I & O Publishing Company, which was founded in 1968, moved past its publish-for-profit dynamics during the early 1980s to focus on a single goal: curing the disease of irrationality worldwide by 2001 AD. Interest evaporated in building wealth, assets, a business, or a publishing company per se. Multimillion dollar business opportunities were abandoned or turned down, including a million-dollar-a-month profit-potential, back-end marketing program offered by the largest, most successful infomercial firm in the world.
Why were such profit opportunities turned down? Because efforts directed toward non-goal related profits would break the forward-movement concentration required to reach I & O's single goal of curing the disease of irrationality. Avoiding non-goal profit dynamics let the prime movers at I & O Publishing focus maximum time and energy on ridding this planet of its worst disease -- irrationality, from which flows dishonesty, stagnation, crime, failure, and death itself.
Developing and distributing the knowledge required to cure irrationality, especially when faced with hostile resistance worldwide, was a difficult, dangerous task requiring full focus of every essence mover at I & O. During the 1980s, every action and resource was directed toward undermining the parasitical-elite class, which was the first-step ingredient for curing irrationality in America.
Under increasingly hostile conditions from a giuliani-oriented Establishment, I & O Publishing Company was vulnerable to being attacked and silenced. Indeed, such attacks finally happened in the late 1980s when just one ex-employee "victim" was seized and then manipulated by the giulianied legal Establishment. With that one "victim" as their only needed tool, armed federal agents physically attacked I & O Publishing and destroyed its work while beating, kicking, and hospitalizing one of its editors, seizing its assets and research funds, carrying away its literature and computer files, and finally, in violation of the first amendment, imprisoning its founder for his writings, literature distributions, and billboard displays that identified the criminal acts of those armed federal agents. ...I & O Publishing Company was destroyed by gun-backed violence, forever put out of business by criminal force.
But, ideas cannot be destroyed by guns, fists, or prisons. Neo-Tech bantam companies are now scattered worldwide. Momentum toward curing irrationality is rising phoenix-like, quietly, relentlessly.
Indeed, in cyberspace, Neo-Tech is beyond the reach of those destructive forces left behind in the noncyberspace anticivilization. Throughout cyberspace, integrated honesty rules. Dishonesty, force, fraud, "victims", and pips appear increasingly freakish as those tools of destruction disappear in cyberspace. Moreover, "victims" and pips -- those smallest of human spirits -- are compelled in cyberspace to quit whining, quit blaming others, and grow up by accepting the responsibility for solving their own personal problems.
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