For 2300 years I have observed as the neocheater says that sacrifice is "noble", especially when done for a "higher" cause or, better yet, no cause. He says that use of force, especially government force, is acceptable against individuals, especially if the result serves the social "good" or a "higher" cause. The ends can justify the means. Force and coercion can be pragmatically used for the "good" of society. Individual rights can be violated or sacrificed for "noble" ends.
The Neotech person says that refusal to sacrifice is by nature life enhancing and thus is morally right. He says that rejecting the initiation of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against any individual for any reason is the foundation of morality. In regards to force, the ends never justify the means. All moral actions are based on principles that prohibit initiatory force, threat of force, coercion, and fraud as a means to accomplish ends, no matter how "noble".
The highest cause in the universe is the well-being and happiness of the conscious individual. The individual -- a minority of one -- is the smallest, the most important, most unprotected of all minorities. If rights of the individual are protected, then rights are protected for everyone -- for Blacks, Chicanos, women, factory owners, factory workers, farmers, homosexuals. The concept of minority rights is meaningless, prejudicial, and destructive. In fact, that concept is a tool, a "higher cause", used by professional mystics and neocheaters to usurp power and unearned values not by protecting but by violating the rights of individuals.
All destructive authorities and other neocheaters would become powerless if the value producers withdrew their support and said "no". If all victims simply said "no" to their victimizers, all professional mystics and neocheaters would lose their power to plunder others and destroy values. ...After 2001, there will be a way to safely say "no", with the Neotech Party of the 21st century. Exciting times are ahead for mankind.
Today, value producers neither like nor sanction neocheaters, usurpers, plunderers, and other such parasites. But can those value producers say "no" to the neocheating powercrats who threaten them? In the long run, value producers can and must say "no". They must refuse every usurping neocheater if they are to survive. Indeed, most businessmen are innocent heroes struggling to produce competitive values for others despite increasing government coercion, attacks, and usurpations. ...After 2001, they will be able to safely say "no" under the new code.
Without the professional mystics and neocheaters, all the corrupt systems of forced regulations, forced mediocrity, fake litigation, destructive taxes, corruption, and wars would not exist. But without the value producers, civilization itself would not exist. Without those producers, all civilization would perish. Or, by contrast, without mysticism all neocheaters would perish. Everyone else would flourish.
From Zon's teachings, that evening my father started writing a list of thoughts of the neocheaters versus thoughts of the Neotech person. Here was his list:
Thoughts Of A Neocheater:
Thoughts Of A Neotech Person:
Professional mystics and neocheaters function by forcing or coercing you, the producer, to sacrifice increasingly larger portions of time, property, and earnings to themselves and other nonproducers. As a result of making "careers" from other people's sacrifices, those value destroyers never learn to exert the honest thought and effort needed to be competitive -- to produce tradeable values required to become happy, independent individuals with genuine prosperity and self-esteem. By their defaults, mystics and neocheaters lose the possibility of earning abiding prosperity and happiness, despite their desperate efforts to feign importance, self-worth and happiness. ...With Neotech, you not only can avoid sacrifice, but can smash the facade of all professional mystics and neocheaters.
The most harmful neocheaters operate through government, religion, public education, and dishonest journalism. Such people must always fake self-esteem to justify their destructive existences. They do that by slyly attacking businesses, their products, and those who through heroic efforts create productive jobs for others, a supreme moral virtue. For, by attacking through the bizarre, inverted ethics of altruism, even the most destructive neocheaters can fake a moral superiority over great producers and their works. Indeed, attacking values is the only way those neocheaters can gain a drug-like relief from their anxieties caused by living destructively. They get relief by destroying values. That destruction gives them a sense of power -- a faked self-esteem needed to survive -- needed to ward off suicide. ...But with Neotech, the value producers finally have a fumigant to rid their lives of mystics and neocheaters.
A particularly malevolent theme has developed in the rhetoric and actions of today's neocheating "ecologists" and "environmentalists". They, by using the force of government, place the "well-being" of birds, insects...including mosquitoes, trees, plants, and inanimate "landscapes" above the lives, well-being, and happiness of human beings. Those anti-human themes are extensions of the altruistic philosophy advanced through many media commentators, almost all politicians and theologians, neocheating social "intellectuals", including many teachers, university professors, and know-nothing personalities and entertainers acting as "authorities" on the basis of feeling rather than knowledge.
And beyond? What does a future of growing altruism hold? Constant exposure to the increasing atrocities of altruism gradually numbs people into silently accepting higher and higher levels of injustice, human suffering, crippling of minds, killing, violence, terrorism. Fewer and fewer people object or even care about those mounting atrocities. Before Neotech, those who consistently upheld individual rights to life and property were fading in both intensity and numbers. In that way, conditions were developing for the ultimate egalitarian end result. But Neotech is reversing that trend -- slowly today, rapidly tomorrow.
The final egalitarian "purification" is always the mass liquidation of human life. That "purification" starts with the exploitation and then sacrifice of the productive middle class and ends with their physical slaughter. Those who live by honest principles, those who uphold freedom and justice, those who love life, those who will not surrender their minds and lives to others, those who produce the most values for others -- they, as the best, are eliminated first. The mass destruction of the best, the innocent, the virtuous producer of values has been occurring with increasing intensity in various African and Asian countries. And the same would happen throughout the Western world, including the United States, if altruism and egalitarianism grew to their natural conclusions. ...Neotech will prevent that from happening.
But, only those holding genuine power -- the value producers -- can cure the disease of altruism. The value producer can stop altruism cold by saying "no" to the sacrificial demands of mystics and neocheaters. That mechanism to say "no" is coming. Indeed, through Neotech, all value producers can guiltlessly, decisively reject all mysticism, altruism, egalitarianism. When the value producer says "no" to the neocheaters, their mystical hoaxes will become powerless and then crumble. Never again can those neocheaters trick or coerce the value producer into supporting them.
The Neotech concepts provide the tools to expunge all professional mystics and neocheaters from our planet forever. The Neotech Party will provide the means.
"Just how is it, Zon, that mystical hoaxes have so completely held back civilization from its extraordinary potential?"
All organized religions and most political systems contradict man's nature because they are based on mysticism and altruism. Those systems require the individual to contradict his or her nature through sacrifice. Under the spell of mysticism, one loses increasing portions of prosperity, life, love, and happiness to various imaginary "higher causes". And such losses are for no real reason except to support those neocheaters who survive by manipulating dishonest, destructive, mystical notions.
"But, how are the mystical illusions made so convincing that they fool the majority of intelligent people?"
Valid facts and concepts are first presented to capture the interest and confidence of the ordinary person. Those valid concepts are then woven throughout the false, mystical notions to lend an air of validity. Essentially all altruistic doctrines depend on similar techniques of using out-of-context facts, non sequiturs, slogans, "truisms", and parables to "validate" their specious doctrines.
Similarly, the news media constantly mislead their audiences by using out-of-context facts and non sequiturs to create stories that seem valid, but are not. In that way, the media mystically manufacture "news" that subtly or overtly attacks objective values and their producers. Constant exposure to propaganda against objective values and heroic producers leaves people increasingly indifferent toward upholding honesty and justice. That mystical-based indifference produces lethargy and ennui not only toward objective values and heroic producers but toward life itself.
By manipulating subjective mysticism with dishonest reporting, much of today's neocheating media successfully obscure the value of productive individuals and their benevolent power. That constant obscuring of facts undermines everyone's view of great human achievements such as the automobile, supermarkets, and major technological advances. The persistent attacks against objective human values by politicians, theologians, social "intellectuals", and the media gradually diminish the strength, confidence, and happiness of the productive middle class, leaving them increasingly vulnerable for exploitation by the professional mystics and neocheaters.
"A systematic blurring of reality, then a sharp focussing of illusions," my father said, thinking out loud.
Many current authors of social literature use rationalizations, specious cliches, non sequiturs, concrete-bound specifics taken out of context, and guilt-inducing half-truths to manipulate the middle-class producers into sacrificing their self-interests to an array of "higher" causes.
Stalin, Mao, and their neocheating colleagues used various altruistic tools to justify slaughtering millions of innocent, middle-class producers in the name of a higher "good". And what is always the reason for such mass destruction and slaughter? Always for no other reason than to build personal false power and bogus jobs. No other reason ever exists.
In order to live, the value destroyer must usurp values created by the value producer. That dependence deprives the usurper of self-esteem, leaving him resentful and envious toward value producers. Such feelings of worthlessness, resentment, and envy can build until the usurper would subconsciously just as soon be dead. Out of such resentment and envy, that person would like to drag everyone else to the grave with him, especially the value producers. Indeed, that is what happens when totalitarian leaders assume power. Out of envy and hatred, they eventually destroy themselves and anyone else they can destroy.
Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, for example, were personally responsible for staggering property destruction while systematically slaughtering many millions of innocent, productive human beings. Castro, as another example, publicly stated that he, an ex-lawyer who had never produced or earned competitive values, would like to drop a nuclear bomb on New York City, destroying the greatest concentration of earned, man-made values on this planet. Such mass destruction would help prop his pseudo self-esteem by making him feel big and important. But, in fact, he has never been more than a destructive pip-squeak and mass murderer. ...All mass murderers throughout history required the tools of altruism and mysticism to rationalize their purposeful destruction of values and life.
"So does the IRS," my father said. "What will save me from this monster?"
After 2001, a new code of living is coming. Everything will change. After 3000 years, the new code will lift mankind into the Civilization of the Universe.
Our civilization is at the pivotal point today. The Nuclear-Decision Threshold is the point at which energy, knowledge, and technology have advanced to where sufficient, man-made energy -- nuclear energy -- can be generated to physically destroy all life on the planet. From that point, all civilizations must follow one of two courses:
(1) Proceed in an irrational, altruistic, Platonistic philosophical system in which initiatory force compels others to support mystical "higher" causes that feed the bogus livelihoods of neocheaters. Such systems will eventually lead either to all-out nuclear warfare or to a retreat into an anti-technological Dark Ages in which most knowledge and technology are lost. In either case, most of the world's population will die and civilization will perish because of meaningless mysticism being manipulated to give false power and bogus livelihoods to the value destroyers.
(2) Proceed in, or change to, a rational, business-like, Aristotelian philosophical system in which initiatory force plays no role. Such a system allows civilization to safely advance beyond the Nuclear-Decision Threshold. That threshold is the point that every advanced civilization must successfully pass through to survive.
Thus, any civilization advancing significantly beyond that threshold would by nature exist within a rational Aristotelian/Neotech society. That in turn would mean a free-market business society from which initiatory force is eradicated as uncompetitive, impotent, and immoral. In any such advanced society, all forms of mysticism would by nature have been discredited and discarded as stupid and destructive. Such a business-minded society would be free of politicians, theologians, neocheaters, coercive governments, and other usurpers and parasites. Actions would be based on reality-oriented logic exercised by free individuals harmoniously, competitively living in accord with their rational best interests. Thus, the Civilization of the Universe consists of many advanced civilizations all based on Neotech.
Such advanced civilizations would have access to the interstellar "computer" system most certainly present throughout the universe. Throughout that "computer" system, all important knowledge would be organized and available for exchange among all advanced, Neotech civilizations -- perhaps through an oscillating, gravity-coded system.
For our own civilization to advance significantly beyond our current Nuclear-Decision Threshold would require a shift from the current Platonistic/altruistic philosophical base to a Aristotelian/Neotech philosophical base. Sometime after 2001, that new code that eliminates all ruling classes will begin.
Aristotelian philosophy is the intellectual basis of Neotech. Platonistic philosophy is the intellectual basis of every irrational, destructive religious and political system promoted in the past 2300 years. Indeed, Platonism is the philosophical foundation of mysticism, altruism, sacrifice, egalitarianism, existentialism, religion, dictatorships, theism, socialism, democracy, communism, fascism, evangelism and every other rule of force, coercion, and fraud. Except for free-enterprise capitalism, all political systems including democracy -- a tyranny by the majority -- require deception and force to exist. Thus, all those political and religious systems are immoral and harmful to human beings. Only free-enterprise capitalism is:
Civilization would have advanced super rapidly if an Aristotelian rather than a Platonistic philosophy had dominated for the past 2300 years. Free-enterprise capitalism would have eliminated mysticism, parasitism, religion, collectivism, altruism, and force-backed governments with the subsequent elimination of neocheating, wars, crime, disease, poverty, and death itself. In this super rapidly advancing Neotech Society, the steam engine and trains would have been in operation at the birth of Christ; mass produced cars would have been available in 50 A.D.; commercial airlines would have been in operation by 60 A.D.; crime and fraud would have been eliminated, not by government police but by individual self-defense and private protection services, private courts, and computerized ostracism, by 65 A.D.; nuclear power would have existed by 70 A.D.; man would have landed on the moon by 80 A.D.; cancer would have been cured by 90 A.D.; youth-perpetuating biological immortality would have occurred by 120 A.D.; immortal conscious individuals, master of all known nature, would have happened by 2000 A.D.
