Would Thomas Jefferson have approved of deposing Clinton-like politicians along with other federal employees who are tyrannically pushing power and control over every productive American citizen? The answer is not only a resounding "yes", but the deposers would have been celebrated as heroes by America's founding fathers.
Algernon Sidney, a prominent English writer, in his famous Discourses Concerning Government published in 1698, provided the legal and moral basis for deposing kings or tyrants who looted and killed innocent citizens, leaving those victims with no recourse to justice.
America's founding fathers, especially Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and America's third President, were profoundly influenced by Algernon Sidney, even more than they were influenced by the English philosopher John Locke.[ 5 ] Indeed, the Declaration of Independence used Sidney's work to specifically spell out the conditions and moral obligations to depose those who advance despotism:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Governments, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
These are dangerous times for despotic politicians and their armed agents of force. Political unrest is surfacing. Individual stagnation is ending. The American public is demanding that politicians with their armed agents of force be held accountable for their actions. What can stop the rising violence caused by expanding despotism designed to counter this individual awakening? Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty, will stop that violence. Indeed, Neo-Tech is now spreading through cyberspace. The essences of Neo-Tech are rising -- the essences of civility, self-control, and respect for objective law. Thus, through Neo-Tech in cyberspace, despotic politicians, their armed bureaucrats, and stagnant corporate leaders will lose their parasitical livelihoods...not their lives.
What is the greatest? What is the smallest? First the smallest: As a law of nature, everything in existence can be reduced to a smallest unit or quantum -- be it an electron or quark for mass or a photon for energy. Beneath mass and energy lie resonating strings with dimensions less than 10-35 meters. Those strings create spacetime mass, energy, and consciousness. Beneath those dimensions lie an ether of hypothetical Gravity Units that form a universal sea of eternal geometries. ...Somewhat analogously, the human spirit can also be reduced to a smallest unit or dot. The next step down is not to a smaller dot; the next step down is to nothing...except that universal sea of geometries.
Now, consider life itself. Consider that viruses and bacteria are among the smallest, simplest forms of life. Yet, those smallest forms of life can and do destroy the most complex, most valuable forms of life -- conscious human beings. A similar parallel exists with the human spirit. The smallest, most malevolent spirits can and do destroy the greatest, most benevolent spirits.
Those smallest spirits are the self-proclaimed "victims" of this world. They create problems where none exist. Such "victims" can destroy all that is valuable to human life. By contrast, genuine victims are those whose lives are diminished through force or fraud by governments, religions, criminals. But, self-proclaimed "victims" are those who diminish their own lives by blaming the value producer for their own self-made problems.
A close cousin of the self-proclaimed "victim" is the "pip". A pip is also a small, diminished human spirit who creates problems where none exist. The pip generally tries to build a pseudo self-esteem and often a bogus livelihood at the expense of genuine value producers, especially businesspeople, employers, entrepreneurs. Pips try to feel morally or intellectually superior by berating great values and their creative producers. Pips attack with dishonest, out-of-context criticisms and non sequitur accusations. ...Great value producers, especially in business, are constantly attacked by the pips in political, journalistic, academic, and entertainment circles designed to conserve the stagnating Establishment.
To understand those smallest spirits and their destructiveness, one must first recognize the greatest human spirits and how they lift humanity to ever greater heights of stimulating well being.
Women, and men too, are victimized by force and fraud exercised through governments and religions. Yet, through the free-enterprise dynamics arising over the past two centuries, individual choice and actions increasingly determine the success of women -- and of men. Perhaps the premier example for either sex in this century is Ayn Rand who arose to become one of the most exciting, influential value producers in history.
Ms. Beauvoir also declared in her book that of the giants in human history who took the responsibility to change the course of civilization, none were women. Indeed, no woman, except possibly Joan of Arc and Queen Elizabeth I, had ever taken the responsibility of changing civilization -- until Ayn Rand. Regardless of what she might have claimed, Ms. Rand did take that responsibility, perhaps more than any man had ever done. And, in time, she will be recognized as a giant among giants in history who changed civilization on Earth dramatically for the better.
Ayn Rand rose by fiercely struggling to escape the bloodiest, most oppressive cult in history -- Communism under Lenin and Stalin in the Soviet Union. Then, emigrating to relatively free-enterprise America, Ayn Rand, by her own decisions and titanic efforts, broke through seemingly impossible language, economic, and cultural barriers in rising to the highest level of literary accomplishment. She then arose atop the pinnacle field of knowledge -- philosophy -- which, until Rand, had been dominated for 2500 years exclusively by men. Thus, as is being increasingly recognized today, Ayn Rand is posthumously becoming one of the most stimulating benefactors to grace planet Earth. Yet, she was and is still today attacked and ridiculed by nearly the entire panoply of stagnant Establishment elites with their arrays of self-proclaiming authorities, "victims", and pips. ...In fighting for her values and achievements, Ayn Rand always dismissed such persons as boring pip-squeaks not worth a moment of anyone's time.
