Chapter 6
Author's Confession
After all I have communicated to you, developed over the past 15 years of my life, still I say in frustration: I just cannot express to you the depth of what I feel inside me. I have expressed a lot -- over half of The Book -- but I have not come close to expressing what I feel inside.
I sometimes look at picture books of influential people, usually destructive political leaders, and then I see the pictures of them when they were two or three or four or five-years old. I see that I could have so loved them at that age, like I love my daughter and sons. Had I been their father, they would be good, really good people today. When I see them in photos as toddlers, I can almost feel their childhood emotions. Back then, they loved life the way only the God-Man can. When I study a photo for awhile, I want to go back and save that beautiful child...I want to keep his thrill for life alive. I want to save him from the burden of life that will slowly suck that happy exhilaration out of him until he is, someday, ready and willing to die. Damn. I see the pictures of those young children, even those who grew up to be destructive, and I want to somehow save the child from the anticivilization. I want to somehow preserve his exuberance, his expression that life is everything. Then, I remember: that very child will someday feel that life is nothing...and my soul cries.
If I could reach inside myself and tear out a handful of my soul that aches with these feelings, just put them on paper for my readers...if I could only do that, before long there would be no anticivilization.
In 397 AD, St. Augustine shook readers to their roots because his book Confessions was the first time in literature that the author turned into his inner self and looked deep within his own soul. His work sent consciousness through a leap into the advanced state of introspection, just as we do today. No one had ever experienced anything like reading Augustine. The impact overwhelmed 5th-century readers.
My feelings inside me, if I could only get them on paper, would create a comparable impact today and would overwhelm you with an altogether different emotional dimension that no other human being has yet experienced. I am referring to the next level of emotional existence that occurs only in the next mentality of the God-Man.
How can I, for the first time, create literature that fills you with an entirely different dimension of emotions never felt before? How can I get man's next evolution of emotions from within me to the paper before me? How do I take you deep within the soul of the God-Man? There are no words -- no thinking tools -- to do that. There are no concepts to express it. So, I ask, how can I translate a new dimension of emotions to intellectual words...emotions that cannot be described -- only felt? The answer is my great mystery. The consequences of not solving that mystery torments my waking hours. Time is running out. Time is running out!
After fifteen years of intense work developing The Book, I have concluded I need help -- from Zon. I need Zon to show himself to you. I do not mean in the mystical sense such as St. Augustine's angelical message from God that cried, "Take up and read!" or Paul's vision of Christ on the road to Damascus. I am referring to Zon showing himself in a very real, scientific proof. I am talking about The Proof: Dr. Wallace's breakthrough Overlay Charts through which Zon will show himself to you.
Physicists, I implore you: study existing data to develop your own Overlay Charts that will cause Zon to show himself. The Hubble telescope, for instance, has generated libraries of data that sit untouched, waiting for us to put together many Overlay Charts that will scientifically show us our Creator. Let us finally see, let us now look at what people once called God. Let us see with our own eyes our Creator and Savior at work!
As with Periodic Tables -- also predictive charts and elder cousins to the new Overlay Charts -- once we get the Overlay Charts going and the logic set, we can accurately predict what is out there, even before demonstrating it. So, we will see not only our Creator, Zon, but his kingdom as well -- the Civilization of the Universe. In a scientific proof, we will see everything about the supersociety that The Book describes to you. The validity and benefits will be so overwhelming, so compelling that the anticivilization will vanish like antimatter upon exposure to matter. Once The Proof gets going, the supersociety -- which is the Civilization of the Universe on Earth -- will replace everything.
What follows is Dr. Wallace's early formation phase of The Proof as delivered by Dr. John Flint at a recent Neo-Tech Summit:
Neo-Tech and Zonpower frame the mind, tongue, and body with rationality, honesty, and action to bring limitless riches, romantic love, and non-aging health to conscious man -- to make man on Earth the most exalted entity in the Universe. Seeking proof that every conscious person can gain limitless riches, romantic love, and non-aging health reveals the road to a universal civilization based on absolute rationality and honesty.
In seeking robust proof of a civilization that can deliver unlimited wealth to every Earthling, one must ask two questions: (1) Can consciousness cure irrationality and eliminate its symptoms of mysticism, dishonesty, and criminality? (2) Will that cure bring Earthlings non-aging health, escalating wealth, and eternal romance? The answer to both questions is yes. How? Through universal businessdynamics.
Spooky Riches (Book Six, pages 7-43) reveals those dynamics. Proof of such businessdynamics delivering unlimited wealth requires hard-fact demonstrations that conscious life creates and controls existence. That proof does not mean consciousness reigns over reality. Such "mind-over-matter" metaphysics contradicts reality by surrendering to delusions of "whim over fact", magical spells, and other irrational mysticisms. Instead, as shown in Spooky Riches, existence reigns over consciousness via the fundamental particles of existence -- quanta called Gravity Units. Consciousness interacting with those quanta brings never-ending wealth.