"What are you saying?" My father stood up and looked puzzled.
A Neotech Society is a super rapidly advancing society, as everyone will discover after 2001, under the new code. If an objective, Aristotelian-based philosophy rather than a mystical, Platonistic-based philosophy had dominated the Western World since the Golden Age of Greece, mankind would have experienced that super rapidly advancing Neotech Society. This is what would have happened:
500 B.C. | Heracleitus (540 B.C.-480 B.C.) |
450 B.C. | Socrates (470 B.C.-399 B.C.) |
400 B.C. | Plato (427 B.C.-348 B.C.) |
350 B.C. | Aristotle (384 B.C.-322 B.C.). Plato's philosophy identified as mystical and forever dismissed as dishonest, destructive. |
200 B.C. | America discovered. |
100 B.C. | Free-enterprise capitalism established around the world. Free markets flourishing. All forms of mysticism and neocheating identified, discredited, and rejected. All government taxation and nonprofit spending programs abolished. All forms of initiatory force are morally condemned. Wars become obsolete and vanish. Arts, sciences, technology boom in totally free markets. Dynamic competition and value production rule. Romantic love flourishes. |
0 B.C. | All traces of mysticism, altruism, and collectivism are gone. Poverty essentially eliminated. The individual is the supreme value. Jesus builds the highest skyscraper in Asia Minor. Trains and steamships are major forms of transportation. |
20 A.D. | Electrical power developed, camera developed. |
40 A.D. | Internal-combustion engine developed. |
50 A.D. | Cars in mass production. Airplane developed. |
60 A.D. | Commercial airlines flourishing. Computer developed. |
65 A.D. | Crime and fraud become unprofitable, obsolete, and essentially eliminated by computerized ostracism. |
70 A.D. | Nuclear power developed. Nuclear weapons never conceived. |
80 A.D. | Man on the moon. Internet developed. |
90 A.D. | Cancer and most other diseases eliminated. |
100 A.D. | Man on Mars and heading for other planets. |
110 A.D. | Need for sleep eliminated. |
120 A.D. | Youth-perpetuating biological immortality developed. |
140 A.D. | Prosperity and happiness of conscious beings are universal. |
200 A.D. | Worldwide, commercial, biological immortality achieved. All diseases and aging eliminated. Man colonizing, mining, and commercializing the moon, asteroids, and Mars. Commercial shuttle flights (passenger and freight) to space-station colonies. ...Achieve access to the gravity-coded, interstellar universal computer. |
1200 A.D. | Energy and technology advanced to where sufficient energy can be generated for traveling to other earth-like planets in outer space. Science, knowledge, and fulfillment advanced to the point at which no economic or scientific incentive exists for directly communicating with or travelling to the billions of other, outer-space civilizations. |
2000 A.D. | Immortal conscious beings in a Neotech, free-enterprise society are master of all known nature. People and goods are transported at the speed of light via electronic transfer. Most goods manufactured via nanotechnology with the electronic control of atoms and molecules. New knowledge is expanding at near the speed of light. |
My father, still standing, wiped his forehead with his arm. "Wow," he said, sensing the scientific logic behind Zon's timetable. The mountain told him to go home now, and think about today. Tomorrow, the mountain would tell him how that Neotech Society will come about.
That night, my father was laying on his black leather couch in his home office with the lights out, further sorting out the difference between most men, women, and children versus this odd ruling class of politicians, regulatory bureaucrats, and the establishment media. In the darkness, he was saying, "The destructive authorities and neocheaters say that human beings are by nature evil, irrational, and destructive. They are subordinate to 'higher' causes. Human beings must be controlled by some higher authority or government and forced to serve others or society.
"In reality, human beings are by nature good, rational, and productive -- or mankind could not exist. Human beings are competent to fill their needs and to achieve happiness. By being free to act according to their own nature, they will best serve themselves and society without force or coercion from any authority or government.
"Mystics and neocheaters say that reality is what the mind thinks or imagines. Wishes, will, or faith can create or alter reality. 'True' reality is unknowable. But reality is what exists. Reality exists independently of anyone's thoughts, desires, will, or wishes. All reality is knowable.
"Of course, the neocheating external authorities say that sacrifice, humility, and service to duty are needed for prosperity, love, and happiness. In reality, rational action, self-esteem, and production of competitive values for others are needed for prosperity, love, and happiness.
"Human beings survive by using their minds rationally to deal with reality. They must know reality to competitively produce the values needed to prosper. Only by being left free to satisfy their nature can human beings serve themselves and others best. People who live free and according to their natures can easily build a future of prosperity and happiness. Moreover, with Neotech, such people can easily rid themselves of all mystics and neocheaters. ...I cannot wait until tomorrow when Zon will tell me how the Neotech Society will come about."
The next day, my father arrived full of energy with lots of questions. But he barely got to his spot when the mountain spoke, startling my dad:
Everyday I feel your thoughts. Why is it that the IRS causes you such anxiety?
Surprised, my father thought hard about the question, then answered, "It's because of the cruel-and-unusual punishment they inflict on innocent productive people.
But you feel much more than ripped off. You feel fear.
Again, my father thought hard about what the mountain had said. Then he added, "Yes I do. I do feel fear.
Ah, yes. The threat. That constant threat. Now, I will tell you something: Once that threat and that fear in ordinary people is gone, the Neotech Society will happen. That threat and fear come from coercion, the threat of force -- pay or they'll ultimately put you in prison.
Force, coercion, threat of force, or fraud initiated against any individual for any reason by any individual, groups of individuals, societies, or governments is morally wrong. That is the only categorical moral statement possible. That statement must, by its nature, be the categorical, irreducible, and fundamental standard for all conscious beings, always, everywhere. That statement is the moral axiom upon which Neotech rests.
The initiation of force and fraud among conscious beings is not only the basic moral wrong and evil, but is the primary tool used by all professional mystics and neocheaters to survive through value destruction. The initiation of force is the one and only cause of a ruling class. Since the Golden Age of Greece, civilizations have all lived under ruling classes. That was the old code of living that will vanish sometime after 2001.
No exceptions to the immorality of initiatory force exist. No matter how "noble" the ends, they never justify the means of initiating force, fraud, or coercion against any individual. Any government or activity that depends on or uses initiatory force, threat of force, or coercion is immoral and destructive. Therefore, all taxation backed by force, all conscription backed by force, and all laws that regulate or control by force or coercion are immoral.
The only laws that are objectively just and moral are those that protect the life and property rights of individuals from initiatory force and fraud. All other laws that regulate people's lives or property are morally wrong, contrary to human nature, and harmful to everyone. Later I will give you examples of such immoral laws and their harm. But right now, it is important to understand all such laws are morally wrong because they use threats or force against individuals.
While all governments have the power, none ever have the moral right to initiate force or coercion against any individual. Again, the only beneficial and moral laws are those designed to protect the life and property rights of individuals from initiatory force, the threat of force, and fraud. In turn, the only moral use of force is for self-defense: That is for protection of oneself, property, or country from force initiated by other individuals or governments. ...Self-defense by any means, including force, is not only a basic moral right, but a moral duty.
No government has ever helped an individual produce more values or greater happiness than that individual could have produced without government. Governments differ only in the degree they harm people. In fact, except for protecting individual rights, no valid reason for government exists. Indeed, the entire concept of government is invalid and mystical. Government is nothing more than a mystical, big-lie hoax perpetuated through the centuries by neocheaters through force, non sequiturs, and the manipulation of mysticism.
Government is not the equivalent of one's country. Governments are based on invalid mystical notions that have no basis in reality; countries are objectively real entities of defined territories. A person can love his or her country, but properly despise the government that with usurped power constantly harms and drains everyone within its realm.
Oppression is directly proportional to the force and fraud governments and religions exert against individuals. The most oppressive, unhappy period of history was the Dark Ages during which religious power controlled the political system with unlimited force against individuals. By contrast, human happiness and well-being increased markedly during those periods when honesty and business reduced government and religious power. Indeed, governments and churches have always been controlled by neocheaters who manipulate the mystical concept of altruistic sacrifice to gain power.
Today, the various political-religious hucksters, neocheating academia, mystical feminists, and many dishonest journalists and political cartoonists are climbing over each other to attack and undermine individual rights, business, and value producers around the world. Since business and its value producers strengthen individual rights, the attacks on business and producers are actually attacks on individual rights. Such attacks are designed to control the value producers for exploitation by neocheaters.
Under the old code, dominated by ruling classes increasingly pushing mysticism and violence, our society would sink into a Catastrophic Era around century end, which could lead to and culminate in either a government-sponsored nuclear holocaust or a world-wide, terror-controlled government. Either course would end our current civilization. With a continued rise of worldwide mysticism, either (1) a nuclear holocaust would occur through destructive political insanities...for example, nuclear-armed Marxists/Leninists/Maoists, or through destructive religious insanities...for example, nuclear-armed Shiite muslims, or (2) a Lenin/Mao-style or Khomeini/Giuliani-style government would enslave or slaughter the best -- the most valiant, independent, value producers. That enslavement and slaughter of the good, the happy, the best among us would drag humanity back into the Dark Ages...perhaps for centuries.
But the new code is coming. No ruling classes. No mysticism. No violence. Only Neotech. The alternative to all gloomy scenarios caused by mystics and neocheaters is Neotech driven competition -- a competitive revolution led by honest, productive working people. That competition will render all professional mystics and neocheaters impotent, uncompetitive, unable to manipulate the producers, unable to survive. Neotech led competition will bring a forever prospering, happy business world.
In a Neotech political, social, and business environment, an unstoppable surge of human happiness, well-being, productivity, and romantic love will occur. Against Neotech, professional mystics and neocheaters will appear as impotent clowns. They will be unable to deceive, cheat, oppress, injure, destroy, kill... unable to manipulate their plunderings and aggressions...unable to wage wars or commit mass murder. Indeed, Neotech with its honest nature and competitive business climate will create an exhilarating, unstoppable atmosphere for creativity and achievement. The worldwide standard of living and happiness will soar. Poverty and famine will vanish. Most diseases including cancer and AIDS will quickly be eliminated. In the Neotech Era, human biological immortality without aging will soon become commercially available -- probably within a decade.
At no time in history have the ideas, influences, doctrines, platforms, or actions of any political or religious system ever yielded a net benefit to productive human beings. No such system has ever increased the long-range prosperity, well-being, and happiness of anyone. Indeed, individuals and civilizations thrive to the extent that religious and government power is diminished. All political systems depend on force, fraud, or coercion to function. Thus, all such systems have always harmed everyone throughout the ages.
Only the unique, anti-force nature of business allows people to fully use their minds and exercise their individual rights to live prosperously and happily. The question of having no government in a Neotech business society versus having a limited government in areas of national defense, the courts, and police protection is meaningless so long as the moral principle of no initiatory force or fraud is observed. Within a Neotech business society, a company called "government" or competing companies would deliver a needed, integrated package of services to those who voluntarily paid for such services. Without power to initiate force or the threat of force required to collect taxes, governments would function only to the extent their citizens or clients found their services valuable enough to voluntarily purchase.
If citizens refused to purchase certain government services, those services would simply go out of business. Or they would be replaced by more efficient services that enough people thought valuable enough to buy. An honest, legitimate government would by necessity be both a competitive, profit-oriented service and an individual-rights protection business. In some areas, possibly several competing businesses, organizations, or companies might offer the same services in competing for citizens as customers.
Voluntarily supported governments and voluntarily supported businesses would really be equivalent entities subject to the same free-market dynamics and the unbreakable order dictated by free competition, market demands, investment protection, and value exchange. A nonforce government could be called Government, Government Company, or any other name. Likewise, that entity would be subject to the same economic disciplines of profits, losses, growth, competition, and bankruptcy as any competing business. In other words, in a Neotech society, governments would have the same nature, disciplines, and anti-anarchy order as any free-enterprise business. And they would be subject to the same competitive influences and disciplines to improve quality and value. ...The ordered purpose of business would reign; the arbitrary disorder of mystical/neocheating, force-backed governments would vanish. Neotech leads to business-like order and prosperity. Only destructive, bogus-job authorities backed by force cause disorder and eventual anarchy.
