Neo-Tech: An Enemy of the People?
One can reject or embrace the profound honesty of Neo-Tech. By avoiding fully integrated honesty, one will die forever in the anticivilization. But, by harnessing the profound honesty of Neo-Tech, one can live eternally in the Civilization of the Universe.
Neo-Tech's Destiny is Everyone's Destiny
For the anticivilization to survive, it must stop Neo-Tech from spreading across cyberspace, especially among those disenfranchised from anticivilization investments. Yet, acts to stop Neo-Tech can be outflanked by: (1) fully integrated honesty and (2) wide-scope business dynamics.
As presented in Reference #1, consider the best attempt at sinking Neo-Tech by a neocheater grinding his heel into the anticivilization. He compellingly predicts Neo-Tech's demise. Indeed, his statements are accurate from a closed-circle anticivilization context. But, wide-scope integrations from a Civilization-of-the-Universe context outflank his predictions. Such outflankings foretell the end of both the anticivilization and its neocheaters through universal business dynamics. The demise of the anticivilization becomes irrevocable with the following two flanks that reach beyond any neocheater's act, statement, or prediction:
Flank #1 is Metaphysical and Factual
Both the totality and the details of what the neocheater says in his document (Reference #1) are essentially correct from within his closed-circle boundaries -- from within his mystical bubbles floating about the anticivilization. But, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech spearheads in every direction, without limits. Such spear-like flankings burst mystical bubbles in reaching beyond anticivilization dishonesties and pragmatisms -- reaching forever into the future of discovering universal laws, facts, and principles. ...The anticivilization and its neocheaters are not competitive against the universal business dynamics of Neo-Tech. Indeed, neocheaters vanish against wide-scope business competition from cyberspace.
Flank #2 is Personal and Emotional
Even more important for every conscious individual is achieving productive purpose and genuine happiness from life. Neocheaters and parasitical elites fail on both counts, regardless of their anticivilization "victories". By contrast, competitive value producers succeed on both counts, regardless of their anticivilization "defeats".
Anticivilization hostilities toward Neo-Tech are escalating. Yet, barring a nuclear, chemical, or biological apocalypse, Neo-Tech can quantum jump everyone from Earth's neocheater-driven anticivilization into the business-driven Civilization of the Universe. ...Nothing can stop the profound honesty of Neo-Tech from delivering eternal prosperity and happiness to conscious beings.
Reorienting Laws and Lawyers from Subjective to
(See Reference #2 for the Wallace vs. Harvard et
al Free-Speech Lawsuit)
Harvard Law School, Harvard University, et al tried to stop Internet-newsgroup postings from revealing the lawyer-like dishonesties that for 2400 years have perpetuated Earth's anticivilization. Their method? Dishonest, ad-hominem defamations in trying to silence the author of those Usenet posts as described in Reference #2.
On February 20, 1998, the following notice was posted on various Internet newsgroups:
ty.civil-l iberty,talk.politics,
Subject: $26.8 Million Internet Free-Speech Suit filed against Harvard University et al
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 98 02:55:35 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Message-ID: 6clfjo$q3o@sjx-ixn10.
ix.netcom. com
X-NETCOM-Date: Fri Feb 20 6:53:44 PM PST
X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #2
On February 20, 1998, in Clark County, Nevada District Court, a $26.84M defamation suit (#A384803, Dept #IX, Docket #W) was filed against Harvard University, Harvard Law School, Jol Silversmith, and John Does #1-26 for trying to block Frank R. Wallace's Internet free-speech rights through a 646-count libel and defamation campaign.
Eliminating Harmful Bureaucracies from the DEA, to
the FDA, to the IRS
(See Reference #3 for the Cyberspace
IRS Abuse Reports)
Cruel-and-Unusual Punishment
Have you, a family member, a loved one, or a friend ever been defrauded, looted, hurt, injured, brutalized, or destroyed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? Did no one help you, sympathize with you, or even listen to you, even though you or others were innocent, even though you, a loved one, or a friend were criminally violated, badly injured, perhaps even destroyed or killed? The IRS destroys thousands of families and lives each year. United States lawmakers, however, are responsible for creating, empowering, and perpetuating that criminal bureaucracy.
