mystics and neocheaters is destructive, unhappy, meaningless.
The other world belongs to the value producers. That happy, cheerful world is created by individuals who prosper by producing values for others. That purposeful, active world consists of those workers, business people, industrialists, professionals, artists who produce more than they consume. The world of value producers is exciting, prosperous, meaningful.
The integrated efforts of value producers such as businessmen are directed toward supporting or building values for others. In sharp contrast, the efforts of neocheaters are directed toward attacking or usurping values from others. Master neocheaters are manipulative and destructive in their every action ranging from political summits to papal tours. Such neocheaters include not only politicians and clergymen but those say-much, do-little academe who conceal their lack of value by constantly flaunting credentials to impress themselves and others. On establishing specious credibility, those neocheaters extract values from others by promoting spurious ideas that undermine or attack value producers and competitive values.
Those two worlds will never meet. For, they are moving in opposite directions: one toward death, the other toward life. Any conscious individual, however, can choose at any time to reject mysticism and exchange the unhappy world of value destroyers for the happy world of value producers. ...The choice is to exist in the dead world of mysticism or to live in the alive world of Neotech.
Man's nature and survival: The nature of all animals evolves around their survival mechanism. But what is the distinguishing nature of man? He has the ability to think consciously in concepts and then integrate those concepts into wider concepts. No other animal can think consciously or think significantly beyond percepts, much less integrate concepts. Indeed, man can easily and logically integrate two or more concepts into new and still wider, more abstract concepts. That logical integration of concepts is called reasoning. Man's reasoning ability is his survival mechanism. But unlike all other animals whose survival mechanisms work automatically, man's reasoning mechanism works volitionally. Man must choose to exert the effort required to reason. Man undermines or damages his or her reasoning ability by nonuse or misuse of the mind through mysticism. For mysticism, by nature, subverts or cuts off the integration mechanism of the conscious mind to reduce one's efficacy, competitiveness, quality of life, well-being, self-worth, and especially happiness.
Reasoning is the nature of man -- the distinguishing nature that elevates the value of man above all other life...above all else in the universe. Reasoning through logic is man's survival mechanism.
Morals: Since morals and morality require conscious choices, man is the only animal who can be moral or immoral. Thus, man is the only animal who can consciously or purposely make moral choices: to think or not to think, to be mystical or nonmystical, to produce or usurp -- to benefit or hurt oneself and others.
The meaning of moral in Neotech is simple and direct: Whatever is consciously done to help fill human biological needs is good and moral (e.g., the productive actions of honest people). Whatever is consciously done to harm or prevent the filling of human biological needs is bad and immoral (e.g., the destructive actions of mystics and neocheaters).
Honestly using one's reasoning nature is always beneficial and moral; dishonestly using one's reasoning nature is always harmful and immoral. ...Volitionally harmful acts always arise from mysticism -- from dishonesty, rationalizations, evasions, defaults.
Yet, acting on fully integrated honesty (Neotech), not reason itself, is the basic moral act. When Genghis Khan, for example, chose to use reasoning for a specific military move, then in an out-of-context sense, he chose to act morally by protecting himself and his troops (thus filling human biological needs). But in the larger sense of fully integrated honesty, Khan's total actions were grossly immoral in choosing to use aggressive force in becoming a mass murderer (thus negating human biological needs). The highly destructive, irrational immorality of Genghis Khan's overall dictatorial military actions far outweighed any narrow, out-of-context "moral" actions. ...Genghis Khan was enormously evil as were Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot.
Immoral Concepts -- Altruism and Sacrifice: Genghis Khan an altruist? Stalin and Hitler[ 23 ] too? Yes, they were altruists as were Lincoln, Mao, Schweitzer, Nader, Pope John Paul, and almost all other professional mystics and neocheaters. And all current religions and governments exist through altruism.
The dictionary definition of altruism is: "Uncalculated consideration of, regard for, or devotion to other's interests sometimes in accordance with ethical principle." Upon first consideration, the definition of altruism seems loving, kind, and good. In which case, how could Genghis Khan and Hitler relate to that definition?
Close examination of altruism reveals that its ethical principle and implications are human sacrifice.[ 24 ] Thus, the altruist accepts as ethical principle that human beings and their values can be sacrificed to others. And those human sacrifices can be made to anyone or for the sake of anything -- the gods, the tribe, the ruler, the fatherland, the system, the party, the "good", the poor, the cause...for the sake of enhancing the power or prosperity of any professional mystic or neocheater.
All current political and religious systems depend on the principle of altruism...the principle of forced or coerced sacrifice of victims to others. Altruism holds sacrifice as a good in itself, regardless of the means (e.g., force, coercion, fraud, guilt, deception, charisma), regardless of the recipients (e.g., dictators, presidents, popes, theologians, welfare clients), and regardless of the victims (e.g., war dead, taxpayers, business people, value producers).
Sacrifice is the opposite of productivity: Productivity creates values. Sacrifice destroys values. Sacrifice is contrary to human biological nature as demonstrated throughout Neotech. Upholding the ideas of sacrifice or altruism involves accepting the nonreality of mysticism. And accepting such mysticism always requires evasive rationalizations. Indeed, mysticism, altruism, and sacrifice are purposeful reasoning defaults that are always harmful to human beings, thus, are always immoral.
Altruism and sacrifice are rationalized through mysticism. And mysticism is a reasoning default that accepts fake realities or nonrealities such as sacrifice, faith, dogma. Thus, all advocates of altruism are mystics or neocheaters by nature because they accept or manipulate the mystical concepts of sacrifice.
But why do people default on reason? Why do they evade reality to become advocates of altruism who promote sacrifice? Professional advocates of altruism are always, in a direct or indirect way, recipients of the sacrifices they promote. The booty is often unearned power. But the booty may also be or include unearned material goods, glory, adulation, love, respect, pseudo self-esteem, neurotic or psychopathic satisfactions. In any case, professional advocates of altruism depend on the sacrifice of others to fill their material needs, their self-esteem needs, their images of importance, their neurotic wants. In one way or another, all professional altruists are neocheaters who live off the forced or coerced sacrifices of productive people. For that reason, no professional mystic or altruist can be happy or experience psychuous pleasures.
In addition, altruism and sacrifice are the vortex of all concepts, ideas, and philosophies that drain productive people of their earned values and happiness. In the long run, altruism and sacrifice fill the needs of no one. Instead, altruism and sacrifice always drain everyone.
Over the past 2000 years, altruism and sacrifice have destroyed untold values and billions of human lives. All current governments and major religions exist on the principles of altruism and sacrifice. But Neotech lets us:
[ 23 ]
Hitler an altruist? He was the ultimate altruist in both word and deed: "The Aryan is not greatest in his mental qualities as such, but in the extent of his willingness to put all his abilities in the service of the community. In him the instinct of self-preservation has reached the noblest form, since he willingly subordinates his own ego to the life of the community and, if the hour demands, even sacrifices it."
[ 24 ]
Auguste Comte (1798-1857) was the first philosopher to articulate the ethical principle of altruism as sacrifice. His altruistic ethics held sacrifice as the goal of moral actions, regardless of the means, cost, or beneficiary. He projected selflessness and sacrifice as the ultimate good while positing self-interest as the antithesis of that good. (Reference: Comte's System of Positive Polity, 1877).
But Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) consciously and methodically laid the philosophical groundwork for the concept of altruistic self-sacrifice as a moral principle. Kant used brilliantly orchestrated, cleverly integrated non sequiturs to attack logic, reason, and the human mind. Kant is among the most destructive of all master neocheaters. His philosophy provides ingenious systems of noncontextual, inner logic that offers beautiful-sounding rationalizations for all violations of individual rights and destructions of values. Kant's works are essential for Fascism, Marxism, and every murderous neocheating regime of the twentieth century: Plato begot Kant, who begot the socialist's philosophical father, Georg Hegel (1770-1831). In turn, Hegel begot Karl Marx and spawned mass-murderers Lenin, Hitler, Mao. And, Plato begot the philosophical father of religio-conservatives -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1789). In turn, Rousseau spawned equally bloody mass-murderers: Robespierre, Pol Pot, Khomeini. ...All that blood, suffering, and destruction arise entirely through neocheaters manipulating unreal, arbitrary illusions and mind-created "realities" of mysticism in order to support their own personal, bogus livelihoods. ...No other reason or motive exists or has ever existed for purposeful death and destruction.
Happiness results from dealing competently with reality. Happiness is a state of intellectually knowing and emotionally feeling the following:
(Positive or Negative Sources)
The situation is good.
The situation is right.
The situation is of value.
Long-Term Happiness
(Positive Sources Only)
Life is good.
People are good.
Oneself is good.
Oneself is right.
Oneself is of value.
Oneself is capable of understanding reality.
Oneself is growing in a positive direction.
Oneself is producing values needed to live independently.
Oneself is competent in producing competitive
values for others and society.
Oneself is competent to reject mysticism in self and others.
Oneself is worthy of living.
Short-term happiness from positive sources can add to a person's long-range happiness. But short-term pleasures from negative, destructive, or irrational sources (e.g., drunkenness, politics, drugs, religion, promiscuous sex, prosperity through dishonesty or fraud) can deliver only temporary feelings of power, well-being, and euphoria. For the inescapable consequence of reality will always assert itself, reversing those "good" feelings to yield ever greater unhappiness and anxiety.
Long-term well-being and happiness come only from (1) a continuing development and evolvement of one's own mind and character, (2) one's increasingly accurate knowledge and control of reality and self, and (3) increasingly producing competitive values for others and society.
Achieving happiness is the ultimate moral purpose of human life.
Mysticism harms every value it touches -- especially love. After attacking values for 2000 years, professional mystics and neocheaters aim their most subtly destructive attacks on value production, romantic love, and happiness: First they undermine the concepts of values, love, and happiness with clever inversions of facts that sound good or valid. Then, for example, they undermine the concept of love by promoting the false idea that totally rational behavior between couples would yield cold, passionless relationships. But the exact opposite is the fact: Consistently honest, rational behavior offers the greatest capacity for love and passion. By contrast, emotionally reacting, irrational behaviors destroy love and passion.
Successful romantic love requires acting on reality rather than reacting on feelings. Only through fully integrated honesty (Neotech) can one guiltlessly experience the full range of positive emotions and passion. By contrast, mystics act on feelings rather than on reality. Such acting on feelings leads to incompetence with the subsequent loss of prosperity and romantic love. ...Mystics experience life with increasing anxiety, unhappiness, deadness.
Professional mystics and neocheaters avoid the honest thought and hard competitive effort needed to produce values desired by others. Instead, they live by faking reality to extract power and values from others through deception, coercion, force. ...Unchecked mysticism destroys all values, especially love and happiness, through arrays of irrational illusions and dishonest actions.
Integrated thinking is the conscious effort of putting information into accurate context by logically and honestly connecting all relevant knowledge. All valid and powerful knowledge is contextual. Thus, genuine power is gained through integrated thinking used to obtain the widest possible range of contextual knowledge. Integrated thinking delivers unbeatable advantages.
Those who live by fully integrated honesty (Neotech) are by nature sexy, happy, prosperous winners. For they ultimately hold all honest power. Moreover, with Neotech, they hold the supreme aphrodisiac. By contrast, mystics and neocheaters contradict their nature through their laziness, dishonesty, and parasitism. They are unsexy, unhappy, envious losers. Thus, they become increasingly impotent, tired, powerless.
Through fully integrated honesty (Neotech) one increasingly earns competence, self-esteem, happiness. Through Neotech, one soars to spiralling heights of money/power/romantic love.
After fifteen hours of hard thinking and writing, my exhausted father dropped his pen and fell asleep right on his desk. That would become a common scene over the years to come -- my father asleep on his desk from exhaustion after marathon runs of Neothinking and writing.
Four hours had passed when he awoke again. His desk lamp was still on. He picked up his pen and, oblivious to time in the middle of the night, he started writing again, with powerful passion. Unrelated thoughts would come to him, then in a hurried rush he would write something about that thought. He seemed to be rushing as if he wanted to get all his thoughts down on paper while his ability to make vast integrations lasted. Little did my father realize that, through Neotech (i.e., fully integrated honesty), the power to make vast integrations -- to Neothink -- grows instead of shrinks. Neothink builds upon itself like a growing puzzle. Yet, feeling Zonpower for the first time in his life, he wrote like a scientist making a major discovery with only a week left to live.
He wrote with abandon about everything that came to mind. His mind was never so open before, his thoughts never so clear. The first subjects that came through his pen seemed to be about personal self-improvements, specifically about sense of life, emotions, relationships, and thinking. It did not take my father long to Neothink those four subjects of self-improvement, as follows:
Sense of Life: A sense of life is an integral part of everyone's subconscious philosophy and psychology. Every person has a fundamental view or sense of life. While usually existing on a subconscious level, a person's sense of life largely determines his or her major actions. Sense of life falls into two opposite categories:
a. the knowledge that conscious achievement is the highest value.
b. the knowledge that the conscious mind is competent to know reality.
a. the belief that non-man-made values (e.g., nature, the universe, the cosmos) and mystical "values" (e.g., God, the State, society) are superior to man-made values.
b. the belief that the conscious mind is incapable of knowing reality.
The altruistic, malevolent sense of life finds virtue in sacrificing real, individual values to unreal, mystical "higher" causes such as God, the fatherland, nature, society. That altruistic, malevolent sense of life keeps one from acting in his or her long-range best interest to achieve power, prosperity, and happiness in order to produce competitive values for others. Those competitive values, by nature, require a rational self-interest, pro-individual sense of life combined with effort and honesty.
Specifically, Neotech operates on the premises that the conscious individual is by nature (1) good, (2) the highest value in the universe, and (3) competent to understand and deal with reality. By adopting those premises, one can enjoy guiltless freedom. ...By adopting Neotech premises, a person can achieve great prosperity and psychuous pleasures.
Emotions: Inseparable links exist between productive work, earned values, prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and happiness. Too many productive people live without experiencing their earned happiness or psychuous pleasures. That deprivation of happiness and psychuous pleasures is an unnecessary tragedy due to altruistic, mystical guilt inculcated into the value producer by the professional value destroyers.
Pride is the reflection of self-worth, which requires the rejection of mysticism. And that rejection of mysticism through the reflection of self-worth is what all mystics, existentialists, and neocheaters fear and attack. For, if all value producers recognized their genuine self-worth and felt their earned pride, they would reject mysticism to end the hoax of all neocheaters.
Most mystics denounce pride as negative, bad, or sinful. But, individual pride is the result of moral virtue, which requires the rejection of the dishonesty inherent in mysticism.
Happiness is a deeply personal, inner matter. Thus, no one can judge another person's happiness by outward appearances alone. A person may be miserable (such as a nonproductive mystic), but project a happy, cheerful appearance. Another person may appear unsmiling, even stern or cross (such as an intensely busy business executive), but if he or she is a productive person with self-esteem and pride, that person will be profoundly happy.
Joy is a self-induced, here-and-now emotion that arises from pleasure, well-being, and happiness. Enjoyment is also induced by consciously reflecting on the emotional rewards of pleasure, well-being, and happiness. To fully experience enjoyment, one must reject unearned guilt foisted on him or her by mystics and neocheaters. When a Neotech oriented person earns happiness, he or she can then make a conscious choice to guiltlessly enjoy that happiness.
To compensate for a deadening of feelings (thus a deadening of life), by contrast, a person losing the battle to mysticism must take increasingly stronger measures to feel something until the only feeling left to feel is pain. But that person must feel something, so he or she strives to feel pain. And the easiest, quickest route to feel pain is through destructive actions rationalized through mysticism.
Also, as a person diminishes his or her awareness and integration capacities, the initiation of longer range, positive actions becomes increasingly difficult. At the same time, that person increasingly succumbs to mysticism in selecting more and more destructive actions in order to feel something. Destructive actions taken to feel something include manipulating others, initiating force (political or criminal) to control or plunder others, using drugs or alcohol, promiscuity, injurious masochism or sadism, vandalism, thrill killings, mass murder, waging war, genocide.
Positive emotions deliver pleasure and happiness. Negative emotions provide warnings that something is wrong. Thus, negative emotions and negative experiences should not be repressed. Emotions never should be repressed, but at times emotions can and should be suppressed:
Suppression involves being fully conscious of the emotion, but because of the circumstances, the emotion is temporarily set aside for experiencing at a more appropriate time. Suppression is a useful, healthy method for avoiding harmful mystical reactions based on emotions.
Repression involves trying to deny an emotion by permanently forcing it out of the conscious mind. That act is a mystical distortion of reality, for emotions are a real, undeniable part of a person. By repressing an emotion out of the conscious mind, the emotion is pushed into the subconscious to remain buried. And accumulating buried, negative emotions can harm both one's psychological and intellectual well-being. For those festering, buried emotions can interfere with a person's accurate perception of reality needed to make correct integrations, judgments, and decisions. ...One never has to act on negative emotions, but one should always guiltlessly self-acknowledge negative emotions.
Avoiding emotional repression involves consciously and guiltlessly feeling one's own emotions in order to know and defuse them. That honest, open dealing with emotions is necessary for (1) resisting harmful mystical actions, (2) building mental health, and most important, (3) experiencing psychuous pleasures, romantic love, and abiding happiness.
