Genuine power and success in conscious life arises through fully integrated honesty or thinking. That sounds simple enough, but its dynamic involves a totally different way to use the conscious mind -- a way never before utilized by conscious beings on planet Earth. Yet, wide-scope, fully integrated thinking is the modus operandi for competitive beings in advanced civilizations throughout existence. Indeed, any normal conscious being on Earth today has the capacity to think with wide-scope, integrated honesty. But, first, each person must break from the closed-circle, non-contextual thinking processes that have imprisoned virtually every conscious mind on Earth for 2500 years.
Breaking out of that prison to acquire omnipotent control over existence within the laws of physics requires conscious action. That action, in turn, involves fully integrated honesty acting from an Objectivist-based philosophy anchored in factual reality -- not from conscious subjectivisms floating in mind-created "realities".
The ingredients for that omnipotent control are identified in the (1) wide-scope, objective-action mode of the Neo-Tech literature, including the business modes identified by Mark Hamilton and Eric Savage, and in (2) the integrated-honesty mode of the Zonpower literature. In cyberspace, the tools of Neo-Tech and Zonpower will become available to and then implemented by all competitive individuals in America and throughout the world.
Today, civilization on planet Earth is again moving toward chaos and destruction. Thus far in the 20th century, governments have murdered more innocent people -- about 170 million -- and criminally destroyed more property than all governments and all criminals in all previous recorded history combined. The final wave of destruction awaits as thermonuclear and biochemical[ 4 ] warfares are poised to strike. Indeed, without the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech, the conscious mind on Earth today cannot handle modern-day human survival.
In 1976, the first inkling of an exciting, totally new format or paradigm for the conscious mind surfaced. That budding paradigm called "Neothink" was based on wide-scope, fully integrated honesty. Neothink is a radical break from the narrow-scope, manipulative truth-based conscious mind of the past 3000 years. The honesty-based Neothink mind breaks from the closed-circle stagnation of an anticivilization. By contrast, in an open-ended Neothink-based civilization, the diseases of dishonesty and irrationality do not exist. ...Limitless excitement, stimulation, prosperity, and happiness are the natural consequences of the Neothink mind.
The Neothink mind is as radical a break from the man-discovered consciousness mind as was the conscious mind a radical break from the nature-provided bicameral or schizophrenic mind 3000 years ago.
Neo-Tech/Zonpower has no leaders or followers. Throughout cyberspace, every conscious individual will increasingly become individual self-leaders living in ever more exciting, value-producing business modes. ...The individualistic Neo-Tech mentality is the antithesis of today's collectivist big-government, religious, one-world, nationalistic, militia, new-age, patriot, tribal, and cult mentalities.
Indeed, those bureaucrats and judges enforce political/ego agendas designed to support an ever expanding parasitical superstructure of stagnation. That superstructure consists of self-aggrandizing politicians, wealth-draining government jobs, white-collar-hoax business executives, life-draining welfare dependents, unearned government subsidies, bankrupt social-security Ponzi schemes, and fraudulent government health-care plans.
The Golden-Helmet dynamics reveal the lethal destructiveness of armed bureaucracies -- armed agents of force that are fomenting the rising crime, violence, and terrorism in America. Those armed agents are found in the IRS. They are also found in gun-backed bureaucracies such as the ATF, FDA, INS. The rubric "jackbooted thugs" is the most honest, accurate metaphor for many federal armed agents, despite the non-sequitur, poison-ear blatherings by politicians, bureaucrats, and journalists. Indeed, dehumanized armed automatons are needed to enforce criminal agendas for politicians, bureaucrats, and judges. Such tax-paid criminalities permeate the federal government today to increasingly undermine security and prosperity in America. ...After reading the live-action IRS Abuse Reports in the following Appendix, no one will hold doubts that the above facts will eventually bring a violent revolution to America unless that trend is reversed by Neo-Tech and the Golden Helmet.
[ 4 ] For example, an estimated 8-ounces of botulinal toxin could kill every person on Earth.
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