This document sets out to prove that (1) consciousness is an integral part of universal existence and (2) a universal civilization generates unlimited wealth, happiness, and excitement for everyone. That proof requires two tasks:
The First Task
Recognizing a Worldwide Mental Health Problem
Since 1976, Neo-Tech literature has diagnosed irrationality as a mental illness from which every Earthling suffers to varying degrees. The symptoms are mysticism, dishonesty, and criminality. Those symptoms bring forth a lethal civilization -- an anticivilization. ...Until Neo-Tech achieves worldwide mental health by curing irrationality, each Earthling will succumb -- each will ultimately, unnecessarily lose every value and then perish forever.
From an Abyss of Ignorance to a Matrix of Understanding
Twenty-three years ago, Dr. Frank R. Wallace (FRW) began his long-range strategy to cure irrationality worldwide. The strategy involved broad, generalized approaches to create the understandings needed to eradicate that disease. Wallace's "chemistry" approach combined analogies and metaphors with history and facts to create a matrix of wide-scope understandings. He used that approach to understand irrationality rather than trying to correct the never-ending harms it engenders. Yet, today, the world is deeper than ever -- dangerously deep -- into the lethal effects of irrationality. Thus, has Wallace's strategy of over two decades failed? Not when one understands his matrix of understandings -- his snare -- he built for today. Stepping into Wallace's matrix brings forth the final task of Neo-Tech -- the final solution. ...That solution would snare the skeptics via The Proof and then snap everyone into the rational Civilization of the Universe (C of U). With that proof, everyone can ultimately live free of irrationality and its symptoms.
The Final Task
A Provable/Testable Theory
Objective science implicitly stipulates the mother of all axioms: Existence Exists. That progenitor axiom means (1) existence has always existed and (2) existence is controlled by the dynamics of nature -- the laws of physics. Yet, an axiom is a self-evident declaration for which no proof exists. Separate from axioms, modern physics presents a sound yet still unproven, conflicted theory about the creation of our Universe from a point -- from a "big-bang" unfolding of space and time. By contrast, non-sciences comprising mysticisms and religions pontificate irrational dogmas that the Universe -- existence -- was created outside time and space by (1) a God, (2) a higher power, or (3) an undefined universal consciousness.
Neo-Tech, on the other hand, integrates objective facts, history, and physics to present a hypothesis framed in a matrix of logic. Backed by wide-scope integrations and a growing body of empirical and circumstantial evidences, that hypothesis stipulates:
1. The nature of each conscious person is to live through honesty -- to live by creating ever increasing rational values for self and civilization.
2. Conscious people on Earth, however, live in a bizarrely unnatural civilization driven by irrationalities -- by mysticisms, dishonesties, and criminalities that ultimately deliver failure and death to everyone. Earthlings sink under burdens of irrationalities. An anticivilization saps the will to live forever and clouds the responsibility to create never-ending values for self and others. ...In the C of U, however, eternal value creation yields endless riches, excitement, and happiness. [Starting in the November 1999 edition of The Book from Neo-Tech Publishing Company, Mark Hamilton (MH) unfolds Nature's Quintessential Secret (NQS). He then identifies the unbearable burdens in a boring, need-to-die anticivilization...versus the value creations in an exciting, will-to-live Civilization of the Universe. Additionally, Eric Savage (ES) shows the route to ultimate leverage and maximum advantages lies within the individual not within leaders, groups, nations, societies, or civilizations.]
3. Throughout the Universe, conscious people live with technologies advanced beyond the Nuclear Decision Threshold (ref: The Neo-Tech Discovery, 1981). Such individuals have low-cost access to enough destructive power (e.g., nuclear, chemical, biological) to physically destroy everyone in his or her world. In such an advanced technological world, everyone must live with disease-free minds -- minds free of irrationalities with its mysticisms, dishonesties, and criminalities. Those people live in the Civilization of the Universe. Free of irrationalities, their knowledge, technologies, and life experiences are free to expand exponentially, indefinitely. Without the restraints and burdens of irrationality, they can (1) eternally advance their knowledge and achievements, (2) forever create competitive values needed by others, and (3) continuously increase their responsibilities to self, family, and civilization.
4. Conscious citizens of the Universe live in accord with their nature. Thus, they learn to meet the prime responsibility of conscious life. That responsibility is to ever improve the existence of conscious people and their civilization. They learn to cure the physical diseases of aging and death by curing the mind disease of irrationality. ...By nature, each immortal person is disease free. Each becomes a never-ending, priceless value to self, others, and civilization. Each eventually gains the power and responsibility to create and control existence beyond any imagined God.
5. Immortal people called Zons use business-driven technologies to unfold space-time universes from Gravity Units. ...Such universes are commercial devices designed to protect and enhance conscious life.
6. Zons are simply conscious people who live via fully integrated honesty, free of irrationalities. The Civilization of the Universe is the society in which they live.
Who can test and prove the above stipulations...and then make accurate predictions from them? Axioms, non-testable theories, and mystical dogmas offer no explanations or proofs of existence and its nature. Neo-Tech physics (wide-scope business accountings applied to the laws of nature), however, offers not only logical explanations, but aims toward a testable proof with predictive powers.