Also, openly knowing and experiencing one's own emotions are necessary to distinguish those emotions from the independent world of objective reality. That understanding of emotions, in turn, is necessary to avoid unhealthy mystical actions. For basing judgments and conclusions on emotional reactions rather than on reality causes harmful mystical actions. Such mystical actions, in turn, diminish the prosperity, well-being, and happiness of human beings. If important judgments or actions are mystically based on emotions, then grave errors with harmful consequences will result.
A person can react to emotions in two ways: (1) The mystical, erroneous, harmful reaction that ranges from repressing emotions to overtly injecting emotions into the decision-making process. And (2), the nonmystical, beneficial reaction that recognizes and freely feels emotions, but then separates them from reality in order to make reasoned, logical judgments undistorted by emotions, whims, or feelings.
Because no one is infallible or omniscient, errors are always possible. But errors from honest, objectively based thinking are less frequent, less severe, and easier to correct than are errors from mystical, emotionally based thinking.
The emotion fear is a valuable protection mechanism. By contrast, irrational fear is destructive whenever it stops a person from taking needed actions. Fortunately, the paralyzing effects of irrational fear can be overcome with direct, conscious effort. For example, if a person takes a rational action that he or she fears (if no actual danger exists), that fear will dissipate. Irrational fears can cause inaction that prevents deserving, productive people from developing prosperity and happiness. A fearlessness to live is perhaps the most financially and emotionally rewarding character trait that an honest, productive person can develop.
Consistently acting on rational premises and being loyal to honesty builds confidence in a person's own rectitude and worth. Rationality and honesty, in turn, help remove the fear that prevents people from venturing into new growth areas, including romantic love. Rationality, fairness, and honesty act as powerful protectors when venturing into unexplored areas, ranging from business to love relationships.
However, fearlessness does not obsolete privacy and protectiveness. For instance, openly revealing one's deep personal self to everyone diminishes self-esteem. That, in turn, militates against one's best interests and happiness. Nevertheless, many authors, gurus, and "therapists" advocate revealing one's personal and private self to all comers. Those "total-openness, let it all hang out" advocates are promoting an egalitarian recipe. That recipe calls for breaking everyone's ego by sharing all personal values and emotions with all comers. Such ego-breaking recipes are often well-disguised, downhill roads to impotence and unhappiness.
Those advocating ego-breaking, emotional egalitarianism usually do so under false labels of openness and honesty. But the opposite is true. Failure to discriminate with whom one shares his or her private personal feelings destroys the potential for experiencing a close, genuinely open, romantic-love relationship with another human being. Instead, an egalitarian "total openness" to everyone is a cheap giveaway of an individual's most precious possession -- one's own personal, private self. Nothing squelches romantic love more completely than a love-all, share-all egalitarian approach.
A person can and should be sincere and honest to everyone without sharing his or her private self or emotions with everyone. In fact, when a person does share his or her private self with everyone else, that person's sincerity and motives become questionable.
Surrendering one's independent judgment to mystics, social "authorities", or gurus and offering one's private self to all comers results in:
Relationships: Every relationship can be evaluated in either "good for me" or "bad for me" terms. Love partners, for example, can evaluate their relationship by how much it increases or decreases their well-being and happiness.
A sacrifice-free, romantic-love relationship allows both partners to fill their physical, emotional, and intellectual needs without any losses or compromises. Such a relationship provides major personal benefits and increased pleasures from life. And, over the long term, a person can honestly love only those who integrate into a relationship from which benefits and pleasures evolve and grow.
Any action that enhances psychuous sex, prosperity, and long-range happiness is good and healthy. Likewise, any action that diminishes psychuous sex, prosperity, and long-range happiness is bad and unhealthy. That "good for me" or "bad for me" standard can be used to classify any action as good or bad, beneficial or harmful, healthy or unhealthy, moral or immoral.
Of course, mysticism is always "bad for me". One should avoid partners whose lives are dominated by mysticism, especially disguised mysticism. Symptoms of mystics include people who project their problems and disorders onto others, often characterized by their paranoid use of non sequiturs to blame others for their own problems. Also, mystics inwardly hurt themselves by undermining values that enter their lives. Mystics create problems where none exist and are incompatible with romantic love. They will eventually destroy any value-based relationship. Yet, Neotech can cure any type of mysticism (the stupidness disease) to yield competent lives filled with growing values, happiness, and romantic-love.
Value exchanges occur in valid relationships. In fact, the basic requirement for any valuable human relationship is the exchange of tangible values. On the other hand, naturally beautiful people can more easily offer nominal values and can easily develop "lady-killer" or "man-killer" syndromes in their relationships. Being a seductive "killer" can temporarily boost a weak ego by feeling a power to hurt others. But that syndrome leads the perpetrator into life-wasting, destructive relationships. Indeed, a person who mistreats or manipulates his or her love partner usually suffers much more in the long run than the abused partner. For that abused partner will have new chances for love and happiness. But the chronic manipulator loses his or her capacity for love and is left with a future of increasing unhappiness, sexual incompetence, romantic failures, and ultimate loneliness.
Thinking: Mysticism undermines the capacity for integrated thinking. Thus, mysticism reduces competitiveness, self-esteem, and psychuous pleasures. Thus, all mysticism leads to incompetence and unhappiness.
The more an individual surrenders to mysticism, the more that person becomes incompetent and tries to escape reality. For such a person, life increasingly becomes a source of conflict and pain. To the extent that one accepts mysticism is the extent that a person withdraws from life and loses contact with the pleasures and happiness that life inherently holds.
The extent to which a person follows mysticism or external "authority" is the extent to which he becomes incompetent and moves toward death. But the extent to which a person integrates reality with his own rational consciousness and fully integrated honesty (Neotech) is the extent to which he will experience ever-growing competence, prosperity, and happiness.
As a person develops one's character, an unevenness develops in being honest versus being mystical. For example, a person may find that the honest integration of facts is easier in certain areas of life. In other areas, that person surrenders to the "easy-way-out" mystical trap. Such unevenness in honesty is caused by a person's past and present choices and actions. That volitional behavior, in turn, determines the rate of personal evolvement and the quality of character development.
One's nature can be changed only from within that person, not from without. Of course, a person can develop his or her own character and correct errors as new knowledge is acquired. Such changes are the process of personal growth. And such growth comes through volitional choices to honestly integrate new knowledge.
Everyone alone must personally battle to overcome internal mysticism in order to live prosperously and happily. Self-responsibility cannot be transferred to anyone.
Most psychological problems arise from internal mysticism. And each individual can overcome such problems by continual, conscious choice to be honest rather than mystical. Each person must decide to self-determine the future or to surrender that responsibility to external "authorities". That surrender of life occurs on asking others to solve one's own problems and deliver happiness.
Fighting and rejecting mysticism within one's own self is the greatest, most important of all battles.
Having an external "authority" delivers: 1. quick, easy-way, no-struggle "answers" that avoid self-responsibility, and 2. fuel for more personal mysticisms. That avoiding of self-responsibility always fuels personal mysticism while diminishing the individual's competence and motivation to solve one's own personal problems. Only individuals themselves can have sufficient motivation and self-knowledge to successfully overcome internal mysticism and solve life's problems. Only individuals themselves can put sufficient energy and knowledge into the efforts needed to become competent, prosperous, and happy. No mystical or outside source can provide those values.
As with all forms of mysticism, acceptance of myths varying from astrology to organized religion cripples a person's thinking and integration processes. Indeed, crippled thinking and integration processes undermine a person's personal power, productive competence, financial well-being, psychuous pleasures, and long-range happiness. Indeed, independent, integrated, logical thinking is not a function of intelligence, but is a function of self-responsibility, self-effort, and self-honesty.
Many popular myths depend on proclaimed "scientific" evidence to create illusions of credibility. Astrology devotees promote the "scientific" notion that the infinitesimally faint celestial forces that impinge on human beings affect and influence their minds, actions, behavior, and destiny. As "proof", for example, they state how the gravitational forces of the moon cause the oceanic tides. But facts and logic show that man alone controls his own destiny. And his mind can easily override all the forces of nature combined. Indeed, in a free society, the conscious mind is a much stronger controller of an individual's future than all the overt, direct forces of nature, government, and religion combined.
Most forms of "scientific" mysticism reflect wishful desires to discover outside forces or "authorities" to take over the thinking tasks of the human mind. The mystic's wish is to be automatically and effortlessly guided to knowledge and through life by external forces. But no effortless guide exists. No outside force can take over and do what the mind and the individual must do for him or her self.
Poetry, song lyrics, especially pop, rock, and rap lyrics, and political demagoguery and speeches can be cast in what appears to be beautiful gems or nuggets of packaged "truth" and knowledge from "authorities". Those packaged "truths" are designed for consumption in quick, convenient gulps. That gulping of "truths" bypasses the analytical mental effort required to integrate information and assess its validity through one's own mind.
Determining the validity of any information requires analytical integration of facts and information within a full, accurate context. But poetry and song lyrics effortlessly bypass the demanding thinking and integration processes needed to accurately identify objective reality. In that way, poetry and lyrics subvert the effectiveness of the mind. Most poetry and lyrics, no matter how beautiful, right, and "true" they sound (that being their seductive nature) cannot be substituted for honesty or facts any more than good-sounding slogans or parables can be substituted for honesty or facts. Furthermore, cleverly used poetry and lyrics can be powerfully effective tools for rationalizing laziness, dishonesty, injustice, mysticism, and neocheating.
Most poetry and song lyrics, if taken seriously (especially emotional or "beautiful" poetry that lacks an objective base), not only undermines a person's ability to make independent judgments, but diminishes one's capacity to think objectively about crucial matters. That, in turn, decreases one's ability to achieve prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and long-range happiness. In other words, certain poetry or song lyrics taken as packaged "truth" will bypass the independent, in-context thinking processes required to make the integrations and decisions necessary to develop long-range prosperity, pleasures, and happiness.
Aristotelian-based poetry that is intellectually valid and certain song lyrics that are non-mystical can be objectively valuable when viewed as symbols of one's own values and not as packages of "truth" to be swallowed whole, without integration. Still, the effect of poetry on most people is harmful because they allow the abstract symbols of poetry to enter their minds as unintegrated, unchallenged "truths" or as pre-packaged value systems ready for direct use. The problem is amplified because many poets, song lyricists, and political cartoonists proceed with dishonest, destructive intentions to mislead the reader. They want their work swallowed blindly as "truth" by their audiences, regardless of the validity or context of their work. Such work is neither art nor honest; it is neocheating.
Poetical sing-song or hypnotically rhythmic meter are often found in the rhetoric of dictators, evangelists, politicians, theologians, social "intellectuals", media men, chanting shiites, and screaming terrorists. Consider how millions of normally rational Germans thrilled and responded to the poetical cadence and charisma of the consummate altruist neocheater, Adolph Hitler.
By using specious nuggets of poetical "truth" and spell-binding slogans, the malefactors, demagogues, and neocheaters such as Hitler, FDR, Nader, Khomeini, Lincoln, Mao, Billy Graham, Pope Paul, Jimmy Swaggart, Castro, Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Jim Jones, the Clintons could smoothly, quickly subvert the objective concepts of justice, good, and love. And they often did that by manipulating words to sound good, just, or loving. Why? To promote their own rationalized schemes of "higher" causes. Such people use those poetic techniques to keep their rationalizations sounding valid, taking control of people's bicameral minds. Indeed, their unthinking followers grab the beautiful nuggets of "truth" and eagerly swallow them without thought or challenge.
What is the bicameral mind? The bicameral mind is a human mind functioning in a particular, unconscious mode or manner...in the manner intended by nature. While the bicameral mind exists in all people, it can be controlled or dominated by a special mode of consciousness developed not through mother nature but volitionally by each individual being. That mind control or domination can be exercised by an individual over himself and others. Or an individual can allow that mode of consciousness in others to control or dominate his or her bicameral mind.
The bicameral mind (two-chamber mind) is one that functions as an unconscious, two-step process. Automatic reactions and thoughts originate in the right hemisphere of the brain and are transmitted to the left hemisphere as instructions to be acted upon. The bicameral functioning is nature's automatic, learned mode of response without regard to conscious thinking. By contrast, man-made consciousness functions through a deliberate, volitional thought process that is independent of nature's bicameral thought process.
Approximately 3000 years ago, man's brain functioned entirely in nature's automatic bicameral mode. But the automatic bicameral mind became inadequate to handle the mounting problems as societies became more complex. To survive, man was forced to invent a new way of thinking -- a new mode called consciousness that could solve infinitely more complex problems. That consciousness mode involved his newly discovered powers of introspection. His thinking process was further enhanced by new thoughts and insights created by comparisons done through metaphors and analogs.
Consciousness allows a person to make his or her own decisions rather than relying on nature's bicameral process that automatically follows learned customs, traditional rules, and external "authorities".
Bicameral mentalities avoid human self-responsibility by seeking and obeying external decision makers. In poker, for example, bicameral tendencies leave players open to being controlled by any conscious individual acting as an external decision maker and authority. In addition, the single, biggest money-losing, mystical concept -- the belief in luck -- is rooted in the bicameral mentality. In fact, most gamblers rely on the phantom "authority" of luck to escape the only valid authority: their own rational consciousness.
Understanding bicameral tendencies in others can provide unbeatable advantages by knowing the external forces that control most people. That understanding enables one not only to predict the actions of others but to control their actions. A poker player, for example, can create unbeatable advantages by projecting any number of phantom "authorities" to which his opponents will obey, act, or react.
The principle of controlling the bicameral minds of others applies not only to poker but to all competitive situations involving two or more people. Poker, however, provides crisp, clear examples of using the bicameral mind to control people. More important, poker provides countless metaphors to which everyone can relate. Also, most poker players are gamblers. And gambling is a bicameral activity in which people abandon their own rational consciousness to phantom "authorities" such as feelings, luck, priests, and politicians.
Poker games exist because of the bicameral urge in most players to gamble. That urge resides in the desire to escape the responsibility for consistently making rational decisions needed to prosper by producing values for others. Gamblers try to escape (at least temporarily) that self-responsibility through an activity such as poker. And through their bicameral urges, gamblers can be controlled by others.
Even the best professional player can succumb to bicameral urges: By playing poker for a living, for example, he avoids involvement in a productive career that demands much more independent, rational thinking than poker. But, the good player can also use poker as a discipline to strengthen both his conscious integrating processes and his abilities to control others.
Through understanding those bicameral urges in others, a good player can generate unbeatable advantages. He creates those advantages by conjuring up external "authorities" for guiding his opponents into actions that benefit him. For example, an opponent is told to "open up" (bet more loosely) because good player X always bets aggressively in the same situation -- and good player X always ends up winning heavily. In that way, player X is set up as an external "authority" for misleading the opponent into making wrong moves based on facts bicamerally accepted out of context. Even greater advantages are gained by realizing that an opponent is bicamerally using rules, information, and odds gleaned from "authorities" such as authors of noncognitive poker books.
Bicameral tendencies can also be exploited through subtle maneuvers. For example, mumbling very quietly (almost subaudibly) words that will influence or trigger reactions in opponents who subconsciously hear those "voices". To those opponents, the subconscious voice automatically acts as an external "authority" to be followed. As another example, a player who is hesitant about attending a game after several losing sessions is fed whatever out-of-context facts or spurious "truth" he wants to hear such as, "The worst thing a player can do is quit just as his losing streak is about to end. That's when the odds are the greatest for shifting from a bad-luck streak to a good-luck streak. Managing luck streaks is the whole idea of winning. All winners know that." With such specious "truths" and non sequiturs, the good player establishes himself as an external "authority" in controlling his opponents.
But most important, as demonstrated in the original Neotech Prediscovery, poker generates accurate metaphors needed to identify the bicameral tendencies existing in most people. Indeed, those tendencies are readily exploitable by neocheaters beyond the card tables with the same kind of phantom or external "authorities" set up either overtly or subliminally. Such external "authorities" can be established, for example, in religion, politics, psychology, medicine, business, and personal relationships. ...Understanding the bicameral mind is invaluable for avoiding being controlled by others.
Whereas the bicameral mind is the mind of the past, Neothink is the mind of the future. The human mind has a limited storage and processing capacity. But Neothink, a discovery made through Neotech, infinitely expands the capacity of consciousness to understand anything in existence. The exchanging of the mystic/conscious mind for the Neotech/Neothink mind will affect mankind even more profoundly than the discovery 3000 years ago of exchanging the bicameral mind for the conscious mind. And, as 3000 years ago, this exchange will occur swiftly, automatically sometime after 2001, regardless of what anyone does, says, or thinks. The pressure to convert to the Neotech/Neothink integrating mind is competition. Those who do not convert cannot survive. Just as the bicameral mind could not compete and survive 3000 years ago against the conscious mind. Against Neothink, all mystics and neocheaters are finished. They will be ignominiously scorned out of existence.
Neothink develops new concepts over unlimited ranges of integration. That unlimited capacity is accomplished by dividing separate thoughts into two or more separate groups and then building each of those groups toward the maximum capacity of consciousness. Those groups of conscious thoughts can then be swiftly integrated into new units of knowledge and concepts beyond the capacity of the human mind thinking as a single conscious unit.
