Mysticism Creates Problems Where None Previously Existed Business Creates Values Where None Previously Existed |
About 2000 years ago, a new form of dishonesty evolved. Today, that form of dishonesty is called neocheating. Today, as in those ancient times, neocheating involves the undetected theft of power and values from others. Such undetected theft is accomplished by manipulating mysticism to create problems where none exist.
Christian religious leaders orchestrated the first mass manipulations of mysticism: About 1800 years ago, those religious leaders discovered a mighty tool for extracting power and values from merchants, laborers, farmers, craftsmen, builders, and other value producers. That tool was false guilt. They used false guilt to undermine prosperity and happiness earned by others. Projecting false guilt, those religious leaders attacked and undermined the producer in order to usurp his earned power and values.
Those earliest neocheaters discovered they could control and then live off the value producer by manipulating that false guilt onto him or her. From that discovery, those neocheaters usurped more and more power and values from the naive value producers by adding more and more false guilt fashioned from the inverted ethics of religion and altruism.
Christianity was founded almost 2000 years ago. For many years, Christian followers formed cadres of zealots who resisted, heroically at times, the oppression of Roman authorities. Then certain Christian leaders seeking greater unearned power discovered and developed a neocheating power more pernicious than any destructive power known previously. That power destroyed Roman civilization. And that same power today undermines the prosperity and happiness of every individual worldwide. ...That power is false, altruistic guilt in which the innocent are made to appear bad while the guilty are made to appear good.
Those original religious neocheaters learned how to foist altruism and guilt onto innocent value producers to deprive them of their earned prosperity, power, and happiness. Moreover, those early Christian neocheaters developed cunning, Platonistic ethical systems that inverted values. Their bizarre, irrational systems were based on altruism, collectivism, and egalitarianism. So effective were those systems for secretly exploiting others that to this day most neocheaters vigorously and pervasively press hypocritical altruism on everyone as a moral ethical system. ...But today, Neo-Tech is replacing those dishonest, mystic-based, value-destroying systems with honest, business-like, value-producing systems.
Most neocheating systems use clever, good-sounding non sequiturs that make good appear bad and bad appear good. With non sequiturs, neocheaters developed diabolically ingenious doctrines of altruism to sacrifice real values to conjured-up false values. The net result is always the destruction of values. Over the centuries, neocheaters have neatly woven destructive rationalizations, seductive mysticism, and good-sounding altruism throughout government, religion, education, law, and journalism.
By contrast, of all the ethical systems built by society, only the system of business with its manifestations of honesty, productivity, commerce, mathematics, and science is not rooted in mysticism or altruism. Instead, business is rooted in the voluntary trading of competitive values. Thus, by nature, business is the most rational, intellectually demanding, honest, productive, and benevolent ethical system possible to conscious beings.
But why is altruism so pernicious? Consider that religious and political neocheaters have for 2000 years honed altruistic guilt into razor-sharp, well-camouflaged stilettos to attack, slash, and stab the value producers. For, to survive, all professional mystics and neocheaters must constantly attack and undermine those producers in order to usurp their power, property, and values. Also, to survive, the rewards of prosperity, self-esteem, and happiness must constantly be faked by all neocheaters. For without faking their self-worth, they could not survive: Without a faked or rationalized self-esteem, all value destroyers would either directly or indirectly commit suicide...or become honest value producers to survive.
Earned power is the basis of self-esteem and happiness. Honest business titans, for example, have earned the power to orchestrate vast ranges of actions to determine their futures. Indeed, by picking up the telephone anywhere, day or night, they have the power to direct thousands of people into productive, life-enhancing activities. Those business titans hold a real power that mystics and neocheaters never even dream of achieving. Exercising such productive power is the primordial source of prosperity, self-esteem, and happiness.
By contrast, professional mystics and neocheaters can never experience earned power. They can only exercise usurped power. Or ultimately, as mass-murderer Mao Tse-Tung accurately identified: "All political (unearned) power comes from the barrel of a gun." For that reason, such neocheaters can never feel genuine power, self-esteem, or happiness. Indeed, they can operate only through unearned power...through destruction, deception, and force in beguiling or forcing producers into sacrificing their values.