The Proof
What if on planet Earth arose proof of technologically advanced people who create and control existence? And, what if their minds were identical to Earthling minds? From that proof and equality of minds would come the cure for irrationality and its symptoms of mysticism, dishonesty, and criminality as shown later in this document. Such proof would ultimately convert narrow-scope, crippled-thinking Earthlings into wide-scope, clear-thinking Zons. That conversion would be somewhat analogous to when survival pressures converted automated-thinking bicameral people into autonomous-thinking conscious people 3000 years ago. With dishonest Earthlings becoming honest Zons, the anticivilization of the past 2400 years would become uncompetitive and then forgotten as everyone harvested riches and romance from the Civilization of the Universe.
The Road from Theory to Proof
The journey starts from an unawareness of life beyond Earth's anticivilization and continues toward a theory comprising the Civilization of the Universe functioning via creative Zons orchestrating rational businessdynamics. That theory examines the minds of mortal Earthlings trapped in a force-ruled anticivilization. That same theory, however, considers the minds (minds, not necessarily biological brains) of mortal Earthlings equivalent to the minds of immortal Zons. Yet, Zons are free of irrationality, thus, they are free to create never-ending riches through businessdynamics. The theory also concludes that the lethal but curable disease of irrationality has plagued Earthlings for 2400 years. And, that irrationality has prevented Earthlings from becoming Zons who create open-ended wealth via the C of U.
The above theory clearly separates the mortal, irrational anticivilization of Earth from the immortal, rational civilization throughout the Universe. While yet unproven, the theory has tight logical foundations buttressed with circumstantial and empirical evidences. Now, however, the crucial step is to develop valid, hard proof. For example, discovering that a "planet" in another star system is part of a universal computer or communication system would prove the existence of (1) knowledge-advanced, extraterrestrial conscious life and (2) a technological-advanced, universal civilization. ...How can Neo-Tech develop that hard-evidence proof?
First Consider
The greatest paradigm shift in thinking about the nonconscious planet Earth occurred in 1965 with proof of the Plate-Tectonics theory. Over fifty years earlier, in 1912, German meteorologist Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) published a Plate-Tectonics theory backed with solid logic and empirical observations. But, his work was largely unaccepted and ignored until 1965 when hard-evidence proof of his theory was established through the discovery of alternating magnetic orientations across ocean floors combined with other evidences. With that proof, the entire scientific community, essentially overnight, abandoned its established theories and vested interests to embrace Wegener's radical theory. With solid proof, scientists easily discarded their investments in past ideas and then reoriented their thinking-and-research investments toward more profitable futures.
A somewhat analogous situation exists for Wallace's theory about the Civilization of the Universe first published in 1985. Upon hard-evidence proof, the view of conscious man and his role in the Universe will radically change worldwide. And, most important, that proof will trigger a mass reorientation of scientific-and-business efforts toward achieving non-aging health with limitless riches via the newly discovered, universal businessdynamics.
Since May 12, 1992, Frank R. Wallace has researched various routes to prove the existence of Zons and their C of U. Later, he realized that such proof might already exist in literally a two-mile-high mountain of unanalyzed NASA's astrophysical data from the Hubble space telescope alone -- over one-million floppy discs with seven terabytes of information. Also, consider the opposite extreme of cosmic-scale existence -- the truckloads of unanalyzed computerized quantum-physics data for subatomic particles accumulated over decades. The key to uncovering proofs from such sources is to ask different questions of those data already available. To fruitfully analyze those data, however, would require years of acquiring expertise in astrophysics, quantum physics, and advanced mathematics. Even then, such efforts would not assure proof or even valuable results. Too many precious years would be consumed on a speculation. ...Thus, the question remained how to seek proof in the quickest, surest way.
In 2007, NASA will launch the next space telescope, the Space Interferometry Mission telescope designed to observe Jupiter-sized planets as far as two-hundred light years from Earth. In 2012, NASA plans to launch its Terrestrial Planet Finder telescope to observe Earth-sized planets and look for carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water. In 2025, NASA hopes to launch the Life Finder telescope for discovering methane and other ingredients on planets that would prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. ...In the next few years, however, FRW aims to beat those projects by many years through a unique classifying/charting-research technique explained in the paragraphs below. He designed his research program to prove that rational extraterrestrials prosper eternally throughout their cosmic civilization via universal businessdynamics.