Within those four personal subjects -- sense of life, emotions, relationships, thinking -- Neotech quickly enhances a person's success and happiness. Now, my father's writings shifted to the overwhelming culprit that holds down all good people from success and happiness -- I mean, awesome success and happiness such as experiencing the Six Ultimate Gifts described in Book One. That overwhelming culprit is FORCE. Again, his Neotech writings on force came to him quickly, as follows:
FDA/EPA: The government-forced end to DDT alone is responsible for perhaps a million or more malaria deaths. Moreover, forced banning of pesticides, herbicides, and chemical preservatives is decreasing food productivity while increasing production costs, poverty, suffering, and starvation. [Re: J. Maddox, "The Doomsday Syndrome", McGraw-Hill] That irrational banning of valuable agriculture chemicals and food preservatives also causes greater food scarcity in famine areas to greatly increase worldwide malnutrition and starvation. The massive suffering and death in the name of protecting the environment or "doing-good" by government bureaucracies is documented in Grayson and Shepard's book, The Disaster Lobby, Follett Publishing Company. That book also demonstrates how advancing industrial and business technology free of government interference steadily (1) protects human life, (2) improves the environment -- water, air, land -- for human habitation, and (3) solves genuine ecological problems.
DEA: Any use of force to accomplish a "good" always, by nature, does much more long-range harm to people and society than any intended good. Moreover, those who use or advocate such force seldom have honest or innocent intentions, no matter what their external appearances. As in using force to prohibit drugs, the enforcers are not only morally wrong, but their policies of force drive drug prices far above their free-market values. Those artificially high prices, in turn, allow organized crime to flourish through the extremely high-profit margins guaranteed by the government enforcers.
Indeed, those government-created, sky-high prices cause the addict to push drugs onto others, especially onto vulnerable children and adolescents. The addicts must push drugs in order to obtain the cash needed to pay for the grossly inflated drugs. Thus, government oppression of individual rights through force creates hundreds of thousands of young, new addicts each year because of anti-drug laws. In addition, the desperate, dying addict will rob, mug, commit mayhem, murder -- he will do anything to raise the money required to buy the government-inflated drugs.
And finally, as during government enforced prohibition three generations ago, the anti-drug laws are by far the greatest boon and source of wealth to organized crime. The government through its power-usurping oppression creates huge, lucrative markets from which organized crime prospers and grows.
Despite the damaging effects of alcohol and drugs, no rational or moral reason exists for government to restrict, control, or forbid by force the sale or use of alcohol or drugs in any way whatsoever. No one or no government has the right to initiate or threaten force against any individual who is not violating the individual or property rights of others. Individuals have the basic right to do anything with their lives they choose, including damaging themselves by using alcohol and drugs, just as they have the right to damage themselves with sugar, tobacco, religion, promiscuous sex, mysticism, and suicide...so long as they do not initiate threats, force, or fraud against any other individual.
Feminism: The worst aspect of the feminist movement and other so-called "rights" movements is their advocating legislated government force or coercion to violate individual and property rights of others. All professional mystics and neocheating leaders require force or deception to survive by parasitically filling their needs. And those needs are usually disguised as "noble" ends. But no matter how noble sounding the end, it can never justify the means of force against any individual. Institutionalized initiation of force against individuals for any reason is categorically wrong, immoral, and diminishes the well-being and happiness of everyone.
Government policies and laws backed by force have always been the major instrument for denying women their individual rights. So what about those legions of feminists advocating that same legislated government force to achieve women "rights" by violating rights of others? They diminish everyone's rights and well-being.
Despite feminist claims, nothing today prevents women from realizing their potentials. The battle is not for women's rights, minority rights, black rights -- the battle is and always has been for individual rights. When individual rights are fully protected, then everyone's rights are protected.
Most feminists diminish the potential for all women by trying to usurp unearned economic or money gains through government force or coercion in violating the rights of others. Such tactics are morally wrong and destructive to all individuals. And in the long run, those tactics succeed only in giving government more power to oppress everyone -- especially women.
While stridently expressing goals of liberation and freedom, most feminist policies deny freedom of choice, voluntary division of labor, and open competition. Those policies reveal a fear of freedom, competition, integrated thinking, and self-responsibility. Such dishonest, double-speak contradictions of demanding freedom while actually attacking freedom via government force are also common in "liberation" or "rights" movements of various black, consumer, and environmental groups. Such groups demand benefits and "freedoms" via government force while reducing their own and everyone else's freedom.
Government laws backed by force have always been the mechanism that eventually oppressed women. The genuine liberation of women occurred during those rare, historic periods during which the reason and logic of individual freedom gained influence over the dishonesty and mysticism of government and religious oppression. Those liberating periods were the Golden Age of Greece, the Renaissance, and the greatest, most profoundly moral period of all: the free-enterprise phase of the Industrial Revolution. In free-enterprise capitalism, the influences of reason, honesty, effort, productivity, and voluntary individual choice count for everything, while the influences of mysticism, dishonesty, racism, social status, and the use of force are dismissed as nothing. ...The causal relationship of reason and capitalism to freedom and prosperity for women is clear.
In attempting to establish credibility, feminists promote and publicize certain "famous" women of history as heroines. Some of those women were honest value producers who contributed to human well-being. But most of those feminist "heroines" were demagogues and neocheaters who agitated for more government force to make individuals conform to their wishes or demands. In their promotion of "great women", most feminists hypocritically ignore one of the greatest benefactors to human life and champions of individual rights. That person was a woman. She was one of the most profound thinkers and writers, male or female, of all time. She was a world-famous novelist and the most important philosopher since Aristotle. Her name: Ayn Rand.
Why do most feminists ignore Ayn Rand? Because she intellectually refuted their concepts of mysticism, initiatory force, and government coercion to achieve ends. More important, she clearly identified the immorality of such approaches, thus repudiating the core of most feminist movements and methods. Also, Ayn Rand identified that the only proper moral issue is individual rights...not women's rights, black rights, or any other such "rights" or causes. For such causes are largely designed to support neocheaters.
The feminists' rejection of Ayn Rand not only underscores their intellectual dishonesty, but demonstrates that their movement is not interested in individual rights. Instead, they are interested in usurping power, values, advantages, and bogus livelihoods through the spurious neocheating gimmick of women's rights. Because of their disregard for individual rights in their demands for government coercion or force, feminist movements bring, in the long run, only further government oppression of women. Indeed, that oppression is already recurring with, for example, the anti-abortion and anti-pornography movements.
And finally, most feminists stridently attack women's greatest benefactor and liberator -- free-enterprise capitalism. Furthermore, many feminists actually support the prime causes for oppression of women -- government and religion. In fact, some feminists remain active members of the most virulently anti-women, patriarchal organization ever contrived by man -- the Roman Catholic Church. Such feminists work against the well-being of all women and all individuals.
Two approaches to life are open: (1) The neocheater's approach of using force-backed government or deceit-based religion to drain values from others, or (2) the producer's approach of using integrated honesty and free markets to deliver competitive values wanted by others and society. That second approach obviates force, coercion, fraud in allowing all men and women equally to pursue prosperity, romantic love, and abiding happiness.
Politicians: Power usurped through government force gives neocheating politicians illusions of control over reality. They use those rationalized illusions to build pseudo self-esteems needed for psychological survival. Their need for unearned power grows from a base of laziness, immaturity, a lack of self-responsibility, and a desire for an easy route to "accomplishment" and "control".
By contrast, self-sufficient producers such as successful businesspeople earn genuine self-esteem through their own integrated thinking and hard efforts. They have no need for unearned power or usurped values. They have no desire to forcibly control the lives of others. That is why genuine value producers are seldom, if ever, interested in politics. ...Productive businesspeople are too busy being happy, creative, and productive to waste their precious time on unhappy, destructive politics.
Innocence is what traps most honest, productive people. Believing that most people are basically good and honest (which is fact), productive people cannot grasp or imagine the inherently dishonest nature of governments. They cannot grasp the immature, evil nature of neocheating politicians, bogus-job bureaucrats, and their agents of force who exist through camouflaged value destructions.
Indeed, to survive without producing competitive values for others, professional neocheaters and mystics must use force, deception, and mysticism to usurp their destructive livelihoods from others.
Neocheaters betray their conscious nature. They program themselves to self-destruct. Time is their enemy. Each passing day brings increasing decline to their lives. With time, exposure of their fraud to themselves and others becomes inescapable.
Who really helps the needy: the elderly, the handicapped, the oppressed, the sick, the helpless? Who really protects the disadvantaged, the consumer, the environment, the innocent animals? Who really provides the rational needs of everyone at ever lower costs? No, not those people who effusively try to convince themselves and others how much care and compassion they have for the disadvantaged, animals, and the environment. They are compassion hoaxers. For, they function by irrationally demanding others be forced into providing for the needy and protecting the environment.
Those compassion hoaxers do not function through benevolence and good will. They function through parasitical force and malevolent destruction. Be they politicians, journalists, judges, professors, advocates, or entertainers, they all hypocritically feign good intentions to conceal agendas of unearned livelihoods, power, esteem.
Altruism: Who is an example of a consummate altruist? Adolph Hitler was a consummate altruist. He scorned material values in his personal life. He was the personification of asceticism and sacrifice. He demanded the eventual sacrifice of all human beings and their values to his deemed "higher" cause of duty and obedience to society. He fed his weak ego and pseudo self-esteem with an ever increasing need for power and control over others by force. Similarly, people like Mao, Pol Pot, Nader and other altruists ignore honesty, scorn material values, and survive on unearned power gained by brute force or neocheating deceptions. They need increasing control over others to feed their weak egos. ...Such altruists gain their power by attacking and usurping values produced or earned by others. Thus, such altruists live by harming or killing innocent value producers.
Left-wing, right-wing, conservative, and "liberal" views all stem from the same reactionary, Platonistic root. All are dependent on dishonest mysticism and all are philosophically entrenched in the neocheating ploys of sacrifice and altruism. Such altruistic philosophies are contrary to human nature and well-being. Social utopias extrapolated from any altruistic premise are by nature Platonistic, destructive, and totalitarian. Such utopias depend on sacrifice, force, coercion, controls, and doomsday predictions. With those conditions, the individual's best interests are always subjugated to the utopian "higher" causes. Thus, being continuously neocheated and drained by utopian rulers, the individual becomes less and less able to produce competitive values for others and society.
Most of the past and present doomsayers (such as Plato, the Catholic Church, Stalin, Hitler, Ralph Nader), use dishonest projections of free man destroying himself. But those projections are false non sequiturs used to promote the neocheaters' own value-usurping utopias. Such utopias are not only totalitarian by nature, but would be boring, static societies frozen by force around some predescribed "ideal". Such utopias would block the exciting, never-ending discoveries that naturally occur through advances in knowledge, technology, and art by productive individuals in a non-utopian, free society.
In a Neotech society, the only actions that are prohibited are the use of initiatory force, coercion, or fraud against any individual. That prohibition is upheld by ostracism as well as the right to use retaliatory, self-defense force or legal action against any initiator of force, coercion, or fraud.
In a Neotech society, the individual is free to function according to his or her biological nature in becoming more and more productive for others and society. The natural happiness and freedom in a Neotech society starkly contrasts to socialistic utopias. In such utopias, individuals are compelled to sacrifice their value-producing competence and efficacy to the altruistic, "higher" causes of utopian rulers. Only in a noncoercive Neotech society are productive individuals free to function according to their nature in order to achieve maximum prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and happiness by delivering maximum values to society.
Democracy: Government control always means the control of individuals by force. Communism, fascism, socialism, and democracy are political systems that survive by force. Democracy, however, is generally less destructive or less malevolent than the other three systems of oppression. All four political systems operate on the same neocheating concepts of external "authority" and unearned power backed by "legalized" force. Moreover, all four systems require Platonistic, existentialist philosophies for the value destroyers to usurp bogus livings from the value producers.
Contrary to popular myth, democracy is rooted neither in justice nor in the protection of individual rights, but is rooted in the uncompetitive principle of "authorities" with power to force the deemed "will" of the majority onto specific individuals. (The United States was not founded as a democracy, but as a republic based on constitutional law forged between democratic myths and free-choice, competitive-market principles. Today, most of the remaining nonforce, free-choice, competitive elements of freedom in the United States are being replaced with uncompetitive fascist or socialistic elements of force.) A business-like, free-choice, competitive system is the only political system based on logic, justice, growth, and earned values rather than on feelings, force, stagnation, and usurpation of values. Of all political systems, only the nonforce, free-choice competitive system rejects the concept of uncompetitive "authority" system of force, threat of force, and fraud. And only competitive, free markets fully recognize the sovereignty of the individual and the right to his or her own body, life, and earned property. ...All professional mystics and value-destroying neocheaters hate and fear free-choice competition. Why? Because free-choice competition would drive them from their dishonest careers and bogus livelihoods.
Ego "Justice": Subjective Laws include political-agenda laws conjured up by politicians and bureaucrats to gain self-serving benefits, false egos, and unearned power. Enforcement of political-agenda laws requires the use of force and armed agents against innocent people. ...The only outcome of such laws is increased violation of individual rights. Objective Laws are not conjured up by politicians or bureaucrats. Instead, like the laws of physics, they arise from the immutable laws of nature. Such laws are valid across time and space, benefit everyone, and advance society. Objective laws are based on the moral prohibition of initiatory force, threats of force, and fraud. ...The only rational purpose of laws is to protect individual rights.
Ego "Justice" is the use of subjective, political-agenda laws to gain parasitical livelihoods and feel false importance. Ego "justice" is the survival tool of many politicians, lawyers, and judges. Ego "justice" is the most pernicious form of neocheating. ...Parasitical elites thrive on subjective laws and ego "justice" to the harm of every individual and all of society.
Ego "justice" is practiced by judges who abandon objective law to support armed bureaucracies that enforce destructive political agendas. Through judicial exploitations and social deceptions, those judges garner public respect. Yet, they are destroyers of property, life, and happiness. Today's ego-"justice" judges incarcerate ever more political pawns with ever harsher, totally unjust sentences. Why? To maintain their ego props and arbitrary power through expanding enforcement of political-agenda laws.
Consider the life-shattering sentences imposed daily on people innocent of any objective crime. Consider Los Angeles federal judge Manuel L. Real who routinely destroys those caught in his web with the harshest possible prison terms -- solely to feel power and importance. He takes pleasure in his tough-judge image expressed by his Maximum-Manny nickname. In his self-glorifying process, he destroys the lives of innocent men, women, and children. ...Many other judges at all levels are also Maximum Mannys who destroy innocent human beings and their families in order to feel important.
Consider federal judges Thomas P. Griesa, Milton Pollack, John M. Walker, Jr., and Kimba Wood. Each giulianied[ 25 ] innocent business giants for personal power and ego enhancement. Each such judge is a killer of innocent but unpopular people like Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley. Review the records of perhaps the most murderous political-agenda judges in America, Walter Smith, Jr., of Waco, Texas and Clifford Weckstein of Leesburg, Virginia. Such judges destroy objectively innocent individuals caught in the evil web of political-agenda enforcements. To garner ego-boosting publicity and to feel powerful, those humanoid judges crush their wrongly accused, media-smeared victims with false, inhumane imprisonments.
[ 25 ] The verb giuliani means to use gun-backed, political-agenda law to criminally destroy honest businesspeople and illegally seize private property. Derived from Rudolph Giuliani who advanced in politics by illegally using RICO and seizure laws to crush innocent people and their businesses.
Each such judge is an accomplice to the gun-backed crimes of political-agenda enforcement -- crimes of collective assault, pillage, murder. Such judges and their prosecutor cohorts must be held responsible for their crimes against individuals, the economy, and society. Moreover, their innocent victims must be freed, pardoned, and paid restitution.
By now my father had a swelling anger building within. Just who the heck are those people who have the arrogance to spend their lives using force on others, he asked himself. No sooner had he asked himself that question when he pinpointed in his widescope thinking the small clique of humanoids responsible, whom my father called the Parasitical Elites. Immediately, off he was writing about them, as follows:
A parasitical-elite class has spawned this upside-down civilization -- an irrational civilization that inflicts purposeful harm on conscious beings, their economies, their societies. Parasitical elites today manipulate nearly all politics, many bureaucracies, the legal profession, the courts, public schools, the academe, the news media, religion, entertainment, and certain big businesses. What most of those manipulators represent as the best is really the worst...the most destructive -- and vice versa.
Be prepared to discover the facts: Jay Gould is the best, Abraham Lincoln is the worst; Leona Helmsley is the best, Eleanor Roosevelt is the worst; Malcolm X is the best, Martin Luther King is the worst; Michael Milken is the best, Rudolph Giuliani is the worst. ...Indeed, you must first dismiss nearly everything that the parasitical-elite class and its news media represent as good and bad in order to command your life on planet Earth toward boundless prosperity.
What do the following have in common? Armed ATF, DEA, IRS agents, force-backed anti-abortionists, jailing of Milken and Helmsley, Jew and Japan bashing, gay bashing and gay "rights", racism, urban riots, RICO and seizure laws, PETA, political correctness, the DEA, EPA, FDA, INS, IRS, OSHA, formal religion, Greenpeace, evangelism, gun control, Ralph Nader, Fidel Castro, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Helms, Pat Buchanan, white-collar-hoax big-business executives: What do they all have in common?
