Chapter 4
The Way Things Are
Let's begin with the pretty lady married to a tall and handsome broad-shouldered MAN who looks like he was born a man (no traces of "boy" or those days before body hair). That pretty lady, in time, will begin to look with a curious eye at the rich man, even if he's not as physically endowed (and even if she sees him, physically, as a "boy"). Nevertheless, she will look at him and wonder what life must be like as a rich man's wife, for she could have that life, and she knows it.
On the other hand, the pretty lady with the rich man, in time, will start looking at the physically superior "hunk" MAN, even if he's not nearly as financially endowed. Nonetheless, she will look at him and wonder what life must be like with a stud, for she could have that, and she knows it.
Now, the pretty lady with a rich "hunk" MAN has it all, so it seems. She has it all for only a little while, though, for he starts looking at other pretty ladies. He could have them, and he knows it.
"None of this applies to me," you might think. Oh, but it does -- it all does. Whether or not you are or are not rich or a hunk or do or don't have a beautiful spouse -- and whether or not such actions (i.e., sleeping with others) take place, these are the forces constantly at work on relationships. For, these are the forces of nature, from which there is no escape. Those constant forces, more often than not, win out.
Nature instilled women with a deep drive to mate with the physically superior man. Nature also instilled women with the deep drive to mate with the prosperous man. Nature instilled men with a deep drive to mate with the physically symmetrical (i.e., beautiful) woman. Those are the forces of nature from which no individual human being can escape, no matter how intellectual or moral that human being may be. Whether or not he or she acts on those forces is up to the individual. But the forces are there, always there, in everyone.
Those constant forces quietly push the happy couple toward becoming distrustful, unfaithful, anxious, insecure, and unhappy.
Let us shift from romantic relationships to plutonic relationships. Do we really feel love and compassion for our fellowman? To the contrary, down deep we hope for faults, errors, weaknesses in others. No matter how much we deny it or hate it in ourselves or suppress it...we do secretly applaud weaknesses in others because that lessens the competition for us and our survival. That competitive drive to better our peers is a fundamental force of nature...for our survival.
That constant force of nature quietly pushes happy friends, neighbors, and co-workers toward hate, spite, and envy.
What are we saying here about the world we live in? The problem gets even more complicated. Consider that our lifelong relationships with our livelihoods most often exist for the money and not for the love of one's work or accomplishments. In fact, most people go through life never knowing what they would love doing or that they could even love their work. Seeing work only for financial survival -- that powerful force of nature from which there is no escape -- results in quiet dislike for work, where we spend a large percentage of our lives. On the grand scale of life, the inescapable forces of nature steadily push us into unhappiness and camouflaged failure.
Looking further into the forces of nature, consider that in a society of animals living together, nature produces leaders. Those leaders, say the Silverbacks of the gorilla clans, get treated to the best life, the best food, the best females.
Likewise, in our society, the forces of nature produce political leaders. Some individuals are driven to seek power through politics. Others file in, looking toward the political leaders for an economic advantage. In any case, this force of nature that dominates our society -- this need for political leaders -- pushes society toward oppression, corruption, illusions, and gullibility.
How deep do the forces of nature affect us? In our personal lives, we seek attention -- everyone does. Watch toddlers, years before they ever have a romantic or monetary thought: they seek attention! It is the most basic human desire, from the toddler to the the senior citizen. Seeking attention is also a raw force of nature: the animal that gets more attention and approval -- the popular one -- does best in its society. However, this force of nature pushes humans toward egotism and terribly immature decisions.
In conclusion, the civilization in which we live is an anticivilization that pushes us toward distrust, unfaithfulness, anxiety, insecurity, unhappiness, hate, spite, envy, failure, oppression, corruption, illusions, gullibility, egotism, and immaturity. And we cannot escape those forces of nature because we are part of nature.
Why are the forces of nature so destructive to man and civilization...creating this anticivilization in which we are trapped? The answer is: the conscious man, as you will learn, does not belong to nature. Human consciousness transcends nature, left behind with the bicameral man 2000-3000 years ago. Nature could evolve no further than bicameral man (explained in Book Three, Chapter Two). Human consciousness was a man-made leap beyond nature. The forces of nature were valuable and vital in a system designed by nature. But the forces of nature, as you can see, wreak havoc on a system outside of nature.