The transition from a force-dependent government to a nonforce government could cause some temporary dislocations, such as cutting welfare, stopping transfer-payment "services", and selling government property to pay off and close out Social Security claims. But those problems would be minor and transitory compared to the flood of permanent, major benefits that would immediately assert themselves. For example, national defense and police protection would immediately strengthen toward total effectiveness as purpose and efficiency soared. Moreover, a nonforce government would mean no taxes, no irrational controls or destructive regulations, no government corruption, no neocheaters, no wars, and a spectacularly prosperous, healthy, happy society.
The purpose of each individual human life is to prosper and live happily. Anyone can achieve that prosperity and happiness when free of force, fraud, or coercion by others.
The Neotech Constitution forbids initiatory force, threat of force, or fraud by any individual, group of individuals, or govern-ment. No other law or rule is needed for a moral, rational society.
Forbidding initiatory force and coercion is the only political law compatible with the prosperity and happiness of human beings. Thus, the Neotech Constitution leaves everyone with the conditions for prosperity and happiness. No other constitution or laws are needed or valid. The Neotech Constitution obsoletes the constitutions of all nations.
"Please tell me," my father said, realizing the Neotech Constitution would remove the threat of the IRS, hanging over everyone's head.
The Neotech Constitution begins with the following preamble: The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to protect those conditions that let all individuals achieve prosperity and happiness. Those conditions can be delivered by a constitution that prohibits the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person, group, or government against any individual.
Then comes the Constitution itself, in three Articles:
Article 1: No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against the person or property of any individual.
Article 2: Force may be morally and legally used only in defense against those who violate Article 1.
Article 3: No exception shall ever exist to Articles 1 & 2.
The Neotech Constitution rests on six axioms:
How would the Neotech Constitution be enforced? Through (1) self-defense/deterrent forces and (2) organized ostracizing systems. ...Effective ostracisation is a much more powerful mechanism for justice, restitution, and deterrent than any form of force. And the severest, fully integrated ostracisation can eventually deliver capital punishment through suicide.
I want you to go home now and think about your fears and anxieties of being a prisoner of the IRS with its cruel and unusual punishments. Think about how your anxieties are all based on force at the hands of IRS agents. Under the new code, society would be forever free of such force.
That night, my father tried to imagine a Neotech Society without initiatory force. After two hours of thought, sitting at his desk with only his desk lamp on in his home office, he muttered, "What a wonderful world that would be. I'd be so rich and happy...and free!" The next morning, he came to tell Zon. But Zon spoke first...
The purpose of human life is to prosper happily. By integrating the human mind with reality, anyone can prosper happily by making one's self increasingly valuable to others. But what keeps most people from doing that -- from fulfilling their own nature? What has kept most people throughout history from experiencing the prosperity and happiness that they are fully qualified to earn? ...The answer lies in three words: Force, Mysticism, Neocheating:
Force is the instrument used to usurp or expropriate values earned by others: Directly or indirectly, all initiated force supports stagnated status quo, laziness, and incompetence at the expense of competitive growth, productivity, and ability. Criminals, mystics, neocheaters, governments, and religions use force, threat of force, or fraud to drain life, values, and happiness from the producers and society. But those who live by force or fraud live in discord with reality. They offer nothing to others except dwarfed lives, diminished happiness, and lost values.
Professional mystics and neocheaters depend on force or deception to survive. But, the value producer never needs to use force or deception to prosper.
Once value producers identify the nature of initiatory force, they will reject its use as criminal and harmful under any conditions. From that point on, the value producers can guiltlessly collect their earned prosperity and happiness. And all who have lived by force and coercion will find they can no longer live by usurping values. Instead, they too will have to produce competitive values for others or perish.
Mysticism is defined as: 1. Any attempt to use the mind as a "reality" creating device rather than a reality integrating organism. 2. Any attempt to recreate or alter reality through dishonesty, feelings, non sequiturs, or rationalizations. 3. Any attempt to ignore, evade, contradict, or fake reality. 4. Any creation of problems where none exist.
Mysticism is the tool used by neocheaters to manipulate or hide the force, fraud, or coercion used to usurp power and values from others. Mysticism is used to create specious standards for projecting undeserved guilt onto others. Why? To beguile value producers into surrendering their earned power and values to the value destroyers.
Neocheating is defined as: Any intentional use of mysticism to create false realities and illusions in order to extract values or power from others.
Neocheating is the technique for usurping values, money, power by using mysticism to manipulate others. Neocheating is the essential technique politicians, clergymen, bogus-job bureaucrats, and white-collar-hoax business quislings use to usurp jobs, power, money, and pseudo self-esteem from others.
Mysticism, used by neocheaters, is an evasion of reality that is never supported by honesty or objective reality. Mysticism, the stupidness disease, harms human beings in five ways:
Mysticism is arbitrary, has no link to reality, and is based on nothing. Thus, mysticism is nothing. Yet, by manipulating rationalizations, non sequiturs, aphorisms, parables, superstitions, modern art, poetry, songs, rock music, chants, slogans, newspeak, quotes, or facts out of context, a professional mystic or neocheater can create illusions to seemingly justify almost any harmful action, including thefts and murder. Such "justifications" are essential for their unjustifiable pillagings of value producers.
Mysticism and neocheating have been used for 2000 years to create illusions that "external authorities" protect the lives of individuals, can solve problems for others, and can provide livings for non-producers. But, in reality, all such "authorities" are merely neocheaters using deception, force, or coercion to extract their bogus livelihoods from the value producers. And those neocheaters are the fountainhead of crimes and human-imposed suffering.
Mysticism and neocheating are the main causes of pain and failure among human beings. Mysticism and neocheating are anti-life -- death-oriented. The core of mystics and neocheaters is dishonesty and laziness. Their task is to beguile value producers into supporting the value destroyers.
"Like honest, hard-working people being forced to pay taxes to a destructive government...or go to prison," my father said with disgust in his voice. "That is so immoral."
Morality is defined as: Conscious actions that purposely benefit people and society are moral. Conscious actions that purposely harm people and society are immoral. Thus, value destroyers such as mystics, neocheaters, and their agents of force, coercion, and deception are immoral. For, they purposely harm others and society by choosing to usurp values from others rather than produce values for others. By contrast, value producers are moral. For, they purposely benefit others and society by choosing to competitively produce more values for others than they consume.
Mystics violate morality: They harm both their own and every other person's life. They are destructive, silly, immature, childish. By choosing to evade reality, they undermine their ability to identify reality, to think clearly, to produce values, to live happily, to compete honestly -- to survive. As a result, they increasingly transfer responsibilities for their failures onto others. They routinely lay blame and guilt on others for their own problems.
Neocheaters violate morality: They purposely expand their harm by orchestrating mystical illusions to plunder others and society. Moreover, they design their illusions to make themselves appear as innocent benefactors and their victims appear as the guilty malefactors. But the opposite is true: The neocheaters are the guilty malefactors; their victims are usually the innocent value producers. Yet, as long as most people allow themselves to accept those mystical inversions of honesty, the neocheaters will keep pillaging them and society. As a result, such neocheaters always harm society by draining prosperity and happiness from everyone.
Agents of Force violate morality: They purposely harm others by expropriating values through force or threat of force. Moreover, by choosing to expropriate rather than earn values, agents of force destroy their own lives by demolishing their competence, self-esteem, and happiness.
Nonmystics are moral: They accept the responsibility to think and act for themselves in order to produce objective values for others. With a loyalty to honesty, they act in accord with objective reality. They are mature, evolved people who strive to integrate their words and actions with honesty and reality, regardless of anyone's opinions, dictates, wishes, or emotions. As a result, nonmystics always benefit others and society.
Mystics, neocheaters, and agents of force are losers. They are immature, unevolved people with self-arrested character development. They function through dishonesty and deception. For those reasons, they must depend on the producer for survival. But, they resent and envy the producer in knowing that they cannot experience his or her competence and happiness, no matter how much they extract from others. Mystics and neocheaters live unhappy, shrinking lives. Living through huckstered faith enforced by deception or force, they steadily lose respect for honesty, happiness, and the purpose to live. They increasingly move toward failure and death. And often, steeped in envy, they want everyone else to fail and die with them. ...Thus, anyone can benefit by immediately rejecting losers such as mystics, neocheaters, and agents of force.
All people must continually choose between dishonesty or honesty, between laziness or effort, between accepting or rejecting mysticism from both within and without. Accepting mysticism means evading honesty and denying reality in favor of feelings, wishes, or external "authorities". And those consistently choosing mysticism become dependent on others or "authorities" to think for them, to lead them, to neocheat for them. But rejecting mysticism upholds honesty, rejects neocheaters and dependence on them, builds competence and independence, and finally enhances life for everyone.
Now I will give you four facts that I want you to go home and think about tonight. Also, I want you to go to bed earlier tonight -- go to sleep by midnight. We have a big day tomorrow. Now, here are the four facts to ponder tonight:
The next morning my father sat in front of his mountain. He said, "Zon, I thought about the four facts until midnight. Why is it I feel less anxiety and fear than I have since my plight with the IRS began five years ago?"
Today you will understand why that is so. Let's get started:
Mysticism destroys from within; force destroys from without. Yet, both mysticism and force are unnatural and disposable. Neither are rooted in reality or have any inherent power. Still, all unearned power and expropriated values depend on mystical illusions backed by coercion, force, fraud, or deception. Mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers need those illusions to beguile, flimflam, or force values from others. But once that intertwining dependency of mysticism and force is unraveled, the rationalizations crumble and illusions vanish. ...Without their illusions, mystics and neocheaters are powerless. That day is coming.
When value producers understand that intertwining dependency of force and fraud on mysticism, they will stop supporting mystics and neocheaters who live off the efforts of others. Those mystics and neocheaters will then be powerless. Their only means of survival will be to produce rather than usurp values. Once they become value producers, their self-esteems and competencies will soar. And then, they too can evolve into self-responsible human beings who earn their prosperity and happiness.
The Neotech Constitution forbids initiatory force or fraud. Without force or fraud, mysticism and thus neocheaters become impotent. Without mysticism, force becomes ineffective for extracting values from others. The axioms of the Neotech Constitution are real and cannot be contradicted. They are based on human nature. By contrast, all mystical illusions are capricious and contradictory. They are based on nothing. And that nothingness is why force, fraud, or coercion are required to make others accept the dishonest illusions of mystics and neocheaters. Thus, by forbidding force, fraud, and coercion, the Neotech Constitution vanquishes mystics and neocheaters.
Most people unknowingly let mysticism have disastrous effects on their lives and society. As throughout history, people unnecessarily accept the dishonesties of mysticism in allowing neocheaters to pillage them materially and spiritually. But, once the mystical illusions are identified and the neocheating hoaxes are rejected, destructive mystics and neocheaters will be powerless because they have no reality-based, earned power. Rejecting mysticism and its dishonesty means rejecting neocheaters and their agents of force. That rejection will come with the new code of living after 2001.
With widespread rejection of mysticism and neocheaters, violations of individual rights become unacceptable, pillaging becomes impractical, and waging war becomes impossible. ...People will then be free to live prosperously and happily forever.
The Neotech Constitution fully meets the responsibility of any government to its citizens. The sole purpose of The Neotech Constitution is to protect individual rights through the abolition of all initiatory force.
The Neotech Constitution not only provides impenetrable armor for individual rights, but embodies the principles of prosperous living. People one by one will recognize the consummate advantages of The Neotech Constitution. Then, with increasing momentum, those people will reject mysticism and neocheating. Those who do not reject mysticism will be left behind, unable to compete for power, prosperity, and romantic love among the rising army of Neotech value producers.
With the discovery of Neotech, all mystics and neocheaters are in the final sentence of the final chapter of their long, destructive history on planet Earth. They are finished forever. But ironically, for the first time in history, all mystics and neocheaters have, through Neotech, an invincible tool to purge their own mysticism, to solve their own problems, to evolve into happy, productive human beings. ...Happy days are here for everyone, forever.
"Yes. Yes! I understand now. I understand everything so clearly. Let me go home and put it all together in my head. I know why my fears are subsiding". That night, my father wrote and wrote and wrote. He was writing letters to problematic bureaucrats who had been bothering his business and life. In fact, this evening began a powerful showdown with the IRS that would lead to the Supreme Court and later to political pressures on Congress to dismantle the IRS as we knew it in the 20th century. Over the next year, my father developed and marketed a commercial Neotech Protection Kit. From his own experiences, the kit provided many specific, real-life examples and letters that showed how Neotech jettisons mystics and neocheaters. For example, the following letter (written a few months later) from that Neotech Protection Kit illustrates an attack by neocheaters and how Neotech effectively dismisses such neocheaters:
Mr. Paul L. Douglas, Attorney General
Department of Justice, State Capitol
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
Dear Mr. Douglas:
Important to your future is understanding the enclosed letter from Mr. Thomas P. Vlahoulis of your Consumer Protection Division. As Nebraska's Attorney General, you are responsible for the actions of that Division and its use of taxpayers' money.