All of the above are based on economic and social parasitism. They are all backed by professional value destroyers, parasitical elites, envy mongers, and self-righteous neocheaters infesting government, religion, big business, entertainment, the media. By purposely creating problems where none exist, all such parasites end in destroying the very values they pretend to support. Such destructive people must pretend to support values. They must fake compassion and good intentions to survive -- to gain false esteem, power, and bogus livelihoods.
They and their supporters comprise a rapidly expanding class of parasitical elites. Today, from survival necessity, they are converging in a final feeding frenzy. They increasingly loot and destroy innocent value producers through despotic "laws": RICO, seizure, and EPA/FDA/FTC/OSHA/SEC-type "laws"...all backed by force along with the irrationalities of ego "justice", fake scientisms, and pressured by escalating deep-pocket litigations. And now, the parasite class fight one another to devour the remains of a vanishing class of genuine job-and-wealth producers.
Indeed, for decades, that escalating class of professional value destroyers has orchestrated libel, slander, and public envy to attack and drain a now decimated, crumbling class of super value producers. Eventually, under various disguised forms of fascist socialism -- such as, tax-the-producers envynomics -- those converging parasites would drain dry the remaining remnant of super job producers and aggressive entrepreneurs. The demise of those last great value producers would bring annihilations of the world economies and societies. ...But, none of that will happen because of Neotech and the Prosperity Revolution.
Who exactly are the parasitical elites? A simple, wide-scope accounting process reveals one fact: Parasitical elites are those whose livelihoods are draining much more, often infinitely more, from the economy and society than they deliver. Such accounting answers the following question: Does one's job, livelihood, profession, agency, bureaucracy, or company build or drain the economy -- benefit or harm the productive class? Does one produce values or destroy values? ...Wide-scope accounting is a definitive economic-impact statement.
Murderous organizations are killing you. Some net value destroyers are so obvious that no specific accounting figures are needed for the public to see the destructiveness of such people and their harmful organizations. Consider some of the most harmful bureaucracies in America today: the BATF, DEA, EPA, IRS, INS, FDA, FTC, SEC. Such murderous organizations[ 26 ] need guns, jails, and ego "justice" to exist and expand. Those organizations breed legions of professional value destroyers who are responsible for mass property and business destructions that eventually bring economic and social devastations. But, most harmfully, those organizations move everyone toward life-wasting stagnation, unhappiness, and death.
Daily, those organizations violate objective justice by committing real crimes of force and fraud. Those organizations are not only harming the economy, but are destroying society and everyone's freedoms by violating each of the ten Articles of the Bill of Rights except the third -- they have not yet forced the quartering of their troops in private homes. ...Those organizations depend on a legal system corrupted with the subjective laws and ego "justice" used to advance their harmful political agendas.
The DEA: With conventional accounting within arbitrary or closed boundaries, almost any destructive end, even destructions of entire economies and genocide, can be made to appear beneficial to the public as demonstrated by Lenin, Hitler, and Mao. But, wide-scope accounting immediately reveals the destructiveness of those men and their organizations. Now, apply that wide-scope accounting to organizations like the Drug Enforcement Administration (the DEA). First, consider that the DEA exists entirely through gun-backed policies created by self-serving, demagogic politicians. From that fact, the public can increasingly see that the armed divisions of the DEA are the engines that support and expand the drug problem, crimes, death, and loss of constitutional rights for every American citizen.
The armed DEA divisions continuously expand the market for drugs by providing the super-high price supports that make possible the flourishing of organized crime and drug cartels. Such government-forced economics necessitate pushing ever more potent drugs onto others, especially onto vulnerable young people. In turn, those immoral DEA actions keep escalating the crimes and deaths related to drugs.
Gun-backed organizations like the DEA serve but one purpose -- the expansion of harmful livelihoods that let politicians and bureaucrats drain the economy and damage society by creating ever expanding drug problems.
The IRS: Likewise, the gun-backed divisions of the Internal Revenue Service work with politicians in expanding destructive political agendas that enhance their jobs and power. Their armed criminal activities diminish everyone's future by crippling or breaking the daring entrepreneur and aggressive business person. Indeed, every large business today started with the daring courage, hard work, and precious seed capital of a heroically aggressive entrepreneur. Yet, as official policy, the IRS directs its newest-trained auditors and armed agents to "cut their teeth" on small, vulnerable, first-year companies. In that way, the IRS each year ruins countless individuals and small businesses -- destroying the seeds to our economic future by destroying millions of current and future jobs.[ 27 ] Indeed, wide-scope accounting reveals how the armed divisions of the IRS are criminally destroying the essence of our economy, society, and freedoms not only for today, but for future generations.
[ 26 ] Murderous organizations? Even the EPA, for example, is responsible for the deaths of 8-20 people for every life it theoretically saves. The EPA kills people through the increased living costs and decreased living standards that bureaucracy forces on society, especially on the lower classes (Ref: Forbes, 7/6/92, page 60). Likewise, other bureaucracies cause long-term harm and death to countless more people than those few people who may benefit. In fact, those who profit from or live off the lethal actions of those bureaucracies are accomplices to murder -- often mass murder.
[ 27 ] The Neotech Research Center estimates that 7.1 million jobs in the American economy were lost from 1980-1990 due to businesses being damaged or destroyed by illegal IRS actions.
The IRS thrives as a destructive bureaucracy because of the irrational income tax. By contrast, revenues raised through consumption or sales taxes would vanish deficits, reduce the IRS to a fraction of its current size...and eliminate its armed divisions that back criminal collection procedures used to override due process while inflicting cruel-and-unusual punishments on its victims.
No legitimate reason exists for armed agents in any bureaucracy. Local police and courts, not armed bureaucratic agents, can competently and constitutionally protect all individuals, property, and organizations, including physically protecting government officials.
The INS: What about the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the INS? By throwing wide-scope accounting on the gun-backed segments of that organization, anyone can see its harm to the economy. With its army of enforcers who never have to answer to American citizens, the INS ravishes hard-working value producers and their families. The INS army expands its power and livelihoods by attacking America's most competitive workers of the past and future. Those workers are the immigrants who abandon their homelands and risk their lives to deliver competitive values to our economy. Thus, they raise the well-being and prosperity of all Americans. Such life-improving immigrants have been the backbone of competitive growth and economic prosperity in America, despite the dishonest political demagoguery to the contrary.
The FDA: And the Food and Drug Administration? Wide-scope accounting shows the FDA to be the biggest killer of all -- literally killing millions of human beings. Operating under a power-mad Commissioner, armies of FDA bureaucrats destructively build their own "achievement" files for their own promotions. By enforcing increasingly cost-prohibitive compliance to irrational regulations, the FDA blocks scientific and medical progress.
As specifically identified by Zon, without the FDA and its armed enforcers, today we would have cures for cancer, heart disease, AIDS, muscular dystrophy, and essentially all other serious diseases. Moreover, biomedical advances would have the human race moving toward non-aging longevity as achieved in all mystic-free civilizations throughout the universe -- in all civilizations free of parasitical elites.
How do destructive organizations succeed in deceiving everyone so completely for so long?
A successful magician deceives everyone in his audience with illusions. The key to the magician's successful tricks or deceptions is to keep everyone distracted. The magician with his wand keeps attention focused on a decoy illusion removed from the point of deception. With everyone's attention diverted, no one sees the deception.
All parasitical elites and their organizations have a myriad of decoy illusions. Created through deceptive rationalizations, those illusions have hidden the destructions of the parasitical-elite class since Plato showed golden-soul parasites 2300 years ago how to rule the value producers.
Consider today's Drug Enforcement Administration: With subjective laws enacted by power-usurping politicians, the DEA uses its wand of deception to point at the drugs it seized and people it jailed as progress in the "War on Drugs". But, in fact, the DEA has no motivation to diminish any drug problem. Without an expanding drug problem, its system of livelihoods and power would diminish. Thus, the DEA has every motivation to expand its bureaucracy of bogus livelihoods and power by creating and expanding drug problems, which it does very successfully.
Consider the armed criminal divisions of the Internal Revenue Service: With their wands of deception, those IRS divisions point at the money and property seized. Through its gun-backed agents, the IRS criminally squeezes the working assets out of the "underground" economy, heroic entrepreneurs, struggling individuals, and small businesses. They point to the dollars they have seized from those whom they have crippled, destroyed, or jailed. But throw wide-scope accounting on those illegal elements of the IRS, and one discovers its gun-backed enforcers are destroying our present and future economy, jobs, freedoms, privacy, and well-being. More broadly, the, IRS-forced paperwork alone is the greatest time-and-life destroyer ever devised to expand bureaucratic jobs and power. ...And most destructively, the IRS smothers youth from becoming the independent business giants needed for the future prosperity of any society.
Consider the Immigration and Naturalization Service: The INS points its wand of deception at the "illegal" aliens it forcibly drains, blocks, jails, or ejects from America. Such uses of force are not only racist, but are criminal acts against innocent value producers. Those crimes are hidden by deceptive-wand myths such as "draining welfare funds" and "keeping jobs for Americans". Both such claims are patently false. Wide-scope accounting clearly reveals that "illegal" aliens (1) add much more in taxes than they "drain" and (2) create many more jobs for Americans than they take. Thus, each racist INS crime diminishes everyone's job and life by undermining America's standard of living, its economic strength, its international competitiveness.
And finally, consider the Food and Drug Administration: The FDA points its wand of deception toward "protecting" the health of Americans. But, in reality, the FDA is responsible for killing more citizens than any other group of parasitical elites. For, through power-usurping regulations, the FDA blocks the cures for all major diseases. The FDA also blocks the development of major longevity advances. ...Only unhindered science and business can bring disease-free, non-aging longevity, as accomplished in all mystic-free, parasite-free civilizations throughout the universe.
With actual wide-scope accountings, Neotech reveals the huge net destructions caused by specific politicians, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, prosecutors, white-collar-hoax business people, and other parasitical elites. Neotech also details how those elites can exist only by creating and expanding power-building instruments such as armed bureaucracies. Neotech identifies how all parasitical elites depend on armed bureaucracies and subjective ego "justice" to enforce their harmful survival agendas. And finally, Neotech details the spectacular prosperity that awaits everyone upon terminating the parasitical-elite class (Book One).
Most people in government, business, and the professions are not targets for personal ostracism or job termination. Instead, they are candidates to benefit economically, professionally, and personally by getting on the honest side of the split caused by the Neotech Wedge. That Wedge is already beginning to move through governments and businesses, separating the honest productive people from the parasitical elites. ...Only parasitical elites and their armed enforcers are targeted for ostracism and job termination. They are the ones who waste everyone's brief life. They shall not escape the Neotech Wedge.
In contrast to legitimately armed policemen who serve to protect life and property, armed bureaucrats serve to harm life and property. Today, the increasing social and physical harms caused by politicized armed bureaucrats are endangering all federal employees. ...Bureaucrats, not law-abiding citizens, must be disarmed.
A politician who lives through armed bureaucracies exists not to produce values but to destroy them, not to bring social harmony but to disrupt it. The conflict between Neotech and politicized armed bureaucracies evolves from the deepest issues of right versus wrong, honesty versus dishonesty, and protective government versus destructive government.
Neotech will bring peace to the world and trust in government by vanishing armed bureaucracies.
Neotech is simply fully integrated honesty. Nothing can stop the natural mission of Neotech. Nothing can stop its mission of terminating the parasitical-elite class.
A rising Prosperity Revolution will accomplish the first-and-final valid class overthrow in history. That overthrow and termination of the parasitical-elite class by Neotech self-leaders and honest business leaders will boom all economies. Mankind will finally experience the unlimited prosperity enjoyed by all advanced civilizations throughout the Universe.
This is your revolution to unlimited prosperity.
A prosperity revolution? Neotech self-leaders? Class overthrow? Relentless and uncompromising? Overthrowing the entire parasitical-elite class? Yes. Forward march to the overthrow and unlimited prosperity!
Another revolution of bombs, blood, and tears? Power-seeking revolutionary leaders? Another round of destructions leading to ever more destructions? Socialist, fascist, or world-order "democracy" inspired? Building a new parasitical-elite class? No. Just the opposite.
All past revolutions required inconsistencies, illegalities, and destructions. But this revolution is unique. It is based on Neotech. And, Neotech requires logical consistency, objective law, and honest productivity. Neotech upholds objective law by terminating all subjective political policies that harm you, society, and the economy. ...This is your revolution. This revolution will bring you unlimited prosperity.
Your prosperity revolution? When will it happen? What will happen? Who will make it happen? How will it bring you unlimited prosperity?
All past revolutions and class overthrows were bogus or compromised. For, all were fomented so one parasitical group could take power from another parasitical group. All were fomented from false or artificial class conflicts of nationalities, races, religions, political issues, economic levels, or social levels.
The Prosperity Revolution is the first and only legitimate class overthrow possible among human beings: The honest productive class ranging from construction hand to billionaire entrepreneur will overthrow the parasitical-elite class -- a criminal class comprised of destructive politicians and their legions of harmful bureaucrats, armed political-policy enforcers, ego judges, politico prosecutors, corrupt lawyers, dishonest journalists, evil academics, and white-collar-hoax business quislings.
Parasitical elites survive through false power -- power gained through deceptive illusions. But, today, with your personal terminator, you can break their illusions to end all false power.
Independent self-leaders are developing with no leader to follow or obey. They are people who will increasingly carry out missions of subversion against the parasitical-elite class.
So long as self-leaders have no leader to obey, they will steadily multiply and never stop moving forward. For, on learning how to break the hoax of professional parasitism, they will react personally to each parasite who harms or drains society. On their own, in their own ways, they will increasingly subvert the entire parasite class. They will subvert the leeches one by one, relentlessly, until each is driven from his or her bogus career. Especially through the Internet, self-leaders will have no time or energy limits to stop them from eradicating the parasitical-elite class that wastes the lives of everyone. They will have no more compunction about swatting down parasitical elites who exploit society than they have about swatting down mosquitoes that spread disease.
So long as uncensored cyberspace and free expression exists, the Prosperity Revolution will proceed peacefully. Without gun-backed oppression, the overthrow of the parasitical-elite class will be peaceful but uncompromising, total, permanent.
After hours of writing, my father now needed a break. Now morning, he put on his running clothes and went for a refreshing run, right to his deep friend -- his mountain called Zon. Although the strong yet peaceful mountain talked no more, my dad stopped and sat at his old spot. "How long will my thinking be this way -- so widely integrated and powerful?" he asked Zon, knowing he would get no answer. "It's so clear now -- mystic-free thinking is Neothink. Neotech or fully integrated honesty is the vehicle to Neothink. What is this new power I have, anyway? I write just like you used to talk to me, and I get to the root of everything now, unlike before. This Neotech and Neothink is so powerful. What do I call this new power? Zon, what do I call it?" My father sat there, looking like a schoolboy as he did that first day when he fell and Zon first talked to him. The desert wind pushed his hair back, then with schoolboy excitement, he said, "I know. I'll call this new power Zonpower -- after you! That's it: Zonpower. Zonpower means the power over life one commands by using Neotech to become mystic-free and to take man's next quantum leap into Neothink. ...Thank you Zon for my inspiration. I must get back to my writing now. I love feeling my Zonpower!" With that, my middle-aged dad bounced up like a kid and ran back to his home office at the fastest clip he had run in nearly ten years. As he bounded away on the desert road, he finally heard, in his thoughts this time, Zon's first words to him that never reached his conscious brain that first day after his fall. As he now listened to those words for the first time, a lump grew in his throat, and a tear of gratefulness welled up in his eye as he ran along the desert road. Here is what he heard in his mind; Zon's first words to my dad:
The child of the past exists in you. Lost within faded memories, that child keeps searching for a life of adventure, discovery, value, happiness. Turn inward to discover that child. And then break free from those who are hurting you...from those who are wasting your time and resources. That child of the past will kindle a new life of adventure and happiness.
"I have discovered that child of the past, Zon...thank you, Zon!" my father shouted as tears streaked down his cheeks. "I have broken free and discovered the adventure!" When he got back home, he took a three-minute shower, wrapped a towel around his waist, then sat down and started writing, again for hours. (This towel-around-the-waist writer became a common scene over the next few years, even to this day.) My dad did not know where his writing on this day was taking him, but he knew he was writing toward something big. His pen raced through the subjects as he headed along a mapped course toward the climax that would come to him before the day was over:
Business: Business is the most noble of all ideas, the most intellectual of all thinking, the most valuable of all activities. Business is a man-made mechanism from which all major values of civilization are created, produced, and distributed. Business is the mechanism through which people most effectively assert themselves into life to produce maximum values for others and achieve abiding happiness for themselves and their loved ones.
Almost without exception, those who vilify, undermine, and drain honest businesses are those who usurp their livings from the value producer. Most mystics and neocheaters undermine and destroy values out of envy and resentment. For through their habitual parasitism, they have made themselves incompetent to honestly produce competitive values for others and society. Such professional mystics, neocheaters, and external "authorities" survive by draining their benefactors -- the value producers.
