SUPRA POWER of the Mystic-Free Mind |
No, this is not what everyone has heard countless times in countless ways from professional mystics and neocheaters for 2000 years. No, this is not positive thinking, cosmic consciousness, higher consciousness, the subliminal mind, the subconscious mind, the spiritual mind -- or any other form of automatic, "higher power" acquired through mystical faith or effortless believing. No, for all those good-sounding but false, mystical approaches deliver exactly the opposite of what they promise. All those mystical approaches, in one way or another, diminish the power of the conscious mind -- the human protective system, the human immune system. All those mystical approaches short-circuit the mind to block or prevent limitlessly wide mental integrations. By contrast, super-wide integrations lead to omnipotence over all people blocked or restricted by mysticism. ...Once free of mysticism, any healthy human mind can make ever wider, ever more-powerful integrations to discover the omnificent Neo-Tech/Neothink mind.
Compare the human mind to a computer chip. That chip cannot release its mighty power until the last defect is removed. But remove that defect and bingo! -- the full power of that computer chip is suddenly released to obsolete all electronic circuitry of past history. That defect-free chip then provides the base for ever more-powerful integrating devices with ever-increasing capacities. ...Compare that defect-free chip to the mystic-free Neo-Tech/Neothink mind:
The mystic-free Neo-Tech/Neothink mind is healthy, consistent, omnipotent -- the exact opposite of the mystic-contaminated mind, which is unhealthy, arbitrary, impotent. Indeed, remove all mystical defects from any human mind and bingo! -- the full power of Neo-Tech/Neothink is suddenly released to obsolete all mind circuitry of past history. For, that mystic-free mind is free of all defects or integration blockers. And those defects or integration blockers are what cause areas of blindness and stupidness that make one incompetent or uncompetitive in those defective areas. By removing those defects or integration blockers, one can easily outcompete and outflank those still crippled with mystic-contaminated minds.
What is the X-Factor? The X-Factor is that integration of knowledge which will collapse the entire superstructure of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. Once that combination of knowledge (the X-Factor) has been discovered and released, that collapse will occur swiftly, easily, completely. Why? Because the entire mystical/neocheating hoax is unnatural, unstable, and built on nothing. In fact, that hoax is nothing more than an unstable, 2000-year collection of fragile illusions waiting to be shattered and collapsed.
I & O Publishing Company through its Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center has identified the X-Factor and is now collapsing the hoax of mysticism.
After twenty years of explicitly identifying, building, and integrating knowledge about mysticism and neocheating, I & O Publishing is the only company or entity in history with the tools and knowledge to collapse mysticism and eliminate its neocheaters. The key to collapsing mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters (the X-Factor) is not to focus on the specific evils or obvious destructions of professional mystics and neocheaters. Instead, the key is to focus on the most subtle, innocent forms of mysticism deep within one's own mind:
A person must first explicitly reject obvious, external mysticism and then eliminate internal, conscious mysticism. For the more one rejects the obvious, gross forms of external and conscious mysticism, the more advantages accrue for that person to turn inward and purge or "edit out" the final traces of mysticism buried deep within the subconscious.
Purging or editing mysticism from one's mind is similar to editing written work. For powerful writing, one must first purge or edit out gross errors before more subtle, more powerful edits are possible. Much of I & O's written work undergoes as many as forty to sixty edits before commercial release. Each edit level allows a previously impossible focus on ever more subtle, more powerful edits. The final edits, impossible without those previous more-obvious edits, yield the most powerful results. Likewise, for a supra-powerful conscious mind, one must first root out the gross, obvious levels of mysticism and dishonesty -- such as purging grossly dishonest illusions built around the false power of value destroyers or the zany beliefs in God or other non-existent authorities. Then rooting out other increasingly subtle levels of mysticism is both possible and necessary to discover those final traces of mysticism. Removing those final traces of mystical contamination suddenly yields a supra-wide-integrating Neo-Tech/Neothink mind. Against that super-powerful integrating mind, no professional mystic, neocheater, or any other mystic-contaminated mind can compete.
That final elimination of subconscious mysticism is what suddenly lets the mind integrate all knowledge over infinitely wide ranges. In addition, with a mystic-free mind, the left and right brain can, for the first time, fully integrate together to deliver synergistic power. And that mystic-free, left and right brain integration is what propels the human mind into wide-open, supra-powerful, Neo-Tech/Neothink integrations.
Subconscious mystical blockages have always prevented full, free-flowing integrations of the left brain with the right brain. On removing those blockages, the left-and-right brain integrates fully, freely to deliver explosive power. For example, contemplate the power of fully integrating left-brain business and strategy with right-brain art and love.