Such professional mystics and neocheaters survive by using non-sequitur deceptions or force-backed machinations to drain the prosperity and happiness earned by others. Mystics and neocheaters justify their dishonesties and destructions through specious Platonistic philosophies based on "higher" causes and altruism that were designed solely to extort values earned by others.
Two fundamentally different classes of conscious beings exist in free or semi-free societies:
(1) those who choose to live by exerting integrated physical and mental efforts to produce competitive values for others and society (or those who are learning or striving to be competitive value producers), and
(2) those who choose to live by avoiding competitive efforts in designing their lives to live off the efforts of others and society.
The sense of life, honesty, and maturity between those two classes are opposites: Value producers share a confidence-driven goodwill and an effort-driven competence. But value destroyers share a resentment-driven cynicism and a laziness-driven incompetence. That incompetence fuels destructive envy aimed at the value producer upon whom everyone depends for prosperity and survival.
With the preceding knowledge, one realizes that politicians and clergymen as well as most lawyers, journalists, academics, union leaders, and bureaucrats live by destroying rather than producing values. Thus, they live by attacking or harming the producers, their businesses, their products. ...With that knowledge, one recognizes how profoundly different value producers are from value destroyers.
Professional mystics and neocheaters are clever, scheming people with well-camouflaged, criminal minds. They steal physical and psychological livings from the producer with no one realizing their thefts. Without their victim's knowledge, they orchestrate manipulations of mysticism, using non sequiturs to produce deceptive illusions. With those illusions, they attack, undermine, and lay guilt on innocent value producers while making the good seem bad and the bad seem good...the innocent appear guilty and the guilty appear innocent.
Ironically, the most vicious neocheaters fashion illusions so they appear as paragons of justice, benevolence, or compassion. But they are the exact opposite. Indeed, vicious neocheaters are not only the Marxists and Maoists who ravage or kill everyone, but are the force-backed bureaucrats, the anti-business regulators, and the Giuliani-type prosecutors along with their politician, clergy, academic, and journalist cheerleaders. Also, included among the vicious value destroyers are those union leaders, "consumer advocates", "environmentalists", "peace advocates", and Armand-Hammer-type business quislings who live by attacking the value producers or supporting the value destroyers. As demonstrated throughout the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia, such mystics and neocheaters are responsible for subtle, undetected destruction, suffering, and killings far beyond all the bloodiest wars combined, which are also staged by professional mystics and neocheaters.
And what about those responsible for such force-backed bureaucracies as the FDA, EPA, IRS, OSHA, HEW? Those people live by directly and indirectly attacking businesses, producers, and objective values. They are among the cleverest, deadliest neocheaters. For they gain their power through draining others on well-hidden, but massively destructive scales.[ 29 ] (For specific examples, see "The Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.")
Such neocheaters undercut values and drain happiness from everyone. Without a qualm or backward glance at their wreckage, they blithely commit any destruction they can get away with in order to keep or increase their unearned power. Honesty means nothing to them. Long ago they abandoned the concepts of integrity, rationality, and honest competitive effort. Yet, those neocheaters succeed by creating illusions that they care about life...that they protect, help, or save the lives of others. Thus, with bizarre irony, they make themselves appear as compassionate benefactors of mankind. Indeed, until the recent discovery of Neo-Tech, neocheaters for 2000 years succeeded in appearing as benefactors worthy of respect. But now, with Neo-Tech, they are exposed for what they are -- value-destroying pip squeaks worthy only of contempt.