Moreover, the professional mystics and neocheaters who publicly scorn money and values are actually obsessed with usurping money and values in order to live without producing competitive values for others. Such mystics and neocheaters project false guilt onto the value producer in order to conceal their motives, methods, intentions, and impotence. They demand control and regulation of the value producer when they themselves are incompetent to produce values for others.
Business delivers competitive values to others, to society, even to the value destroyers. While the value destroyers deliver only false guilt, usurpations, and harm to business and its value producers.
Business people are primarily interested in producing values for others. To such business people, money represents not a means for consumption, but a means to grow -- to produce still more and better values at ever lower costs and greater efficiencies. That mechanism for producing ever-increasing values at ever-lower costs is the unmatched virtue of business. Indeed, business is the most moral, most intellectual of all human activities. Business is the most widely integrated, evolved form of human intellect. Business is the antithesis of mysticism.
Fraud-Based Academe: Many university professors today are not intellectuals. Genuine intellectuals use their minds rationally, honestly, productively. Many university professors today are fake intellectuals who use their minds cleverly, dishonestly, and destructively to hold their bogus jobs. They are professional neocheaters. Thus, even some of the most "famous" of such professors, even some Nobel laureates, cannot produce net values. Instead they wreak great damage on the minds of their students. ...Neotech will bring a worldwide purge of such university professors.
Great intellectuals exist in every major area of productive human activity. Genuine intellectuals are those businessmen, industrialists, scientists, engineers, artists, musicians, and educators who advance their profession by using their minds honestly in working hard through rational actions. A rational, hard-driving, successful mining engineer, for example, is highly intellectual in mining, but may not be highly intellectual in English literature. At the same time, a university professor of English literature is probably not highly intellectual in mining. Indeed, he may be incompetent to function intellectually in any area of business. Perhaps he is even incompetent in English, especially if he or she is a low-effort, laid-back, tenured professor living off taxpayers. Such professors damage students' minds by using non sequiturs to attack the potency of the logical mind, reason, heroic value producers, and their life-giving products.
The only difference between intellectualism in the business world versus intellectualism in the academic world is that performance in business is much easier to measure and thus more difficult to fake. That is why the academic world accumulates such a high percentage of lazy charlatans and clever pseudo-intellectuals compared to the business world. Those charlatans and pseudo intellectuals cannot survive in the business world. For, through their fake jobs cleverly designed to camouflage their laziness and dishonesty, they have become uncompetitive and incompetent. Still, they can fake lifelong careers in the academic world. And as long as mysticism and altruism dominate philosophical thought, such pseudo-intellectual neocheaters will proliferate throughout the academic world.
Education: Platonism is the basis of all public educational systems. Government-run schools today are inept at educating children because they embrace the ideas of John Dewey, a Platonist existentialist who dishonestly replaced the objective principles of education with power-usurping, subjective methods. Using dishonest non sequiturs, Dewey's philosophy dismisses as socially irrelevant the pedagogical teaching of fundamental knowledge such as reading, writing, mathematics, and science.
Dewey's philosophy promotes the mystical concept that children can be "educated" by allowing them to randomly pursue their own whims. The students' whims are considered socially relevant to the here-and-now and thus are deemed as the basis of education. The "teacher", therefore, merely follows wherever the child's feelings may lead (rather than the teacher providing the child with objective knowledge through systematic input of integrated facts and information). With an existential action approach, Dewey deems the mind as the creator of "reality". Thus, in one mystical stroke, he negates both the integrating conscious mind and objective reality.
Although deceptively stating the opposite, Karl Marx's dialectical materialism is the same "reality creating" approach to action as Dewey's approach. Hitler's approach is also the same as Dewey's "willed realities" and "created logics". That "reality-creating" approach is the essence of mysticism. For it relieves the mind of the basic human responsibility to identify, integrate, and then logically deal with objective reality. As a pragmatic existential neocheater, Dewey scraps logic, knowledge, and reason in favor of whims and feelings. He deems such whims and feelings as the primary guide to human knowledge, education, and action. ...Designed from dishonesty and laziness, Dewey's destructive "educational" approach is the basis of public education today.
As a result, severe crimes against children occur on a grand scale in most public schools and universities today. The perpetrators of those crimes are many of the educators and philosophers of this world. They implement those anti-educational ideas advanced at the turn of the century by master comprachico, John Dewey. Such educators methodically destroy the efficacy of the child's mind. By the millions, eager, knowledge-seeking children turn into lethargic airheads or dishonest manipulators unable to achieve honest prosperity and genuine happiness.
Existentialism: A dominant form of mysticism and Platonistic philosophy in Western civilization is existentialism and its many disguised variations such as Gestaltism, transcendental meditation, Zen Buddhism. Existentialism is really nothing more than clever irrationalism and contradictions that ironically heralds Kierkegaard's "individual responsibility", which existentialism ultimately negates, often cloaked in pragmatic non sequiturs or good-sounding rationalizations. Existentialism claims that reality does not exist. Thus, the meaning of existentialism is impossible to objectively define or understand. For existentialism is nothing. And nothing can be attached to nothing.
Expressed in countless ways, existentialism is the philosophical form projected by (1) most media commentators, (2) almost all politicians and theologians, (3) neocheating social "intellectuals", including many teachers, university professors, and (4) know-nothing personalities and entertainers acting as "authorities" on the basis of feeling rather than knowledge.
In the past several decades, those four groups of people have effectively spread existentialism among the nonproductive elements of society. More recently, those same groups are successfully pushing existentialism onto the working middle class. As a result, the productivity, self-esteem, and happiness among the productive middle class is diminishing as value producers increasingly swap their earned happiness and freedom for the existentialistic ideas of mysticism, egalitarianism, and altruism. Their ultimate negation of self-responsibility and self-control opens the way for increasing government control of their lives.
Many people are drawn into the chameleon-like forms of existentialism through an assortment of highly publicized, illusionary benefits designed to indulge almost anyone's emotions to escape reality. Touted benefits include discovering "real truth", "peace of mind", "happiness", new "freedoms", "self-awareness", increased "sensitivity", "discovery" of one's true self. But beneath all such jargon and claimed benefits, existentialism is nothing more than a wimpish irrationality that promotes stupidity. ...Indeed, existentialism promotes the negation of reality.
Existentialism and organized religions both grow from mysticism. And both lead to the oppression of the individual. Existentialism and organized religions both reflect fear of the independent individual.
Equality: People are not equal in value or worth. Only in the rights to their own lives and property are people equal. Those and only those rights are inalienable for all human beings. By nature, no one has an automatic or natural right to anything else in life. Moreover, beyond the equality of individual or property rights, nothing is, can, or should be equal between human beings.
Earned values always determine one's self-esteem and happiness despite the constant efforts by politicians, media journalists, cartoonists, social "intellectuals" and other neocheaters to use nonearned characteristics such as face, skin, sex, age, race, nationality, or family background to praise, pay off, judge, or condemn people. Constant exposure to the anti-individualistic myths pushed by professional mystics and neocheaters diminish one's ability to honestly judge character and earned worth. Recognition of an individual's earned worth is the cornerstone of justice and essential for romantic love and psychuous pleasures.
Media: A central theme of today's existentialist culture is "do not judge others". The neocheating media, social "intellectuals", and theologians continually tout, both implicitly and explicitly, the themes "do not judge others", "there are no absolute morals, no rights or wrongs", "everything is relative". Neocheaters have strong motivations for sowing themes of nonknowing and nonjudgment. Their livelihoods depend on keeping others from knowing and judging the parasitism and destruction inflicted by professional mystics and neocheaters onto society.
The continuous campaign to repress moral judgment depends largely on the specious technique of pointing to various erroneous judgments and then implying that such errors are inherent in all judgments. From that false reasoning, neocheaters dishonestly assert that all moral judgments are wrong, unfair, or harmful. From that conclusion, they compound their dishonesty by further asserting that moral judgments should never be made. Moreover, armed with specious egalitarian slogans or Biblical parables, those neocheaters, especially media journalists, malign or castigate those who have the courage and confidence to make honest moral judgments about value destroyers. While, at the same time, those same neocheaters constantly, dishonestly, hypocritically attack their victims (i.e., the value producers) with negative moral judgements that are false.
How are valid moral judgments made? Such judgments are made by using the biological nature and well-being of the conscious organism as the moral standard. With that objective standard, human actions can be consistently and validly judged by acquiring adequate facts and knowledge:
The most common judgment trap or error, erroneous or inadequate information to make a valid or accurate judgment, is the most obvious and common cause of judgment errors. Everyone is subject to this error. But that does not preclude certainty over moral issues and judgments. The central argument of the nonjudgment neocheaters is that since no one can know everything or be error free, no one can be certain about anything, especially moral issues. That argument is false. A person can be absolutely certain if given sufficient facts and context to validly measure against the axioms of objective reality.
Since no one is omniscient or infallible, everyone is subject to specific errors. But that vulnerability to errors has no bearing on knowing objective reality or being able to make moral judgments with certainty. For example, with inadequate information and judgment errors, a person can temporarily choose the wrong romantic-love partner. But, at the same time, he or she can still know with certainty the objective standards needed for a valid romantic-love relationship. With that certainty, a person can more quickly recognize and correct such judgment errors. In other words, with adequate objective knowledge, a person can make moral judgments with certainty without being omniscient or infallible.
A person can confidently proceed through life knowing that moral and character judgment can be performed with certainty. But again, that person must be aware of those areas subject to error because of inaccurate or incomplete knowledge or information. By always keeping the mind open to new information and being prepared to correct errors, the damage of judgment errors is minimized.
Infatuation is also a media generated, judgment-error tool to deliver undeserved adulation to charismatic politicians, evangelists, and other neocheaters. And reverse infatuation is constantly used as a grossly unfair, dishonest technique by media people as well as by politicians, clergymen, and academes to discredit value producers and their products, businesses, and ideas.
Essentially every big business was originally created and built by an honest, heroically productive individual such as E. I. du Pont, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Harvey Firestone, and other industrial supermen. Such men are the true benefactors of working-class people, of value producers, of society and civilization. For those industrial supermen intensely pursued the moral objectives of benefiting their customers, workers, managers, and investors by delivering spectacular values to society at ever lower costs. Those creative, productive individuals contrast sharply with destructive, media-made "heroes" such as the Lincolns, FDRs, Naders, Kennedys, and other such bad-intentioned nonproducers who survive by attacking and harming value producers, their products, their businesses.
While never honestly acknowledging those who produce great wealth and values, the "liberal" or neocheating journalists and writers often praise the wealthy, nonproductive scions of past industrial heroes. Neocheaters especially praise those immature, nonbusiness-like "philanthropists" who dissipate inherited wealth such as Henry Ford II and Nelson Rockefeller. And those same journalists and writers attack nearly every major value created by outstanding businessmen, scientists, and industrialists. For example, under such guises as ecology, consumerism, or "compassion", the "liberal" media attack, often with rabid envy, the greatest, most heroic values created by conscious beings. Such outstanding values attacked include the automobile, the computer, the drug industry, the petroleum and mining industries, and America's magnificent food processing and distribution systems. At the same time, the "liberal" media are quick to praise progressively meaner values such as the car pool, the abacus, folk medicine, hand-made goods, growing one's own food. They promote those kinds of unheroic, mean values under good-sounding non sequiturs as returning to basic "values", returning to hand-made quality, returning to nature.
Envy growing out of dishonesty and laziness is a major destructive force. In contrast to jealousy that is directed toward the possession of values, envy is directed toward the destruction of values.
The media often claim that envy is inborn or is "forced" into people by the environment. Therefore, envious people are blameless. Instead, society and inequality are to blame. But, in reality, envy is a destructive character development observed throughout the media today resulting from:
Racism: In American cities, white neighborhoods are generally safer than black neighborhoods. Throughout history, men have reached greater heights in intellectual, aesthetic, and commercial achievements than have women. In general, Jews are more intelligent, productive, creative and, therefore, more potent in life than people of other religions, nationalities, or races.
Are those the words of a racist, a chauvinist, a Zionist zealot? Perhaps so if such statements were directed toward or used in judgment of particular individuals. But the statements are made in reference to objective, statistical facts that are real. When those statements are placed in the proper context of being generalized statistics that do not characterize any particular individual, they are then validly applicable to generalized situations.
If the data are accurate, then in-context inferences from those data are factual and must be considered in order to make honest evaluations and correct decisions. Consider, for example, the provable statistic that in all major U.S. cities a significantly higher percentage of Blacks than Whites injure and murder people.[ 28 ] That is a statistical fact regardless of the reasons or so-called social causes. But to apply that statistical fact to any individual would be out-of-context and unjust because such statistics cannot be validly or honestly applied to any particular individual.
[ 28 ] References: "Crime in the United States: Uniform Crime Report", issued annually by the FBI; "Crime and Race" M.E. Wolfgang and B. Cohen.
On the other hand, to ignore or distort in-context facts is a dishonest evasion of reality. Such dishonest evasions of reality mystically conceal the knowledge required to deal accurately with reality in making effective decisions and judgments. For example, consider if a white or black person is concerned with physical safety for his or her loved ones and property: What if that person had the choice of living in equivalent housing in a predominantly black, depressed community or in a predominantly white, equally depressed community? Basing that choice on facts, that person would choose to live in the white community. Indeed, that person would have made the correct decision without necessarily harboring any bigotry or without acting unjustly or harmfully toward any individual.
Likewise, from factual statistics, a much higher percentage of men than women accomplish major intellectual, artistic, and commercial achievements. Regardless of the causes or reasons, that statistical fact has been true throughout recorded history and is still true today. However, with the increased educational, social, economic, and financial freedoms now available to Western women, the percentage of women attaining high achievement has increased. But the increase is nowhere near the proportion of increased opportunities for women. Women, in general, have not fully utilized their increased freedoms and opportunities. Still, to blindly apply that statistical fact to any individual woman would be unjust, inaccurate, and out of context. But to ignore that statistical fact in its proper, generalized context would be a mystical evasion of reality that could result in serious errors in judgment and thinking needed for honest, accurate business and personal decisions.
Proper in-context generalizations based on accurate facts are necessary to accurately perceive reality, to know what is going on, and to make correct decisions. On the other hand, a person must never apply statistical data or generalizations to any specific individual. To do so would not only be unjust and dishonest, but would also be inaccurate, misleading, and a mystical distortion of reality.
Conversely, applying individual characterizations to general groups of people would likewise be invalid, unjust, dishonest, misleading, and mystical. To most effectively use the Neotech Advantages, one must not only integrate thought with action, but must integrate both in-context generalized facts with in-context specific facts.
As with any feeling or emotion, an unacted-upon racist feeling is not subject to guilt or moral judgment. Mind crimes do not exist, except through the false-guilt ploys of political, religious, and "intellectual" neocheaters. Only when racist feelings are translated into harmful actions does racism become unjust, immoral, guilty.
Destructive, government-implemented racism occurs in Zionist Israel and formerly in apartheid South Africa. But much more destructive racism occurs in all Arab, Moslem, and black-African dictatorships as well as in many Asian countries such as India, China, and throughout the former USSR. But, ironically, the freest countries practicing racism potentially present the most tragic dilemmas:
What is the remedy to Zionist racism that forcibly violates the individual rights of millions of Palestinians? The only moral position is to restore full individual rights to everyone, including the Palestinians. But would that allow even greater violations of individual rights by permitting a much worse, Syrian-like dictatorship or a murderous, Iranian-like theocracy take over?
An unsolvable dilemma? Not at all. Instead, spectacularly beneficial solutions exist through Neotech: By using Neotech principles, people can explicitly and permanently eliminate initiatory force and fraud by any person, group, or government. In other words, Neotech effectively dismantles the mechanism for government to initiate force or fraud. A Neotech based society has but a single law and responsibility -- to protect the individual rights of everyone.
Neotech is the solution to racism in South Africa, in Israel, as well as in all fascist, Marxist, and theocratic regimes. For, Neotech collapses force-backed power and laws, leaving that society with the sole power and function to protect the individual rights of everyone -- black, white, man, woman, rich, poor, Jew, Palestinian, business person, laborer. Neotech frees individuals from initiatory force, fraud, and destructive oppression. Neotech protects each person's individual and property rights from Marxist-Leninism destruction and other forms of force and coercion.
In South Africa, Israel, and totalitarian nations, Neotech would free victims of force-backed racism and vanquish laws backed by force. In turn, eliminating that mechanism for initiating force would dramatically strengthen self-defense for protecting the individual rights and property of everyone.
Thus, Neotech would eliminate the threat of destruction that now awaits those in oppressive government regimes, especially the value producers and their property. For, Neotech delivers a safe, orderly society of unprecedented prosperity and happiness reaching forever into the future. Neotech is the freedom and inspiration for those still living under force-backed, totalitarian governments. In one stroke, Neotech will end those fears and threats by denuding the professional value destroyers of their power. For Neotech dismantles their mechanisms of initiatory force and coercion. At the same time, Neotech provides iron-clad protection of individual rights.
Fraud-Based Organized Religions: Fraud-based, organized religions are products of mysticism. Mysticism is the opposite of honesty and reason. Mysticism underlies all volitionally destructive actions. Mysticism undermines the capacity for independent, integrated thinking and reasoning, which is the survival tool for all human beings. ...The mystical-oriented mind is the basis of the criminal-like mind, which is the exact opposite of the business-like mind.