The Seven Neo-Tech Waves will specifically demonstrate the explosive power of mystic-free, left-and-right brain integrations. ...The Seven Neo-Tech Waves wash away mysticism and neocheating.
Secret protection of the darkest, subconscious feelings produces a fatal virus: Those dark feelings which everyone protects are the aversions to combining consistent, integrated thinking effort with fully integrated honesty. The cause of those protected feelings is laziness and dishonesty, which is the twin essence of mysticism. Almost everyone today, including seemingly mystic-free people, are inflicted with those most subtle, most protected feelings of mysticism. Those feelings produce a virus that causes short-circuiting tumors. Such tumors block the mind from making limitlessly wide integrations with all knowledge. ...That virus and its short-circuiting tumors are the final yet fatal barricade to the supra-powerful, immortal, Neo-Tech/Neothink mind.
After identifying and rejecting all external and conscious mysticism, a person can finally focus on and then purge or "edit out" the most subtle of subconscious mysticism from his or her brain circuitry. That mysticism is present in human beings as a fatal virus transmitted from nature's bicameral mind 3000 years ago. That virus works to damage and then destroy the protective elements of the man-created conscious mind. That destruction of those protective elements eventually engulfs and then undermines man-made efforts to protect forever the physical body -- undermines man-made efforts to achieve biological immortality. In that way, mysticism has ended the life of every conscious being who has ever lived on planet Earth. ...But today, the discovery of Neo-Tech will lead to the cure for mysticism -- the disease that brings unhappiness and death to everyone.
The computer chip on becoming free of defects suddenly breaks from being an inefficient curiosity into a super-efficient integrator of electronic power. Likewise, the human mind free of mystical defects suddenly breaks from being a blocked or stagnated thinking device into a super-efficient integrator of knowledge.
Once the final, most subtle mystical defects are identified and removed, one immediately recognizes the explosive power of the mystic-free mind. For that person can suddenly use his or her newly freed left-and-right synergistic brain to execute unlimited integrations of knowledge in all directions and all dimensions -- intellectually and artistically. And then, with that newly harnessed power, any individual can achieve whatever is possible in any area of knowledge.
Evolving into the Neo-Tech/Neothink mind delivers such power that the single, mystic-free individual suddenly becomes much more powerful than the professional mystics, the professional neocheaters, and all their organizations combined. Suddenly the impotent nothingness of those who live parasitically through false power becomes obvious. Suddenly mystics and neocheaters become hapless, pathetic, insignificant -- a sick joke. The source of their false power collapses as their tired old arsenal of guns, fists, prosecutors, blood, and jails becomes obsolete, ineffective, ridiculous. ...Professional mystics and neocheaters suddenly become pip-squeaks and clowns.
That advice is not hyperbole. For, God is a silly but virulent creation of the mystic-diseased mind. Moreover, the dishonest God concept serves as a powerful manipulation tool for many neocheaters. But clean, honest Neo-Tech/Neothink easily outcompetes the corrupt, dishonest God concept.
Yes, the value destroyers around the world will be laughed out of their bogus livelihoods. Then they will perish and be forgotten forever. ...Or they themselves will dismiss mysticism and neocheating to become happy, prosperous, value producers forever into the future.
As people purge from their minds that fatal, viral infection of mysticism, they become clean, they become innocent, they become happy, they become powerful -- forever.
The Old, Neocheating/Neothink System | The New, Neo-Tech/Neothink System |
Used by professional mystics and master neocheaters to dominate religions and governments in order to usurp unearned power and livelihoods. | Never before identified, thus, never before fully used by value producers to earn the mightiest power. |
Delivers only destructions. | Delivers only values. |
Fatally flawed by mysticism. Closed boundaries. Mystical contaminations always leave restricted, closed-end integration capacity and limited power. Thus, this power system exists only through deception, force, or fraud -- has no genuine power. | Mystic-free, flaw-free. No boundaries. Unlimited, open-ended integrating capacity and power. This power system exists through the competitive dynamics of business -- has genuine power. |
Unnatural and unwanted once understood by those with real power -- the value producers. Produces no values. | Natural and wanted by value producers. Produces unlimited values for others and society. |
Intentionally integrated dishonesty: The moribund power system of the past. | Fully integrated honesty: The newly born power system of the future. |
Awaits being confronted, outcompeted, obsoleted, and finally collapsed by Neo-Tech. | Poised through the dynamics of competition to dominate all power thinking on planet Earth. |
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