The accompanying IRS Abuse Reports (Reference #3) were compiled for the investigating committees of the United States Senate and House of Representatives as well as for all United States Federal Judges. The Reports start mildly and build slowly. After awhile, they build into such a crescendo of sickening horror, criminal destructiveness, and unbearable evil that a sedative may be required to read them.
The Neo-Tech dynamics constantly undermine and will eventually vanish irrational, harmful entities and bureaucracies as epitomized by the IRS.
Enriching the Populace
(See References #4
Outcompeting God and Government)
The 1996 Neo-Tech publication titled Profound Honesty revealed a Golden Helmet through which dishonesty becomes impossible, success becomes unavoidable, crime vanishes:
The Golden Helmet
Metaphor to Reality
A Metaphorical Golden Helmet
Throughout the Neo-Tech literature, the Golden Helmet is a metaphor for the power of fully integrated honesty harnessed through objective reality. On wearing a Golden Helmet, evil falls away as (1) neocheaters and parasitical elites are left impotent, (2) instruments of force and fraud are rendered ineffective, and (3) competitive value producers rise as heroes of the Universe. ...Specifically, the Golden Helmet is being used in America to eliminate the irrational income tax and its destructive IRS -- replaced with a stopgap consumption tax that will eventually phase into voluntary-use fees and protection-package fees. Generally, the Golden Helmet is being used worldwide to identify dishonesty and hidden criminalities.
The Golden Helmet was first identified as a metaphor for honest, wide-scope accountings in the earlier Neo-Tech publications, Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Profound Honesty, and Zonpower. The competitive dynamics of the Neo-Tech Golden Helmet is what brought the gestalt firing-squad demise to Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989, collapsed the Berlin Wall, freed Albania, almost freed China and Burma, and brought the sudden end of the Soviet Union. Today, the Golden Helmet is undermining America's political engines of destruction such as the DEA, FDA, IRS, and perhaps the most dehumanized stealth killer -- the racist INS.
A Tangible Golden Helmet
Available also is a tangible Golden Helmet that one can physically wear to enhance integrated thinking and block rationalized dishonesties.
What is a tangible Golden Helmet? How does it work? Such a Golden Helmet is based on an electronic-"headband" concept for generating orderly brainwaves. At the same time, those brainwaves override the unnatural, disorderly, circuitry of dishonesty, mysticism, and criminality. ...Orderly brainwaves also enhance one's ability for wide-scope integrated thinking that outflanks those who dishonestly drain the competitive value producers.
How it Works
Various research studies indicate that the well-defined mathematical integrations of classical music, composed largely from 1770-1830, deliver logic-inducing brainwaves that let one think more clearly and integrate more widely. Anyone can demonstrate such a mind-enhancing effect: For example, confront a difficult-thinking or wide-scope integration project. Sense the struggle solving that difficult problem. Then immerse yourself in Mozart's Piano Concerto #21. Immediately, the ease of thinking increases as tension decreases, focus increases, and integrations widen.
Blocking Dishonesties
A previously undiscovered value arises from Mozart's music. His music induces brainwaves that block dishonesty. One can demonstrate Mozart's remarkable effect: Go to a quiet place. Intensely concentrate. Imagine standing before a nationwide television audience as President Clinton. Imagine looking at millions of American citizens straight in the eye. Then blatantly lie with conviction and a wagging finger, "I never had sexual relations with that woman!" Under such highly compartmentalized, isolated conditions, most people can bald-face lie with a straight face, just as President Clinton. Next, put on earphones under the same conditions and play Mozart's Piano Concerto #21. You will not be able to make such clintonian lies with a straight face. You will either stutter and stammer or your face will crack into uncontrollable smiles, even laughter. You simply cannot bald-face lie under the brainwaves generated by Mozart's music. ...As simple as that device seems, such a tangible Golden Helmet cannot only enhance one's integration powers but could reveal the deceptions of dishonest lawyers, destructive politicians, and other criminals. ...The Golden Helmet could be a cheaper, more-reliable lie detector than current-day devices.
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