For two-thousand years, organized religions have been the most effective tools of the professional mystics and neocheaters for usurping a material and psychological living from the value producers. Organized religions manipulate major thinking defaults into convenient well-organized packages of specious "truths". Professional value destroyers can with relative ease use various well-packaged "truths" to deceive or cajole innocent producers into sacrificing their earned values to them, the nonproducers. Most organized religions promote the "virtues" of humility, altruism, egalitarianism, selflessness, "higher" causes, and sacrifice. Such specious "virtues" are designed to generate guilt for lowering the self-esteem of producers to the level of the nonproducer. Once burdened with false guilt, the producers will more readily hand over or sacrifice their earned values to the nonproducers.
Throughout history, the many variations of organized religions have provided professional mystics and neocheaters with effective tools for extracting a living from the value producer.[ 29 ] For survival, value destroyers depend on the producer to sacrifice his or her created or earned values to them. They also extract values through government force and coercion. ...All professional mystics and neocheaters rely on the unearned guilt foisted on producers through various altruistic or religious hoaxes to extract material and psychological "livings" from value producers.
[ 29 ] On a morality scale, most criminals rank several notches above such destructive neocheaters of the politician and theologian genre. The criminal does not attempt to establish himself as a morally righteous person or palm off his actions as morally good. Moreover, the criminal does not use altruism or the God concept to foist false guilt onto his victims after stealing or usurping his livelihood from them.
Organized religions and mysticism are also the tools needed to establish totalitarian dictatorships, including both theistic and "atheistic" dictatorships. Russia, for example, was the most religious, mystical country in Europe during the early 1900s. That heavy mysticism provided an ideal psychological setup for the acceptance of perhaps the most destructive and irrational, mystical-based political system in history -- Marxism/Leninism. Acceptance of an irrational, Kantian-based philosophy such as Marxism was needed to negate objective values and individual rights, to rationalize the enslavement of entire nations, to slaughter millions of productive human beings for a meaningless, mystical higher "authority" -- the state. ...Thus, the religious tools of altruism and mysticism are needed not only to establish the murderous religious regimes of an Ayatollah-led Iran but the murderous "atheistic" regimes of a dictator-led Soviet Union and Red China.
Sometime after 2001, as the frauds of altruism and "higher causes" are identified and rejected by the value producers, the neocheaters will lose their unearned power. Once the value producers identify and reject mysticism, all fraud-based religion and force-backed governments will vanish.
The political/religious/media axis have built the highest reverence and respect for some of the bloodiest, most morally perverted, but most brilliant succession of neocheaters in history -- the popes and cardinals. And with bizarre irony, those men, by competitive necessity, were and are closet atheists. In fact, the entire upper hierarchy of the most powerful religion (or of any powerful religion or other neocheating organization) would have to be closet atheists in order to be cunning and competitive enough to achieve their power.
On knowing the nature of neocheating, one fact becomes compellingly obvious: To successfully impose such an ingenious, big-lie, 2000-year hoax continuously on millions of confused, mystical-accepting victims, all popes and cardinals could not be intellectually handicapped by honestly searching for the truth. For, they would be (1) too benighted to outmaneuver the fierce competition vying for power, and (2) too unaware and weak to orchestrate such a mighty hoax. Thus, all popes, cardinals, and probably most bishops would have to be atheists to be sharp and shrewd enough for attaining their positions of power. Also, theists would be too naive and uncompetitive to perpetuate for centuries such a cleverly integrated hoax. ...Only those who saw through their own promulgated mysticism would be aware and competent enough to win the fierce competition for the positions of power occupied by popes and cardinals.
About 300 A.D., Christian theologians discovered the ultimate neocheating technique to control human beings. That technique was to link guilt with sex. With that technique, the Christian church rose to its height in power, causing Western civilization to crumble into the mystical Dark Ages as human well-being and happiness sank to the lowest level in recorded history.
The history of Christian oppression of individual life, rights, values, happiness, pleasure, and sexuality is outlined on the following pages:
By the way, Jews are generally more evolved, moral, productive, intelligent, creative, and potent than other groups of people. Why? Mainly because the Jewish religion is less harmful than religions or mysticisms engulfing other people. The Jewish religion itself is harmful and irrational as are all mystical religions and governments. But the Judeo ethics project less guilt toward value producers and less malevolence toward human values such as productive effort, sexual pleasures, creativity, self-sufficiency than do the much more virulent, envious ethics of Christianity (especially Roman Catholicism), Islam, and other evilly destructive religions. Also, the Jewish religion is more oriented around respect for self and less around respect for external "authority" such as government. Jewish people, therefore, have been freer to reject other mysticisms and live for their rational best interests. That allows them to more fully and guiltlessly develop their own creative and intellectual capacities to the maximum benefit of themselves, society, and civilization.
Women hold great potential for gaining economic and cultural power throughout the world. But their potential is undermined by politicians, feminists, and other value destroyers who use the government to force their egalitarian equalities on others. Physically weaker women are the easiest targets for their destructions. Thus, professional mystics and neocheaters more easily subject women to injustices and abuses to usurp power and values.[ 30 ] For that reason, throughout recorded history, women have suffered greater oppression than have men as illustrated on the following pages:
[ 30 ] By oppressing women, men become easier to control.
Homeric women (1300 B.C.-1100 B.C.) were relatively free and exercised considerable influence over men. But all women were subjected to double standards -- legal and sexual.
Courtesans held the highest positions of individual rights and personal respect available to women. Wives held the lowest position and were considered as housekeepers with few if any rights.
High-class prostitutes or courtesans were held superior to virtuous women and wives.
With increased economic freedom, the drive for individual freedom brought new rights and respect for women. Oppression by mystics and conservatives decreased. Double standards diminished.
Drive for women's liberation and equality. As today, Roman feminists who advocated use of government controls and force to accomplish their ends failed in the long run by establishing the conditions for the increased oppression of women.
The spreading altruistic influence of Christianity began stripping women of their individual rights and subjecting them to new, heavy oppressions while leading the civilized Western World toward asceticism and anti-sexual attitudes.
Christianity plunged Rome into asceticism, causing massive destruction and suffering. Women lost almost all rights with rising Christian power. ...Today, ominous parallels are developing with rising fundamentalist, born-again, anti-porn/anti-abortion movements.
The Western World sank into the Dark Ages as women were pushed to their lowest position in recorded history. They had no individual or legal rights. The Church considered women as subhuman. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church considered women as wasteful property who could be killed, beaten, tortured, ravished or forced into slavery with impunity by theologians and "devout" noblemen.
Catholic bishops argued that women did not have mortal souls and that women were pieces of wasteful property. The Roman Catholic church sanctioned wife-beating. Killing a woman was not a very serious offense. Noblemen had the natural "right" to ravish any peasant woman.
The rise of courtly love and the de-emphasis of the Catholic Church began elevating women to emotional partners more equal to men. Respect and admiration for women increased with increased economic activity. But women still had few individual or legal rights. Extreme double standards were still practiced.
A new man-woman relationship developed that was previously unknown to Western civilization. Women gained respect and admiration. Courtly love elevated women from child bearers and lust satisfiers to more equal partners with men.
The Church fought viciously to stop the rising new concepts of romantic love, happy man-woman relationships, and pleasurable sex. Pope Innocent VIII started the inquisitions and witch trials. Millions of innocent women were killed, tortured, and burned to death by the Roman Catholic Church. But the growing enlightenment of the Renaissance with spreading economic freedoms began liberating the human mind and reason from the dark, brutal mysticism of Christian theology.
Renaissance noblemen equated women to beauty and good. The church fought back by promoting the "evils" of women and witchcraft. They advocated hanging "evil" women by their thumbs, twisting ropes around their heads, pushing needles under their nails, and pouring boiling oil on their feet in the "devout hope" of forcing confessions of their "wickedness". The Roman Catholic church then proceeded to burn to death tens of thousands of innocent women.
With increasing economic activity, the Puritans rejected the Church's hatred of women, sex, and happiness. They accepted the normality of sex, pleasure, and happiness. Women's rights greatly improved under Puritanism. Women could divorce. They gained property and inheritance rights. Marriage became a civil contract.
Men respected women for their minds and intellectual development. People involved in business began scrapping the gloom and hatred of Christianity and its idea that women were evil. Yet, women were still held as subservient to men.
The rationalists rejected the malevolence of Christianity. But women were often considered as ornaments, toys, or nitwits.
Slobbering sensitivity became the ideal. Men sought shy, virginal women. The togetherness concept developed. Glorification of "pure" women was a pretext for a desperate last attempt by neocheating conservatives and the Church to subjugate women as servants of men. A great increase in double standards occurred under the guise of "moral" standards. Women lost considerable individual freedom.
Men grew shy and sought "pure" women. Virginal-type women were "glorified" and idealized. But that "morality" was only a new pretext for the continued subjugation of women by men. The U. S. Surgeon General, Dr. William Hammond, issued the warning that decent women should not feel the slightest pleasure during sexual intercourse. Many doctors considered sexual desire in women to be pathological. But women began revolting against their "purified" and "glorified" status.
Capitalistic economics undermined the oppressive customs of the past and broke the unjust, feudal hierarchy of the social classes. Capitalism crippled the influence of the Church. Capitalism created the atmosphere and pressure for female suffrage, individual rights, divorce reform, and equal legal and economic rights. Victorianism was a desperate delaying action against increasing honesty, individuality, justice, earned equality, and rising economic freedoms.
With the rise of capitalism, women gained significant economic rights for the first time since the anti-Christian, pagan Roman Empire. Capitalism broke the stifling, unjust religious/feudal-class patterns. A new optimism and cheerful happiness rose among the middle class. Capitalistic economics greatly accelerated the collapse of hypocritical snobbishness, racism, artificial social ties, and oppressive religious and social customs. The rigid Victorian home was threatened by increasing economic freedom for females, divorce reforms, and free-choice love. Victorianism was a last-stand action by the conservatives and the church against the inevitable, liberating changes caused by capitalism and a prosperous, industrial civilization.
Flourishing commerce among individuals, especially in America, discarded the anti-sexual, Victorian-Christian ethics. Double standards diminished with more equal educational, economic, legal, and sexual rights for women. Birth control and abortion rights were promoted. Capitalism liberated women and minorities by valuing all individuals according to their objective worth rather than to their sex, beliefs, social status, or race.
Women increasingly became equal to men in romantic relationships. Love patterns of all societies were drawn to the free and honest capitalistic style of Western love, which combined sexuality, affectionate friendship, productive work, and family functions...all into a single, equal-partner relationship. The modern, capitalist-generated, sexual revolution demolished most of the Christian-Victorian patterns of anti-sexual, patriarchal oppressiveness.
The sexual revolution broke the last vestiges of inequalities between men and women. But today, renewed oppression of individual rights has begun to rise ominously with the feminist and religious movements against pornography and abortion. Those movements are inspired by neocheating authorities seeking unearned power. Still, the majority of women have not fully exercised their new freedoms and rights. Many neocheating feminist leaders seek unearned gains through government coercion and force. And that force will boomerang to increasingly subjugate the rights of all women...and men.
Women who usurp feminist-inspired, unearned values are heading back toward dependence...toward being taken care of and eventually subjugated by men. In essence, the feminist movement is designed to coerce productive people into taking care of protesting women. The inevitable results are opposite the goals of freedom declared by feminist neocheaters. And those same ploys are destructively used by politicians to usurp "freedom" for blacks and other minorities. Indeed, the more unearned values usurped by the neocheating feminists and politicians, the more their recipient clients move toward dependence and subjugation. ...Neocheaters transfer values from the earned to the unearned while harming everyone, especially those they claim to help.
Individual freedom that naturally evolves from capitalism made possible modern romantic love and the liberation of women. For, the capitalistic free market put values on individuals according to their objective worth rather than their sex, social status, or race.
In recent years, radical changes have occurred to eliminate most differences in oppression between men and women. Those changes have occurred through the relentless, rational pressures of business and free enterprise, not through coercions of government, the feminists, or the non sequiturs of neocheating theologians, journalists, professors, and politicians.
The following chart summarizes the trend of human oppression over the past 3300 years. Also, as shown in the following chart, the government and church always oppressed women more than men. And, historically, those male neocheaters have always found physically weaker, more mystically dependent women their first and easiest target to bully into submission.
In exercising their unearned power, professional mystics and neocheaters gained added leverage by encouraging men to bully physically weaker women into submission. And they especially lured women into silliness -- into following mystical stupidities such as astrology and religion. But with the rise of nonmystical, free-market economies, women have become increasingly productive, more independent, less mystical, thus less oppressed. And recently, for the first time in history, freedom for men and women has become nearly equal. But with today's reviving interest in the stupidities of mysticism and religion, more women are choosing to slip back into mystical lives controlled by others.
+6=Maximum Freedom to
-6=Maximum Oppression
Period | Men | Women |
Ancient Greece 1300 B.C. - 450 B.C. | 0 | -1 |
Enlightened Greece 450 B.C. - 27 B.C. | 0 | -3 |
Roman Empire 27 B.C. - 385 A.D. | +1 | -1 |
Christianity Established 200 A.D. - 385 A.D. | -2 | -4 |
Rise of Christian Power (the unhappiest period in history) 385 A.D. - 1000 A.D. | -5 | -6 |
Romantic Love Challenges Christianity 1000 - 1300 | -2 | -4 |
Renaissance Weakens Christianity 1300 - 1500 | 0 | -1 |
Church Fights Back with Witch Trials and Inquisitions 1300 - 1500 | -4 | -6 |
The Puritans 1500 - 1700 | +1 | 0 |
Age of Reason 1700 - 1800 | +1 | -1 |
Early Victorianism 1800 - 1850 | +1 | -4 |
Rise of Capitalism 1850 - 1900 | +2 | 0 |
Rise of Romantic Love 1900 - 1960 | +3 | +1 |
Sexual Liberation 1960 - 1980 | +3 | +2.5 |
Rise of Mystical Stupidities: Evangelism via Television 1980 - 1990 | +2.5 | +1.5 |
Rise of Neotech: The End of Mysticism and Neocheating 1990 - infinity | steadily increasing to +6 | +6 |
The long-term, general trend throughout history has been away from mysticism, poverty, stupidity, oppression, misery...and toward honesty, prosperity, intelligence, freedom, happiness: Away from the mystic-plagued Plato mind...and toward the mystic-free cosmic mind.
At this moment, after two long days of intense thinking, research, and writing, my father had a Eureka Neothink experience. "But, of course!" he shouted. "Biological immortality!" He just pulled the integration string on the meaning of all he had been frantically writing: external, happy life. Here, he writes about this Neothink advancement of human knowledge:
Biological Immortality (pulling the Neothink integration string): For thousands of years, essentially every human being has desperately repressed a crucial fact that every person must personally face alone. That fact is the fleeting briefness of human life and the finality of death. Every person who has ever lived exists but a few decades and then is gone forever. And without Neotech, every person alive today will be completely and forever gone in a few brief decades. To repress or distort the reality of life's briefness and death's finality is a harmful act of mysticism with serious, long-term consequences on one's life and happiness.
Contrary to popular beliefs, children early in life understand death and its finality. Because of the mystical evasions and dishonesties of adults, most children gradually learn to evade reality with various mystical, life-after-death manipulations in order to repress the essential facts about life and death. Indeed, such religious notions are usually among children's first defaults to mysticism which, in turn, start undermining the efficacy of their minds through evasions of reality and repressions of emotions. On the other hand, dealing honestly with reality means consciously integrating into one's thoughts and actions the fact that permanent death will happen to oneself and everyone else within a brief time span. With that awareness, people, including children, place much more value on their lives, time, and actions in order to evolve to their full potential and achieve maximum happiness.
That honesty about death causes individuals to hold life in much higher esteem. Thus, they more fully meet the long-range, self-responsibilities required to gain maximum happiness and fulfillment from their brief lives. Such adults do not squander their lives on the nothingness of mysticism, but instead put greater effort into self-development in order to become more productive, accomplished, and happy. And they take better psychological and physical care of themselves.
By contrast, repressing the fact of life's briefness and death's finality lets people evade the precious value of their lives and time. That evasion allows default on their prime responsibility to live intensely -- to achieve maximum self-development and growth.
Being fully conscious of life and death, people will value their lives beyond all else in the universe. And that valuation of human life as the supreme value rejects self-destructive acts of mysticism while establishing the psychological and motivational conditions needed to achieve commercial biological immortality.
On the other hand, repressing the fact of life's shortness and death's finality lets one rationalize laziness, mysticism, life-after-death myths, and all else that lead to unfulfilled or wasted lives. That repression also leaves one vulnerable to destructive exploitation by mystics, neocheaters, religions, and governments. But full awareness of one's fleeting, one-shot life span will counteract mysticism and laziness with a powerful appreciation of life. That, in turn, will stimulate the honest thinking and consistent efforts required to achieve prosperity and happiness. And achievement of happiness is the sole, moral purpose of human life.
