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Jumping Beyond Neo-Tech
to cure
Aging and Death
(draft #26 -- revised 8/16/00)
copyright © 2000

Everyone on Earth is Dying from Aging

What exists beyond Neo-Tech? What exists on the other side of every conscious Earthling? Frank R. Wallace discovered something never before known on this planet. He discovered a realm in which no Earthling has entered. He discovered the place in which a conscious person can quantum-digitize into a new-breed illuminati -- an invisible illuminati -- an invisible person who becomes omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. ...After advancing from the 18th-century Enlightenment era to the 21st-century Neo-Tech era, certain people on Earth are ready to enter faustian pacts in becoming non-aging immortals. They are about to take wing toward controlling universal nature and its laws of physics.

For over two centuries, traditional Illuminati through international business and banking have moved toward controlling Earth's anticivilization. Today, however, independent individuals can control the anticivilization through Neo-Tech. And, by moving beyond Neo-Tech, each such person through a radical shift in perspective can become an invisible illuminati operating independently of traditional Illuminati. ... That shift from Earth's anticivilization perspectives to universal-business perspectives yields three new illuminati powers:

The first power -- Neo-Tech power -- rises from the dynamics of fully integrated honesty (FIH) and wide-scope accounting (WSA) operating within Earth's anticivilization. A second power -- Zonpower -- rises from the dynamics of a universal-business civilization operating outside any anticivilization. The third power -- faustian power -- rises from a newly discovered knowledge for invisibly controlling Earth's anticivilization and its citizens to cure aging and death.

That first illuminati power began evolving in 1966 when Dr. Frank R. Wallace was a Senior Research Chemist at E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc. During the next two years, he wrote what became the best-selling poker book in history, Poker, a Guaranteed Income for Life by using the Advanced Concepts of Poker (I & O Publishing 1968, Crown Publishing 1976, and Warner Books 1978). That book was about gaining an invisible power to control and then drain money at will from opponents. The power and control via Neo-Tech then broadened to other areas of conscious life with the publications of Wallace's Psychuous Sex in 1976, Neocheating in 1979, Consciousness, the End of Mysticism in 1980, Neo-Tech Discovery in 1985, Long Wave in 1986, Neo-Tech Protection Kits I & II in 1991-1992, Cassandra's Secret and Neo-Tech Physics in 1994, Profound Honesty in 1996, Outcompete God and Government in 1997, Zon/Illuminati Protocols in 1998, The Digital Journey in 2000. Simultaneously, Neo-Tech swept across business realms with several major books and publications by Mark Hamilton, including the best-selling Cosmic Business Control and God-Man. Neo-Tech also moved into international realms with a major book by Eric Savage, Global Wealth Power. ...Then, in the year 2000, Neo-Tech moved dramatically into popular fiction with Mark Hamilton's two-volume masterwork, The Story.

In the early 1990s, when isolated atop a desert hill as a political prisoner, Dr. Wallace discovered the second illuminati power -- Zonpower. He discovered that power by shifting perspectives from Earth's anticivilization to a universal business civilization. After accomplishing that shift, Wallace developed entirely new concepts, methods, and words removed from political/religious/academic establishments and authorities: To quantum jump beyond Neo-Tech in the anticivilization, Wallace defined a litany of new expressions such as neothink, thinkons, the X factor, Cassandra's Secret, nature's quintessential secret, God-Man, Zon, zonpower, gravity units, quantum gap, cosmic computer, the long wave, black-hat neocheaters, white-hat neocheaters, pips, anticivilization (AC), Civilization of the Universe (C of U), universal business, business divinity, invisible consciousness, brain digitizing, illuminati control, faustian mind clouding. Those expressions provided the thinking tools needed for conscious Earthlings to grasp (1) the unnatural failure of conscious life resulting in aging and biological death and (2) the natural success of conscious life resulting in non-aging, biological immortality.

Now, in August 2000, Dr. Wallace begins revealing a previously unknown illuminati control -- a faustian control evolving from a brain-digitized mind that journeys beyond Neo-Tech. Today, those new powers combine to start mortal man journeying toward biological immortality by eliminating mysticism through previously unknown uses of free-will that cloud deterministic, anticivilization minds.

Neo-Tech starts by debunking all forms of mysticism, including UFO and space-alien claims, astrology, new-age-health scams, old-fashion life-extension scams, psychic powers, levitation, life-after-death experiences, reincarnation, cryonics, cold fusion, teleportation, psychokinesis, the concepts of luck, the irrationalities of cultists, including Ayn-Rand-worshipping dogmatists* ... plus many other mind-created "realities" and stupidities that contradict the universal laws of physics and nature.
[* Neo-Tech Publishing and its literature clearly separates Rand/Objectivist cultists and pippers from the genuine Rand/objectivist scholars/intellects. Such intellects include Peikoff, Kelley, Branden, Binswanger, Schwartz, and perhaps a score of others who have and are furthering, producing, and marketing important objective values to counter today's anticivilization. Many of those worthy intellectuals are subject to ridicule and pipping by do-nothing pseudo-intellectuals and envious wanna-be philosophers. And, unfortunately, some of those intellects are themselves guilty of non-thinking ridicule and unwise pipping of their intellectual peers and competitors.]