Proof from a Matrix of Understandings
Fortuitously, the proof may lie in FRW's most knowledgeable area -- wide-scope integrations of conscious businessdynamics. Those volitional dynamics interface with the automatic dynamics of nonconscious nature. Examining those interfaces that alter automatic nature could provide proof -- perhaps countless hard proofs -- of Zons and their Civilization of the Universe. That area of research fits nicely with Wallace's training and expertise as a professional research chemist. The following twelve points outline how his chemistry-backed approach can establish that proof to shatter anticivilization dictums -- to begin the eradication of irrationality from planet Earth:
1. Perhaps the single most dramatic, wide-scope integration of knowledge in scientific history occurred in the late 19th century with the renowned chemist, Dmitry Mendeleyev (1834-1907). With his wide-scope integrations of the sixty-three then known chemical elements, he developed in 1871 the Periodic Chart of those elements to unite chemistry with physics. That chart delivered the widest integrations in science plus perhaps the most accurately testable and predictive tool in history (at least until quantum physics). Mendeleyev's work singularly lifted Chemistry from empirical art and guesswork alchemy into a precise and predictable science, while also integrating physics and mathematics into the realm of chemistry. From his chart, scientists could not only immediately predict the thirty still undiscovered natural elements, but also could deduce their properties. Indeed, within years, that chart allowed the discovery of twenty additional elements with each displaying their predicted properties. Even more important was the ability of that chart to (1) predict the reactions between combinations of elements, (2) deduce the resulting reaction products, and (3) calculate the thermodynamic physics of each reaction. Chemists could now make accurate predictions about reactions with combinations of elements without conducting hit-or-miss experiments. ...With that chart, both the science of chemistry and the chemical industry boomed for over 100 years in size, scope, and profitability.
2. Since 1954, in an uncanny coincidence, FRW's scientific orientation was focused in the exact area required to develop proof of immortal Zons and their universal civilization. In 1952, as a college sophomore in Colby College, he rejected his parent's expectations to become a medical doctor. He could not consume his life in a noble but circular career in which one lives and dies without creating permanent advances to civilization. So, Wallace strove to become a research chemist in which each day meant a forward movement into new knowledge and value creations that permanently advanced self and civilization.
3. Wallace soon developed a special interest in the least-popular field of chemistry -- inorganic chemistry, his eventual Ph.D. major with his Ph.D. minor in analytical chemistry. In 1954, FRW was drawn to the wide-scope integration work of Mendeleyev. Thus, for pursuing his graduate work, he chose the University of Iowa in order to do his doctorate research under Professor Sanderson, who was the department head of inorganic chemistry. He was noted for his work on developing new classifications and organizations within the periodicity of the chemical elements. During his first week at Iowa, however, FRW realized Professor Sanderson's work would not significantly advance Mendeleyev's work. Thus, Wallace switched his research advisor. He chose a young professor, Dr. William Bennett, to conduct wide-scope research for developing an integrated chart of ionic electrode potentials in non-aqueous solvents. For, FRW was seeking predictive, organizing patterns among different bodies of information, data, and facts.
4. In addition to Mendeleyev's work, other charting breakthroughs include (1) the predictive, organizing patterns of life charted by Charles Darwin (1809-1882) a hundred-and-thirty years ago, (2) the predictive, organizing chart for elementary subatomic particles established by physicists in the 1980s, (3) the 1952 double-helix discovery by James Watson (1928- ) and Francis Crick (1916- ) that dramatically unified all life with genetics and led to the massive organizing and mapping of human life -- The Human Genome Project, and (4) the potential predictive power via computer analysis of amino acids combining into form-follow-function proteins -- the building blocks of life.
5. After three decades, Dr. Wallace returns to his origins of wide-scope, scientific integrations. But, today, he reaches beyond chemistry into the entire realm of existence, including the human- genome system. He returns to classify and chart the patterns and periodicity of knowledge, facts, and events throughout nature. First, he will classify and chart the dynamics of nonconscious nature. Then, he will classify and chart the dynamics of conscious nature. The first chart will seek the order and periodicity of nonconscious existence ranging from Gravity Units...up to the everything in-between. The second chart will seek the order and periodicity of conscious existence ranging from subatomic particles unknown to nonconscious nature but created in conscious-built, particle accelerators...up to the conscious-created, extraterrestrial explorations with their telescopes, satellites, space stations, and moon/planet roving everything in-between. Then FRW will electronically superimpose chart two over chart one. The unpredictable, two-dimensional rectangle-shaped dynamics of volitional-conscious actions would squiggle the predictable, one-dimensional, straight-line dynamics of automatic-nonconscious actions throughout the Universe. Each such conscious-caused squiggle would point toward technologically advanced Zons and their business-controlled civilization. ...See Table 1 on the next page for crude, pre-data Charts 1 and 2 illustrating conscious-caused squiggles.
6. In Table 1, Chart 1 simply charts the way things are. Chart 2 charts the way things should be in nature without conscious interference. When Chart 1 electronically overlays Chart 2, the appearance of squiggles signifies conscious interference. Such Overlay Charts apply to the sciences and other branches of conscious knowledge converted to action. ...Somewhat like what Mendeleyev's Periodic Chart did for chemistry and physics, Wallace's electronic Overlay Charts can become the next major wave of predictive tools for future science, technology, genetic medicine, art, business, and other fields of knowledge via "cosmic signatures".
7. The odds for success by charting squiggles caused by conscious actions far exceed trying to find "a needle in a haystack" -- trying to find "a shoe" on a planet, or conscious-caused "radio transmissions" in the cosmos via the long-shot, illogical SETI project.