Achieving happiness requires living according to man's nature. That means taking those long-range actions required for rational prosperity in order to enjoy life -- to live happily. That also means cherishing and building the emotions of happiness, joy, and love during one's fleeting existence.
Non-aging biological immortality is the technology that will allow human beings to live physically and consciously forever with growing prosperity and happiness. That is man's highest moral goal. And, as Zon would have told me, such biological immortality is not only possible but becomes a mandatory moral obligation through man's self-invented consciousness.
First, important to understand is that the purpose of biological immortality is not to serve others, society, or mankind, but to preserve forever the most precious, important value in the universe -- one's own individual, integrated physical and conscious self. For, the moral purpose of preserving anyone, including great value producers as Michelangelo, Mozart, Carnegie, or Einstein, is not to benefit society (even though society would enormously benefit), but to deliver the ultimate value to that lone individual. And the ultimate value is to continue living as an individual...to continue experiencing flesh-and-blood life, growth, thoughts, values, prosperity, love, and happiness forever.
So, whereas, the ultimate goal for conscious beings on planet Earth is non-aging biological immortality, the supreme importance of that goal lies not in just preserving human consciousness but in preserving an individual's own sense of self...the continuous sense of "I-ness". Indeed, the most important value of human biological immortality lies not in preserving a creative, productive individual for the benefit of society, but in preserving that individual's sense of self for the benefit of himself and his loved ones -- for his own continued happiness and growing enjoyment of life. Thus, the technological challenge lies not just in preserving consciousness, but in isolating and then preserving one's own sense of self...one's sense of "I-ness".
Preservation of that sense of "I-ness" for continued growth and enjoyment of individual life is man's highest value and moral goal.
You see, the development of human consciousness obsoleted nature's need for aging and death, for consciousness far surpasses nature's evolutionary process for species survival and for adapting to environmental changes. Indeed, conscious man today has nearly infinitely greater power to protect and improve life than nature itself. Thus, in nature, the function of death to protect and improve the species is obsolete for conscious beings. Indeed, death in nature still protects and preserves nonconscious life. But a tragic and unnecessary loss occurs on the death of each rational, conscious being. For conscious beings now have both the power and responsibility to prevent death -- to preserve conscious life forever.
Today, human consciousness is a value that never needs to be lost to death. To muster, however, the resources and mind power in industry and science needed to achieve commercial biological immortality, Neotech must first collapse the hoax of mysticism along with the specious, altruistic philosophies and neocheating psychologies that dominate all cultures today. Only through Neotech will the commercial elimination of death become recognized as man's most urgent, important goal.
For 2000 years, organized religions have used various life-after-death manipulations to dissipate everyone's natural desire to live fully. Such manipulations cleverly repress the importance of life, leaving the neocheaters in control of those who accept those manipulations.
Also for 2000 years, many if not most everyone did not necessarily want to live forever. Everyone free of mysticism, however, would want to continue flourishing and living happily forever. But because the disease of mysticism infects most people to various degrees, almost everyone is blocked from deeply wanting to live forever. Instead, they think living forever would be boring. Without mysticism and neocheaters, however, the opposite would be true.
Infinite knowledge will always be generated through integrated thinking (rather than uncovered through perceptual thinking) forever into the future. Thus, open-ended, infinite, man-created new knowledge is forever generated without bounds or limits. Happy, exciting human life, therefore, can keep growing forever into the future.
Indeed, achieving biological immortality requires personal prosperity (which begets the desire to live forever) and personal freedom (which begets the motivation to technologically pull it off).
First, people can flourish with personal prosperity by eliminating personal mysticism. Mysticism reorients a person's consciousness from a natural, healthy happiness and life to an unnatural, unhealthy suffering and death. To the extent a person eliminates personal mysticism is the extent that the person flourishes with success, love, and growing happiness.
Second, people can flourish with personal freedom by eliminating neocheaters. Neocheaters reorient a society from a natural, healthy happiness and value production to an unnatural, unhealthy suffering and value destruction. To the extent society eliminates neocheaters is the extent that society flourishes with business, discoveries, and rapid progress.
Personal prosperity plus personal freedom will deliver biological immortality. The vehicle to biological immortality is business. Business is the highest evolution of consciousness, responsibility, and morality. No other living organism is even remotely able to function on a business level. Business creates essentially every major human value, ranging from the development of consciousness, language, mathematics, the arts, up to the electronic and biogenic revolutions. And now, from business will come commercial biological immortality.
Indeed, when Neotech philosophical and psychological conditions are established among the value producers, they will quickly recognize that biological immortality is the highest commercial and moral priority of business, science, and ethics. As the supreme value of human consciousness becomes understood and accepted, business will deliver the motivation, brain power, and resources to achieve biological immortality.
Again, achieving personal success and happiness in a free world are requisites for achieving commercial Biological Immortality. Those requisites require eliminating mysticism and neocheaters. Within any society free of mysticism and neocheating, the supreme value of human life would drive businesses to commercial biological immortality. The most efficient deployment of brain power and financial resources would be focused directly on achieving youth-rejuvenating immortality as quickly as possible. And at today's level of knowledge and technology, the goal of biological immortality could be accomplished within a decade.
Indeed, with the collapse of mysticism, the supreme value of conscious life will soar above all else. At the same time, the quintessential commercial product, Youth-Rejuvenating Immortality, will become stunningly obvious. And with that supreme valuation of conscious life combined with the collapse of mysticism, full mobilization efforts to develop commercial biological immortality will begin. All viable scientific, technical, and medical efforts will be directed into a rainbow of competitive products that will hurl mankind toward commercial biological immortality. With today's knowledge of Neotech combined with our current level of technology and the free-market mobilization of commercial efforts, biological immortality could be available to everyone early into the third millennium.
My father suddenly dropped his head down to the desk, sound asleep. He explained to me once that sometimes when he put together a breakthrough using Neothink, (like his Neothink understanding of biological immortality), his mind would sometimes become overwhelmed, short circuit and shut off via sudden sleep. When he woke up, he read over what he had written and was astounded by its implications. Just to get his bearings, he wrote the following summary:
Animals live, age, and die without choice, according to their environment and biological nature. That no-choice situation does not exist for human beings. Only human beings have the choice and power to control nature. People can learn to continuously expand the value of their lives. They do that by increasingly developing knowledge and productivity to experience increasing earned power, prosperity, and happiness. Likewise, people can learn how to continuously extend their biological/psychological lives through Neotech knowledge, technology, and business. Youth-rejuvenating immortality is the supreme moral achievement for conscious beings as their individual lives become increasingly valuable with increasing age, knowledge, and experience.
Life can be immortal. Today, for the first time, no one has to age and then die -- intellectually, psychologically, or physically. With current technology, free of mysticism and neocheating, commercial biological immortality for conscious beings is possible in a decade or less by not one but by several different scientifically feasible routes. Indeed, youth-perpetuating biological immortality will be quickly accomplished when the current anti-life, mystical/neocheating cultures are collapsed by Neotech. With that collapse, the professional mystics and neocheaters will lose their power. In their place will rise a Neotech/Neothink society in which the life of the individual is revered as the supreme value in the universe.
In a Neotech/Neothink society, self-rejuvenation of and/or exact-replica replacement of body parts, including the entire body could be possible in less than ten years through already known biological techniques and future nanotechnologies. Today, however, the primary problem of achieving youth-rejuvenating immortality is not medical or technical, but is philosophical. ...With Neotech curing the always terminal disease of mysticism, conscious life will change from always terminal to forever eternal.
Biological immortality could be achieved quickly in an unregulated, free-enterprise, Neotech atmosphere. That business atmosphere of fully integrated thinking and honesty would boom commercial research seeking maximum profits from rejuvenation developments and immortality services. Non-aging biological immortality would have the widest market and maximum value of any commercial product or service possible to conscious beings.
Yet, the enormous commercial and moral incentives to achieve human immortality remain unrecognized because of the prevailing, mystical, anti-life philosophies and the neocheating "authorities" whose control over value production prevent the motivation and freedom for producers to develop biological immortality.
If Einstein -- or just his brain -- could have been kept functioning after his death, imagine the additional benefits that mind would have bestowed on society: Is not that the main motivation for and value of immortality? Is not that the moral purpose of biological immortality?
No, absolutely not. That is an altruistic view that stymies the effort, motivation, and moral mandate needed to develop commercial I-ness immortality within our generation.
The entire purpose, motivation, and goal of biological immortality is not so a brain can continue to serve some "higher" cause, but so the flesh-and-blood individual, from an Einstein to a productive factory worker, can continue to physically enjoy life and create happiness for his or her own self and loved ones by continually producing values for others. As a result (not a purpose), the immortal individual will increasingly benefit others and society as that person becomes increasingly knowledgeable, experienced, and efficient at producing competitive values desired by others.
The value of Einstein's or anyone else's life is meaningful only to one's own flesh-and-blood life and living happiness, not to some society or "higher" cause.
Why do so many people not want to live forever? Because they fail to earn guiltless prosperity, love, and happiness needed to experience the passion to live and love forever.
The more people let mysticism influence their lives, the more they become unknowledgeable, undermine values, grow lazy, lose happiness, dislike life. With increasing mysticism, they become increasingly incompetent to earn honest values, power, love, and happiness. In addition, the more people accept mysticism, the more neocheaters can manipulate them. And the more manipulated and less successful one becomes, the more painful and difficult life becomes until the idea of living forever becomes abhorrent, even terrifying. ...Only people who purge themselves of hateful, destructive mysticism can earn the values, power, and happiness needed to experience the passion to live and love forever.
Professional mystics and neocheaters have perfected and perpetuated their hoax of inverted values for the past 2000 years. But today, Neotech is in forward motion around the world. The Neotech matrix is spreading. It is unstoppable, irreversible, and will collapse the entire destructive hoax of mysticism. No mystic or neocheater can stop Neotech from eliminating mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters.
With life ageless and immortal, mystic-free conscious beings can forever experience growing prosperity, love, happiness, and life itself through productive work, romantic love, psychuous pleasures, and I-ness immortality. ...The moral purpose of all conscious life would then be met -- increasing happiness forever.
My father dropped his pen and leaned back in his leather chair, oblivious of the chill of the leather against his bare back. "This is the meaning of my life...my calling that I have always searched for and henceforth live my life for: I now live to bring about the mystic-free conditions that will bring us biological immortality. I now live to achieve and experience biological immortality!" my father exalted. ...Later that month, he talked to me about his incredulous insight. Although only a teenager, my spirit and soul grabbed onto that mission in life -- to obsolete death -- and never let go. From that moment forward, both my father and I knew with a passion what our mission was in life.
In amazement how others did not respond favorably as I had, over the years my father pondered the following thought: What hidden societal virus diminished the human spirit so that people were so blah about life? About the same time that I had my Six Visions (in Book One), my father finally had an answer to people's puzzling apathy for life. Indeed, he finally did find a very small, hard-to-see societal virus that weakened everyone's energy for life. He called the societal virus "the pips", as follows:
The Pips: The greatest human spirits are always attacked by the smallest human spirits. What is the greatest? What is the smallest? First the smallest: As a law of nature, everything in existence can be reduced to a smallest unit or quantum -- be it an electron or quark for mass or a photon for energy. Beneath mass and energy lie resonating strings with dimensions less than 10-35 meters. Those strings create spacetime mass, energy, and consciousness. Beneath those dimensions lie an ether of hypothetical Gravity Units that form a universal sea of eternal geometries. ...Somewhat analogously, the human spirit can also be reduced to a smallest unit or dot. The next step down is not to a smaller dot; the next step down is to nothing...except that universal sea of geometries.
Now, consider life itself. Consider that viruses and bacteria are among the smallest, simplest forms of life. Yet, those smallest forms of life can and do destroy the most complex, most valuable forms of life -- conscious human beings. A similar parallel exists with the human spirit. The smallest, most malevolent spirits can and do destroy the greatest, most benevolent spirits.
Those smallest spirits are the self-proclaimed "victims" of this world. They create problems where none exist. Such "victims" can destroy all that is valuable to human life. By contrast, genuine victims are those whose lives are diminished through force or fraud by governments, religions, criminals. But, self-proclaimed "victims" are those who diminish their own lives by blaming the value producer for their own self-made problems.
A close cousin of the self-proclaimed "victim" is the "pip". A pip is also a small, diminished human spirit who creates problems where none exist. The pip generally tries to build a pseudo self-esteem and often a bogus livelihood at the expense of genuine value producers, especially businesspeople, employers, entrepreneurs. Pips try to feel morally or intellectually superior by berating great values and their creative producers. Pips attack with dishonest, out-of-context criticisms and non sequitur accusations. ...Great value producers, especially in business, are constantly attacked by the pips in political, journalistic, academic, and entertainment circles designed to conserve the stagnating Establishment.
To understand those smallest spirits and their destructiveness, one must first recognize the greatest human spirits and how they lift humanity to ever greater heights of stimulating well being.
In time, Ayn Rand will be recognized as a giant among giants in history who changed civilization on Earth dramatically for the better. Ayn Rand rose by fiercely struggling to escape the bloodiest, most oppressive cult in history -- Communism under Lenin and Stalin in the Soviet Union. Then, emigrating to relatively free-enterprise America, Ayn Rand, by her own decisions and titanic efforts, broke through seemingly impossible language, economic, and cultural barriers in rising to the highest level of literary accomplishment. She then arose atop the pinnacle field of knowledge -- philosophy -- which, until Rand, had been dominated for 2500 years exclusively by men. Thus, as is being increasingly recognized today, Ayn Rand is posthumously becoming one of the most stimulating benefactors to grace planet Earth. Yet, she was and is still today attacked and ridiculed by nearly the entire panoply of stagnant Establishment elites with their arrays of self-proclaiming authorities, "victims", and pips. ...In fighting for her values and achievements, Ayn Rand always dismissed such persons as boring pip-squeaks not worth a moment of anyone's time.
Other exciting great spirits include Joseph Smith (the super-competitive Mormon business-and-city builder), Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, Florence Nightingale, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Ray Kroc, Mary Kay Ash, Michael Milken, Leona Helmsley. Many were vilified and drained by political demagogues and self-proclaimed "victims". All such great spirits are harmed by, destroyed by, or killed by the Establishment wielding its "victim" and pip tools.
Consider another example involving the greatness of human spirit: Year after year in the 1940s and 1950s, the giant chemical firm, E.I. du Pont de Nemours, Inc., was rated by business publications as the best managed company in the world with a consistent 20%+ annual return on investment. Through decades of unmatched success, Du Pont became the largest, most exciting company in the world. Then, latching onto the envious attacks by whining business "victims" and pips, the Federal Government penalized Du Pont for its success by forcing the company to terminate its ownership of General Motors.
Du Pont rose from its inception in 1802 as a family-managed explosives and gunpowder manufacturer to become the premier research and industrial company in the world, delivering huge values to society. Du Pont's ever increasing rate of success peaked in the late 1940s with the last du Pont family member in control: Pierre S. du Pont, one of history's most emulated businessmen. His revolutionary decentralized management concepts and accounting methods remain the essence of essentially all successfully managed, large corporations to this day. The stimulating benefits that the Du Pont Company bestowed on the business world, on its customers, and on its employees were not only without match, but served as a farsighted model for all successful, big businesses.
Du Pont was the innovator and leader not only in competitively producing invaluable products for society but in pioneering for its employees various safety and pension plans, medical insurance, stock-and-saving plans, even alcohol-and-drug treatment programs long before most other companies even conceived of such sound business practices. Never was a company more helpful to the business world, more valuable to customers, more beneficial to employees. And, never did a giant company struggle as hard to avoid stagnating government contracts and favors as did Du Pont when it was managed by Pierre S. du Pont.
Du Pont began declining from its pinnacle business position in the 1950s when, through the envious dynamics of self-proclaimed "victims", a wave of asset-milking executives took control from the asset-building du Pont family. Those asset-milking executives did not care what happened to the business after their tenure. They did not plan 50 and 100 years ahead as the generational-planning executives had done since the founding of Du Pont in 1802. Indeed, after P.S. du Pont, waves of self-aggrandizing political executives milked the previous 150 years of du Pont-built assets. ...Such asset-milking executives work only for their short-term personal wealth, power, and status.
Adopting the John Maynard Keynes evil concept "In the long run, we are all dead", such political-type executives are not concerned about the future health of their companies, their employees, or society. Implementing asset destroying policies, they ignore the consequences on the future of their companies and society. Like their soulmates, the politicians, the real harm of their self-serving agendas become obvious only after they are gone.
Such political executives, through their own short-sighted agendas, implicitly sanction unjust attacks and torts by business/employee "victims" against the greatest, most beneficent business enterprises. ...Those self-proclaimed "victims" manipulated by politicians, lawyers, and journalists sow the cancer seeds that eventually cripple or destroy genuine competition -- the most aggressive value-and-job producers and their businesses.
