Chapter 5
Many people ask me to tell them, briefly, what is Zon Religion? Zon Religion is the Civilization of the Universe starting on Earth. If I must tell them briefly, within five minutes, I say there are ten simple components to understanding the Zon Religion:
Component 1: Abundance of Water
Recently water was discovered on at least three other bodies in our solar system including possibly our own moon (in the form of ice), which made scientists realize there must be an enormous abundance of water throughout the Universe. Water is the crucial ingredient for life. Thus, today physicists believe life and evolved, conscious life flourish throughout our Universe.
Component 2: Age of the Universe
Recently, physicists discovered the Universe is older, perhaps much older, than they thought. Combining component 1 with 2, abundant conscious life has flourished for billions of years before life on Earth.
Component 3: Time Stands Still
As time passes, conscious civilizations generate knowledge at increasing speeds. As civilizations advance to quantum computers and beyond, acceleration of knowledge happens so lightning fast that the function of time becomes less and less an issue until it becomes a non-issue. Knowledge eventually advances so fast that time seems to almost stand still (see Book Six, page 42). On Earth, we have experienced human consciousness for just 3000 years (see Book Three, Chapter Two), and we are already on the verge of quantum computers (i.e., computer circuitry of atomic and subatomic particles). Imagine human consciousness that's been around a million years, a billion years. Combining components 1, 2, and 3, we realize with the abundance of life and age of the Universe, conscious life throughout the Universe has reached this point long ago where knowledge advances so fast that time relatively stands still.
Einstein said existence consisted of two components: mass and energy. In Book Three, Chapter Three, you see why human consciousness is the third component of existence, which Einstein missed. Life is a common, natural phenomena of existence and quickly evolves to conscious life, making it the third, fundamental component of existence. Not only that, but consciousness is the controlling component as it takes over and controls mass and energy to the needs of consciousness. Combining 1, 2, 3, and 4, abundant conscious life has been around so long and is so advanced that it has taken physical control of our Universe.
Component 5: The Unexplainable Always Turned Man toward "God"
Since the beginning of time, whenever man could not logically explain the things around him, whenever the answers went beyond his intellectual grasp, he turned to "God" as the only explanation. As man advanced his knowledge to cover more ground in understanding the things around him, the role of God steadily drew back from his daily thoughts as he logically explained the formerly unexplainable. The classic example would be the Darwin experience. His work The Origin of Species and later The Descent of Man sent shock waves throughout the world through all fields of thought. Suddenly, people's lives, the world they lived in, were no longer part of God's order. People were shaken up by that, but Darwin's Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection explained the previously unexplainable, which vanquished the belief that God's majestic creation was the origin of species and God's divine plan plotted man's development. Because of the explainable in Darwin's works, the unexplainable -- i.e., God -- covered much less ground in our psyches. Combining components 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 raises the questions: "If God is the substitute for the unexplainable, what will happen when everything is explainable? What will happen to God?"
Component 6: From an Unexplainable God to an Explainable Zon
Because man could not and still cannot fully understand the Universe -- the answers heretofore go beyond his intellectual grasp -- he has turned to God as the explanation for the creation of the Universe. God created the Universe? That unexplainable ground in our psyches still belongs to God. Now, because of components 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, however, we can start to understand the Universe. Bringing those puzzle pieces together, we can explain how very advanced consciousness not only took control over, but created the Universe. Let's review: 1) Abundant water means abundant life flourishing throughout the Universe, 2) the age of the Universe means much of that conscious life has existed and advanced for billions of years, 3) that advanced consciousness generates knowledge so fast that time seems to slow down and disappear, disengage, 4) that lightning fast acceleration of conscious knowledge is taking control of mass and energy, the cosmos, and has done so for millions and billions of years, and has taken control of the overarching dynamics of the Universe, 5) as we explain the world and Universe around us, the unexplainable ground of God gets smaller and smaller; God gets more and more pushed out of our psyches, as demonstrated from evolving ancient civilizations to the Darwin era, 6) very advanced consciousness, a Zon, who has, billions of years ago, taken control over mass and energy, created our realm of existence (i.e., our galaxy) and, just as certain, a Zon created our Universe. That logical explanation is expanded upon in Book Three, Chapter Three. The unexplainable ground of God gets filled with the explainable. God gets pushed out of our psyches. Now, as we enter the third millennium, we can replace an unexplainable God with an explainable Zon.