In stealing their livings through dishonest "for-the-public-good" laws and regulations forced upon entire populations, government-type neocheaters eventually cost the lives of thousands even millions of innocent persons while diminishing everyone's life. Such neocheaters range from power-type bureaucracy builders to Mussolini-type crowd pleasers, to Nader-type government manipulators, to Silent-Spring type social authors. Yet, those value destroyers always display look-good, non-sequitur evidence (e.g. "helping" the poor, prompt trains, consumer protection, "clean" water). Through their force-backed laws and regulations, they point to the "good" they do and the people they "protect" from the businessmen, the Jews, the industrialists, the factories -- from the value producers. Backed by neocheating quislings in business (the white-collar hoax) and neocheating collaborators in the media and the academe, such master neocheaters victimize all value producers. But those collaborators will also become victims. For today, with Neo-Tech, all such collaborators will sooner or later be stripped of their unearned well-being and smug security. They all will pay the price for supporting the destructive machinations of professional mystics and neocheaters. ...Through Neo-Tech, justice will prevail.
All master neocheaters fake compassion as they pretend to benefit and protect the majority, the minorities, the government, the country, the master race, the poor, the masses, the worker, the consumer. But instead, through dishonest manipulations of mysticism, they relentlessly diminish and destroy human values and lives.
Without the slightest care, they live by hurting or destroying innocent others, often by the millions. Consider Hitler's splendid-looking, mystically motivated, Panzer Divisions that blitzkrieged across Europe. They rendered their constant destructions without the slightest care or even a backward glance at the destroyed lives, shattered businesses, and flattened homes they left behind. Everyday, by the thousands, the life-long efforts of producers were destroyed in an instant by the neocheaters' marching minions. For such value destroyers never honestly think -- they never think or integrate what productive effort is, what creating values means, or who creates the values they use every day to live comfortably, safely, easily. Instead, they blindly, mystically render their destructions, every day leaving behind broken lives and rubble. ...So what! cry the neocheating masters as they gloriously roll on attacking and destroying the lives and efforts of innocent value producers. For, the more destruction such neocheaters render, the more secure and powerful they feel.
Those neocheaters just roll on, never considering the carnage they leave behind. For them, destroying the lives, property, and values of others is their only route to power and control. For them, usurping and destroying values (requires only force and deception) are much easier than earning and producing values (requires hard work and honesty). Thus, they dare never to glance back at their products of destruction, which are the only products they can deliver. ...Be they "liberal" politicians, conservative evangelists, modern preachers, pseudo business executives, white-collar-hoax business quislings, dishonest journalists, or neocheating academics, they all must live without regard for honesty or reality while attacking producers and destroying values.
Consider the highly publicized, "liberal"-type politicians or the highly visible, fact-twisting journalists. Such master neocheaters build their unearned power by, for example, partaking in the orchestrated destruction of the innocent value producers in Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and soon South Africa. They spread death and destruction under a maze of dishonest, neocheating guises, including so-called human rights, while ignoring individual rights. Indeed, they must bury individual rights in order to keep usurping power and values. ...Without Neo-Tech to stop them, they would keep escalating their damage until all value producers were crippled or destroyed.
Also, as identified in the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia, among the subtlest yet most vicious neocheaters are those orchestrating agencies such as the INS, IRS, EPA, SEC, and FDA. Those agencies through their force-backed regulations cause the unnecessary sufferings and deaths of innocent people by the millions. The motives of those responsible for attacking values have nothing to do with helping or protecting anyone, but have everything to do with usurping a living by intimidating value producers into obedience, controlling their means of production, and usurping their values.
What values, for example, has the FDA and its prosecutors ever produced for anyone? They survive entirely by attacking and hindering those who produce life-enhancing values for others. Through power-usurping regulations, the FDA throttles the entire drug industry. Through unscientific, dishonest, emotionally appealing demands for "risk-free" products, they ply their power-generating regulations. And their costly, destructive regulations delay for years or outright prevent the development and marketing of thousands of life-enhancing drugs and life-saving cures.
Without government regulations and controls, the producers long ago would have developed (with voluntarily accepted risks) definitive cures for essentially all diseases, ailments, and malfunctions ranging from deadly cancer, heart disease, and AIDS to the agonies of arthritis, the sadness of senility, and the costly economic and fitness losses caused by the common cold, backpain, and headaches. How many lives are lost, how many values are destroyed, how much suffering is endured to support the bogus livelihoods within just one clique of value destroyers in a single government bureaucracy?
