Furthermore, unlocking the mysteries of God unleashed the untapped power of man, which the money/power giants today have not yet exploited -- not even a fraction of their human potential. As I read through his journal, at times I began twitching and my hand gyrating. You see, as my father's journal unintentionally unlocked the mysteries of God and the power of man, new nerves never tweaked in my nervous system were being plucked like a banjo. Time and time again I had to stop reading and put the pages aside just to calm down and get my body back in sync.
In some way, I apologize to you. You see, here you are merely reading a book; yet here the answers to the multi-millennia mysteries of God and man are coming straight at you. As the narrator, I know I have not done my job to prepare you. Thus, the importance of what you are about to read will either go right by you, misevaluated as very interesting, fresh ideas. Or it will hit you square between the eyes and stagger you as it turns your life upside down, forever. Either way, I wish I could better prepare you. I have done my best, however. Books One and Two were developed to prepare you for what is to come in Book Three. I have selected a little over a hundred pages for Book Three to walk you through the essential portions of my father's journal that unlock the mysteries of God and unleash the power of man. ...In short, my father discovered Zon's deepest secret: Zon is man; Zon is God.
As my father wrote his journal, we know he was guided by the spirit Zon. Moreover, through Zon, he was now able to reach never-before-known vast integrations of knowledge through a new power -- something called Neothink.
As my father wrote his journal, he found himself more and more filled with the spirit Zon -- the voice of fully integrated honesty. He retired from a highly successful career as a Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont so he could research and write more. He was able to more and more widely integrate reality around him. In the process, he was learning more about Zon, the universe, and himself.
He began to realize that the composite of ideas expressed by the mountain called Zon was possible by any human under one condition -- that particular human being was using fully integrated honesty. The mountain Zon was, simply, honestly and widely integrating reality. When an individual purges his mysticism, my father learned, he too can honestly and broadly integrate reality. He then operates with fully integrated honesty and, too, becomes the voice of Zon. And then, through unblocked integrated thinking, powerful far reaching Neothink extrapolates every subject to its ultimate conclusion and benefit, which my father did with the Universe, God, and man in his following journal to bring us the ultimate thrill.
At times my father felt as if he were possessed by the spirit of Zon. During those times, he experienced highly inspirational moments during which he was able to think and write with far-reaching, fully integrated honesty, so long as the spiritual experience lasted. The longer and more intense his inspirational moments became, the more wide-reaching integrations of reality he made, and the more power he reaped. In fact, his writings started to read more and more like words of Zon...and then, even beyond.
As he used his background as an accomplished Du Pont scientist to integrate the world around him and the Universe beyond him, he had a revelation: The mountain called Zon once told him...
"I am you, but you are not yet me. Though, one glorious day, you and I will be one. And then, every person on our planet will join us."
My dad more and more felt that during his longer and longer inspirational moments, he became one with spirit Zon. The unity with Zon happened for as long as my father's inspirational moments lasted. Then, he was himself again.
My father began to look forward with a passion to those inspirational moments when he was one with Zon. He felt so stimulated and alive! Oh, how he would love to live that way all the time. It would mean living with power, control, and euphoria 24 hours a day!
As he closed the gaps between his moments of unity with Zon, he wondered if those exciting episodes would someday link together and go on forever.
How would that ever be so, he wondered. The answer, though, became obvious: When he enjoyed those stimulating experiences, he was mystic-free. In other words, his mind was void of the integration-blocking mind disease mysticism. There was no dishonesty, defensiveness, protectionism of any idea or position -- just reality out there before him to freely and powerfully integrate for his best advantages. Free of mysticism, he felt very powerful and had a ball figuring out and controlling life, love, and success. He felt that thrill for life that toddlers do.
He detected a common denominator in each euphoric episode experiencing Zon Unity: "While it lasted, I was mystic-free," he confessed to me. "Of course, that got me wondering, what if I could permanently purge my mysticism?"
He concluded that, if he became mystic-free 24 hours a day, then he would be one with Zon, always. In fact, he would, in essence, be Zon...just as the mountain had told him! And, of course, not just himself, but all people could become Zons, for mystic-free man is Zon. "So, this is what the mountain called Zon was telling me," he said. "It answers that mystery!"
Wow, wait until what comes next -- Zon's deepest secret: Zon is man; Zon is God. I personally overloaded while going through my father's journal. I could see so, so far. Mystic-free man is Zon. In fact, in many deep talks with my father since reading his journal, we both realized that my Six Visions in Book One came from my own encounters with Zon. ...Now, let us look ahead at the ultimate encounter.
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