Why does acting as a "victim" or pip shrink one's spirit to the smallest unit -- to the shallowest level of a human being? How can such shallow people be the prime destructive force in today's civilization? And, specifically, how will Neotech in cyberspace vanish such "victim"-like viruses and pip-like bacteria? In a moment, we will look at four specific examples of horrendous destructions done to the greatest lives by parasitical-elite humanoids with their manipulations of "victims" and pips. Then we will demonstrate how cyberspace will end such life-draining dynamics. ...The four examples with one solution are:
But first, let us make this point: No one can be a victim of private business per se. Victims are impossible when no force or fraud is involved. One can be a victim only when force or fraud is manifested by governments, religions, or criminals. The employer and employee always fill each others needs voluntarily, consensually. No matter what the conditions, barring acts of force or fraud by either party, neither the employer nor the employee can ever be a victim. ..."Exploitation by business" is a conceptual hoax perpetuated by the parasitical-elite class, pips, and "victims".
Profit-motivated businesses never purposely harm anyone -- much less employees or customers. Such behavior would be irrational and contrary to competitive business success. The essence of every successful business is to maximally enhance everyone's job, livelihood, and standard of living under the conditions required for competitive value production. By contrast, every self-proclaiming business/employee "victim" and pip works to harm successful businesses and their employees.
Great lives and achievements are destroyed by the smallest human spirits. But, if such "victims" and pips have shrunken their spirits to the lowest level, how can they be so destructive as to hobble the greatest human spirits and businesses? ...The staggering extent of those virus-caused destructions is demonstrated in the following four examples:
Without self-proclaiming "victims", Marx and Engels could never have developed their political theories or written the Communist Manifesto. Without the proletariat "victims" with their envious desires to destroy private business, Lenin would not have had the tools to diminish and destroy hundreds of millions of lives during his reign...and for three generations after his death.
How did Michael Milken accomplish such a feat that saved and protected seemingly doomed livelihoods for millions of Americans? He accomplished that fifteen-year turnaround of the American economy by driving a competitive stake into the heart of giant Corporate America while driving out its stagnant executives. Those executives were milking great pools of assets built by previous generations of forward-essence-moving entrepreneurs and businesspeople.
Milken developed unstoppable techniques to dump those executives by taking over the assets they were parasitically wasting. He then turned those stagnant assets over to hard-driving, business-oriented managers who once-again unleashed the growth of those assets, thus, saving many old companies, starting many new companies, and revitalizing the dying American economy.
What happened to that brilliant, heroic man? Was he rightfully honored and congratulated by a grateful nation and its leaders? No, he was dishonestly vilified by the stagnant business Establishment, libeled and slandered by the media Establishment, prosecuted by the politically rabid Rudolph Giuliani criminally wielding evil RICO "laws", and finally jailed by a higher-office-seeking, ego-agenda judge Kimba Woods. Besides crushing and jailing that great spirit, those parasitical elites destroyed one of the great financial companies in America, Drexel Burnham Lambert, wiping out the jobs for thousands of innocent value producers and their families. Why? For no other reason than to expand the destructive livelihoods and inflate the false egos of those parasitical elites wielding bogus, gun-backed, political-agenda laws.
How can such destructions and injustices exist? How can they be so deeply camouflaged? What morbid irrationalities cause such a 180degree inversion of values? Milken and his company committed no objective crimes. Instead, with great daring and exciting effort, they delivered incalculable values to society. Indeed, while those parasitical elites were drum-beating the innocent Michael Milken into condemnation and prison, they themselves were committing sweepingly destructive crimes not only against Michael Milken and Drexel Burnham but against all Americans. Yet, the parasitical-elite class itself, even with all its dishonest politicians, corrupt media, armed bureaucrats, and life-appointed ego judges cannot commit their crimes of forced enchainment without their tools -- without their collections of "victims" and pips.
How can professional parasites commit such massive harm without society identifying the "victim" tool? How? By fraudulently generalizing the "victims" parasitical claims across the entire public spectrum. Those frauds backed by dishonest political-correctness pressures let professional parasites like Giuliani drain and destroy the value producers with near impunity. Those fraudulent people crush great spirits like Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley.
Leona Helmsley was exceedingly hard working, value driven, detail-and-numbers oriented, and honest. Slack off or drop one element in her formula and the entire business could stop growing and begin declining toward eventual noncompetitiveness and failure. ...As Arthur Miller in his play Death of a Salesman portrayed -- in the constant, fierce struggle to stay competitive, a person needs only to allow a single soil spot on one's hat to cause that unnoticed 180 degree turn from moving up to moving down toward loss and ruin.
Few could ever begin to appreciate the constant hard work, discipline, and attention to detail required daily, hourly by Leona Helmsley to remain competitive in providing expanding values and continuous livelihoods for thousands of fellow human beings.
No, she was never appreciated or honored for her beneficent and sustained value production. Instead, she was vilified by a malevolently destructive establishment media, especially the perniciously dishonest Newsweek with its jury-inflaming "Queen of Mean" and "Rhymes with Rich" cover stories. And, during a year in which she paid $75,000,000 in taxes, not to mention the millions in taxes paid by the thousands of individuals for whom she created jobs, political predator Rudolph Giuliani swaggered in to criminally prosecute that totally innocent, heroic 72-year-old woman. He then jailed her in collusion with a life-appointed, ego-agenda judge, John M. Walker, Jr., on conjured-up charges involving a 0.5% error on the $75,000,000 she paid in taxes.
The result? A great spirit was jailed, torn not only from her business but from her dying husband whom she devotedly loved. Her business and the jobs she provided were set on a declining path. And her elderly, ill husband was cruelly left to suffer alone. Yet, the criminals who belonged in jail were rewarded for their brutal crimes against innocent people and great value-and-job producers. ...Political humanoid Rudolph Giuliani was rewarded with the Mayorship of New York City for jailing innocent giants like Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley.
Criminals such as Giuliani would easily kill like Hitler and Stalin given the power and opportunity. Yet, none of those evil people would have the power to do any destructions without their tools of disgruntled business/employee "victims" and attack-mode pips to act as deadly viruses. In Leona Helmsley's case, the dishonest media and criminal-minded Giuliani used a few disgruntled or fired employee "victims" to vilify, libel, slander, and jail that heroic woman.
Using "victims" and pips combined with subjective, political-agenda laws, the Giulianis of this world manipulate the majority into praising tyrants for criminally exploiting minorities, starting with the smallest of minorities -- the individual human spirit, the minority of one, the individual value producer. ...Tyranny depends on politician-made subjective law: Tyranny has little concern for objective crime, but is gravely concerned with the parasitical control of others...and eventually the parasitical control of everyone.
Politician-made, subjective/offensive law was actively promoted by Oliver Wendell Holmes, the past Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court...and more recently by judges like Robert H. Bork. Opposite to such subjective/offensive law is unchanging, objective/defensive law, universally principled law -- natural law -- promoted by fully integrated honesty and backed by Objectivist philosophy. Objective law protects individual property rights, which, in turn, protects every individual -- every minority of one -- from tyranny. By contrast, unprincipled political law and giuliani "justice" always moves government toward criminality and despotism fueled by self-proclaimed "victims" and pips. ...Politician-made subjective law endangers and eventually crushes everyone. Universal objective law protects and frees everyone.
Two final questions: First, why do political humanoids like Lenin, Hitler, and Giuliani wreak such destructions on the value producers? For three reasons: (1) their parasitical survival, (2) their self-aggrandizing pseudo power, and (3) their desperate ego enhancements. And, second, what gives them that power? The whining "victims" and attack-mode pips who enviously place the blame for their own inadequacies, stagnations, and failures onto successful individuals and businesses. In fact, only genuine value producers are useful as targets for politicians using "victims" and pips as their tools.
As previously identified, such "victims" and pips have generally accomplished little or nothing outstanding in their lives -- little or nothing about which they can be proud. Because of their smallness, the public cannot easily focus on them, notice them, or even detect them. Indeed, politicians can be only superficially criticized because their means to destructive power are camouflaged behind those "victims" and pips. And, such people are usually too small, too pip-squeakish to be noticed, much less held accountable for their destructions.
In the noncyberspace world, little can be done to counteract those deadly politician/"victim"/pip combinations. Now, however, for the first time arises a cyberspace world here on Earth. Indeed, cyberspace is already crumbling those evil-spirited value destroyers as illustrated below.
Why were such profit opportunities turned down? Because efforts directed toward non-goal related profits would break the forward-movement concentration required to reach I & O's single goal of curing the disease of mysticism or irrationality. Avoiding non-goal profit dynamics let the prime movers at I & O Publishing focus maximum time and energy on ridding this planet of its worst disease -- irrationality, from which flows dishonesty, stagnation, crime, failure, and death itself.
Developing and distributing the knowledge required to cure irrationality, especially when faced with hostile resistance worldwide, was a difficult, dangerous task requiring full focus of every essence mover at I & O. During the 1980s, every action and resource was directed toward undermining the parasitical-elite class, which was the first-step ingredient for curing irrationality in America.
Under increasingly hostile conditions from a giuliani-oriented Establishment, I & O Publishing Company was vulnerable to being attacked and silenced. Indeed, such attacks finally happened in the late 1980s when just one ex-employee "victim" was seized and then manipulated by the giulianied legal Establishment. With that one "victim" as their only needed tool, armed federal agents physically attacked I & O Publishing and destroyed its work while beating, kicking, and hospitalizing one of its editors, seizing its assets and research funds, carrying away its literature and computer files, and finally, in violation of the first amendment, imprisoning its founder for his writings, literature distributions, and billboard displays that identified the criminal acts of those armed federal agents. ...I & O Publishing Company was destroyed by gun-backed violence, forever put out of business by criminal force.
But, ideas cannot be destroyed by guns, fists, or prisons. Neotech Publishing Company and its phantom bantam companies are now scattered worldwide. Momentum toward curing irrationality is rising phoenix-like, quietly, relentlessly.
Indeed, in cyberspace, Neotech is beyond the reach of those destructive forces left behind in the noncyberspace anticivilization. Throughout cyberspace, integrated honesty rules. Dishonesty, force, fraud, "victims", and pips appear increasingly freakish as those tools of destruction disappear in cyberspace. Moreover, "victims" and pips -- those smallest of human spirits -- are compelled in cyberspace to quit whining, quit blaming others, and grow up by accepting the responsibility for solving their own personal problems.
New knowledge changes the world. Throughout history, whenever sea-change knowledge evolved from wider-scope observations and conceptual integrations, initial rejection of that new knowledge always occurred. Sooner or later, however, a tiny percentage of people investigated enough to independently grasp that knowledge through those new, wider-scope perspectives. That new knowledge then began spreading as its efficacy was increasingly demonstrated. Finally, that knowledge was utilized to bring unique streams of unstoppable benefits.
Over the ages, such sea-change phenomena have occurred for good and for evil. For example, early in the 20th century, after an initial surge of acceptance, Vladimir Lenin lost essentially all support and understanding. Alone and rejected in Geneva, he discovered two other people who fully understood his matrix for revolution. He then excitingly announced that the revolution was won. Sure enough, in a matter of months after that announce-ment, Lenin triumphantly entered Russia through Finland. Then, by generalizing his matrix, he advanced on a straight line route to winning his bloody revolution that eventually brought devastation and misery to two-thirds of the world for three generations.
About that same time, Albert Einstein worked alone for years on developing his non understood and widely ignored theory of relativity. After discovering three or four others who understood his wide-scope integrations of relativity, he excitingly worked to generalize his theory with cheerful confidence. Within a decade, the revolution of general relativity was won worldwide forever.
By contrast, about that same time, Karl Menger, the Aristotelian father of capitalistic/market-based economics, worked with increasing pessimism...as later did Ayn Rand who founded Objectivist philosophy, and as more recently did Leonard Peikoff who brilliantly developed Objectivism into an array of specific values and products. Menger, Rand, and Peikoff never fully generalized their work. Therefore, they never confidently sensed the ultimate triumph of their work as did Lenin for evil and Einstein for good.
Neotech uniquely generalizes all values, including Objectivism, into practical, profitable uses for all individuals in all activities. Indeed, grasping the eternally wide-scope ideas, methods, and integrations throughout Neotech becomes an endless succession of unfolding Ahas! In fact, around the globe lies an exciting Aha! revolution to be sparked when fifty million people are exposed to Neotech. That critical mass will lead the march into a new civilization over just a few years.
That critical mass is more than enough to secure the prosperity revolution that will bring a Neotech civilization to everyone on Earth. However, we will not rest until fifty million Neotech Books have reached the people.
The rational, compatible dynamics of nature have been contradicted for the past 3000 years in forming today's irrational, parasite-ruled anticivilization. Human consciousness combined with the disease of irrationality (i.e., mysticism) drives human beings into chaotic contradictions and paralyzing stagnations -- away from reliable consistency and liberating prosperity. Now, however, the emerging Neotech dynamics in cyberspace are drawing conscious beings out of this unnatural anticivilization and toward the natural Civilization of the Universe.
Because of everyone's life-long investments in this irrational anticivilization, however, no one can leave without the escape engines of Neotech and Zonpower. In this parasite-ruled civilization, conscious life is incredibly brief, during which aging and death come quickly, unnecessarily. Only the tiniest fraction of conscious potential -- the potential of exciting productivity, romantic love, eternal happiness -- is achieved by all of us entrapped in this anticivilization.
Why has no one escaped this bizarre, up-side-down anticivilization? Why has no one discovered the natural, exciting, eternal Civilization of the Universe? Because, without the escape route of Neotech/Zonpower, no one can abandon his or her fatal, lifelong investments in this anticivilization. But, now, today, with the newly available Neotech/Zonpower engines, people can finally scrap their death-trap investments and discover the limitless wealth and romance possible in a rational, objective-law civilization.
"Who started the anticivilization?" my father asked Zon one morning. Of course, my dad did not expect an answer, but he found he could Neothink most freely when he sat in front of the mountain. When my father got home later that morning, he wrote his answer -- his last note in a big box of notes titled, simply, From A Mountain Called Zon:
Plato: Plato's philosophy provided the foundation for subsequent philosophies involving mysticism, sacrifice, and the use of force to achieve "higher" goals. Plato's philosophy also provided the basic tools for rationalizing laziness.
Still, Plato, the father of the criminal mind, was one of the most original, creative thinkers in history. His work was the first widely integrated philosophical system recorded in writing. The depth and breadth of his integrations were quickly matched and then surpassed by the philosophical writings of his student -- Aristotle, the father of the business mind.
But much of Plato's credit, particularly the sounder aspects of his philosophical system, perhaps belongs to his teacher, Socrates. Unfortunately, Socrates never recorded in writing his ideas or philosophical system. No writings of Socrates are known to exist. And knowledge of his work was left to the mercy and plagiarism of Plato, who perhaps deleted crucial Aristotelian-like views that would have contradicted Plato's own manipulated views. Nevertheless, Socrates was probably the first man to develop a broadly integrated philosophical system.
Plato held enormous leverage with his great intellectual and creative abilities. Thus, profound philosophical errors would occur if he were tilted even slightly toward immaturity, dishonesty, mysticism, and neocheating. And that is what happened. Some of the most integrated aspects of Plato's philosophical system are in profound error. His errors involve the integration of dishonesties, mysticism, "higher purposes", the use of force, and the exercise of authoritarian power into a full-blown, ethical philosophical system of enormous deception and dishonesties.
Furthermore, the foundation of Plato's philosophy is not based on reality, but on mysticism. His philosophy does not recognize the life of the individual human being as the prime value or even an important value. Indeed, Plato is not a man to be respected. For he was an immature, dishonest conniver who wreaked death and destruction on this world for over 2000 years. He subordinated human beings to arbitrary "higher" powers and mystical "values". Yet, the tight inner logic and integrated completeness of his specious philosophy provided great staying power for his false ideas. Thus, his spurious philosophy became the intellectual foundation of all subsequent specious philosophies, religions, and political systems.
Plato provided the tools for rationalizing an "intellectual" basis for any false or specious approach, including Dewey's educational approach. Platonistic philosophy can "justify" any irrational or unjust means to "noble" ends or "higher" causes. That same philosophy provides the tools for rationalizing the two primary character faults of conscious beings -- dishonesty and laziness.
Aristotle, on the other hand, provided the tools that every person needs to develop the knowledge necessary for guiding his or her life to unlimited prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and abiding happiness. Aristotelian philosophy provides the tools for meeting the needs of the human organism for optimum survival and maximum happiness. Successful use of those tools requires integrated honesty and rational efforts.
Plato's philosophical system has been the greatest tragedy of our civilization. But at last, today, Neotech is in the process of eliminating that tragedy.
By contrast, Aristotle was perhaps the greatest intellectual power in history. He built his philosophical system on objective, noncontradictory premises by placing objective reality as the only basis of honesty. Aristotle placed the individual conscious being as the supreme value on Earth. ...The philosophical roots of Aristotle lead to Neotech.
Major competitive advantages accrue to those who use Neotech knowledge to reject mystical, Platonistic-based frauds.
My father continued researching and writing for weeks, months, years. As a trained Research Scientist, he began reaching out to the Universe through Neotech Physics. There, he envisioned something called the Civilization of the Universe -- eternally rational, mystic-free civilizations that survived their Nuclear Decision Thresholds. He believed that our civilization can and should join the mystic-free Civilization of the Universe, which now became his life's goal. For, by joining the mystic-free Civilization of the Universe, man would quickly develop non-aging biological immortality. My father's amazing project, to map the way there, flowed from his pen day after day, guided by Zon. In time, he would discover Zon's deepest secret: Zon is man; Zon is God.
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