8. On planet Earth, obvious squiggles of nature-controlling conscious actions abound for everyone to see, constantly, everywhere. Such squiggles abundantly prove the existence of conscious minds dominating nature on Earth to form a squiggle filled civilization. As an analogy, consider the conscious-made Hoover Dam near Las Vegas, Nevada. That dam creates the largest man-made lake in the world -- Lake Mead -- stretching over a hundred miles. Now, what if intelligent Extraterrestrials wanted to establish proof of conscious entities and their control of nature on planet Earth? As shown in Table 1 on the previous page, they could superimpose conscious-controlled dynamics over the nonconscious dynamics of the Rocky Mountains that form the Colorado River, which carves out the Grand Canyon. From that computerized overlay, they would discover squiggles of conscious-controlled nature via a man-made dam that converts a natural river into a vast artificial lake. Such squiggles could prove (1) conscious people exist on Planet Earth and (2) they control nature to form a civilization.
9. Extraterrestrials could also observe overlays of vast natural deserts on Earth converted into lush, conscious-irrigated farmlands. Or, they could observe the squiggles from a natural mountain removed by conscious actions to build the 1998 Hong Kong airport. Perhaps they could even prove conscious life from the unnatural squiggles of man-made life from cows and hybrid crops to genetically engineered life. Squiggles caused by the conscious alterations of the genetic code of life -- the information system of life -- could point to proofs. Perhaps, conscious-made life built from right-handed molecules of amino acids might point to proofs. For, essentially all known nonconscious-made life is built from left-handed molecules of amino acids.
10. Squiggle-revealing conscious/nonconscious overlays could exist for DNA -- the elegant double-helix structure. For, in nonconscious nature, genetic-coding systems are exactly the same for all known living organisms from the yeast mold to conscious people. ...Or, other squiggles -- squiggles of death and destruction caused by wars, for example, could prove to the extraterrestrial observer that Earth's civilization was irrational -- a lethal anticivilization.
11. Expanding beyond Earth to cosmic scales, Neo-Tech literature postulates Zons as dishonesty free, technologically advanced people. Through rational businessdynamics, Zons control the flow of nature to continuously advance their rational civilization. ...And, on unfolding the Universe itself, detectable conscious-caused squiggles could arise from Zons setting the initial conditions -- the physical constants and the laws of physics yielding the most-effective businessdynamics.
12. A classifying/charting system of squiggles from the smallest-to-the-largest entities throughout existence could reveal a universal information system. If so, Earthlings could, somewhat analogously to Mendeleyev, transcend time by deducing from that charting technique new knowledge from advanced civilizations.
FRW's overlays of charts proving a cosmic civilization that delivers limitless riches could be available for public distribution by 2003...and perhaps earlier with progress reports for Neo-Tech readers. Those interested in receiving such progress reports should email with their request and any comments about The Proof.
1. The first preliminary theories of Zon and the Civilization of the Universe appeared in Wallace's 1985 publication, The Long Wave (Book Three, pages 40-56). Since that date, evidences and confirmations of the Long Wave emerged through the Establishment, gradually at first, then with increasing frequency -- starting with the speculative Big-Bang theory of the late 1980s. Wallace partly utilized that theory in his Long Wave publication of 1985 while questioning if such big bangs occur through the unthinkably rare mechanism of nonconscious quantum fluxes...or through the much more likely mechanism of conscious businessdynamics unfolding Gravity Units. ...Even the almost unthinkable number of Gravity Units throughout the Universe would make only imperceptible improvements in the probability odds for the actually unthinkably rare mechanism of a nonconscious quantum flux of a Gravity Unit into a new, space-time universe.
2. Confirmations of the Long Wave by the Establishment continued with the discovery of vast new, inexplicable energy sources (business created?) throughout the Universe. Additional confirmations came from discoveries in the 1990s of real-and-possible planets in nearby star systems, implying from probability calculations that billions of Earth-like planets exist throughout the known Universe. That implication combined logically with the ease and consistency that wide varieties of life systems, including conscious life, arise on Earth alone. As further evidence, consider the many near identical species, including Homo sapiens, arising independently, yet nearly simultaneously, in different locations around the globe.
3. Now, today, escalating evidences of Neo-Tech physics (ref: Zonpower and Profound Honesty, Neo-Tech Publishing, 1996) and its theories of conscious life come almost monthly. For example, in November 1999 came a spectacular independent-confirmation proof of a Jupiter-like planet in a nearby star system. In that same month, Scientific American released a major article that posited the idea of advanced conscious entities (Zons) taking control of the universal forces to prevent the long-range predicted death of the Universe. Except for Wallace's 1985 Long Wave theory and until that 1999 Scientific-American article, no credible hypothesis accounted for conscious entities ultimately controlling the universal forces of nature to eternally prevent harms befalling conscious life.
4. And, finally consider the following extracts from an article by Nigel Hawkes in The Times (Aug 21st '95) that echoed the scientific deductions of Dr. Wallace's 1985 Long Wave article. ...A contributor to the Neo-Tech Networking Boards at furnished the information on the Hawkes article as follows:
"The universe may have been created by intelligent beings living in another universe, according to a distinguished cosmologist. Professor Edward Harrison of the University of Massachusetts makes the suggestion to explain why our universe is so precisely suited to the evolution of life.
