Poised upon the lip of eternity, a few lift their heads to glimpse beyond the gulf. They see that new paradigm. They see a paradigm of integrated honesty that terminates the long train of illusions and investments throughout this moribund anticivilization. At first, rejection abounds. As the paradigm approaches, rejection turns to fear. For, that paradigm means the disappearance of government force that created a galaxy of parasitical livelihoods -- livelihoods supported by dishonesty, irrationality, fraud, murder.
At the height of that fear, those irrational investments become worthless. As those life-long investments in beguilement evaporate, people will sublimate into an exciting, prosperous civilization of integrated honesty. ...That sublimation has already begun in cyberspace.
What will happen as individuals by the millions, then by the billons, move into cyberspace? In cyberspace, individuals function freely, voluntarily among themselves. No space, time, or cost boundaries exist in cyberspace. No legal, political, or religious boundaries exist. Thus, a natural dynamic develops in which the honest, the exciting, the valuable drive out the dishonest, the boring, the destructive.
By contrast, in the noncyberspace world ruled by political agendas, the honest and rational are often condemned or suppressed as politically incorrect or subjectively illegal. Also, in the noncyberspace world, the dishonest and irrational are often politically promoted, especially when backed by armed bureaucrats functioning as unpunished criminals. In the noncyberspace world, armed bureaucrats become dehumanized criminals who destroy innocent people's lives, values, and property.
In cyberspace, contextual facts vanish myths. Likewise, rationality vanishes irrationality: value vanishes disvalue, honesty vanishes dishonesty. The good drives out the bad, reality drives out mysticism, excitement drives out stagnation. Why? Because fully integrated honesty rules in the freely competitive atmosphere of cyberspace. Thus, through cyberspace, a powerfully exciting, value-filled civilization will replace the dishonest, nihilistic anticivilization choking planet Earth today.
In cyberspace, each individual can freely communicate with any other individual, free of media dishonesty, free of destructive gun-backed political agendas, free of the irrational noncyberspace world. Today, the noncyberspace anticivilization is ruled by self-serving parasitical humanoids through their armed bureaucrats, sycophantic journalists, and hypocritical entertainers promoting various politically correct agendas. By contrast, the new cyberspace civilization spreading across the globe is free of such corruption. Thus, any cyberspace civilization is ultimately ruled by honest, value-producing individuals -- just as are all advanced civilizations throughout the Universe.
The corrupt establishment media are irrelevant in cyberspace. No matter how articulately mendacious are Washington Post or Newsweek type journalists, their dishonesties have no power in cyberspace. The corrupt, deeply dishonest print-media and network news simply cannot compete in cyberspace. By contrast, any honest, articulate individual has limitless competitive power and relevance in cyberspace. For example, consider the most powerful person in the noncyberspace world: The articulate but pervasively dishonest President Clinton would have no chance hoaxing people in cyberspace, especially the articulate, honest individuals roaming the Internet. His lies and criminalities would be mercilessly exposed. He would then be flamed, skewered, and laughed off Usenet -- the Internet newsgroups. That is why he and other harmful politicians dare not personally enter in the dynamics of cyberspace.
Those proclaiming authority by revelation, deception, or force have no power or influence in cyberspace. By contrast, in cyberspace, any individual can become powerful and influential by applying the dynamics of wide-scope, fully integrated honesty.
Below are examples of the philosophical and physical dynamics that operate together throughout cyberspace.
Spiritual passions of Newsgroup A evolve around exciting, competitive value production. Spiritual passions of Newsgroup B evolve around stagnant, collective intellectualizing. Newsgroup A welcomes and profitably utilizes competitive encounters. Newsgroup B fears and dishonestly attacks competitive encounters. ...Newsgroup A represents open-ended growth. Newsgroup B represents close-ended stagnation.
Newsgroups A and B both uncompromisingly hold Objectivism as the proper philosophy for conscious beings. But, most in Group A are exciting and creatively alive, while many in Group B are boring and creatively dead. Newsgroup A holds, for example, dishonestly besmirched, unpopular mega value producers like Jay Gould and Michael Milken as real-life, heroic benefactors to all conscious beings. Newsgroup B holds popular but unreal, fictional characters like Howard Roark and John Galt as heroic idols. Newsgroup A actively sails forth into uncharted territories of future discovery. Newsgroup B passively remains anchored in safe harbors of the previously established.