Please carefully read that letter, for it is under your name: Does Mr. Vlahoulis, you, or anyone in your Department of Justice have a single, concrete complaint about the Neotech Research and Writing Center or any of our publications? If so, we request that you immediately inform us. For, we want to know exactly what the complaint is and who is making it. We insist on our basic right of knowing and facing our accuser so we may respond fully.
And very important, Mr. Douglas, why exactly is your Department of Justice gratuitously intruding into a publishing company with an inquisition directed at its writers and sources? What exactly is Mr. Vlahoulis implying or presuming, and on what basis? And what is the idea of his threatening us while remaining secretive in vaguely implying that the inquisition arises from "information forwarded by a concerned citizen"?
If someone has a complaint, then out with it so we can respond. Indeed, has Mr. Vlahoulis or anyone in that Division ever received even a single complaint? And what about the thousands of happy Nebraskans who have benefited from Neotech? ...Just who is complaining and why? Or is Mr. Vlahoulis merely acting on someone's specious attack on values?
If no complaint based on fact exists, then I submit that Mr. Vlahoulis is consuming taxpayers' money in creating bogus jobs by conjuring up problems where none exist while sapping valuable time from innocent value producers. If that be the case, is not your Department committing a double-edged fraud under the aegis of "consumer protection"?
What would the citizens of Nebraska think about spending their tax money on harassing value-producing writers in the name of "consumer protection"? What would Woodson Howe, editor of the Omaha World-Herald, or Tom White, editor of the Lincoln Star, say about your arbitrary threats aimed at a publisher of ideas? ...Ideas that will collapse mysticism to benefit everyone except the neocheaters.
Through the philosophically oriented books and articles developed by the Neotech Research and Writing Center, we have delivered objective, long-range values to over a million appreciative individuals just this year alone in all 50 states and over 140 countries. Still professional mystics and neocheaters who are threatened by Neotech always attack it, often vehemently, often imploring government authorities to stop our publishing activities. But, as they sooner or later discover, such attacks always backfire. For, we utilize all their attacks to our benefit. Indeed, their attacks directly enhance our business objectives of collapsing mysticism to eliminate neocheating. Moreover, their attacks are published and marketed in our Neotech Protection Kit. That kit lets honest, productive people specifically identify and then forever dismiss those mystics and neocheaters who foment dishonest attacks on value producers.
We are resolutely principled and never knowingly yield to actions that are wrong or unfair, no matter what the cost. Indeed, over the long-range we build strength through a loyalty to honesty. And that means standing up to and publicly exposing neocheaters wherever we encounter them.
In addition to the definition of neocheaters on the second page of our enclosed statement of principles, I ask you to read the third page concerning our policies toward neocheaters. That policy includes never knowingly doing business, regardless of dollar losses, with those who live by force, threats, or fraud.
Enclosed are samples of letters from Neotech owners. As you can see in the inset on the second page, various mystics and neocheaters fear Neotech so much that they stridently threaten us. Additionally, all our sales literature openly displays a printed warning requesting professional mystics and neocheaters (e.g., clergymen and politicians) not to buy anything from us. For, we will not knowingly do business with any value destroyer. We reject their orders and never want their business.
But above all, we as everyone in America are protected by the First Amendment. And we as everyone in America can freely publish our ideas without anyone's permission or license no matter how many authorities, mystics, or neocheaters object, including those in government, including you, your Department of Justice, and Mr. Vlahoulis.
That raises the question of why I spent the time identifying the nature of Mr. Vlahoulis' actions. Am I letting your value-destroying minions consume my time needed to produce values for others? No, not at all. For I am a writer, researcher, and editor whose single, long-range responsibility is to develop and publish those identifications that will reveal and eventually eliminate dishonest mystics and destructive neocheaters -- in and out of religion and government.
Indeed, every destructive action integrated with Neotech generates material for future publications. Those publications are dedicated to eliminating mystics, neocheaters, and their 2000-year hoax used to pillage value producers. For once free of mystics and neocheaters, society will be free of parasites and bureaucratic value destroyers. Then all people will be free to earn full prosperity, personal happiness, and romantic love.
And now a most important note. A personal note offered in goodwill to you, Mr. Douglas: I ask you to take the following step that will bring you and the public great benefits, now and in the future: Although we do not sell Neotech to mystics, neocheaters, politicians, the clergy, most lawyers, certain academe, and others listed in our policy statement, we invite you to leave politics, acquire Neotech knowledge, and join in the ascent of man and woman to guiltless prosperity, happiness, and romantic love.
If you arrange to leave politics to produce marketable values for others, I could arrange for you to purchase Neotech as we have occasionally arranged for other nonqualifiers. But first you must desire to abandon neocheating in order to pursue a happy, productive life. So please let me know if you are interested in this new direction. For, we can help you. With Neotech, you can be infinitely happier than working toward the next election.
Frank R. Wallace
Note: Several months after receiving this letter from my father and failing to accept his benevolent offer, Attorney-General Paul L. Douglas was impeached and later indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice.
The wind from the mountain started blowing harder than usual. It carried the words, faster than before:
For 2500 years, citizens from ancient Greece to modern America have sought to understand and judge those holding or seeking public power. The higher, more powerful the "authority", the more attention focuses on trying to judge that "authority". In fact, attention expands geometrically on ascending the power scale to the president of the United States. Yet, a consistent, reliable standard for judging power and authority has until now remained a riddle.
That riddle is solved by applying two metaphors: (1) Knowing the material world around us requires understanding the smallest atomic units. And (2) knowing the cosmos above us requires understanding its primordial origins. Now apply those two points to authority and power: (1) Knowing authority around us requires understanding the smallest authoritarian units. And (2) knowing the power above us requires understanding its philosophical origins.
Understanding authority begins by traveling far from the great concentrations of government authority -- traveling away from the eastern megalopolis, west to a small desert city in Western United States. By putting a microscope on that oasis of population, one can focus beneath its few, simple layers of authority. One can focus beneath the mayor, past the city council and paid government employees down to an unpaid, appointed planning commission. And finally, one can reduce that commission's microcosm of authority down to its most mundane exercise of authority -- the granting or denying of a minor zoning variance to a lone, uninfluential individual with a modest home needing a second bedroom for his family.
That property owner duly completed the proper forms, submitted blueprints, paid the filing fees, and presented the facts to the planning commission. He explained why variance was necessary not only to better the property, but to preserve one of the largest elm trees in the city. The owner detailed how alternative plans without the variance would neither be practical nor best serve the neighborhood. In addition, a professional urban planner -- hired by the commission -- found no problems or objections to the variance. He also concurred that well over half the homes in the neighborhood already had structures built in greater variance to the zoning ordinance than the minor variance requested.
Moreover, unlike the surrounding structures, the proposed structure was designed to beautify both the owner's home and the neighborhood. In addition, that would be done entirely at the owner's expense while providing local employment. And most important, a two-week notice posted on the property, an advertised notice in the local newspaper, and written notices mailed to all homes surrounding the proposed property improvement brought not a single objection. In short, everyone logically concerned supported the variance.
On concluding the hearing, the members seemed ready to approve this minor, routine variance. But then spoke a younger commissioner, a stocky, flush-faced government environmentalist living in a wealthy neighborhood atop a hill, far from the property owner. He turned enough to observe the property owner from the corners of his eyes. Then with twitching jowls, he stated that the property owner's needs and desires meant nothing in his considering the variance. He then cited three ambiguous, ordinance clauses with arbitrary interpretations -- impossible interpretations that no home owner could ever satisfy. ...He chose the exercise of power for the sake of gaining unearned power by destroying the creation of values.
In prompt rebuttal, spoke an older commissioner. A trim, leather-faced workingman living in the same modest neighborhood as the property owner, he pointed out that no objective reason to deny the variance existed, especially after everyone in the neighborhood and all others who could possibly be concerned approved. ...He chose the creation of values over the exercise of power.
To fully understand the profound difference between those two commissioners, one must know that they are appointed by politically elected officials and meet four hours each month without pay. If they receive no pay, what do they receive? They receive political power and civic recognition with little expenditure of time and effort. Thus, the motivation for such people entering the world of government authority varies between political enhancement and civic achievement. From those beginnings, from that political atom, emerge two types of people: One desiring to gain power and a political future by destroying values. The other desiring to enhance the civic needs of the community and its citizens by protecting values. ...The first type gains authoritarian power by destroying values of others; the second type resists authoritarian power by protecting values of others. The first type consists of bad-intentioned value destroyers. The second type consists of well-intentioned, but misguided value producers.
The first type subconsciously orients around Plato's philosophy -- a subjective, mystical-based philosophy. The extent a person adopts Plato's views is the extent that he or she holds that:
By nature, Plato nourishes not only all despots and dictators, but politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of government. Plato justifies the striving for power at the expense of the rights, property, and life of others. Plato provides the rationalization for all laziness, dishonesty, and value destruction -- for all subjective, unjust non sequiturs and actions used to usurp power and values from others. According to Plato, the rights and needs of individuals are secondary to any external "authority's" desire to usurp values and power. Indeed, Plato assigns virtue to sacrificing individual rights and needs to any arbitrary "higher cause", "higher power", or external "authority". ...Thus, Plato is the philosophical father of mysticism and neocheating.
The second type subconsciously orients around Aristotle's philosophy -- an objective, reality-based philosophy. The extent that a person adopts Aristotle's view is the extent he or she holds that:
By nature, Aristotle nourishes all value producers. The Aristotelian-oriented person has a loyalty to honesty. That person strives to avoid acting on whims, feelings, or wishes. Instead, that person strives to identify and integrate contextual facts in order to act in a rationally consistent manner that generates maximum values for others. Thus, Aristotle is the philosophical father of business and Neotech.
While most people outwardly exhibit mixtures of Platonistic and Aristotelian views, everyone holds a dominant view of life that is either Platonistic or Aristotelian. Once the Platonistic and Aristotelian views are understood, the dominant view of most individuals becomes evident. With that understanding, one can detect the philosophical core of anyone seeking or holding government power -- from the president of the United States to a planning commissioner of a small desert town.
Now, after 2500 years, an objective standard exists to judge power and authority: Who should hold government power over the life, property, and freedom of individuals? A person with Plato's view or a person with Aristotle's view? The answer is...neither.
All forms of external power or authority undermine the productive, self-responsible nature of human beings. Thus, all such authority is bogus and eventually harmful to everyone. No person, group, or government has the right to deny or grant permission for individuals to use their own earned property in ways not infringing on the life or property rights of other individuals.
"I'm still with you," my father said.
Mystic-free individuals who think and act with full-context integrations can easily retake power usurped by the mystics and neocheaters. And a mystic-free, Neotech person can always outcompete those hampered with mysticism in personal and business endeavors. To consistently act in the rational interest of self, others, and society requires mystic-free thinking and actions in concert with fully integrated honesty...which is Neotech.
With Neotech, people can free themselves of the life-stunting oppression imposed by external "authorities". Once free, Neotech people become totally responsible and accountable for their own actions and, thus, gain full control of their own lives and well-beings. Only with that responsibility and control can individuals be of maximum value to others in producing values. But those ideas of freedom and responsibility contradict the premises of both conservatives and "liberals". All such advocates of government control claim that individuals must in various ways be controlled by force or coercion for the "good" of society. Remember, individuals free to function toward their own rational, nonsacrificial self-interests will achieve maximum prosperity for themselves, others, and society. If they allow themselves to be sacrificed, everyone loses except the neocheaters promoting sacrifice of others to their destructive, self-serving "causes".
Free, unsacrificed individuals provide the maximum benefits to others and society. But that is not the reason why government force and coercion against individuals by nonproductive mystics and neocheaters are morally wrong. Independent of the practical benefits, the principle stands: Each individual has the inalienable right to his or her own mind, body, and earned property regardless of those benefits that naturally accrue to others and society. No one can ever rightfully own or morally take any portion of another individual's life or earned property.
Freedom and property can be taken from an individual in only one of two ways: (1) by his or her consent (moral), (2) by initiatory force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud (immoral). All governments throughout history have immorally usurped individual freedom and property from their citizens by initiatory force or the threat of force. And that theft is always done under the Platonistic rationalization of serving some common "good" or "higher" cause. All governments today initiate force or threats of force to deprive their citizens of their property, prosperity, freedom, happiness. ...While everyone has the right to use self-defense force, no one or no government has the right to initiate force or threats of force against anyone, for any reason, under any circumstances.