"We are beginning to see how universes can be created," Professor Harrison says. "A small amount of matter -- roughly ten kilogrammes -- at very high energy is forged into a black hole. Under the correct conditions, the interior of the black hole inflates into a new universe that endures for billions of years, spans billions of light years and contains billions of galaxies.
"If we can already see in principle how universes are created, then surely our descendants will have the technology to create them.
"At most", he argues, "human intelligence is only one million years old. If we can already see in principle how universes are created, then surely our descendants in the far future will have the technology to design and create them.
"Among these offspring universes," Professor Harrison argues, "some are more fit than others for originating and nurturing life to an advanced level of intelligence. The most fit are the most reproductive; the least fit are lifeless and unproductive. Thus we have a process of `natural selection'."
My First Sense of Inner Peace
As I place here, early in The Book, Dr. Wallace's early conceptions of The Proof for the world to see, above...I can feel my first deep breaths of relief since my adult life began. For, all along, I have known that working alone, Dr. Wallace and I could not vanquish the anticivilization in our lifetimes and our children's and grandchildren's lifetimes, which is our precious goal -- the highest goal of conscious life: to preserve itself! Indeed, in the anticivilization, everyone dies: dad and mom, brother and sister, husband and wife, parent and child, grandparent and grandchild. In the Civilization of the Universe, which will rise on Earth as a supersociety, we will live forever as exhilarated value creators, euphoric God-Man.
My feelings deep in my soul that torment my waking hours are incommunicado beyond my being. But the initiation of The Proof brings me my first hint of inner peace. I will not be at peace until I know my loved ones and I will not be separated by the most destructive force of nature: death. But a sense of peace in my soul comes from knowing that now, by articulating The Proof, other Neothink geniuses [ 14 ] can and will get involved to hurl humanity forward into the supersociety.
The end of the anticivilization ends a pernicious 2000-year-old mutant, bicameral-mind disease [ 15 ] . Our job to end that disease is analogous to Alexander Fleming's 1928 discovery of the mold penicillin. He discovered, isolated, and grew penicillin, as we did Neo-Tech. But Fleming alone could not cure infections on a major scale. Indeed, not until two decades later during and following World War II when many other Neothink geniuses got behind penicillin could its benefits take humanity's health to the next level where once deadly infections were routinely cured.
As other Neothink geniuses get drawn into creating Overlay Charts to prove Zons control our Universe and that they live pure of irrationality and external authorities in the Civilization of the Universe, a series of waves will occur. The first tidal wave will be an actual proof of a Zon. Then will come wave after wave of rapid acceleration into a supersociety. The anticivilization will get washed away as the supersociety eradicates poverty, boredom, disease, and death.
Indeed, for the first time in my adult life, I do believe I am taking breaths accompanied with the distinct feeling of relief. After fifteen years of intense work on my part and twenty-three years on Dr. Wallace's part, we have built The Book, with crucial contributions from Eric Savage and Tracy Alexander. The Book has everything in place, everything needed to end the anticivilization and begin the Civilization of the Universe on Earth. And now, through the squiggle-revealing Overlay Charts that can be built by physicists, biologists, and chemists anywhere, in many different Zon-revealing projects (probably through data that has already been collected), humanity will very quickly, upon witnessing Zon, make the leap into the Civilization of the Universe.
With The Book, we have done our greatest job. Our job now shifts from product development to marketing, to getting The Book into millions of hands so that other scientists can begin the Zon rush -- the coming waves of Overlay Charts.
Now, are you ready to take a trip from the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe? Sit back, take a deep breath, and turn the page to your guide, Book Two, The Story. The first 75% of The Story has already happened. The seeds of God-Man were planted in twelve children 27 years ago. Those twelve children have grown up, and they have joined together to create the supersociety stimulations that will pull civilization from the spiral-of-death stimulations of the anticivilization. What will happen as those supersociety stimulations take hold? The final 25% of The Story has not yet happened, but shows you what is very likely to occur over the next few years as the budding supersociety stimulations of the twelve "chosen ones" blossom.
The Story Proof
Most Recent Notes from the Neo-Tech Center
The Story Proof
Mark Hamilton's fictional The Story interwoven with Frank R. Wallace's factual Fusion/Synthesis Proofs creates ten-second "miracles" that bring riches and romance. Those "miracles" rise from a postulate plus a hypothesis that form matrixes of periodic-chart-like predictions backed by fusion-synthesis-type proofs:
Beyond planet Earth's mortal anticivilization, beyond dishonesty and irrationality, beyond aging and death shines a universal business civilization -- a timeless paradise of fully integrated honesty and widest scope rationality that create boundless values for conscious life.
Orchestrating existence from both within and beyond space-time reign business Zons possessing the same minds as Earthlings. The only difference is that Zons are void of mysticisms, dishonesties, and irrationalities. Through universal businesses, they gain ever-expanding knowledge, create ever-multiplying values, experience ever-exciting romance. Discovering their civilization verifies the sublimity of business dynamics and proves the divinity of value creators. ... The periodicity of existence provides not only proofs of an eternal business civilization, but also provides gateways to that civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe.