Both Newsgroups are intellectually in debt to philosopher Ayn Rand. Group A gratefully utilizes her achievements while moving forward. Group B desperately idolizes her importance while clinging to the past. Group A utilizes the outstanding yet grossly under-recognized values constantly being produced by Ayn Rand's intellectual heir, Dr. Leonard Peikoff. Group B chains Dr. Peikoff within the shadow of Ayn Rand by minimizing or ignoring his continuous, commercial value production unmatched by all the other Objectivist "leaders" combined. Group A orients around time-efficient aggressive objectivism that will spread across cyberspace through real-life business dynamics. Group B orients around time-consuming passive intellectualizing that will stagnate into ever shrinking, closed circles. Group A works in the future; Group B dwells in the past.
In response to flame attacks, the following template was posted on both Newsgroups. That template demonstrates how the essence of Newsgroup A is attuned with cyberspace while the essence of Newsgroup B is ultimately incompatible with cyberspace:
Template Post
Thirty years ago those kinds of heroes were the desperate hangers-on in the Branden/Rand lectures in New York City. Back then, they were characterized by their cigarette holders emblazoned with dollar signs and swirling black capes. They were the sycophantic defenders of their ego facades leached from Ayn Rand's monumental achievement: Objectivism. Throughout the years, such Objectivists have remained the biggest impediment to advancing Objectivist philosophy around the world.
Today, those ersatz Objectivists are panicking. And why not? After 30 years of faking heroic Galtisms and shrugging Atlases, they are being revealed in cyberspace as contradictions to everything Objectivism means in living competitively, honestly, and happily through business-like modes. Similarly, in cyberspace, fully integrated honesty is exposing the fakeries and dishonesties of politicians and many government-dependent academics. ...Eventually, all such fakes will disappear as nothing in cyberspace.
Today, as back then, those pseudo Objectivists appear as sad, boring people. They are basically immature, kind of pitiful. Today, as back then, perhaps not a single, self-made businessperson or really successful entrepreneur exists among them. How many are really excited about what they do for a living? How many are genuinely proud of their competitiveness -- of their value-producing competence? Most have no idea of the incredibly difficult journey required to independently produce long-range, competitive values and jobs for others. Ayn Rand knew. But, most of her dependent followers never knew.
Today, on the Internet, some of the most immature, dependent Randians seem to be on tax-paid academic edu lines, perhaps living off some kind of public funds with abundant idle time on their hands. They can never acknowledge the wide-scope Objectivist nature of fully integrated honesty. For, that wide-scope, active use of Objectivism through the competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech reveals stimulating powers -- exciting powers possible for all conscious beings, Objectivists or not. Such competitive dynamics become illusion-collapsing threats to ego-dependent followers of Objectivism -- especially those living stagnant lives that are going nowhere.
What are those "Objectivist Heroes" harping about? What do they do besides endlessly displaying philosophical "brilliance" while tearing down the practical, objective values of Neo-Tech? What do they do constructively? Have any of them ever made the excruciating effort or borne the racking pain oft required to do anything really important, to take big risks for big payoffs, to alone face down dangerous armed evil in the real world, or even to build and maintain a business that creates competitive values and jobs for others?
Many who attack fully integrated honesty are trying to inflate their shrunken self-perceived images by creating problems where none exist. One should always ask those who tear down values what they have done to make themselves proud of their lives -- what they have done to build values -- long-term competitive values for themselves, others, and society. Today, such people might be called wimps. Ayn Rand had a better word: pip-squeaks.
In reality, Objectivism never needs defending. Moreover, only commercially competitive efforts increase the permanent, long-range value of Objectivism to civilization. And finally, Neo-Tech has never attacked a single tenet of Objectivism. Instead, Neo-Tech vigorously applies and commercially advances every tenet of Objectivism throughout the world.
By contrast, those ego-seeking pontificators of Objectivism unnecessarily waste their lives on nothing much. Most will never discover their exciting, glorious potential in the value-producing business dynamics throughout cyberspace. ...Yet, the helping hand of Neo-Tech is always extended. Still, from Neo-Tech, no leader, guru, or authority is available for anyone to follow or obey. Only fully integrated honesty with its wide-scope integrations is available for all to understand, use, and produce prosperity.
The contributors to Neo-Tech integrations, not the flamers of Neo-Tech, are genuine Objectivists. Only through Neo-Tech business modes is Objectivism pushed forward, into the competitive market place, bringing integrated honesty and exciting Objectivism to the general public worldwide.
Some supporters of Objectivism are like Moliére's Tartuffe with his hypocritical piety. Or, perhaps they are more like Moliére's Alceste in The Misanthrope who rants and rails, neither delivering much of value to anyone nor improving much of anything. Such people ignorantly bluster about things, situations, and people they do not understand. Such people deliver only the narrow-scope nothingness of an ego-tripping Alceste. ...But, many could mature into the everythingness of a Defoe's do-everything Robinson Crusoe, or at least the somethingness of a go-getter Moll Flanders.