Neo-Tech then exposes the irrationality and destructiveness of neocheating, initiatory force, and fraud -- especially in government, religion, education, and business. And, finally, Neo-Tech develops the proofs that (1) mortality with dead-end values is unnatural for conscious life and (2) non-aging immortality with open-ended values is natural for conscious life. But, mortals cannot evolve in analog fashion into immortals. Yet, mortals through a special free-will can re-digitize their brains to become at first controlling illuminati, then immortal God-Men, and finally universe-creating Zons whose minds operate from invisible quantum states of the brain.

Harnessing Neo-Tech to deliver biological immortality includes garnering riches and romance from today's anticivilization. That achievement, however, requires neothinking -- a special free-will thinking in principles while applying fully integrated honesty to wide-scope accounting. But, what is a special free-will? The great philosopher/novelist Ayn Rand was the first to systematically identify normal free-will as the root of both ethics and epistemology (i.e., the method of acquiring valid knowledge). She posits free-will as the volitional choice to focus (think about) or not to focus on particular aspects of reality.

Ayn Rand also identified that cause-and-effect-determined matter has no volitional choices. Only free-will-undetermined non-matter consciousness has volitional choices. Thus, conscious determinism is mysticism ... and mysticism is conscious determinism. Rand also shows that focus is not the same as concentration. Concentration involves undivided attention in statically considering a situation. Focus involves multiple attentions in purposely dealing with situations. ... Free-will focus is self-purposefulness -- the conscious self-regulation of the mind and body.

Moving beyond Ayn Rand's ideas of free-will, Dr. Wallace distinguishes (1) the normal, intermittent free-will choices of mortals in today's anticivilization from (2) the special, continuous free-will choices of immortals in a universal business civilization. For mortals, free-will is a single act -- a momentary volitional choice to think or not to think. For immortals, free-will is a multiple process -- continuous volitional choices to integrate honesty across knowledge. ... Thus, Wallace posits the ultimate mechanism of conscious free-will as the process of volitionally choosing fully integrated honesty (FIH) with wide-scope accounting (WSA) in initiating thoughts and actions.

Only conscious people, god-men, and zons possess free-will. Indeed, free-will is what separates conscious people, god-men, and zons from other living entities. Animals are not conscious. Thus, just as animals are not plants, conscious people, god-men, and zons are not animals, despite current beliefs, political correctness, and specie classifications. All life, however, did evolve from the same protoplasm via "Darwinian" dynamics. Or did it? ...In Earth's anticivilization, only a tiny fraction of mortal citizens exercise free-will to advance into new realms of knowledge and life. By contrast, immortal citizens of a universal business civilization continuously exercise their free-will to advance into ever-new realms of knowledge and life.

Mortals versus Immortals

Mortals in Earth's anticivilization live terminal lives. The resulting boring limitations and pointless doom racking mortals leave many silently craving for the excitements of wars, natural and man-made disasters, violence, and brutalities inflicted by others upon others. Dead-end mortals secretly thrill to bizarrely uncivil and criminal excitements from OJ to Columbine. They love spectacles of tragedy and death suffered by others. They secretly seek value-destroying stimulations and excitements. By contrast, Neo-Tech free-will applied to neothinking business concepts delivers endless value-creating thrills, stimulations, and excitements. During that value-creating process, Neo-Tech vanishes envy, mysticism, and destructiveness. Through honest rationality combined with discipline, thought, and then control (DTC), Neo-Tech delivers the values of open-ended prosperity, health, peace, benevolence, happiness, civility, compassion, romantic excitement. Those eternal values are the natural products of an envy-free, rational business civilization -- the immortal Civilization of the Universe (C of U). ...In that new civilization, mortals become immortals.

Consider that mortals do not carry the responsibility of immortals. Nobel laureate economist Alfred Lord Keynes (1883-1946), for example, summed up the positions of mortals with his famous cynical remark, "In the long run we are all dead." Furthermore, fascist/socialist economist Keynes insisted that strong-arm leaders of governments, not free-will individuals, must dictate control of economies and populations. Keynes' view gives fascist/socialist rulers the license to rationalize their criminal behaviors in garnering parasitical livelihoods through force-backed "altruistic" thefts and frauds. But, most such rulers die without answering to their criminal destructions and killings. Once they are dead, their criminalities inflicted upon others and society remain forever un-avenged. ...Nothing can make dead mortals pay for their past crimes, frauds, irrationalities, injustices, and destructions perpetuated upon others and society.

By contrast, immortals have no escape -- ever -- from responsibilities for their actions.

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