In many respects, without fully knowing why, original spiritual leaders such as Lao-Tzu, Buddha, and Jesus sensed this and sensed forces that transcended nature, meant for conscious man, such as love and compassion obsoleting hate, spite and envy.
As those spiritual leaders learned, it is almost impossible for an individual to escape the forces of nature and leave this destructive anticivilization that continues to wear us down. An individual can intellectually know the way things should be, say, in marriage, business, politics, and personal relationships. He or she can even intellectually see and acknowledge what is wrong with the way things are now. But for that individual to emotionally escape the forces of nature is, well, nearly if not impossible. He is trapped.
The Supercivilization answers the ancient spiritual leaders and explains exactly where we're going, why we're going there, and how it will be when the forces of tomorrow's supersociety save us and lift us from the forces of nature.
There is a way out of the anticivilization. In fact, we are the first generation with a way out ever since civilization veered off course between 1600 and 2400 years ago with the Plato/St. Augustine mutation of the bicameral mind (explained in Book One, Chapter Two), which prevented Neothink and enslaved us to the forces of nature and trapped us in the anticivilization. Indeed, the bicameral mentality is a mentality designed by nature, as you will learn in Book Three, Chapter Two. The Plato/St. Augustine mutation of the bicameral mentality took the conscious mentality and diseased it with the obsolete mental structure dependent on external authorities as designed by nature, enslaving the conscious man to the forces of nature. The supersociety and its forces of Neothink could not rise within the bicameral mentality or its powerful mutation.
Although no individual can emotionally escape the forces of nature in the anticivilization, we can leap beyond nature by riding upon the coming supersociety that will shrink the forces of nature to nothing. To nothing? Feeling lust for a pretty woman, for instance, is an automatic and unstoppable urge! And it is so void of any values; it is based solely on instant's so animalistic, so antihuman. When we ourselves feel our strings of nature being pulled and look eagerly at a beautiful woman, for instance, it seems only natural. But observe as a pretty woman sits alone at a cafe. You, as a third party, watch the men, one after the next, as they walk past her. Watch where their eyes go, where their minds go. Like you, they cannot really help it, but where is the value there? Where is the value structure that separates us from the other animals and makes us human? There is nothing human about our indiscretionary lust. But we cannot stop it. We may not act on that lust, but the forces of nature are always there pushing and pulling us. The forces of nature work to destroy our happy, romantic relationships, and the forces of nature do not stop there. The forces of nature work to destroy our livelihoods, our plutonic relationships, our freedom, and more. What's worse, we cannot stop those forces of nature within us. They are always there, working against us and society.
But something beyond ourselves can overwhelm those forces of nature within us. The supersociety is the inevitable destiny of Neothink, a new way of using the mind based on creating new knowledge through building puzzles of knowledge, adding one puzzle piece after another until a never-before-seen puzzle picture forms. The supersociety is bigger than any one person's mind; it is a growing puzzle that can be built by hundreds, thousands, millions, or the entire human race snapping in parts to the puzzle. The supersociety gave us a glimpse of its power in the computer field, bringing us spectacular breakthroughs of knowledge, bigger than any single individual, at fantastic speeds. And, as we will see in a moment, the supersociety not only is bigger than our individual minds, but is bigger than the forces of nature within us that push us toward destruction.
As individuals put in vital, major Neothink puzzle pieces into the overall superpuzzle, the super Neothink puzzles in the supersociety take our knowledge and power to levels unreachable before. We have seen glimpses of the supersociety during the Industrial Revolution and even more so during the computer revolution and now during the communications revolution. However, those are only gentle tremors compared to the great Technological Revolution that will rock the world as Neothink geniuses of society rise by the millions to build the superpuzzles that will eradicate disease, bring us immortality, and great wealth.
The capacity for the supersociety has existed since man leapt from the bicameral mind to human consciousness 3000 years ago. But the Plato/St. Augustine mutation of the bicameral mentality infected human consciousness and prevented the supersociety, for we cannot have a supersociety built upon super Neothink puzzles without Neothink. [ 12 ] As explained throughout The Book, the Technological Revolution will have breathtaking effects on civilization.
Let us see how the superpuzzles of supertechnological progress will carry us right out of the clutches of the destructive forces of nature.
The Way Things Will Be
Let's begin with the most basic biological drive -- mating. Trapped by the forces of nature, a person may look at his or her spouse and secretly wonder, "Can I possibly go through my entire life, having sex only with this one person?" The forces of nature work and work and work on that person until, under great anxiety, he or she weakens and has that one affair, usually with a less-than-ideal willing partner, which usually leads to havoc and turmoil.