Not to be an Alceste takes some brain, mouth, and keyboard responsibility. Discipline is required to deal contextually with reality from the widest perspectives. Indeed, learning to work tolerantly, efficiently, profitably with problems, situations, and people while remaining uncompromising on principles is hard work. To produce competitive values for the world takes constant discipline, thought, and control combined with fully integrated honesty. ...It takes Neo-Tech.
The above template shows why fully integrated honesty rules cyberspace from the philosophical perspective. The following example shows how fully integrated honesty rules cyberspace from the physical perspective.
Approaches A and B both utilize the scientific method of validation. But, Approach A relies on fully integrated honesty while Approach B relies on establishment peer review.
Both approaches uncompromisingly correspond to and abide by the laws of physics. Yet, Approach A integrates unrestricted panoramas of knowledge, while Approach B focuses on specialized areas of knowledge. Approach A welcomes competitive encounters that would change the status quo. Approach B resists competitive encounters that would change the status quo.
The essence of Approach A is attuned with existence. Thus, Approach A will create stimulating new knowledge and lead this world into fully integrated honesty -- into the Civilization of the Universe. By contrast, the essence of Approach B is chained to Establishment stagnation, always remaining in the background of history.
Utilized throughout history by only a tiny fraction of scientists, Approach A has yielded essentially every major breakthrough in science and technology since Democritus, 2500 years ago, proffered his theory of atoms as the primary units of existence. In contrast, Approach B has been utilized throughout history by a vast majority of scientists. Approach B solidifies and eventually moves forward those radical breakthroughs that are scientifically valid. ...Both approaches advance science. Yet, almost all individuals among that vast majority following Approach B protect their status-quo positions by initially attacking every valid breakthrough by those rare individuals utilizing Approach A.
Consider the physics and philosophy derived from Approach A and described in Movement 1 of the New-Color Symphony: Both the physics and philosophy of Zonpower are without known contradictions. Still, Zonpower from Cyberspace is not about physics or philosophy. It is about the application of fully integrated honesty to objective reality. The resulting wide-scope integrations will eventually bring eternal life with limitless prosperity to all conscious beings. While perhaps ahead of their time, speculative hypotheses are proffered in Zonpower from Cyberspace as metaphors. Yet, all the hypotheses correspond to the laws of physics as well as to objective reality...and all are open to experimental verification or falsification.
The following example involves the interaction of an industrial research chemist, Dr. Higgs Field, utilizing competitive business-funded Approach A versus an academic astrophysicist, Professor Edu from a Big-Ten University, utilizing noncompetitive tax-funded Approach B. Dr. Edu publishes in prestigious peer-review journals, such as the Astrophysical Journal and Reviews of Modern Physics. He also participates in international peer-review astrophysical symposiums such as the June 1995 symposium in Brussels, Belgium.
After selecting one of the more radical chapters in the on-line version of Zonpower from Cyberspace, Professor Edu published a review of it on the Internet. Had Dr. Edu carefully read Neo-Tech Physics in full context, he could have saved himself the embarrassment of publishing the following seven-point review:
As Dr. Edu properly indicates in a later review, a straight comparison of the speed of light versus the five-million pieces of data requires more preciseness by several orders of magnitude to detect the sought effect. But, the experiment is enhanced by the sought-after particle not being at rest, but traveling at 67,000 mph relative to the Sun or 0.0001 the speed of light, thus, reducing the preciseness needed to detect the hypothesized particle by several orders of magnitude. The sought effect is further enhanced and then detected through diffraction-pattern, computer/trigonometric analyses that trace secondary changes in statistical data. Even greater accuracies could be achieved if the particles could be measured at much greater speeds as relative, for example, to other entities in our galaxy...or to the entire expanding universe and beyond.[ 3 ]
The Stadium Experiment and the other proposed experiments are sound in principle. They are explicitly designed to support or refute the hypothesis of thinkons. What more could a scientist ask for in examining a speculative hypothesis posited for metaphorical purposes?
Consider the following four points:
[ 1 ] Consciousness itself is not a primary of existence. Both Approach A and Approach B are based on objective reality being the primary of existence. But, most philosophers from Plato to Kant erroneously consider consciousness as a primary of existence. Aristotle and Ayn Rand are the two major exceptions who were free from that profound error. They recognized the primacy of existence and rejected the primacy of consciousness.
[ 2 ] General Relativity: "all laws of physics hold in all frames of references" -- that is the essence of Einstein's Theory of Gravity. ...Special Relativity applies to frames moving at constant speeds in which space and time change to keep the laws of physics constant.
[ 3 ] See pages 42-46 of the New-Color Symphony, especially the footnote on page 44, for further understandings of this experiment.
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