Predictions and Proofs
Business is the profitable, value-creating mechanism for and by consciousness. The ever-accelerating curve of business creations eternalizes life. That asymptotic curve moves ever closer but never touches the boundary of time. Riding that curve, business conquers space and time. Such a business curve embodies the art and facts of existence in predicting and then delivering the future. Discovering that business curve will prove (1) the postulate of a universal business civilization and (2) the hypothesis that Earthlings when free of dishonesties and irrationalities become transitional God Men and then eternal business Zons. Discovering that business curve moves man from the heroic image of American enterprisers expressed by Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) in his 1840 publication of Democracy in America to the omnipotent image of business Zons expressed by Mark Hamilton in his year 2000 web release of The Story.
Art and Facts Create the Future
Mark Hamilton's novel, The Story, released January 17, 2000 on reflects the universal art of business that creates the future. The Story steps beyond the anticivilization to obsolete fiction written before January 2000. The Story obsoletes fiction from Homer's Iliad and Odyssey to Ayn Rand's Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Hamilton's The Story reflects the eternal child of business -- always fragile, always needing protection, always requiring nurturing. Business is the artistic creator of the future -- never to be crippled, never to be abused, never to be defeated. To paraphrase the British writer C. S. Lewis (1898-1963), business not only gives eternity to life but gives beauty to eternity. ...Business delivers the means and passions to live forever.
Art is the logos; facts are the proofs. Art sells; facts tell. Neo-Tech fuses art and facts to synthesize objective reality. That dialectical process lets conscious individuals accurately predict and then create futures of endless riches. Proofs of a universal business civilization lie in those fusions and syntheses. Using Aristotle's objective reality, Neo-Tech takes Earthlings as Platonic "becomings" and fuses them to Zons as Platonic "beings". That fusion synthesizes a universal business civilization here on Earth. Neo-Tech obliterates the boundaries between (1) Plato and Aristotle, (2) Marx and von Mises (3) Augustine and Nietzsche, (4) Hegel's Statism and Rand's Capitalism, (5) God Hoaxes and Man Realities, (6) General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. That obliteration obsoletes philosophy, economics, religion, politics, science fiction, and the contradictions of physics to reveal a new civilization. ...Put another way, powerful and useful philosophies, economics, religions, politics, and the art of poetry and fiction in the irrational, mortal anticivilization become obsolete -- meaningless and useless -- in the rational, immortal universal business civilization.
Neo-Tech Obsoletes Authority Dependence
The Book with The Story directs Neo-Tech to its destination in business and the arts. That destination frees conscious individuals from the anticivilization cult -- the worldwide cult of authority dependence.
The Story itself is a promethean proof that alters the perspective of art. Through Neothinking, The Story changes the foundation of art. In vivid, population-capturing ways, The Story reveals a universal business civilization of eternal youth, abiding happiness, and exciting romance. That civilization awaits every conscious individual on Earth via new-color art reflecting a universal business perspective. Thus, ushering in the future, The Story not only obsoletes anticivilization fiction from the blind bard Homer to the heroic novelist Ayn Rand, but obsoletes most of today's art and conceptions of business. A six-line, nine-word, multi-meaning poem by A. R. Ammons (1926-) illustrates how The Story obsoletes today's anticivilization. That poem symbolizes the inevitable loss of every value by every person on planet Earth -- the inevitable decline, corruption, aging -- the inevitable loss of beauty, honesty, health, vigor, and then life itself for everyone in an anticivilization:
Beautiful Woman
The spring
her step
turned to
The Story brings forth the stark fact that such a meaningful poem in the anticivilization has zero meaning in a universal business civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe. For, as dramatized in The Story, decline, aging, corruption, fall, and death become unknown and carry no meaning for conscious people in a universal business civilization. The Story vividly illustrates the destiny of Earthlings through Neo-Tech -- the destiny of never-ending lives creating always-evolving excitement, love, and happiness.
Moreover, The Story breaks cult dynamics by actualizing self-responsibility and rationality within each individual to create self-sustaining values without relying on leaders, authorities, or groups. Thus, The Story breaks the chains of faith and belief imposed by others. ...Neo-Tech spreads not by imposing beliefs upon others. But, rather, Neo-Tech spreads though the populace via irrefutable examples of individual success achieved by applying rationality and honesty to value creation as dramatized by The Story.
Incorruptible Neo-Tech
Neo-Tech is the incorruptible flow of rationality and honesty integrated with objective facts. Neo-Tech dismisses the corruptible manipulations of faith and truth dogmatized with declared edicts. From the flow of rationality and honesty, Neo-Tech sublimates the anticivilization. The Story sublimates the mortal past by creating new art blended with new facts that move Earthlings toward a dynamically competitive business universe -- toward the Civilization of the Universe.