Consider the destruction those bureaucrats wreak in usurping their fake jobs without producing values. ...Such neocheaters represent the most cleverly hidden, criminally destructive elements in our society. Indeed, such neocheaters are highly leveraged purveyors of poverty, suffering, destruction, and death.
But, today, even more subtly destructive neocheaters crawl from the swamps of mysticism. They have found a new weapon that without the defense of Neo-Tech would eventually decimate all value producers and their means of production. Those new-breed neocheaters are attorneys who blend tort liability with the malevolence of altruism and the envy of egalitarianism. That new weapon is aimed straight at penalizing success and destroying the means to produce values. ...The intended victims are the "deep pockets" of the most successful, innocent, and beneficent value producers on this planet.
No matter how much false power neocheaters gain by attacking the producer and usurping values, they never can escape a fact they all want to deny: Honest, productive effort is the act of living. Thus, productive effort is the only source of genuine power, honest prosperity, and abiding happiness. Nor can the neocheaters stop Neo-Tech from collapsing mysticism and eliminating their means of survival. They cannot stop Neo-Tech from ending their 2000-year reign of destruction, pain, suffering, and killing. For, productive effort integrated with Neo-Tech forms a matrix that cannot be broken by mysticism or its symbiotic neocheaters -- a matrix of competitive values, prosperity, and happiness.
Once the value producers see the mystics and neocheaters through Neo-Tech, nothing can blind them again. Darkness can never return. Once free of mysticism and neocheating, nothing can deny the producers from gaining their earned power, prosperity, and happiness.
As throughout history, most philosophers live by attacking the power and value of the conscious mind. They do that by promoting dishonest, cleverly integrated non sequiturs designed to subordinate man's power and responsibility to profound-sounding, "higher" authorities that do not and cannot exist. Likewise, most authors of philosophically, politically, or socially oriented books (including economic, management, and business books by non-business or academe-oriented authors), operate from the same specious base of non sequiturs: Their books or works sound good while directly or indirectly attacking value producers and undermining business values. Rather than exerting the effort and discipline required to produce values, they choose to subvert values as their route to unearned respect, power, and money. Such authors are identified as:
Before Neo-Tech, no philosopher, academic, or author had integrally identified how business is the prime source of earned values, power, prosperity, and happiness. Also, before Neo-Tech, all mystics and neocheaters had successfully concealed three facts:
Recognizing the constant injustices inflicted on innocent businesses and producers by mystics and neocheaters, I & O Publishing Company developed a key management position: The Happiness Manager. That position is integrated with the Industrial Philosophy Department, which was also first established by I & O Publishing Company. The Happiness Manager has three responsibilities:
Neo-Tech V outlines the business, management, and marketing structure of I & O Publishing Company. That structure integrates growth and prosperity with power and happiness. Thus, Neo-Tech enhances the power, prosperity, and happiness of everyone contributing to I & O's goal. And that goal is to collapse mysticism and neocheating around the world so all productive individuals can (1) collect their earned power, prosperity, and happiness, and (2) achieve non-aging biological immortality.
The following two tables provide specific Neo-Tech approaches to business that deliver values, power, prosperity, and happiness.
[ 29 ] In the widest context, government value destroyers can never benefit anyone. Instead, they can only harm, destroy, and kill: A study by professor R.T. Rummel at the University of Hawaii reveals that in this century government value destroyers directly and purposely killed 119 million of their own citizens in non-war actions -- over triple the 35 million they killed in war actions (international and civil). In addition, government value destroyers have wreaked such suffering and destruction on their victims to indirectly cause extreme premature death (two decades or more of life lost) for at least 800 million conscious beings in this century alone. ...By contrast, business value producers purposely hurt or kill no one. Instead, they give life and benefits to everyone.
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