My father jumped up from the flat rock and, with his arms raised, yelled, "But why do politicians, regulatory bureaucrats, and most media people live by force, fraud, deception, or coercion? Why do they live by usurping values from others rather than by producing values for others?"
One discovers the answer by stripping the layers of rationalization from such people. Beneath those layers is a lack of maturity and self-esteem, a lack of self-responsibility and independence, a lack of honesty and effort. For they made a secret choice to be dishonest, lazy, and dependent on others for survival -- a secret choice to avoid the honesty and effort needed to live productively. They chose to abandon their nature and not produce competitive values desired by others.
Also, professional mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers hold various degrees of secret fear and envious hatred toward the value producer. After stripping away the various rationalizations from those value destroyers, the same core -- no matter how skillfully hidden -- always manifests itself. That core is dishonest laziness: a default against the constant hard effort needed to competitively produce values that benefit others.
Self-responsibility, rationality, honesty, and effort are necessary for human well-being and happiness. People must produce competitive, tradeable values -- goods or services -- that others desire and will voluntarily buy. How many free, honest, productive people would voluntarily buy the "services" of a politician, a bureaucrat, a dictator? The character core of mystics, neocheaters, politicians, and other value destroyers is dishonest laziness. Consider, for example, essentially all politicians are lazy, despite their often cleverly staged, look-like-work flurries. Those flurries of "work" are really nothing more than flurries of anti-productive machinations or ego-boosting power ploys. Such destructive machinations are the daily routines of dictators, prime ministers, and presidents as so starkly revealed in the putrefied personal lives of neocheating politicians as Lincoln, Wilson, Stalin, Hitler, FDR, LBJ, the Clintons. They are all soul mates concealing their mutual secret of laziness and living off the productive efforts of others.
"So they need coercion and force to survive," my father whispered to himself. Then, looking up with a curious expression, he asked, "Is there any difference between liberals and conservatives? Is one less harmful than the other?"
Most professional mystics and neocheaters are "liberal" oriented. I put "liberal" in quotes because those who are called liberals today are the opposite of the past, classical liberals who represented anti-force, pro-individual ideas. To live off the producers, those modern "liberals" must promote the false notion that human needs are human rights. They must promote their non-sequitur emotional hoax that being "compassionate" means forcing the value producer to fill their parasitical needs.
Gaining unearned values is the foremost concern of "liberals". Yet, they constantly project that they are concerned about "higher values" and "compassion" for others. But their compassionate images are hypocritical shams. For, professional mystics and neocheaters are interested only in unearned power and bogus jobs so they can go through life living off the values produced by others.
Since professional mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers are not self-sufficient, they must spend their lives in a deceptive, resentful struggle designed to extract their material and emotional needs from the producer. Even those nonproducers who have inherited wealth are psychologically dependent on the producer. Those wealthy nonproducers must attack or undermine the producer to elevate their own weak egos and to camouflage their worthlessness.
Because of their parasitical nature, "liberals" are generally more destructive than conservatives. For, conservatives are often misguided value producers who live pragmatically -- without consistent principles. ...But also, some of the most clever neocheaters adopt conservative, free-enterprise images to dupe the producer into surrendering his or her earned power and self-esteem.
Conservatives generally promote material and economic freedom. But, to gain their unearned power, they want government to control morality and ideas. Most "liberals", on the other hand, appear to promote freedom of ideas such as free press, academic freedom, no censorship, freedom in the arts. Ultimately, however, that freedom is granted only to those who support their usurpations. For, to survive, "liberals" need governments to usurp money and values earned by others. ...What about "middle of the roaders"? They favor various mixtures of government control over individual minds, morals, bodies, and property. ...They are little more than pragmatists with no principles at all.
Only Neotech people reject all usurpations, use of force, and gun-backed controls over individuals. For Neotech people orient exclusively around individual rights, not fake human rights. Both conservatives and "liberals", on the other hand, orient around two areas of false government power. Those separate areas they arrogate for themselves are: (1) controlling the mind and moral realms for the conservatives, (2) controlling the body and material realms for the "liberals". ...Only Neotech people want to control no one in any way. They have no need or desire to control the spiritual or material realm of anyone. They recognize everyone's sovereign right to both realms.
"Everything is so clear to me now. Please, go on. What about corrupt big business?"
The link between big business and laissez-faire capitalism is largely a myth originating from Karl Marx's anti-intellectual canards in his book Das Kapital. Consider that laissez faire is a French phrase meaning, "to let do", or "to let people do as they choose". Thus, laissez-faire capitalism means neither pro big business nor anti big business, but means simply individual freedom. Yet, today, most chief executives of large stagnated businesses are anti laissez-faire. Indeed, many entrenched CEOs support fascist concepts of big government. For such concepts utilize force-backed government regulations needed to protect their jobs and businesses from more competent, harder-working entrepreneurs and foreign competitors.
Laissez-faire capitalism simply means no government control over individuals and their property -- a Neotech atmosphere. Within such an atmosphere, individuals are free to create and build businesses, including big businesses, even monopolistic big businesses. Within that laissez-faire atmosphere, government would have no power to support big businesses or protect monopolies; for example many banking, utility, and communication companies are monopolies protected by government force. Without government protection or assistance, big businesses and monopolies could exist and grow only by continually delivering better values than anyone else. Whenever any monopoly failed to deliver maximum values, the free-market dynamics in the absence of government controls would cause that monopoly either to deliver better values or yield to others delivering greater values. ...Market dynamics free of government controls will sooner or later always collapse uncompetitive or harmful businesses, monopolies, or cartels.
Companies, businesses, industries, and monopolies are not detached entities, but are composed of individuals who function through individual thoughts and actions. Business entities are the property and extension of individual human beings. Thus, businesses possess the same inalienable rights of free action and ownership of earned values as individuals. Also, individuals and their honest businesses exert power through peaceful voluntary free choices, not through force, coercion, or deception as do professional value destroyers in or out of government.
Most government agencies ultimately exist through force, coercion, or deception. Thus, such agencies that depend on threats and force have no moral right to exist. Those agencies are in reality coercive engines of antisocial actions.
Governments are colossal mystical frauds that usurp power and values by force-backed laws and regulations. And those usurpations are used to further violate individual and property rights. Such destructive processes keep building and feeding on themselves. ...All value producers would benefit greatly without such governments.
Today, upper management of big-business is increasingly controlled by altruistic, neocheating "businessmen" who apologize for the business they now control, but never built. Those altruistic "businessmen" are usually fascist oriented. For they use government force to shield their businesses from competition. Indeed, they promote anti-capitalistic legislation, regulations, and controls. The unspoken policies of those executives are to gain government favors and to encourage government-forced regulations that block more competent competitors and diminish or halt superior-value imports. Such executives realize that, without government interference, the free-market competition would eventually eliminate their jobs and their poorly managed businesses that they have drained through harmful government-approved, socially oriented "business" policies.
Government-corporate collusions inflate prices, lower quality, block competition, and are the antithesis of free enterprise. Indeed, the greatest enemies of free enterprise are not the socialists or "liberals", but are those business leaders who collude with government to consolidate their power without having to earn that power in a competitive, value-producing atmosphere.
Perhaps the most evil collusions occur between neocheating executives of large companies and government bureaucrats in promoting envy-motivated antitrust laws. Those immoral laws are designed to penalize the most competitive companies and productive businessmen. But increasingly, the growing number of Neotech executives will rid the corporate world of those government-colluding executives who neocheated their way to unearned power through force-backed laws, regulations, and controls.
Your second day here after I opened my voice to you, I revealed the malevolent destruction of altruism as opposed to the benevolent productivity of business. Then, with my spirit, you wrote an open letter to Du Pont that demonstrated how neocheating executives are today undermining many great corporations. They can often hide their destructive drain of assets for many years by continually shifting long-range efforts into increasingly shorter-range pay-offs that keep profits growing while concealing the eventual, dead-end quality of such profits.
"Yes, I will be releasing that letter to Du Pont very soon," my father said. "Now tell me, if altruistic chief executives are taking over major corporations and causing their long-range demise, who then is left to stop the neocheaters' continued consumption of business? Who will lead the way to a society in which mysticism and the resulting neocheating are eliminated? Who will uphold the productive individual as the highest value? Who will lead the way to a society in which prosperity, happiness, and biological immortality will reign supreme among human beings?"
The answer is today's growing army of value producers who are becoming knowledgeable about Neotech. For such people hold genuine power. One key necessity is to establish an Industrial-Philosophy Department responsible for making major actions consistent with the principles of fully integrated honesty -- Neotech. ...Neo-Teching business policies and actions inject vitality and profitability into companies, large or small.
My father, who sat before the mountain, said, "Yes, that is a key necessity, which I discovered last night. I have begun my Industrial-Philosophy Department myself, and I immediately put myself in control."
Indeed, Neotech traps professional mystics and neocheaters in their world of big lies. Neotech reveals the exact opposite to what most people have been led to believe by mystics and neocheaters. For example, how many people realize that the many pseudo ecologists and self-appointed "consumer advocates" today are not interested in protecting the environment or human beings. Deceptively hidden behind their neocheating non sequiturs and destructive work is a contempt for human life and happiness. They use ecology and consumerism as tools of demagoguery, often with the goal to cripple and eventually eliminate the benefits of technology, industry, and free enterprise. As a result, many valid ecological problems are obscured, confused, and remain unsolved. Moreover, the long-range destructiveness of such neocheaters is surfacing in many areas. For example, consider Rachel Carson's decades-old book, "Silent Spring": Its specious charges and unscientific conclusions caused the banning of DDT, which in turn caused a resurgence of malaria in Asia and Sri Lanka at the eventual cost of perhaps a million lives -- lives of human beings, not birds or fish. Yet, people will never find those facts among the neocheating academe and media.
With government banning of DDT and other pesticides, the mosquito and insect populations burgeoned along with a proportional rise in "ecologist" caused famine and disease such as malaria and encephalitis. In addition, those irrational bannings have decimated trees and crops in the United States and around the world. The banning of DDT has also lowered the world standard of living by billions of dollars per year in crop losses and expenses. That, in turn, significantly increased third-world inflation, hunger, suffering, famine, and death. All that human death, destruction, and suffering starting from the handiwork of just one "ecologist" needing to feel good by boosting her pseudo self-esteem with dishonest non sequiturs.
An even more destructive breed of neocheaters exists who methodically decrease the living standards for everyone. That breed includes self-appointed, "consumer-advocate" demagogues epitomized by Ralph Nader and his raiders. In the long run, their destruction surpasses that of even the murderous banning of DDT. For the real targets of those "consumer advocates" are the value producers from which come all life-enhancing values. Moreover, the pervasively destructive work of Nader sets up the psychological conditions for unjust attacks on great value-producing companies such as Union Carbide:
Years ago, a great benevolent company, Union Carbide, was excoriated and threatened with extermination by the neocheating media and politicians for a tragic accident in India for which the Indian Government itself was responsible. The Indian politicians arbitrarily and irrationally forced Union Carbide to hire incompetent, distrustful nationals who were unable to perform even basic security-control operations. Such forced interference by government neocheaters left Union Carbide unable to properly protect its business from sabotage by envious, anti-business value destroyers. That sabotage at Union Carbide for which the Indian government was responsible left 2500 dead -- the worst industrial "accident" in history.
But that tragic loss of life was minuscule when compared to the routine, purposeful slaughter by political neocheaters. To the "liberal" media, the murder of 2500 people by their Marxist soul mates would hardly be newsworthy -- too common, too minor, too routine, not really that bad.
Such examples starkly contrast the good of business people to the evil of political or government neocheaters. The loss of life from the worst industrial accident in history is little more than a casual day of slaughter for totalitarian neocheaters. For example, at the same time that Union Carbide was being excoriated by the dishonest media for sabotage that was not even the company's fault, no media outrage arose toward Marxist murderers in Ethiopia who were purposely starving to death millions of innocent men, women, and children they considered politically troublesome. Instead, the media were going through news-twisting contortions and telethon spectaculars in trying to falsely show the cause of that coldly calculated mass starvation was a drought rather than their soul-mate Marxist-Leninist politicians. They were mass murdering so they could feel big, feel important, feel unearned power. They were mass murdering by purposeful starvation, just as Stalin did two generations before in the Ukraine.
People build. Governments destroy. Who really needs governments? Productive individuals always suffer a net loss from mystically conceived, force-backed governments. Such governments diminish everyone's values, earnings, life. They survive by always expanding their unearned power. And they expand that power by increasingly transferring the earnings and property of the producer to the nonproducer by force, threats, coercion, fraud. Thus, governments and politicians, by nature, can offer only life diminishment as they continually increase their force-backed demands on the value producer. At the same time, they aggressively finagle respect and adulation for their destructions through non sequiturs and fake altruistic catchwords such as "compassion", "the heart", "humanitarian", "human rights". But never do they mention the only valid points -- individual rights and competitive value production.