By contrast, today, Earth's anticivilization is a fenced trap with no fixed meanings -- a trap in which the populace endlessly wanders toward loss and then death. Neo-Tech tears down that fenced anticivilization by using Heidegger/Sartre/Derrida-type nihilistic deconstructions to vanish Earth's philosophies, religions, politics, and laws. But, then, Neo-Tech deconstructs the deconstructionists by grinding to dust and sweeping away their bounded anticivilization. From that clean slate, Neo-Tech constructs a boundless business civilization that brings forth the Civilization of the Universe.
So, turn off the deadening sounds of MTV. Listen to the living music of businessdynamics. Blend Hamilton's fictional art from his Story with Wallace's factual reality from his Proofs. Hear the arias of the value creators. Blend the Story and Proofs with Coleridge's natural humanity and Wordsworth's earthly facts. See how universal businessdynamics weave the fabrics of joy and happiness. Blend the Story and Proofs with Shelley's romanticism. Discover how business is romance expressed not as imagined allegories, but as factual symbols. Discover how the Story and Proofs through accelerating business and shrinking time grind force-backed rulers into the forgotten dust of Ozymandias:
Percy Bysshe Shelley
met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert.... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings,
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
Finally, see how the Story and Proofs fuse business symbols into the poetry of life. Indeed, business is the supreme objective correlative that creates never-ending strands of values. The ingredients of those values are creativity, effort, honesty, rationality, and self-responsibility. Those five business values are the thumb and four fingers of a cosmic hand that writes large the verses of eternal life.
Ten-Second "Miracles"
Nonproducers hearing the music of earned money and romantic excitement will stop assaulting business. Parasites reading The Story will stop pipping the value producers and their precious gifts to humanity. Neocheaters facing Fusion/Synthesis Proofs will stop draining the genius value creators. On harnessing fully integrated honesty, Earthlings sublimate toward the Civilization of the Universe. They enter that business civilization through ten-second "miracles" -- ten-second decisions -- decisions made by closing one's eyes for ten seconds to embrace self-responsibility and integrated honesty.
But, today, on Earth, the anxiety of influence presses corruption upon the brow of consciousness to smother honesty, rationality, and self-responsibility. That anxiety -- that fear of responsibility and honesty -- constitutes the barrier to endless riches and romance. In Earth's anticivilization, that fear kills the father and then his son, the mother and then her daughter. As the English poet William Blake (1757-1827) identified in his Songs of Innocence, children and innocents naturally embrace the influence of honesty and rationality. But, in an anticivilization of mysticisms and irrationalities, the resulting corruptions bring mounting compromises and torpid diminishments that shrivel the passions for life. That corruption causes unnatural aging and unnecessary death. Yet, as illustrated by The Story, surviving innocents who escape fearing the influence of rationality and honesty become ever-greater value creators who never age, never decline, never die.
Such innocent creators escape the anticivilization through DTC -- Discipline, Thought, and then Control. Through DTC, they avoid the deadly frauds of mysticism and politics by embracing self-responsibility and rationality as golden treasures. In that embrace, they (1) synthesize rational knowledge into ever-multiplying avenues of new knowledge and (2) fuse honest expertise into ever-wider venues of new expertise. Those syntheses and fusions bring the omniscience and omnipotence that create eternal lives of boundless prosperity and happiness.
Business Creations
Business Zons dwell in their creations as they father forth varied existence. Zons and their universal business civilization appear when Mark Hamilton's The Story interweaves with Dr. Frank R. Wallace's Fusion/Synthesis Proofs backed by periodic-overlay charts. The following titles of those predictive charts signal business creations that will transfigure planet Earth into that universal business civilization -- into the Civilization of the Universe.
Periodic Chart I
Control of Existence: Conscious vs. Nonconscious
Periodic Chart II
Criminal Consciousness in an Anticivilization
(elitists-->bureaucrats-->philosophers-->politicians yield ever-greater
cycles of death)
Periodic Chart III
Business Consciousness in a Universal Civilization
(value creators-->scientists-->artists-->zons yield ever-wider
cycles of life)
Periodic Chart IV
Farmer Zons Harvest Eternal Riches
Fusion/Synthesis Periodic Chart V
Proof of Zons and their Business Civilization
(Dr. Frank R. Wallace will release the above Charts I-V on the Internet as they develop)
The following Tables A-D provide foundations for the forthcoming Periodic Charts listed above. The following Table A shows the curve of existence from big-bang creations of universes to Zons as creators of universes. Table B reveals how consciousness evolves from closed boundaries to the open boundaries of the Universe and beyond. Table C gives a glimpse and sense of the periodicity of existence. And finally, Table D demonstrates the influences of conscious Earthlings on the dynamics of existence. Those four tables signal early directions in discovering the influences of conscious Zons and their universal business civilization on the dynamics of existence.
Go now to Book Two and discover the twelve seeds of God-Man that were planted 27 years ago, which have grown in secret. See what supersociety stimulations they will now bring us; know what the harvest will bring.
[ 14 ] Neothink geniuses differ from IQ geniuses. Anyone can become a Neothink genius and run circles around specialized, IQ geniuses who have not evolved into widescope neothinking.
[ 15 ] The mutation of the bicameral mind a mind disease Dr. Wallace calls mysticism.
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