Throughout history, whenever sea-change knowledge evolved from wider-scope observations and conceptual integrations, initial rejection of that new knowledge always occurred. Sooner or later, however, a tiny percentage of people investigated enough to independently grasp that knowledge through those new, wider-scope perspectives. That new knowledge then began spreading as its efficacy was increasingly demonstrated. Finally, that knowledge was utilized to bring unique streams of unstoppable benefits.
Over the ages, such sea-change phenomena have occurred for good and for evil. For example, early in the 20th century, after an initial surge of acceptance, Vladimir Lenin lost essentially all support and understanding. Alone and rejected in Geneva, he discovered two other people who fully understood his matrix for revolution. He then excitingly announced that the revolution was won. Sure enough, in a matter of months after that announcement, Lenin triumphantly entered Russia through Finland. Then, by generalizing his matrix, he advanced on a straight line route to winning his bloody revolution that eventually brought devastation and misery to two-thirds of the world for three generations.
About that same time, Albert Einstein worked alone for years on developing his non understood and widely ignored theory of relativity. After discovering three or four others who understood his wide-scope integrations of relativity, he excitingly worked to generalize his theory with cheerful confidence. Within a decade, the revolution of general relativity was won worldwide forever.
By contrast, about that same time, Karl Menger, the Aristotelian father of capitalistic/market-based economics, worked with increasing later did Ayn Rand who founded Objectivist philosophy, and as more recently did Leonard Peikoff who brilliantly developed Objectivism into an array of specific values and products. Menger, Rand, and Peikoff never fully generalized their work. Therefore, they never confidently sensed the ultimate triumph of their work as did Lenin for evil and Einstein for good.
The real sea-change revolution, however, will arise not from Neo-Tech itself, but from the wide-scope integrations woven throughout Zonpower from Cyberspace. Yet, of the Zonpower readers, perhaps less than one in a hundred have fully grasped Zonpower with its endless Aha! integrations. But, that tiny minority is more than enough to secure the revolution that will bring a Neo-Tech/Objectivist civilization to everyone on Earth.
See the paragraph about the "smallest" found on page 29 of these Closing Ceremonies.
Now, going in the other direction to the "biggest": What mechanism builds geometries into everything in existence, always with the exact same identity and preciseness? What mechanism causes geometric units to take specific forms of existence and subsequently take specific forms of energy, mass, and action? What mechanism drives those geometries into forms that fit nature just right -- precisely, perfectly into exact matter, energy, and thinking that never vary throughout time and space? And, what mechanism allows one to fit his or her thoughts into nature precisely, perfectly -- into exact identities and identifications throughout time and space? That mechanism is the dynamics of Neo-Tech physics and epistemology as presented in a new-color symphony, which begins with Zonpower from Cyberspace and will climax in Quantum Crossings.
The rational, compatible dynamics of nature have been contradicted for the past 3000 years in forming today's irrational, parasite-ruled anticivilization. Human consciousness combined with the disease of irrationality drives human beings into chaotic contradictions and paralyzing stagnations -- away from reliable consistency and liberating prosperity. Now, however, the emerging Neo-Tech dynamics in cyberspace are drawing conscious beings out of this unnatural anticivilization and toward the natural Civilization of the Universe.
Because of everyone's life-long investments in this irrational anticivilization, however, no one can leave without the escape engines of Neo-Tech and Zonpower. In this parasite-ruled civilization, conscious life is incredibly brief, during which aging and death come quickly, unnecessarily. Only the tiniest fraction of conscious potential -- the potential of exciting productivity, romantic love, eternal happiness -- is achieved by all of us entrapped in this anticivilization.
Why has no one escaped this bizarre, up-side-down anticivilization? Why has no one discovered the natural, exciting, eternal Civilization of the Universe? Because, without the escape route of Neo-Tech/Zonpower, no one can abandon his or her fatal, lifelong investments in this anticivilization. But, now, today, with the newly available Neo-Tech/Zonpower engines, people can finally scrap their death-trap investments and discover the limitless wealth and romance possible in a rational, objective-law civilization.
False gods cannot be heroes. But, with fully integrated honesty and objective law, everyone can become an eternal hero -- a real god with never ending achievements and romantic happiness.
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