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Who is John Galt? He is a fictional person. He is the hero of Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged. He appears from nowhere to save the world through the tools of honesty and philosophy. That is fiction. Few if any can reach Galt's achievements.
Who is Frank R. Wallace (FRW)? He is a real person. He is the founder of I & O Publishing Company and Neo-Tech. He disappears from visibility so each individual can save him-or-her own self through the tools of honesty and business. That is real. Many competitive value producers can surpass Wallace's achievements.
Now, about the words "save" and "business" as used by FRW: Save is used not in any religious sense or even in the John Galt sense. Rather, "save" means moving from the irrational to the rational, from the dishonest to the honest, from the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe. Business is not necessarily used in the literal sense of establishing or running a business, although it can mean that too. Rather, "business" means the act of being competitively useful, creative, or productive -- being a maximum net value to self and others, regardless if one is an employer, employee, professional, entrepreneur, investor, or spouse. Perhaps the class that brings the most public benefits is the material scientists, engineers, and businessmen. They bring such vast gifts as alloys, glass, rubber, concrete, plastics, petroleum, pesticides, transistors.
In Ayn Rand's conception of conscious life, Objectivist philosophy is the universal/governing idea system. Heroic leaders living via Objectivist ideas comprise her view of the future.
In Frank R. Wallace's conception of conscious life, business is the universal survival/enriching system. Normal conscious people living via competitive honesty comprise his view of the future.
In propagating the ideas of Objectivism, Ayn Rand solicited followers. They, however, often stagnated into dogmas and cults. They, along with nearly everyone else on Earth, moved in analog circles with gravity and entropy ravaging their minds and bodies to eventually kill them. ...They remain stuck in a lethal anticivilization.
In distributing the power of Neo-Tech, FRW rejects followers. Readers of Neo-Tech are recognized as autonomous, free individuals. They are free to move in digital lines of progress, always advancing into new knowledge and richer lives. With endless advances, they move via tiny quantum jumps -- countless digital jumps -- toward the Civilization of the Universe.
Ayn Rand visibly led and controlled others. Without context, she rejected irrationality. Thus, she let the anticivilization defeat her. Today, her dogmatic followers verbally condemn irrationalities only to succumb to Establishment toxins through their own irrationalities. ... Dogmatic followers of Objectivism lethally surrender to the anticivilization.
FRW never visibly leads or controls others. Those who comprehend Neo-Tech can independently outcompete irrationalities and criminalities to profit from the Establishment. ...Those who comprehend Neo-Tech profitably exit the anticivilization in many off-on quantum jumps.
Ayn Rand used a pen name for privacy and marketing reasons. But, why the array of names for Frank R. Wallace? Two different reasons. (1) For privacy, business, legal, and political reasons. Different identities provide various protections from the parasitical dynamics of the Establishment that constantly works to repress, drain, and control competitive value producers. An army of pseudonyms also provides leveraged devices designed to weaken and then profit from the parasitical elites. (2) The separate identities undermine cult dynamics seeking to follow a single name or individual.
Neo-Tech Publishing Company is unique among businesses in that, near term, its anti-leader policy costs huge profits. With over one million avid readers, Neo-Tech could transmogrify into a monstrous moneymaking, Ron-Hubbard Scientology enterprise by presenting an "omniscient" leader to show the way. Instead of becoming a fraudulent albeit highly profitable religious/mystical product, Neo-Tech must remain an honest businessdynamic product to achieve its goal of bringing the Civilization of the Universe to planet Earth.
Wallace, of course, is not omniscient by any count. But, is he a leader? Not in a normal or visible way. The most remarkable thing about FRW is that he is plainly unremarkable. He advances invisibly. He has no natural skills or talents. Being a mirror-writing dyslexic, he has difficulty performing literate tasks. He has difficulties dialing telephone numbers and telling his left from his right. He is a slow thinker. But, his conquering attribute is that he thinks deeply and works persistently with no limits on the scope of his nonmystical integrations and statistical thinking. He works quietly and never surrenders. Thus, he gradually sweeps wide-scope, long-range suasion over whatever and whomever he encircles. FRW's method is somewhat like his professional poker method of thirty years before when he unnoticeably dominated the games he encircled. He then orchestrated the players to fill his goals.
...Now, comes the essential question for the future: Who or what is Zon? Currently, that question can be answered through the metaphor of singularity:
Cosmic Singularity (Black Hole) versus Conscious Singularity (Zon)
A Theory
Cosmic singularity occurs as follows: A unit of exponentially condensing critical mass/energy with exponentially increasing gravitational force collapses into a dimensionless point or black hole called singularity. At singularity down to a Gravity Unit, the laws of physics break down, time ends, and predictions of the future cannot exist. Only gravity can escape from a black hole. But at a much higher critical mass/energy, the black hole collapses into a Gravity Unit from which not even gravity escapes. Undetectable Gravity Units into which Universes disappear and from which Universes are created are the fundamental units of existence.
A Reality
Conscious singularity occurs as follows: The conscious creation and distribution of knowledge and technology increases exponentially. Knowledge and technological development eons ago took millennia to advance, then centuries to advance...and, finally, only decades, then years, and today months to advance. Tomorrow, those advances will take weeks, then days, hours, seconds, nanoseconds, until the generation of new knowledge and technology approaches the speed of light. Analogous to Einstein's Special Relativity, time disappears as conscious life, knowledge, and technology ride the horizon of singularity into unknown realms of existence that yield unimaginably different experiences.
To express conscious singularity in another way: Consider Moore's law that states computing speed will double every eighteen months. In fact, after decades of following that law, time of doubling computing speed is today shrinking even faster. Such an exponential increase in speed expressed graphically becomes an asymptotic-like curve. The line climbing the abscissa coordinate of progress becomes essentially vertical to the horizontal ordinate of time. On rotating 90° that two-dimensional graphical curve, the asymptotically . vertical' line suddenly appears as a point against time. In other words, progress becomes essentially instantaneous. At that point, advancing knowledge and technology approach singularity. Conscious people approaching singularity become Zons riding the crest of near light-speed advances in knowledge and technology. When consciousness travels on that crest, time essentially stops and then disappears. When time disappears, Zons pass through a figurative black-hole singularity and into an entirely new conception of conscious life. Zons are conscious singularities who create and control existence in the natural way -- in the honest, universal businessdynamic way -- from digital Gravity Units.
That natural course of progress to limitless riches, however, cannot occur in an anticivilization. For, asymptotically advancing technology puts ever cheaper-and-easier control of destructive power and technology into the hands of not just criminal governments, but into the hands of ever more kill-'em-all psychotics and political/religious terrorists. Consider that history's biggest-and-most-expensive technological effort, the Manhattan Project, developed the first atomic bomb in 1944. Now, consider that today's looming suitcase nuclear, chemical, and biological weapon technology will become ever more cheaply available to those psychotics/criminals/terrorists that litter Earth's anticivilization. Thus, only the fully rational Civilization of the Universe can handle and survive the exponential advance toward technological singularity. ...Therein lies the goal of FRW and Neo-Tech literature.
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