Other exciting great spirits include Joseph Smith (the super-competitive Mormon business-and-city builder), Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, Florence Nightingale, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Ray Kroc, Mary Kay, Michael Milken, Leona Helmsley. Many were vilified and drained by political demagogues and self-proclaimed "victims". All such great spirits are harmed by, destroyed by, or killed by the Establishment wielding its "victim" and pip tools.
Consider another example involving the greatness of human spirit: Year after year in the 1940s and 1950s, the giant chemical firm, E.I. du Pont de Nemours, Inc., was rated by business publications as the best managed company in the world with a consistent 20%+ annual return on investment. Through decades of unmatched success, Du Pont became the largest, most exciting company in the world. Then, latching onto the envious attacks by whining business "victims" and pips, the Federal Government penalized Du Pont for its success by forcing the company to terminate its ownership of General Motors.
Du Pont rose from its inception in 1802 as a family-managed explosives and gunpowder manufacturer to become the premier research and industrial company in the world, delivering huge values to society. Du Pont's ever increasing rate of success peaked in the late 1940s with the last du Pont family member in control: Pierre S. du Pont, one of history's most emulated businessmen. His revolutionary decentralized management concepts and accounting methods remain the essence of essentially all successfully managed, large corporations to this day. The stimulating benefits that the Du Pont Company bestowed on the business world, on its customers, and on its employees were not only without match, but served as a farsighted model for all successful, big businesses.
Du Pont was the innovator and leader not only in competitively producing invaluable products for society but in pioneering for its employees various safety and pension plans, medical insurance, stock-and-saving plans, even alcohol-and-drug treatment programs long before most other companies even conceived of such sound business practices. Never was a company more helpful to the business world, more valuable to customers, more beneficial to employees. And, never did a giant company struggle as hard to avoid stagnating government contracts and favors as did Du Pont when it was managed by Pierre S. du Pont.
Du Pont began declining from its pinnacle business position in the 1950s when, through the envious dynamics of self-proclaimed "victims", a wave of asset-milking executives took control from the asset-building du Pont family. Those asset-milking executives did not care what happened to the business after their tenure. They did not plan 50 and 100 years ahead as the generational-planning executives had done since the founding of Du Pont in 1802. Indeed, after P.S. du Pont, waves of self-aggrandizing political executives milked the previous 150 years of du Pont-built assets. ...Such asset-milking executives work only for their short-term personal wealth, power, and status.
Adopting the John Maynard Keynes evil concept "In the long run, we are all dead", such political-type executives are not concerned about the future health of their companies, their employees, or society. Implementing asset destroying policies, they ignore the consequences on the future of their company and society. Like their sole-mate politicians, the real harm of their self-serving agendas become obvious only after they are gone.
As a modern example, consider how the ego-driven, political-ingratiating John Scully crumbled the potential for long-term world dominance of Apple Computer by making his short-term profit performance look good to others, especially to politicians, the media, and celebrities. As a political-agenda CEO, he betrayed the long-term goals of Apple founders Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. Such political executives like Scully, through their own short-sighted agendas, implicitly sanction unjust attacks and torts by business/employee "victims" against the greatest, most beneficent business enterprises. ...Those self-proclaimed "victims" manipulated by politicians, lawyers, and journalists sow the cancer seeds that eventually cripple or destroy genuine competition -- the most aggressive value-and-job producers and their businesses.
Why does acting as a "victim" or pip shrink one's spirit to the smallest unit -- to the shallowest level of a human being? How can such shallow people be the prime destructive force in today's civilization? And, specifically, how will Neo-Tech in cyberspace vanish such "victim"-like viruses and pip-like bacteria? The answers to those questions are found in Part II of GREATNESS, starting on the next page.
Part II gives four specific examples of horrendous destructions done to the greatest lives by parasitical-elite humanoids with their manipulations of "victims" and pips. Part II then demonstrates how cyberspace will end such life-draining dynamics. ...The four examples with one solution are:
[ 5 ] Thomas Paine's Common Sense finally galvanized Americans to action against tyrants. Few Americans thought of gaining independence from tyrannical England before the publication of Common Sense in January 1776. Only six months later, on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence had been written and signed. ...Nearly 300,000 copies of Common Sense were sold to spark the American revolution. That number equals about 20 million copies sold into today's population of America.
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