Component 7: Creating Existence
Physicists know that mind-boggling amounts of existence is trapped in black holes throughout our Universe. Dr. Wallace has taken that even a step further with his Gravity Units Theory (see Book Six). Zons have taken control of existence -- of mass and energy -- to the point of controlling the creation of new realms of existence. They unfold black holes or gravity units to create new realms of existence and bring forth new consciousness (the third component of existence), including galaxies and universes, including our galaxy and our Universe. As we bring together components 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, we will want to emotionally and spiritually worship our Zon who gave us life.
As we grasp the first seven components, we will want to be grateful to our Creator who gave us life -- to our Zon. And, we will want to be grateful to our Savior who preserves our spirit, when we die, for eternity -- to our Zon. (See Book Three, Chapter Three). But, how do we worship Zon? By combining components 1 through 8, we realize Zon is a value creator. He creates new realms of existence, mostly to create the real value: new realms of consciousness (the third component of existence). For, that new consciousness will eventually advance into value creators -- into God-Man to add values to Zon's house, fulfilling his objective as a value creator. So, how do we worship our Creator? We worship him by jumping from value producers (who maintain existing values but do not add new values) to value creators (who add new values to Zon's house), fulfilling our Zon's desire and his creation's destiny.
Leaping from a value producer to a value creator is our way of fulfilling our Creator's desire...our way of worshiping Him. ...How do you make that leap to worship your Creator and Savior and fulfill his wishes? It is presently a very difficult leap because we are surrounded by an anticivilization with a business structure, political structure, and educational structure that suppresses us into stagnant value producers and prevents us from soaring as value creators. The starting point is to discover your Friday-Night Essence (Book One, Chapter One) and become the person you were meant to be and to use the mini-day/power-thinking team (Book Three, Chapter Eight, pages 129-140) to pursue the path you were meant to travel. That being said, however, the leap from value producer to value creator can be enormous and overwhelming. Emotional support, practical advice, and valuable contacts in an ongoing, common-goal environment can make that overwhelming leap into God-Man a reality.
Component 10: Congregation/Church of God-Man
The weekly Church of God-Man puts the ordinary person in the right environment to make the jump. The weekly congregation also provides, for those after the leap into God-Man, the first formations of the Civilization of the Universe here on Earth. That environment will put value producers in the right atmosphere to become value creators, and put value creators in their most advantageous environment (see Book Two, the Pact for Eternal Life, pages 213-214). The weekly congregation will take insightful probes into The Book (the Bible for Church of God-Man). The Church of God-Man houses the new Zon Business Religion (i.e., become a value creator to give back value to your Creator -- your Zon.) There, at the Church of God-Man, people will learn that our consciousness is the same as Zon, just without the advanced levels of knowledge. People will see the beauty in the explainable Zon Religion: We are not like little ants being looked down upon. We are God-Man who will someday be Zon. Bringing together all ten components...go to a Church of God-Man near you. There you will find the Civilization of the Universe forming on Earth, where you will walk into a unique emotional aura, be provided with practical techniques, and surrounded by valuable contacts -- the ripe environment to help you on your journey from a value producer to a value creator. When you become a value creator, you become the God-Man. You will then thrive in the Civilization of the Universe provided at the Church of God-Man as you help others leap from value producers to value creators. The God-Man, who functions through Neothink to create values for the world, eventually for the Universe, will someday become Zon.
Future Definitive Component: The Proof
Not many scientists put much credence in Einstein's Relativity until a solar eclipse offered the proof. Overnight, scientists everywhere were driven into Relativity. As the proof that Zons control our Universe becomes overwhelming (see The Proof -- Dr. Wallace's Overlay Charts, next chapter), scientists and ordinary people everywhere will be driven into the Zon Religion. God and other religions will vanish. The Zon Business Religion will envelop everyone, everywhere.
Conclusion: Go to the Church of God-Man
Once you have read this far into The Book, you will have a strong impression in your mind that says to you go, go to the Church of God-Man, for therein lies the answer. There the search for "something better" ends, and the journey to "something better" begins.
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