To psychologically survive, politicians must garner praise for their usurping values from others without producing values for others. They use the handy, God-like, "goodness" gimmicks of altruism to make their destructive actions seem "good", "compassionate" and "humane" while hiding the criminality of their destructions. Such is the nature of political neocheaters and their media, academic, and religious collaborators. For that reason, effective business people who exist by producing values for others have no desire, time, or reason to diminish their lives by becoming politicians or other neocheaters who exist by usurping values from others.
All political, religious, academe, and media neocheaters destroy the personal property and individual rights of others through escalating usurpations from value producers. Without Neotech to stop the neocheaters, they would eventually dissipate all productive wealth and individual freedom, causing a worldwide economic collapse with an enormous loss of human life, well-being, and happiness.
"Yes, we must learn Neotech to protect ourselves with the power of fully integrated honesty," my father said.
The need to protect oneself from neocheaters reveals another destructive effect of mysticism: As the neocheaters attack and usurp those values, the most productive citizens are drained of investment capital, creative energy, individual freedom, and irreplaceable time. Those producers must increasingly struggle to protect themselves, their loved ones, their property, their means of production, and especially their time from the ravages of government value destroyers. More and more valuable time, capital, and effort are wasted in:
Also, people increasingly lose concentration on their productive work as they follow their speculations. Producers become unproductive speculators as they increasingly look for easy wealth through speculation rather than through producing values with integrated thought and hard work. But in a Neotech society free of neocheaters and destructive governments, all that time, energy, and capital would be channeled into uses that benefit the individual and society: Producers would spend more of their time and energy on producing values for others rather than on having to protect themselves from government value destroyers.
"I am discovering something interesting: by using the power of fully integrated honesty in my correspondence with bureaucratic neocheaters, I create something I call 'the silence syndrome'. After I use a Neotech approach with my harassers, they back off, and I often never hear from them again. Neotech saves me a lot of time." After a pause of acknowledgment, the mountain continued...
Governments are nothing more than groups of people. Many of those people are value destroyers who exist by usurping power and values from others to the harm of everyone and society. Some, however, do honest work in the government, especially in service areas such as postal, police, park, library, scientific, technical, military, intelligence. But all governments are controlled by neocheating politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers living off the producer. Behind all their rhetoric about "service to society" and "working for higher causes" is their need to survive by usurping values earned by others.
Earning major values along with long-range happiness requires an independent aloneness. Neocheaters, nonproducers, value destroyers, and politicians dread that aloneness. The glib politician, being psychologically and materially dependent on others for survival, has a desperate need to be among people, to buy their favor with tax money, and to become increasingly involved in their lives by increasing government control over them. ...The worst situation for the neocheater or politician is to be left alone, especially to be left alone to survive by his or her own efforts. By contrast, the value producer usually has no desire to get involved with the "public" lest his or her irreplaceable time for value production be wasted.
Perhaps the cruelest of government neocheaters are those "liberals" whose actions pass under the specious banner of protecting the elderly. For, their neocheating actions always end up draining the well-being, happiness, and earned savings of elderly people.
Most elderly people no longer have growing assets or competitive earning power. A large percentage of them have worked hard and honestly throughout their lives only to have government policies drive them into the inescapable trap of government dependency. They are further lured into that government trap by, for example, social-security policies that offer temporary relief from inflation only to be devastated by the next wave of inflation and a failing social-security system.
Government manipulations through taxation and inflation diminish the well-being and happiness of everyone. But those destructive manipulations especially debilitate elderly people dependent on the government for survival. For, governments subtly push their dependent elderly citizens toward unhappiness, suffering, early death.
Most elderly people deliver themselves into that dependency trap by believing that government is a benevolent, positive force that will somehow benefit them in the present and help them in the future. The opposite is true. By nature, no one can ever look to any government for net benefits. Indeed, the essence of government is value destruction from which long-range benefits and values can never flow. Thus, one must always avoid government dependency to protect his or her well-being and happiness.
The unhappiness trap shuts when a person becomes dependent on government for needs. Once the trap is shut, that person's life turns downward with declining self-esteem, well-being, and happiness. To avoid that trap, a person must recognize that government is by nature a destructive, life-negating force that should be avoided in every possible way. A person should never believe in, count on, or become dependent on any aspect of government for his or her present or future well-being. The only way to retain growing prosperity and happiness is to remain independent, self-sufficient, and commercially productive, especially as one grows older.
The best asset for future prosperity and the best protection against government, mystics, and neocheaters is fully integrated honesty -- or Neotech. Indeed, Neotech is the development of personal honesty, integrity, and the ability to perceive reality accurately in order to competitively produce values for others. Thus, the most valuable gift given to children and adults is Neotech knowledge. For that is the knowledge needed to accurately perceive reality, to reject mysticism and neocheating, to develop personal integrity, and to competitively produce tradeable values desired by others.
"Neotech must spread to everyone," my father said. "I believe in the power of Neotech. I know I am dealing with something very powerful here. You probably know this, but I'm going to devote my life to writing about and distributing this new power called Neotech. Is there more I should know?" The mountain told him to return tomorrow for more.
The next day my father told Zon, "I have started taking notes on everything you have told me. It's so powerful, I plan to write and publish Neotech. ...Is that OK?" The mountain replied that not only was it OK, but vital for mankind to pull out of a potentially apocalyptic Catastrophic Era and rise into a spectacular Neotech Era. The mountain added, however, that no big-business publisher would publish this material. My father would have to do it himself. In fact, Zon insisted he do that to fulfill his great responsibility. Thus, my dad started his own publishing company while he was still a Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont.
Now that you have dedicated yourself to writing this down and to publishing it and to starting your own publishing company, I must give you the nature of government, politicians, bureaucrats, and the Supreme Court to finish your work, for once the ordinary person sees their true natures, he will be ready to depoliticize the world and collect the rewards.
All current governments depend on coercion and force. Thus, they are destructive to human life, productivity, prosperity, and happiness. The destructiveness of the United States Government is implemented mainly through force-backed bureaucracies such as the BATF, EPA, FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, and the SEC.
Consider, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): That bureaucracy has been responsible for the premature death of many thousands of people through its arbitrary, forced banning of such life-saving, free-choice discoveries as the first effective artificial sweetener cyclamates. And if not for the enormous pressures that subsequently arose for slim, healthy bodies during the national health craze, the FDA would have also banned life-saving saccharine and then aspartame. The palatable cyclamate sweetener was the first to effectively replace the deadly poison of sugar to reduce caloric/carbohydrate intake, obesity ailments, diabetes, heart-attack deaths for millions of people.
All such FDA value destructions serve solely to satisfy some value-destroying bureaucrat's need to feel important, to feel unearned power through destruction of human lives and values.
Also, the arbitrary banning or controlling of life-saving products such as non-toxic pesticides, herbicides, food preservatives and additives, new drugs and medicines has caused death and suffering on massive scales. In addition, FDA regulations on drug research and marketing retard or prevent the development of many life-benefiting, life-saving drugs, medicines, and devices while increasing research and development costs to prohibitive levels. Effective cancer cures, for example, would certainly have been developed years ago if research and business were free from regulations and controls. For, such freedom allows aggressive individuals and companies to openly pursue the full profit and achievement potential in discovering and marketing effective cures for cancer, AIDS, and other diseases.
Even more important, FDA regulations block the required risk taking, incentive, and business freedom required for rapid development of human biological immortality.
The blocking of human progress along with mass suffering and death are the natural results of government force. And government agencies are the instruments of such force. The essences of agencies such as the BATF, EPA, FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, and the SEC are always destructive and their intentions are never good. Such agencies costing billions of dollars each year serve only to harm productive individuals and society. Indeed, those life-depriving agencies are subtle death machines that are directly and indirectly responsible for more suffering and deaths than all wars of history. All wars are also government sponsored. Throughout history most governments with their use of force, fraud, and coercion begin as "legalized" protection rackets and always end as destructive engines of crime and death. Such governments operate under the rationalizations of protection, altruism, the social "good", and "higher" causes.
Agencies such as the EPA and FDA often carry out their destruction through dishonest assertions. They assert, for example, that DDT or cyclamates might be "bad" for the ecology or cause cancer in animals. Then they expand their power with a job-creating bureaucracy to control or ban such substances. Usually those agencies hide their dishonesties with non sequitur "facts". They often manufacture unscientific data developed from spurious research to "prove", for example, that use of cyclamates might cause cancer in humans: Research on feeding megadoses of cyclamate diet sweetener to rats indicated that humans could experience bladder irritation or even tumors if they drank the equivalent of 700 bottles of diet soft drinks per day over an extended period of time. When, in fact, that amount of water alone -- to say nothing of the immediately fatal amounts of sugar in less than 100 bottles of non-diet soda -- would fatally break down the kidneys in human beings.
Still, the FDA used those non-sequitur, rat-feeding data to assert that cyclamates can be cancer-producing in human beings. The FDA then demanded that the producers prove that cyclamates do not cause cancer. Since a negative cannot be proven, the government neocheaters subsequently used their dishonest, non-sequitur data to ban the sale of cyclamates without any scientific evidence of harm to a single human being. At the same time, those neocheaters purposely ignored the wide-ranging, beneficial, life-saving effects of that artificial sweetener.
The FDA, EPA, or any other government agency never honestly attempts to prove their assertions. Rather, those agencies demand that the producers disprove their assertions. Their demands to disprove assertions or accusations contradict the concepts of honesty, objective law, and justice. Indeed, to demand proof of a negative undermines honesty by shifting the burden of proof away from the source making accusations, the neocheaters, to their victims, the value producers.
Without the burden-of-proof standard, government and religious neocheaters avoid the responsibility to prove their assertions and accusations. Without the burden-of-proof standard, neocheaters are not accountable to honesty. Without that accountability to honesty, professional mystics and neocheaters can continue to usurp power and bogus livelihoods through fraud, deception, and force.
By nature, most government bureaucracies cannot produce values. Thus, to grow, such bureaucracies must usurp power by destroying values. In turn, value destruction requires little competence or effort. Thus, by necessity, value destruction is the modus operandi of most government bureaucracies and agencies -- the most virulent being the BATF, EPA, FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, and the SEC. To conceal their destructions, they masterfully use non-sequitur facts and mystical ploys to justify their destructive usurpations from the value producers. But now, after 2000 years, the evolvement of Neotech will collapse and eliminate those fake empires of destruction.
"I guess that without a scientific background, most people have a hard time seeing past the regulatory bureaucrats' non-sequitur facts," my father said.
Often, only a scientist trained with the scientific method can identify the neocheater's dishonest use of facts and information. Without Neotech, most people have no way to discern the dishonesty of neocheaters. And without Neotech, most people will confusingly accept the neocheater's usurpation of values. But with Neotech, destructive mysticism and neocheating irreversibly ends.
Now, let us turn our eyes to the Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court was meant to function as a principled, philosophical body designed to protect individual rights. But decisions on obscenity and pornography have been void of principle in ignoring the concept of individual rights. An earlier Supreme Court decision, Memoires vs. Massachusetts, stated the following criterion for pornography: "A book cannot be proscribed unless it is found to be utterly without redeeming social value." That criterion ignored the principles of individual rights and property rights while opening the way for people to be jailed on the basis of some other person's judgment of the "social" merit of their work.
Seven years later, the Supreme-Court Miller vs. California case negated individual rights in determining the following criteria to criminally convict for victimless pornography: "(a) whether the average person applying contemporary community standards would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest... (b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value."
That Supreme Court ruling left the individual unprotected and at the mercy of any judge, prosecutor, police force, or community. Any of those forces can now attack, prosecute, and jail an individual under arbitrary standards such as (1) contemporary community standards, or (2) "offensive" as defined by a state law, or (3) if the work lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. In other words, anyone who disagrees with the arbitrary standards of the empowered authorities -- judge, police, community leaders -- can potentially be jailed through current anti-obscenity laws. Such nonobjective law is a major step toward censorship, which is the precursor to totalitarianism.