Now, let's compare what the forces of nature get you compared to the forces of the supersociety. First, you have to free your mind to a whole different level to even begin to imagine the supersociety of Neothink geniuses. The best way to think about the supersociety is: anything that is valuable, anything beneficial to man, will be done, often sooner than later (anything that is possible within the laws of thermodynamics).
That being said, people will, sooner than later through cloning and other technologies, be able to experience different body parts, even different bodies. Instead of going through the enormous upheaval for that one affair (with a less-than-ideal partner) when corrupted by the forces of nature, spouses can happily enjoy entirely different bodies -- their dream bodies -- in the supersociety, yet always stay with the person they perfect harmony. (Now, if they were to sleep with another, they will do so because of human reasons -- for reasons based on psychological decisions for changing to an improved value structure -- and not for animal urges to "fuck another piece of ass".) Instead of "risking it all for a lousy lay", we will add excitement to our happy marriages by enjoying our fantasy bodies with our spouses. ...You can get an idea, at this most fundamental biological level, how the man-made forces of the supersociety will shrink the destructive forces of nature to nothing [ 13 ].
Just in this area of romantic relationships, the forces of the supersociety will lift happy couples to trust, security, faithfulness, eternal love, and happiness.
The supersociety is beyond anything humanity has known, so it is beyond anything we have ever perceived. You will understand the supersociety as you read The Book. For thinking purposes now, assume that in the supersociety, everyone will automatically live with enormous wealth. The best analogy in today's world would be the computer industry. During the rapid advancement of computer technology, prices fell to fractions making the ordinary person "rich" at buying computer power. That dynamic will occur many times over in the supersociety advancing through superpuzzles of technology in every aspect of man's life, from genetic construction to home construction. Costs for just about everything will drop to fractions as we become rich at just about everything we buy, from medicine to homes.
Now, assuming everyone is rich, what does that do to us in regards to our livelihoods? Well, it immediately breaks the force of nature to have our livelihood dictated by money/prosperity. The physical, psychological, and emotional properties completely change in regards to our careers. Now, rich and secure, we will search for and discover our Friday-Night Essences...what we love to do! As explained in Chapter One, your livelihood will now bring you pride and happiness as you enthusiastically build your creations for the world.
Indeed, the forces of the supersociety will put the forces of nature in short pants! The supersociety is needed to lift individuals from the forces of nature...out of the anticivilization of boredom and stagnation. The forces of the supersociety, in the area of business alone, will lift people to pride, happiness, and success versus miserable stagnation, unhappiness, and camouflaged failure in the anticivilization.
The supersociety will fill people with the love and compassion for their fellowman that great spiritual leaders Lao-Tzu, Buddha, and Jesus tried to harness. Remember, in the anticivilization trapped by the forces of nature, people inherently desire weakness in their fellowman, in love or in business, for the competitive survival pressures of nature dictate our emotions. But in the supersociety, spouses are secure and everyone is rich. And people are pursuing their Friday-Night Essences with great love and enthusiasm, bringing wonderful values to the supersociety. Down deep, we will cheer them on, for their creations bring values to us. Think about the feeling of love you would have for a doctor who saves your child's life or who eradicates a disease that threatens you or a loved one. That is a close analogy of the love that will fill you toward your fellowman who is enthusiastically contributing major values to the supersociety. ...Again, the man-made forces of the supersociety will lift you from the destructive forces of nature and out of the anticivilization. Toward your fellowman, you will feel love, compassion, admiration.
The forces of nature, always vying for attention for survival advantages, push us toward egotism in the anticivilization. But the forces of the supersociety supersede those forces of nature. Getting attention, say through buying the biggest diamond or most expensive car or boat or home, will no longer have any significance. Everyone will be rich. The ego-desperate drive for getting attention, which satisfies temporarily but which leaves one feeling empty in the end, will be replaced with something much more permanent and fulfilling. Remember, in the supersociety, people will pursue what they love to do -- their Friday-Night Essences. By doing that, they will create important values for society, from which comes love and admiration from your fellowman, pride and happiness within. Those forces of the supersociety lift you to maturity, self-control, and modesty.
As you will see in The Book to follow, there will be no more political roles in the supersociety. No one will be looking to be led; there will be no need for an economic edge. The forces of the supersociety will lift us to freedom, productivity, and knowledge.
