Above were the words of Dr. Frank R. Wallace upon entering federal prison on June 28, 1991. He was imprisoned for writing, publishing, and billboarding about the rising government violence against innocent value producers. He was imprisoned for publicizing the rising criminalities, including murders, by armed federal bureaucrats. ...If Wallace had not been silenced in 1991, perhaps the Waco and Oklahoma City murders would never have occurred.
Now consider the words of President Clinton in 1995:
"There is nothing patriotic about hating your government or pretending you can hate your government but love your country."The political desperado who uttered that statement to condemn American citizens who morally resist rising government tyranny placed himself among the despots of history: Remember, despot King George III condemned British citizens George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison for loving their country by morally resisting their government's rising tyranny. King George III hanged Nathan Hale ("I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country") and would have hanged Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison if captured by their government. And, remember, despot Santa Ana condemned and killed Mexican citizens Jim Bowie, David Crockett, and many others at the Alamo and elsewhere in Texas for loving their country by morally resisting their government's rising tyranny.
Remember, too, despot Adolf Hitler and his armed Gestapo bureaucrats murdered bands of heroic German citizens in the 1930s for loving their country by morally resisting their government's rising tyranny. Millions who loved their country were killed for hating and resisting Stalin's evil government. Thousands who love their country still rot and die in prisons for hating and resisting Castro's evil government.
Unless morally resisted by those who love their country, criminal-minded politicians and their armed bureaucrats will continue driving America toward tyranny, terrorism, riots, and lawlessness. ...Fully integrated honesty, which rules cyberspace, is morally resisting and will vanish such despots and tyranny not only in America but worldwide.
This document brings forth those long-sought-after words found by Dr. Wallace in prison. Those words finally bring understanding to 3000 years of incomprehensible attacks on competitive value production, property rights, individual rights, and fully integrated honesty.
This document identifies the deep anti-life disease that impels conscious minds to attack the essence of good. Most important, this document celebrates the cure to those irrationalities -- a cure already being delivered by Neo-Tech stimulants in cyberspace. That cure is fully integrated honesty.
Everyone from Ayn Rand to the Pope can and does rationalize away criminal-minded acts of themselves and others. Such acts, including murder, are rationalized given particular combinations of threats to that person's livelihood, ego, and survival in this irrational anticivilization. Some Nazi death-camp killers, for example, were refined university-educated scholars of Schiller and Goethe. Indeed, the anticivilization can activate a criminal mind in anyone, at any time. ...Everyone must try to deny integrated honesty in order to protect his or her investments in this irrational civilization. But, ultimately, honesty cannot be denied.
In the rational Civilization of the Universe, self-destructions, criminal acts, and harmful rationalizations vanish. Integrated honesty is the gateway to the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, integrated honesty ultimately eliminates all threats to one's livelihood and survival. Thus, through integrated honesty, the criminal mind with its rationalized injustices is cured.
That curing is already happening in cyberspace through Neo-Tech. ...Neo-Tech will always crush the evil.
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