The above Supreme Court majority opinion, which abridges individual rights, was written by the conservative Chief Justice and supported by the other four conservative justices in a 5 to 4 decision. Only Justice Douglas identified the issue of individual rights in his dissenting opinion:
The idea that the First Amendment permits punishment for ideas that are 'offensive' to the particular judge or jury sitting in judgment is astounding. No greater leveler of speech or literature has ever been designed. To give the power to the censor, as we do today, is to make a sharp and radical break with the traditions of a free society. The First Amendment was not fashioned as a vehicle for dispensing tranquilizers to the people. Its prime function was to keep debate open to 'offensive' as well as to 'staid' people. The tendency throughout history has been to subdue the individual and to exalt the power of government. The use of the standard 'offensive' gives authority to government that cuts the very vitals out of the First Amendment. As is intimated by the Court's opinion, the materials before us may be garbage, but so is much of what is said in political campaigns, in the daily press, on TV or over the radio. By reason of the First Amendment -- and solely because of it -- speakers and publishers have not been threatened or subdued because their thoughts and ideas may be 'offensive' to some."
The conservative Chief Justice and his conservative associates on the Supreme Court shifted from the principle of protecting individual rights to an arbitrary, undefinable standard of "social good". Hitler, Stalin, and Mao also subjugated individual rights to their standards of "social good". Those arbitrary standards eventually included killing tens of millions of their own citizens for the "social good".
"Zon, can you clue me into the soul of the value destroyer?" My father then added, "What do I look for right up front?"
Destructive people enviously hate highly productive people and environments. Master neocheater, Fidel Castro, for instance, expressed the ultimate desire of all envious mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers in his publicly stated, personal desire to drop a nuclear bomb on New York City to destroy the greatest, most intense fountainhead of values known to mankind.
Professional mystics and Marxist neocheaters destroyed countries such as Cuba, Cambodia, Iran, and Nicaragua. Such envious neocheaters work explicitly for the demise of modern, highly productive, highly technological societies. They gain their power by pandering to their downtrodden proletariat with false promises of a nonthinking "peaceful" existence -- a prehistoric, unthinking "animal-nature" existence. They promise the ultimate mystical dream of a nonthinking, egalitarian, "problem-free" nirvana. But that dream contradicts life, nature, and reality as does all mysticism. Indeed, that no-effort, "problem-free" mysticism is the essence of value destruction and death. By contrast, high-effort problem-solving is the essence of value production and life.
"So, I look out for envy...that desire to destroy outstanding values and bring everything down...down to an egalitarian society where no great producer stands out," my father said. Then he asked, "What exactly causes envy anyway?"
The underlying cause is dishonesty and laziness. Laziness means the abdication of self-responsibility. That abdication is the root cause of mysticism, envy, altruism, neocheating, and chronic unhappiness. Also, incompetence and lost potential arise from laziness and defaults on self-responsibility.
Envious value destroyers have vested interests in attacking competitiveness -- in attacking Neotech, individualism, prosperity, and free-enterprise. The master neocheaters among the politicians, theologians, and social "intellectuals" live by attacking the competitive value producers and usurping their values. Through such destructive attacks, those neocheaters hide their own defaults while creating their needed illusions of personal power and pseudo self-worth. And, to maintain those illusions, they must continue attacking the competitive producer, his integrated thinking, the values he produces, and his individual rights and property. For those fake illusions let them physically and psychologically live off of the value producer.
Malefactor is a label that can be applied to envious people. An envious person wants values destroyed. An envious person works to undermine individual and property rights, both of which are needed to achieve well-being and happiness.
Envy distorts and then consumes a person's view of life. Envy is a prime evil that people let develop within themselves to their great personal harm, unhappiness, and eventual death. Laziness and dishonesty are basic causes. Envy and impotence are basic effects. Envy is the desire to destroy values created or earned by destroy the good because of its goodness. Why? Because the objective good -- rational human values -- exposes by contrast the envier's defaults and impotence. That exposure, in turn, diminishes the envier's pseudo self-esteem. And that pseudo self-esteem is needed for both psychological and physical survival -- needed to prevent a mental breakdown or suicide.
Values earned by others make the envier experience his impotence. The good inherent in objective values reveals what the envier lacks. Such values reveal the human goodness that the envier has defaulted on. Such values leave the envier aware of his or her incompetence to live as a self-sufficient, independent, happy human being. Thus, the envier fears and hates such values.
The desire to destroy the values, happiness, and pleasures earned by others is the essence of envy. Envious attacks against the producers and their values are woven throughout all the "good sounding" non sequiturs of media journalists, religious leaders, politicians, social "intellectuals", "consumerists", "ecologists", and other envious neocheaters.
Contrary to the misconception promoted by envy-oriented writers and journalists, envy is not analogous to jealousy. While both reduce happiness, their causes are opposites. Jealousy is rooted in valuing and coveting a value...because the value is good to the beholder. Envy is rooted in resenting and hating a value...because the value threatens to expose the dishonesty and failures of the envier. The jealous person is threatened by the loss of a value. The envious person is threatened by the presence of a value.
Enviers have always hidden, camouflaged, and distorted the meaning of envy. Enviers must not let their inferiority and dependence on the producers become known to themselves or others. For, if everyone understood the nature of envy, the professional mystics and neocheaters would lose their survival tools and rationalized self-esteems. And that would bring loss of unearned gains, public disgrace, even suicide -- unless the envier chose to change -- to prosper by becoming a competitive producer of values.
Out of fear and resentment, enviers must attack values earned by others. At the same time, they must constantly usurp those values in order to survive. That contradictory life of enviers brings increasing resentment, anxiety, incompetence, unhappiness.
Those free of envy have no way of knowing the malevolent nature of the envier. Thus, most value producers, because of their naive innocence, are relatively helpless in protecting themselves from envious value destroyers. The issue is black and white: All people can be clearly classified as either envious or nonenvious. From value-destroying bureaucrats right up to genocidal dictators, the survival of envious people depends on their victims never discovering the nature of envy.
Over the centuries, concealing the nature of envy has been easy. For without Neotech, most nonenvious individuals have no way to comprehend envy. In their innocence, envy-free productive people cannot emotionally or intellectually grasp the idea that people actually exist who want to destroy values because of the goodness represented by those values.
The envier must depend on the minds and efforts of others to survive. Envy comes from within the self-made character of a person, not from society or the environment. Envious people, therefore, are responsible for their own envy, destructions, and harm to others. Enviers are the malefactors of civilization.
Who are the envious malefactors? Who are the value destroyers of civilization? Of course, you already know. They are the dictators, politicians, theologians, social "intellectuals", destructive bureaucrats, criminal-minded professionals, which includes many of the lawyers, media journalists, university professors.
Envious malefactors or value destroyers are not inherent to these specific occupations. But a particularly high percentage of such malefactors populate these easy-to-fake professions. By contrast, envious malefactors rarely exist in productive hard-to-fake activities such as competitive, profit-making businesses.
Other enviers include unproductive scions of inherited wealth or dissipators of wealth earned by others, self-appointed professional feminists,self-appointed professional environment- alists, self-appointed professional consumerists.
These professional, self-appointed value destroyers such as the Nader type, for example, are destructive enviers who use neocheating demagoguery to gain unearned power. Such neocheaters use non sequiturs to create falsely inverted "realities" such as the "hero" consumer pitted against the "villain" producer. But those neocheaters hurt both the consumer and the producer by promoting government controls and force. By contrast, those "villain" producers of values are and always have been the only real benefactors and heroes of mankind. Without those producers, no productive jobs or consumers would exist since no products or values to consume would exist. Indeed, without those producers, little, if any, human life would exist.
My father stopped the mountain's eruption of knowledge by saying, "You have said a lot, and I need to digest it and write it down. May we continue tomorrow? I really need to think through all what you said today."
Value destroyers are basically immature, anti-intellectual people who seek to evade reality and honesty. By contrast, most value producers are mature, genuinely intellectual people who seek to identify contextual facts through fully integrated honesty.
Most politicians and social "intellectuals" are immature value destroyers who survive by neocheating the value producer. Such people promote altruistic social "ideals" designed to harm and drain the value producers of this planet. Those immature value destroyers include not only politicians but a high percentage of university professors, especially in the fields of social and political sciences, philosophy, psychology, education, law, religion...and a smaller percentage in other fields. Their crusades for fake social "justice" and specious human rights are motivated by envy and executed through criminal minds. Their attacks on values are neocheating ploys not only for plundering the value producers but for hiding their own incompetence, laziness, and dishonesty. But the greatest evil of those academe is their irreparable mutilation of millions upon millions of young, developing minds.
"I have heard you denounce organized religions," my father said. "Tell me, why do you classify theologians as neocheaters, malefactors, value destroyers, and parasites? What about the good that theologians do, such as help the poor?"
Their so-called "good" is usually specious and contrary to human well-being and happiness. For, their "good" is based on the altruistic sacrifice of the value producer with the theologians collecting both the praise and a middle-man's cut without producing values.
Most theologian-type "good" depends on dishonest, guilt manipulations of the producer. That "good" arises from their subtle, unjust denigrations of personal success, prosperity, and happiness. Furthermore, their "good" generally involves hypocritical, neocheating ploys designed for living with praise and "ease" without working to produce competitive values. In other words, theologians support themselves by promoting God-like altruistic schemes designed to usurp values earned by others while collecting unearned respect and power. ...That is the purpose and livelihood of most theologians.
Other value destroyers such as demagogic "ecologists" and "consumerists", neocheating politicians and bureaucrats, evil dictators and ayatollahs usurp enough power to directly execute their envious destructions. They camouflage their envy by operating under non-sequitur banners of common "good", human rights, social "justice", "peace", equality, the fatherland. Such envious, value-destroying professionals live by usurping power and values, by attacking, undermining, crippling, destroying value producers.
Most other enviers, however, lack the power, cunning, and resources to directly damage and destroy value producers. To vicariously satisfy their envy, they eagerly support the destructive causes promoted by those demagogic "consumerists", "environmentalists", theologians, politicians, social "intellectuals", and other neocheaters.
A person can cure his or her envy only by becoming a self-sufficient producer of competitive values to achieve genuine independence, competence, and self-esteem. If not cured, the malignancy of envy will keep growing, consuming that person in malevolent hatred toward self, productive people, objective values, and life itself.
Expressed another way, growing envy destroys a person's potential to earn genuine prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and happiness. To break free from envy's grip, a person must first identify the envy. Next, that person must reduce the need for envy by becoming increasingly productive until competent enough to live by competitively producing values desired by others. Then a metamorphosis occurs that changes envious fear of objective values to a passionate desire to uphold those values. On evolving into an independent, self-sufficient producer of values, envy fades as a new, exciting life emerges -- a life of growing prosperity, expanding power, and abiding happiness.
Producers of objective values have prosperity and happiness always open to them. But first they must break free from the unearned guilt foisted on them by the enviers who surrounded them. The producers must realize that they are the ones who hold the real power. And only they can guiltlessly collect genuine prosperity and happiness.
"I feel the power, Zon. I feel the power of Neotech in my life. I feel a mountain of strength. I feel I am you," my father said enthusiastically. "How do I get more and more of this power? How does everyone get this win-win power...this Neotech power?"
Neotech sharply contrasts the world of mysticism and envy to the world of value production and self-esteem. One does not cross into the happy, envy-free world until that person becomes competent enough through consistent logical thinking, integrated honesty, and hard efforts to be self-sufficient by producing competitive values for others and society.
Consider that laziness and dishonesty are volitionally chosen prime evils. People allow laziness and dishonesty to develop within themselves to their great personal harm. Laziness and dishonesty are the basic causes of mysticism, neocheating, and envy.
Laziness always involves mysticism undercutting the conscious mind. One must exert a constant, honest, life-long effort to maintain a prosperous, happy, healthy life. By contrast, mental and physical laziness means defaulting on those key attributes of honesty and effort required for independent self-survival and happiness.
The logical use of the mind combined with consistent rational efforts is required for human survival and prosperity. But, mental default is seductively tempting. A person simply adopts someone else's thinking, thus avoiding the responsibility of exerting one's own integrated thinking and honesty for independent survival and prosperity. Such "pleasantly easy" defaults against using one's own mind are traps that corrode self-sufficiency and lead to intellectual, psychological, and eventual physical dependence on others, especially "authorities".
Usually those "authorities" are neocheaters who dupe the defaulter into accepting their dishonest, destructive ploys designed for usurping power. ...Such neocheating "authorities" survive by promoting their mystical hoaxes and specious doctrines of altruistic self-sacrifice in order to control the defaulters and neocheat the producers.
Integrated, logical thinking does not preclude errors or wrong judgments. But only through habitual, integrated, logical thinking does one become efficient in identifying and correcting errors. If a person defaults on that thinking effort, he or she must live increasingly through other people's thinking. That person then gradually loses the ability to recognize the errors in other people's thinking as well as to correct his or her own errors. Such a person eventually becomes incompetent to live independently. That person then becomes dependent on destructive, neocheating "authorities" to survive.