In conclusion, the supersociety, in which we will live, will lift us out of the anticivilization, from the forces of nature, to trust, security, faithfulness, eternal love, happiness, pride, success, compassion, admiration, maturity, self-control, modesty, freedom, productivity, and knowledge.
Why are the forces of the supersociety so constructive to man, creating a Supercivilization (also described as the Civilization of the Universe)? The reason is: the supersociety can come only from man at a level not touched by nature, possible only through puzzle-building Neothink. Soon, we will head into the supersociety of extraordinary prosperity, driven by super Neothink puzzles of knowledge to which each person can snap into and build. We are headed into the supersociety because mankind has reached the jumping off point to Neothink, and The Book delivers the tools to replace the forces of nature with the forces of Neothink. (The forces of the supersociety are the forces of Neothink.)
Evil, Evil Everywhere
To understand the enormous evil around the world from school shootings to war, one only need to realize we are trapped in an anticivilization dominated by the forces of nature, which should have been obsoleted 2000-3000 years ago with our man-made leap into human consciousness. With teenage boys and world leaders, for example, still struggling to be the Silverbacks, we will have school shootings and wars. In the Supercivilization, though, there will be no more misplaced forces of nature as love and compassion fill the world, for good.
Indeed, every evil event that occurs in our anticivilization from school shootings to war can be explained as conscious human beings being destructively driven to action by forces of nature...say, for example, for attention, dominance, leadership. In bicameral civilizations, such forces were necessary for advancing the species and society. Today, outside the system of nature, such actions destroy society.
Our anticivilization is filled with hatred. The coming Supercivilization is filled with love -- the pure love expressed in Book Three, Chapter Two.
Look ahead, for there you will see the supersociety of Neothink geniuses. Book Two that follows shows you our story line into the supersociety (with lots of examples of how others used Neothink to rise as the rich and sexy God-Man). Book Three gives you the operating systems of the supersociety (including specific techniques for the individual to rise to great wealth, love, and happiness). Book Four shows you the idea system beneath the supersociety. Book Five shows you the illusions in today's society. Book Six shows you the protocols for the supersociety.
The Culminating Moment
We will be leaving behind the anticivilization where we are now trapped by the forces of nature. Aging and death are forces of nature. When man jumped past nature into human consciousness 2000-3000 years ago, we should have jumped past the forces of nature, including aging and death. But we did not. Why not?
Before 3000 years ago, our mentality was bicameral -- a mentality designed by nature. Between 2000 and 3000 years ago, under enormous survival pressures, mankind jumped past nature into human consciousness -- a mentality designed by man. At this point, mankind should have quite rapidly advanced and, in a few hundred years or less, advanced into the supersociety that is forming today. Then, the supertechnologies would have quickly overpowered the forces of nature...such as eliminating human aging and death (dealt with in Books Two, Three, Four, and Six).
The bicameral mentality was dependent on external authorities, which worked well within a system designed by nature. But, as we will see, external authorities destroy a system beyond nature. During the early times of human consciousness, the Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 B.C.) developed a seductive philosophy that would preserve a world of external authorities. For many reasons, Plato's philosophy gradually infected the newly conscious world and became even more virulent with St. Augustine and the Church in 400 A.D. (see Book One, Chapter Two). The Plato/St. Augustine mutation of the bicameral mentality trapped us in a societal structure of external authorities, meant for nature, not man.
The result? 3000 years after humanity began shifting from the bicameral man to human consciousness, we are still aging and dying. But that is about to change, which we will witness in the years ahead as we travel to the other shore. The shore we are travelling to is the Supercivilization, also called the Civilization of the Universe, where we are freed by the forces of Neothink.
To best understand where we are coming from and where we are going to, let us remember the forces of nature that trap us in the anticivilization with their spiral-of-death stimulations. With that knowledge, go now to The Proof next, and see Zon for yourself. The Story that follows The Proof will show you the story line into the great supersociety where you will be rich, romantic, and immortal...where you will become the God-Man.
[ 12 ] The Plato/St. Augustine bicameral mutation prevented Neothink for 2400 years, shown in Book One, Chapter Two.
[ 13 ] Conscious man lives in a man-made system, not a system designed by nature like the bicameral man. That is why the forces of nature damage today's civilization so dramatically with high divorce rates, widespread boredom and depression, violence, and war.
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