Essentially all willful destruction, all purposeful violence, all initiation of force against individuals and their property can be reduced to a single, originating cause -- mysticism originating from laziness and dishonesty. That laziness and dishonesty evolve from choosing not to exert the constant, rational efforts required to understand reality in order to make one's own independent decisions. ...Laziness and dishonesty are the cause of evil; envy is the effect.
Attacks on free enterprise, producers, and objective values by envious altruists, powercrats, social "intellectuals", theologians, lawyers, judges, academics, and other neocheaters are on the rise around the world. Before Neotech, envious altruism was increasingly undermining the value producers. But now, Neotech not only identifies the nature of envy, but also reveals how neocheaters use mystical altruism to attack and undermine the producers in order to usurp unearned power and values. Thus, just in time, at the crucial Nuclear-Decision Threshold, you must make Neotech available to the world to identify, counteract, and reverse the destructive trend of mysticism. Moreover, your timely Neotech will also demonstrate how guiltless psychuous pleasures and happiness arise from rejecting all mystical dishonesties. Finally, Neotech renders powerless the intentional value destroyers -- the professional mystics, altruists, powercrats, parasites, enviers, and other neocheaters.
Neotech means the eventual demise of the politician, social "intellectual", theologian, and every other neocheating altruist and egalitarian who usurp values and power from the value producers. At the same time, almost anyone can achieve a prosperous, happy life with Neotech, even those hapless mystics and neocheaters who have been exposed and rejected by the producers armed with Neotech.
Without Neotech, the legions of altruists, mystics, and powercrats would have eventually buried the producers and their values, causing a new dark age. But through you, Neotech knowledge will begin spreading around the world. That expanding Neotech matrix will render impotent professional mystics and neocheaters caught in its web. Yet, ironically, those foundering mystics and neocheaters can with Neotech join the producers in experiencing genuine prosperity and happiness by rejecting their own mysticism and producing competitive values for others.
Those with Neotech knowledge will gain powerful advantages in every competitive situation. That is why you must write this all down and disseminate this to fifty million people. For then they will fully understand the crippling, 2000-year hoax of Platonistic-based philosophies that today dominate most people's thoughts and actions. Thus, by removing that hoax, Neotech leaves them with profound competitive advantages over those foundering in the Plato-based world of professional mystics and neocheaters. That competitive edge will pull more and more people into the Neotech way of living.
"Why me, Zon...why did you choose me?" My father pleaded for an answer. Almost as if the mountain were contemplating, a long pause of silence ensued. Then the wind blew and the voice returned:
I did not find you -- you found me. You were ready to hear me. There are many reasons for that, which someday you'll know. But one crucial dynamic happened to you that was necessary to hear me within today's anticivilization: You were in a fight for your life with the world's most powerful neocheaters. You were in a survival mode. Survival pressures forced bicameral man to jump to conscious man 3000 years ago. Survival pressures forced you to jump from conscious man to Neothink man. Now, you will bring justice, good, and love to the world.
I have waited for over 2000 years. Through the 2000-year history of altruistic-based cultures, most material achievements have been maligned and attacked by theologians, politicians, and other professional mystics and altruists. The motive for scorning human-produced values has always been to saddle the value producers with unearned guilt. Once saddled with guilt, value producers were more easily manipulated, duped, and usurped out of their earned power and values. Indeed, to survive, professional neocheaters and mystics constantly usurped material and psychological values from those producers.
"I bet that would be tough to sit through for 2000 years," my dad said, shaking his head.
The production of values for others is the single most important function of any person's life. Every person's survival and happiness as well as every facet of his or her physical, mental, and psychological well-being depends on the production of competitive values for others. If a person chooses not to produce sufficient values to survive, then that person must become dependent on the producers to survive by begging, cajoling, neocheating, deception, force, or theft.
Thus the producer, not the consumer, is essential to human life and happiness. By contrast, nonproductive people are dependent on the producers to survive. And those nonproducers who neocheat to survive exist with deteriorating competence, mounting envy, and growing unhappiness. That nonproducer's life soon terminates in Growth Death, then in emotional death.
Integrated links exist between productivity, self-interest, self-esteem, psychuous pleasures, and happiness. Production of competitive values is the integrating growth dynamics for conscious beings. Production of competitive values provides freedom, prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and abiding happiness.
Productivity and rational self-interest are not only essential to happiness, but are essential to life itself. For without productive self-interest, only consumptive altruism remains. What would a world of consumptive altruism mean? What if everyone began living as selfless, unproductive consumers, temporarily surviving by sacrificing one another in consuming the values created by the past producers. One can imagine what an unhappy, destructive world that would be. One can imagine the malevolence and meanness that would exist among those human beings as they cannibalized the final values and then one another. Soon after that, nearly everyone would be dead, even those with guns.
But what if everyone began living competitively as rational, productive individuals with everyone intent on producing maximum values for others and society in order to achieve maximum prosperity, psychuous pleasures, romantic love, and happiness for themselves and their loved ones. One can imagine what a benevolent, happy, exciting, thriving world that would be...a world free of mysticism and neocheaters...a world without guns...a world in which everyone forever increases his or her productivity, prosperity, and happiness. You must help civilization enter that world.
"Imagine such a world. Wow, I wish I could," my father said.
A society that functions exclusively for the rational benefit of the individual has never existed.A society has no moral or logical reason to exist except to benefit the individual and protect his and her property rights. But a fully moral, logical society has never existed. For the producers have always been tricked into accepting and supporting free-loading, professional mystics and neocheaters acting as "authorities". Such "authorities" use altruism to control value producers through false guilt. Thus, those value producers work to support those very neocheaters who harm, pillage, and eventually destroy them, their loved ones, and everyone's happiness.
A totally free, just, and rational society would by definition be a Neotech society -- a society based on fully integrated honesty. Such a society would be a free-enterprise, nonforce government...a government and society that has yet to exist on planet Earth. The ethical essence of a Neotech society is the holding of individual rights as supreme. Therefore, any form of initiatory force, coercion, or fraud against any individual by any individual, group, society, or government is immoral and thus is ostracizable.
Any suggestion of force-free societies strikes fear into neocheating politicians, demagogues, and mystics. Knowing that professional value destroyers cannot survive in a nonforce, noncoerced, free-enterprise, fully competitive society, they desperately vilify and subvert any movement toward such a society and its values. They sabotage and undercut those values with non-sequitur, out-of-context attacks. Indeed, to survive, professional mystics and neocheaters must prevent a value-oriented, Neotech society. For such a society would quickly identify and forever banish them as destructive criminals. ...On rejecting mystics and neocheaters, the value producers become free to prosper guiltlessly and happily by benefiting without limits others and society.
Prohibiting initiatory force, threats of force, and fraud is the only law in a Neotech society. Highly effective enforcement of the individual-rights law by an integrated ostracizing system would become very punishing and would add extreme effectiveness to any police force and prison system. Thus, with that single, highly enforceable law, each individual would be solely responsible for his or her own actions, life, and well-being. The resulting competitive, free-choice interaction among people would deliver maximum benefits to each individual and society. That, in turn, would greatly enhance every productive person's well-being and happiness. ...Thus, to survive, the nonproductive mystics and neocheaters would have to begin producing competitive values for others instead of destructively usurping values from others. Today, by attacking those values, they can still conceal their parasitism and failure to fulfill their responsibilities toward producing desirable, competitive values for others and society.
"Zon, their days are numbered. I'm going to take Neotech to the whole world!" my father blurted, filled with determination. "I will turn into a writing machine, and then I will learn how to publish and market Neotech across the globe."
I want you to remember this as you write down the Neotech knowledge: Contrary to the pronouncements of most modern linguists and social "scientists", words and language are primarily tools of thinking, not of communication. But clear thinking would lead to identification of the value destroyers. Thus, professional mystics and neocheaters must constantly attack and debase words and language to prevent clear thinking. For the existences of professional value destroyers depend on obscuring, distorting, and concealing reality in order to perpetuate fuzzy thinking among their victims. To accomplish that obfuscation, the mystics and neocheaters must (1) use words out of context, (2) twist and invert meanings of key words and concepts, and (3) dishonestly build on rationalizations and non sequiturs. ...They develop their own newspeak without regard to honesty.
Honest intellectuals concerned about the decay of language know that twisting and misusing words corrode the tools of thinking. But that is only half the problem. Protecting honesty and language also involves context. Powerful thinking requires not only using consistent, exact definitions but also precise, accurate contexts for all words and concepts. To accurately define meanings and contexts of important words and concepts is not only central to precise communication, oral or written, but is the key to effective thinking and understanding reality.
By contrast, twisting meanings of key words and using concepts out of context are the primary techniques of professional mystics and neocheaters, especially those in the media. For they exist by distorting or inverting language to deceive others. They invert the meanings of important words in order to rationalize their deceptions, destructions, thefts, use of force, and other irrational, immoral actions. And they do that often under inverted newspeak pretexts of justice, social good, human rights, and "higher" causes.
In seeking honesty and understanding of reality, you must be aware of both definition and context of key words. But neocheating "intellectuals", in their need to conceal meanings, exert mighty efforts to distort the meaning and invert the context of crucial words such as the following words:
Capitalism | | | | | | | | | Peace |
Consumer | | | | | | | | | Producer |
Ecology | | | | | | | | | Reality |
Good | | | | | | | | | Rights |
Justice | | | | | | | | | Selfishness |
Love | | | | | | | | | Truth |
Words can also represent concepts. The more basic the concept, the greater abstraction and integration is required to fully grasp that concept. The most difficult concepts to grasp in their full, accurate context are the most basic human concepts such as:
Throughout history, those three basic concepts have been used out of context or inverted in meaning by all professional mystics and neocheaters in their constant need to camouflage their destructive, parasitical existences. When neocheaters speak of justice, they are usually promoting unjust, destructive actions against the value producer, objective values, individual rights, private property, and the means to produce values and achieve happiness. When neocheaters speak of good -- the common good or the "higher" good -- they are usually promoting destructive altruism designed to usurp or destroy values earned by others. When neocheaters speak of love and brotherhood, they are usually promoting envious, promiscuous, egalitarian schemes designed to cripple competitive value producers and undermine romantic love.
To fully understand the basic concepts of justice, good, and love requires an accurate understanding of human nature relative to reality. That understanding requires integrations of the many specific concepts I have presented you. To understand the concept of romantic love, for example, requires understanding the array of Neotech/Psychuous concepts needed to understand romantic love in full, accurate context. Because the concepts of justice, good, and love are inextricably linked, all three concepts have been fully integrated throughout all the Neotech knowledge I have bestowed upon you.
"I understand," my father said with a peculiar look of shock on his face. "No Zon, I mean, I really understand you now. You are Zon. And Zon is knowledge -- widely integrated knowledge put together through hard-thinking fully integrated honesty for powerful, far-reaching, Neothink context. I mean, that is who you are: widely integrated knowledge in fully honest, Neothink context. And that is what my writings must become."
With that insight, my father knew his time with the mountain called Zon was coming to an end. Feeling this would be his last time to talk with his most amazing friend he ever knew, my father called out, "But something bothers me. I got this powerful knowledge for nothing. I did not have to work for it. And now I am writing it all down for the world. Is that ethical?"
You have worked very hard, all your life, and you have exerted enormous efforts to be honest during your stand-up battle with the neocheaters. That enormous effort is why you were the first person to be able to hear my voice of Zon. Still, your work has just begun, for now you must work very hard to disseminate 50 million copies of Neotech writings. Business/marketing is the greatest challenge of life. That is your job now. Good-bye, my friend.
To this day, my father still runs by the mountain. Of course, the wind blows with no voice. He often stops and looks at his mountain. Lonely as it seems, my father knows the silence means he did his job well in writing down everything Zon had to say.
In the months that followed, the more my father looked over his many notes on Zon, the more elegantly simple Zon's message became, summarized in a four-part formula: The main tool used to control or rule over mankind was "higher causes" via altruism (Ancient-Secret-One Chapter). Our deep-rooted bicameral-mind tendencies made that higher-authority control over us quite easy, almost natural, to do (Ancient-Secret-Two Chapter). The way to rationalize and camouflage the harm and destruction was reality-altering mysticism (Ancient-Secret-Three Chapter). And the neocheaters propagated mysticism to confuse us, rule over us, manipulate our bicameral-mind tendencies, and promulgate an altruistic subservience to them -- the leaders, the rulers...the neocheaters (Ancient-Secret-Four Chapter). ...After 2001, in our Neotech World, bicameral-mind tendencies no longer existed, replaced by Neothink. Then, higher "authorities", altruism, mysticism, and neocheaters could no longer exist. All the suffering got replaced by man's Six Ultimate Gifts (Book One). We, the yesterday's victims, became tomorrow's victors.
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